Equipment per square 2. Computer service expert

Hello tankers! We continue to look further at the technology and today we have a machine about which legends were made. A machine whose history goes back to distant pre-war times. A car that many people leave in the hangar after upgrading. Meet the heaviest tank in the world at the beginning of World War II, the KV-2:

The car is introduced in the game at level 6. The price of this device is 920,000 credits and 26,700 experience. The amounts are quite normal and relatively easy to achieve. However, do not forget that on the KV-2 it is necessary to install additional. equipment, camouflage and a sane crew. By the way, as for the crew, we will not be able to completely transfer them from the previous vehicle (KV-1), and in principle there is no need. Personally, I advise putting a completely new crew on the KV-2 and training them immediately to 75%. It will cost 20,000*6=120,000 credits. I also advise installing camouflage on the tank; not only will it bring a little aesthetic pleasure, it will also help in battle due to the increase in camouflage. It will cost 60,000*3=180,000 credits for 30 days.


Here is a machine research branch. The first thing that cannot but please us is the already researched modules on the KV-1. These include: pre-top engine, radio station, pre-top gun.

As almost everywhere else, we must first examine the chassis. Not only will a top-end chassis add maneuverability, turning speed and strength to the tracks themselves, but most importantly, it will allow us to install a new turret and a more advanced weapon.

The pre-top engine should already be examined by us. It doesn't add anything to us, but it reduces the chance of fire when hit. The parameter is also not unimportant. The top engine itself adds 60 hp to us. With. to power, which has a relatively good effect on the dynamics of the car.

Our radio station also needs to be investigated. A top-end radio station has a sufficient communication range for the vehicle to perform relatively well on the battlefield among similar-level vehicles. We set it up and don’t dwell on it too much.

Well, here it is this famous KV-2 tower. Compared to the stock one, it wins in several ways at once, although not by much. Firstly, our visibility increases, and this is quite important. Secondly, its turning speed is 2 degrees/sec higher than the stock one. It seems like these are all little things, but they have a significant impact on the game. In addition, we can now install one of the 2 top guns.

As you may have just noticed, I called both weapons top-end, although one of them is level 7, and the second is level 6. Logically, the top-end weapon should be the one that is at level 7, but on this machine everything is not so. Level 6 high-explosive gun with a caliber of 152 mm. is capable of so much benefit both to its team and to annoy others that in some situations it wakes up even better than the top 7 level. Therefore, here the choice of weapon is completely yours. However, since it is more comfortable for me to play with 152 mm, and historically it is more correct, so I will consider this option. This weapon doesn’t cost much experience, so there shouldn’t be any problems with leveling up. I’ll just note that you won’t be able to play a typical TT with this weapon. It takes a long time to assemble, it also takes a long time to reload, but there’s nothing to say about accuracy. You can miss from 50 meters... However, the huge one-time damage not only forces others to take us into account, but also to be wary of bypassing the other flank))) It’s only fools who try to meet a 152 mm blank. I note that you need to shoot from this gun either with land mines or with gold. If you shoot 2nd then there will be a lot of fun in the game.


  1. We install everything that has been researched.
  2. Chassis
  3. Tower
  4. gun
  5. Top. engine

In general, I will highlight the following pros and cons of the machine:


  • Huge one-time damage
  • Good farming (when using landmines)
  • Good booking


  • Bad review
  • Tall silhouette
  • Poor accuracy, aiming, reloading
  • Slow tower

Balance weight

Our car is thrown into battle levels 6 - 8. It’s comfortable to play on 6 and 7 even with gun 107, but not on 8. There will be a lack of penetration. This is actually why many people choose 152 and then halve all sorts of lions and get a lot of pleasure. Therefore, if you use a 152 mm gun and carry landmines or cumulative shells instead of APs, it doesn’t matter where you end up, even to levels 9 and 10.


As always, you have to pay for pleasure. Farming a tank is very good, but you can get full pleasure from playing on it only by using gold shells. If you play with land mines, then your car will farm quite decently, because with a land mine it is very difficult not to cause at least some damage, the main thing is to hit it. Therefore, the tank farms and does not farm at the same time.


