What kind of internet is needed for wot. World of Tanks system requirements for different graphics settings

Why is World of Tanks buggy and slow? There can be many answers - weak computer configuration (outdated hardware) or incorrectly configured software. In the first case, only a serious system upgrade can help you, but we’ll look at the second in more detail in this article.

This material is intended for all categories of players - beginners and professionals, so if something seems terrible to you, remember that for someone it was important information. Go.

In any online game there are two important parameters - FPS and ping. The values ​​of both parameters are available in the upper left corner during battle.

Part two - client optimization

In short, if your game is slowing down, you need to take the following steps:

  1. In the game settings, reduce the options related to graphics.
  2. Use the program to disable unnecessary effects.

Recipe from the developers

Recently, on the official website of the game there was a tip for increasing the performance of the game.

For Windows 7 and Vista launch cmd(command line) with administrator rights. To do this, click on " Start" and in the search field (below) write " cmd" (without quotes). Wait until the black icon that says cmd appears, right-click on it and select " Run as administrator":

In the window that appears, enter: " bcdedit/set increaseuserva *" (without quotes) where instead of a star you need to specify your amount of RAM (or a smaller value). This command will limit the memory that will be used for applications and it is recommended to specify a smaller value than the actual amount of RAM.

For example: - for systems with 4GB RAM or bcdedit /set increaseuserva 1792 for 2GB RAM.

After applying the command, you must restart the computer. To delete these settings (return to their original state), you need to write in the same command line: " bcdedit/deletevalue increaseuserva" (again, without quotes).

After the above described manipulations, your FPS should increase.

Part three - optimizing ping

If your ping is in the range of 10-100ms, this is normal. You won't be able to do it below. If your ping is 100 or more, then you can play around a little.

Well, firstly, the problem may be in the connection itself - if you are using mobile 3G or satellite Internet - the latency will always be high. Also, if you live at the North Pole (figuratively), far from the civilized Internet on a dedicated line, no one will help you here. First, try changing your provider to one that provides a larger bandwidth.

However, I was able to improve my ping numbers using the program CFosSpeed to adjust ping and increase throughput. List of features (from the official website):

  • Improves your Ping for online gaming
  • Keeps the Internet fast during heavy download/upload
  • NEW: Improves mobile Internet
  • Reduces problems with audio/video Internet streams
  • Improves speech quality in programs using VoIP

Download the program from here, after installing the program, BUT before starting World of Tanks right click mouse on the CFosSpeed ​​tray icon > traffic adjustment > Best ping time.

Is World of Tanks slow? Or do you have a weak computer? Or did you log into the game after the next update and WoT began to slow down terribly? If all this is familiar to you, but this course of events does not suit you, then read this article to the end, delving into every line of text. And, if everything is done correctly, then you will part with the game brakes forever...

So let's begin:

Why World of Tanks slows down:

First, let's check something as trivial as system requirements. I know, I know, now you start:

So, minimum system requirements for playing world of tanks:

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
256 Kbps.
Processor (CPU): and here's the most interesting thing, in 2014 this figure was 2.2 GHz, in 2015 added to the numbers: "supporting SSE2 technology", A in 2016, the 2.2 GHz numbers were removed, but wrote in words "With two or more physical cores"(but as far as I know, 2 cores began to be released as soon as the processor frequency exceeded the threshold of 2.6 GHz, so we draw conclusions)
Random access memory (RAM): 1.5 GB for Windows XP, 2 GB for Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10.
Video adapter: GeForce 6800/ ATI HD X2400 XT with 256 MB memory, DirectX 9.0c.
Audio: DirectX 9.0c compatible.
about 27 GB.

The minimum requirements are minimal because you will launch the game, but it will be difficult to play comfortably, believe me. So it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the “brakes” and “freezes” of the client. Here you can’t do without upgrading your hardware... The parts recommended for replacement are, of course, the processor, video card and RAM...

