An article about oranges. Exotic orange - fruit or berry? Varieties of evergreen trees and their descriptions, benefits and harms of the plant

Botanical description

Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis risso) is an evergreen tree that belongs to the genus Citrus. These fruits have been known for a long time and were valued for their healing properties. And translated from German this fruit is called “Chinese apple”.

Its leaves are leathery, entire, tightly articulated with petioles. The flowers are regular, five-petaled, white, single or in small inflorescences. The fruit of the orange is bitter orange, it is spherical or oval in shape, bright yellow or almost red in color, very juicy, aromatic and tasty.

It is covered with a dense peel that is rich in essential oils. The pulp is represented by limited slices, which are interconnected and quite easily separated from each other.

The most common are four types of this juicy fruit. Kings are small in size, very sweet, their flesh is bloody red in color. Ordinary - distinguished by a large number of seeds.

Umbilicals - their flesh is orange. Jaffa oranges are very large oranges, their peel is lumpy and thick, but they are sweet, aromatic and juicy.

Is orange a fruit or a berry?

According to the TSB, fruits are juicy and edible fruits of wild and cultivated plants. The fruit of the orange (an evergreen fruit tree of the citrus genus from the rutaceae family) is a multi-locular berry. So it turns out that both fruit and berry.

A little history

Doctors of the Middle Ages used oranges for medicinal purposes, for example, Domenic Papareli prescribed them for intestinal diseases, and Ronceus prescribed them for kidney pathologies; Dr. Lobb used this fruit juice for urolithiasis.

The peel was used as a remedy that helps stop hemoptysis. In Italy, water was prepared from orange flowers, which had a diaphoretic effect on the body.


Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of the orange. But it is also grown as a fruit plant in Russia, for example, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.


This is a fairly tall tree; in indoor conditions it reaches a height of up to two meters. For the fruits to ripen, a lot of heat is required. The plant is shade-tolerant and difficult to take cuttings.

It is also grown by flower growers for decorative purposes, as an indoor potted plant. Bitter orange is often cultivated; the Arabs call this variety of orange naranj; there is also another name for it - bigaradia.

It is grown indoors and is a slender miniature tree. It looks very impressive, its flowers are fragrant, quite large, white with a pink tint.

Against the background of its green leaves, the bright fruits that decorate the plant for ten months of the year look very elegant.

The fruits of this orange are very aromatic, taste sour and bitter, their peel is thick orange-red in color, and the unripe fruits are dark green. At home, the plant looks very beautiful and fits well into any interior.

Part used

For medicinal purposes, orange peel and fruits, which contain sugar, organic acids, pectin and coloring substances, phytoncides, ascorbic acid, and provitamin A, are used.

Orange peels contain several types of essential oils, which are used to flavor fruit drinks; they are actively used in perfumery, as well as in the distillery industry.

Choosing an orange

In order to choose this delicious fruit correctly, you just need to hold it in your hands. And the heavier the orange is, therefore, the juicier and tastier it is. Small to medium sized fruits often taste much sweeter if picked in late November or early December.


Scientists have found that drinking orange juice or its fresh pulp improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on digestion processes. It is recommended to eat them or drink juice for people suffering from chronic constipation; in this case, they should be consumed on an empty stomach or before bed.

Due to their vitamin composition, as well as the presence of potassium in them, their use helps improve well-being in cases of hypertension, hepatitis, obesity, and atherosclerosis.

Orange juice perfectly quenches thirst, and due to the presence of a large number of phytoncides, it can be used as an antiseptic to treat wounds or ulcers.

The use of oranges is also effective for vitamin deficiencies. Healers use the peel of the fruit as an anti-fever, and it also has a hemostatic effect, for example, with excessive menstruation, as well as uterine bleeding.

These fruits are very valued in cooking; delicious candied fruits and jams are prepared from them, and they are also actively used to flavor all kinds of confectionery products.


