Digital codes for attracting money reviews. The magic of numbers: how to calculate your wealth code

From the point of view of numerology, numbers can control our lives. With the help of simple calculations, you can find out the codes that will help you attract what you want and find success.

Pythagoras also argued that numbers rule the world. Thanks to his teachings, the oldest science about the influence of numbers on humans appeared - numerology. Indeed, our lives are surrounded by numbers: date of birth, numbers on banknotes - any of these combinations can affect our destiny. The question remains: is it possible to achieve success with their help?

To answer this question, you will have to look into the past. Think about which numbers you have pleasant memories associated with or which ones you have encountered most often in your life. If up to now you have not given special significance numbers, then you can find out your lucky code right now. The site's experts will help you find the number that will attract good luck and money to you.

How to calculate the luck code

A luck code is a combination of numbers that will help you get closer to your goal and achieve success. The most important thing is that you don’t need advanced mathematical skills to calculate it.

Take a piece of paper and write your date of birth, for example:

First, add up the birthday numbers:

After this, calculate the amount of the month of your birth:

Then collapse all the digits of the year of birth to a single digit:

1+9+8+8=26, 2+6=8.

Calculate the sum of the resulting numbers:

6+1+8=15, 1+5=6.

Write all the numbers on a separate line: 6186 is your luck code.

With the help of your individual luck code, you can achieve your goals and realize your dreams, but for this you must always carry it with you. Write it down on a separate sheet of paper and put it in your pocket, or use it as a password on your phone or computer.

Money numbers in numerology

By putting in effort at work, you cannot always earn the desired amount. However, you can attract wealth into your life using money codes.

In numerology, money numbers are 1, 4, 6, 8 and 9. If your personal money code, the calculation rules for which you can read below, contains at least one of these numbers, it means that money will come to you throughout your life in your hands.

1 is a symbol of beginnings. To achieve success, you must at least begin to realize your goals. If one is one of the components of your money code, you will be able to cope with any obstacle that arises on your life path.

4 symbolizes work and patience. The presence of a four in your money code shows that any efforts you make will help you achieve your goals and gain wealth.

6 - power and invincibility. With this number you can become good leader. You will always be an authority for your subordinates, and financial difficulties will bypass you.

8 — financial success. In numerology, eight is considered the most powerful money number. It attracts wealth, protects against poverty and large financial losses.

9 - success. This number applies to all areas human life. If nine is part of your individual code, it means that you can achieve success not only at work, but also in any endeavor.

Having at least one of these numbers in your personal money code will help you overcome financial difficulties and achieve success.

How to calculate your money code

It will not take you much time to calculate the money code. To begin with, you just need to calculate the sum of all the numbers of your date of birth so that you get a single-digit number. For example:

1+7+1+1+1+9+9+0=29, 2+9=11, 1+1=2.

Then add up the numbers of the day and month of birth:

1+7+1+1=10, 1+0=1.

Separately add the numbers of the day and month:

Your money code is 2182.

As you have already noticed, the received money code includes 1 and 8, they are your key to success. Also write down the resulting numbers on a small piece of paper and always carry it in your wallet.

A wedding is the most awaited event for two lovers. To family life was happy, you need to think about the wedding date in advance. Numerological calculations will help you in this difficult task. We wish you happiness and Have a good mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.02.2018 03:27

Each Zodiac Sign has its own personal number, attracting good luck. Surrounding yourself lucky numbers, Can...

A person's Wealth Code indicates their particular path to and management of finances.


To calculate the Wealth Code, you need your Birth Number and the Number of your Name.

For example, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on June 22, 1980, wants to know his Wealth Code. To do this, we take the number of his birth - 22. We also need to count the number of his name - Ivan. The name number can be calculated using the table. Each letter has its own number:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h
i y k l m n o p r
s t u f x c h w sch
y y y y I

From the table we get: 1(i) + 3(c) + 1(a) + 6(n) = 11. Now we add up the number of the name and the number of the birthday: 22+11=33. Next we bring this number to single digit number(the exception is 11, there is no need to give it further), we get 3+3=6. So, the Wealth Code for Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, born on June 22, 1980, is 6.


Wealth Code 1

Finance comes to you through personal independent projects, through your practical experience. You need creative freedom, the opportunity to act individually, to work with new projects and ideas. You can start your own business or head a separate direction where you will act on your own. The main condition for success is your knowledge and practical experience.

