Light everyday makeup. Beautiful light makeup

It’s rare that a modern woman allows herself to appear in society without makeup. Of course, in the everyday version, this is a minimum of cosmetics: slightly emphasized eyes and lips, a light tone and blush. After all makeup for every day should preserve the natural appearance of the face as much as possible, adding only a subtle note of freshness and brightness.

Makeup for every day

Everyday make-up is a rather delicate issue. After all, it should look so organic that it becomes simply invisible to a prying eye. At the same time, it is designed to focus only on the natural beauty of a woman. And, probably, we should start talking about such a delicate matter with typical mistakes in creating everyday makeup.

Many women sin by abusing tone, especially its quantity. But not always in the direction of excess: sometimes there is not enough of it. Of course, if the skin condition is good, then you should apply a minimal amount of foundation. But if the skin looks bad, then you need to use more tones. However, it is necessary to primarily mask places with obvious imperfections, and not cover the face with foundation as if it were plaster.

A light tone, shaped eyebrows, a little mascara and lip gloss - and you will already feel more confident

As for the method of applying the product, it doesn’t really matter: let it be a sponge, a brush or just your fingers, the main thing is to get the effect of the thinnest film even with fairly thick makeup. It is also important to be able to choose the right shade of tone. After all, by deliberately or mistakenly choosing a darker color in contrast to the whiteness of the skin of their own face, women end up with too noticeable makeup. And if on the face it is not very confusing, then the line that separates the white skin of the neck and the darkish tone of the face is very striking. Not only is it not very beautiful, but sometimes it looks as if the face is simply dirty with something. But the color of the tone must match the skin tone. So, if you, like most Slavic women, have a slightly pinkish skin color, then the shade of your skin tone should be selected in the same range, which requires only your attentiveness.

It is important to be able to distinguish the effect obtained from two different types of powder: loose powder – fixes the cream, and compact powder gives a highly pigmented effect. And when it is applied to a base with an oily texture, pigment spots appear on certain areas of the face. Choosing the type of powder is an important nuance that must be taken into account when creating a successful make-up.

Any makeup will look extremely bad on unkempt, painful skin. So you should start with careful daily facial skin care. All traditional procedures for cleaning, nourishing and moisturizing are not empty fun, but extremely important actions. They will help not only to maintain the blooming appearance of the skin, but also to make everyday makeup a light, picturesque touch in a beautiful portrait, and not a greasy daub on sandpaper.

Women do it best eye makeup for every day. And if some women completely neglect this part of the makeup, considering the natural color of their eyelashes and eyelids to be quite rich, then the majority of the fairer sex have to paint on the rim of their beautiful eyes. And over the years of daily training, this process is brought to automaticity: shadows are applied with practiced movements, eyeliner is drawn and eyelashes are painted - and as a result of this, the eyes become larger and acquire a soft shine.

For everyday eye makeup, use shadows in neutral shades

Often, women apply moisturizer to the skin around the eyes, and then eyeshadow, which leads to uneven application of makeup, creasing of shadows and the effect of dirty eyelids. Even if for some reason you do not have enough time to wait until the cream is absorbed, you can lightly powder your eyelids before applying eye shadow. By the way, later the same powder on the eyelashes will make them much more lush and fluffy, and will also prevent them from sticking together. But when it comes to eyeliner, it requires precision precision of application, which is acquired after some training. Remember: an abundance of mascara with blue eyeliner looks quite vulgar and rude.

Makeup for the impending century. Shape your eyebrows and apply an eyeshadow base to your eyelids

Apply a neutral shade of eyeshadow to the entire upper eyelid and draw a line between the lashes.

Now you can draw a thicker arrow, but not too thick

Line the lower eyelid to the middle with brown eyeshadow

Daytime makeup for the impending century is ready

Should become especially masterful quick makeup for every day when applying mascara. To avoid mistakes, in addition to accuracy in this process, you need to learn to distinguish between types of carcass. When applying lengthening mascara, you need to proceed as follows: first apply powder, then the first layer of mascara, let it dry, then the second, pause for drying, and then the third layer. This mascara contains a lengthening component - fiber, which requires the previous layer of cosmetics to dry completely, otherwise the desired effect cannot be achieved.

