How to keep personnel records in the theater. Where to start HR records at an enterprise (nuances)? Groups of personnel documents

To document all personnel transactions in an organization, certain knowledge and skills are required.

Office work at the enterprise is regulated by instructions independently developed and approved by the director. It is an internal regulatory act and is mandatory for compliance by all employees of the business entity. The HR department develops and monitors its implementation.

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The law requires the preparation of many documents that document all aspects of the employee’s employment relationship with the employer.

Experienced and novice personnel officers must improve their skills. To help them, Internet sites have been created on which theoretical courses in personnel administration are presented.

Personnel records reflect the activities of personnel and confirm the length of service of employees, which plays a primary role in calculating pensions. Management is responsible for the documentary fund of the enterprise.

The main details in control on paper

Competent organization of personnel records requires knowledge of the regulatory framework, tracking its changes, and orientation in the forms of documents used.

For what purpose is it carried out?

The procedure for maintaining personnel records is regulated by law. On large enterprises with a large staff, as a rule, is formed personnel service. Its employees draw up the relevant documents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation.

Papers can have a unified form or be developed at the enterprise and approved in local acts.

Personnel records management is an activity aimed at developing and maintaining documents related to personnel accounting, working hours, and payroll calculations.

Personnel issues include the following positions:

  • registration of employment;
  • internal movement of workers;
  • dismissal;
  • regulation of relations between the manager and employees;
  • organization of the labor process;
  • others.

Proper organization of personnel records helps solve a number of problems.

Its main goals are presented in the table:

Direction of personnel work Performed tasks
Accounting and control reception, accounting, dismissal of personnel.
Planning and regulatory selection, relocation, adaptation of workers.
Reporting and analytical
  • studying employees, evaluating their work;
  • analytical work;
  • making report.
Coordination and information
  • preparation, training, retraining of personnel;
  • reception of employees on official and personal matters;
  • processing written requests from workers;
  • archival and reference activities.
Organizational and methodological
  • documenting the work of employees;
  • work with department staff;
  • personnel planning and management.
  • maintaining personal files and work records;
  • drawing up orders and papers for personalized accounting;
  • registration of sick leave, pension certificates, etc.

In Moscow and others large regions Russian Federation organizations that have separate divisions can maintain personnel records online. For this purpose, appropriate programs have been developed that allow the exchange of documents in electronic form.

The legislative framework

The legislative basis for personnel records management is contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This activity is regulated by a number of regulations:

  • Instructions for filling out and applying primary documents for accounting and remuneration (Decree of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/05/04);
  • unified documents and requirements for their preparation (Gosstandart Decree No. 65-st dated 03.03.03);
  • Standard office management instructions for federal bodies executive power(Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 536 dated 08.11.05);
  • Rules for the operation of archives (decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/02);
  • Rules of office work for federal executive authorities (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 477 of June 15, 2009);
  • Law on information, its protection and information technology No. 149-FZ dated July 27, 2006;
  • Law on consideration of appeals from Russian citizens No. 59-FZ dated 02.05.06;
  • Law on state language RF No. 53-FZ dated 01.06.05;
  • Law on Archival Affairs No. 125-FZ dated October 22, 2004;
  • Law on Trade Secrets No. 98-FZ dated July 29, 2004;
  • Order on work books No. 117n dated December 22, 2003;
  • Resolution on the adoption of instructions for filling out labor documents No. 69 dated 10.10.03;
  • Resolution on work books No. 225 dated April 16, 2003;
  • instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory documents

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges organizations to have their own legislative framework, which includes a number of mandatory local regulatory documents.

These include:

Charter Main constituent document. It states legal form enterprises, founders, field of activity, procedure for hiring and dismissing a manager, his powers. Many internal regulations of the company are drawn up on the basis of the provisions of the Charter.
Work regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules)
  • The presence of a document is provided for in Art. 189, 190 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It establishes the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the rights, obligations of the parties to the agreement, work and rest schedules, a system of incentives and penalties, and other issues regarding labor relations at the enterprise.
  • The rules are approved by the director. If there is a trade union in the organization, its opinions regarding the adoption of the document are taken into account. In organizations where personnel work irregular working hours, there must be a List of relevant positions and professions. It is drawn up as an appendix to the Rules.
Instructions on the protection of personal data
  • According to Art. 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it establishes the requirements that must be met when processing personal information about employees, ensuring their protection, use, storage.
  • Information about an individual worker is considered personal, needed by the employer for labor relations. Employees must be familiar with the documents defining the procedure for processing their data.
Regulations on labor protection It is located in the HR department. Each employee is familiarized with the document. Enterprises with more than 50 employees must have a position of occupational safety specialist.
Shift schedule Used in companies with a shift work schedule. The document is urgent and is valid for a certain period at the discretion of the employer.
Papers on labor standards They reflect the necessary time costs for manufacturing products (performing work) by one employee or group and establishing labor standards on their basis.

Regulatory acts

After hiring a manager, the number of positions required for the normal operation of the organization is established. Taking into account the obtained figures, production cycle and other features of the enterprise's activities are being prepared.