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 - 64-bit.
Internet connection speed: 1024 Kbps or higher (for voice chat).
Processor (CPU): Intel Core i5-3330 (for those who don’t know: 4 cores at 3 GHz - not bad).
Random access memory (RAM): 4 GB (or more).
Video adapter: GeForce GTX660 (2 GB) / Radeon HD 7850 2 GB, DirectX 9.0c.
Audio card: DirectX 9.0c compatible.
Free hard disk space:~36 GB.

The recommended requirements are certainly not exorbitant, but for old computers this is, as they say, “like walking to China” and if you are reading this article, it means that you have something in between these two characteristics. As usual, either the video is weak, or the RAM is not enough, or the percentage was inherited from someone’s hardware.

World of Tanks is slow! Well, what can you do here?

If your lags and slowdowns are due to the processor and even more so if this same processor is single-core, there’s nothing you can do about it, will have to change, well, he doesn’t “take out” the game now, although in 2014 it was still possible to play on this... alas

By the way, I wrote about how to choose a good computer in an article that I recommend reading.

Next comes random access memory (RAM). What can you do with it? Physically, of course, nothing. But you can remove unnecessary garbage, all programs that are loaded in your tray (for those who don’t know, the tray is where the Windows clock is, usually the lower right corner). That's why you need all sorts of managers when playing (viber, mail, icq, skype, etc.) - close it! Torrent?! Definitely OFF! Not only does it “eat up” the RAM, but it also clogs the Internet channel. Next is the browser, brrrrr... Look in the manager how much Google Chrome is eating. You will be horrified! We're closing! We close the rest of the browsers (because they also consume quite a lot)! I would even close the antivirus during the game (by the way, NOD32 has a game mode that frees up a certain amount of RAM for games), and it’s not possible to completely disable any antivirus so easily.

Special aesthetes use programs like Wise Memory Optimizer, which clear the memory of unused data (personally, I would not recommend using these, because I myself caught the “blue screen of death” on a test computer with WinHR installed).
It’s better, of course, to buy up to a decent 4 GB of RAM, especially if you have an old computer, then the RAM for it (DDR, DDR2) will cost mere pennies, and the comfort from it will be felt for a very, very long time. On the test machine I played on dual-channel RAMe (DDR2) 4 GB (2x2GB) and everything was fine!

Next in line for us video card.

If there is not enough video memory, then we try to remove the excess using the program WOT Tweaker downloading it for the current version of the game client on the Internet. In the tweaker you can remove such extras. effects that cannot be disabled from the game client, such as flying dirt from under the tracks, optical effects from a burning tank, etc. But it's worth it, take my word for it!

If the fps in the game shows too little 5-10, then you can try running the client in “safe mode”:

This will disable all installed mods and we can safely say that fps drops due to mods. For example, I encountered a drop in fps from a mod. I will post a video about more detailed graphics settings at the end of the article. Read on...

It happens to someone that the computer hardware is far from weak, even up to the latest versions, and there is nothing unnecessary hanging out in the tray (like a torrent), but Worl of Tanks still slows down. Then the problem is most likely with the Internet provider. Pay attention to the ping in the game, if it exceeds 50 ms, then something is wrong, either the provider is to blame, or you are running some program that requires an Internet connection to work, or your computer has a virus, such as a Trojan, that constantly sends packages via your Internet channel.

A word about 3G modems

About 3G modems(4G modems) I don’t want to talk about it here. A whole article has been written about this: . In it, I explained why everything is so bad when playing via a USB modem and which WoT game server you don’t connect to, the ping is still huge, sometimes up to 300 ms. One can only feel sorry for those people who, apart from 3G, do not have any Internet, and there are quite a few of them. And to say that their world of tanks is slow is to say nothing...