It is contraindicated to eat oranges if you have a gastric ulcer, hyperacid gastritis, or with exacerbations of any inflammatory bowel diseases. With this pathology, you can drink freshly squeezed juice, but it must first be diluted with water, about half.


Of course, this fruit has earned unprecedented popularity among the population, oranges are loved by both adults and children, eat them and replenish the supply of vitamins and microelements in your body.

Orange, an original inhabitant of the subtropical zone and tropics in Asia and Africa, appeared in Europe just a few centuries ago and during this time has become one of the most popular fruits. Thanks to the thick peel, which protects the juicy pulp and beneficial properties of the orange during transportation and storage, residents of the most remote corners of even the harshest climate are familiar with the bright exotic fruits today. Oranges are consumed fresh, juices, jams and candied fruits are made from them. Slices and zest are added to confectionery products, baked goods, meat dishes and side dishes.

Sweet and sour aromatic orange slices are not only a taste pleasure, but also a source of numerous beneficial substances.

What is the benefit that its composition is attracting more and more people to the ranks of fans of orange fruits?

Composition of nutrients in oranges

Ripe oranges, which contain only 47 kcal per 100 grams, are not without reason considered a storehouse of vitamins and are present on almost every Russian table. The benefit of oranges also lies in the fact that the citrus fruit harvest occurs in the autumn and winter, when there are fewer local fresh fruits and the need for vitamins increases sharply.

The pulp of this type of citrus fruit:

  • 87.5% consists of moisture;
  • 10.3% are carbohydrates;
  • contains fiber – 1.4%;
  • organic acids – 1.3%;
  • proteins – 0.9%;
  • pectins – 0.6%.

The long series of minerals that make up oranges include potassium and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium, sulfur, chlorine, iron and zinc, boron, copper and manganese. The fruits contain almost two dozen valuable amino acids. In addition to vitamin C, which is one of the greatest benefits of the fruit, oranges contain vitamins A and E, as well as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9.

What are the benefits of oranges?

The mere listing of vitamins and microelements makes one believe in the benefits of oranges for the human body.

If we take into account that the fruit harvest occurs during the cold period in Russia, then the importance and benefits of oranges in the diet are difficult to overestimate. When consumed regularly, fruits can become a good source of invigorating energy; they have a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory and cardiac systems. As a result, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and hypertension, strokes and heart attacks is reduced. If the menu includes the fruits themselves, dishes with them, or freshly squeezed juice, the benefits of oranges are felt quite quickly and are determined by the normalization of blood pressure, a surge of energy and better performance.

A moderate amount of juicy pulp rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene in the menu is a tasty and healthy means for prolonging youth, protecting tissues from the negative effects of the external environment, mutations and even the development of cancer cells.

Vitamin C contained in orange pulp and juice actively improves immunity, counteracts colds and seasonal viral diseases, infections of the oral cavity and respiratory organs.

Thanks to the high concentration of active substances, including phytoncides, the beneficial properties of oranges help to heal abscesses and wounds faster, preventing microbes and pathogenic flora from disrupting the body’s natural defenses and causing harm to health.

In conditions of vitamin deficiency, oranges serve as an excellent antiscorbutic remedy, actively tone up, strengthen the human immune system and improve metabolism. Such beneficial properties of oranges are undoubtedly used in cases of suspected vitamin deficiency, overwork and depression. An abundance of vitamins and minerals will also be beneficial for anemia.

Oranges as an aperitif or as part of a dish help improve appetite, activate bile production and stimulate digestion. Proper inclusion of citrus fruits in the menu normalizes metabolism. The pectins included in its composition promote digestion, enhance the motility of the large intestine, suppress and eliminate putrefactive processes in the digestive system.

The acids in fruits can reduce cholesterol levels and normalize fat metabolism in the body.

Moreover, oranges are extremely popular among those who want to lose weight. And here dietary fiber, the fiber that makes up the juice-filled fruit pulp, comes to the rescue. What are the benefits of orange pulp for the body? Once in the digestive tract, the pulp of oranges requires a long time to digest and creates a feeling of fullness. At the same time, fiber serves as a natural sponge that collects and removes waste and toxins formed in the digestive system from the body.

