Is it possible to take garbage to the landfill yourself? Garbage removal from apartments and offices with movers

1. I am an individual entrepreneur and rent space for a furniture store (100 m2) from Russian Railways in a separate building. Am I required to enter into a waste removal contract myself? I take out the garbage that is generated in my car and throw it into a garbage container located on the territory of our furniture production (there is an agreement for waste removal from production).

1.1. Such an agreement is not mandatory for you, especially since there is an agreement on joint waste removal with another organization (furniture production)

2. Live in a village. For a week now, people have been walking around the village and offering to conclude an agreement for the removal of household waste, supposedly starting from January 1, 2019, this is mandatory. Is this true or can I not enter into a contract and take longer to remove the garbage myself?

2.1. The conclusion of an agreement has long been mandatory. This obligation is provided for in Part 5 of Art. 30 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The agreement is concluded with the regional operator. If you don’t make a deal, they will forcefully collect the amount owed. There are, of course, nuances in this issue.

3. JSC Waste Management in Saratov sends receipts for payment for garbage removal; we live in Aleksandrov Gai by this organization; the service was not provided; we remove any other garbage ourselves; do we have the right not to pay?

3.1. There is a publication on this topic on the 9111 website. Check it out.

3.2. Good afternoon Unfortunately, the service has become a public service with the obligation of homeowners, including private houses, to enter into contracts with the regional operator, so it will not be possible not to pay. At the same time, you have the right to demand that the regional operator fulfill its obligations.

4. I am an individual entrepreneur. Type of activity - leasing of non-residential premises (offices). An order was received from the municipal unitary enterprise to conclude an agreement on the removal of solid waste. Is this legal?
And which article in which law can be used to guide the conclusion of additional. agreements with renters - enter into an agreement for garbage removal yourself.

4.1. Hello.
Everything is legal.
In this case, you should enter into an additional agreement with the tenants. The rent includes the cost of garbage removal.

5. I am an individual entrepreneur, a tableware store. They require a contract for waste removal. MUK, citing regulations, demands 3,000 rubles. per month for garbage removal, which I have almost none of. Only 3-4 empty boxes of goods are collected per quarter. Can I not enter into an agreement with MUK, but independently take the cardboard to a waste paper collection point and conclude an agreement with the latter for the supply of cardboard? And thus prove that I don’t throw out my trash anywhere.

5.1. Hello, Natalia. Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities are free to enter into an agreement. Compulsion to enter into an agreement is not permitted, except in cases where the obligation to enter into an agreement is provided for by this Code, the law or a voluntarily accepted obligation.
That is, you need to look at local legislation, which would oblige individual entrepreneurs to enter into such agreements. Different regions have different practices. Where they oblige, and where they don’t.

6. The management company charges a fee for the removal of construction waste. The second year on average 1000 rubles. When handing over the keys, they were required to sign an undertaking that when removing construction waste, I would provide certificates for self-removal of waste or pay for the Criminal Code. But the house is new and there is simply no construction waste, although renovations are being carried out. I don’t consider a bag of construction mixture to be construction waste. The contract does not specify a price, only approximate repair dates. According to the calculations of the management company, I have already taken out 18.5 m3

7. I live in the private sector, with a solid waste removal company, an agreement was concluded for waste removal, this company does not remove garbage from our street, there is no garbage site, residents from our street remove garbage themselves, but the above company requires payment from residents for the garbage they allegedly remove, tell us how to deal with this situation.

7.1. Good day!
In this situation, I recommend filing a written complaint with the prosecutor’s office.
All the best, I wish you good luck!

7.2. Hello!
I would advise you to first write a collective complaint to this waste removal organization. If there is no result, then you can complain about them to the Prosecutor's Office.
Submit in 2 copies, and on one of them ask to mark your acceptance (date, signature, transcript). Second copy with the mark, keep it as a document of submission. You can also submit it via the Internet.
For assistance in drawing up documents (claims, complaints, statements of claim, etc.) and for more detailed advice, you can contact the lawyer of your choice on the website.
All the best!

8. The chairman of SNT received a warning from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment about an unauthorized landfill 12 km from SNT. They require you to enter into an agreement with an organization for waste removal. But by decision of the general meeting of SNT members, each owner of the site removes the garbage independently at the place of permanent registration. There are no garbage dumps on the territory of SNT. Is the conclusion of a waste removal agreement justified?