Well, probably the last reason for this is actually the operating system itself. As programmers say “windows must die”... And it’s not for nothing that they say it. During the operation of Windows, all sorts of slag is collected in the system registry, from old entries about long-deleted programs and games to new entries from some mail satellite, Yandex browser and, God forbid, from some virus that alone can create up to a million false registry entries in order to load the percentage to full.

So, over time, all this loads the work of the operating system itself, just as it takes a really long time for programs to start, or the same text editor takes a very long time to open or save documents. Here you know that the end has come for Windows. And don’t expect super speeds from it, much less a comfortable game in WoT.

There are only 2 ways out. The simplest and almost painless for the brain is to remove Windows and install a new one. The second is to start completely cleaning your computer, removing unnecessary programs, defragmenting disks, and cleaning the registry. Long and tedious. But it's up to you.

Well, as promised, I’ll post it at the end of the article video from the developers themselves(by the way, many thanks to them for it) about that how to optimize graphics in World of Tanks. This video talks in detail about what fps is and what each slider in the settings is responsible for, how you can achieve an increase in fps and what it will cost.

Setting up graphics in WoT from version 1.0

And that's all for me! Many thanks to all those who made it through this article to the end! Good luck in setting up the client, huge fps for you and no lags, so that later they don’t ask why World of Tanks is slow.

Don’t forget to share in the comments who and how defeated lags, brakes and freezes in World of Tanks. After all, your comment can help a hundred or even a thousand people!

Dear players, before asking your question, take the trouble to read all the comments, perhaps there is already an answer to it. All duplicate questions will be ignored. Thanks for understanding!

When online games were not as widespread as they are now, people were forced to pay for a certain amount of traffic they used. But now that online games have become widespread, most providers provide their users with unlimited access to the Internet, while also providing a solid connection speed.

Players can no longer be afraid to spend a large amount of money after sitting at their favorite game almost until the morning - unlimited solves this problem at the root.

How much traffic does the game consume?World of Tanks?

According to calculations, with average or minimum graphics, approximately 20 MB of traffic will be consumed per hour of playing World of Tanks. And if you add that you play for more than one hour a month, then the result is quite a serious size and you can’t do without unlimited costs.

However, now most even mobile providers provide solid connection speeds, which are almost as good as wired home Internet. Using unlimited Internet, you can be calm about your wallet and access to any Internet resources.

But still, not everyone has already switched to unlimited Internet use. If there are users among you whose access is limited to a certain amount of traffic, for example, 4GB for a month, then you are not recommended to play on settings above average - because all your traffic will simply be gobbled up by the game.

If we talk about the speed of the Internet connection, it should not be extremely high - 512 kb/s will be enough for normal operation of the game. However, at the highest graphics settings you may need a speed of 1024 kb/s. A weaker connection can lead to an increase in the ping in the game, which leads to freezing of the game and discomfort during battles.

And finally, if you still have a limited connection to the Internet, with open tanks, close all browsers and programs, like Skype, so that they do not take up megabytes while working, and also check your PC for viruses that can use the Internet during download time of dangerous programs.

" This pleasant innovation is associated with the start of cooperation between Wargaming and the national operator, within which gaming clusters were connected to Rostelecom’s backbone network. As a result, access to all Wargaming gaming platforms in Russia has fundamentally changed for subscribers of the national operator, including World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Warships (including new gaming clusters in Khabarovsk and Yekaterinburg). And Rostelecom gamers can evaluate the new opportunities right now!

Wargaming, which has become a client of Rostelecom, is one of the world's largest publishers and game developers in the free-to-play MMO market. Since its founding in 1998, it has released more than 15 projects, of which the military series of MMO games has gained the most popularity. These are the famous WOT, World of Warplanes and World of Warships, dedicated to tank, air and sea battles of the mid-20th century.

WOT Internet speed has increased!

To increase the availability of these high-load gaming services, Rostelecom connected Wargaming gaming clusters directly to its own backbone network. For this, a combination of CDN practices from leading vendors and our own algorithms was used.