Blood oranges, whose pulp and sometimes zest are distinguished by a beautiful pink or crimson color, due to the presence of anthocyanins, can be used as a prophylactic agent in the fight against cancer, aging of the body and maintaining youth.

Orange zest: beneficial properties

Housewives know well that in culinary dishes you can use not only juicy slices, but also the zest. Doctors say that the orange peel has even more beneficial properties than the pulp. .

In addition to the vitamin set, the zest contains a large amount of flavonoids. This is a source of the most beneficial dietary fiber, calcium, essential oils and calcium for the body.

The zest is rich in valuable acids and, in fact, phytoncides, which are natural antibiotics. Therefore, you should not throw away such a valuable product, but rather find a more worthy use for the zest. For example, orange peel can be consumed as part of your favorite dishes or used as a topical remedy to lighten the skin and fight inflammation.

Before use, it is important to thoroughly wash off the layer of preservatives from the zest, which is applied during picking, in order to extend the freshness of the fruit.

The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed orange juice

Orange juice is a universally recognized source of energy and vitamins. What are the benefits of orange juice, and should everyone drink it?

Indeed, a glass of a drink made from fresh fruit can completely cover the body’s need for vitamin C. It perfectly quenches thirst, tones up and protects against colds. Almost all useful substances pass from fruits into juice. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that drinking the drink will improve digestion and strengthen the immune system, help replenish the body’s energy reserves and cope with microbes and pathogenic flora.

However, it is worth remembering that most of the fiber does not get into the juice, which means you should not count on losing weight or cleansing the body after drinking the drink.

More actively than whole fruits, juice affects the mucous membranes, irritating them and provoking exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive tract and a number of other diseases. Therefore, before introducing the drink into your diet, you need to evaluate the possible benefits and harms of freshly squeezed orange juice, and it is better to consult with specialists.

Harm and contraindications

As with other fruits that have medicinal properties, the general rules of consumption apply to oranges: moderation and reasonableness. Despite the many beneficial properties of the orange, there are several categories of people who will have to give up this exotic fruit and its juice. First of all, these are patients suffering from peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas. Acids, contained in abundance in oranges, irritate already inflamed and damaged tissues and can lead not to improvement, but to exacerbation of diseases and deterioration of well-being.

Even with high acidity, orange causes nausea, heartburn and other signs of gastrointestinal discomfort.

Acids also have a less favorable effect on tooth enamel. If citrus fruits are consumed without moderation, the sensitivity of the enamel increases, it becomes thinner, and then caries can begin. Therefore, doctors advise cleaning or at least rinsing your mouth after drinking a glass of juice or eating an orange. Those who are prone to diabetes or are already ill should include oranges in their menu with great caution.

But if you have food allergies, especially in children, you should be especially careful. Despite the many benefits, oranges are one of the most frequently detected allergens, which is why children under 9–12 months of age and nursing mothers are not given this fruit at all. Pregnant women should abstain from orange juice and pulp starting from the 22nd week.

The whole truth about oranges - video

In one of the ancient Greek myths, Hercules had to get golden fruits. Some researchers believe that we are talking specifically about oranges - amazing fruits that can support the immune system, cleanse and tone the body.

Orange is the fruit of an evergreen tree of the citrus genus. But whether it is a fruit, it turns out, is a big question. In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, fruits are any tree fruits that contain a lot of juice and are edible. And biologists say that oranges are multi-locular berries. As a result, oranges simultaneously belong to both fruits and berries.

The homeland of orange trees is Southeast Asia, in particular China, from where they were brought to Europe in the 15th century. Translated from German, orange means "Chinese apple." Today this plant is grown not only in Asian countries, but throughout the globe. Until now, scientists have not found a single orange tree in the wild. This gives reason to believe that the fruit is bred artificially. Most of the experts' guesses come down to a cross between pamelo and tangerine.

