Good-looking stars without plastic surgery. Celebrities who age ugly and ugly

While some celebrities are struggling to retain their fading youth by reshaping their faces, “tightening” their skin and trying on vulgar outfits, others not only happily accept their age, but also enjoy it! These charming ladies prove by their own example that you can grow old gracefully and with dignity, while remaining feminine and attractive. After all, beauty does not depend on age.

Meryl Streep

66 years old

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep is truly an amazing woman. The actress, who celebrated her 66th birthday this year, seems to be getting more beautiful every year! At the same time, Streep not only categorically rejects plastic surgery and facelifts, but also believes that women who inject themselves with Botox look funny.

"To each his own. I understand that aging is frustrating, especially for women. But I think that with “frozen” faces people look funny. There are many of these in Los Angeles. As for plastic surgery... I just don't understand it. You have to embrace aging. Life is precious,” wisely says the inimitable Meryl Streep, winner of three Oscars, a happy wife and mother of four adult children.

Susan Sarandon

69 years old

Susan Sarandon

Meryl Streep's opinion about age, which should be accepted with joy, is shared by Susan Sarandon. This Oscar winner will turn 70 next year, and she still never tires of repeating: it is stupid to try to “catch” the elusive youth “by the tail.”

“I don’t think you should try to look 22 when you’re over 60. There’s something strange about a woman looking younger today than she did 20 years ago. Every person is free to do what he wants, but how can you think about Botox if you are acting in a movie?” - says Sarandon.

The luxurious actress and mother of three children is sure that age is not an obstacle to living to the fullest. For example, she dated for a long time a man who was 30 years younger than her. “This is what I advise young actresses: quit smoking, do what you love, and surround yourself with people who make you smile,” Sarandon shares the recipe for her blossoming appearance.

Edita Piekha

78 years old

The femininity, elegance, and beauty of Edita Piekha cannot cause the slightest criticism even from the most picky critic. This became possible thanks to the correct nutrition system, which the star was accustomed to following from a young age. Every morning Edita Piekha prefers to take a contrast shower; for her, this procedure becomes a good exercise that gives vigor for the whole day.

Helen Mirren

70 years old

Helen Mirren

It’s not without reason that the British actress of Russian origin (Helen’s name at birth was Elena Lydia Mironova) gets the roles of royalty every now and then. Luxurious Mirren, over whom time truly has no power, looks like a real aristocrat and boasts an excellent sense of style.

Helen’s age does not hinder her at all: she can still easily star in a candid photo shoot for a glossy magazine or expose herself in front of a movie camera. And in 2011, the Oscar winner, who in her youth starred with the master of erotic films Tinto Brass, received the title “Body of the Year,” beating such competitors as Jennifer Lopez, Kate Winslet and Elle Macpherson!

Mirren is not a fan of plastic surgery.

“I think people should be able to do whatever they want to be happy. But I don’t understand why young women destroy the beauty of their body and face by resorting to the services of plastic surgeons without measure,” admits this gorgeous woman.

Diane Keaton

69 years old

Diane Keaton

Diane Keaton is one of those actresses who becomes not only more beautiful with age, but also more in demand. The mother of two and Oscar winner, who will celebrate her 70th birthday next year, claims she has never gone under a plastic surgeon's knife.

“Maybe I would have done something with my face, but... You know, when you’re too old and get a lift, it doesn’t end with just one. And the person comes out with a completely new face!” - says Keaton, who is not at all ashamed of her wrinkles.

Jane Fonda

77 years old

Jane Fonda

But Jane Fonda, on the contrary, had plastic surgery - and does not hide it. True, the actress and writer repeatedly swore off resorting to surgical rejuvenation, but constantly “broke down.” In the end, Jane came to terms and admitted that, apparently, she simply could not live without plastic surgery - she wanted to look closer to the age at which she felt. “I’m writing a book about aging, so I can’t help but admit that I’ve had plastic surgery. I realized that this was for me: I don’t want to have bags under my eyes and all that,” Fonda said in an interview a couple of years ago.

