Who is Navka married to? Female dynasty of Tatiana Navka's family: very similar and happy

Peskov Dmitry Sergeevich is a Russian diplomat holding the position of press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation. Peskov began political activity since the times of the USSR.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov

Some people close to Peskov are confident that Dmitry Sergeevich’s choice of career was influenced by his father, who was also involved in the diplomatic service in the Middle East.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Dmitry Peskov originates in the Russian capital - the future statesman was born on October 17, 1967 in Moscow in the family of Russian diplomat Sergei Peskov, who later for a long time was a diplomatic official of Russia.

After school, some people close to Peskov’s circle believe that Dmitry Peskov’s biography was determined by his parents. His father sent him to study at the Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISSA) at Moscow state university, where the future politician received higher education in 1989, after which he was immediately employed in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is not known for certain whether the future press secretary was influenced by her mother; no exact facts about her personality or profession can be found either in the press or in official sources.

Some sources suggest that Peskov hides information about his mother this way because her name and appearance could shed light on his nationality. All sources indicate that the politician has Russian roots, but full information about parents can change that.


Peskov did not work at the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs for long; already in 1990, his career took a turn in a different direction: until 1994, he held the positions of duty assistant, third secretary of the USSR Embassy, ​​secretary of the Russian Embassy in Turkey, and attaché. In 1994, Peskov began working at the Russian Foreign Ministry, this lasted until 1996, then the new round his career growth- Peskov “stepped up” from the position of third to the position of second secretary of the Russian Embassy in Turkey.

When he achieved success in the elections in 1993, Dmitry Peskov joined the LDPR party. In 2013, Peskov was asked about the motivation that persuaded him to join the LDPR, but Dmitry Sergeevich honestly admitted: he has been attracted to this party since its inception, in particular due to the fact that Vladimir Zhirinovsky is also a Turkologist by training.

Dmitry Peskov’s television debut took place back in 1999, when the man appeared in television stories during the 3 days of the first president of the Russian Federation at the OSCE summit in Istanbul, since Yeltsin chose him as his translator from Turkish. It is known for certain in the media that the current presidential press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, speaks English, Arabic and Turkish; this knowledge also contributed to the advancement of political career ladder diplomat

After Vladimir Putin won the presidential elections in 2012, becoming President of the Russian Federation for the 3rd time, Dmitry Peskov was appointed deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation - on May 22, 2012, Putin appointed Peskov as personal press secretary.

Dmitry Peskov, whose biography is filled with a chronology of scandalous incidents on television and in the press, has repeatedly become a victim of the media - sometimes statements were attributed to him that he did not voice. Sometimes scandals involving Peskov were confirmed - one of such cases was his statement about a “smeared liver.”

In mid-2012, Dmitry Peskov told State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev that law enforcement officials, as part of a special operation to prevent the opposition “March of Millions” in the vicinity of Bolotnaya Square (the event dated May 6, 2012), needed to take more radical measures. Peskov then stated that “for the wounded riot policeman, the livers of the protesters should have been smeared on the asphalt.”

This scandalous statement immediately became public knowledge - the Russian diplomat later admitted in an interview that he really spoke in a similar tone, but noted that “it’s not like a man to make public words from a personal conversation.” According to Peskov, he made the statement about the “smeared liver” to Ponomarev in a personal conversation - Putin’s current press secretary did not expect the politician to publish this quote on Twitter.

In 2016, the politician continued to work actively. He officially confirmed that Russia has a peaceful position towards other countries, and covered the discussion “ Kuril issue» between the governments of the Russian Federation and Japan. But the scandalous fame of the press secretary is so great that in the same year, in order for his photo to go viral on the Internet, it was enough for Dmitry Peskov to simply put on red pants during non-working hours.

The politician's latest statements are also odious. During the scandal that erupted in early 2017 around the Kremlin’s collection of compromising material on the new US President, Peskov commented on these accusations, calling them “complete nonsense.”

Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov

The current press secretary of the Russian leader has publicly stated that Putin often criticizes the quality of Peskov’s performance of duties - according to his data, Russian leader I am often dissatisfied with the way it works. Despite this, Dmitry Peskov also has awards: the Order of Honor and the Order of Friendship.