The shape of the orange is round, in some varieties it is slightly modified due to the presence of a small outgrowth on the top of the fruit in the form of another ball.

The skin of an orange is yellow, orange or dark orange, close to red. Depending on the type, it can be smooth and lumpy, thin and dense.

Orange pulp is usually juicy, sweet or sweet and sour. Although some varieties have completely sour pulp. Its color ranges from light yellow to blood red.

Orange leaves are leathery, oval in shape with a pointed tip. The crown of the tree is spherical or spherical, tapering towards the top.

Orange flowers are white and have a bright and sweet scent. The climate orange trees choose is subtropical humid. In other areas they grow weakly and produce less juicy fruits. However, even in temperate latitudes of Russia it is possible to grow fruit-bearing orange trees at home.

In the store you can find the following types of oranges.

  • Ordinary - bright yellow fruits with many seeds.
  • Jaffa fruits are large, juicy and sweet fruits with dense, lumpy skin.
  • Umbilical oranges are oranges that have a ball-shaped appendage at the top of the fruit. The rind of navel oranges is orange, as is their flesh.
  • Kinglets are small sugar fruits. This is the so-called blood orange, because its pulp has a dark, bloody color. These fruits are the sweetest of all those presented in stores.

Composition of an orange

A whole set of vitamins, of which 100 g of the product contains the daily requirement of vitamin C for a person, microelements and macroelements, dietary fiber and nutrients - all this is contained in an orange. Carbohydrates make up the majority of the nutritional elements of the fruit - over 8 g. Protein contains just under 1 g, and fat - 0.2 g.

In a diet that is so lacking in sweets, it is the orange that comes to the aid of a losing weight person. The calorie content of its fruits is only 43 calories per 100 g of product.

The vitamin complex of “Chinese apples” includes many B vitamins, among which folic acid is isolated, which allows pregnant women to eat oranges. They also contain beta-carotene, vitamins A and E, as well as a large amount of ascorbic acid.

The beneficial properties of orange directly stem from its rich vitamin and mineral composition. People who are accustomed to eating oranges only as a means of preventing colds will be surprised by the effect that such an ordinary fruit has on the human body today.

Orange - beneficial properties

Doctors recommend eating oranges for children and the elderly, who especially need a full range of minerals and vitamins. And for a strong body, the Chinese fruit has a tonic, immune-supporting, and metabolic-stimulating effect.

Beneficial properties of orange

  1. Beneficial effect on the digestive system. Oranges are known for inducing appetite and also stimulating the body's production of bile, which is involved in the process of breaking down food. Thus, a glass of orange juice before eating will ensure its rapid and proper absorption. Chinese fruits facilitate the digestion of fatty foods, stimulate intestinal function, and detoxify the gastrointestinal tract, removing harmful products of decay and putrefaction from the body. The value of orange in treating constipation is also known.
  2. Oranges reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. The fruits contain substances that accelerate the healing processes of wounds and ulcers, as well as kill harmful microbes in areas of skin and mucous membranes.
  4. Due to the high content of vitamins in oranges, they are used in the treatment of hypovitaminosis.
  5. The use of oranges is recommended for diseases such as hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis, and gout.
  6. Oranges help relieve nervous tension and its consequences - physical and psychological fatigue, sleep disturbances, and apathy. Essential oils are used in the complex treatment of depression. They can also lift a person’s mood and increase their resistance to stress.
  7. The substances contained in oranges destroy cancer cells that are found in every human body. As a result, the risk of cancer is reduced.

The harm of oranges

  1. Oranges are contraindicated for gastritis and some other gastric diseases, as they contain a lot of acids.
  2. Fruits are the strongest allergen. An allergy to oranges can develop if you eat them too often. And if you eat them regularly and in large quantities, the risk of diabetes increases.
  3. Oranges destroy tooth enamel. To avoid this problem, rinse your mouth after eating the fruit or drinking orange juice.

