Very strong prayers for the fulfillment of desires instantly or in the near future. How to make a wish come true: The surest way

How to make a wish come true in 1 day? We all want our dreams to come true. Better yet, find out once and for all how to make your wish come true in 1 day. It would seem that there is nothing simpler - to make a wish and wait for it to come true. But no matter how it is! The subtle world, which envelops and envelops our entire reality, requires from us a response, clear formulations and, most importantly, gratitude. Yes, simply shouting a desire into the void or whispering it under your pillow before going to sleep is not enough. You should choose a specific and real desire for yourself, do everything possible and impossible to make it come true, and then thank the Universe for the result. And we will be happy to teach you this. Contents 1 What needs to be done to make a wish come true in 1 night? 2 How to make a wish correctly? 3 What to do to make your wish come true? 4 Little secrets of making a big wish come true 5 What wish should you ask a goldfish? What needs to be done to make your wish come true in 1 night? All lovers of fairy tales know that the most amazing things happen at night, when the Universe freezes in anticipation of miracles. The strongest in terms of energy are New year's night and the night before Ivan Kupala. On these dates, you should pay attention to the fulfillment of desires, and before that, learn how to formulate them correctly. Read on to find out how. How to make a wish correctly? To fulfill desires, there is a certain system that must be followed. And it doesn’t start somewhere behind the clouds. It begins with the words that you pronounce while formulating your desire. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of turning your dreams into reality. You need to decide what you really want and wish for exactly what you want. cherished wish which will bring you happiness and success. Everything depends on you. For example, it is common for a guy to make a wish that will lead to an improvement in his financial condition or the acquisition of heroic strength. The time when you make your wish is also important. It is best to do this on a big holiday: on New Year or on Easter, when the old way of life is destroyed on earth and something new and bright is born ( old year is replaced by a new one, winter gives way to spring). The new moon period is also perfect. For a girl who dreams of meeting her love, it is better to make her wish on the night of Ivan Kupala or during the full moon. So, we already know when is the best time to make a wish. But we don’t yet know what to wish for. After all, in order for a wish to come true, it must be precisely formulated. Think about what wish you would ask of a goldfish if it appeared right now. Health? Money? Love? How would you say it? “I want to be healthy.” So, are you sick now, or what? It won't do. It’s better to say: “I am healthy and full of strength, my energy is inexhaustible.” If you want to get something material—an apartment or a fur coat—just say, “I’m getting a fur coat/apartment.” And, preferably, indicate the time after which all these benefits will appear to you. It happens that a person has not one desire or two, but several at once. Then you should make a list. But this must also be done clearly and correctly, so that the Universe does not have a chance to bypass you with its attention. Start by purchasing a notepad. First of all, you should like him. Next, write your wishes in a notebook. Very simple, even funny desires should come first. You need to “tune” yourself to the wave of fulfillment of desires and receive the answer from the Universe. Your first desire may be to purchase an item that you have been thinking or dreaming about for a long time. After you have written down your wish, call a friend and hint him to bring you this item. Afterwards, don’t forget to thank both your friend and the Universe. Write in your notebook that you are very happy and grateful. The next stage is an illustration of your main desire or the so-called dream card. Draw or find a ready-made image of your desired item or cut it out glossy magazine a picture of your dream coming true. So you have traveled the path that leads you to the fulfillment of your cherished and desired goals. Next, you will find several “recipes” of what you need to do to make your wish come true in 1 night. What to do to make your wish come true? You have already tuned in to fulfill your desire, you even know what you want. Now try to try several methods that will help you achieve what you want. Ask God for help. If you are a believer and often attend church, you can turn all your prayers to the Lord. There is a time and place for prayer outside the temple, so do not forget to turn to the Lord and Everyday life, and most importantly, thank him for everything. When you have already managed to formulate a desire and visualize it correctly or write it down, you do not tell anyone about your dream. Neither your mother nor your friend needs to know about this until your wish comes true. Another effective way- this is making a wish on New Year's Eve. Many people know him, and many want their wish to come true right now. However, desires also have an expiration date. By making a wish at the beginning of a new period of time, you kind of set yourself a goal for next year. Much depends on you, however, to enhance the effect of your desire, write it in red ink on a piece of paper and burn it in the flame of a red candle. It’s better to do this exactly at 12 o’clock at night, while the chimes are striking. They love dreams when they are made in a calm atmosphere, in twilight, by candlelight. Another cherished period is the first day of any month. You are starting, as it were, a new stage of your life, along with your dream. Whether it will come true in one minute or in several years depends on you. But you help your wish come true, give it the green light, because you start the month with clean slate. And here it’s up to you to decide whether to just resign yourself and wait for your wish to come true or still use the experience of previous generations and make your dreams come true here and now. Little secrets of making a big wish come true So, you managed to come up with your wish, all that remains is to help it come true. On the way to fulfilling your plans, you also have your own rules, compliance with which will help your dream quickly become a reality. Let's call them secrets. The first secret. You need to become a good wizard yourself. For example, find out what your loved ones dream of and help them realize their dream. By the way, this is a very kind and reliable way - the Universe will definitely respond to your kindness and there is no need to wait for the new moon. The second secret. We often ask: “Why doesn’t my wish come true?” or “I want this or that and more.” Do you believe enough for it to come true? You need to believe. And act. As soon as you said: “I believe, and I will have a new phone,” as soon as you have collected all the information about the object of your desire, described all its qualities and details, you need to start moving towards this dream. And this requires faith and work. The third secret. A very effective and demonstrative method. Make a wish while standing under the canopy of a tree. Now jump up and touch the highest branch you can. Repeat 2 more times and each time try to jump and reach even higher. Thus, you not only train your will, but also actually help your desire come true. The fourth secret. Did you know that there is one golden minute in every day? Exactly this best time make a wish, because a direct channel opens with the Higher powers or with the Universe, as you wish. Calculating this time is very simple. It is equal to the day and month when you make a wish. For example, today is November 9, that is, you make a wish at exactly 9 o'clock and 11 minutes in the morning. If you decide to do this after the 25th (there are only 24 hours in a day), then you simply swap the numbers. For example, on November 25, we will make a wish at 11 o'clock and 25 minutes. Secret five. Make a wish for your birthday. In the circle of family and friends who wish you well, your dream will definitely come true.

