A general with a sad career. Has Rosreestr turned into a mechanism for making money by a small organized community? Who received plots in the DNP "Dachny Island"

The position of head of Rosreestr recently became vacant and passions around it are already beginning to heat up.

Igor Vasiliev, who left this post, recently moved to the position of acting governor of the Kirov region (instead of Nikita Belykh, who is under investigation). It can already be said that the new head of Rosreestr has a difficult job ahead of him. Scandals break out around the institution every now and then, which means that the new management will have to carry out personnel purges and large-scale reorganization, informs
For those who do not know what Rosreestr is, it is one of the main federal departments that directly affects the life of each citizen. Rosreestr deals with the accounting of real and movable property. All transactions involving the purchase/sale of real estate in Russia are subject to registration and take place through it. It doesn’t matter what kind of property we are talking about - apartments, country houses, dachas, commercial real estate, land plots. Rosreestr deals with all this.

In other words, the importance of the department is extremely great. At the same time, the efficiency of work leaves much to be desired and the situation has not changed for many years. Of course, there have been some advances recently. Now you don’t have to wait in line for 24 hours, and there will still be a hundred people ahead of you. Recently, the department has introduced pre-registration via the Internet and by telephone; employees can now go to your home. Documents can be submitted not only in paper form, but also electronically.

All these innovations allowed the queues to clear up and reduce the load on the department as a whole, and many citizens finally got the opportunity to save a lot of time. At the same time, the main principle of the functioning of Rosreestr remained unchanged - to get a result you need to “enter”. There are a great many illegal prices; for money you can speed up the execution of contracts for shared participation in construction and simplify the registration of an apartment. The scale of the problems in the department turned out to be such that they were noticed even at the very top. The first to vote was Valentina Matvienko, the current speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Back in 2015, she stated: “It is necessary to pay for the registration of apartments, and depending on the region, prices vary from thousands to tens of thousands of rubles. Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said that, in his opinion, “the activities of the department must be subjected to a serious investigation and a thorough understanding of what is happening there.” Internal sources from the institution itself have repeatedly reported that the amount of thefts reaches tens of billions of rubles and that cash flows from the regions move to Moscow, where they fall into the hands of the heads of the department. Officials serving in Rosreestr were repeatedly detained by law enforcement agencies for receiving huge amounts of cash.

The latest high-profile case took place in Moscow in May of this year: one of the high-ranking employees of the Moscow department was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe in the amount of 350 thousand US dollars. According to operatives, the bribe was taken to assist in obtaining the right to a certain piece of real estate. It is quite obvious that such incidents could hardly have happened without the knowledge of the top management, who vigilantly monitors the “tricks” of their subordinates, and often manages them.

Now experts suggest that the money could pass “by” the organization’s leadership and fall into the hands of Mikhail Kosterov (the detained official), adviser to the head of Rosreestvo Ivan Vasilyev, and then be forwarded to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to their accomplices, whose names are unknown.

Taking into account the fact that corruption crimes among Rosreestr employees are being investigated in several parallel directions at once, led by several investigators, this is quite possible. It is quite obvious that all these schemes were covered up by someone “from above” and the investigation may also affect other departments. One of the main suspects is FSB officer Marat Igorevich Medoev. It is too early to judge his guilt, but for reference it is worth saying a few words about this extraordinary personality. Medoev is known as having a hot temper, loving a luxurious life and expensive motorcycles and cars. He has a lot of powerful relatives and close friends in the power circles of our country.

It is quite possible that Medoev’s primary task is not to protect the safety of Russian citizens, but to protect his own capital and increase it. Usually, the organizers of corruption schemes prefer to keep everyone, including their subordinates, under a tight rein. The case of Vasiliev and Kosterov can only be a confirmation of this rule. This conjecture is confirmed by the large-scale personnel changes taking place in Rosreestr. Those employees who do not agree with the “management line”2 and refuse to participate in extortions and bribe transfer schemes are subject to all kinds of pressure and real repression. Recently, the head of Rosreestr for Moscow, Maidanov, was removed from his post. In this case, the department's inspection turned out to be just a pretext. Many believe that the real reason is that Maidanov refused to transfer money to the “higher authorities” and will pay for this with his position.