Oranges for diabetes

Oranges are recommended for consumption in diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2. There are only 33 of them, and all the sugar contained in these fruits is fructose and glucose. Oranges contain enough soluble plant fiber to slow down the absorption of glucose in the body. In addition, a person suffering from diseases needs additional vitamins and minerals, which an orange will provide a diabetic in large quantities.

Oranges during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are known to have the most unexpected food preferences. This is due to the fact that the pregnant woman’s body senses what elements it lacks for the proper development of the child. Oranges are frequent culprits of such sudden desires. But can pregnant women eat oranges?

Orange contains a lot of vitamin C, which will support the immune system of the expectant mother, as well as folic acid, an essential element in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. It is folic acid that is involved in building the baby’s nervous system. Therefore, oranges are not only allowed for pregnant women, but also indicated. To avoid allergies during pregnancy, eat no more than 1 piece per day.

Application of orange

Oranges in cooking

The easiest and fastest way to get the healing power of an orange is to squeeze the fresh fruit and drink it or simply eat a Chinese fruit. Today, orange is added to many dishes. The juicy pulp makes the food taste delicious, and the smell of orange can attract even the most capricious gourmets to eat. Despite the fact that this is a sweet fruit, it is successfully combined with vegetables, meat and mayonnaise. Well, sponge and curd cakes with the addition of aromatic slices will turn into real culinary masterpieces.

Health benefits of orange

Orange is used not only for the prevention of diseases, but also for their targeted treatment.

  1. Orange in combination with lemon perfectly cleanses and strengthens blood vessels and is used to prevent stroke, heart attack, and angina.
  2. A tincture of grated orange peel helps relieve intense menstrual pain.
  3. Inhalations with sweet orange oil soften the respiratory tract during colds and infections.
  4. Tincture of orange slices helps relieve fever.
  5. Freshly squeezed juice mixed with a raw chicken egg is used to relieve a hangover.
  6. Using special orange compresses, you can reduce bleeding gums and alleviate the symptoms of stomatitis.

Orange in cosmetology

In modern cosmetology it is used as an independent product or as part of various cosmetics. Orange has the following effects on the body:

  • reduces pore size and acne intensity;
  • eliminates unwanted skin pigmentation and has whitening properties;
  • stimulates the production of collagen, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes more elastic;
  • accelerate skin cell renewal;
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • moisturizes and tones the skin.

Uses of orange peel

  1. Orange peel is used to prepare candied fruits, zest, jam, and medicinal infusions.
  2. If your pets like to dig in flower pots or chew on leaves, place orange peels near your plants. Cats cannot stand the orange smell. The peel will also drive away insects that live in residential buildings.
  3. Essential oils contained in orange peel have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relax, relieve fatigue, and help with depression. You can make your own aromatic bags with peels and hang them around your apartment.
  4. The dried peel burns well in a fire, so use it to light a fireplace or stove in the village.