What you need to do to make your wish come true in 1 minute. And is this possible? Let's figure it out magical rituals according to Feng Shui. What does ancient magic offer us?

Feng Shui - rituals to make wishes come true

An adult sometimes wants to feel like a child and dream about a magic lamp from which a genie will appear and fulfill all our wishes. Although we are no longer children, it is so nice to dream and believe in miracles. But there is also good side is that we gain life experience. After all, in fact, a person has the power to influence own life, simply not everyone can do it. Going with the flow is much easier, but achieving success is almost impossible. If you build your own destiny, then you can get the most out of every minute of your existence.

How to launch the magic of rituals

Purposeful people have long learned how rituals work to fulfill desires. In general, rituals for the fulfillment of desires were invented in ancient times, when people were close to nature and the earth: according to their observations, each depicted symbol corresponded to a special energy. By combining certain signs, our great-grandfathers could do sometimes impossible things only with their knowledge:
Even though we are far from secret knowledge shamans and magicians, but elementary rituals for the fulfillment of desires have reached us and can be performed by anyone.

Such rituals include: a conspiracy to fulfill a wish. You can put in them any life moments that, in your opinion, should improve or appear.

How to do the ritual

The meaning of these rituals is to write a short semantic message that is read independently. While doing this, you imagine visual images in your head: if you need a car, you should clearly draw to yourself: what color it should be and how you will drive it. Such a spatial image tends to materialize, which is why such rituals to fulfill desires are often used in everyday life. For example, at home you can.