To draw up a document, a unified form is usually used. You can download the sample for free from the Internet. The employer has the right to adjust the schedule at its discretion.

The document lists positions in hierarchical order, starting with the director and ending with support staff. For each of them, the number of units per state, salary and allowances are indicated.

At the next stage, a work schedule is formed. It represents work schedules for all employees. If there are shifts, detailed shift schedules are created. The document briefly describes the requirements for appearance employees, behavior, daily routine, etc.

Next, the form of the employment contract is developed. In this case, the basic norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and internal regulatory documents of the company must be taken into account. An employment agreement is usually drawn up by the organization's lawyer or an outsider.

The document must include the following items:

  • information about the legal entity: name, address, telephone number, full name and position of the manager;
  • employee passport details;
  • employee position, types of contract (permanent or fixed-term) and workplace (main or additional);
  • a list of main responsibilities with reference to the instructions for this position;
  • information on wages, additional payments, benefits, vacations;
  • work schedule, payment for overtime;
  • reasons for termination of the contract and other conditions;
  • signatures and details of the parties, seal of the enterprise.

To check and optimize the work of HR officers, management can conduct an internal or independent audit. This helps reduce the risk of administrative penalties, disputes and complaints from staff.

Stages of organizing HR records from scratch

To create personnel records, it is convenient to use the following step-by-step instructions:

Preparation of necessary To organize a personnel service, you first need to purchase furniture, office equipment, stationery, etc. You will definitely need a personnel program, for example, “1C: ZUP” and a legal reference system. Thanks to this, department employees will monitor the latest changes in legislation and have access to the necessary documents. A safe is needed to store work and important papers.
Manager's registration A director is the executive officer of any company. He signs the documentation. To vest him with full powers, he is hired under an employment agreement. A corresponding order is issued, by which he appoints himself.
Appointment of a person responsible for personnel work IN small company These functions can be performed by a manager. If an individual employee is engaged in office work, an employment contract is drawn up with him. Based on it, an order is being prepared. If the duties are assigned to one of the previously hired employees, an additional agreement and order are drawn up.
Drawing up internal acts They are signed by the director and stored in a special folder along with the orders. Local documents include the papers listed above (section “Regulatory Acts”).
Documentation of personnel reception For each employee, you should create a folder for filing all papers related to his data and work activities (employment agreement, employment order, personal card).
Filling out work books Records of admission, transfers, incentives, etc. are made in these employee documents. The employer is required to open a new record book for an employee who has never worked before. Labor records and their registration journal are available in the office supply departments. These papers must be stored in a safe.

This instruction is also suitable for teapots who have no experience in this matter.

How are records kept?

To maintain records, you need to properly organize document flow.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • develop an internal regulatory framework;
  • prepare a staffing table for each staff unit;
  • make staffing arrangements;
  • prepare labor agreements;
  • develop forms for personnel;
  • issue T-2 cards;
  • approve application forms for employees;
  • prepare internal orders.

All personnel actions must be confirmed. Their list is fixed in regulations.

Additional points

Personnel accounting from scratch begins with the hiring of personnel. It is important to correctly register applicants for work and prepare the necessary documentation.

Staffing and vacations

One of the mandatory standard documents that must exist at an enterprise is the staffing table (form T-3).

  • list of structural units and positions;
  • number of staff units for each position;
  • salaries, allowances by position;
  • organization's salary fund.

Divisions are indicated in the document according to the degree of their importance to the operation of the organization. Within them, employee positions should also be listed in order of importance. The job titles in employment agreements and staffing schedules must match.

The staffing arrangement is a form of schedule with the full names of employees entered in accordance with their positions.

The vacation schedule (form T-7) reflects information about the time of provision annual leave to all employees. Compiled for a year. It is approved by the director in agreement with the trade union body. The document must be completed at least 2 weeks before the new year. The data entered into it is mandatory for both employees and employers. The exception is for beneficiaries.

The schedule includes the following details:

  • department name;
  • Job title;
  • Full name and personnel number of the worker;
  • number of vacation days;
  • dates of going on vacation according to plan and actual;
  • reason for rescheduling vacation, estimated date.

The employee is informed about this 2 weeks before the vacation. An order is issued, with which the employee is familiarized with signature. In November, you can prepare an order for all department heads obliging them to submit vacation schedules to the accounting department by December 1. This will make it easier to prepare the overall schedule.

Employee registration

The full-fledged work of an organization begins with the recruitment of employees. Filling vacancies is accompanied by paperwork.

The responsibilities of the HR officer when hiring employees are as follows:

  • registration of an application from an applicant in a special journal;
  • familiarizing the newcomer with current instructions and local regulations;
  • drawing up an employment agreement and monitoring its signing by the parties;
  • issuing a copy of the contract to the employee and putting a note about it on the organization’s letterhead;
  • execution and registration of the order in the accounting book;
  • filling out a personal card, filing documents in the file (applications, copies of personal papers, orders, contracts);
  • transfer of documents to the accountant for calculating the employee’s salary.