About Orange.
Have you ever thought about the question of why such a fruit as an orange is called an orange? “Well, I found it, so what should I ask?” they will tell me. An orange and an orange, why try it. No, I’ll tell you, this question is not simple and very interesting. By the way, all over the world the word orange sounds like orange. If you don’t believe me, then take any package of juice or box of jam, that’s what it says in ours, orange, and in theirs, orange. So, if you don’t know the answer to this question, then I’ll tell you now, I recently found out about it myself. But as always, more about this at the very end, so that I don’t slow down here and it’s interesting for you to read. If we talk about me, the first time I saw a real Moroccan orange was when I was six years old and I went to the senior group at our Cosmonaut Kindergarten. Here is how it was. After lunch, as always, we sat on the carpet and then, out of nowhere, an orange appeared in Irishka Zamyatina’s hands. A real big Moroccan one, it even had a black sticker on the side of the thick crust that said “Morocco.” How Irishka managed to smuggle this orange into our group still remains a big mystery to me. She apparently hid it first in a sweater, then in the bedroom under a pillow. We were very strict with this matter. In terms of food, Alla Ivanovna, our teacher categorically forbade bringing anything with us. If she had seen it, then, firstly, she would have immediately confiscated it, and secondly, she would have said, “There’s nothing to bring here, something that’s not supposed to be.” Well, then, Irishka peeled the orange and immediately handed out a slice to each of us , that is, to each of our gang. Which included me, Dima Triegubov and Andrei Ragozin. By the way, this orange was great, the slice just melted in your mouth. At the same time, all our other classmates sat and looked at us with envy. It was written on their faces: “Well, here you are, sitting and eating such a delicious thing, and we should sit and envy you.”
When the orange was finished, Irishka laid out the orange peels on the shelf closest to us, and on this occasion she said so, forgetting about all types of conspiracy:
-And this is so that the smell is pleasant, and it also helps against moths, my grandmother told me so.
Well, then something happened that none of us even expected. At first, Dima Trieugobov began to itch. That is, with his left hand he scratched his back, then spots appeared on his hands as if from a nettle burn, rubbing these spots he brought them to the size of a nickel, after which his face turned red and his cheeks flared. And at that very moment, Alla Ivanovna finally came into our room; before that, she was in the locker room and talking about something with our manager. Our nanny, as always, was on the phone, called the Baby Food Factory and returned to us after Alla Ivanovna.
First of all, Alla Ivanovna saw the crusts lying on the shelves, then her eyes caught Dima with a red face with burning cheeks and ears. After that she asked:
-Well, who brought it?
The fact that we were talking about an orange was clear to us without further ado.
“Well, who allowed you to even try this,” Alla Ivanovna now turned to Dima, “I’m asking?”
“Yes, I brought this,” Irishka admitted immediately. She had no choice. Surely one of our classmates would have snitched. He would have said so. “You sat here and ate, and we were jealous of you, so now you will answer.”
“Yes, I did everything wisely, Alla Ivanovna,” Irishka tried to somehow justify herself. “I even went to the washbasin to wash the orange.” And she made all these crazy people wash their hands.
Irishka was right here. Before peeling the orange, she told us so. “If someone doesn’t wash their hands, then no one will get an orange.”
“I didn’t know that this dunce would turn out like this.” And then Irishka gave Dima a tasty slap on the back of the head.
By the way, Dima sat all this time with his head down, looking guilty. He always had such a reaction to allergies. He seemed to say. “Well, I got drunk. Yes, I'm guilty. So what now?
“Well, what are we going to do?” now our nanny has entered the conversation. “Maybe we can take him to our nurse on the first floor.”
“No, what’s the point,” Alla Ivanovna answered her. “She’s still not at her workplace.” She already asked for ten minutes off work in order to get to the store in time.
-Well then, maybe call an ambulance. They will quickly give him an injection with suprostin. Here’s a needle like this.” The nanny depicted the size of the needle with her fingers.
- No, we'll see for now. You, that’s Tanyusha (our nanny’s name was Tatyana Sergeevna). Make him some hot tea, stronger and without sugar, and put him to bed in the bedroom. Well, we'll see from there.
By the way, at this very moment, Dima’s face turned a little white. Maybe because he ate a small slice of orange. Or maybe out of fear that he would be taken away by ambulance, the allergy began to recede. Sometimes it happens.
Well, then, already in the bedroom, Dima said this to Alla Ivanovna:
- Just don’t tell your parents. Otherwise they’ll kill me.
“And I’ll see about this,” Alla Ivanovna answered this request. “Last time you also promised me that this would not happen again.” This is when you picked up tomato paste. And now it’s back to old times.
Exactly half an hour later, Dima’s allergies completely went away. Alla Ivanovna didn’t say anything to his parents, apparently fearing that she herself wouldn’t get hit for a smuggled orange. That’s where the story ended. The next time Dima had an allergy again was when we were already sorting out New Year's gifts, and there he came across Abkhazian tangerines.
Now, as promised, I will tell you where such a fruit as an orange came to us. So listen. Until the 16th century, Europeans had no idea about oranges at all. I'm not even talking about our country. The first to bring oranges to Europe from eastern countries were Portuguese sailors. For everyone in Europe it was a curiosity, orange in color, pleasant to the eye, the taste cannot be compared with any other fruit. Well, then, when the Portuguese began selling these orange round and tasty fruits to their neighbors. They were constantly asked, “Where do the apples come from? Because we haven’t heard of oranges, but the shape of this fruit is similar to apples. The traders honestly answered, “The apples are from China, Chinese.” That’s how I remember it. And oranges came to us in Russia from Holland. In Dutch, “Apple” is appel, and in Chinese, it is snien. But for our people it was heard and read as syn. That’s how it all worked out and an orange came out.

