Maria Pogrebnyak - photographs of the clothing designer before and after plastic surgery. About what Maria Pogrebnyak looks like before and after lip surgery

Maria Pogrebnyak - spectacular blonde, wife famous football player and mother of three children. The girl runs her own beauty blog, participates in social events and produces her own clothing line. Fans often discuss Maria's appearance, focusing on the fact that she has undergone several plastic surgeries.

What Maria Pogrebnyak looked like before plastic surgery in her youth

The beautiful long-legged blonde became known to the domestic public after moving from London to Moscow with her husband Pavel Pogrebnyak. In 2012, the girl opened her own brand, calling it her name and maiden name- Shatalova. Masha constantly advertises her brand, appears at parties and runs a beauty blog. At the same time, the girl manages to raise wonderful sons.

She looked completely different when she was young. Everyone who knew her at that time is unlikely to be able to determine that the blonde with plump lips, ideal facial contours and slender figure, the same Shatalova.

See the photo in his youth with his brother.

Even a few years ago, Maria’s appearance was different from what it is now. The photo shows that the girl does not have such defined cheekbones, and her cheeks are more rounded.

After the birth of her first son, the blonde gained a lot of weight. However, for short term she got rid of more than 20 kg. Now Pogrebnyak can hardly be called well-fed.

On her Instagram page, Masha constantly posts spectacular pictures. However, it is quite difficult to find photos before plastic surgery.

The girl carefully monitors her appearance, paying Special attention makeup and hair styling.

Photo Pogrebnyak after plastic surgery

After quickly getting rid of extra pounds the girl decided to enlarge her lips using biogel. However, the result was unsatisfactory: the lips were greatly swollen and deformed. Masha has said more than once that surgical intervention caused her severe discomfort, and the resulting effect did not live up to expectations.

Only 10 years later she decided to have a lip reduction procedure and began to look more attractive. However, many fans believe that it was worth returning to a more natural volume, since the lips stand out very much on a thin face, and Maria tries to highlight them even more, using bright cosmetics.

The second obvious Pogrebnyak plastic surgery is correction of the shape of the nose. Now it looks neater and thinner.

Maria Pogrebnyak (Shatalova) is a Russian socialite, designer, wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Childhood and youth

Maria Pogrebnyak (nee Shatalova) was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow. Little is known about Maria’s father, but the girl is very close to her mother Larisa. She calls her “mother, friend, and wise adviser” and always listens to her authoritative opinion. Pogrebnyak also has a brother who is 17 years older than her - he works as a microbiologist.

"I've always been a home girl - I late child, so my parents carried me in their arms, loved me, kissed me, and allowed me everything,” recalls the socialite.

However, the girl was raised very strictly, and her deeply religious grandmother had a special influence on Pogrebnyak’s worldview. She even took little Masha to an icon painting club - the skills she acquired formed the basis of the girl’s favorite hobby, which even today helps her take her mind off her problems and worries.

After graduating from school, Maria entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but dropped out and ran away with her future husband Pavel Pogrebnyak, a promising football player, to Tomsk. A few years later, Maria finally received her diploma, studying to be an accountant.

TV career

In January 2012, Pavel Pogrebnyak was loaned to English Fulham until the end of the season. The family moved to London, after which the whole world started talking about Maria. In 2013, the girl starred in the scandalous reality show “Meet the Russians” on the Fox channel, which tells about the life of rich Russians in the capital of Great Britain.

Mini-series covered social life main characters, shows their luxurious homes and clothes, reveals the secrets of plastic surgery. The show also featured the stories of Ukrainian TV presenter Natalya Kapchuk, socialites Kristina Sysoeva and Marinika Smirnova, fashion model Ekaterina Elizarova and others.

Maria Pogrebnyak about the program about Russians in London

The show caused a big scandal in Russia, and all its characters subsequently had to repeatedly justify their participation in the project. Maria explained that the producers only wanted stereotypes about rich Russians, and scenes with her ordinary, simple life were simply cut out.