Wealth Code 3

For you, money in life is not the most important thing, if you have it, it’s good, if you don’t, it will come where it goes. Activities related to entertainment, improving the quality of life of people, and expressing your talents and personal qualities are suitable for you. An activity where there is a lot of activity, a change in types of work, where you will be interested will suit you. It is possible to receive an inheritance or financial protection from relatives.

Wealth Code 4

You are the owner of one of the monetary codes of wealth, which means that you will always have money, although perhaps not always in large quantities. Their number depends on your type of activity. The most suitable activities for generating income are those related to the creation of long-term, reliable, material objects and projects. Income will grow gradually, but reliably and constantly.

Wealth Code 5

To generate income, you need a team, the ability to collaborate, as well as knowledge and practical experience. Activities related to risk, adventure, travel, trade, experimentation and innovation are suitable for you.

Wealth Code 6

6 is a money code meaning “money under your feet,” the main thing for you is to be able to see it. You can have many sources of income related to your knowledge, information, as well as improving the quality of life of people, caring for other people, and communicating. Be careful and your money will not pass you by.

Wealth Code 7

You are a non-profit person and will prefer your favorite business or spiritual, creative search to searching for money. You are an expert in your field; your income depends on your professionalism and level of knowledge. This could be the field of science or art. There must be freedom of action and creativity in your activities, the results of your work must be unique and exquisite.

Wealth Code 8

You are the owner of the most monetary code of wealth, you are a “magnet for money”, but only if you have the right attitude towards money. Don’t put them first in your life, don’t worry about them, act calmly and confidently, your money will come to you in sufficient quantities. A serious scale of plans is required, possibly working in international companies.

Wealth Code 9

This is a monetary number, but you can either gain a lot or lose a lot. Your activities may be related to charity. The main thing in this is your attitude towards money: with what feeling you give it and receive it. True charity is found within, when a person both gives and receives with gratitude, when he develops as a person and supports others.

Wealth Code 11/2

Your finances are related to the scale of your plans. How more people benefit from these plans, the more reward you will receive from the Universe. At the same time, in the first place is your development as a person, spiritual leadership (when, thanks to your personal qualities, character traits and their manifestations, you are an example for other people)

A luck code is a special combination of numbers that helps a person attract money and success. Their existence has been known since time immemorial. Today, esotericists are engaged in compiling them.

Money and luck codes have always interested people. Some people believe in their existence, and some don’t, but, of course, every person would like to test for themselves the power of their influence. According to professional esotericists, each person has his own luck code, which is encrypted in his date of birth. It is very important to decipher the code correctly and use the combination of these numbers as intended.

Many people are interested in how to find out the luck code by date of birth. It's actually quite easy to do. According to ancient teachings, there are ten vibrational numbers on the planet, corresponding to certain vibrational flows. Number 0 is a symbol of the Absolute, number 1 characterizes the vibrations of the planet Sun, 2 - vibrations of the planet Moon, 3 - vibrations of the planet Mars, 4 - vibrations of the planet Mercury, 5 - vibrations of the planet Jupiter, 6 - vibrations of the planet Venus, 7 - vibrations of the planet Saturn, 8 - vibrations of the planet Uranus, 9 - vibrations of the planet Neptune.

In the combination of certain numbers lies the code of luck for each person. How to calculate it? First you need to add up the numbers from the day, month and year of birth one by one. For example, a person was born on 5.2. 2007. To calculate his personal code, you need to add 2 and 5.1 and 2.2 and 7. Totally, it turns out: 2+5=7.1+2=3.2+0+0+7=9. So, the vibration numbers in in this case are 7,3 and 9. Each of them means something, but to decipher them you will need the help of specialists. Only they will be able to tell something about a person by the combination of these numbers. To compile a good luck code, such decoding is not required. Experts only suggest lining up all the numbers in a single row, following the numbers of the date of birth.

Expert opinion

In the example given, the number series will look like this: 25122009739. Next, you need to cross out all repeating numbers from the series, after which only the number that characterizes the luck code will remain. On in this example that number would be 5173. Some people wonder why this code is needed at all. Experts say that given number is of great importance in the life of every person and it is very important to know it exact value. To decipher the meaning of the code, you can contact those who are involved in this, or find information on the pages of esoteric literature.