In addition to his high-profile career, Dmitry Peskov also has an outstanding appearance. The politician is not distinguished by his outstanding height (175 cm) or weight. But one detail caught the attention of millions. Dmitry Sergeevich is the owner of a signature mustache. Through the efforts of Internet comedians, the mustaches started their own mini-blog on Twitter, and later a group on the popular VKontakte network.

Peskov's mustache quickly gained popularity and loyal subscribers and wittily comment on various news, both political, social and cultural. The attention to this part of the press secretary's appearance is so great that when Dmitry Peskov shaved his mustache in 2014, the country held its breath. As it turned out later, the politician decided to do this because of a dispute with his daughter. She demanded that if she successfully passed the Unified State Exam, her father would shave off his signature mustache. And Peskov kept his promise, although he soon restored his usual appearance.

Personal life

Some media outlets note that Dmitry Peskov’s personal life is in some places even scandalous. Peskov’s wives and family affairs give the press no less reasons for discussion than his statements. In his youth, Peskov married the granddaughter of the Soviet commander Anastasia Budennaya, from this marriage the couple has common son Nikolai.

Dmitry Peskov’s second marriage was with then 18-year-old Ekaterina Solotsinskaya. The age difference between the newlyweds was 9 years. The couple lived together until 2012, but they eventually divorced. Solotsinskaya told reporters that Dmitry Peskov allegedly cheated on her with a figure skater, and she could not forgive her husband - Dmitry and Ekaterina Peskov divorced amid this betrayal.

According to media reports, Peskov’s ex-wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya now lives in Paris, where she is involved in charity work and has her own apartment. This marriage gave Peskov and Solotsinskaya a daughter, Elizaveta, as well as sons Denis and Mika. The children of Dmitry Peskov and his second wife have dual citizenship, which he was charged with as a government official close to the President of the Russian Federation. There have been repeated calls for Peskov to return his relatives to their homeland.

His wife Ekaterina was not the last on the list of the press secretary’s companions. Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov, according to media reports, met in 2012. They fell in love and their daughter Nadya was born. On August 1, 2015, Peskov and Navka got married.

The event was attended by many celebrities: and other celebrities, politicians and pop figures. The ceremony took place in Sochi. Peskov celebrated his wedding with Navka in one of the most expensive hotels in the city, the Rodina-Grand Hotel. The celebration was paid for by the hotel owner himself. The celebration smoothly transitioned into Airborne Forces Day on the second day. Peskov and many celebrity guests changed into vests and berets.

However, not at all photos of stars in military uniform attracted public attention to this wedding. The Russians looked with curiosity at the watch on the hand of the happy groom. Connoisseurs recognized them as a mechanism from the expensive Richard Mille brand, which, according to the most conservative ideas, should cost several hundred thousand euros. The quality of the photo did not allow us to determine the model, but it was clear that the watch cost the press secretary half, or even all of his official annual salary. This raised many questions about the politician's real salary and income.

Peskov said that this watch was a gift from his wife; Navka bought it with her own money and much cheaper than the amounts indicated on the Internet. He refused to comment on where his wife got that kind of money, but added that, naturally, he would never be able to buy such an accessory on his own. Tatyana Navka in an interview was outraged by the very fact of the hype. She reminded the press that she is an Olympic champion and is able to provide for herself and please her loved one.

Most of all, Navka was upset by the fact that the gifts of other athletes were not subject to such doubts, for example, as Tatyana recalled, no one stirred up a scandal when the figure skater gave his wife jewelry of no less value than Peskov’s watch. It is known that in 2016 the press secretary registered an income of 12 million rubles, while Tatyana Navka earned 120 million rubles during this period. A year later, his income increased by 2 million rubles, and his wife’s by 80 million rubles.

Honeymoon The press secretary caused another scandal. According to some information, the newly formed family was vacationing in Italy at the height of anti-Russian sanctions, which outraged many Russians. Other sources stated that Peskov and his wife spent this time on a personal yacht, sailing to Sardinia, but not leaving the European shore.

