Tourism manager interview. Interview

In Europe and America, people have long been refusing the services of large agencies and companies in favor of independent consultants. Similar trends are observed in our country.

Becoming a tour operator is an opportunity to create an excellent launching pad for the further development of your own business.

What attracts people to this work? High salaries, constant travel... To many, the life of a travel agent seems like a real fairy tale. But at the same time, almost no one dares to take any decisive steps towards fulfilling their dreams. Don't want to be one of them? Then this article is for you!

Step 1. Training

If you are interested in how to become a tour operator, you first need to figure out where and how you will undergo training.

There are two options here: regular colleges and universities, as well as special operator training schools.

The first option is attractive because you will study in depth all disciplines related to tourism and hospitality, and you will receive huge database theoretical knowledge. However, it will take several years to complete the entire course of study. An alternative is distance learning. Actually, you will appear at the educational institution itself 2-3 times a year, and you can use the rest of the time to prepare the ground for further work.

If you want to get as much useful practical information as possible and start working as soon as possible, it would be more logical to enroll in a special operator training school. Here you will learn how to become a tour operator, get a general understanding of tourist destinations, sales and booking systems, marketing, etc.

Step 2: Obtain Certification

Working as a tour operator is impossible without obtaining certification. For your future clients, this will be proof of your competence and deep knowledge of the specifics of your activity. Consequently, they will trust you much more.

As a rule, appropriate certificates can be obtained at the place of study. But some people turn to International Association CLIA, which offers well-known and respected certification programs in the travel industry.

Step 3. Obtaining a license

If you want to have your own travel agency, it is better to register your business on entity(CJSC, LLC, etc.). But for those who want to become a travel agent (that is, an intermediary between a travel agency and its clients), it will be enough to register as individual entrepreneur– PBOYUL. To obtain a license, you will need to pay a state fee of 1,300 rubles.

You should be aware that the sales license and pre-booking of air travel are issued separately. Certification conditions are dictated by Federal Aviation Regulations. At the same time, certain requirements are imposed on the premises, personnel, security and reservation systems. If you intend to sell not only travel packages, but also air tickets, you will need to enter into an agreement with the airline and obtain this certificate.

When deciding to become a travel agent, it is very important to choose the right OKVED codes. The most commonly used code is 63.30 - “Activities of travel agencies.” In addition, it is advisable to apply for inclusion in the All-Russian Register of Travel Agencies.

Step 4. Selecting a tour operator company

Perhaps this is the most important stage. A travel agent can independently choose which of the many operators to cooperate with. When choosing, you should take into account the size of the remuneration, the company’s reputation in the market and ease of work.

An important question that almost everyone who is interested in becoming a travel agent faces is: “Where to look for these same operators?” The easiest way to do this is by visiting specialized tourism fairs, exhibitions, etc. It is best to “catch your luck” in Moscow, where similar events are held annually (MITT, MITF, Intourmarket, Otdykh). Hundreds of representatives of various companies and organizations gather here. As they say, there is plenty to choose from. In addition, you can visit similar regional exhibitions.

A variety of conferences and fairs are also held in workshop format by professional travel publications (Tour Business, Banco, Turinfo, Travel Expert consulting group, etc.). The atmosphere at a workshop is usually calmer and more business-like than at exhibitions. There are more opportunities to meet partners, discuss important questions and get ready for work.

Step 5. Conclusion of an agreement

But now we get to the most important thing. How to become a travel agent? Once you have decided on the choice of tour operator, you will need to sign an agency agreement. According to the terms of such a document, you will receive a reward for each tour sold. The size of the reward may vary, but on average it is about 10-15% of the cost of the tour itself. If in the future you establish yourself well in the eyes of the tour operator and successfully sell tours, the percentage you receive from each transaction may increase.

In addition, partners of travel agencies that are part of agency networks (for example, or the Last Minute Travel Chain of stores) receive an increased commission. Due to powerful corporate support, agencies that are part of such networks (which, by the way, are not so easy to get into) have the opportunity to deduct quite a large percentage from your income.

Step 6. Advertising

Let's say you have already found a suitable company and entered into an agreement. Done: now you are a tour operator in Italy, France, Greece or Russia. It would seem that everything is going well, but... But no, for some reason in a few weeks you managed to sell only a few trips. And then to my friends. This is where the lack of advertising of your services comes into play.

First of all, we would recommend that you pay attention to the numerous publications, catalogs and applications that publish tourism advertising. Of course, standing out among hundreds and thousands of other offers is not easy. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide on your target audience.