In 2015, Pavel Pogrebnyak signed a contract with Dynamo Moscow, and the family returned to their homeland. In Moscow, the girl continued to work on her clothing brand Maria Shatalova and soon opened her first showroom. The Pogrebnyak store presented luxurious evening and everyday dresses, products in the sportlux style, beach and outerwear and other fashionable things.

It is noteworthy that the blonde not only develops fashion collections, but also demonstrates her own creations for catalogs. Maria states that with her name and face she earns a lot of money and contributes to family budget along with my husband.

In addition to her design activities, in Moscow Maria actively participates in various talk shows. She could be seen as a guest and participant in such programs as “Let Them Talk”, “Live Broadcast”, “Agent Show” by Anastasia Ivleeva, etc. The outrageous beauty has many fans - she stirs up interest in her person on Instagram, where she shares secrets happy family life, beauty and weight loss.

Maria does not hide the fact that after her first birth she gained 25 kg, but she quickly managed to pull herself together and lose weight. Now, with a height of 170 cm, the blonde weighs only 44-45 kg, which haunts haters. Many are sure that Pogrebnyak suffers from anorexia and takes fat burners. Maria herself says that her thinness is the result of persistent regular training and a strict diet.

There are no less rumors on the Internet about plastic surgery, which the girl allegedly resorted to. According to the community and doctors, Maria changed the shape of her lips and nose, removed bisha lumps, installed veneers and enlarged her breasts. Pogrebnyak denies these speculations, claiming that her beauty is solely a gift of nature.

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria met her future husband Pavel Pogrebnyak, a football player for the Ural club, at school - he was three grades older than her. At first, a strong friendship began between the teenagers, which gradually grew into true love. When the young man left to play for Yaroslavl “Shinnik”, Maria secretly skipped classes and went to her beloved in another city.

Maria Pogrebnyak about her husband

Later, the girl fled from the capital to follow Pavel to Tomsk, where the lovers got married. At first, the young family lived modestly, but the girl calls this period the most romantic in her life. At the age of 19, Maria gave Pavel his first son, Artem. Soon Pavel was born, and in 2011, a third son, Alexey, was born in Germany. Pogrebnyak calls herself a strict mother and an obedient wife. “Yes, I am a friend to my children, but if they cross the line, I turn on the “evil policeman,” the girl shares.

Maria Pogrebnyak became famous at the expense of her husband and in order to somehow get out of his shadow, Masha begins to improve herself. Maria Pogrebnyak's plastic surgery gives positive results, the blonde attracts the attention of Internet users, and people in show business are beginning to take an interest in her. Maria positions herself as a clothing designer, but recently she started singing and shot a video for the song “Majoriki”.

The video and the song itself were subjected to such criticism from Internet users that the world has never seen before.

Maria Pogrebnyak is the most attractive among the wives of Russian football players. A slim body, perfect facial features, lush breasts– all this looks divine, but, unfortunately, unnatural.

Maria Pogrebnyak

From the photo after plastic surgery, it is noticeable that Maria Pogrebnyak spent a lot of money on “tuning”, but at the same time completely lost natural beauty. The football player’s wife has repeatedly been criticized and condemned, but she doesn’t care; Maria continues to improve herself, quietly but confidently turning into a plastic doll.

Taking the average prices for cosmetic procedures, we roughly calculated that Maria Pogrebnyak spent approximately two million rubles on plastic surgery. In addition to plastic surgery, she often visits cosmetologists to maintain her beauty. It is unknown how much money Masha spends on these procedures.

Maria Pogrebnyak before plastic surgery

Maria Pogrebnyak looked simply beautiful before plastic surgery. She was quite an attractive blonde. Of course, some elements in her appearance required surgical and cosmetic interventions, but not as much as Masha did.

So, what plastic surgery did the wife of a football player? Looking at the photo of Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery, you can see that plastic surgery is her strong point.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

Eyebrow tattooing, bullhorn plastic surgery, contour plastic surgery of cheekbones, removal of Bisha lumps, mammoplasty - these are just the latest successful procedures performed by Maria Pogrebnyak. More than ten years ago, Maria almost became a victim of cosmetology. She injected “biogel” into her lips, which swollen and twisted Pogrebnyak’s lips. It was a very unsuccessful procedure. Even after surgical removal of the biogel, the lips were very deformed and remained plump.