Dmitry Peskov's daughter Elizaveta attracts the attention of reporters no less than her father. The girl graduated from a boarding school in Paris, after which she continued to receive her education in France. IN summer holidays In 2017, she interned at Avanti as an advisor to the president.

Dmitry Peskov's daughter studies and lives in France

Elizabeth maintains her own account on Instagram, publications from which have repeatedly caused public outrage and attacks on the girl. Lisa sent a letter about cyberbullying to the expert council State Duma RF Development information society. Peskova’s complaints were considered, and on this basis, in March 2018, a proposal appeared to develop amendments to the Code on administrative offenses, which involve the introduction of fines for cyberbullying.

Dmitry Peskov now

Dmitry Peskov continues to fulfill his job responsibilities, regularly appearing before the press to comment on the president's speeches. Sometimes his remarks lead Vladimir Putin to bewilderment, as the president told reporters from the American television channel NBC. According to the head of state, Dmitry Peskov “sometimes brings a blizzard” when expressing his own opinion.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka at the music festival "Heat-2018"

According to Peskov himself, his work is not without stress, the reaction to new information requires composure and stress resistance. Sport helps Dmitry cope with stress. In winter, the press secretary prefers walks on the ski slopes; in summer, he plays tennis and jogging.

The family also represents statesman strong support. Dmitry set it up friendly relations with his previous wife and periodically visits Catherine, daughter and younger sons in Paris, what they are talking about together family photos. Together with current wife and children from previous marriages, Dmitry Peskov regularly flies to the sea coast.


  • 2003 – Order of Friendship
  • 2004, 2007 – two thanks from the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2007 – Order of Honor
  • 2009 – gratitude from the Russian government
  • 2017 – Order of “Manas” 3rd degree (Kyrgyzstan)

Tatyana Navka (04/13/1975) – professional figure skater. During her career, the athlete won all kinds of titles. She is a two-time European and world champion, winner of the Grand Prix finals, and, of course, an Olympic champion. After completing his professional career, he performs in ice shows and tries himself in film and television.

“Since childhood, I have been accustomed to working hard. I always got up early - at 5.30 in the morning and at 6 I was already leaving the house to go to training by bus. There was not a soul on the street, even the wipers were still asleep. Figure skating appeared in my life at the age of 5 and immediately eclipsed the rest of the world for me.”


Tatyana was born on April 13, 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Her mother worked as an economist, her father as an engineer. At the same time, both played sports at an amateur level. Mom - gymnastics, dad - athletics and basketball. The parents considered the extraordinary abilities in their daughter in early childhood. The girl loved to dance and was too active. Tatyana was sent to the gymnastics section, but when Tanya saw the performance of the famous Soviet single skater Elena Vodorezova on TV, she decided to definitely become a figure skater.

Tatyana literally fell in love with this sport. She spends almost all her time at the skating rink. Even studies are sacrificed. Her first coaches were Tamara Yarchevskaya and Alexander Rozhin. She was the champion of Ukraine among juniors.

But growth interfered with Tatiana’s plans. For a single skater, the smaller it is, the better. At 12 years old, the girl grew 14 centimeters over the summer. It became difficult for her to keep her balance; the jumping part went completely wrong. Ice dancing became the only chance to stay in figure skating.

In 1988, the figure skater was invited to Moscow. Coach Natalya Dubova sees enormous potential in the athlete and pairs her with Samvel Gezalyan.

Tatyana comes to Moscow alone. She rents an apartment in Mytishchi and goes to training on packed morning trains. The athlete admits that she even managed to take a nap there, because she had practically no time left for sleep. She lived according to a schedule: training, school, training again, rented apartment, trains.

On a professional level

In 1991, the couple Navka and Gezalyan entered the USSR national team. They even manage to win one of the stages of the Skate America Grand Prix series. After the collapse of the Union, by the will of fate, the athletes ended up on the Belarusian national team. They competed for this country at the Olympics in Lillehammer in 1994, where they took 11th place.

“It was fun: we walked around the city, went to museums. We understood that we were not fighting for first place, and treated the Olympics as just another cool sporting event. I still have the bell from its opening.”

At the World Championships in 1994 the couple became 5th, at the European Championships a year later - 4th. In 1996, the athletes decide to separate. Tatyana Navka has a new partner - Nikolai Morozov. At the Olympics in Nagano, Japan in 1998, the skaters also compete for Belarus and become 16th.