As I said above, we won’t be able to play the usual TT if you use a 152 mm gun. A support style is more suitable than a defense-breaking style. Of course, you can tank in battles of level 6, and sometimes 7, but you need to be wary of those who can either spin you around or turn you into a piece of metal during reloading. The main thing for us is to distribute damage. I don’t think there will be any problems when using landmines; in 99% of cases they will cause at least some damage when they hit. The same cannot be said about cumulative ones. Even with them, we can quite often fail to penetrate or cause damage if we hit the track/gun. I also noticed that many people underestimate this tank as an opponent. This is what we need to use. While the folders at level 8 are at war, stuff them with damage. However, in any case, think carefully about everything, this machine does not forgive mistakes.

Optional equipment

Here is a standard set for TT

  • Rammer
  • Reinforced aiming drives
  • Fan


Everything is standard here too

  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Oil or fire extinguisher. It is not necessary to use the latter since the chance of fire is quite small, and the oil will be added at the speed of rotation of the turret and will slightly improve the dynamics.

Crew Perks

I will simply list the most important ones in my opinion for this machine, and you can decide in what order to upgrade them and what will be more important for you and your playing style.

The commander has a sixth sense, a mentor, an eagle eye.

To the gunner - sniper

Radio operator - radio interception

To the loader - desperate.

For everyone - repairs, military brotherhood.

KV-2 vulnerabilities:

Orange- commander, gunner, loader
Red- engine, tanks, transmission
Green- easily penetrated zones
White- ammunition rack
Blue- driver mechanic.

And finally, a few video reviews from other players:

Hello, I decided to make a guide on the Tier 6 Soviet heavy tank KV-2

Tank performance characteristics:

  • Durability (stock/top) - 810/860 HP
  • Weight/limit weight (top) - 51.16/56.8 (53.1/60.8) t
  • Crew - Commander, gunner, mechanic, radio operator, loader, loader
  • Engine power (stock/top) - 500/600 hp.
  • Specific power (stock/top) - 9.77/11.3 hp/t
  • Maximum speed (forward/backward) - 35/11 km/h
  • Agility (stock/top) - 16/18 g/sec
  • Front/side/stern hull armor - 75/75/70 mm
  • Front/side/rear turret armor - 75/75/70 mm (the same in the top version)
  • Overview (stock/top) - 320/330 meters
  • Communication range (sink/top) - 360/440 meters
  • Battle levels - 6, 7, 8


Research and leveling:

  1. The first step is to install the 152mm M-10 gun (I advise you to travel only with it)
  2. Next you should install the V-2K engine, it does not provide an increase in dynamics, but it is less of a fire hazard
  3. Then the V-5 engine gives a significant increase in dynamics
  4. Chassis KV-2 model 1941, increases agility and maneuverability
  5. Then the MT-2 turret, it rotates faster and adds 10 to visibility
  6. Walkie-talkie 10RK (if not researched earlier)
  7. And at the end the 107mm ZiS-6 gun

​Pros of the tank:

  • A variety of weapons for different tactics
  • High damage from the 152mm M-10 gun
  • Sturdy gun mantlet
  • Possibility to install the top gun on the stock chassis and turret
  • High safety margin
  • Unique gameplay

Disadvantages of the tank:

  • Low speed and maneuverability
  • Big silhouette
  • Poor hull and turret armor
  • Bad review
  • Low communication range


  • Rammer
  • Reinforced aiming drives
  • Ventilation


  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher


  • Armor-piercing (AP) - 18
  • Armor-piercing (AP) (for gold) - 0
  • High-explosive fragmentation (HE) - 18

Crew Leveling:

  • Commander - 1) Sixth Sense, 2) Brotherhood of Battle, 3) Eagle Eye
  • Gunner - 1) Smooth rotation of the turret, 2) Combat brotherhood, 3) Grudger
  • Mech-vod - 1) Smooth ride, 2) Combat brotherhood, 3) King of off-road
  • Radio operator - 1) Radio interception, 2) Combat brotherhood, 3) Inventor
  • Loader - 1) Intuition*, 2) Combat Brotherhood, 3) Desperate
  • Loader - 1) Intuition*, 2) Combat brotherhood, 3) Non-contact ammunition rack

*Intuition is enhanced if there are two loaders, and is useful on the KV-2 when you need to switch between AP APs

Combat effectiveness:

Let's consider two tactics: when we are at the top and at the bottom of the list with a 152mm M-10 gun

1. When we are at the top, we can safely turn on armor-piercing (AP) shells and when they penetrate (and this will happen very often), we will deal 700 damage, and this is definitely a one-shot. You should be at medium or close distances from the enemy behind cover. The tactic is as follows: drive, shoot, drive, but you should remember that there must be at least 2 allies nearby to cover you when you are reloading.