In makeup for every day, it is not necessary to paint your eyes - you just need to emphasize their expressiveness with well-groomed eyebrows, combing them with a thick brush. Also, if your eyebrows and eyelashes are too light, you can tint them and apply light shadows to your eyelids. And if the expression of your gaze is affected by inadequate sleep, then your eyes definitely need to be tinted. But only carefully, without much passion for saturated shadows. In this case, the use of flesh shadows, which are applied to the upper eyelids, is quite justified. And the use of a high-quality and carefully shaded concealer will help disguise the circles around the eyes and inner dark corners.

If you have beautiful, expressive eyebrows, then it will be enough to just apply eyelashes

It is also important to take into account that the complexion also changes depending on the level of lighting. Therefore, it is appropriate to enhance delicate morning makeup for lunch with a small amount of color with rich notes. For example, you can liven up your complexion with a darker powder with a light beige tone. And if you didn’t touch up your eyes in the morning, then by noon is the time to do it. It would also be appropriate to apply light eyeliner near the eyelash line with a very thin, almost invisible arrow, the contours of which are important to shade evenly. And mascara applied in a small amount to the tips of the eyelashes will help to emphasize the expressiveness of the look.

Lightweight everyday options

Standard light makeup for every day can't do without lipstick. It should not be flashy, but only give the lips a delicate natural tint. But first, you should even out the contours of your lips using a concealer, the color of which should be approximately half a tone lighter than the skin around the lips themselves. This will make your lips look simply perfect, even when using rich lipstick colors.

Apply lip balm to your lips, then apply a white pencil to the center of your lips.

Clearly define the boundaries of the lips

Blend the pencil and paint your lips with a natural shade of gloss.

There is no need to resort to outdated methods such as lining your lips with a brown outline and pearlescent lipstick. After all, given the texture of modern glosses and lipsticks, you don’t have to use a pencil at all. Fans of this method of creating makeup can use a pencil, the color of which perfectly matches the shade of the lipstick and the lips themselves. Moreover, a pencil of a lighter tone will soften the contours of the lips, while a darker one will emphasize them. You can choose what is more interesting and necessary for you.

Brunettes can use brighter lipstick, otherwise their lips will be completely lost against the background of the rest of their facial features.

And the last secret: after highlighting the lip line with a pencil, you can powder it and apply lipstick. With such a powdered lip contour, the lipstick will not spread for a long time. This method can be recommended to ladies older than Balzac’s age, but young girls are generally not advised to use lip pencils. You should also not experiment by applying lipstick beyond the edges of your lips, because this will create the effect of a child’s mouth smeared with candy.

Scarlett Johansson with natural makeup

Exotic beauty Adriana Lima can do without makeup at all

Mila Kunis shows us a great daytime make-up

Most simple makeup for every day It will look more fresh if you add a little, just the right amount of blush. On the skin of our compatriots, blush in a pink tone, as well as a tan color, looks great. Well, brown blush will not allow women’s skin to have a rested, glowing look from within, but on the contrary, they will make the skin more depressed, giving it an earthy tint. Therefore, it is important to consider that using a range of brown blush can change the direction of your makeup unnoticed by you, and in an effort to appear younger and fresher, you can artificially age yourself.

1. Conceal dark circles under the eyes 2. Do contouring

3. Hide minor imperfections 4. Apply blush

5. Eyeshadow base 6. Eyeshadow

Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine a modern woman who does not use decorative cosmetics. Very often women abuse the use of cosmetics. Because of this, the line between evening makeup and everyday makeup is blurred. In order to preserve the naturalness of the image and emphasize the natural beauty, it is enough for a woman to use light makeup every day.

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Decorative cosmetics should be used correctly. For everyday makeup, you should not use bright, saturated colors. Makeup for every day will allow a woman to look fresh and give her self-confidence. Which shade palette to choose in 2018-2019? How to apply makeup correctly every day? You can learn about this and much more from this article.