However, speaking about plastic surgery, Jane notes that she is not at all proud of her choice: “It’s a pity that I’m not brave enough not to have surgery. But my crow's feet are still with me! However, Fonda’s plastic surgery is so neat and moderate that the actress’s face does not look “reshaped” at all. The writer, who raised three children, has not lost her face and still looks amazing.

Catherine Deneuve

71 years old

Catherine Deneuve

Charming Frenchwoman loves her age. The fear of letting go of youth is simply not in its rules! “I'm not afraid of aging. I don’t believe that after 40 years a woman - no matter what she does to herself - can seriously think that she will be mistaken for a 20-year-old,” says Deneuve.

The media, however, every now and then “convict” the actress that in fact she still resorts to the services of plastic surgeons. However, if this is the case, the Frenchwoman and mother of two children, in any case, never overdoes it with rejuvenation: her face looks natural and beautiful.

Jessica Lange

66 years old

Jessica Lange

Jessica is a true example of beauty, femininity and timeless charm. The actress, photographer, mother of three children, Oscar winner and former lover of dancer and Russian emigrant Mikhail Baryshnikov, last year became the face of Marc Jacobs cosmetics, proving that the years only brighten her up. She accepts her age calmly and joyfully. Wrinkles don't bother her.

True, Jess, they say, still does some anti-aging procedures - even though she used to be an active opponent of plastic surgery. “I hate this terrible brainwashing. Cosmetics companies teach you not to be satisfied with what you have. People have forgotten how to appreciate their beauty,” Lang argued. But over the past few years, the actress, according to experts, has somewhat changed the shape of her eyelids, eye shape, and cheekbones. However, Jessica still looks great and quite natural.

Sofia Rotaru

68 years old

Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru has a very interesting and rather thin face. The singer, according to experts, repeatedly went under the plastic surgeon’s knife, but unlike most other domestic stars, she did not overdo it with the services of specialists.

In Rotaru you can still easily recognize the same young brunette who once conquered the stage.

Sigourney Weaver

66 years old

Sigourney Weaver

The Alien star is also aging naturally. Sigourney Weaver has repeatedly admitted that she loves the imprint that time leaves on her face. So she avoids the services of plastic surgeons - as well as Botox injections. The actress perceives age with joy. Christie Brinkley

Model Christie Brinkley probably has the elixir of youth. Or she sold her soul to the devil. We don’t know how else to explain the fact that at over 60 she looks at least twice as young! “I've never had plastic surgery, but there are many other procedures (not surgeries or injections) that can help reduce sagging, wrinkles, and pigmentation. I visit a dermatologist about once a month to take care of my face,” says the charming blonde.

Experts, endlessly looking at old and new photographs of Brinkley, trying to discern changes in her face, unanimously confirm: apparently, she really did not undergo operations to help rejuvenate herself. In any case, her features have not changed with age, and Botox, if the fantastic model injects it, is practically invisible on her face. Apparently, Christy has excellent genetics.

And the secret of her youth is in her smile and attitude towards life! “I don't believe age can define me. I believe that your approach to life plays a huge role in how you feel about yourself,” Brinkley wisely states. Smile more often!

Despite expensive procedures and consultations with the best beauty specialists, Hollywood stars inevitably age. Some apply for assistance to plastic surgeons, but there are celebrities who are lucky with genetics - over the years they have hardly changed. TrendSpace.Ru remembered the stars who look like they did 10 years ago.

Cindy Crawford

The 49-year-old model still actively participates in photo shoots - Crawford is not even afraid to show off her body without photoshop. Daughter Kaya, who has already tried herself as a model and actress, followed in the footsteps of her star mother.

The mother of three has not aged at all over the past 10 years. Gwen’s unique style also contributes to this - the artist prefers bright makeup, voluminous hairstyles and unusual outfits. In addition, the singer is actively involved in sports.

Jennifer Lopez

Regular workouts and proper nutrition help Jennifer Lopez look great - this year the star's body was recognized the most attractive in the world, overlooking models and younger celebrities. But JLo has already celebrated her 45th birthday.