Orange is a tree that belongs to the genus citrus from the rue family.

The orange tree reaches a height of 3-12 meters or more; it lives and bears fruit for decades.

The orange blossom is white and fragrant. Flowers are arranged in groups, usually six in one inflorescence; in some varieties they protected by axillary scutes.

The progenitors of this plant (pomelo and tangerine) once grew exclusively in eastern Burma and southwestern China. These places are the birthplace of the orange.

The orange fruit is a spherical or elongated fruit, which consists of several lobes, inside of which there are seeds. The pulp is covered with a thick crust of orange or orange-red color (yellow or green in some varieties).

INTERESTING! From a botanical point of view, the fruits of the orange tree at the same time fit both the definition "fruit", so and "multi-locular berry"

The pulp of the fruit has a peculiar citrus smell and a sweet and sour taste; it contains sugar, up to 2% citric acid, many useful trace elements and vitamins (A, C, B vitamins). The diameter of ripened fruits varies among different varieties and ranges from 5 to 12 cm.

The peel of the fruit contains orange oil, which has been used for centuries as an aromatic additive in perfumery and as a natural flavoring agent for confectionery products.

The crown of all tree varieties is compact and rounded. The branches often have thin, straight thorns. Orange leaves are dense, thick, leathery, dark green, they have an elongated, oval shape. The leaves reach 5-7 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width.

Like all trees growing in tropical and subtropical conditions, orange takes root deep into the soil, which allows this fruit to be grown in conditions of periodic droughts.

INTERESTING! There are cases where orange trees grew and bear fruit for up to 150 years.

Types and varieties

The orange tree was created by crossing a tangerine and a pomelo tree hundreds of years ago. Over many years of experience breeders have developed hundreds of tree varieties. Among them there are types of oranges that can grow not only on agricultural plantations, but also in a greenhouse or city apartment. Let's look at the most common varieties of orange - photos of plants.

Sicilian orange

In Sicily, starting in the 18th century, several varieties of orange with dark red, purple and beet red flesh were developed. These are the varieties Tarocco, Sanguinelloi and Moro, which was recently developed. It is believed that The red color of the fruits comes from the chemical elements of soils of volcanic origin. All similar varieties of oranges are united by the name.

Washington Neville (Washingtoh Navel)

The Washington Neville variety has large, weighing up to half a kilogram, spherical or ellipsoidal fruits with a textured, rough or smooth skin. The peel of the fruit is usually thick (4-6 mm), it can be orange, yellowish-orange, reddish-orange.

The sweet and sour cellular pulp has a pleasant smell. The flesh is also orange. The fruits usually have a "navel", which is essentially a secondary fruit. This the variety is very prolific, both on plantations and in a greenhouse or apartment. The fruits do not contain seeds, Therefore, the plant is propagated exclusively by cuttings.

REFERENCE! At , the Washington Nevil variety is resistant to shade, but bears fruit only on the sunny side.

Valencia Late

The fruits of this common orange are round in shape, their size ranges from 70 to 78 mm, the fruit contains a lot of sugar, therefore The taste of the pulp is more sweet than sweet and sour. Valencia oranges have a wonderful taste. The pulp contains seeds, from 1 to 9 seeds per fruit.