8.1. Hello! Maybe the “warning” is for informational purposes only? Without studying the document it is difficult to answer your question.

8.2. Good day to you. In this case, it is necessary to study all the documents in the case.
.I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

9. I live in a village. The head of the administration independently concluded an agreement for garbage removal, and placed containers 800-1000 meters from the house. I take some of my garbage out by car to the city where my apartment is located. My registration is rural. On September 1, I entered into an agreement myself with another company.

9.1. If you have an agreement with another organization, then you need to officially contact the company that is crediting you with a request for recalculation and termination of services; if they refuse, then go to court or the prosecutor’s office.

10. The village began to charge a fee for garbage removal. I don't use this service because it's not convenient for me. Dispose of waste yourself by transporting it to the city! I didn’t sign any contracts, but then payments arrived for 4 months! What should I do?

10.1. Good day!

NO service, no contract - no payment - you are not obligated to pay anything to anyone
Good luck to you! Always happy to help

11. Does the management company have the right to impose a construction waste removal service if we have agreed with the builders to independently remove the waste?

11.1. Yes, this is a required service. The management company is obliged to enter into contracts for the removal of waste, including construction waste. Good luck to you and all the best.

11.2. Good afternoon, Tatyana! You are not obliged to enter into such an agreement with the management company and also with the builders. The cost of removing construction waste is included in the estimated cost of the house; you have already paid these costs. They want to force you to pay for the services that the builders must perform and have paid for.

12. I live in Simferopol, my name is Boris. There is an equipped container site in our area. Where do area residents deliver household waste? ON ONE'S OWN! wherein. The local organization *Clean City* insists on concluding a contract for waste removal and monthly payment. And he threatens refuseniks with fines. Are their demands justified? Thank you. Boris.

12.1. Storage locations are determined by the city administration, but you enter into an agreement for waste removal, since waste removal and recycling requires material costs, alas.
if you don’t sign the agreement, you will be fined (5 thousand rubles for each case)

13. If I independently transport waste to the locations of waste collection containers, you are not required to pay for waste removal to the city landfill,

13.1. Hello.
A license is required to remove (transport) waste. To place waste in a landfill, you need an agreement with the landfill. So you still have to pay.

14. I have a question. Can the SNT administration force me to pay for the removal of garbage that I remove myself due to the very distant location of the site (500 m) not even on the way to work. Thank you.

14.1. Hello. Garbage removal is paid subject to agreement.
Do not forget that without the help of a specialist it is difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to protect your rights. All the best.

14.2. If you are a member of SNT, you must pay expenses and fees provided for by the SNT Charter and decisions of the general meeting.
If you are not a member of SNT, then an agreement must be concluded with you for the use of SNT infrastructure (roads, electrical networks, etc.). Such an agreement usually stipulates payment for garbage removal.

No contract - no obligation to pay.

15. I am an individual entrepreneur, the store is located in an apartment building, do I need to enter into an agreement for garbage removal myself, and do I need permission from the Criminal Code for this?

15.1. Hello! You are required to conclude a waste removal agreement in any case. But here the whole question is precisely the price of the contract; in any case, such an agreement will need to be concluded.

16. We entered into an agreement for the removal of solid household waste with Eco-City PR LLC in the city of Svetlograd, according to the house register - no one is listed, in fact, there are residents who take out the garbage once every 2 weeks and in small quantities. According to the agreement, we cannot terminate the agreement unilaterally, even when selling the house. We would like to terminate the contract because... We can dispose of waste ourselves. On the basis of what law can we do this without a trial?

16.1. Good afternoon
Even if you can dispose of garbage yourself, this is not a basis for terminating the contract and in any case you will have to pay for garbage removal

Best wishes.

17. The organization that handles waste removal sends me a receipt for payment. Our container site is assigned to this organization. They don’t want to conclude an agreement with me, they say it’s a public offer. The meeting of deputies assigned the container site to me and I am obliged to pay. Self-collection of garbage is denied. The organization's garbage collection is disgusting. Can I still refuse the services of the organization and take out the garbage myself?