When building a personnel records management system, you should initially decide which documents must be prepared and which are needed for a specific field of activity.

Required papers include:

  • orders for personnel (reception, transfer, etc.);
  • personnel orders (for vacations, bonuses, business trips, etc.);
  • T-2 cards;
  • labor;
  • agreements;

Other required papers include the following:

  • staffing schedule;
  • OT position;
  • travel log;
  • inner order rules;
  • others.

It is not necessary to maintain job descriptions and a collective agreement, but almost every employer has these documents.

After establishing the list of mandatory documentation, you should study the statutory documents. Based on them, other documents need to be developed. Their list depends on the nature of the legal entity’s activities and the characteristics of working conditions. For example, if it is necessary to provide employees with uniforms and PPE, it is necessary to prepare an order on the procedure and timing for their issuance, and which employees need them.

Compensations and benefits for work in special conditions must be documented: in hazardous industries, irregular hours, night work, etc. Next, the Regulations on personnel records management are drawn up. It reflects the list of papers necessary for the organization’s work, the procedure for their execution and storage.

The legislation does not oblige the development of such a Regulation, but it will significantly facilitate the work of personnel officers. A director is first hired to work in a new organization, then he recruits the rest of the staff.

The composition and number of required positions is reflected in the staffing table. The operating rules reflect all work schedules, requirements for employees, etc. A standard labor agreement is developed based on the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Before using accounting journals, they should be prepared: the sheets should be numbered, stitched, and sealed. A piece of paper is glued to the last sheet of firmware. The number of pages is indicated on it, the director or executive officer signs, and a seal is affixed. On the first page of the journal they write the name of the organization and the start date of its maintenance.

One of the most important personnel records documents is the work book. To maintain them, the order appoints a responsible person who fills them out and is responsible for their safety.


The organization of personnel records has certain subtleties and nuances:

Recovery procedure The procedure is not reflected in the legislation.

It usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Study of current standards.
  2. Determining the list of required documents.
  3. Planning further work organizations.
  4. Determination of persons responsible for documents.
  5. Formation staffing table.
  6. Checking the correctness of hiring of employees, movements, personnel changes, dismissals.
  7. Determining the legality of the labor regime at the enterprise.
Features of individual entrepreneurs with hired employees An entrepreneur hires staff according to a standard scenario.

The contract is concluded in several stages:

  • Obtaining the necessary papers.
  • Filling out an application.
  • Drawing up and signing an agreement.
  • Formation of an order for admission.
  • Establishing a T-2 card.
  • Making an entry in the labor record.
  • The employment of citizens who speak English has its own characteristics.
Managing a small business
  • In these organizations, personnel issues can be dealt with by the manager himself or a special department.
  • An employer can outsource HR records. All issues will be resolved by a third-party specialized organization.
  • Difficulties with document flow arise if the organization is large, has structural units and a large volume of documentation. In this case, the courier may be responsible for handing over the papers. At the same time, representatives of the performing organization often do not visit the customer’s office, i.e. the work is carried out completely remotely.
Simplification of accounting for micro-enterprises All working conditions are fixed in an agreement with the employee. In 2019, managers of these companies and individual entrepreneurs have the right to refuse to draw up local regulations. Within 4 months from the date of loss of micro-enterprise status, management is obliged to prepare “traditional” personnel documentation.

Personnel documents from scratch for an LLC are a specific list of documents that must be drawn up at the enterprise from the moment of its creation. We will tell you what this list is, what papers are included in it and how to complete it in our article.

Personnel documents (accounting) from scratch: types

Personnel records management is the maintenance of personnel documentation, i.e. regulation and legitimization of labor relations between employee and employer. Maintaining the specified documentation at the enterprise is entrusted to the personnel department or a special person authorized to do so by a special order and having special knowledge in this area.

The following are commonly referred to as personnel records:

  1. Drawing up labor agreements, contracts, and annexes to them.
  2. Issuing and recording various management orders, such as orders for hiring or dismissal.
  3. Registration and accounting of personal cards for employees.
  4. Preparation and maintenance of time sheets.
  5. Preparation and maintenance of various documentation containing general information, for example journals, registers.

In order to correctly begin the preparation of personnel documentation at the enterprise, it is necessary first of all to familiarize yourself with other documentation that should be at the enterprise. These include:

  1. A decision or protocol stating that an enterprise has been created.
  2. LLC Charter.
  3. Conclusion, newsletters bodies exercising control over the activities of the LLC.
  4. Documents confirming the fact of LLC registration.
  5. Documents serving as confirmation that the specified LLC owns some property.
  6. Regulations on the creation of branches and divisions.
  7. List of affiliates.
  8. Protocols, decisions of the founders (participants) of the LLC.

Familiarity with the basic documentation will give the HR officer an idea of ​​the specific documents that need to be prepared.