What do travel agency managers ask when they are looking for employees? "Need good man, find us a good manager." We have written a lot about how to prepare a job seeker for an interview, how to write a resume correctly, how to impress an employer, etc. However, the employment process is a mutual process, and I really want employers this process was taken more seriously. You are interested in a “good person” being a certain gender, a certain age, maybe a certain appearance or zodiac sign, so that he is not late, so that he is sociable, neat, and not a slob, attentive, and not absent-minded nerdy, trainable, proactive, but to the extent that he knows how to sell, and not just serve duty in the office, etc. I am sure that you will ask all the questions you are interested in about education, work experience, why a person wants to work in the tourism industry, where he sees himself in 5 years and a lot of standard questions. Do you check his professional skills? At least basic ones? I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, and I offer 18 questions that should be asked to any applicant . These are mainly questions on geography. As my experience shows, not many people who aspire to work as a tourism manager have a good knowledge of geography. Do you want to ask these questions during a meeting, do you want to do a survey and then discuss the answers with the applicant. You can change the questions based on the specifics of your travel company, but this is the minimum that even a beginner should know. who comes to you to get a job.

1. Name the capital of Australia
2. What are the Benelux countries?
3. Name 3-4 countries with visa-free regime for citizens of Ukraine.
4. What does “Schenge Agreement countries” mean?
5. Name the resort(s) on the Adriatic coast of Italy
6. Loire Valley is a popular tourist region which country?
7. Name the 4-5 largest mass market tourism operators.
8. Name specialized operators in Greece, Italy, Croatia.
9. Which countries does Ukraine border on the west?
10. Decipher: 1DBL TWIN for 2 Pax, FB, SV. 1 DBL for 2 Pax+1Ch (7), All, MV
11. On which coast is the resort of Hurghada located?
12. What is a “chain hotel”?
13. What is a "package tour"?
14. What is “lowcos” (low-cost airline)?
15. What is the "off season"?
16. What is a charter flight?
17. The cost of DBL TWIN is 120 dollars per day. What is the cost of accommodation for one person for 7 nights.
18. New Year's Eve, December 31, 8-9 pm. Call from abroad. Your tourist is calling, who got lost while walking the streets in Budapest. You are the manager of a travel agency. A tourist tearfully asks you to help him find his way to the hotel where he lives. He doesn't remember the name of the hotel, where he is this moment He does not know. No one around him understands Russian, and he doesn’t know a word of English, much less Hungarian. And soon, very soon New Year and the tourist does not want to meet him somewhere in a dark alley under the terrible name Przmistromza. You are his last hope.What are your actions in this situation?

Olga Grafskaya, General Director of the Bonjour Travel Tourism Bureau

Looking for a travel job

Jobs in tourism attract job seekers with the opportunity to see the whole world. I hear this almost always from new employees. Experienced employees are willing to bet that not everything is so fabulous. Every medal, even the most expensive one, has a downside. Our foreign partners organize so-called information and familiarization tours for employees of travel agencies. I’ll say right away: there are never free tours, and the conditions are completely unroyal! The point of such trips is to see with your own eyes what we offer to clients, gain personal experience and express an opinion that is far from the phrases from the advertising booklet.

Such tours are organized out of season, and these trips are very difficult. Every day the agent inspects several hotels, and in countries of mass tourism it reaches several dozen. The head goes around, and you start to get confused. Experienced specialists make notes and comments for themselves, someone takes photos or videos. And newcomers just walk, look and admire. And in the end they can’t remember anything. Usually one day is left for rest, the rest of the time is working time. Partners look at who behaves in such tours, and if they understand that the agent is incorrect, he may be blacklisted and will not be invited to the next tour. You can travel around the world, but if an employee is constantly traveling, when will he work?!

Who works in tourism and why?

The labor market in tourism, like many others, is also experiencing a shortage of personnel. It is divided into two parts: these are young girls with no experience who believe that there is nothing difficult in this field, and experienced specialists who have worked in the industry for many years. The disadvantage of the former is not even a lack of experience, but that many do not want to learn.

People from the second category do not need to be trained; they come with a client base, which is good for the head of an agency, but there is also a disadvantage here. Such an employee wants to receive exclusive working conditions. They may not bring direct losses to the director, but the profit for the agency will be zero, since all of it will be received by the manager who brought the client.

Fabulous salaries in tourism are rare. There is a dual situation in the market: on the one hand, there is an oversaturation of supply, on the other, a reduction in the industry as a whole. Therefore, the salary range for a tourism manager is from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. But it all depends on the person and his desire to earn money.

The perfect travel agent resume

The most important thing in the resume of applicants in the tourism industry is work experience. But this does not mean that I will not accept a person without experience. It is important for me that the employee is interested in earning money, not receiving it.

Cliche phrases are often written on resumes: determination, responsibility, opportunity for career growth. You can look through dozens of profiles and not find a single worthy candidate. How can we talk about any serious career growth in a travel agency? This work is very interesting, despite all the difficulties that you have to face every day. Increasing wages in tourism depends not only on management, but also on the employee himself. During the interview, I ask the question: “Are you ready to make efforts to attract new clients? If yes, which ones? If not, why not? Many applicants are willing to receive a small flat fee and not have to do anything else. I will refuse such an employee.