17.1. Yes, you can terminate the contract for the management of municipal solid waste (and it is considered concluded if you have paid the receipt for garbage removal at least once or put the garbage in containers for removal). However, self-removal of garbage is only possible if you have concluded an agreement with a regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste for the disposal of municipal waste that you will bring.

18. I am a tenant of a retail space in a shopping center; the administration of the shopping center has obliged each individual entrepreneur to independently enter into a mandatory agreement with the relevant organization for garbage removal. Can I refuse? And how legal are the actions of the administration of the shopping complex?

18.1. Good afternoon
Apparently they were tormented by environmental payments... You can tell about the legality by studying the lease agreement
With respect to you, Evgeniy Pavlovich Filatov.

19. Moscow Region, Balashikha, private sector.
Question: what document regulates the mandatory conclusion of an agreement for the removal of household waste (MSW)?
There is an agreement, but the contractor does not fulfill his duties (no acts were signed on my part, in fact nothing was done), I terminate the agreement. I would like to understand whether it is necessary to conclude such an agreement if I carry out the removal of solid waste myself.
Thank you.

19.1. If there is a concluded contract for the removal of solid waste, then it must be fulfilled. If a service is provided of inadequate quality, then you have the right to demand a proportionate reduction in the cost, in other words, you can demand a recalculation towards a reduction or even termination of the contract.

20. Am I required to enter into an agreement for garbage removal in a private home? I remove solid waste myself.. There is no need for such a service from the administration. They threaten fines. Is this legal on their part?

20.1. If you do not use containers for collecting solid waste, then you have the right not to enter into an agreement for a service that is not provided to you. Good luck!

20.2. Hello. At the legislative level, there is no obligation to enter into contracts for waste removal for private home owners. By virtue of Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens are free to enter into an agreement. Compulsion to enter into an agreement is not permitted, except in cases where the obligation to enter into an agreement is provided for by federal law or a voluntarily accepted obligation.

21. Can I not pay for waste removal in the private sector if we carry out the removal ourselves to the nearest container?

21.1. Hello! You don’t have to pay if you don’t use the solid waste removal service based on the legal norms of Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

22. A letter came from the district court stating that the administration is filing a claim to impose a fine for not paying for garbage collection from the private sector. Firstly, I did not enter into an agreement with the administration, since I take out the garbage myself to a neighboring village, it’s convenient for me, and secondly, the administration did not contact me with a complaint, what should I do?

22.1. State your objections and present them to the court; you need proof that you are taking them to a neighboring village on your own. Good luck to you in court.

22.2. Mind. Write an objection in which you indicate that you do not have a contractual relationship for garbage removal and you do not use this service.

23. Private house. Housing and communal services impose services for the removal of solid waste; they send receipts and demand payment. I take MSW to the (garbage collection and disposal site) myself. A contract has been concluded with them. How to get rid of imposed services from NGKH.

23.1. Good afternoon.
Write a complaint and provide a copy of your contract. If they insist and demand payment, go to court.

23.2. A private house. Housing and communal services impose services for the removal of solid waste; they send receipts and demand payment. I take MSW to the (garbage collection and disposal site) myself. A contract has been concluded with them. How to get rid of imposed services from NGKH.
You will have to pay if this company acts within the powers granted by the administration.

23.3. Contact the housing inspectorate, prosecutor's office, housing and communal services department with an application to conduct an inspection of this fact.

Good luck to you.

24. We live in a private house. They require you to sign a waste removal agreement. The yield is a decent amount (there are many people living in the house). Can I remove the garbage myself and refuse to sign such an agreement?

24.1. A contract is mutual non-resistance of the parties, that is, a voluntary agreement. No one can oblige you, much less control your use of solid waste removal services.

24.2. Hello! You can refuse. If you remove the garbage yourself, you are not required to enter into an agreement for the provision of solid waste removal services.

24.3. You must understand that the removed garbage should be disposed of and not stored near your home. In summer, problems with stench, flies, rodents, etc. will begin. you yourself will suffer. If you take it to the landfill yourself and pay for disposal services there, you don’t have to enter into a contract for waste removal. If I have fully answered your question, I am happy to help you! You can use the services of a website lawyer to solve your problems.