Today, the situation in Rosreestr remains extremely unclear, to the point that it is unknown who really runs this organization. Is Vasilyev calling the shots, or is control actually in the hands of his adviser, Mikhail Kosterov? Or. Maybe Medoev represents the real power? There is no answer to this question yet, and it is not a fact that it will appear soon, but several things are extremely clear. It is obvious that Rosreestr is completely unprepared for the transition to a unified state real estate register (aka EGRN). The department is not ready for its merger with the Cadastral Chamber, as well as with other organizations, the list of which is already indicated in the government plans. More recently, the Accounts Chamber of Russia decided to evaluate the effectiveness of Rosreestr and came to disappointing conclusions. This is what experts from the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation told the public: “The department’s forecasted income last year was 33.2 billion rubles. Real income reached the level of 32.5 billion rubles, that is, the department fulfilled 98.1% of the plan. The costs of maintaining Rosreestr amounted to more than 40 billion rubles. It turns out that the enterprise not only does not achieve the set standards, but is also unprofitable for the country and is in considerable debt.


Rosreestr, the most important government department of the Russian Federation, became the new topic of the program “Moment of Truth” by Andrei Karaulov. The journalist decided to conduct his own investigation in order to answer the heap of “inconvenient” questions that have arisen for Rosreestr since 2014. After all, only the lazy don’t talk about corruption in Rosreestr: the gray cardinals of the department that records and registers real estate and land in Russia have long been known. These are Maxim Kosterov and Marat Medoev.

Rosreestr and its employees too often become involved in criminal cases: since 2014, they have regularly found themselves suspected of theft, bribery and corruption. Andrey Karaulov conducted a journalistic investigation, as a result of which the current state of affairs in the most important government department became clear.

Now all the power there does not belong to Igor Vasiliev, who was the acting one. heads of the department. The threads of real power lie with Maxim Kosterov (former employee of the “M” department of the FSB of Russia for Moscow and the Moscow region) and Marat Medoev (assistant to the head of the FSB for Moscow and the Moscow region A. N. Dorofeev), who have known each other for a long time. Young and energetic people formed an excellent tandem and fine-tuned the mechanism in Rosreestr for receiving bribes for “expediting” real estate registration.

It is important to note that both gray cardinals are in one way or another connected with the FSB, even M. Medoev’s godfather is none other than Sergei Korolev, the head of the Economic Security Service of the FSB of Russia. Medoev and Kosterov have debugged the “expedited” execution of equity participation agreements in construction; prices may vary, but start from half a million rubles per apartment building, according to Rosreestr employees. If the applicant is unwilling to give a bribe, he or she may wait three months for registration.

But the saddest thing is that Rosreestr operates throughout Russia, the ulcer of bribery affects any department, but it happens that the head of a territorial department does not agree with such a vicious practice of extortion imposed from the center. Then the gray cardinals act simply: they replace the disloyal with the loyal. Fortunately, you don’t have to call Rosreestr to work for a long time, even Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov was somehow surprised: “now for some reason everyone is so eager to go to Rosreestr.”

Rosreestr and its gray cardinals undoubtedly derive considerable benefit from their official position, but the agency itself, as a recent audit found, is completely unprepared for transformation. And they are included in the road map: integration with the Cadastral Chamber is coming, the transition to the Unified State Register of Real Estate. But Rosreestr is not ready for any of these most important events of national importance. Or doesn't want to be ready.

Date of publication: 09/06/2016

The recent television broadcast of the “Moment of Truth” program touched upon questions that have accumulated in large numbers for one of the most important departments in Russia. Let us remind you that Rosreestr is the abbreviated name of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. Its main functions are registration of rights to real estate and accounting of land plots.