Personal qualities for professional growth

In tourism, attentiveness is very important, because a minor mistake in writing the personal data of tourists can lead not only to a fine, but also to the threat of trip disruption.

Punctuality, the desire to develop independently and constantly learn play an important role. Exploring new countries, excursion routes - isn’t it interesting?

And, of course, responsibility is extremely important! Here is an example, or rather, mine horrible dream, which I really hope will never happen in practice. A tourist must fly away on a long-awaited vacation and needs to get a visa. The employee carefully fills out all the documents and takes them for delivery. On the way, he loses his tourist passport. You can borrow money and pay for a tourist, but what to do with a lost passport?! To say that after this trust will be lost is to say nothing!

We teach you how to travel and sell travel

A travel agent can receive education at specialized higher educational institutions. When there was a boom in tourism, there were many educational courses on tourism. Now the industry is in decline - not only travel agencies are closing, but also educational institutions. But having a diploma, unfortunately, doesn’t mean anything.

Tourist routine

In fact, a travel agent has a lot of responsibilities: from maintaining cleanliness in the workplace to being ready to respond to their clients at any time of the day or night. The motto of our agency is: “Your personal consultant 24 hours.” The agent's schedule is irregular, especially during peak seasons. In the off-season the load is less. I do not force all employees to be at the workplace when there is no workload. Some are engaged in self-development, others come up with methods to optimize their work and attract new clients. I welcome and encourage this.

Each agency has regular clients, and we maintain their files. We store all the data so that we don’t have to ask you to send the same documents every time. We keep a history of trips, wishes, comments. Our regular clients do not need to explain what they want to get from their vacation. They only say dates and wishes for choosing a country. Everything else is our work. Moreover, this part of routine duties is the most creative, providing an opportunity to please and surprise the client, to guess his desires.

Nothing to hide

In other industries, the practice of non-interference by a specialist in a client’s decision has been adopted. With us it's the other way around. If we are talking about regular clients, then I already know what they need, and I advise based on their preferences. But if a client chooses a country or a hotel himself, I always talk about the nuances that can ruin the vacation or upset the tourist. But I never insist. This is a person’s personal choice, and must be taken into account.

For example, a couple of years ago, several of my clients wanted to go to Egypt for the New Year. I didn’t refuse them and lose clients. The result, I think, is well known. The Egyptian route was closed, and the issue of return had to be resolved Money. One could say: “Take care of yourself, you chose this country, now these are your problems.” But I can’t afford it, and for several months I fought with partners to return the funds to my tourists.

Nervous work

There have always been and will always be difficult clients. It’s very difficult with people who are used to criticizing everything and seeing bad things even where they don’t exist. It’s difficult with those who first ask about the size of the discount, without even saying what they want. Any work must be financially rewarded.

The situation in the tourism market is very difficult now. The crisis, sanctions, imperfect legislation and, unfortunately, dishonesty and financial dishonesty of partners have a very negative impact on the agent’s position in the market. After all, a tourist comes to the agency and trusts us, but we are not the last authority and cannot control or influence all the links that are involved in this process. Unfortunately, this cannot always be explained, and some colleagues face their clients in court, although the agent did his job 100% or more. But the argument is simple: “We came to you, so you should be responsible for everyone.”

Profession without career

The manager's job is a bit routine with technical point vision. But it is very diverse: new clients, new requests, new countries, new hotels. Career development occurs in a horizontal plane. There is no step-by-step promotion from an ordinary employee to the director of your own agency. I can't call it career prospects, I consider it rather a transition to a new level. For an agency director, knowledge of tourism alone is not enough; he must understand both accounting and legislation, and know the work of a manager. You can hire employees who will be responsible for a certain segment of work, but this is financially expensive. I know several examples former directors agencies that closed their companies and went back to being hired employees because they did not want the huge responsibility on their shoulders.

Sometimes employees leave. Some went to larger agencies, some went to a tour operator, and some, completely disappointed, left tourism altogether. Some people don’t even want to hear about tourism anymore, others remember this experience with warmth!

One of my partners had a travel agency in another country. Everything got boring and she closed it. I went on vacation to Georgia, and fell in love with this country so much that I stayed there and opened... yes, yes, a travel agency! She studied the history of Georgia and, being a director herself, often accompanies groups as a guide.

“Work for the young”?

Many people believe that a tourism manager is a job only for young people. But I don’t agree that in tourism, employees over forty years old are rare specimens. On one information tour I met an agent who was 72 years old! She has more enthusiasm and energy than some young girls. I really respect such people.

In travel agencies, interviews are an important element in the personnel selection process. At the travel agency being considered, the initial interview is conducted by the manager. An integral part of the interview is a questionnaire. An interview is a means of communication, as it makes it possible from the first minutes of communication, as well as from personal data, to identify a potential applicant.