Types of personnel documentation

Personnel documentation is usually divided into two groups:

  1. Papers, the main purpose of which is to regulate working conditions in the company, as well as methods of personnel management, for example, regulations on a structural unit, internal labor regulations.
  2. Documentation aimed at accounting for the personnel of the enterprise, for example, orders for hiring, granting vacations, sending on business trips, etc.

Another classification personnel documents involves their division into the following subgroups:

  1. Documentation regulating the labor activities of the enterprise:
    • employment contract;
    • annexes to the employment contract;
    • employment history;
    • employee's personal file;
    • other documents.
  2. Documentation of administrative nature. This may include orders for personnel and other instructions. You can learn how to prepare these documents from the article “Orders for personnel - what are these orders?”
  3. Internal official correspondence.
  4. Various documentation related to accounting and registration, for example, a log of orders for personnel. You can learn about the rules for its registration in the article “How to properly maintain a personnel register.”
  5. Documentation containing informative and accounting information, for example, a time sheet.

Required documents for personnel records: group 1

List of documents related to the first group (regulation of labor activities):

  1. Journal of accounting forms of work books and inserts for them. You can learn more about it from the article “Sample of filling out a work record book - download”.
  2. Internal labor regulations (Articles 189, 190 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  3. Regulations on the protection of personal data (Articles 87, 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  4. Orders and familiarization sheets with local regulations, instructions, etc.
  5. Various accounting journals, for example, a journal of employment contracts or movement of work books.
  6. Documentation related to the special assessment of workplaces.
  7. Documentation related to labor protection. This includes various instructions, regulations, related acts and orders.

Required documents for personnel records: group 2

The second group, responsible for accounting for LLC personnel, includes the following documents:

  1. Employment history. Its design is described in the article “Sample of filling out a work book in 2016.”
  2. Staffing schedule. You can learn how to draw it up from the article “Drawing up a staffing table for an LLC in 2015 (sample).”
  3. Personal cards for employees in the T-2 form.
  4. Vacation schedule. You can learn about the procedure for granting them from the article “Procedure for granting leaves under the Labor Code.
  5. Labor agreements with their annexes. The procedure for concluding an employment contract is described in the article.
  6. Directives and orders, as well as documents that support them, such as memos, acts, etc.

We prepare documents from scratch

In order to properly start preparing personnel documentation at an enterprise from scratch, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Stock up on the necessary literature, as well as reference materials, which will greatly simplify the preparation of some personnel documents. Various legal systems can help with this.
  2. Study the charter documentation of the LLC.
  3. Identify and compile a list of documents that must be present at the enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its activities.
  4. Based on the decision of the company participants to conclude an employment contract with the director of the LLC.
  5. Create a staffing schedule. You can learn how to do this from the article “Drawing up a staffing table for an LLC in 2016.”
  6. Develop and approve a standard employment agreement form, which will subsequently be used when registering new employees. You can read about the procedure for concluding contracts in the article “General procedure for concluding an employment contract under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”
  7. Resolve the issue of who will draw up and maintain work books in the LLC. You can learn how this is done from the article “Instructions for filling out and maintaining work books.”
  8. Register LLC employees for work in the proper manner. About what documents are required in this case, see the article “What documents are needed when applying for a job.”

Features of personnel records for micro-enterprises

The concept and status of a microenterprise are disclosed in the law “On the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russian Federation» dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ.

In accordance with this law, a microenterprise has the following characteristic features:

  1. The number of employees is up to 15 people (Part 2 of Article 4 of Law No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2007).
  2. The income received from all types of activities of such an enterprise does not exceed 120 million rubles. (clause 1, part 1.1, article 4 of the law dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation has been supplemented with Ch. 48.1, which contains the features of regulating the labor of small businesses, as well as micro-enterprises (law “On amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regarding the features of regulating the labor of persons working for employers - small businesses that are classified as micro-enterprises” dated 07/03/2016 No. 348-FZ). It comes into force on 01/01/2017.

Thus, under the terms of this chapter, micro-enterprises will have the right to refuse to issue the following personnel documents (Article 309.2 of Law No. 348-FZ dated July 3, 2016):

  1. Shift schedule.
  2. Regulations on wages.
  3. Internal labor regulations.
  4. Regulations on bonuses.

At the same time, the employer will be obliged to include certain conditions that in other organizations are regulated by the specified local regulatory legal acts in the employment contract. From 01/01/2017, micro-enterprises will have to enter into employment contracts in the form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/27/2016 No. 858.