Over the past three years, Rosreestr officials have become involved in corruption-related criminal cases with unenviable regularity.
  • The fraudulent scheme of a cadastral engineer from Ufa, for example, caused millions of rubles in damage to dozens of citizens. The criminal was recently convicted.
  • At the end of 2015, Nikolai Zateev, head of the Rosreestr department of the Trans-Baikal Territory, was detained at Chita airport on suspicion of bribery.
  • At the same time, at the end of 2015, a criminal case was opened regarding fraud in the supply of equipment worth 25 million rubles against the former head of the information security department of Rosreestr, Vladimir Kazantsev.
  • At the beginning of 2016, employees of the anti-corruption department of the Moscow Region police arrested the head of the Istra branch of Rosreestr red-handed.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Meanwhile, let us recall that Igor Vasiliev, who was recently appointed to the post of acting governor of the Kirov region, instead of Nikita Belykh, who was convicted of corruption, has led Rosreestr since March 2014.

Igor Vladimirovich Vasiliev 03/28/2014 – 07/28/2016 – Head of Rosreestr from 07/28/2016 – Acting Governor of the Kirov Region

This period accounts for most of the corruption scandals of Rosreestr officials that we showed. Coming from the state security agencies, Vasiliev came to Rosreestr to replace the scandalously fired Natalia Antipina. Moreover, he, being a member of the Accounts Chamber, together with his subordinates, revealed the misuse of budget funds in Rosreestr for 24 billion rubles, thereby setting Antipin up.
However, as a source in the Department said, a special moment in the life of Rosreestr was September 2015, when Maxim Evgenievich Kosterov was appointed advisor to Igor Vasiliev. This is a young man born in seventy-seven, a former employee of the “M” department of the Russian FSB department for Moscow and the Moscow region. He is in warm, friendly relations with Marat Igorevich Medoev, assistant to the head of the FSB for Moscow and the Moscow region, Alexei Nikolaevich Dorofeev. The following detail indicates even more clearly the trace of the FSB in what is happening in Rosreestr: Sergei Korolev, a former adviser to the scandalous Minister of Defense Serdyukov, appointed in July of this year as the head of the Economic Security Service of the FSB of Russia, is the godfather of Marat Medoev.
What exactly is happening in Rosreestr and what is the role of the voiced group of people? Meanwhile, on the Internet there are a lot of negative reviews and comments from citizens about extortions and arbitrariness in the work of Rosreestr. Even ordinary employees of the Registration Department talk about the illegal circulation of funds collected for various registration actions. That is: an established and controlled system works!
Is this true or not? It is not yet possible to give an official answer. But the prices quoted in the media, for example, for “expedited” execution of equity participation agreements in construction, can vary within 500,000 rubles per apartment building. In case of refusal to pay, the applicant faces up to three months of waiting for registration action. The media also hears about other ways of shadow income for Rosreestr officials. So, for example, in Moscow, at the addresses st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, building 35 and Baumanskaya, building 9, six real estate properties tripled their area overnight. Instead of 8,000 square meters, the cadastre now shows 28,000, in addition, each building has added five to seven floors in height.
How did this become possible? Probably the excessive loyalty of Rosreestr employees allowed the area of ​​buildings to be so inflated. According to experts, this loyalty cost customers about four million dollars. Well, considering the estimated cost per square meter in these districts of Moscow, such an amount seems to be a very profitable investment.

6 buildings at: Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya street, 35, building 6, 7, 9, 23, 34, Baumanskaya street, 9 Cadastral numbers: 77:01:0003022:1017, 77:01:0003022:1018, 77:01:0003022:1019, 77:01:0003022:1020, 77:01:0003022:1021, 77:01:0003022:106 1