Esotericists claim that the code can help a person in the most difficult situations. For example, if his financial condition leaves much to be desired, you can write the treasured code on a piece of white paper and put it in your wallet. The universe will definitely hear and respond to the energy message. The code can also be used before some important event. To do this, just write it on a piece of paper or any other surface and carry it with you as a talisman. It is believed that such an “amulet”, like a banknote on which a secret code is written, can significantly increase a person’s well-being.

Some people also use the code when they go to a business meeting or meeting. According to their reviews, the code really helps solve all the problems. But it should be noted that according to the rules, an individual code cannot be used more than 3 times a week, otherwise it will simply stop bringing good luck. Those who constantly carry his image with them risk losing magical talisman his magical power, which they may need at any time.

Every person should know their luck code. He will help him in difficult times, save him from financial problems, will open the door to the world of success and prosperity. This is important, since the financial component is very important for a fulfilling life.

With the help of numerology you can not only find out distinctive features a person’s character and the influence of numbers on fate, but also to attract wealth into your life. Money numerology will help you calculate your personal abundance code. By wisely using the knowledge gained, you can attract good luck and monetary benefits to your home.

What is money numerology

A person's date of birth and full name contain a digital code. This is the same number that will control the events responsible for financial flows. This combination is a special combination of numbers that symbolize good luck, wealth, fame and prosperity.

An individual money code brings financial success to the owner. A person easily finds his field of activity, realizes himself in it and earns a lot of money. If the code is not monetary, no matter how hard a person works, it is very difficult for him to get rich. The reason is a discrepancy between the life number-talisman and the code of monetary energy responsible for finances.

A system that allows you to increase profits and minimize losses using the characteristics of numbers is called money numerology. The direction studies various combinations of numbers that help everyone attract good luck, financial success and wealth.

According to vibration level, numerologists divide all numbers into:

  • monetary;
  • not monetary.

If people learn to use money numerology correctly, they will be able to open the doors to a world of great wealth and success. For example, when concluding an important contract, by calculating the code, you can select the monetary date, and also find out in advance the number of the contract with the most profitable partners. The magic of numbers to attract money works with any dates and numbers.

What numbers attract money

Numerologists include the following as money numbers:

  1. Eight. This number symbolizes wealth, prosperity, financial independence.
  2. Six. It will help increase profits and minimize the risk of financial loss.
  3. Three. A 100% sign of financial success. You can make any financial transactions, even the most risky ones, everything will end happily.

Also in numerology there are numbers that can be called neutral. They do not attract finance, but they are not unprofitable either. These numbers are four and five. If the wealth code combines these two numbers, the person will have relative wealth, but without a lot of money.

  1. The number four symbolizes stability. The energy of the four is suitable for saving money. It is impossible to predict whether it will bring profit or not, but the investment will definitely not become unprofitable.
  2. Five loves quick financial decisions. If the number five is present, you don’t need to think long. Take risks, agree, and the magic of the five will do its job.

Non-monetary numbers

In numerology, the number 1 speaks of poverty and material losses. If you get one, it is better to think about your decision several times to avoid unprofitable financial affairs.

A two speaks of deception or dishonesty. The number is not unprofitable, but there is a risk that the person will be deceived by his partner. This may lead to loss of money or unfair distribution of profits.

The number seven warns of possible losses. It is better not to invest money in a business if a seven appears somewhere.

How to calculate your personal wealth code

You can calculate your personal wealth code based on a person’s date of birth. There are two ways: using only the date and month of birth or full date birth along with the year. All numbers need to be added and brought to a single digit.

This will be your personal lucky code. Once you know its meaning, you can use the strong qualities of the number in a targeted manner.

Person's date of birth: November 8. To calculate the code, add 8+1+1=10, 1+0=1. This person's personal code is one.