Before and after

Of course, Maria also has personal merits. For example, while on a diet, she lost so much weight that she almost became anorexic. In some photos of Maria Pogrebnyak, only skin and bones were visible. After numerous reproaches from fans, she gained a little weight, becoming slender.

Many believe that Masha completely spoiled herself, giving away her natural beauty in exchange for artificial beauty. Take a look at another photo of Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery, and decide whether she ruined her appearance or became a beautiful “doll” girl.

Maria Pogrebnyak has an Instagram page; almost 800 thousand people follow her account. Masha regularly shares a wide variety of photos with her subscribers. Often, the mother of three children, Maria Pogrebnyak, takes part in candid photo shoots, displaying her photos.

Even devoted fans are increasingly calling Maria “rubber Zina” and “mukla”, trying in every possible way to persuade her to stop and not change anything else about her appearance. We decided to find out from a professional what the star of the show “Meet The Russians” does with himself and how much it costs.

Marina Kolesnichenko, dentist-therapist, chief physician of MVK Beauty Line

Increased lip volume

Maria once admitted that about 12 years ago she injected biogel into her lips. “Don’t ever do that,” the girl warned her fans, admitting the mistake. Today at Western countries Biogel injections are prohibited. On the one hand, it “overgrows” with vessels, and scar tissue forms around it; on the other hand, some time after injection it can “migrate” unpredictably. Removal of the biopolymer requires a surgeon high level skills is difficult and expensive. Hyaluronic acid is a compound native to the body and is absorbed over time. Removing it from the lips is quite simple: just introduce enzymes that will quickly process it.


Upper lip correction

In addition to the biogel, Maria probably had bullhorn plastic surgery. This procedure consists of cutting the skin under the nose, due to this upper lip looks plumper and lifted up. For greater volume, lips are filled with fillers.

Eyebrow tattoo

Once Maria shared her “mother’s” everyday life with fans and told how she baked cakes according to school assignment sons. As a result of a long night shift at the stove, the cakes turned out beautiful, and Maria was so tired that she decided to take a selfie just like that, without makeup. Fans noticed unnatural, clearly defined eyebrows that could not possibly be “their own.” Most likely, a couple of years ago the girl got her eyebrows tattooed.

Cheekbones and cheeks

Maria Pogrebnyak's cheekbones are quite high and pronounced. However, it is clear that at some point the girl’s cheeks seemed to “deflate”, and the lower third of her face acquired a sharper outline. This can be achieved by removing Bish's lumps - fatty layers in the cheek area, which usually helps the chewing muscles move more smoothly and protects the jaw from injury. As a result of their removal, the face appears more refined and sharpened. Well, Maria’s chiseled cheekbones are most likely the result of fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Correction of teeth shape

Maria Pogrebnyak’s snow-white matte teeth are most likely the result of the work of dentists. Installing ceramic veneers is not cheap, but it provides that “Hollywood smile.” Modern materials You can make veneers that will not differ from “your” teeth - translucent and with natural color transitions. But Maria, like many other glamorous beauties, chose bright white ones, which look beautiful, but, unfortunately, unnatural.

But Maria Pogrebnyak owes her neat nose to her mother. So, no rhinoplasty, just genes!

Well, now let's move on to the fun part! How much did Maria Pogrebnyak spend on all this beauty?!

In 2013, Maria Pogrebnyak was one of the participants in the British show “Meet the Russians” about the lives of rich Russians in London. This means that she can afford to spend a tidy sum on procedures to rejuvenate her face and bring it to the standard accepted in her social circles.

Eyebrow tattoo at good master costs on average 40,000 rubles. The effect of the procedure lasts from several months to two years, depending on the pigments used.

Operation by bullhorn plastic will cost at least 80,000 rubles. Plus injections of hyaluronic acid to increase lip volume - that’s about another 30,000 rubles.

Price for Tocheekbone contouring starts from 60,000 rubles. It all depends on what procedures were performed.

