Tatyana Eremeeva mother of Timur biography. Timur Eremeev's mother worked as a concierge in the house of Spartak Mishulin

DNA examination established that Spartak Mishulin is the biological father of Timur Eremeev.

The “Let Them Talk” program finally put an end to the months-long intrigue - whether the son famous actor.

After much debate, Timur Eremeev decided to do a DNA test to finally establish the truth. The artist's daughter found her father's old suit, where experts discovered biomaterial for research.

First of all, Timur justified himself for the accusations that he simply wants to attract attention and become popular as an actor. "Some kind of special task I don’t have it,” Eremeev said.

An expert appeared in the program studio to conduct a study of the costume. He once again spoke in more detail about how the research took place. Laboratory technicians were able to establish that this was indeed the biomaterial of Spartak Mishulin.

“We were able to extract all the chromosomes, and not just those traits that are inherited through the male line. The result is full-fledged from the expert’s point of view. The suit is exactly right,” the expert said.

For the first time, Timur Eremeev’s mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, came out in public. For two months, she refused to show her face and made comments with her back to the camera.

“For almost 35 years he was in my life. If he didn’t feel anything for me, we probably wouldn’t be together. Valentina Konstantinovna probably knew. He said that whoever needs it knows it. I think they know,” Eremeeva said.

Tatyana Eremeeva - mother of Timur Eremeev

Tatyana Anatolyevna said that she refused to give her son his father’s middle name. According to Timur, he does not intend to change his last name if the DNA test gives a positive answer.

The host of the show, Dmitry Borisov, opened the envelope in which the results of the examination were stored. The guests in the studio were very excited. The lawyer said that there were two appeals - from Timur and Karina. Dmitry read that the study took more than a month.

“The answer to the question whether Timur Sergeevich Eremeev can be the son of a male person, based on the props belonging to Spartak Vasilievich Mishulin. The probability that he is a biological son is 99.9999%,” Borisov said.

Mishulin's legacy: son or not son? DNA test result. Let them talk

Karina Mishulina and her husband were behind the scenes the entire time. She was upset that the whole story had taken such a turn. According to the actress, Timur could have come to her personally, and not made a show out of it.

“I just don’t want to interfere with the holiday, we are superfluous here. I have my own position. Dad was great artist, if this happened, then no one has the right to make it public. What’s wrong with my mother - a woman who lived with her father for 35 years, has now lost her teeth, the whole country is laughing at her, she has turned gray,” said Karina, barely holding back tears.

Mishulin's daughter doubts the transparency of the examination. According to her, the coincidence in the study of the y-chromosome corresponds to only 95%. Dmitry Borisov said that viewers will receive an answer to this question in the next program.

When my son decided to reveal the truth about his father - Spartak Mishuline, neither I nor Timur could have imagined that our personal story would cause such a strong reaction from the actor’s daughter. Karina filed a lawsuit. This prompted me to tell what I had been silent about for many years.

Spartak Vasilyevich is really the father of my son. I didn’t have any other men, that’s how life turned out. We met in Vologda on the set of the film “Property of the Republic” in 1970. I was in tenth grade then. One of the scenes with Yuri Tolubeev was filmed in the teachers' room at our school. The girls crowded in the corridor and looked at the filmmakers with open mouths as if they were celestial beings. It seemed that the Martians had arrived.

Mom, a geologist by profession, was a passionate theatergoer. And she “infected” me. We often went to Moscow for premieres and visited Leningrad. I knew all the actors inside out and collected their photographs. Mishulin’s portrait was not among them. Years later, when we were already communicating, I confessed to Spartak Vasilyevich more than once: “Sorry, but you are not my favorite artist.”

Long years we remained on the same terms: there were no personal relations between us. After Timur’s confession, Karina was surprised: a very young girl fell in love with a man over forty - how is this possible?! But at seventeen I never thought of falling in love! Moreover, at the first meeting I didn’t like Mishulin at all: an adult guy with dark and, as it seemed, dyed hair...

Yuri Tolubeev attracted attention: he looks like my grandfather Vasily, he’s just as round. I knew him from television plays, which were often shown back then. I also saw Mishulina on TV - in “Zucchini “13 Chairs”. When they approached, Spartak Vasilyevich suddenly asked me, pointing to Tolubeev:

Do you know who this is?

I was terribly embarrassed. I grew up very uptight, ashamed of everything in the world. I answer:

National artist Tolubeev from Leningrad!

Right! - Mishulin turned to his friend: - Yuri Vladimirovich, they know you here!

Having found out my name, Spartak Vasilyevich remarked:

How serious you are, Tanya! Have you been to Moscow?

Yes, my mother and I go to watch plays.

Here's the phone number for the Satire Theater. If you find yourself in the capital, call me, I’ll help you with tickets.