25. We live in the private sector, and all the time we independently took out the garbage to a specially designated landfill. In September, everyone received receipts for payment for garbage removal, but the garbage was never collected. We're not paying yet. What should I do? I assume that they will soon begin to sue. There is no agreement, the garbage is not removed, receipts are still in progress.

25.1. First, submit a written statement to the person who sends the receipts and ask them to explain how and for what the payment was calculated. You can contact the prosecutor's office with a written response if you consider it illegal and violating your rights.

25.2. Let them submit it, there is still no reason, because there are no contracts and no work themselves, write a statement against them to the police for attempted fraud.

26. I’m doing renovations in an apartment (in a new building). Lots of construction waste. For now I’m putting it out in the corridor (8th floor). Should I independently enter into an agreement for its removal or is this the responsibility of the management company?

26.1. Of course you should. And it is prohibited to keep trash in the corridor for a long time.

27. In the local newspaper there was a public offer to pay for the removal of solid waste from the private sector. Now we are receiving receipts for solid waste removal. Although I take out the garbage myself into containers outside the city. Do I have the right not to pay for solid waste removal?

27.1. Good afternoon
Unfortunately no

28. I live in a private house, I take out the garbage myself to the landfill there and pay, but the housing and communal services brought a receipt for payment; removal of solid waste waste and require payment. Although I don't use their services. What to do?

28.1. Hello! If you haven’t signed a service agreement, you don’t have to pay.

28.2. What to do?
Resolve the issue with the municipality, which is responsible for organizing waste collection and removal.

Alexey Shalkin from Ivanovo asks:

We are renovating the apartment, replacing windows, doors, and tiles. Mountains of garbage have formed that simply have nowhere to go. I have a Gazelle cargo truck and the ability to take out the garbage myself. Where can it be delivered to avoid trouble with neighbors and utility services?

Our expert answers:

Everyone who made even minor repairs to their apartment had to deal with the problem of garbage disposal. A small amount of waste in the form of old wallpaper can be placed in a bag and placed next to the trash container. What to do if there are a dozen of these bags? There are several ways to solve this problem:

  • deliver to the landfill yourself;
  • order a special container;
  • sell or give away for free;
  • contact one of the companies involved in its removal.

Disposal to landfill

All household and construction waste is transported to specialized landfills. There they are sorted, selecting trash suitable for recycling. Anything that cannot be recycled must be landfilled.

Apartment residents just have to find out exactly where such landfills are located, then load all the bags (if cargo transport is available) and deliver them to their destination. But not all landfills accept waste from private individuals. In addition, in order to get rid of such a load, you will have to incur certain financial costs.

Unloading into a special container

We are not talking about ordinary containers intended for solid waste, but about container-hoppers, which are most often installed near new buildings by the developers themselves. Such a bunker can be ordered provided that all waste is loaded within 2 hours.


No matter how funny it may sound, construction waste can actually be sold or given away for free to those who need it. And there are many such people. For example, people living in suburban villages, or living in gardening communities, will be immensely happy to receive such a gift. All this junk can be useful. They fill up holes on roads, ravines in areas, and find other uses.

Contacting specialized companies

This method is the most reasonable. By contacting such a company, the apartment owner will have to pay. But by giving money, you will be able to save time and effort.

Employees of such companies will independently load all the trash and take it to the landfill. The customer will only have to enjoy the freed up space and cleanliness. This method is not only the simplest, but also economically justified. After all, even if you bring the garbage to the landfill yourself, you will still have to pay.

Nowadays, the problem of removing construction waste has become more pressing. Since many people seriously believe that containers standing in a row on special platforms can be loaded with any rubbish. But this is not so, because the main purpose of these garbage containers is to collect solid household waste generated during everyday life in an apartment building. In addition, a special document indicates the composition and volume of what is allowed to be thrown there.

What is construction waste?

Anyone who decides to start a renovation, even with a small amount of work, can face the problem of how to remove construction waste. Since it will be necessary to throw the construction waste into the yard to free up the premises. How to deal with mountains of old tiles, torn wallpaper, window and door frames and other similar rubbish, so as not to become a lawbreaker?

To begin with, it would be good to understand what kind of waste is construction waste. Everything is simple here, the waste that was generated as a result of dismantling, repair and restoration is called construction waste. This includes:

  • scraps of metal structures;
  • pieces of concrete, brick, beaten plaster;
  • old window frames and door blocks;
  • remnants of drywall, linoleum, wallpaper, laminate and tile, etc.