Sandra Bullock

Another representative of Hollywood Olympus is actress Sandra Bullock. Despite her 50 years, the star still looks amazing. No wonder People magazine named Bullock the sexiest woman on the planet.

The 46-year-old star of the series "Friends", whose hairstyle was imitated throughout America, continues to be one of the most attractive women in Hollywood. Fans are still waiting for Justin Theroux to take the beauty to the altar.

Angelina Jolie is working out charity, acts in films, directs his own films, raises children and looks great. The celebrity is regularly included in various ratings of the most beautiful women on the planet.

Not long ago it became known that Charlize Theron broke off her relationship with Sean Penn and canceled the wedding. The 39-year-old actress can afford to scatter suitors - with such an appearance she has plenty of fans.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is known for her love of healthy eating and all kinds of diets. The result, as they say, is obvious. It is not surprising that soon after the divorce, Gwyneth appeared in public with a new beau.

Four children did not stop Klum from building a successful modeling career and maintaining an excellent figure. At 42 years old, Klum can easily compete with very young models: every year she becomes more fit and attractive.

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett hasn't changed much over the past few years. The charming and cheerful actress still demonstrates an excellent figure, well-groomed skin and hair. Small facial wrinkles do not spoil the star’s appearance at all and give her a special charm.

Christie Brinkley

Alas, not every celebrity in the world of show business and cinema knows how to age gracefully and with dignity. Looking your age and at the same time remaining attractive is a great and rare talent that is not given to everyone. The actress refused to resort to plastic surgery: neither wrinkles, nor a sagging chin, nor the loss of elastic roundness scared the 56-year-old star. The actress clearly and confidently said “No” to modern cosmetology; she preferred to age beautifully and naturally.

In spite of Sharon Stone, many Hollywood stars have become frequent guests of plastic surgeons. Talented doctors who can instantly transform a client and “take away” a couple of decades from him have become in great demand in Los Angeles. And it’s not surprising, because Hollywood is a real city of sins, where they are ready to do anything for the sake of beauty and success!

Famous actress and recently ex-wife of Antonio Banderas Melanie Griffith has changed noticeably over the years. The once attractive and sexy blonde has turned into a wrinkled and life-weary woman who evokes no emotions other than pity and sympathy. Is it worth talking about the former model Janice Dickinson, who at the age of 20 was considered one of the most beautiful girls on the planet? Now this brunette has turned into a laughing stock and an object of ridicule.

Model Janice Dickinson looks more like a witch now

Mickey Rourke, Lindsay Lohan, John Travolta, Teri Hatcher and other celebrities have driven themselves into the beauty trap, turning into typical victims of fashion and popularity.

Celebrity looks that are carefully crafted to the smallest detail speak not only of the careful work of stylists, but also of the help of an entire team of cosmetologists. Dermatologist-cosmetologist Victoria Goncharuk (Minsk) explained what procedures are hidden behind successful photos on the carpet.

Victoria Goncharuk Dermatologist-cosmetologist

With age, facial features inevitably change: wrinkles appear, muscles lose their former tone, and the bones of the skull change. Therefore, almost all celebrities resort to botulinum toxin injections in the forehead and eyebrow area. With age, nasolabial folds and furrows appear under the eyes, and the corners of the mouth droop. To eliminate these signs of age, volumetric correction of the cheekbones and medial part of the cheeks is performed.

Diane Keaton

“Most likely, Diane Keaton often resorts to the services of cosmetologists: her face looks much younger than her neck. Either a permanent implant or a filler based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite is installed in the cheekbone area. Even from the photo it is clear that the corners of the lips are now located higher than in youth, and this indicates their contour correction and, possibly, correction of the nasolabial folds. But, undoubtedly, as a result the face looks very natural.”

Demmy Moor

“In her youth, Demi’s face had a round shape with smooth, soft features. But with age, the star developed clearly defined cheekbones - the result of volumetric modeling. Thanks to botulinum toxin injections, her forehead and eyebrow area are wrinkle-free. And the skin itself looks very well-groomed: most likely biorevitalization or mesotherapy is taking place.”