2. When we are at the bottom of the list, we need to include high-explosive fragmentation shells (HE) because we won’t penetrate anyone with armor-piercing shells. Land mines can easily inflict 200-400 damage on levels 7-8, and this must be recognized very well. You definitely need to stay close to your allies and never go alone to the flank, because of our armor we are an easy target, we hide behind cover or behind allies at medium or close distance to the enemy, but you always need to be behind your allies. The tactics are the same: drive out, shoot, drive in.

Huge Soviet heavy tank, in the game World of Tanks, perhaps one of the most recognizable tanks in the game. This car has many unique features and is not similar to its counterparts in many respects. Firstly, the KV-2 boasts two guns, which radically changes its behavior on the battlefield. Secondly, despite its class, the tank is often engaged in rear defense and base defense. Even if the KV-2 ends up at the bottom of the list, it still remains useful. It can be used in any situation. And finally, thirdly, the KV-2 will help you move on to high-level art. It also opens access to its heavy comrades T-150 and KV-1S (Kvass).

Technical details of the KV-2 tank

Options Values
Basic: Tank level: 6
Strength: 810 HP
Weight/limit weight: 51.16 / 56.8 t
Price: 920 000
Mobility: Engine power: 500 l. With.
Maximum speed: 35 km/h
Armor: Hull armor in mm: forehead 75 sides 75 stern 70
Turret armor in mm: forehead 90 sides 75 stern 70
Weapons: Weapon: 122 mm U-11
Ammunition: 80 pcs.
Damage: 338-563 HP
Armor penetration: 46-76 mm
Rate of fire: 5.45 rounds/min

But first things first.

KV-2 gun can cause inconvenience to any enemy, even heavy tanks from the top. You can choose from the 152 mm M-10 gun and the no less effective 107 mm ZiS-6 gun. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics.

The 152 mm high explosive is a formidable weapon, since lightly armored tanks often take full damage, which is, on average, 900 units. For many machines this is a lethal dose. You can also fire armor-piercing shells from a high explosive, but this is rarely done. The price of a rebound and non-penetration is too high. With a rammer, the gun reloads in 20.7 seconds. The gun's accuracy is extremely poor, and the projectile flies for a long time, so it is difficult to hit at a distance, and doubly difficult to hit a moving target. When you fire high explosive rounds, it's important to know how much potential damage you'll cause. To do this, you need to understand how land mines work.

When hit, a calculation occurs: will it penetrate or not, exactly as for an armor-piercing projectile. In our case, the penetration of a 152 mm projectile is 86 units. If it pierces, the enemy receives full damage, which is equal to 910 HP. If the penetration does not occur, then the damage is half, and then a complex calculation of the damage occurs. One thing is clear: the thicker the armor at the point of impact, the less damage. To do this, it is very important to understand how to penetrate armor.

For example, let's look at the French, many of them have 40-60 mm thick protection; it would seem that the weapon should always inflict the coveted 900 damage. But due to the fact that French armor is located at angles, it is not always possible to penetrate it. Therefore, we need to shoot so that the projectile enters at a right angle and then it will delight us with high damage.

But in practice it is not always possible to aim well.

Different tactics for playing the KV-2 tank

Depending on whether the KV-2 is at the top or bottom, the tactics of behavior on the battlefield change radically.

KV-2 in the top half of the list

Let's look at our tank in the game from the top of the list. There are many vehicles with weak armor and even more weak players around. Our job is to move towards the heavy tank positions. Due to the slowness, the battle begins without us, but already at the entrance the first targets will be visible and we will have someone to choose from. We spend the first half of the game calmly, without heroic deeds. We shoot from medium or long distance.