Basic makeup rules for every day

Everyday makeup is different from evening makeup. When creating evening makeup, bright, rich shades are used. If you use this kind of makeup every day, it will look vulgar and tasteless. Everyday makeup should be different in its ease of application, beauty and neatness.

In the modern world, women no longer make mistakes when applying makeup. They understand that emphasized natural beauty will look more attractive. To do this, it is enough to give the skin freshness, hide imperfections and highlight advantages.

The choice of shade depends on the woman’s skin tone, hair color and eye color. But what remains unchanged is what is used for daytime makeup pastel colors natural shades.

Light makeup is divided into two categories:

  1. Business. This type of makeup will give you confidence and refresh your look. When creating this makeup, long-lasting cosmetics are used that can last all day.
  2. Fresh. When creating this makeup, the emphasis is on emphasizing the sparkle of a woman’s eyes. Natural shades of colors are chosen. Particular emphasis is placed on lengthening and adding fullness to eyelashes. For lips, use light lipstick or gloss of soft pink colors.

Preparation for application

Everyday makeup should not take a lot of time; using 15-20 minutes to create an image would be optimal. Before you start applying cosmetics, you need to choose the right one, taking into account the color and characteristics of your facial skin.

To create an image for every day in 2018-2019 you need:

When choosing cosmetics, you need to take into account the seasons. For spring and autumn you need to select moisture-resistant products. In summer, you need to take into account that the skin becomes oily faster and cosmetics can blur and smudge. When choosing cosmetics for the winter, it is advisable to select products that contain vitamins. This will further protect the skin.

Lesson one: facial skin

The main success of excellent daily makeup is beautiful, well-groomed skin. Before you start applying cosmetics you need to properly prepare the skin. To do this you need:

  1. Wash.
  2. Degrease the skin with tonic.
  3. Apply daytime nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin.

After the makeup base has been applied, we proceed to evening out skin tone:

To make your skin look vibrant, beautiful and fresh, you can facial treatments at home. Of course, you can achieve the desired result with the help of cosmetics, but still the best option is to prevent the problem rather than solve it later. Facial skin care procedures that can be performed at home:

  • daily use of night and day creams;
  • peeling and cleansing the skin with tonic;
  • mandatory rinsing off makeup before going to bed;
  • facial massage with fingertips.

Daily skin care will allow you to see results after some time.

Lesson two: paint your eyes

To perform make-up for every day, choose pastel shades of eyeshadow. It is best to paint your eyes with two shades, one light and the other dark.

Light eyeshadow Apply to the entire moving eyelid and shade. The dark shade is applied to the lash line and the outer corner of the eye. If this is your first time doing this, it may take you a long time. To make it more clear, look at the step-by-step instructions for applying eyeshadow on the eyelid.

Everyday makeup can be done without using shadows. You can simply use mascara. Using mascara will add expressiveness to your eyes. There should not be too much mascara on the eyelashes. Avoid clumps and prevent eyelashes from sticking together.

When creating daytime makeup, do not be afraid to use eyeliner and pencil. The lines of the eyeliner or pencil should thicken towards the outer corner of the eye. You can draw arrows. The arrows should not be too long or thick. Everything should be in moderation.

Lesson Three: Lips

When creating daytime makeup, your lips need to be given due attention. Can be used for lips calm, gentle shades of lipstick or shine. If you wish, you can use a pencil to highlight the contour of your lips. The pencil for drawing the outline should not be bright.

It is important to understand that lips also need protection. Therefore, before applying lipstick or gloss to your lips, apply some chapstick. After this, you can apply a base to level the surface. To make the lipstick last longer, you can powder your lips a little before applying.

Lesson Four: Eyebrows and Cheekbones

Choose the right one according to your face type eyebrow shape. Remove excess hair. To get your eyebrows in order, just comb them, use a pencil to emphasize their shape and fix the result with wax.

When creating daytime makeup, using blush is not at all necessary. But if you still decide to use blush, you need to choose dim shades. Proper application of blush is also important. They should be applied to the cheekbones and be barely noticeable. The borders should be well shaded.