Interpretation of the wealth code

  1. One is a symbol of the beginning. But this number does not bring wealth to its owner. You can cover this minus with pluses. To attract good luck, the owner of the unit needs to handle money responsibly. Avoid all adventurous and risky investments. Don't chase easy and quick money. Don't even think about gambling. This attitude towards finances will only make you poorer and promise big losses. To get rich, you will need to work hard, save, and listen to the advice of rich people. A coin with a face value of 1 ruble can become a talisman. Always take it with you, especially on days when you invest money, enter into new contract, get a job new job etc.
  2. Two. On the one hand, two, as a component of eight, will be a profitable number. On the other hand, a deuce speaks of the possibility of deception. Therefore, close control is needed over money. Invest and trust your savings only to people you are confident in. Check several times before risking your finances. Buy a lucky talisman in the form of a horseshoe and carry it with you always. It will protect against unscrupulous people and unfavorable, unprofitable situations.
  3. Three promises financial success. Luck will be with everyone financial affairs. You can act slowly or quickly, decisively or not very decisively, in any situation except complete inaction, wealth will come. The talisman for attracting money is a three-legged toad. To enhance its effect, consult Feng Shui and place it in the corner of Wealth. In addition to the toad, the color red will bring you money. If you are a woman, then buy yourself a red wallet and become rich.
  4. Four is a sign of stability. She cannot always increase, but she will definitely preserve material wealth. If you have a combination of two fours, this is auspicious sign, because in total it represents an eight, which is responsible for wealth. Talisman - ring. Women love to wear rings, so the number four helps them more. Men-fours often begin to experience luck in financial matters after marriage, as a good luck talisman appears on their finger.
  5. Five is a strong number, but not a permanent one. It increases the capital of those who quickly make decisions and are confident in their abilities. Also, the luck of the five depends on the mood of the bearer of the sign. In a depressed, decadent mood, there is no need to sign contracts, change jobs and ask for a raise. The result will be negative. The talisman is a coin with the number 5 on it. Do not show the coin to anyone, but always carry it with you.
  6. Six is ​​responsible for the harmony of the material and spiritual. If you want to become rich, put other areas of your life in order. Then the money will flow in a stream. Your talisman - Blue colour. Add blue elements to your look and home decor, especially around your work area.
  7. Seven is known for its non-monetary meaning. However, by adhering to certain rules, you can attract good luck. Love money and start treating it carefully. Listen to advice knowledgeable people. Stop gambling. Do not borrow or lend money, as you attract the energy of poverty. The talisman is a heptagon.
  8. Eight is a symbol of infinity and wealth. It symbolizes a continuous flow of money. But in order for it not to stop, you need to manage them wisely. To maintain monetary energy, you need to put it to work and invest it in your development. The more you spend wisely, the more you will get cash flow. The talisman is the infinity sign.
  9. Nine is a neutral number. Doesn't bring enormous wealth, but does not promise a poor existence. It promises as much money as a person needs in given conditions. It only works if its owner is in an optimistic mood. The talisman is a symmetrical square or triangle with sharp corners.

Money numerology by date of birth works if you follow some rules. Use your lucky code wisely, which will bring you wealth. Buy a talisman that will help attract good luck. Work with the energy of money, think in terms of success, and then you are guaranteed financial independence.

With the help of numbers you can change the course of your life: attract love, restore relationships, increase wealth, push aside troubles...

Here are some of the combinations that anyone can use.
3-3-3-5-7-9-9 – Code for attracting the energy of abundance, helps in solving financial problems, attracts monetary energy.
1-8-5-1-5-1-8 – Code to help overcome obstacles.
5-1-1-2-4-6-1 – A code that gives confidence and strength, helps to harmonize personal relationships.
8-9-3-1-5-4-2 – The code for good luck in any endeavor, gives strength, power and health.
Don't believe me? Try it yourself!
If you need to speed up this or that process (for example, you are late for work, but, as luck would have it, there is no transport, or there is no money left in your wallet, and your long-awaited salary is delayed), repeat to yourself as often as possible: “twenty.” 2 will increase your efforts, and 0 will negate the force of opposition.
If, on the contrary, you need to slow down this or that process (for example, a child told you that he intends to get married urgently, but this is not part of your plans), repeat to yourself: “four.” 4 is a square, the most stable figure. It is she who will delay and ground the action. In addition, all sides of a square are equal, so no matter where you throw yourself, it’s the same thing – stability and deceleration.
If you need to add something (for example, the number of bills in your wallet or the number of fans), imagine it and repeat: “seven plus one.” 7 is the number of mysterious action, 1 is the number of purpose and energy, and 8 (7+ 1) is the number of infinity.
If you need to lose something (for example, your own weight), imagine yourself slim and repeat: “ten minus one.” But in this case, be prepared for changes: 10-1 = 9, and 9 is the number of changes.
If you need to build or restore something (New Year, relationship with your boss or loved one), imagine this something and repeat: “forty forty.” Say “forty forty” and what you are talking about will multiply to infinity.
If, on the contrary, you need to destroy something, you must imagine this something and say to yourself: “forty-four.”
Firstly, these numbers look like two lightning strikes.
And secondly, the superposition of one square (4) on another square (4) breaks up any stability into parts, because there are eight angles, and 8 is the number of infinity.
This will result in crushing to infinity - into dust.
If you lack happiness, luck, ease, repeat: “twenty-one.” By the way, if you calculate the numerological meaning of the word “happiness” (that is, add up the letters in their digital calculation), you will also get 21!
If you don’t have enough time, repeat to yourself: “ninety-one.” 9 is a change, 1 is the fastest number. In addition, 1 is the beginning, 9 is the end, that is, full coverage of the time cycle.