You always need to have the help of your allies nearby. Traveling in a KV-2 is very dangerous, since a shot from our tank can be fatal to the enemy. But you shouldn’t rush headlong into battle yourself; you should always be surrounded by allies who will help you finish off the enemy and protect you while you reload.

KV-2 at the bottom of the list

Now let's consider the situation when the KV-2 is at the bottom of the list. This Soviet heavy can get into battles of the eighth and seventh levels. At the same time, you feel quite comfortable. Here we have two options. In the first, we do the same as in the sandbox, we stand behind our allies and send shells to the enemy one by one. We play a support role. The main thing is to be careful.

The second tactic is more difficult in all respects, but can bring much more pleasure and benefit. This is the hunter style, one shot style. We confidently approach the enemy from the other flank, go to the side or rear. The goal of this plan is to deal maximum damage in one shot. So the cooler you are, the more shots you can fire from a given position.

The huge Soviet KV-2 is perhaps one of the most recognizable tanks in the game. This car is unique in many ways; it is not similar to its predecessors not only in appearance, but also in other respects.

Firstly the KV-2 can be equipped with two competitive guns, which radically change his behavior on the field.

Secondly, despite its class, the KV-2 is often busy with defense, and finding itself at the bottom of the list, it still remains useful.

KV-2 guns are capable of causing problems even for heavy enemy tanks. There is a choice of 152 mm M10 gun, And effective 107 mm ZIS 6 gun.

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of a 152 mm high explosive - this is a formidable weapon that is capable of inflicting colossal damage to weakly armored tanks - up to 900 units of damage, for many vehicles this is fatal. It is practically useless to fire armor-piercing shells from such a weapon - there is a high probability of non-penetration or ricochet. But a high-explosive shell from a 152 mm gun is a formidable force for the enemy.

This weapon takes a long time to reload - 20.7 seconds, its accuracy is not great, and the projectile flies for a long time. Therefore, it will be difficult to hit from a long distance, and doubly difficult to hit a moving target.

By shooting land mines you can inflict different damage. To know what it depends on, you need to understand how land mines work in the game.

KV-2 with 152 mm M-10 gun

Player actions on KV-2 in World of tanks should depend on which company this tank fell into. If the KV-2 is located at the top of the list and there are many vehicles with weak armor against it, then you can act more confidently and brazenly; even at the entrance to the collision site, you can select the most dangerous and vulnerable targets to a landmine. Shots from a high explosive should be carried out carefully, slowly, from a medium distance.

When there are no opponents left on the horizon, you need to decide on further actions: either defend the base or attack. The KV-2 is quite slow, so you won’t be able to do everything at once. It is more advisable to stay close to your allies, they will help you finish off enemy vehicles and provide cover during your long reload. You shouldn’t rush forward headlong without reconnaissance and support, because after one shot the KV-2 is helpless for 20 seconds.

Tactics on the KV-2 with a high explosive in WoT

Tactics on the KV-2 The use of a high-explosive weapon is based on systematically and accurately shooting down opponents. The KV-2 is very dangerous in urban conditions, where it can roll out of cover and attack at short range, but this situation is dangerous even for the heaviest tank, because it can be hit by its tracks. Therefore, in urban conditions it is better to enlist the support of allies.

If the KV-2 is at the bottom of the list, then the rational solution would be to act as a support, consistently dealing damage. Of course, in such a situation we need to act carefully, because high-level opponents can destroy our tank in 2-3 shots. It is important to catch the moment when the enemy is busy fighting with a more serious opponent, and will not be distracted by you. You will be able to aim at a vulnerable spot and make an effective shot.

KV with ZIS-6 gun in World of tanks

On the KV-2 in WoT you can also install a 107 mm ZIS 6 gun, it is somewhat easier to play with it, because it reloads much faster and has better accuracy than a high explosive.

The armor penetration of the ZIS 6 gun is 167 mm. With this weapon, you will feel more confident in confrontations with low-level opponents, 2 but when meeting with high-level opponents and tanks, you will encounter some problems; now you will have to look for weak spots, and you will not be able to deal damage with every shot.