There are three groups of construction waste

The first group contains waste generated at the beginning of work. These include bulky waste, namely large and heavy remains and fragments from demolished walls and other structures. It must be removed immediately, because it will interfere with further work.

The second group contains unnecessary parts of building materials and their packaging that appeared during the renovation process.

The third group contains waste generated during the finishing work.

What does the law say about this?

The legislation governing the technology for removing construction waste is Articles 8.1 and 8.41 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of which is subject to a fine.

Article 8.1 states liability for violation of environmental standards during construction. Although the article itself does not contain detailed information about what exactly constitutes non-compliance with the requirements, it can be read in the official comments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Common violations of this article include: lack of fencing of the construction site and the release of construction waste beyond its boundaries. For non-compliance with the requirements of this paragraph of the article, namely for improper disposal of construction waste, a fine of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles is provided for individuals.

At first glance, the amount of the penalty is small, but paying it does not relieve the offender from the requirement to immediately remove his construction waste to the proper place. For legal entities, the fine for such a violation will range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles.

If construction waste is not removed on time, then Article 8.41 will apply. The fine will start from 6,000 rubles for an individual, and for a legal entity – up to 100,000 rubles.

You also need to know that, according to local laws, the release of large volumes of waste from construction can be regarded as an unauthorized organization of a landfill. Fines for this can reach 50,000 rubles for individuals. persons, and for legal entities persons – up to 200,000 rubles. A fair conclusion would be that it is rational to remove construction waste without violating the requirements of the law.

What should be done with the generated construction waste and old furniture?

Not in all cases it is possible to predict the true scale of repairs, and the volume of waste may turn out to be greater than expected. In this case, there is no need to make hasty decisions about how to remove construction waste from the house. Because not the best ideas immediately come to mind, for example, putting trash near outdoor containers or on the landing. If you take the first route, you will eventually have to pay a fine, and if you take the second route, relations with your neighbors will deteriorate.

For urban conditions, the ideal option is to enter into an agreement with a specialized company that can remove the garbage.

This is a rational decision for two reasons: it will not entail the indignation of neighbors and the consequences of breaking the law. In addition, the amount of the administrative fine can be several times higher than the cost of such a service.

Removing construction waste yourself or hiring a company specializing in this?

Citizens who respect order will not create a dump of rubbish generated from renovations in their apartment. They will do the right thing and take him to a special training ground. Many of them believe that it is cheaper to remove garbage on their own than if a specialized organization is responsible for this. When you need to take out one or two bags of garbage in the trunk of your own car, this option is quite justified.

For this you will need a truck. Renting a flatbed truck or dump truck can cost a pretty penny, especially if the unloading location is located quite far from home.

In addition, the required landfill still needs to be found, because not all of them allow waste sorting and disposal of residues from building structures. And most importantly, all this requires a lot of effort and time. Therefore, it would be more rational to contact a company that specializes in waste removal and disposal.

Video: Disposal of construction waste

We are renovating the apartment, replacing windows, doors, and tiles. Mountains of garbage have formed that simply have nowhere to go. I have a Gazelle cargo truck and the ability to take out the garbage myself. Where can it be delivered to avoid trouble with neighbors and utility services?

Our expert answers:

Everyone who made even minor repairs to their apartment had to deal with the problem of garbage disposal. A small amount of waste in the form of old wallpaper can be placed in a bag and placed next to the trash container. What to do if there are a dozen of these bags? There are several ways to solve this problem:

  • deliver to the landfill yourself;
  • order a special container;
  • sell or give away for free;
  • contact one of the companies involved in its removal.

Disposal to landfill

All household and construction waste is transported to specialized landfills. There they are sorted, selecting trash suitable for recycling. Anything that cannot be recycled must be landfilled.

Apartment residents just have to find out exactly where such landfills are located, then load all the bags (if cargo transport is available) and deliver them to their destination. But not all landfills accept waste from private individuals. In addition, in order to get rid of such a load, you will have to incur certain financial costs.

Unloading into a special container

We are not talking about ordinary containers intended for solid waste, but about container-hoppers, which are most often installed near new buildings by the developers themselves. Such a bunker can be ordered provided that all waste is loaded within 2 hours.