The variety has a thin, bright orange peel, with small red specks and orange flesh. Valencia was cultivated for centuries in Spain, but in the mid-19th century it was taken up by Californian breeders, who created the modern fertile species.

Valencia leads the world as a raw material for juice production, which, not least, is facilitated by the bright color of the pulp.


The Ovale orange tastes like the Valencia variety. Ovale was developed in Italy. The fruits have an elongated, oval shape, a medium-thick peel and contain few seeds.

The peel adheres very tightly to the pulp segments. The surface of the peel is finely lumpy. The size of the fruits is average, they reach 6.5 - 7.5 cm in length. There are fruits in which seeds are completely absent.

The tree grows slowly, it sensitive to seasonal temperature changes and droughts, but in favorable conditions (including in a greenhouse), the tree can be very productive.


Tarocco - one of the varieties. Compared to other red-fleshed varieties developed in Sicily, its flesh is the lightest. The red color of the lobules is unevenly distributed, in the form of stripes and spots. In Tarocco fruits very few seeds. Often there are none at all.

This is a very sweet and aromatic fruit. Gardeners claim that of all types of orange, Tarosso is the sweetest and juiciest. The skin of the fruit is thin, and red pigmentation is often visible against the orange background of the peel. Tarosso fruits contain more vitamin C than all other types. tree Grows well in a greenhouse and in a city apartment.

Boo (Bu)

Bu variety oranges are grown on the plantations of Vietnam, in the subtropical and tropical zones of the country. The peel of the fruit is of medium thickness and moderate relief. The fruits have a bright orange color and a slightly elongated shape. This variety is very prolific. The orange pulp is also orange, the taste of the fruit is sour-sweet or sweet, the fruits have a wonderful aroma.

King orange

Vietnamese variety King orange has a thick, textured dark green or bright green peel and yellow flesh. These oranges are usually large in size (9-12 cm in diameter) and have 7-9 lobes with several seeds inside the fruit.

The fruits are spherical, their weight reaches 350-400 grams. Royal orange is very juicy and has a delicate sweet taste. The fruits grow in clusters on small trees with long flexible branches, one and a half to two meters high, each tree brings large harvests. Royal orange plantations are found mainly in the south and central parts of Vietnam.

IMPORTANT! To get a guaranteed result, it is better to purchase orange seedlings from nurseries.

Benefits and harms

How is orange beneficial for the body and what vitamins does the fruit contain? The benefit of orange is that in addition to citric acid and sugar, the pulp contains fiber, phytoncides, microelements, various carbohydrates, ash, and flavonoids. In the pulp a lot of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, nitrogen-containing compounds and pectin. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C (60-67 mg%), B vitamins and provitamin A. The peel contains a lot of essential oils.

Medicinal properties of orange

Oranges are recommended use for bacterial and viral diseases of different nature.

These fruits help healthy people strengthen their immune system and improve metabolism in the body.

The benefits of oranges are important for those who suffer from fluctuations in blood pressure, their substance stabilize cholesterol levels.

REFERENCE! Vitamin C is also useful for those who suffer from diseases of the nervous system, thyroid gland, and is necessary for people who go on diets in order to lose excess weight.


What harm do oranges contain? Are there any contraindications to consuming these fruits? This is, first of all, individual intolerance and an allergic reaction of the body to citrus fruits. Oranges you can't eat if you have gastritis(proceeding with high acidity), stomach ulcers and any intestinal diseases. Citric acid in large quantities leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.


When growing an orange tree at home you should read all instructions carefully, which are issued by nurseries along with the seedling.

These include requirements for the container in which the orange will be planted, soil preparation, temperature conditions, preparation and application of fertilizing.

Only proper care will help you grow a tree and get fruit.

An orange tree grown at home is pleasing to the eye and is the pride of an amateur gardener. And, of course, it’s always nice to taste the fruits of your labors.

Useful video

It will be useful to watch the following video about caring for citrus fruits, including oranges:
