Download the presentation on the topic of lace. Decorative drawing with children: drawing lace

Tatiana Maksimova
Lesson notes for the senior group “Vologda lace”

Educator: Maksimova T. G.

TARGET: introducing preschool children to the traditions of their native land.


1. Maintain children’s interest in the traditions of their native land, respect for people who glorify the city with their skills.

2. To develop children’s ability to see unique beauty Vologda lace.

3. Develop the ability to correctly formulate your judgments in speech, expand your vocabulary on the topic, and improve the expressiveness of your speech.

4. Improve the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers through drawing Vologda lace.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter group, the teacher reads poem:

What I see! What a miracle?

How many lace around!

It’s true, children, it’s beautiful here,

Is it breathtaking?

Look at these things

Today they came to visit us,

To tell us secrets

Ancient Russian beauty.

To introduce us to the world of Russia,

Into the world of legends and goodness,

To say: available in the country

Miracle - people are masters.

Vos.: it turns out lace making has been known in Rus' for a long time.

(child's name) tell us what you know about lace making?


(knock on the door, they bring a letter)

Vos.: “What kind of letter? Interesting! And the address our: Nekrasova 61A d/s No. 79 "Ray", guys senior group.

Vos.: Let's read what is written in it.

“Hello guys, they are writing to you Vologda lacemakers. We address you with a huge request. We are preparing lace for the fair, the fair is coming soon, but there is still a lot of work. We have time to weave tablecloths, collars, and vests, but we don’t have time to weave napkins. Won't you help us? Together things work out, but apart, at least quit.” (lacemakers)

Vos.: Well, guys, let's help lacemakers?

Children: we'll help

Vos.: How can we help, because we don’t have the skills to weave lace? (children's answers)

Vos.: I suggest you create it yourself lace. If you create it with your own hands, it will be great. Let's look first lace, before getting down to business.

Vos.: What words can you use to describe beauty? Vologda lace, how is it (children's answers)

Vos.: What time of year can it be compared to? Vologda lace? (winter)

Vos.: Why do you think so?

Children: lace the patterns look like frosty patterns on glass; it is snow-white, like snow cover; light as the first snowball that fell; it is light, airy, like falling snowflakes; it has a unique fairy-tale beauty; looks like a winter fairy tale.

Vos.: Well done guys.

Vologda snowstorm - lace,

And the snow-covered spruce - lace,

Curtains on the window - lace,

From the frost on the window - lace.

Vos.: Where in our city they weave lace?

Children: IN lace association Snezhinka.

Vos.: What a beautiful name. To complete the task lacemakers, we need to prepare. Let's draw it. And we will draw it point by point, connecting it with lines. But first, let's stretch our fingers.


What did the postman bring us? (clench and unclench fists)

He walks around with a thick bag. (fingers walk on the table)

Translation, magazine, newspaper,

There are two cassettes in the parcel,

And a letter from Aunt Valya,

So that they await her arrival. (bend fingers one at a time)


Vos.: Check with each other to see if you completed the task correctly, if the lines are straight, if you connected all the dots.

Vos.: Guys, drawing for your pattern lacemakers can be seen in a field, in a forest, on a river, in a city, that is, where we can see. And for their patterns they take all the most beautiful things that we have surrounds.


Lace surrounds us:

The road dandelion is barely

Foamy crest on a smooth wave,

And the pattern on the frosty glass,

Lace in dragonfly wings,

And in the flying through clouds,

In the web of the airy forest,

In the weightless shadow of the carved,

The lace leaf is circling above me,

Got tangled up lace grass-

Lace, lace, lace.

Vos.: Now guys try and weave your own flowing lace pattern, wavy and beautiful movements.

(children perform movements to the music, the teacher reads a poem at this time)

Vologda covered with white snow,

The blizzard is blowing lace right under your feet.

Scatters sparkles of northern colors,

Snow sayings lace fairy tales.