Julianne Moore

“Juliana’s forehead does not have a single wrinkle thanks to botulinum toxin injections into the forehead and eyebrow area. Blepharoplasty was performed to correct the upper and lower eyelids. In my opinion, not very successful, since the right eye seems much smaller than the left and has a different shape. Increased lip size indicates contour correction of the lip shape. Juliana also has a beautiful middle third of her face as a result of volumetric correction.”

Martha Stewart

“At 75 years old, Martha really looks great. She developed pronounced cheekbones, making her face more feminine. The forehead and glabellar area were also injected with botulinum toxin.”

Michelle Pfeiffer

“In this case, life-saving injections of botulinum toxin took place. Michelle's skin looks flawless. An implant or filler was also installed in the cheekbone area; after 50 years (and the actress is now 58), the skin loses its elasticity and the cheeks literally sag. We don’t see that with Michelle.”

Meryl Streep

“Now Meryl Streep looks very well-groomed. Age is revealed only by the area around the eyes, which contrasts with the “fixed” ones thanks to botulinum toxin injections in the forehead and between the eyebrows. Due to this, the face does not seem harmonious to me. Lips that have undergone correction also attract attention.”

Sandra Bullock

“Sandra has a very harmonious, fresh and well-groomed face. A real example of competent work on oneself. It is difficult to say whether plastic surgery was performed, since it is clear that the face has become older, but has not changed fundamentally.”

Cindy Crawford

“In my opinion, now Cindy’s face looks more harmonious than in her youth. Due to the volumetric increase in the cheekbones, the emphasis from the impressive chin moved to the middle third of the face, which gave it femininity and sophistication. There are practically no nasolabial folds: most likely they were contour corrected. And the forehead and eyebrow area are smooth and shiny thanks to botulinum toxin.”

Tilda Swinton

“Tilda’s appearance is also an example of competent facial care. Over time, the actress only gets prettier. We can only assume that the forehead and eyebrow area were corrected with botulinum toxin. But everything is very natural!”

Susan Sarandon

“A true role model! This beautiful woman is absolutely not spoiled by small natural wrinkles on her face. It is clear that Susan devotes a lot of time to facial care. The actress probably had her cheekbones corrected, which lacked volume. And we can only guess about the rest.”

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Helen Mirren, at 70, hits the red carpet in tight designer outfits and looks amazing doing it. The actress says that she has never been a fan of the gym, but she can boast of discipline: every day she devotes 15 minutes to a set of physical exercises, which she has been doing for half a century!

Meryl Streep, 67 years old

Oscar-winner Meryl Streep is one of those stars who has never relied on outfits, but at the same time manages to always look elegant and feminine even in the simplest basic clothes. Meryl is not interested in plastic surgery or diets, but she is distinguished by her special - noble and natural - beauty.


Sophia Loren, 81 years old

The record holder of our rating is 80-year-old Sophia Loren, who even at such an advanced age manages to drive men crazy. A woman's age is often revealed by her neck and décolleté - Sophie still allows herself quite open dresses, in which she looks great. The secret of her youth is healthy sleep (the star goes to bed no later than 9 pm), a Mediterranean diet and a good mood.

Jane Fonda, 78 years old

The creator of aerobics, Jane Fonda, is a truly unique person. It's impossible to call Jane a grandmother, because at 77 years old she boldly wears the tightest dresses, and we can't help but admire her waist. And it’s all because of a very active lifestyle - not a day without aerobics, take an example!

Catherine Deneuve, 72 years old

Catherine Deneuve is the embodiment of French chic, no matter how old this already legendary woman becomes. Catherine does not try to look younger than her age, while remaining a very attractive woman with wise eyes. By the way, the actress has been smoking all her life - she is not ready to give up this little weakness even for the sake of beauty.

Irina Allegrova, 64 years old

TASS / Salynskaya Anna

We also have our own heroes - for example, singer Irina Allegrova, who for the last 15 years seems to have not changed at all! Irina watches her diet: she eats only fruits, vegetables and seafood. The star completely abandoned meat, since after a certain age it begins to play against the youth of the skin.