How to play the KV-2 with the ZIS-6 gun

Let's see what to do in battle on KV-2 with ZIS-6 gun. The tactics are slightly different from what we saw earlier; in the top we still systematically shoot enemies, and we can act at medium and long range. With the ZIS 6 KV-2 gun, it becomes more dangerous when surrounded by several enemies, since it can shoot more often and finish off the enemies itself. This does not mean that on the KV-2 with the ZIS-6 you need to act alone; it is better to stay in the company of allies.

Finding itself at the bottom of the list, the KV-2 with the ZIS-6 performs well as a defensive interceptor for light and medium tanks. After successful defense, you can begin attacking actions.

On the KV-2 you should be wary of artillery, because a slow and large tank is an easy target for enemy self-propelled guns.


For a comfortable game on the KV-2 it is worth installing rammer, which will increase the gun’s rate of fire, it is also advisable to install aiming drives, which will speed up the speed of mixing, choose the third module at your discretion stereoscopic telescope good for low-level battles, you will see your opponent, he is not there, you can install coated optics, although the review bonus will not be so significant, ventilation one of the most versatile options for strengthening Klim Voroshilov.

Crew skills

First of all, for crew members it is worth upgrading repair, and for the commander - sixth Sense. Then select repair for the commander, smooth rotation of the turret for the gunner (this will slightly reduce the aiming time), off-road king for the driver, radio interception for the radio operator, non-contact ammunition rack or with all his might for the charger follows.

The KV-2 in World of tanks is an unusual tank that is not easy to play. However, having learned to skillfully use its strengths, you will be able to show good results, regardless of which opponents you find yourself in battle with.

5 years and 10 months ago Comments: 0

The KV-2 has a choice of two alternative guns: the M-10 with a caliber of 152 mm and the ZiS-6 with a caliber of 107 mm. Do not look at the difference in levels, they are a formality and do not reflect real characteristics. Rather, this is a tribute to the division of tanks into tiers, which has little effect on anything. It's important to note that these two weapons offer completely different gameplay, so a lot depends on the choice here.

Introduction and Characteristics

Most players choose M-10. Some people look at the high damage rates, while others like the unique gameplay that this weapon offers. This is a truly unusual gun, on which the main ones need to use shells with a penetration of 86 mm and damage as many as 910 units, in fact, this is a landmine from a self-propelled gun. The penetration of 110 mm shells (136 mm for premium ones) is not enough to hit even tanks of the same tier, so they are used extremely rarely.

We can say that with the M-10, the Soviet KV-2 turns into a kind of self-propelled gun with armor. This is supported not only by penetration and damage, but also by simply terrible accuracy (0.6), as well as extremely long convergence (4 seconds, and a full 8 seconds). If you shoot immediately after stopping, then you can miss even point-blank. But if you hit the thin stern of some level eight tank, you can inflict 800-1000 damage on it. But the M-10 fires, to put it mildly, infrequently: the rate of fire is only 2.5 rounds per minute. Indeed, like a self-propelled gun.

The ZiS-6 is the standard weapon for a tier 6 heavy tank. A penetration of 167 mm with a conventional projectile is enough to defeat same-level enemies head-on. For sevens and eights, you can use sabots with a penetration of 219 mm. One-time damage of 300 units is a good indicator for its level. Accuracy (0.45) and aiming (3.4 seconds) are poor, but this is practically standard for heavy Soviet tanks of this level. The rate of fire is 6.67 rounds per minute with the top turret.
Overall, ZiS-6 is a good tool for a heavy tank of the sixth level. It is worth saying that it is top of the line for the T-150, which is also a heavy Soviet tank, which is at the sixth level.


Which weapon to choose? It all depends on personal preference. If you want to play the KV-2 like a regular heavy tank, then the ZiS-6 is worth choosing. If you want unusual gameplay with a landmine, then you should choose the M-10. It is worth repeating once again that most players he rides the KV-2 with the M-10 152 mm caliber. Still, it is better to play with the ZiS-6 on the T-150: it has slightly better armor, which is important for a heavy tank. And the M-10 makes the KV-2 special and unique.