It’s not clear who will be responsible for the damage caused to the city, which amounts to billions of rubles? And who should I ask if these unauthorized seven floors in which people live turn out like a house of cards? Returning to the thesis about the established system of collections, it should be noted that not all heads of territorial departments of Rosreestr are involved in this system. According to many journalists, those who do not agree to participate in the extortion scheme are hastily replaced by loyal ones.
So, instead of the dismissed Igor Maidanov, Kirill Makeev, loyal to the authorities of Kosterov and Medoev, was appointed head of the Moscow Rosreestr, and Alexander Shirokorad was appointed director of the cadastral chamber for Moscow to help him. Moreover, they were in such a hurry to appoint the latter that they forgot to even coordinate with the “P” department supervising the FSB. The head of Rosreestr for the Moscow region, Sergei Bogdanov, was also not spared by Maxim Kosterov’s personnel leapfrog. Over the past ten years, not a single leader of this structural unit has left his position of his own free will. Criminal cases were initiated against most of the leaders. Therefore, Kosterov and Medoev made an attempt to convert Bogdanov to their own, so to speak, faith. As soon as they worked with him: they convinced him verbally and sent him on business trips to other regions. And just during one of these business trips, Kosterov exchanged Bogdanov’s deputy for a person loyal to himself, who, during Bogdanov’s stay on the business trip, managed to change most of the people in the Moscow Region department. According to some reports, the director of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Economic Development, Konstantin Eduardovich Kotsev, helps Kosterov make personnel decisions.
And general support is provided by Deputy Minister Igor Aleksandrovich Reva. By the way, he is tipped for the position of head of Rosreestr vacated by Vasilyev. In other words, the Department should not expect prospects for global changes in the near future, since it will remain in the hands of the same organized group that we named in this film. What you really don't want...
And against the backdrop of identified violations in the expenditure of budget funds in Rosreestr, even under Igor Vasiliev, the situation is completely depressing. Let's try to calculate the scale of bribery ourselves, based on the available data. For example, in the Moscow Office of Rosreestr there are only about 12-13 districts, plus cadastral valuation, plus the cadastral chamber, plus the department of structures and capital construction. Even if we just take the average bribe size, the amount collected by one department per month will be about $200,000. Multiply this by 13 districts - it doesn’t look bad at all, does it? And this does not take into account the specialized departments and the cadastral chamber, etc.
It was not by chance that we took the amount of $200,000. Over the past year, the amount of bribes in Rosreestr has increased many times, which is confirmed by numerous criminal cases initiated recently and not only in Moscow and the Moscow region. Is this somehow connected with the team that is now at the helm of Rosreestr? Let's leave this question for law enforcement agencies. While we were preparing this material, a source close to the investigation reported another capture of corrupt officials. Officials of Rosreestr in the South-Eastern district of the capital - Zabolotny and Livandovskaya - are accused of fraud using official powers. From what has been said, different conclusions can be drawn. But it is already quite obvious that the department is not prepared for the transition to Unified State Register of Real Estate, nor to the merger of Rosreestr and the Cadastral Chamber, nor to other measures included in the road map. With a high degree of probability, after the release of this film, Maxim Kosterov will be appointed to another position in Rosreestr, probably in order to attract less attention to his person, but this will not change the situation.
The concerns of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov for the work of Rosreestr are indicative:

“Once upon a time it was the Ministry of Finance, then the Federal Property Management Agency, then the Tax Service, and now for some reason everyone is so eager to join Rosreestr...”

“There is no such interest in any department of other authorities in the regions! This matter needs to be seriously investigated, including with law enforcement agencies.”

It must be said that not only Igor Ivanovich drew attention to the mess happening in the registration department. The third person in the Russian Federation, Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, made a serious statement on the problems of Rosreestr:

“They extort money for the registration of each apartment during purchase and sale, in different regions from $50 to $150”

“Corruption is in full bloom in state registration authorities, and the schemes they come up with are so cunning that you can’t catch them by the hand.”