To get rid of chubby cheeks and make the oval of the face more “sharp”, you will have to remove lumps of Bisha. This “pleasure” will cost approximately 65,000 rubles.

Veneers are placed in the smile zone - Maria’s teeth could have been quite enough: the price for one veneer starts from 48,000 rubles.

Well, don’t forget about regular visits to cosmetologists, “injections of youth” and other procedures that Maria Pogrebnyak never skimps on.

The wives of football players are identical in their faces: voluminous lips, chiseled cheekbones, thin noses. In joint selfies on Instagram, they look like sisters. Does football really bring us together? Or is it a matter of “improving”? We decided to ask a dispassionate and incorruptible plastic surgeon.

Georgy Dashtoyan,
specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery with experience in the USA,
plastic surgeon at the center of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology “Darmed”

Alana Mamaeva

This is the wife of FC Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev, a participant in that very scandalous party in Monaco, where he and Alexander Kokorin celebrated the defeat of the Russian national team at Euro 2016 with champagne for two hundred and fifty thousand euros. Alana, by the way, is also a famous participant in scandals: you can find several videos of her on the Internet.

But most of all, Internet users like to discuss not antics former model, and her plastic surgery. Alana herself admitted that she had rhinoplasty “due to ENT problems.” However, it seems that she did not limit herself to the nose.

Expert opinion:“Alana definitely did. You see, in the last photos the springboard of her nose is thin, narrow, without a clear transition from the bone part to the cartilaginous part. It can also be assumed that Mamaeva was removed. She has high cheekbones and now fashionable apples in the middle third of her face. She also pins up her lips, you can see the volume and clear contour that happens after injections. She also did contouring of the lower jaw and chin.”

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Ekaterina Malafeeva

The wife of Zenit team goalkeeper Vyacheslav Malafeev. Clever and beautiful, she plays the role of not only a wife and keeper of the hearth, but also the director of the M16-Real Estate agency.

Ekaterina has many acquaintances in show business, and she sometimes attends social events. It is not surprising that the passion for redesign captured her too. By the way, if you put Malafeeva next to Mamaeva, they can be confused.

Expert opinion:“Ekaterina has done everything to the minimum. Instead of surgery in its pure form, it was used. With the help of injections, Malafeeva plumped up her lips, her cheekbones were done, and Botox was injected into her forehead. Standard program, nothing criminal.”

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Ekaterina Smolnikova

The wife of Zenit defender Igor Smolnikov cannot sit idle. She not only takes care of her family, but also broadcasts on Zenit TV, and also organized charity project Play and Help, which helps children with various problems.

It is known that the wives of football players are friends; we found a joint selfie of Smolnikova and Malafeeva. If not (Smolnikova is blonde, and Malafeeva is brunette), then they could be mistaken for twin sisters.

Expert opinion:“Ekaterina Smolnikova has all the fashionable injection techniques on her face. Contour plastic surgery of the chin, cheekbones, lips... Rhinoplasty was also clearly done, there are botulinum toxin injections in the forehead area.”

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Inna Zhirkova

The wife of football player Yuri Zhirkov became famous thanks to Boris Sobolev’s acclaimed film about beauty contests, “Crowned Kings.” In it, Miss Russia 2012 was unable to answer the simplest questions: “Does the Earth revolve around the Sun or vice versa? Who are Agnia Barto and Samuil Marshak?

After bullying in in social networks Inna returned the crown. Now Zhirkova is leading successful business: she opened the MiloMilo atelier for sewing exclusive clothes. Many celebrities can be seen wearing her designs. Inna often poses herself in created clothes for lookbooks. Most likely, this is why she decided to adjust herself a little.

Surgeon's opinion:“Inna did not undergo serious plastic surgery. If you compare it latest photos with early ones, it is clear that the girl has lost a lot of weight. Inna couldn’t resist classic beauty injections. It can be seen that contour plastic surgery was performed on the cheekbones and lips.”

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Maria Pogrebnyak

The wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak first attracted the attention of the public on both sides of the ocean thanks to the show Meet the Russians, in which she was presented as poorly educated socialite who is only interested in clothes and jewelry.