List of documents that become mandatory under certain circumstances

Some personnel and accounting documentation may become mandatory in an LLC if certain conditions are met, for example:

  1. Collective agreement. It may become mandatory if there is an expression of will on its conclusion by at least one of the parties to the labor relationship. Article “Collective agreement - mandatory or not?” /kadry/trudovoj_dogovor/kollektivnyj_dogovor_obyazatelen_ili_net/ will help you understand this issue.
  2. Regulations on the bonus procedure. It becomes mandatory if no other acts, as well as the employment contract, contain conditions on the procedure for calculating bonuses and additional payments.
  3. Shift schedule. Becomes mandatory if the organization operates in shifts. You can learn more about this from the article “What is shift work work according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”(/kadry/rabochee_vremya/chto_znachit_smennyj_grafik_raboty_po_tk_rf/).
  4. Regulations on keeping trade secrets. It must be applied if the employment agreement with the employee specifies the conditions, as well as a list of instructions that are included in the trade secret.
  5. Documentation related to foreign workers, as well as the rules for their admission. If there are such employees, the following documents must be present:
    • notification of concluding an employment contract with a foreign citizen (Clause 8, Article 13 of the Law “On the Legal Status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ);
    • work book of the established form (part 1 of article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
    • educational documents;
    • documents confirming the legality of such a person’s presence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
    • documents confirming the legality of work activities;
    • other papers required due to the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

Drawing up personnel documents from scratch for an LLC requires an analysis of the constituent documents, as well as the activities that the organization intends to engage in, and the contingent of workers who are planned to be hired. Since 2017, personnel records in micro-enterprises have become particularly specific.

Personnel accounting - an important component of the office work of any enterprise. The intricacies of organizing this process will be discussed in our article.

Where to start HR records at an enterprise in 2016 (legislative framework)

Personnel accounting at an enterprise represents, on the one hand, the work of the organization to document all changes in the working life and activities of the team as a whole and each staff unit of the company separately, and on the other hand, directly personnel document flow. Organizations personnel records the enterprise must be preceded by familiarity with legislative framework about this question. It must be said that there are quite a lot of regulations related to personnel records management, since they include not only laws, but also departmental regulations, orders and various GOSTs.

An approximate list of regulatory documentation related to personnel records, may include the following legal acts:

  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Federal Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ (Article 9 talks about the procedure for preparing personnel documents).
  3. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia “On approval of unified forms...” dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.
  4. GOST R 6.30-2003 (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 03.03.2003 No. 65-st), which defines the procedure for processing documents.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225, which established requirements for maintaining and storing work books at an enterprise.
  6. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 9 on the rules for filling out work books.
  7. Federal Law “On Archiving” dated October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ and Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, defining a list of standard management archival documents and their storage periods.
  8. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2011 No. 347n on the form of sick leave and the Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance...” dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, which defines the procedure for filling out sick leave and registering maternity leave.
  9. Methodological recommendations for maintaining military records at enterprises (approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on April 11, 2008).

Personnel accounting from scratch step by step in a new organization (in an LLC)

Organization personnel records in a new LLC, as in any other organization, may include the following steps:

  1. Approval of local documentation. Analysis of labor legislation allows us to identify a number of internal documents of the enterprise, without the adoption of which the company cannot do. These include:

    Each organization determines the specific list of internal documentation independently.

  2. Development and approval of standard forms of primary accounting documentation. Despite the fact that the requirements of the Russian State Statistics Committee dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 on this issue are not mandatory, it is recommended to follow the norms of this document.
  3. Approval of standard forms of other personnel documents not related to primary accounting documents.
  4. Development and approval of journals and registration books. In addition to the medical examination log, in 2016 the following books are required to be kept in personnel records:
  5. Formation of staffing.
  6. Development and approval of a standard employment contract, as well as job descriptions for employees.
  7. Appointment of a person responsible for maintaining personnel records member of the work team.

Restoration of personnel records management

Restoring the required order in documents, in contrast to organizing personnel records from scratch, is, on the one hand, a simpler process, since many business papers and journals have already been created, but on the other hand, it may turn out to be more complex, since it will be necessary to detect shortcomings in the existing system.

Don't know your rights?

Restoring lost or unsystematic personnel records should take place in several stages:

  1. General inventory of existing personnel documents in the company.
  2. Checking the availability and completeness of the submitted documents.
  3. Analysis of employment contracts concluded with employees.
  4. Studying the staffing table for completeness of the data reflected in it.
  5. Checking the availability and execution of employee work books.

Restoring personnel records requires eliminating all gaps and shortcomings identified as a result of an inventory of personnel documents.

Conducting personnel records in a separate department and for individual entrepreneurs with hired employees. Is this relevant for small businesses?

Sometimes the organizational form of a company can raise questions related to the order of business personnel records. Let's look at some options.

The organization of personnel records management in a separate division of an enterprise can be complicated by the fact that this division, on the one hand, does not have legal independence, and on the other, is often located remote from the parent organization locality. The legislation does not provide for separate norms and requirements for personnel records management in separate departments, therefore each employer himself determines how to organize work in this case. Typically, one of the following schemes is used:

  1. Centralized. This option involves transferring authority to work with personnel documentation to a single department serving both the parent company and the branch. Suitable for organizations that have separate divisions in the same region.
  2. Decentralized. In this case, personnel services are created both in the parent organization and in branches. At the same time, they perform virtually the same work within the trusted division, although the powers and responsibilities of the central office personnel service may be somewhat broader than the competence of the same branch services.
  3. Mixed. This scheme involves the creation of personnel services both in the parent company and in branches with a division of delegated responsibilities. Thus, only the central office can draw up employment contracts throughout the organization, but the personnel departments of branches are also authorized to store files or impose penalties.