Vos.: Well done guys, wonderful you got the lace.

Vos.: Who knows what equipment is needed lace makers for weaving lace?

Children: for weaving lace a bolster pillow tightly stuffed with straw is used; hoop - wooden stand; bobbins are wooden sticks with linen or cotton threads wound around their ends; chip.

Vos.: Who knows what a chip is?

Children: A chip is a pattern on paper with marked dots.

Vos.: Correct. Now I'll show you how lacemakers weave according to the pattern lace.

PLETA - the children are watching.

Vos.: Do you want to become masters for a while? lace making? Then imagine that you are in lace workshop, you are masters, your tables are a cushion - a roller, bobbin brushes, white thread paint. And so, we are all ready. (before drawing, we practice drawing a wavy line in the air, then on a dry sheet). Get started with our task lacemakers.


At the end classes looking at the drawings.

Discuss with the children how we will send the order.


(Sample questions for children)

Liked class?

What did they talk about today? class?

What new did you learn?

Which task was the most difficult or easiest?


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Slide captions:

History of the city of Vologda The ancient Russian city of Vologda, whose history began in the 12th century, can rightfully be considered the keeper of the ancient traditions of the culture of the North. Vologda lace has gained well-deserved fame and wide recognition for its high artistry, decorative richness, and perfection of execution techniques.

Modern city of Vologda

Vologda lace products

Vologda lace products

Vologda lace consists of a large, expressive pattern, made of dense, continuous, smooth linen of equal width, clearly outlined against the background of patterned latticework. The filigree is thick, often colored. In addition to motifs of flowers and leaves, motifs of horseshoes, scallops, and fans are often found in the ornament.

Materials and tools for weaving lace To make lace, first of all you need bobbins - wooden sticks with a neck on which threads are wound. Bobbin, also coca, koko, bobbin - a wooden stick on which threads are wound for weaving lace. Bobbin lace is also called “cushion lace.” Bobbins come in different varieties: short and thick, long and thin. The tree may be different. Birch, fir, and maple are the most popular materials for lightweight bobbins.

To make it comfortable to work, the pillow should be placed on a stand. The stand can be a small assembly for installing the roller on the table. Pins are used to secure the intertwined threads in lace.

Skolok - working drawing of lace. It is applied to thick and fairly elastic paper or cardboard in the form of dots. A pillow in the form of a roller on which lace is woven.

Elements of lace Braided mesh lattice that serves as a background.

Elements of lace Plain braid (vilyushka). Nasnovki are small figures of very dense weaving.

Color scheme White Blue Black Cream Gray

Lace samples

Lace samples

Materials needed Black or purple matte cardboard. Lace pattern. A simple pencil. White corrector in pencil.

Drawing technology Place the lace template on the cardboard, securing them with a paper clip. Using a simple pencil, trace the design on the template, pressing firmly on the pencil. Remove the template; a visible imprint will remain on the cardboard. Trace the resulting print with white corrector. The lace pattern is ready.

List of materials used http://www. etoretro. ru / pic 26229. htm http:// lubimoe - delo . ru/index. php/archives/200 http://fototerra. ru / Russia / Vologda / Westa -4003. html http:// www. snejinka. ru/index. php? cPath =194_174

Goals: to expand children’s knowledge about folk arts and crafts, to introduce them to the works of Vologda lacemakers.

  • Draw students' attention to the connection between lace and life.
  • Develop a sense of composition. rhythm, to develop graphic skills in painting decorative motifs with a brush
  • To cultivate in children an aesthetic taste and interest in the search for and manifestations of art in life


  • Folk art items - Vologda lace;
  • Cards with terms: splinter, bobbin. lacemaker lattice mesh;
  • Tables with images of lace and various elements of lace;
  • Black paper, brushes, pokes. white gouache.