Brown eyes

For owners of brown eyes, it is enough to perform the simplest makeup. Representatives of the fair sex with brown eyes are the owners of a bright appearance and her it's enough just to emphasize.

For example, it is enough to apply bronze shadows to the eyelids, highlight the shape of the eyes with dark gray or brown eyeliner, highlight the shape of the eyebrows and apply mascara. When choosing lipstick, it is best to use rich natural shades.

Those with brown eyes are better off avoid terracotta and brick shades. They give a sick look.

Green eyes

For women with green eyes, regular makeup is not very easy to do. In order to paint green eyes, several rules should be followed:

  1. Don't use black eyeliner. This will give a ridiculous and vulgar look.
  2. In order to achieve a shimmering look, you need to draw a thin green line along the edge of the upper eyelid.
  3. To create a deep look, use olive eyeshadow.
  4. The thicker the line of eyeliner, the less mascara should be on the eyelashes.
  5. Blush and lipstick for women with brown eyes can be brick, terracotta and peach shades.

Blue eyes

In order to create fashionable everyday makeup, women with blue eyes need to take into account the main rule: bright and saturated colors are strictly prohibited. Light textures and light shades are ideal for blue eyes.

If the owner of blue eyes is not a brunette, then there is no need to use dark shades for the eyebrows.

If a blue-eyed woman has large and open eyes, then Only mascara will be enough for eyelashes. Otherwise, you need to resort to the help of shadows and eyeliner.

The color of lipstick and blush should not stand out too much. Shades should be in harmony with skin tone.

Any representative of the fair sex can learn how to create fashionable everyday makeup. Photos and videos on the site can help you with this.

How to do makeup for every day in 2018-2019 - a selection of photos

Women strive every day to look well-groomed, perfect in every detail. To achieve the goal, in addition to clothes and stylish shoes, decorative cosmetics are widely used. The most common everyday option is simple makeup. Its application takes a minimum of time, the result looks natural, natural.

How to look perfect every day

To apply simple daily makeup, you don’t have to visit expensive beauty salons. If you know the basic rules, any novice makeup artist can create light makeup with his own hands. You can master the technique yourself, at home.

To create a light, beautiful image, you need to even out the relief of your face.

  • Your face will look fresh naturally if you follow a diet and devote enough time to rest. Daily afternoon and evening walks in the fresh air and regular consumption of sufficient fluid are beneficial.

It is advisable to exfoliate your face every 7-8 days and use masks prepared with your own hands at home.

  • Every day it is worth saturating the facial epithelium with nutrients. Daytime and evening creams will help with this, they refresh and make the delicate epithelium beautiful. In addition, to apply light everyday make-up you will need a set of good cosmetics. It is better to choose proven, high-quality products that are gentle on the skin, allowing it to breathe all day long.

What cosmetics will you need?

To apply the lightest, simple makeup for every day with your own hands, you will need the following:

    Cleansing milk, gel or tonic to remove impurities from the epithelium. After washing, it will acquire an even matte shade and begin to breathe fully.

    Makeup will sit perfectly after cleansing if you cover your face with day cream.

    The next step is to apply a foundation with a delicate texture. Its tone should be as close as possible to the natural color of the skin.

Read: Dark makeup for green eyes

    It is necessary to have a palette with shadows of different colors. It should contain dark and light shades, which will equally well allow you to create daytime or evening make-up.

Shadows can be dry or oily - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin of the eyelids

    You can line your eyes using a contour shade that matches your appearance type. A pencil for eyebrow correction and a palette of shadows are chosen one tone darker than the natural hair color.

    The color of the mascara can be any, it all depends on personal preference. The main thing is that it lengthens the hairs and creates maximum volume.

Classic daily makeup, subtleties of application

The main condition for beautiful everyday makeup is as close as possible to naturalness and natural colors.

    The base for daily light make-up should almost match the natural skin tone. Checking compliance at home is very easy. It is enough to apply a little foundation on the side of the neck, in the area near the ear. If the stain is almost invisible, then it is something that is suitable for every day.

    The best simple makeup for every day is a makeup where the palette of plum shades is in the lead. It is ideal for any eye color, while looking light and impressive.