A large number of questions about the need to conduct personnel records arise from individual entrepreneurs. The legislator’s opinion on this matter is clear: if an individual entrepreneur has at least one employee, personnel accounting must be carried out in full.

Small businesses, as a rule, are concerned that there is usually no professional personnel officer on staff, but this state of affairs does not eliminate the need to conduct personnel records. The duties of the personnel officer in this case are imposed on the accountant, secretary or other employee, who should first be trained in the peculiarities of personnel records management at special courses or seminars.

Programs for maintaining personnel records - download a free demo version or buy?

Currently, many online resources offer download for free programs for maintaining personnel records, allowing you to automate all personnel records or some part of it. However, as a rule, only a demo version is free, designed for several days (weeks, months) of work. To continue working, you must then purchase a license, key, or full version programs.

Such an advertising move, oddly enough, is beneficial not only to the seller of the product, but also to the consumer, as it allows you to choose the most suitable program for a particular enterprise or get acquainted with the principles of its operation and develop your own. As a result, the choice remains with the employer who decides to automate personnel records management. At the same time, you need to keep in mind that you won’t be able to save money by constantly working in the demo version of the personnel program, and if you choose one of the automation products, sooner or later you will have to buy a license or the full version.

Thus, by organizing HR records from scratch, you can take your time when choosing a program for maintaining personnel records and not purchase the first product you come across. After all, selecting the optimal option will not only automate HR administration, but will also significantly facilitate the work process.

In addition to accounting and tax accounting any legal entity or individual entrepreneur (if it has employees) is required to keep personnel records. However, practice shows that personnel records in small organizations are either completely absent, or only that part of it is present that is associated with the payment of salaries and the calculation of taxes. Therefore, in this article we want to talk about a certain minimum of personnel documents that every organization should have.

What is personnel records? Who should lead it?

What is personnel accounting? There is no single definition, but in simple terms we can say that it is the recording of documents related to employees. That is, all documents that are in one way or another connected with the formalization of labor relations (hiring, dismissal, etc.) and with the organization of employee labor (internal labor regulations, regulations on bonuses, etc.) are personnel records.

Who should do it in the organization? This is often a sore point for small businesses. Since maintaining personnel records in full and “not for show” is a very difficult matter, it should be handled by a specially trained person - a specialist in the personnel department (in other words, a personnel officer). But to motivate the director of an organization to hire special person It can be very difficult to keep track of personnel. On the other hand, a small company does not have enough work for an individual specialist. Therefore, this is usually done by the company’s chief accountant and manager.

In view of this, a situation arises when personnel records are kept only in some part of them: the manager hires an employee, the chief accountant calculates his salary. That's all. Although the employer has many more responsibilities than those listed above. The main law governing the relationship between employee and employer is Labor Code Russian Federation (TC RF). It is he who establishes the rights and obligations of the employer in the field of personnel records.

Minimum set of documents

Various articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation define quite a lot of personnel documents that should be in any organization. We will not touch upon the procedure for preparing these documents, but will only provide a list of those documents that must be (must be stored) at the enterprise, with some comments. So:

  1. Employment contract. An employment contract must be concluded with each employee (including the director of the organization), since it is on the basis of the employment contract that labor Relations.
  2. Additional agreements to the employment contract. If the terms of the employment contract change, then all changes must be formalized in the form of additional documents. agreements to the employment contract.
  3. Job description. It describes what the employee must do in this position, his rights and responsibilities. It can be included in the employment contract and then a separate document is not required.
  4. Employment history. When hiring an employee, the employer must take from him work book, make an appropriate entry in it and store it accordingly. The work book is returned to the employee upon dismissal.
  5. The receipt and expenditure book for recording work book forms and the inserts in them and the book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them are mandatory documents for recording work books kept by the employer.
  6. Staffing schedule. It is on the basis of the staffing table that the positions and jobs for which employees are hired are determined.
  7. Vacation schedule. Must be in every enterprise. It is usually compiled at the end of the year for the next year.
  8. Time sheet. A mandatory document of an approved form in which the employer takes into account the time worked by the employee. Conducted for each employee.
  9. Pay slip. Issued to each employee on the payment day wages. There is no approved form, but there are mandatory requirements for the contents of the payslip.
  10. Employee's personal card. It is entered into full information about the employee. There is an approved form of personal card. Conducted for each employee.
  11. Internal Labor Regulations (ILR). A mandatory document, which, as the name suggests, establishes internal labor regulations. Employees must be familiar with it.
  12. Personal Data Protection Regulation (PDPD). A mandatory document in which the employer regulates the procedure for handling personal data. The PPPD can be included in the PVTR and then a separate document is not required. Employees must be familiar with it.
  13. Regulations on remuneration and bonuses. A document that describes possible ways bonuses and additional payments. It can be included in the PVTR and then a separate document is not required. Employees must be familiar with it.
  14. Documents confirming authority. Powers of attorney in the case when personnel documents are signed not by the manager, but by a specially authorized person.
  15. Relevant orders. On hiring, on approval of pay slips, PVTR, PZPD, etc. That is, all actions related to personnel must be carried out on the basis of orders/instructions of the manager (or another authorized person). There are approved forms for some orders (for example, hiring).