During the classes

Teacher: The topic of our lesson is “Vologda lace”. Lace is a decoration; it is not a necessary thing in everyday life. And yet, most people do not remain indifferent when they see lace. And in former times, not only women, but also men were not indifferent to lace.

Teacher: In which country do the events take place?

In France, the clothes of musketeers are decorated with lace: lace collars. cuffs The best artists of Spain and France made sketches of lace, compiled entire albums and published them. They included images of mythological animals and portraits of people in the richest floral ornaments.

Teacher: But to weave such lace requires not only virtuoso skill, but also months, and sometimes years of painstaking work.

How is lace born?
Just like words
Amazing ditty
By the way, a word.
To the thread thread.
Melodious bobbins
Don't forget your call:
How is lace born?
Slowly, barely.
Take a quick look at the pattern
It contains both joy and sorrow.
Don't let the threads break
Never with our past.

Teacher: What is lace made from?

They are woven from flax. Growing flax is labor-intensive. Sow it in moist but already warmed soil. they weed away the weeds, and when they were ripe, they pulled them out of the ground along with the roots, and in the old days all this was done by hand. Then the flax will be dried and threshed to remove the seeds, and the straw will be taken to the field. spread out in even thin rows to allow the straws to rest. got wet in the rains and was freed from the outer unnecessary layer - the scab. Then the flax was crumpled and freed from coarse rags, which were used to make yarn for burlap. Then the flax was carded and pure fiber was obtained - tow. Linen threads were spun from tow.

Teacher: Many craftswomen usually gathered in a large hut to spin, and so that the work did not seem tiresome, they sang songs. told fairy tales. And then on one of these evenings. one of the craftswomen came up with a fairy tale about flax.

Not only lace was made from flax, but also canvases for paintings. sails for ships.

Lace was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1252 and they were called gold lace there. Descriptions of lace are also found in other historical documents with the same name: sewn. spun. drawn. lowered. planted with pearls. This means there were several ways to make lace. Gold and silver thread were used to make it. pearls, feathers, fluff. In the old days, lace making was called “women’s design”, and lace makers were called “weavers”.

Lace has its own names and one can judge by these names. what is “drawn” on them: “oak leaf”, “rose”, “ship”. "Pinery".

In Russia there was pinned lace. from a splinter, a pattern fixed on a pillow, according to which many pairs of bobbins were simultaneously woven into a pattern and a mesh-lattice. Bobbins are spruce or pine round sticks with indentations at the ends. into which the threads are wound. The ends of these threads are tied to pins stuck into a large hard pillow. similar to a barrel. The more complex the lace. the more bobbins required.

The teacher pays attention to the board. for terms: bobbins, splinters. mesh grid.

Lace can be of any shape: oval. square, round.

What mood does lace create?

What images do you see on the lace?

Practical part:

Assignment: today you will try to draw lace yourself, and for this I ask you to pay attention to how I will do it on the board.

Decorative drawing with children: draw Vologda lace.

Decorative drawing with children: drawing lace

What is lace?

Word "lace" comes from the word “to surround.” Craftswomen comes from the word “surround”. Craftswomen “surrounded” the edges of clothes and household items (towels, tablecloths) with beautiful patterns and decorated items with patterned trim.

In this short video you will visit Vologda land and get acquainted with Vologda lace and Vologda craftsmen - lace makers who weave lace on bobbins. Who invents lace? What should a lacemaker be like? What patterns do lacemakers weave? Why was the work of a lacemaker valued no less than the work of a jeweler?

Did you like the lace? Surely you and your kids would like to try being lacemakers for a minute? Let's try to become artists and come up with our own pattern for Vologda lace. And today we will draw a lace heart. His can be used as a gift - a Valentine's card or given to your mother or grandmother, sister or teacher on March 8, Birthday, Mother's Day.

A master class on drawing will be given by Vera Parfentyeva, a technology teacher, head of a children's art group, reader of the Rodnaya Pathinka website.