Jessica Lange, 67

Actress Jessica Lange, at 66 years old, also remains a very attractive woman. Jessica doesn't try to look young; she chooses a strict style and voluminous hairstyles. Lang's image can truly be considered impeccable - that's what absolute taste means!

Sofia Rotaru, 68 years old

TASS / Yuri Samolygo

Sofia Rotaru can definitely be proud of how she looks at 67 years old - even Demi Moore could be jealous of this! The singer has grown-up grandchildren, and she herself remains a very attractive woman with age. It is obvious that Sofia Mikhailovna visits the cosmetologist regularly, but the star has never gone overboard with procedures, unlike her Western colleagues.

Laima Vaikule, 62 years old

Laima Vaikule, a star with an unusual style and sensual voice, only becomes more beautiful over the years. Laima herself says that her appearance is the result of discipline. “I have a clearly scheduled life,” the singer said in an interview, “I try to find time for all the essentials: creativity, a healthy lifestyle, sports. Appearance is of enormous importance to me!”

Carmen Dell'Orefice, 85 years old

Carmen Dell'Orefice is our role model and role model! The American star is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the fashion model with the longest catwalk career. Carmen is beautiful precisely at her age: sophisticated, with noble gray hair and a mysterious look, she does not hide her age, but is proud of the rich life she has lived.

Christie Brinkley, 62 years old

Christie Brinkley isn't just aging gracefully, no. Christy doesn't even know what it means to grow old! This is perhaps the only example where a woman at 60 actually looks 30. We already suspected Christie of black magic, but in reality the model simply leads a healthy lifestyle and thanks genetics.

Susan Sarandon, 69 years old

The magnificent Susan Sarandon can afford boyfriends 30 years younger, although she herself does not try to deceive nature. It's clear that men are attracted to Susan for more than just her firm skin and flat stomach.

Jane Seymour, 65

British actress Jane Seymour, at her advanced age, has everything that any girl could dream of. Jane has a charming smile, smooth skin, magnificent breasts and a thin waist. We want to look like this in retirement too!

Michel Mercier, 77 years old

Another French diva on our list is actress Michelle Mercier, star of the film Angelique: Marquise of the Angels and its many sequels. In her youth, Michelle was an incredible beauty, but with age she did not lose her charm and charm.

Joan Collins, 83

British actress Joan Collins made her film debut 64 years ago! Times and eras change, but Joan is still the same sophisticated beauty. Maybe the secret of her youth is in her stormy personal life? The star was married five times, and her fifth husband, Collins, is 32 years younger than her.

Diane Keaton, 70

Diane Keaton looks great for her age, although the actress had very serious health problems. In 2011, the star was diagnosed with skin cancer, which she managed to defeat. At the same time, Diane managed to be an ambassador for L’Oréal and pose on the red carpet.

Sigourney Weaver, 66 years old

Sigourney Weaver does not fight the increasing years, but calmly accepts them - this is the secret of the actress’s beauty. The star says about herself: “I am not interested in magazines writing about celebrities. They want young actors whose lives are full of events: gained a couple of pounds, lost a couple of pounds, spotted at a resort with this, spotted at the pool with that. Every day they bring sensations. But it’s boring to write about me: I’m always in shape and married to the same person for many, many years.”

The Iron Lady in the world of television, Oprah Winfrey, has already celebrated her 61st birthday. Unexpected, right? Over her long career, Oprah either lost weight or gained weight, changed her style and hairstyles, but at the same time she always remained herself - a charming and smart TV presenter who knows how to find out any secrets.

Caitlyn Jenner, 66 years old

The last heroine on our list is Caitlyn Jenner, who has the hardest time looking stunning! And it’s not just a matter of age, but the fact that until recently Caitlin was a man - former athlete Bruce Jenner. Now, at 65, she finally wears feminine dresses, flowing locks and poses for magazines in sexy bodysuits. Isn't this the true ability to ignore your age?