This concludes the minimum list of required personnel documents. There are many more documents that the enterprise must also have, for example, regulations on business trips - if employees go on business trips, regulations on irregular working hours - if employees have one, as well as documents on military registration of citizens, etc. But these are more specific documents.

Some features of personnel records

It is advisable to prepare, store and maintain the above list of documents. However, in order to make it easier for yourself to fulfill your responsibilities for maintaining personnel records, there are several points that also need to be taken into account.

First. If an individual entrepreneur hires an employee for the first time, then, unlike legal entity you must register with your territorial bodies of the Russian Pension Fund and the Fund social insurance as an employer. The registration deadlines are as follows: 10 days for registration with the Social Insurance Fund and 30 days for registration with the Pension Fund. The period is counted from the date of hiring the first employee. Otherwise individual entrepreneur Hefty fines await.

Second. The employer is required to familiarize employees with many documents against signature. Therefore, it is convenient to create an appropriate book (books) where employees will sign that they have read the document. In addition, for example, the employer is obliged to issue a payslip to the employee. Therefore, it is wise to bring a book for issuing pay slips. In it, employees will sign for their receipt. But in the event of any conflict, it will be she who will confirm that the sheets were actually issued.

Little tricks

Let's assume that you have a planned or unscheduled inspection personnel records by regulatory authorities. This is certainly unpleasant, but what can you do? In order for the test to be as painless as possible, it is advisable to prepare for it. And during preparation, it is necessary to take into account some points of legislation related to this (we recommend paying close attention to them), namely:

  1. Regulatory authorities must notify you of a scheduled inspection no later than three days before it begins (Article 9 of Law No. 294-FZ). About an unscheduled event - no later than 24 hours before its start (with some exceptions, Article 10 of Law No. 294-FZ).
  2. The period for conducting an inspection (documentary, on-site) cannot be more than 20 working days. The period of a scheduled on-site inspection for a small enterprise cannot be more than 50 hours, for a micro-enterprise it cannot be more than 15 hours (Article 13 of Law No. 294-FZ).
  3. An on-site inspection cannot be carried out in the absence of the manager or other authorized person (Article 15 of Law No. 294-FZ).
  4. In case of gross violations during an inspection, its results cannot be evidence of a violation of the law by the organization (Article 20 of Law No. 294-FZ). The list of gross violations is not small (Article 20 of Law No. 294-FZ) and includes violation of the deadlines for conducting and notification.

In custody

Personnel records are not only mandatory, but also a very important component of any business. Many issues that arise in one way or another during the activities of an organization relate specifically to personnel records. Therefore, its correct management will not only avoid many problems, but will also give the organization a more complete understanding of its internal structure, risks, and opportunities.

The task of any personnel officer is to establish the maintenance of personnel records at the enterprise. In this case, the provisions of regulations and labor legislation should be taken into account.

From the article you will learn:

Personnel accounting is a record of the movement of an organization’s personnel associated with documenting the reception, transfer and employee layoffs, labor relations with employees and labor organization. Personnel records are maintained on the basis of primary personnel documentation and internal labor regulations.

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How to record it in personnel records if the employee did not sign the dismissal order

Workers sometimes sabotage dismissal to reduce staff and refuse to sign an order to terminate the employment contract. In this case, the HR inspector must read the order to the employee and make a note on the document: “I refused to sign the order. The order was read aloud to the employee,” indicate the date and affix the signature (with transcript) of the responsible person - an employee of the personnel service (part two of Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The Labor Code does not require drawing up an act in this situation, but we recommend doing so to protect yourself. The personnel officer certifies the inscription on the order only with his signature. Therefore, the employee can claim that nothing about order didn’t know and he was fired illegally. The act is drawn up in the presence of witnesses who certify its contents collectively. Such a document will be more reliable evidence in court.

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What to do if an employee refuses to sign in the labor record book

To properly maintain personnel records, draw up a report stating that the employee received a work book, but refused to sign in the accounting book. Indicate the details of this document in column 13 of the book. When checking the GIT, the act will confirm that the employer accepted necessary measures to obtain the employee's signature in the accounting book.

The form of the book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them is approved by Appendix No. 3 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 10, 2003 No. 69. It is mandatory for employers. Employees must sign it upon dismissal that they have received a work book. If there are no signatures in column 13, the GIT inspector may consider that the personnel service is working with work books with violations, and impose a fine (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The act of refusal to sign in the accounting book is drawn up in any form. The dismissed employee is asked to read it and sign it. If he refuses, the act is read aloud and a note is made: “From familiarization with the act signed by Ivanov I.I. refused. The act was read aloud to Ivanov.” If the employee has already resigned, indicate in the document that it is impossible to familiarize the employee with him. Then certify the document with the signatures of the originator and witnesses - preferably at least three employees.

How to issue an order for the right to sign primary documents?