    Another mandatory rule for everyday make-up is concentrating on one thing. Lips or eyes can become a bright spot, but in no case both at the same time.

Lips or eyes can become a bright spot, but in no case both.

Read: Eyeshadow or pencil: the best eyebrow makeup product

To apply effective everyday makeup with your own hands, you should have cotton swabs, discs, brushes and sponges on hand. With their help, you can draw clear contours at home and correct shortcomings.

Simple makeup application technique

The step-by-step instructions described below will help even a novice makeup artist create simple makeup at home.

For a simple daytime make-up, you should choose a neutral palette of lipsticks.

Examples of simple makeup for different color types

Brown eyes

The ideal daily option for owners of brown eyes is the simplest, discreet make-up. It looks beautiful and highlights the natural beauty of a woman. It’s easy to do spectacular makeup for brown eyes at home, because they naturally have a fairly bright appearance.

Read: Fashionable makeup 2016 with photos

The minimum that can be done is to apply bronze shadows and highlight the shape of brown eyes with brown or dark gray eyeliner. Finally, you should tint your eyelashes with dark mascara. Owners of brown eyes should avoid brick and terracotta shades, which give the image a sickly look. In the photo you can see make-up options for girls with brown eyes:

Green eyes

Unlike makeup for brown eyes, simple makeup is not so easy for owners of green eyes. The following rules should be observed:

Blue eyes

Owners of blue eyes should observe a sense of proportion when creating everyday simple makeup. This will allow you to get a beautiful make-up that will look easy and natural. The optimal palette of shadows is beige, shades of lilac, pink. Mascara can be plum or rich gray in color. If we talk about eyeliner, blue and lilac options would be ideal.

During the day, you should avoid green, red, and purple shades.

It’s better to leave them for evening make-up, when they won’t look flashy. The photos presented on the site will encourage new ideas:

Any girl can master the technique of simple makeup. The photos presented on the site will help with this. The reward for your efforts will be an impeccable appearance, femininity shining through in every detail.

A woman cannot afford to leave the house without at least putting on light makeup. It could just be eyelashes tinted with mascara and a delicate gloss on the lips. But you need to remember the most important thing - the complexion tone must be perfect, then the face will look fresh and beautiful. In this article we will talk about how to do light makeup for every day.

Before applying makeup, you need to prepare your skin: clean and moisturize. You also need to apply decorative cosmetics in a certain sequence. The stages of applying makeup are described below.

First stage. Skin cleansing

Wash your face using a gentle cleanser. This is necessary in order to cleanse the skin of dust and oiliness. Then pat your face dry with a soft towel. Important! Never wash your face with hot water. This causes the skin to become dry and prone to irritation. Use water at room temperature. It is very useful to wipe your face with ice cubes. It is better to use filtered or settled water for freezing. It is also good to use herbal decoctions. Decoctions of dandelion, calendula and chamomile are suitable for normal to oily skin. For dry it is better to use a decoction of St. John's wort, parsley, and plantain.

Once or twice a week you need to exfoliate your face. This promotes skin cell renewal, allowing it to remain healthy and fresh. To do this, you can use different peeling agents. These include scrubs, creams, and masks.

One more thing - when washing, moisturizing and applying makeup, remember that you need to pay attention not only to your face, but also to your neck and décolleté.

Second phase. Skin hydration

After cleansing, the skin needs to be moisturized. You can use a daily moisturizer or lotion for these purposes. Apply the cream with light touches of your fingertips. You need to move along the facial massage lines, which are shown in the picture below.

After moisturizing, leave your skin to rest for a few minutes.

Third stage. Applying makeup base

The most important thing is to choose the right base for makeup. Depending on your skin type, you can use foundations, liquid foundations, compact or loose powders. It is also important to choose the tone of such a product. It can be a tone darker or lighter than the skin. You can apply the foundation with your fingers or using special sponges or brushes. Distribute the product evenly onto your face. Try not to apply too thick layers - the skin will look unnatural. And remember the transitions to the ears and chin. To avoid a “mask effect”, blend the foundation well along the edges of the face and along the bottom of the chin.