No matter how funny it may sound, construction waste can actually be sold or given away for free to those who need it. And there are many such people. For example, people living in suburban villages, or living in gardening communities, will be immensely happy to receive such a gift. All this junk can be useful. They fill up holes on roads, ravines in areas, and find other uses.

Contacting specialized companies

This method is the most reasonable. By contacting such a company, the apartment owner will have to pay. But by giving money, you will be able to save time and effort.

Employees of such companies will independently load all the trash and take it to the landfill. The customer will only have to enjoy the freed up space and cleanliness. This method is not only the simplest, but also economically justified. After all, even if you bring the garbage to the landfill yourself, you will still have to pay.

What fines and requirements are there for private garbage collection?

The law prohibits dumping waste (construction and large-sized) at a point that is not intended for this (near the entrance, mixing construction waste with household waste, transporting it to the forest, into ravines), but also using “other people’s” containers. According to Art. 8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, fines for violations reach 3,500 rubles for an individual and 300,000 for an organization. The average cost of an 8 m3 container is 6-7 thousand rubles, that is, the services of specialized services are cheaper than paying two fines.

Ways to remove garbage yourself and legally

  1. Passenger car with trailer. Maximum volume 2-3 m3. Waste is loaded and dumped manually, which means you will have to work not only near the house, but also on the territory of the landfill (if a car is allowed there).
  2. Own truck, which is not a pity for the removal of unnecessary construction materials. A more attractive option is that waste up to 8 m3 can be loaded on board.
  3. Own container for removal + special equipment for transportation. One of the current ways to organize your own garbage collection.

Where to dispose of waste and garbage: existing Moscow landfills

There are quite a lot of locations for placement - Moscow is surrounded by several processing plants, burial sites and specialized landfills. But landfills are regularly closed and reclaimed (the fight to improve the environmental situation), so before your trip you need to contact a representative of the service organization - perhaps the site is closed. Garbage materials cannot be taken privately to the city dump. Even if you take a risk, the cameras will record the violation.

According to the Unified State Information System UOIT (state waste accounting system), there are 25 official facilities in Moscow and the region. The largest garbage dumps: Timokhovo, Torbeevo, Yadrovo, Nepeino, burial grounds in Dolgoprudny, Kargashino, Malaya Dubna. But for each, regular and one-time export, a permit is required.

How much does it cost to take garbage to a landfill in Moscow, prices

The cost is set separately for each organization: Moscow practically does not interfere in pricing. For example, at the municipal unitary enterprise "Polygon" (solid waste organization "Kargashino") they accept material after landscaping work (soil, cut trees) for 140-150 rubles/m3 (from local organizations), broken bricks, construction rubbish, concrete - 230 rubles/m3 . When servicing organizations that are registered in another district, the price is 1.5-2 times higher.

In Torbeevo, the cost of transporting waste to a landfill is lower, but for 2018 the landfill has reached its limit - an annual maximum volume of accepted material is set for each disposal site. Contracts with enterprises in Moscow and the region are concluded in the fall and early winter; throughout the year the facility works only with partners. It is impossible for an outside organization to enter the testing sites.

At Timokhovo, the price for garbage disposal to a landfill is fixed and does not depend on the place of registration. Price - 192 rubles/m3 (excluding VAT).

“Yadrovo”, “Nepeino” and other landfills also operate only under a contract, and even entry to the burial site is prohibited for individuals.

We carry out all work according to the contract:

Contract for removal of household and bulky waste on prepayment (*.docx)

Agreement for the removal of household and bulky waste with payment upon delivery (*.doc)

Organizations need documents for work

To carry out removal, it is not enough to have a container and special equipment - when concluding any contract at a landfill, they check the organization’s license to carry out waste transportation work. The management of the landfill rarely cooperates with violators - the work is controlled by both state and public organizations.

The license assumes that the company has a suitable technical base for transporting waste of the appropriate class; everything is transported to landfills in compliance with environmental standards.