Drawing lace with preschool children

Tools and materials

To draw lace you need to prepare tools and materials:

  • heart template,
  • markers,
  • glue stick,
  • colored paper,
  • officer ruler (with circles of different sizes)
  • white cardboard for the base.

How to invent and draw a lace pattern: step-by-step description

Step 1

- Cut out a heart from light-colored paper according to the template.

— Draw two parallel lines along the contour at a distance of 3-4 mm from each other, stepping back from the cut 3-4 mm with a black helium or ballpoint pen.

Draw a pattern - circles - between the two lines using a felt-tip pen and a marker of any color. I took a green marker.

Step 2.

This stage is the most interesting, because we will create the basis of our lace pattern. You can draw circles using an officer's ruler symmetrically. And you can come up with asymmetry.

I settled on symmetry and drew four circles like this.

Step 3.

Now you need to divide each circle into several equal parts. We teach the child to draw lines along a ruler in a confined space, without going beyond the contours of the circle.

Step 4. We draw flowers.

One of the elements of Vologda lace is a flower. This is how we will depict the flowers in three large circles (see photo below). And in a small circle we will make another pattern - we will mark the center with circles and draw elements around the circumference.

Step 5.

Let's fill the empty space inside the heart with a grid: draw parallel lines along the ruler, first in one direction, then in the other, getting diamonds when the lines intersect. At this stage it is very important to concentrate the child's attention. It is very important that the lines do not go inside the circles.

Step 6.

Place dots where the lines intersect. They can be placed with a felt-tip pen, pen or outline for dot painting.

Step 7

— Draw a “loop” pattern along the outline of the heart between the circles with a black pen. This is one of the main elements of Vologda lace.

Note: You can draw the “loop” pattern earlier in step 2, at the beginning of work.

— Cut out a heart from red paper 3-4 mm larger than the lace one.

- Glue the lace heart onto the red heart so that the bottom one looks out at an equal distance from all sides.

— Bend the white cardboard in half to obtain a postcard blank, and glue the resulting blank onto it.

- The postcard is ready!

Try to make such a heart too. Create your own unique pattern and decorate your card with a lace heart. Good luck with your creativity!

Examples of children's work from this master class

Here are the patterns the girls came up with and drew (see photo). Postcard of Vicky (5, 5 years old) - pictured on the left. And a postcard from Daryana (4, 5 years old) - in the photo on the right.

We quickly drew a pattern. And lacemakers spend a long time weaving it using bobbins. They weave a large product every day for a month! And you need to strictly follow the pattern, don’t make a mistake anywhere! Listen to how the bobbins of the craftswoman - the lacemaker - ring.

Poems about Vologda lace

In conclusion, read poems about Vologda lacemakers to the children.

I. Bazhenova. Vologda lace

Ah, Vologda lace pattern,
I inherited a miracle:
The slow clatter of bobbins,
A leisurely intimate conversation,

And songs are captivated about white snow,
And the bells are ringing - as if from a chase,
And the horses carrying away into the expanse,
And a painted rainbow-arc,

And the space merged with the heavens,
Relieving fatigue from my soul, -
All this remains in me. There's still some left.
Ah, Vologda lace pattern!

Kulikova N. Lacemaker

Outside the window the snowstorm is swirling, the winter evening is coming,
In a red top, a girl weaves a lace shawl.

Draw winter, a beautiful pattern on my window!
I will weave such a marvel that your eyes will rejoice!

The patterns are delicate, as if from snow, shimmering with frost on the curls!
The patterns are delicate, not snowy at all - they don’t melt in people’s hands!

The girl’s fingers skillfully twist threads around bobbins,
This shawl will be called a snow-white cobweb!

The patterns are delicate, as if from snow, shimmering with frost on the curls!
The patterns are delicate, not snowy at all - they don’t melt in people’s hands!

You will find more ideas and master classes on decorative drawing with children in the master classes on the Native Path:


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