If you need to hide any defects on the skin, use a concealer.

Fourth stage. Applying shadows

For light daytime makeup, use soft eyeshadow colors. Depending on the color of your eyes, you can choose gold, beige, gray, even green. Combine two or three shades - apply the light one on the inner side of the eyelid and move the darker ones towards the outer side.

Fifth stage. Applying eyeliner

To express the eyes, use a pencil. Apply it just above the base of the eyelashes in an even line.

Sixth stage. Applying mascara to eyelashes

You can paint both upper and lower eyelashes. If necessary, use special eyelash curlers or curlers.

Seventh stage. Applying blush

When choosing a blush color, you should follow three rules. First, the lighter the skin, the lighter the blush, and vice versa. Second, the blush should match the shade of the chosen lipstick or gloss. And the third rule: all shades of pink, peach, and beige are suitable for blondes. Those with dark hair should focus on shades of brown, honey, amber and brick. You need to apply blush along the cheekbones, blending the transitions well.

Eighth stage. Applying lipstick

Use lipsticks in various shades of pink and beige to create a light makeup look for every day. You can also use lip gloss - this will be an excellent finishing touch. Lip pencils are not recommended. But if you still decide to make a contour, choose a pencil to match your lipstick so that it does not stand out as one line on your lips. It will look unnatural and catchy.

These were the general rules on how to do light makeup for every day. As examples, below are several options for how you can combine different color palettes of decorative cosmetics.

Option 1. Naturalness

For light eye makeup, use beige eyeshadow. Apply them completely to the upper eyelid, do not go beyond the eyelids. Use a brown pencil to highlight the eyes. It will be enough to apply only at the base of the upper eyelashes. The pencil can be shaded a little, which will look very natural. Choose mascara of a dark color, but not black. Tint your eyebrows to match your eyelashes if they are light. Use the same mascara as for eyelashes, or a brown eye shadow. If you need to correct the shape of your eyebrows, then take a pencil. Use small strokes to imitate hairs. If you fill in your eyebrows completely, it will look unnatural. Choose a beige or peach blush color. Don't forget about blush, even when doing light makeup. And the last touch is delicate lipstick. Let its color be a tone darker than your lips. You can also use soft pink lip gloss. Ideal light makeup for those with blonde hair.

Option 2. Expressive eyes

Beautiful light makeup can be done in just 10 minutes. You will need a black pencil, black mascara, silver eye shadow, beige or peach blush and a delicate lip gloss to match. First, apply shadow to the upper eyelid, you can also carefully tint the lower one. Use a pencil to line the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes. To make the line neat, first draw it from the middle of the eyelid towards the outer corner, then from the middle of the eyelid in the opposite direction. Line the lower eyelid as well. Only in this case, you only need to tint the eyelid from the middle to the outer corner. Then apply mascara and shape your eyebrows. Apply a light blush and highlight your lips. This makeup is perfect for brunettes and blondes with gray, blue or green eyes.

Option 3. How could there be no arrows?

This option can be used by girls with any hair color, eye color and skin tone. To make a light makeup, prepare black eyeliner, beige shadows, you can add a touch of coquetry and choose pearl-colored shadows. Beige blush is also a must; on tanned skin, you can use blush with a bronze tint. For lips - pink gloss. Touch up your upper eyelid. Then make a thin line of eyeliner, starting from the inner corner of your eyes and moving towards the outer corner. From the middle of the century the line may thicken a little. Make a slight upward movement in the form of a smile. It’s quite difficult to create a beautiful eyeliner the first time using eyeliner. Therefore, practice in advance so as not to ruin your makeup. You can replace eyeliner with a pencil. If the line turns out to be uneven, this can be easily corrected with a cotton swab. Tint your eyelashes with mascara, apply blush and lip gloss. Light makeup is ready. This is a great option not only for daytime makeup, but also for evening makeup.

These are the most common examples that can be used daily. You can also try combining other colors. Experiment, and only then will you be able to find the option that suits you. Be different every day. You must surprise.