Conducting a powerful ritual to fulfill a wish

In order to increase the probability of the occurrence of a particular event, it is worth carrying out a strong one.

How is it different from the usual one? Let's figure it out.
If the ritual is supported by certain dates and times, then energetically such a day will be more favorable for this. It has even been officially confirmed that some days of the year are characterized by anomalous properties: strong magnetic storms or, on the contrary, a decrease in solar activity. If you properly adapt to such days, you can increase the effectiveness of a strong ritual to fulfill your desire.

What not to do

There are basic rules in magical rites that you need to adhere to:

  1. The ritual cannot be interrupted. If you are distracted by extraneous influences, then it is better to stop performing the ritual and reschedule it for another time, because a hole will form in the flow of energy.
  2. Rituals “love” odd numbers. Almost all rituals are repeated three times, as a rule, seven or nine objects are used, etc.
  3. Rituals are not usually performed on church holidays, since these days the energy space is overflowing with millions of mental messages, and your request will not acquire the necessary strength.

It will help you attract money to your home.

When carrying out various rituals to fulfill desires, you should remember about the people around you. Sometimes a seemingly simple desire at first glance can harm someone close to you. For example, you want to take a leadership position at work. You performed the appropriate ritual and finally received the coveted proposal. But, as it turned out, the person who held this position before you became very ill, and that is the only reason you were appointed there. Therefore, it should be remembered that such strong rituals It’s better to fulfill your desire with kindness in your heart: then you will bring into this world only positive emotions.

But, having decided to do it, think seriously before you start whether you need such love.

Many people wish that their wishes come true in a few days. But why don't they come true? Probably because you guessed them incorrectly, so you need to know - How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true!

How to make a specific wish correctly so that it comes true very quickly?


First of all, learn to correctly formulate your desire. Don't use negations "not". For example, you say “I wish not to know grief,” but it would be worth saying: “I always want to be happy.”

It is also best to say a wish in the present tense, as if it had come true.


The desire must come from a pure heart, it must be real, significant enough for you. Open your heart and say your wish with all your heart!

The power of thought

Imagine and believe that your wish has already come true. Feel it and inspire yourself with it!


You can write or draw your desire on paper, depict everything in as much detail as possible. It should not be for life, but should have a time frame, that is, its own deadline.

Your wish

The desire must be only yours and should not be directed at any of your friends, relatives or other people. Everything is just for you and no one else.

Spells and prayers for the fulfillment of desires


In the morning, fill a small mug or bowl of water. Leave it until the evening and when you go to bed, read the following plot on the water 3 times:

“The water is clean, the water is from a well. You carry secret power within yourself. You fill what you need with life, but you drown what you need forever. Give me the strength to fulfill my dreams and get what I want. Fill me with strength and revive me, don’t drown my innermost. Not for harm, but for good, not for someone, but for me. Amen".

Then drink 3 sips, wash your hands and face.


Pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that your wish will come true in a short time:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Do not be angry at the impudent request, but do not abandon me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, fulfill with your mercy. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen".

Magic rites and rituals

All ceremonies and rituals must be carried out in full moon, since on the full moon they will emanate enormous strength, and the wish has every chance to come true very quickly.

For the ceremony you need to have:

  1. Paper.
  2. Medium size plate.
  3. Thin church candle.
  4. Pen.

At midnight, say your wish while looking at the full moon. Then, you need to write it down on a piece of paper, pronouncing all the words clearly and distinctly. Light a church candle with matches and place it on a plate.

Hold the paper over the flame and say your wish until the paper burns completely. You need to make a ball out of ashes and wax, hide it in a regular cloth bag and always keep it with you.

When your wish comes true, these attributes need to be melted and poured into a bowl of water. Then throw the water under the window and thank Higher power for your help.

Your own mascot

You can make your own talisman that will always be in your pocket. Believe that it brings you good luck and success, endow it with magical properties, and your wish will definitely come true.