To facilitate the accounting of personnel orders, organizations often provide the deputy chief accountant the right to sign financial documents. How to draw up an order for the right to sign “primary”? Is there a standard form?

Issue an order to transfer the right to sign primary documents in any form (sample below). There is no standard form.

Usually an order consists of a stating and an administrative part. The first briefly explains why the document was issued. For example, “in order to optimize document flow”, “for the purpose of timely acceptance of goods”, but such explanations are not mandatory.

The administrative part of the order indicates:

  1. FULL NAME. and the position of the person who is given the right to sign;
  2. a list of documents that this person can sign;
  3. the period for which the right to sign is granted (if necessary).

The order must contain a sample signature of the employee who is given the right to sign documents. Delegate This right can be applied both to a group of acts as a whole (for example, to all primary documentation) and to one type of document (only to invoices, delivery notes, etc.).

The order is signed by the head of the organization. Then they are introduced to it under the signature of all interested employees (Part 1, Article 7, Article 9 of Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012).

How to make an extract from an order?

An extract from the personnel order, at the employee’s request, should be drawn up on the organization’s letterhead or a regular sheet. Please indicate which document you are extracting from. Reflect the date and registration number of the order.

Add the title to the text of the order and the stating part, if any, to the extract. Then copy the required fragment of the order and the “Signature” detail, that is, the name of the position of the person who signed the order and the transcript of his signature (initials and surname). The personal signatures of the employee and the manager who signed the document do not need to be reproduced in the extract of the order.

So that the extract has legal force, make a certification. It includes the word “True”, the position of the person who certified the copy, his personal signature with a transcript (initials, surname). Make a note that the original document is located in this organization. Insert the date of certification and the seal of the organization or human resources department.

How to properly maintain personnel records if there is one HR department for several branches

The provision on remote office work using scans and mail will help organize personnel records of personnel in branches without a personnel officer. The regulations need to specify the procedure for interaction between the head HR department and managers in other cities. You don’t have to invent anything, the main thing is to use document scans and mail correctly.

To fix the work algorithm of the HR department and local managers, develop a regulation on remote personnel administration. In the act, describe the actions of everyone who will participate in this process.

Make a note about what documents for personnel records you need to receive from the employee. Specify who will receive from the employee the required documents and consent to the processing of personal data. You can make notes in advance about what documents are needed for each position (see sample below).

To make sure that the applicant has submitted everything and there are no questions, ask the manager to scan the documents and send them to e-mail to the HR department. Once you have checked the candidate's documents and confirmed that the employee can be registered, the manager can sign the documents.

Send employment contract templates to branch managers. Standard forms of the organization’s main personnel documents will simplify the task for local personnel accounting specialists. If there are special working conditions, the manager will agree on them with you by email, for example, non-standard operating hours.

Do local acts companies in several copies according to the number of branches, so that managers introduce them to new employees. This can be confirmed by signatures in the boxes at the end of the employment contract.

After the parties have signed a template employment contract, the manager makes a scanned copy of the document and sends it to the HR department. At this moment, the company receives confirmation that an employment relationship has arisen, and on the same or the next day it sends an acceptance order and, if necessary, other documents to the manager by email. If the company does not have managers fill out templates, then you prepare a new employment contract and all related documents and send them by email within one or two days.

Eliminate cases when, when applying for a job, the manager or applicant put the wrong date on the documents, skipped sheets or filled out columns incorrectly. To do this, state that managers must scan documents with the employee’s signature and show them by email to the HR officer. The verification may take a day or two, depending on the amount of work in staff and the number of documents. This will reduce the number of errors and eliminate the need to correct documents after they have already been signed.

The manager sends the contract to personnel, and the employee sends the work book. In the provision, write down the details of sending documents. The manager must send the original documents signed by the employee to the HR department. Do the same with the work book of the new employee. But you can oblige the employee to send the work book to HR himself.

Instruct the manager to send all documents signed by the employee to the HR department. When you check the scanned copies of the documents that the employee signed, within one or two days the manager should send you the originals by Russian Post or other commercial service. If the manager has already signed the documents, then all you have to do is distribute them into folders. The employee will receive an employment contract from his immediate supervisor.

Enter the email addresses of HR department employees and the addresses where to send documents in a separate file. Place this information on the corporate website, server and send it to branches. Also consider who to send documents to if the personnel officer is on vacation or sick.

Determine who will forward the employee’s work record to the HR department. An employee can transfer a work book in two ways: send it by mail to the HR department themselves or give it to the manager, who will then forward it to the HR officer.

It is rational to hand over the work book to the manager if he often goes on business trips to the office where the HR department is located. But the manager who takes the work book is not responsible for its safety. After all, by order, a personnel officer was appointed responsible for maintaining and storing work records. Therefore, if a manager loses his work book, involve him in disciplinary liability the company won't be able to.

To keep records of work books accepted at branches, keep logs of receipt and dispatch of work books in each of them. This is an optional document, but you can use it to check when the manager accepted the work book and how he handed it over to the HR department.