This series of numbers will always bring you good luck, you can write it on a piece of paper and always carry it with you, you can pronounce it in difficult situations. You can use these numbers when playing the lottery or as important dates.

Start on the new moon!

7753191 is a magical mantra that came to us from Tibetan monks.
By repeating this seven-digit mantra 77 times daily (it will happen
one number at a time: “seven seven five three one nine one”), you will attract
bring money and other material goods into your life.
The mantra really works.

What to do with a piece of paper on which the numbers 7753191 are written after
How will the time of 77 days pass? -

We need to connect four elements to this piece of paper.

We must start with the element EARTH. If you have a pot of soil at home
(for flowers), then you need to purchase some plant seeds and first
bury your piece of paper with the numbers 7753191 with the words:
“The earth is full of riches, you are now my dream” (say 3 times).

Then plant the seeds (but not the plant cuttings). Pouring water
You will introduce the element WATER. While watering, you need to say the words:
“Water and earth, revive the seeds” (3 times).

The element AIR must be attracted by simply ventilating the room,
and the pot with the Earth should be brought to open window with words:
“I need you, Air, like light, and give my dream Dawn” (3 times).

This can be repeated every day, but be sure to do it for three days.

When a sprout appears, you need to attach this event to the element of FIRE.
Light a small candle and say the words (3 times):
“Burn, Fire, candle, burn and destroy poverty,
Let the sprout that hides the money sheet grow.
And I will prosper with him, attract wealth in Money.”

Money codes
Write in green ink on blue paper.
Carry in your wallet.

Store in a safe or box.

Write in red ink on pink paper.
Keep at home

Write blue ink on white paper.
Carry in your wallet.

Write in purple ink on pink paper.
Carry with you to deals.

Write in green ink on yellow paper.
Carry in your pocket.

Write in gold ink on green paper.
Keep it in your pocket when playing gambling.

Write in pink ink on white paper.
Carry in your wallet.

Write in blue ink on pink paper.
Store in a safe.

Write in blue ink on green paper.
Take it with you on commercial trips.

Another money code, very effective.

Charging business cards.

This ritual is for business people, who without business card doesn't leave the house. I'm not being sarcastic, God forbid! It's just that not everyone has them. I have it, and I did the ritual. Helps great! The purpose of the ritual is to attract success to your business.

It’s done like this: write in tiny letters in one of the corners of the card magic word in Latin letters - vehuiah. Place a stack of business cards with a written word on the table, sit at the table in a dimly lit room, you can light a candle. Look at them for 40 minutes without looking away and mentally imagine how they fall into the hands of the people you need, how much money they will help you earn, how you spend this money, how great everything is with you and how happiness smiles on you. Imagine how much money you will make with these business cards. Transfer your energy to the cards, take them in your hands, think of them as your friends and helpers. Then blow on the stack three times. Set the cards aside. This must be done for 28 days. Yes, the ceremony takes a long time! But it's worth it! Then you can put business cards in your wallet and hand them out if necessary. It is best to start the ritual on Wednesday. Success is guaranteed!


Written on the wallet, on credit card, you can write it on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet.

In order not to frighten others, for example, on a gold-colored credit card, you can write in matching gold ink. After writing, do not use the card for several hours; the code will be activated.
If the code is subsequently erased, it’s not a big deal, energetically it’s already been applied.

If there is danger or threat to your life, remember one word: "ABARA". The bullet will pass by the knife will fall, trouble won't happen.