“Today there are millions of game fans in Russia. Many of them play Wargaming online games and a significant part of them are our clients,” said Alexey Rogdev, head of the department for interaction with Internet providers at Rostelecom PJSC. - Rostelecom, as part of the development of the gaming direction, is carrying out a large-scale transformation of networks and IT infrastructure. The company is making efforts to improve the quality of access of its own broadband subscribers and subscribers of affiliated operators to Wargaming services. In the near future, we will begin deploying Wargaming game update systems, which will allow our subscribers to be one of the first to download updates for the company’s games and without agonizing hours of waiting.”

Thus, Wargaming’s cooperation with Rostelecom will reduce delays and losses during data transmission over the network, which will significantly increase the comfort of the game for gamers around the world.

P.S. By the way, the winners of the “Interactive Travel” campaign, which Rostelecom conducts jointly with the Travel+Adventure channel, will be able to make sure that the famous “online tanks” have accelerated even abroad. All viewers of Interactive TV can take part in this exciting competition. To do this, you need to install the “Interactive Journey” mobile application (available for free in the AppStore and Goggle Play app stores), register in it - and answer a number of questions correctly by December 9.

The fastest and most erudite participant will receive the main prize - a certificate for a tour to any country in the world with a value of up to 80,000 rubles. Thus, the winner will choose for how many days, with whom and when he will travel. Moreover, if the choice turns out to be correct, you will have no time for computer games on an exciting journey))

Almost forgot: TechnoDrive has a group - and on . Connect!

Powerful Gaming Configurations

Kingdom Under Fire 2: previously tested for Rostelecom subscribers

The World of Tanks game offers fans of tank battles a huge selection of tanks, each of which has certain parameters. Some samples have powerful armor, others have minimal visibility, and others have high mobility.

You need to look for the fastest vehicle in the game in the section of light tanks, which players often call “”. Such vehicles have thin armor and light weapons, but have improved mobility, which compensates for the above weaknesses. They are used mainly as scouts. At the same time, even among them there are leaders who can claim the title of the fastest tank in World of Tanks.

It should be noted that the TOP 5 included not just very fast tanks, but vehicles with other advantages that increase the convenience and efficiency of the game. So, what is the fastest tank in the game?


This tank belongs to the German branch and is located on the eighth level. Due to the high engine power, this particular car is deservedly considered the fastest in the game. In terms of maximum speed, no other representative of the game can compare with it, because it is capable of accelerating to critical 80 km/h! With minimal weight and high mobility, the tank is equipped with an effective gun capable of penetrating up to 190mm armor. If we add to this the low visibility of the “German”, then his presence in this ranking becomes clear.


Another representative of the German school of tank building. This tank became the first-born of the Panzerwaffe and is classified as a second-tier vehicle. You can get it at the very beginning of the game. According to the maximum speed of the car ranks second among all World of Tanks participants. Its small-caliber gun does not have high armor penetration, but is effective against light tanks due to its very high rate of fire.

3 T-54 Lightweight

The vehicle belongs to the eighth level, and is a lightweight version of the famous tank. Many players are confident that it is the best representative of the class of light vehicles, demonstrating not only high speed, but also maneuverability. The tank is capable of changing direction even at full speed. The level of camouflage is also good, but the quality of the gun is a little weak, and there are certain problems with visibility.

4 “French” fifth level - AMX ELC BIS

This car is deservedly among the best representatives. High speed, excellent visibility, decent camouflage and an effective weapon, all this is harmoniously combined in one tank, turning it into a worthy opponent on the battlefield.

5 LT-59-16

The Chinese tank is far from the most popular model among players. Nevertheless, the car is really interesting, with excellent mobility indicators. The camouflage is also excellent. Of course, other indicators, including the power of the gun, are average, but overall the tank is very good.

If you prefer fast cars, you will definitely find an interesting tank among the presented samples.