The document is issued to organizations and individual entrepreneurs after checking equipment, inventory, transport, permits from Rospotrebnadzor, personnel training certificates, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions. As you can see, it is difficult to approach the removal and disposal of waste in landfills and landfills without a professional approach. A complete list of documents, requirements and restrictions can be found in the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

Briefly, how to take waste to a landfill

  • Organizations and individual entrepreneurs: purchase the necessary transport, equipment, find personnel with certificates or conduct training, collect a package of documents, obtain a license.
  • For private individuals: to send construction waste to the landfill, you will have to use the services of a special service.

Landfills work only with organizations, so for the owner of an apartment or private house, waste disposal to a landfill is only possible using the services of a specialized service. The difference in cost is almost unnoticeable.

The legal disposal procedure is as follows. The customer calls the specialized company and enters into an agreement with it. As a rule, the price for specialist services depends entirely on the volume and type of waste that requires disposal.

  • the company leaves a bunker for the described type of waste in close proximity to the customer;
  • the customer places the agreed amount of waste into the bin;
  • a company arrives with specialized equipment;
  • garbage collection occurs;
  • Legal waste disposal is carried out at designated landfills.

Please note that these companies cooperate not only with legal entities, but also with individuals. It is strongly recommended that the contract be written out in an extremely transparent manner.

In particular, we are talking about the rights and obligations of each party.

Let us remind you that there is a waste classifier that allows you to understand what kind of waste can, in principle, be disposed of by specialists:

  • municipal solid waste;
  • construction garbage;
  • industrial waste;
  • bulky waste.

The first class of waste on the list includes waste that accumulates near apartment buildings almost every day. Construction waste is waste that remains after renovations are carried out in a building, for example.

Industrial waste can cause significant harm to the environment and must be disposed of in a certain way. Even for the removal of bulky waste, it is necessary to first agree on the possibility of carrying out the procedure.

Not every specialized company will be able to provide suitable transport.

This view demonstrates how construction waste is disposed of in principle:

What is considered construction waste?

If we turn to SNiP, the document states that construction waste is waste generated during construction or repairs. These include:

  • broken damaged brick;
  • concrete fragments;
  • pieces and fragments of metal elements;
  • pieces of linoleum;
  • other trimmings and remnants of various building materials.

All construction waste is divided into several categories. The first group includes bulky waste that is generated during the demolition and dismantling of old buildings. This is the heaviest and most bulky waste. Its volumetric mass obtained from disassembly and beating is taken according to average parameters (clause 4.10 of MDS 81-38.2004, FERr-2001):

  • concrete structures - 2.4 t/m³;
  • broken bricks, plaster, facing materials: tiles, tiles - 1.8 t/m³;
  • wooden elements - 0.6 t/m³.

This class of waste is intended to be removed immediately before the start of construction work, having previously been placed in special containers. Containers can be rented from a company offering waste removal and disposal services. And knowing the density of construction waste, it is easy to calculate the carrying capacity of the special vehicles required for transportation.

The second group covers part of the waste consisting of packaging of building materials, their elements and similar products of this type. The third class includes secondary material obtained as a result of finishing work. This category of garbage is characterized by a decent volume, but relatively low weight.

When constructing a house, reconstructing or repairing a house, it is necessary to adhere not only to the technology for performing all types of work, but also to the requirements for removing waste from the construction site. Otherwise, you may face penalties. But first, it is advisable to study information on how construction waste can be put to good use.

Where are some types of construction waste used?

Some of the waste can be used during construction and installation works as secondary raw materials. Concrete residues are suitable for adding to the main concrete mixture when pouring foundation structures, blind areas, and constructing paths. Remains of metal and broken bricks will also find a second life in the construction of a house. Crushed brick has excellent drainage properties, so it is suitable for use when draining an area using a branched drainage system. Pieces of concrete and broken bricks will become available materials for filling holes on the road and at the entrances to the construction site.

Broken glass has also found application in construction. The fragments are loaded into a concrete mixer, adding water, sand and gravel. The glass chips processed in this way are placed in a concrete solution; it will strengthen the foundation and serve as a thermal insulation material.

Construction waste: waste hazard class

All waste generated during construction and repairs is divided into several hazard classes. The last two: the fourth and fifth are the safest in construction activities. These include: broken bricks and broken ceramic tiles, fragments of concrete elements, hardened mortar, remnants of wallpaper, and wood waste. They are subject to recycling, that is, processing for further use in the construction industry. However, in our country this method of recycling construction waste is still poorly developed, so most often the waste is taken to landfills.