Personnel selection

When selecting someone for a job, the travel agency makes a decision that will have a significant impact on the professional career of other people. The company's management pays big time observation of applicants, therefore, there is a greater likelihood of selecting a good applicant.

The main selection points in travel agencies:


General intelligence;

Outstanding abilities;





One of the important points in personnel selection is the age of 25-35 years, the most optimal option, which indicates the stability of the company, the efficiency of use labor resources.

The role of a manager in managing a travel company

The manager plays an active role in ensuring that teams are focused on solving problems. The manager needs to coordinate the activities of the team, to ensure that there is clear leadership and facilitation at team meetings, that team members are properly selected and trained, and that team functioning remains at a high level.

The manager acts as a consultant to the team, suggesting possible solutions to the problem. He advises on the choice of options and helps set the required time to solve the problem, as well as advises on direction and evaluation of progress in solving problems. This is done without directly leading the team to select a solution, so the emphasis is on support rather than control.

The manager supports the activities of the team and creates the necessary conditions for their work, such as: time for the meeting, conditions for the meeting and materials necessary for organizational activities. This may include data, flexible working hours, materials and technical support.

The most important thing is for the manager to act as a coach, provide a methodology for solving problems, motivate teams not to stop halfway when solving complex problems, and act as a mentor and teach how to solve problems.

The manager quickly responds to proposed solutions, helps teams implement decisions at the first, difficult stages of their implementation, and makes sure that the benefits from changes are not immediate.

A manager must be able to recognize the team's achievements. Praise, support, feedback and ongoing management of teams are ongoing responsibilities of a manager in achieving quality. Formal and informal recognition is necessary.

The main task of a manager, in my opinion, is to rally employees around a common goal, to make the efforts of employees effective. It is very important to make employees capable of joint action, to develop each employee’s needs and create conditions for their satisfaction, etc. at the same time strictly follow the strategic line of the enterprise.

Requirements for a travel agency manager

An important feature of the tourism product, which distinguishes it primarily from industrial goods, is the widespread participation of people in the production process. Thus, human factor has a strong influence on its heterogeneity and quality. To maintain the quality of service, many tourism organizations are developing tourist service standards, which are designed to guarantee an established level of quality for all operations performed. However, standardization does not solve all the issues of quality customer service, since the quality of tourist services is a property that is intended to create a sense of satisfaction in the consumer, his perception of the service received as meeting his requirements. A tourist organization has an infinite number of clients, each with their own expectations and their own conditions. individual characteristics psyche and intellect is the perception of the service received and the reaction to it, and therefore this perception cannot be described in the form of a specific algorithm for all occasions. The quality of service in tourism organizations depends on the skills of the staff.

The basis of the relationship between the consumer and the seller of tourism services is trust. The manager’s ability to instill confidence in the travel agency’s fulfillment of obligations, to ensure safety and obtain the promised impressions in the client’s mind, to convince him of the need to make this trip is directly reflected in the client’s decision to purchase the service. Thus, the primary skill of a manager, the main component of his professionalism, are communication skills:

· ability to listen and hear - identify the true needs of the client;

· the ability to present, “present” the offer of a tourist service;

· the ability to describe the advantages of a tourism product (using visual materials, stories of tourists who have already made a similar trip);

· ability to create a benevolent atmosphere of a “desired” client; ability to persuade (about the safety of travel, the appropriateness of choosing a vacation spot, etc.);

· the ability to leave a pleasant impression about yourself and the travel agency, even if the client has not used the services of the travel agency.

Thus, at present, for qualified work in the tourism industry, in addition to technological training and knowledge in the field of tourism business, appropriate psychological preparation and knowledge of interpersonal communication issues are also required. The personal qualities of the employee, his intuition, experience, ability and ability to assess the situation from different angles, including from the point of view of his clients, and the ability to take a creative and innovative approach to solving emerging problems are becoming increasingly important.

A manager in the field of tourism is guided in all his actions by the letter of the law; he must know not only the legislation in the field of tourism, but also the basic regulations, codes, concepts, federal laws and refer to them if necessary.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is an important component of the professional knowledge and skills of a manager in tourism. Ability to communicate foreign language expands the circle of its clients. A manager who can not only provide information about the place of stay, but also accompany the client, establish a dialogue with local residents, and talk about the history of the tourist region is a high-quality manager. A tourism manager must be able to use modern information technology. The fastest and most reliable source of information about tourist regions, recreational facilities and entertainment, unique offers and discounts - Internet. Using the network allows you not only to find the necessary information, but also to present it to the consumer in a visual form, and constantly maintain contact with him.

3.3. Personnel policy in the travel agency “World of Travel”

Figure 15. Business card of World of Travel LLC

Personnel policy in the travel agency "World of Travel" LLC

The organization's staff consists of 15 people - tourism professionals with extensive experience: general director, chief accountant, domestic and outbound tourism managers, assistant managers for domestic and outbound tourism, guides and translators.