The question arises: why was the adviser to the ex-head of Rosreestr Igor Vasiliev, Mr. Kosterov, instead of being fired along with his leader, “relegated” to the personnel department of the department? Is it not so that when a new leader is appointed, he can again become his adviser and return to the actual leadership of the Department, as it was under Vasiliev? And most importantly, why, despite the dissatisfaction of Valentina Matvienko and Igor Shuvalov, despite dozens of publications, high-profile revelations and corruption scandals in the department, nevertheless, one of the alleged participants in the extortion scheme, Igor Aleksandrovich Reva, is planned to be appointed to the position of head? We will continue our journalistic investigation and try to answer these questions. But I would like the Ministry of Energy to take care of this first of all, before it becomes the concern of the investigative authorities and the FSB. They say that some time ago the president of the regional public Fund for Support of United Russia Marata Kasimov’s laptop with all the party’s accounting was stolen. This accounting fell into the hands of employees FSB, who, as I understand it, had some questions for the party leadership. It is worth noting that the new chapter FSB By...
Date: 10/30/2013 4. Ivan Nazarov bet big. As Rosbalt already reported, last Friday FSB The Russian Federation detained the businessman himself, his assistant Alena Guseva and two partners - Marata Mamyrov and a certain Volkov.
Date: 02/17/2011 5. Who did the “Muslim brothers” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation listen to and share with? They are accused of receiving bribes from Marata Mamyev in the amount of 75 thousand dollars. Novaya reporters studied the biographies of Temirgaliev and Kulikov, whom colleagues called “Muslim brothers” behind their backs, and met with employees of Directorate “K” - they told what kind of order reigns in this elite and top-secret police unit. Anonymous by Temirgaliev and Kulikov Department “M” DEB FSB(supervises the police) began to be developed three years ago, after at the end of 2008 the Lubyanka...
Date: 06/15/2011 6. Redistribution of the FSO business empire. ... FSB on suspicion of theft of funds during the supply of equipment, Marat Oganesyan went to jail on suspicion of embezzling funds during the construction of the Zenit Arena, FSO General Gennady Lopyrev (North Caucasus Directorate) was taken into custody on charges of receiving a large bribe, Andrei Kaminov and Stanislav Kuner were detained on suspicion of organizing a criminal community . Dmitry Mikhalchenko, who once opposed himself to the authority of Vladimir Kumarin, according to a source in FSB ...
Date: 06/14/2017 7. “Roslyak was the main person in the bank... without her consent... not a single loan was issued.” In particular, according to her, “Morozov argued that along the line FSB he is supervised by someone Marat, who also oversees the line FSB the work of the presidential apparatus... and supposedly Marat helped Morozov in conducting an audit and obtaining a “good” act from the Central Bank in the winter of 2013-2014.” You, according to Roslyak, met with this Marat and discussed the cost of maintaining the license of Moscow Lights. - Yes. Marat, according to Denis Morozov, is his “roof” along the line FSB. I don't remember his last name.
Date: 01/25/2016 8. “If men ask, we need to help.” Here they twist my arms for interrogation FSB, and that's it."
Date: 01/31/2007 9. “The Three Pillars have become something of a right-wing Trotskyist bloc.” On June 4, 2003, the Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow fully acquitted Alexander Volkov and Marata Fayzulina. On November 3, 2003, the Moscow City Court sentenced Pavel Zaitsev to two years probation. The scandal surrounding the “Three Whales” case is associated with the purge of law enforcement agencies carried out in May 2006. Then the head of the Federal Customs Service Alexander Zherikhov and his deputies, three generals lost their positions FSB, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office.
Date: 09/14/2006 10. On the “three pillars”. It so happened that from the very beginning - since 2000, we, members of the Duma Commission on Combating Corruption, which in the last convocation was headed by a great professional and principled person, former director FSB, Army General Nikolai Kovalev, were involved...
Head of the Customs Inspection Department Alexander Volkov and First Deputy Head of the Customs Investigation and Inquiry Department of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation Marat Faizulin began verification activities and opened administrative cases.
Date: 07/18/2006 11. Adventures of the plenipotentiary. According to investigators, further events developed something like this: Ali Zakriev and his bodyguard Yakov Argun (a former student of the Academy FSB) were kidnapped and taken with bags over their heads to an elite mansion on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.
There was a whole group behind the scam with Magnat LLC, and the brains of the entire special operation, according to our data, was a person previously convicted of fraud Marat R. and his accomplice - Artem S. (we are not naming their last names yet - S.K.). Artyom is now “closed”, but Marat lives in Moscow...