After the Olympics, Tatyana changes not only her partner - Roman Kostomarov becomes him - but also her country. Navka begins to play for Russia for the first time. The future of the couple seemed promising and cloudless. But a year later, coach Natalya Linichuk finds Romana a more worthy partner, in her opinion, Anna Semenovich.

Happy mom

Tatyana Navka decides to end her sports career. She has been together with the famous figure skater, heartthrob Alexander Zhulin for a long time. February 17, 2000, after five years civil marriage, the couple legalized their relationship. A few months later, on May 2, 2000, daughter Alexandra appeared in the family.

All Tatyana's thoughts were connected with the child. But the young mother unexpectedly received a call from her ex-partner Roman Kostomarov and offered to make a couple. He told her that their couple broke up against his will, that the coach was the initiator of the breakup. Navka agreed without hesitation.

Olympic gold in Turin

Your long-awaited gold medal Olympic Games Tatyana Navka received it in Turin in 2006. Their pairing with Kostomarov was not considered among the favorites before the start of the competition. Russian figure skaters had too few achievements behind them - just bronze at the European Championships. But, apparently, the “sports gods” themselves were on the side of Navka and Kostomarov. All their competitors - Italians, Lithuanians - fell. For ice dancing this is something out of fantasy. At the same time, the Russians performed Carmen as if they themselves were from Spain and had lived there all their lives.

But after winning the Olympic Games, Tatyana Navka decided to quit sports. Explaining her step, the skater admitted that she was very tired from years of training. But she continued to work and endure in order to achieve sports Olympus. And when he was conquered, the dream came true, and with it came the desire to do something else.

After sports

After finishing her sports career, Tatyana Navka began to regularly appear on TV screens. In 2006, Channel One launched an ice show, and the newly-minted champion became its main star. Navka participated in the project from 2006 to 2014, missing only one season (2011).

In addition, Tatyana Navka took part in the Eurovision Dance competition together with Alexander Litvinenko. The figure skater also appears in advertising, for example, she is the face of the Oriflame company. And the main source of income is holding holidays, celebrations and corporate events.

It's finished! On August 1, the 40-year-old figure skater and her lover, 47-year-old press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, got married! The high-profile ceremony, which the press started talking about back in April, took place in Sochi in the presence of more than a hundred celebrity guests.

“Lady Mail.Ru” tells the love story of a spectacular couple, which has long attracted the greedy attention of thousands of eyes.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka

Brittle Ice

A promising and very diligent figure skater Tatyana Navka moved to Moscow from Dnepropetrovsk when she was a 15-year-old girl. Then a talented athlete long years trained in the USA. Ice skating strengthened her character, brought her great victories and her first love.

Tatyana first saw her colleague, figure skater Alexander Zhulin, when she was 18 - the World Championships were held in Prague. After some time, Zhulin and Navka met again, and Alexander fell in love with the fragile and modest Tatyana. “I got it! - Think. “Only this was not enough!” Zhulin recalls his meeting with the pretty athlete. Tatiana charmed Alexander so much that he left his former wife, his partner. figure skating Maya Usova.

Navka and Zhulin lived together for fourteen years, ten of them in marriage. The relationship, however, was often tense: due to the fact that both Alexander and Tatyana worked a lot, they had practically no time left for each other. The lovers felt lonely, and Zhulin even tried to leave for another figure skater, Oksana Grischuk, but in the end he stayed with Tatyana.

In 2000, Navka gave her husband a daughter, Sasha. “As a child, I watched the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” and began to dream that I, like her heroine, would someday have a daughter, Alexandra, blonde-haired and big-eyed. That’s exactly what happened,” Navka recalls.

Previously, Tatyana was married to her colleague Alexander Zhulin

During her pregnancy, the figure skater stopped active training and began to spend more time with her husband. At that time the couple lived in the USA. Alexander later admitted that that period was the best in the life of their family: “We loved each other and enjoyed every day. I still remember life in America as a wonderful fairy-tale dream.”