The General Director manages the financial and economic activities of the organization, ensures compliance with the law in the company's activities, draws up strategic and current plans, organizes the work of the organization and ensures effective interaction between all structural divisions of the company.

Chief Accountant:

· makes calculations and payments wages;

· prepares a report on financial activities;

· processes information and promptly warns about negative phenomena in financial activities;

· mobilizes internal production reserves and uses them effectively.

The manager for domestic and outbound tourism analyzes consumer demand and receives groups of tourists.

The assistant manager for domestic and outbound tourism provides all the necessary information to clients, answers phone calls, maintains contact with employee companies, processes international passports, visas and purchases tickets.

The domestic tourism manager analyzes consumer demand, as well as receives and dispatches groups of tourists, provides all the necessary information to clients, answers telephone calls, maintains contact with employee companies, arranges vouchers and purchases tickets.

Heads of departments for domestic and outbound tourism perform functions related to the activities of their departments.

The business tourism manager organizes business meetings, exhibitions, and fairs both within the republic and abroad.

The head of the information processing department manages the work of specialists: marketer, HR manager and customer service manager. Employees of the information processing department are engaged in the collection and primary processing of information on the tourism market.

Let's analyze the main economic and labor indicators of World of Travel LLC

The labor potential of an organization consists of the following characteristics: personnel structure by category (managers, specialists, workers, employees), educational composition (personnel structure by education), age composition, structure by gender, structure by length of service, level vocational training.

Let's consider the meaning of these characteristics for World of Travel LLC.

The personnel of World of Travel LLC includes only two categories: managers and specialists. During 2011-2012 the share of specialists and managers has not changed. Appendix 4 presents the dynamics of the number of personnel by category.

2. Educational composition

The main part of the company's personnel has higher education, while the share of employees with higher education in the total number of personnel has increased over the past three years by 1.25%

3. Structure by gender - in the structure of the organization’s personnel by gender for 2011-2013. approximately the same distribution:

In 2011 – 56% women and 44% men;

In 2012 – 53% women and 47% men;

In 2013 – 50% women and 50% men.

4. Age composition

The age of most of the organization’s personnel is between 23-40 years, i.e. The staff can be called young.

5. Distribution of personnel by length of service

An analysis of personnel by length of service showed that the main share is occupied by employees who have worked in the organization for 3 years, while the value of their share during 2011-2013. increases. A significant share is also occupied by workers with little experience in their specialty (1-2) years, although their share is decreasing as they move into the category of workers with 3-5 years of work experience.

Thus, the staff at World of Travel LLC consists of approximately the same number of management employees and specialists, the same number men and women. The staff is young, active, most of whom have sufficient work experience and level of professional training in their field.

For 2011-2012 The organization's performance has improved across a number of indicators. During the period under review, sales volume increased by 56%; the value of fixed assets – by 10.5%; labor productivity – by 24.7%; profit increased by 68.5%.

The average salary per employee in the organization increased by 6%, while the wage fund for the organization as a whole in the period under review increased by 32.3%. Different growth rates of the average wages of the organization's employees and the general wage fund indicate an uneven increase in wages for certain categories of workers. The growth in salaries for managers exceeds the growth in salaries for specialists.

Costs for personnel training increased by 53%, and for providing benefits - by 22.4%. Absenteeism decreased by 20%.

The personnel management systems at World of Travel LLC are not effective enough, because... with a more detailed analysis, it turns out that in the process of personnel management of an organization, there is a duplication of some functions, accordingly, there is a waste of working time and effort of managers, as well as insufficient attention to other functions and areas of personnel management, such as, for example, personnel training and development, its stimulation.

The process of planning quantitative needs at World of Travel LLC is as follows: at a meeting with the general director, the heads of the company’s departments (including the chief accountant) determine the composition of the expert commission, which includes the organization’s main specialists or management personnel. Experts analyze the company’s projected performance indicators, which are previously prepared by department heads, and express their own opinion on the need to hire new employees. After which the general director, after weighing all possible options, makes the final decision on the need to hire additional personnel. If the decision is positive, then the personnel selection process begins, the organization of which is the responsibility of the head of the information processing department. Candidates for a vacant position who apply to the organization first undergo a survey and interview with department specialists or directly with the head of the department, then the assessed candidate undergoes a decisive interview with the general director of the agency.

The main task of personnel selection is to evaluate candidates for a vacant position. The personnel selection process can involve both candidates for positions external to the employer's organization and its own employees. During this type of assessment, the candidate’s compliance with the requirements of the position or workplace is checked.

According to the Regulations on the selection of personnel of World of Travel LLC, personnel selection takes place in two stages:

Figure 16. Stages of personnel selection

Primary selection is the process of selecting candidates who meet the minimum requirements for a particular position. Primary selection serves as the basis for selecting personnel on an individual basis.