The third class includes solvents, paints and varnishes, wires that have lost their characteristic properties and are therefore classified as moderately dangerous.

The first and second groups cover highly hazardous and extremely hazardous waste. These usually include industrial waste products rather than construction waste products.

Where to throw away construction waste

Even if some of the construction waste is used as secondary material during the construction of a house or landscaping, there is still a significant portion of waste that needs to be disposed of.

One option is to enter into an agreement with a specialized organization that works in the field of providing construction waste removal services. The developer does not have to rack his brains about where to rent transport and hire loaders, nor does he need to look for where exactly to take out the construction waste on his own. The homeowner just needs to pay for the service and carefully pack the waste into bags (for this, polypropylene bags of different capacities are usually used). Or put the waste in containers provided upon request, which differ in different volumes. Therefore, it is advisable to first calculate the total cubic capacity of the trash being removed.

The cost of such a service depends on the total volume and weight of construction waste, its hazard class, the carrying capacity of special equipment for waste removal, and the involvement of loaders.

There is another way. You should contact the organization that is responsible for the operation of the landfill designated for waste disposal. Typically, such sites accept construction waste, and by paying for a coupon, you can freely remove unnecessary trash on your own, having your own or renting the appropriate transport.

Responsibility and reasonable exit

The legislation provides for a fine for construction and bulky waste thrown into ordinary containers for household waste installed in the local area. This is considered an administrative violation, and the amount of penalties imposed on citizens ranges from 3 thousand rubles, and for legal entities up to 100 thousand rubles. The numbers vary depending on the region.

Construction waste, the weight of 1 m³ of which on average is considered to be 1.4 tons, is removed by companies specializing in providing these services at a very reasonable price. They use the necessary equipment and devices, properly dispose of waste and send some of the garbage for recycling to obtain secondary raw materials. Therefore, it is logical to take advantage of their offer.

What do you need to take out the garbage?

If you have ever encountered the problem of garbage warehouses at home, at work or in the front garden next to your house, then you probably asked yourself several questions at once: how to quickly remove the garbage, who to entrust this difficult task with and, obviously, how much it costs to remove the garbage , if you really delegate the task. Of course, it is possible to independently collect and transport even oversized household waste, but for this you need, firstly, a lot of time, secondly, containers where the garbage will be stored, and thirdly, reliable assistants with a machine to load it existing containers and transport them outside the city. The situation is much more complicated with construction waste, since building materials, wooden beams, metal structures and pieces of wiring, even with great effort, will not fit into the trunk of a car without damaging the upholstery.

Our company "MSK" offers an option for busy people and companies who prefer to use their time rationally: we carry out the removal of construction waste, household waste, as well as solid precipitation in the form of snow and ice to special landfills outside Moscow, and this service is inexpensive .

How much does garbage removal cost in Moscow?

Calculation of the cost of garbage disposal to a landfill is based on the volumes that need to be transported, as well as territorial affiliation (Moscow region or Moscow region). Special conditions apply for orders from the East of Moscow and the Moscow region - even more loyal prices for garbage removal and free downtime if necessary. In addition, regardless of whether you need to remove construction waste or waste that is potentially hazardous to the environment and human health, we offer the services of our experienced loaders who will promptly collect and load the waste into dumpsters.

How is waste disposed of in a landfill?

In order to place an order for garbage removal, you need to contact us by phone in Moscow, write to us by e-mail, or come directly to the office of the MSK company. Our dispatcher will clarify all the important details, for example, where the garbage is, what category it belongs to, whether there is a lot of it, as well as what time and what day you would like us to remove it (we work around the clock). Next, a preliminary assessment of the task is carried out and an estimate is drawn up, which is approved with the customer.

Then everything is simple: at the appointed time, a vehicle (KAMAZ or ZIL) arrives at the location of the garbage, and loaders load the waste into special garbage containers. Collection and loading take very little time, so the planned event will not disrupt your workflow in any way. The garbage truck transports the cargo to designated landfills, where disposal is carried out in accordance with all sanitary standards. If necessary, you can order several garbage trucks, as well as buy or rent garbage containers.

Garbage removal prices

Garbage volume

To the third transport ring *