After the birth of her daughter, Tatyana immediately went on the ice. The girl skated together with Roman Kostomarov, and Navka’s husband became the athletes’ coach. Over time, Tatyana began to distance herself from Alexander and showed independence. Zhulin no longer recognized her as the sweet girl she had been during their first meetings.

Family relationships were rapidly deteriorating. The young parents did not see eye to eye on raising their daughter. In addition, when the skaters were invited to work in Russia on the Ice Age project, Tatyana, Alexander and their daughter were forced to move from a spacious house in New York to a small Moscow apartment.

The capital finally divorced the lovers. Navka began to be noticed in the company of Marat Basharov, with whom she skated together on “ Ice Age" The husband, realizing that his beloved had lost interest in him, decided, as the media wrote, to start a relationship with the young figure skater Natalya Mikhailova, whom he was training at that moment.

Things flared up between Navka and Basharov passionate romance, the actor left his family for the sake of the figure skater. The relationship, however, was stormy: they either converged or dispersed. The press was constantly in confusion: news about Navka’s pregnancy was replaced by information that Tatyana and Marat had separated. As a result, the couple finally broke up, Marat found new love- although he remained on friendly terms with Navka.

For some time, Tatyana Navka met with actor Marat Basharov. Tatyana and Marat performed together on the show “Ice Age”

Dmitry Peskov and his second wife, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya

Discord in the Peskov family occurred after that fateful meeting between Dmitry and Navka at a dinner party. Legal spouse It became clear to Peskov that the family could not be saved. Moreover, the woman was disappointed in her husband, whom she had always considered faithful: “It seemed to me that everyone was like this, but mine is definitely different. And when it turned out that he was the same... I became uninterested.”

For a long time, only the closest friends and relatives knew about the feelings between Navka and Peskov. For almost two years, the press actively discussed that there was something connecting the press secretary and the Olympic champion, but there was still no official confirmation of the rumors.

According to the figure skater, her chosen one is not only an active man with golden hands, but also a real pedant: “If the chair is turned differently or a new candle, will certainly notice. He has been buying the same model of boots for many years in a row. He's used to his jackets hanging in a set order. You understand, even if you have helpers in the house, you can’t provide for everything.”

The couple stopped hiding their romance only in December last year

Over time, journalists and Navka’s fans began to wonder: if the skater and the new man are doing well and their daughter is already growing up, why won’t the couple marry? “You know, I always understood that a stamp in a passport is not the most important thing in order to preserve love and family. This event will definitely happen in my life, but everything has its time,” Navka stated mysteriously.

Zhulin himself announced this on his Instagram.

“Natalya Mikhailova is no longer Mikhailova. My beautiful wife! in September, expect the main event in our lives. The celebration is just around the corner,” he wrote.

The couple began their relationship after Zhulin divorced the 2006 Olympic champion in ice dancing Tatyana Navka, with whom he had been married for ten years. For Zhulin himself, this is already the third marriage.

In 1986, he married his partner Maya Usova, but soon broke up with the athlete and began a relationship with Navka, whose coach he was at that time. In 2000, the couple, while in the United States, got married, registering the marriage at the New York City Hall, where they had moved a year earlier.

However, ten years later, Zhulin and Navka announced their separation. The couple is survived by their daughter Alexandra. The reason for the divorce is still unknown. However, after the breakup, Navka spoke about her resentment towards Zhulin.

“For a very long time I did not comment on what was happening because I was trying to save our marriage. In addition, I didn’t want this topic to be discussed, traumatizing Sasha’s and my nine-year-old daughter. And so Sasha began to comment on this matter without informing me.

I admit, I am very upset because I did not expect this from him, and I think that he acted unmanly. We had real love, but it ended"

- quotes the words of the champion of the 2006 Games “7D”.

It is noteworthy that Alexandra’s daughter was not at the wedding. At the same time, Zhulin himself expressed regret about this.

“With my youngest figurine daughter. It's a pity that the eldest Sashenka couldn't join! Sashulya, we will celebrate in September. My daughters are my main achievement in life and wealth!” — the specialist expressed his feelings.

Mikhailova achieved the highest achievement in her career under the leadership of Zhulin. Together with Sergeev, she became the silver medalist at the World Junior Championships in 2006.

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