Professional selection is a procedure for differentiating candidates according to the degree of their compliance with a certain type of activity and making a decision about the suitability or unsuitability of candidates. Professional selection is carried out through an interview, which establishes the presence of:

· medical and psychophysiological contraindications for work in a specific field of activity;

· compliance of the candidate’s individual data with the requirements for the employee for this position.

The technology of personnel selection that has developed in world practice has several main stages: analysis of personal data, making inquiries, screening tests, interviews, formation of an expert opinion of the evaluation commission. We will describe this process and the tools used at World of Travel LLC in more detail.

1. According to the Regulations on personnel selection at World of Travel LLC, the primary selection of personnel consists of a “resume competition”: a candidate for a vacant position fills out three documents - a resume form, a questionnaire “Value orientations when choosing a workplace” and a “Communication and adaptation” test employee in a team"

2. The three documents described above, which a candidate for a vacant position fills out without an interview with any employee of the enterprise, end up on the desk of the head of the department in which the candidate for a vacant position seeks to enter. After selecting suitable resumes (in the opinion of the department head), the candidate is invited for an interview with the head of the enterprise; By the time of the interview, the head of the relevant department already has some idea about the candidate due to the analysis of questionnaire and test data. Before the meeting of the applicant with the head of the enterprise, the head of the department conducting the interview fills out the candidate’s personal specification form, which contains the candidate’s assessments for a specific vacant position.

Having familiarized himself with the personal specification form, the head of the enterprise becomes to some extent prepared for the interview, knows what can be expected from the candidate and what the company needs from the candidate. The decision to hire a candidate for a vacant position is made by the head of the enterprise based on the results of the interview.

The personnel selection tools described above are used only for last stage selection, when, in fact, the decision is made to hire a specific person.

Setting itself the main task of improving the quality of customer service, the organization World of Travel LLC recognizes the fact that the implementation of this task entirely depends and is carried out by its employees. It is the employees who daily resolve commercial, financial and management issues, communicate with clients and suppliers, government and public bodies that closely monitor the organization’s activities. It is employees who create on a daily basis the very values ​​that ensure the well-being of the organization, its owners and employees, its clients and partners.

The labor incentive system at World of Travel LLC consists of the following elements:

Administrative labor incentives;

Stimulating labor through wages.

After considering the enterprise’s existing approach to working with personnel, we will conclude about the introduction of modern personnel technologies at this enterprise.

The company under study, World of Travel LLC, has a well-developed personnel policy and carries out diversified personnel activities. The main principle of the agency’s personnel policy is to bring the interests of the company closer to the interests of each employee. The personnel policy of this organization can be described as active. From the point of view of focusing on the organization’s personnel, the organization’s personnel policy is open, since the organization is transparent to potential employees and is ready to hire any specialist if he has the appropriate qualifications. In general, the personnel policy of this organization is typical for a fairly young company pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market and attracting potential employees.

The considered personnel policy of a travel agency is quite satisfactory, but it is not without a number of shortcomings. Let us make this statement more specific by presenting the following conclusions from the analysis:

1) Analysis of the staff's assessment of incentive methods shows that employees are not satisfied with the way management solves issues of involvement in business and solves the problems of the enterprise, opportunities for self-realization. Consequently, there is a disproportion between the goals of the remuneration system and the actual actions of management, which makes it possible to assume that it is problematic to achieve the goals of this remuneration system and the validity of the author’s proposal.

2) An analysis of personnel labor motivation, based on a study of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise’s activities, revealed their positive dynamics, which indicates the successful economic activity of the enterprise in general and, in particular, the effectiveness of labor motivation.

3) On the one hand, the existing approaches to personnel management at the enterprise are focused on “growth from within,” i.e. to improve the qualifications and career advancement of their own employees; on the other hand, there is no clear plan for the career development of employees in each position.

General conclusion: despite the positive dynamics of the enterprise’s economic indicators for 2011-2012, tension remains in the enterprise’s use of labor resources, which indicates the need to develop a new, more effective personnel policy in the organization.

Measures to improve the efficiency of personnel policy


To improve the personnel policy of Travel World LLC, it is recommended to carry out the following activities:

1. Multi-level personnel certification - it is necessary to significantly increase the focus of personnel management, strengthen labor discipline, and ensure the implementation modern methods stimulating work motivation, monitoring the effectiveness and quality of work, achieving closer interaction of this type of management with the management of the organization as a whole. The overall goal of performance appraisal reform is to transform it from a routine, burdensome, and productive distraction, primarily aimed at ousting undesirable or ineffective performers, into effective remedy implementation of the socio-economic strategy of the enterprise and the company as a whole.

At the same time, the results of certification should be used, in turn, to quickly adjust the strategy, bringing it to a new level that corresponds to the current tasks and problems of the agency.