Date: 01/19/2015 12. Octopus of high achievements. ... Yakutia (Sakha) Egor Borisov, vice-president of the republic Dmitry Glushko and deputy of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, deputy Marat Bariev (since November 1, 2010 Bariev has been the Secretary General of the Russian Olympic Committee...
Be that as it may, in the mid-90s, Gafur’s influence grew so much that in operational reports FSB he began to be called the No. 2 man in Uzbekistan, after President Islam Karimov.
Date: 01/17/2014 13. The Prosecutor General’s Office recognized the “gambling case” against officials of the Moscow Regional Prosecutor’s Office as legal and justified. ... truth serum, but in a pre-trial detention center, which is under the jurisdiction FSB, the inspectors were not allowed in, since permission to conduct a medical examination of the suspect can only be given by the investigator in charge of the case. [IA “Rosbalt”, 05/06/2011, “Nazarov “lost” the prosecutor’s “roof”: As a source in law enforcement agencies told Rosbalt, almost immediately after on April 27 the Moscow City Court recognized the four-month arrest of Ivan Nazarov and Alla Guseva as legal And Marata Mamyev, - they unanimously decided to start collaborating with...
Date: 05/10/2011 14. 9 Contract killings Suprunenko took into account the sad experience of his predecessor Vladimir Tskhai and decided not to FSB reasons for his elimination. The Vympelovites were charged with purely criminal offenses. Thus, the prosecutor's office argued that on May 21, 1996 Marat Vasiliev suggested that Borisov and Sukach “sort out” the owners of the Usadba kebab cafe, located on the 36th kilometer of the Moscow ring road. 15. Customs stood on the “Three Pillars”. Original of this material © Kommersant, 06/05/2003 Customs resisted the “Three Pillars” The court did not believe the Prosecutor General’s Office and FSB State Customs Committee case Ekaterina Zapodinskaya State Customs Committee employees Marat Faizulin (left) and Alexander Volkov were acquitted by the court, but the Prosecutor General's Office promises to take revenge. The Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow yesterday completely acquitted the head of the customs inspection department of the State Customs Committee, Alexander Volkov, and the first deputy head of the customs investigation and inquiry department of the State Customs Committee. Marata Fayzulina (Kommersant is monitoring the process...
Date: 06/05/2003 16. "Domodedovo", open! The State Customs Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were opposed FSB and the Prosecutor General's Office.
Basnet was a director at Marr Group Holdings Limited (Marr Capital is a diversified investment holding of the Safins, headquartered in London), which he headed Marat Safin, the son of former Lukoil vice-president Ralif Safin, is now a member...
Date: 05/10/2011 17. “Three whales” and sharks in uniform. Part 2. Total $8 million. In negotiations, in addition to the deputy head of the customs investigation and inquiry department Marata Fayzulin and several of his mid-level colleagues, the senior management of the State Customs Committee took part - Chairman Mikhail Vanin and his first deputy...
In any case, when at the end of 2007 the case of 150 wagons of Chinese smuggling that came from the Far East to special warehouses near Moscow came to light FSB, Sayenko was also involved in it.
Date: 03/06/2008 18. Dmitry Urumov pulled the bribe takers along with him. However, already near the store, both were met by employees of the Investigative Committee and FSB who handcuffed them.
It was also heard in court that a day later, at their own request, the alleged organizers of the underground gambling business, Ivan Nazarov, Alla Guseva and Marat Mamyev, and all of them...
Date: 05/20/2011 19. Deputy prosecutor of the Moscow Region Alexander Ignatenko is taken to the dacha. As Nazarov’s lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky told Gazeta.Ru, in addition to the businessman, his assistant Alla Guseva and his companion Marata Mamyev, by decision of the Pushkino court, three employees of the UBEP were arrested: captain Sergei Ermakov, major Dmitry Akulin and...
["Russian Forbes", 02/17/2011, " FSB could have gotten the go-ahead from the very top": The case, in which high-ranking employees of the Moscow region prosecutor's office are suspected of protecting illegal casinos, began in the fall of 2009 at the suggestion of the head...
Date: 02/18/2011 20. Tatar officials, military managers, Chechen businessmen. How related to the deputy mayor of Moscow Marat Khusnullin, developers share the capital's renovation budget Original of this material © Meduza, 08/18/2017, Photo: mskagency.ru, business-gazeta.ru, chelnyltd.ru, via viperson.ru, TASS, Illustration: Meduza Tatar...
Now “Vybor” is one of the largest developers in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, and the company “Vybor Stroy Montazh”, part of the holding, builds kindergartens in the Moscow region and wins tenders announced by the structures FSB. In the fall of 2014...
Date: 08/21/2017