Remember! You must always be confident in yourself and your abilities. Make only those wishes that have a chance of coming true. Do not make negative wishes that will be aimed at causing harm to others or other people, such wishes can only harm you!

How to make a wish correctly - video

It happens in life that you really need something urgently, and only a strong prayer can help you to fulfill your desire in one day. There are prayers that bring you closer to getting what you want and make your dream come true in a very short time. short term. But you can read them only when the need is strong, and your whole life depends on the fulfillment of what you want. It’s not good to ask for a new phone out of self-indulgence. But to help your loved ones or yourself, you can always turn to the Lord.

  • Prayer for the fulfillment of a desire to the Holy Spirit.
  • Prayer to the Lord God for the speedy fulfillment of the request.
  • Prayer Mother of God about the quick fulfillment of important desires.
  • Prayer to the blessed Matrona of Moscow for the fulfillment of her plans.

Prayer for the fulfillment of a desire to the Holy Spirit

There is such a prayer that is read only once in a lifetime for special occasions. If you feel that your need is great, and your desire is not an idle trifle, then you can pray like this. Just state exactly in words what you need, like air.

Get up at dawn and say with all your heart three times:

“The Holy Spirit, illuminating all paths with His light and providing help in any trouble! May Thy instruction and blessing, Thy help and great mercy, not pass me by, humbly asking the servant of God (name). I pray for forgiveness of my sins and for the cleansing of my soul from all evil and wickedness. I thank You for Your saving and I glorify You ever and ever. My gaze will not turn away from Your deeds, my lips will not tire of offering prayers of thanksgiving to You. I want to be near You and carry Your Word forever. Let my need disappear and what I need ( exact desire) be fulfilled according to Your will. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Kohl really your wish pious, then you will definitely receive a blessing for fulfilling it.

Prayer to the Lord God for the speedy fulfillment of the request

If your request does not bring evil or anything bad, and the outcome of your desire will only be good for your neighbor, you can meekly ask the Creator Father for fulfillment.

Every day and every hour you need to say this out loud:

Lord Almighty, my loving Father! I thank You for your presence in my life, for Your immeasurable forgiveness, for Your boundless love, for Your eternal mercy! Every day you are open to me and you hear all my prayers. Do not leave me in the coming day, bless me to fulfill my request for the glory of Your power and mercy for everyone who suffers and trusts in You. May Your power be with me, may my plans be fulfilled according to Your will. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Lord will not forsake the righteous. And he will bestow His mercy on the sinner, guiding him on the true path.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the quick fulfillment of important desires

You can also ask the Virgin Mary about your cherished needs. The church candle needs to be lit to the Mother God's prayer direct. As you are alone in the house, read three times with a flaming candle:

Most Pure Virgin, blessed by the Lord, grieving for our sins and always praying in Heaven! Help me to do a good deed and fulfill my hidden reward (exact desire). Glory to the Most Pure Virgin, now and forever and ever! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You can pray like this every day and more than once. But your desire will soon come true with the help of the Holy Mother of God.

Prayer to the blessed Matrona of Moscow for the fulfillment of her plans

If something important is coming in your life but will not come true, ask the blessed old woman for help. Mother Matrona will not leave you and will pray with you to the Lord God for the fulfillment of your request.

Matrona Mother, our blessed patroness, intercessor of everyone who asks, turning away their gaze from sin! Do not leave me without an answer to my humble prayer! Your eyes are perspicacious and they see every hidden desire. Our Lord blessed you with this Divine Gift for the good of mankind. Bless me too, God’s servant (name), and offer up with me a prayer to our Father for the salvation and pardon of every child of His. Grant me the firmament of your holy help and teach me to do godly deeds, glorify our Lord and teach His Word. Sanctify my request (exact desire) with your mercy. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rarely does something cherished happen in one day, but no one will miss your need, if a lot depends on the fulfillment of your desire: health, life, the well-being of children and other things, without which your whole life can crumble. A strong prayer is read in order to protect a person from trouble. Every righteous person can always turn to the saints and the Lord for good deeds.

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A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire can only be read once in a lifetime. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life who are with me. In this short prayer I want to thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you (name your wish). Amen. After fulfilling, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read the prayer with faith as much as you please. Lord truly merciful.

A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire can only be read once in a lifetime. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life being with me. In this short prayer I want thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my to your neighbors. I ask you (name your desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read pray in faith as much as you like. The Lord is truly merciful.

The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life being with me. In this short prayer I want thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my to your neighbors. I ask you (name your desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read pray in faith as much as you like. The Lord is truly merciful.

A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire can only be read once in a lifetime. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life being with me. In this short prayer I want thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my to your neighbors. I ask you (name your desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read pray in faith as much as you like. The Lord is truly merciful.

The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me in all the storms of life by being with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You and once again prove that I will never part with You, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You, in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your Benefits to me and my neighbors. I ask you (name the exact desire). Amen

The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me in all the storms of life by being with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You and once again prove that I will never part with You, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You, in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your Benefits to me and my neighbors. I ask you (name the exact desire). Amen

A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire can only be read once in a lifetime. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life being with me. In this short prayer I want thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my to your neighbors. I ask you (name your desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read pray in faith as much as you like. The Lord is truly merciful.

The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me in all the storms of life by being with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You and once again prove that I will never part with You, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You, in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your Benefits to me and my neighbors. I ask you (name the exact desire). Amen

Author: Irina, December 4, 2017 13:14. Quote Reply
Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it pleases Heaven - it means that you will not harm anyone with your desires, voluntarily or unwittingly); wishes are often fulfilled even before the end of the reading cycle. 1. Prayer to Saint Martha - Read 1 time “Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me... (further desire, for example, help me find a well-paid job; help me meet my loved one and create happy family; etc.)… …I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, overcome hardships just as You defeated the snake until it lay at Your feet!” 2. Prayer “Our Father” - read 1 time 3. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos - Read 1 time “O Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls!” 4. “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!" - Read 1 time 5. “Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!” - Read 9 times *- Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it pleases Heaven, this means that you will not harm anyone with your desires, voluntarily or unwittingly); wishes are often fulfilled even before the end of the reading cycle. - You need to read it in a cycle - 9 Tuesdays in a row. If one of the Tuesdays is missed, start all over again. If your wish came true earlier, still read to the end of the cycle (all 9 Tuesdays). There should be a candle burning nearby (to the right) on the table. You can use any candle, but preferably a church candle, a small one. - The time of day - morning or evening - does not matter. If the candle is a church candle, let it burn out to the end; if it’s different, let it burn for 15-20 minutes, and then you can put it out (don’t blow it out!). It is better if you lubricate the candle with bergamot oil (with your palm, from bottom to top, from the base of the candle to the wick).

A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire can only be read once in a lifetime. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life being with me. In this short prayer I want thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my to your neighbors. I ask you (name your desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read pray in faith as much as you like. The Lord is truly merciful.

A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire, you can read it once in your life. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can come to your goal. You who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil done against me in all the storms of life are with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank you (name my desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it. P.S. Everywhere they write that you can read a prayer only once in your life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read the prayer with faith as much as you please. The Lord is truly merciful.

Quote: Nastasia

A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire can only be read once in a lifetime. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life being with me. In this short prayer I want thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my to your neighbors. I ask you (name your desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read pray in faith as much as you like. The Lord is truly merciful.


The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me in all the storms of life by being with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You and once again prove that I will never part with You, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You, in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your Benefits to me and my neighbors. I ask you (name the exact desire). Amen

"The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life are with me. In this short prayer I want to thank You and once again prove that I will never part with You, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You, in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your Benefits to me and my neighbors. I ask you (name the exact wish). Amen

"The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life are with me. In this short prayer I want to thank You and once again prove that I will never part with You, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You, in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your Benefits to me and my neighbors. I ask you (name the exact wish). Amen

Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it pleases Heaven - it means that you will not harm anyone with your desires, voluntarily or unwittingly); wishes are often fulfilled even before the end of the reading cycle. 1. Prayer to Saint Martha - Read 1 time “Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me... (further desire, e.g., help me find a well-paid job; help me meet my loved one and create a happy family; etc.) ... ... I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, overcome hardships the way you defeated the snake, until I lay at Your feet!” 2. Prayer “Our Father” - read 1 time 3. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos - Read 1 time “O Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls!” 4. “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!" - Read 1 time 5. “Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!” - Read 9 times *- Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it pleases Heaven, this means that you will not harm anyone with your desires, voluntarily or unwittingly); wishes are often fulfilled even before the end of the reading cycle. - You need to read it in a cycle - 9 Tuesdays in a row. If one of the Tuesdays is missed, start all over again. If your wish came true earlier, still read to the end of the cycle (all 9 Tuesdays). There should be a candle burning nearby (to the right) on the table. You can use any candle, but preferably a church candle, a small one. - The time of day - morning or evening - does not matter. If the candle is a church candle, let it burn out to the end; if it’s different, let it burn for 15-20 minutes, and then you can put it out (don’t blow it out!). It is better if you lubricate the candle with bergamot oil (with your palm, from bottom to top, from the base of the candle to the wick).
P.S. please tell me, I did 5 Tuesdays with a candle, I won’t be able to do 4 Tuesdays with a candle, will it be possible without a candle and just read prayers?

The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me, remain with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to be with You in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask You: ......Amen.

A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire can only be read once in a lifetime. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life being with me. In this short prayer I want thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my to your neighbors. I ask you (name your desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a life, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read pray in faith as much as you like. The Lord is truly merciful.

A prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of a desire can only be read once in a lifetime. Moreover, your desire should not be associated with causing harm. The prayer is read clearly and clearly 3 times in a row. "The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life being with me. In this short prayer I want thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you for anything, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with you, in your eternal glory. I thank you for all your good deeds to me and my to your neighbors. I ask you (name your desire). Amen. After fulfillment, immediately write this prayer and recommendations for reading it
P.S. everywhere they write that a prayer can be read only once in a lifetime, but who said that? Believe, live in Christ and read the prayer with faith as much as you please. The Lord is truly merciful. Glory to Jesus Christ! Amen 1. Prayer to Saint Martha- Read 1 time “Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me... (further desire, e.g., help me find a well-paid job; help me meet my loved one and create a happy family; etc.) ... ... I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, overcome hardships the way you defeated the snake, until I lay at Your feet!”
2. Prayer “Our Father” - read 1 time
3. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos - Read 1 time “O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls!”
4. “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!" - Read 1 time
5. “Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!” - Read 9 times
*- Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it pleases Heaven, this means that you will not harm anyone with your desires, voluntarily or unwittingly); wishes are often fulfilled even before the end of the reading cycle. - You need to read it in a cycle - 9 Tuesdays in a row. If one of the Tuesdays is missed, start all over again. If your wish came true earlier, still read to the end of the cycle (all 9 Tuesdays). There should be a candle burning nearby (to the right) on the table. You can use any candle, but preferably a church candle, a small one. - The time of day - morning or evening - does not matter. If the candle is a church candle, let it burn out to the end; if it’s different, let it burn for 15-20 minutes, and then you can put it out (don’t blow it out!). It is better if you lubricate the candle with bergamot oil (with your palm, from bottom to top, from the base of the candle to the wick). It’s also better if there are fresh flowers nearby! But bergamot and flowers are not necessary, but very desirable! - It is also highly recommended to bathe and wear light clothes before reading prayers (any); be in the room alone! - The desire is better to write down on paper so that it always sounds the same when reading the entire text of the prayer. One cycle - one desire. - The prayer cannot be printed and read; You need to rewrite all the texts by hand and use them already! The text you have rewritten cannot be passed on to others - each person must rewrite the text of the prayers in his own hand (you can dictate to him or simply give him yours or this printed text for rewriting).

"The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetting of all evil done against me in all the storms of life are with me. In this short prayer I want to thank You and once again prove that I will never part with You, no matter what the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You, in Your eternal glory. I thank You for all Your Benefits to me and my neighbors. I ask you (name the exact wish). Amen

“The Holy Spirit, illuminating all paths with His light and providing help in any trouble! May Thy instruction and blessing, Thy help and great mercy, not pass me by, humbly asking the servant of God (name). I pray for forgiveness of my sins and for the cleansing of my soul from all evil and wickedness. I thank You for Your saving and I glorify You ever and ever. My gaze will not turn away from Your deeds, my lips will not tire of offering prayers of thanksgiving to You. I want to be near You and carry Your Word forever. Let my need disappear and what I need (exact desire) be fulfilled according to Your will. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Today I will share one with you magical ritual on quick wish fulfillment. I often use it myself when I need to get something urgently or quickly fulfill a burning desire.

Let me make a reservation right away that your goal should not be global and difficult to achieve. This technique is only suitable for fulfilling real and completely “earthly” goals.

But first, let's remember the basics of bringing your plans to life with the help of the energy of thought and the power of inner intention.

  • The desire must be true . It should belong to you and no one else - not a neighbor, not a friend, not an advertisement for some product. That is, your goal should not be imposed from the outside, but come from the depths of your Soul. You can learn how to check the truth of a desire from the article “?”
  • Relaxation . When performing a ritual to quickly fulfill a desire, you must relax and stop the action of the mind, that is, stop the “mental stirrer” and calm your emotions.
  • Concentration . You need to concentrate as much as possible and focus your attention on end result, putting aside the ways and means of achieving it.
  • Imagination and emotions . Creating an image of what you want in your imagination and filling it with emotions is an important part of the ritual. The image should be clear and precise, and the emotions should be bright and strong. The clearer the image and the stronger the positive emotions, the faster and easier it is to achieve the goal.

Ritual for quick fulfillment of desires

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • blank sheet of white paper
  • red marker or felt-tip pen
  • white long wax candle

Write your wish beautiful handwriting on a piece of paper. Let me remind you that it should be in affirmative form, in the present tense, do not contain the particle “not” and the words “want”. For example: “I’m getting a promotion!”

Use the same marker to place 6 marks on the candle at equal distances from each other. This way you will divide the candle into 7 equal parts.

Light a candle, concentrate extremely on your goal and think about it continuously until the candle flame reaches the first division. Don’t let go of your focus from the goal for a second, connect all your imagination and energy of intention.

Try to see all the details of the already fulfilled desire and soak in the emotions of joy from its materialization! After all, you have just embodied it in the Subtle World; now it is only a matter of time. Mentally thank the almighty Universe for its fulfillment!

When the candle burns down to the first mark, extinguish it (do not blow it out!), Place it on the windowsill on top of the sheet with the wish you made.

Repeat the ritual 7 days in a row.

On the last, seventh day, at the moment when the candle almost completely burns out, burn the sheet with the note in its flame, and carefully scatter the remaining ashes into the wind through open window the very same windowsill on which your desire “lived” for 7 days.

If you did everything correctly - concentrated extremely, turned on your emotions to full capacity and clearly visualized the final goal - what you wanted should quickly come true.

That’s it, your task now is to forget about him as quickly as possible, so that the energy of expectation does not “put pressure on reality” and does not interfere with the realization of what you want. Switch to other things and let the Universe find the shortest paths and methods for its implementation.

Well, now you know, it's quick and easy. Share this wonderful ritual with your friends - to do this, please click on the buttons social networks below the article - give their dreams the opportunity to come true as quickly as yours!

Alena Golovina

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