2. Formation of a personnel reserve - effective training of future managers, as well as timely identification of candidates capable of working in high positions, are today the most important factor the organization's success in competition.

The personnel reserve is created to meet the following needs of the organization:

· minimizing the adaptation period for an employee in a new position (for a third-party candidate this period can be up to six months, in some cases more);

· formation of loyalty to the organization, which is a guarantee of long-term and successful cooperation;

· gradual “generational change”, thanks to which technologies and corporate culture are preserved (global changes that paralyze the work of departments for a long period are avoided).

To organize World of Travel LLC, it is necessary to create two types of personnel reserve:

· direct – it includes managers – candidates who are ready to fill key positions at the moment or in the near future;

· promising – young specialists with leadership qualities who may later occupy positions leadership positions in company.

To successfully implement the reservist training system, a number of conditions must be met:

· designing new departments and areas that they can lead;

· creation of a transparent system of promotion and transfer based on open competitions;

· increasing requirements for the professionalism of managers, making it possible for the organization to move to a new stage of development;

· providing the most favorable conditions for promising employees and opportunities for their further growth.

3. Material incentives - an undoubted condition for adequate motivation is a direct dependence on economic results - achieving planned and above-plan indicators, completing work stages. The company needs to introduce the practice of concluding contracts with reserve employees. They describe the conditions for career development and planning, and also establish the responsibilities of the parties. The latter means the implementation of the curriculum by the reservist and the investment plan by the organization. The contract specifies the criteria for the success of the internship, the result of which can be an individual report, business plan, etc. reservist and expected increase in position/salary. Such a contract must contain Full description motivational scheme, be clear and consistent.

4. Non-material incentives - in addition to monetary payments, the organization attaches great importance to non-material motivation of promising specialists. One of the manager's tasks is to encourage subordinates to work effectively. However, it is unlikely that he will be able to move the team forward without realizing his own goals and without feeling an inner uplift. This psychological component is called “life satisfaction”, it is associated with the level of self-esteem, internal control, and the presence or absence of depression. The degree of satisfaction of managers with their current position and prospects in the company must be measured and analyzed. For this purpose, technologies known to a wide range of HR managers are used. They include open surveys and hidden methods: obtaining information about intentions to change jobs, dissatisfaction with individual problems in their activities or the organization as a whole.

Moral support and sincere interest in the personality of a specialist play a fairly significant role in the formation of employee loyalty to the organization. Even if the director of a company is inclined to maintain a distance in relations with subordinates, he should be more attentive to valuable specialists and professionals. Informal conversations, interest shown in an employee’s opinion on certain issues, create an atmosphere of trust and respect, which is sometimes more significant than material incentives. Attention must be supported by specific actions from management.

Great importance has a notification to the entire team about the participation of specialists enrolled in the personnel reserve in external industry events creative competitions and seminars. This information should be available to everyone. In this case, the employee knows that his personal achievements are important to the organization. It is easier to achieve the best effect by creating a “family” atmosphere in the organization. Such events also help retain professionals in the organization.

5. Career planning for employees - the effectiveness of professional activity is closely related to a person’s success in the profession, with his career.

Each person has his own system of values, interests, work and personal experience, so career and career planning is an individual process. At the same time, the need to combine a person’s personal characteristics and intellectual capabilities with a specific place of work poses the task of managing career processes for personnel management services.

Professional career management is the purposeful activity of the personnel management service to develop a person’s professional abilities, accumulate professional experience and his rational use in the interests of both the employee and the organization.

The combination of the interests of the individual employee and the organization is ensured by personal career planning, as well as by designing and planning the job structure and job promotion.

Goals of professional career management on the part of World of Travel LLC:

· effective use of professional abilities of personnel in the interests of the business, achieving the goals and solving the problems of the organization;

· timely provision of the organization with the necessary number of personnel with relevant professional experience;

· creation of effective incentives for work motivation and professional development of personnel;

· ensuring a relatively stable staff composition.

Goals of professional career management by personnel:

· achieving a higher official status in the organization, the possibility of receiving higher wages;

· obtaining work that is more meaningful and adequate to professional interests and inclinations;

· development of professional abilities through the organization, etc.


So, let’s summarize and highlight several main aspects of this thesis.

Personnel policy is a system of theoretical views, ideas, requirements, principles that determine the main directions of work with personnel, its forms and methods, as well as the content and directions of development of other systems. It is developed by the owners of the organization, top-level management, and personnel services.

The purpose of the work was to consider personnel policy in the field of tourism, give it a basic concept, and highlight its features.

In the course of achieving this goal, the following tasks were solved:

1. Study personnel policy in tourism, methods of selection and personnel management of travel companies

2. Consider Russian experience personnel policy in tourism, its principles and approaches and innovations in personnel policy

3. Explore personnel policy in the tourism industry of Buryatia using the example of the travel agency “World of Travel”.

Based on the analysis, the following conclusions were made:

Personnel policy largely influences the success of a tourism organization.

Increasing the educational and cultural level of Russian citizens, the constant growth of their incomes contribute to the current intensive development of the tourism business in our country. Russia has huge untapped tourism potential. The natural diversity, history and culture of our country allows us to develop almost all types of tourism.

1. Tourism in Russia is developing intensively, but still lags behind the world schedule.

2. There is also a shortage of highly qualified personnel in the tourism sector.

3. In order to gain work experience and improve the level of knowledge, young specialists of travel companies have the opportunity to work as guides, tour guides, leaders of tourist groups, developers tourist routes, managers of large hotel chains, employees of international tourism organizations.

4. To attract tourists, various innovations are used, such as: on-line service, dynamic price lists; 3-d check-in for a flight; detailed 3-d models of hotels; interactive map flights; self-service touch terminals, “live price”.

5. Tourism in the Republic of Buryatia began to develop with new strength, many new travel agencies have appeared on the market.

6. Outbound tourism predominates in Buryatia. Domestic tourism consists mainly of residents of the republic itself.

7. SWOT analysis showed that, of course, Buryatia has a rich resource for tourism development. Building a tourism brand is important and necessary tool marketing of the republic, which has unique natural, cultural and historical wealth.

8. Having examined the personnel policy of JSC World of Travel, it was concluded that this fairly “young” company has made great progress in the tourism market in three years. The agency has a friendly team, everyone knows their job and does it to the maximum. Thanks to this, there is a “warm” atmosphere and this contributes to the friendliness of employees and, as a result, polite communication with clients. Therefore, the number of people wishing to visit a travel agency is increasing every year.


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Working in a travel agency without experience, frequent request in Ya. Probably, you have now come here from Ya to find out whether it is possible or not to work in a travel agency without experience. Acquaintances and senior students periodically turn to me asking for advice on how to get a job as a manager of a travel agency (agency). They ask this question because they know that getting a job as an agency manager is quite difficult, especially without work experience. And where can you get experience if you are refused everywhere, even in an interview. It turns out to be a vicious circle. What should I do? There is only one way out, find the weak link in this circle! Experience shows that a large number of agencies are created by entrepreneurs for their relatives. And considering that most of these agencies have only 2-3 people, it is clear that all vacancies are already filled. Most of these agencies are not inclined to expand, and often close down quickly. It’s another matter when a travel agency opens with the goal of earning serious money. Such agencies plan their development, preferring to hire experienced managers. However, even such travel agencies periodically have a need to have assistants on hand, and here the option that interests you is possible.

Work in a travel agency without experience.

As a rule, a travel agency recruits assistants without experience only for the summer season, when the flow of tourists increases sharply. And this is the only moment when you can try to pass the interview. The best period when you can try your luck and pass an interview is the month of April, i.e. before the beginning high season. To realize your plan, choose several large agencies that have been working in the travel services market for a long time (tours abroad, tours in Russia, excursions, etc.).

Before visiting the agency, you need to prepare, think about what and how you will say. Here are some tips:

1. Never call an agency and ask if they need employees. They are tired of answering such calls and the likelihood that you will be rejected is almost 100%. Therefore, come to the agency without calling, because... When you communicate directly, it will always be more difficult to refuse you, especially if you can interest the agency management with your appearance and behavior. Talk only to management. If the manual is missing, check back later;

2. Large agencies provide a wide range of services, including excursions. Therefore, if you, as an applicant, have the opportunity to first complete at least short-term tour guide courses, then this will be a big plus during your interview. Novice managers, as a rule, are given work related to excursion tours, bus trips, etc.

3. Never talk about salary. Your primary task, if you have no experience, is to somehow get hooked and get at least minimal work experience. Therefore, agree to work until the end of the high season for free. By doing this, you will increase your chance to somehow get hooked and cook in the “kitchen” of this agency. At the end of the season, if the agency’s management sees your abilities (after a kind of trial period), then they themselves will offer you further cooperation. At the same time, agree to any job, you will always have time to leave! As a rule, no one rushes to be good managers. Even if the agency does not have the opportunity to keep you, you will still gain a lot of experience and it will be easier for you in future employment.

4. If your first interview did not go well, do not despair. Draw your conclusions and move on to the next agency on your list. The main thing is not to miss the beginning of the high season and start visiting agencies from the beginning of April.

5. As a rule, agencies are not inclined to spend their energy and money on your training. Even if you were offered to stay after the probationary period, you will still not be allowed to sell tours for some time until they are convinced that you are able to work with documents without errors. This period of working in a travel agency without experience can be significantly reduced if you first independently study all the nuances associated with the rules for processing documents. My tutorial will greatly help you in this process. With its help, your adaptation process will go much faster and without nerves.

Dear applicants! I hope my advice turned out to be not useless for you and working in a travel agency without experience will become a reality for you.

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Best regards, EdGar