Thanks a lot!

The Satire Theater was booming at that time, it was impossible to get tickets there, people lined up at the box office all night long.

Our second meeting with Mishulin took place in Moscow. I called the theater and asked to call Spartak Vasilyevich. When he picked up the phone, she said:

Tanya from Vologda.

To my surprise, famous artist I haven’t forgotten my promise.

Of course, I remember you. Come to the performance in the evening, meet at the service entrance.

And I met you! He took me to the administrator, helped me undress, and took me into the hall. I don’t remember what they played that evening. Later, Spartak Vasilyevich left countermarks for me at the checkpoint. I am still grateful to him for this: I reviewed the entire repertoire.

On stage I saw a completely different Mishulin. How he played! Viewers knew him primarily from his comedic roles - Mr. Director from “Zucchini” and Carlson. But it turned out that he is an amazing tragedian! In Bulgakov's "Run" he was Charnota - such that all the women in the audience were crying. Tatiana Vasilyeva - then she bore the surname Itsykovich - she portrayed his traveling wife Lyuska. The couple looked funny: Spartak was of medium height, and next to her was the tall Itsykovich. Valentina Tokarskaya also played in the play. Anatoly Papanov . By the way, later in this production little Karina appeared on stage: there are children’s characters in the play.

Actor Timur Eremeev announced to the whole country that he is the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin, that his mother allegedly gave birth to the married People's Artist of the RSFSR back in 1983. Timur Eremeev shared his childhood memories of his father on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program; Spartak Mishulin’s legitimate daughter, Karina, also attended this talk show. The young woman really didn’t like the fact that her dad might have some children besides her, because she is sure that Spartak Mishulin was faithful to his wife. But having studied the biography of this artist, having read the interviews that his daughter previously gave, it becomes clear to me that before his marriage, Spartak Mishulin played tricks on women, be healthy, was a famous ladies' man, but what can I say, he officially got married only at the age of 44, and his daughter was born when he was already 53! Could the ladies' man ladies' man suddenly quit at 44 and be content with one the only woman long years? Of course he could, but not necessarily. As you know, at the time when Spartak Mishulin met his future wife Valentina, he was already engaged to another woman; moreover, he invited Valyusha to become his mistress, since he could not cancel the wedding, but the proud girl refused. Mishulin assured her that he would quickly get married, and then divorce and would be inseparable from his new wife. His fiancee Elena was also not a particularly faithful friend; to Mishulin’s delight, she started an affair with his fellow actor Vladimir Dolinsky, but maybe Spartak himself asked his friend about this? However, after Elena found herself in the same bed with Dolinsky (and this was on the very first night of their acquaintance - such passion overwhelmed them), it became clear that there could be no talk of any marriage for Spartak Mishulin, so after some... then for six months the well-known Carlson returned to his adored little girl Valentina, who, by the way, is twenty years younger than him. And he met Timur’s mother somewhere at the same time, or rather during the period of his love affairs, that is, when he was not yet bound by strong bonds of marriage. See for yourself, he married Valentina in 1972, and in 1970 he first met high school student Tatyana. By this time, he may not have known Valentina yet, but he was probably engaged to Elena. That is, this guy could not immediately become an exemplary monogamous man - he rushed between three fires. But perhaps he pushed as hard as he could and finally made up his mind. By the way, he met Timur’s mother while he was filming the film “Property of the Republic.” I specifically watched this film to understand what Spartak Mishulin was like at that time.

And here’s what I’ll tell you, despite the fact that at that time Spartak Mishulin was 44 years old, he looked dignified, a slender, impressive, very interesting-looking man, he played Ilya Spiridonovich Tarakanov, the manager of the estate of Prince Tikhvinsky, in other words, negative hero, main villain. Spartak Mishulin wore a frock coat, a white shirt and black glasses throughout the film, only at the end of the drama he took them off the bridge of his nose. A beard, a mustache, it’s clear that schoolgirl Tatyana didn’t immediately rush into his arms, but she could easily be stunned, she took his phone number, she was a theatergoer, and he asked her to marry. An experienced womanizer, he could have been a sailor and quit, but there were many common topics for conversation, and then, what remorse? For many years they were just friends! Quite a life story. And before Tatyana personally met Spartak Mishulin, of course, she had already seen him for four years in the TV show “Zucchini “13 Chairs,” which thundered throughout the country, and there this actor is very good-looking! If you don't believe me, watch the first episodes!That is, what the friends of the deceased tried to convince us of on the talk show “Let Them Talk”, that allegedly Spartak Mishulin was almost a monogamous man, is, of course, not the truth. Women loved him, there were a ton of fans, and they couldn’t all disappear overnight after he got married.

What’s also surprising is that Spartak Mishulin himself was illegitimate, and his mother gave him up to a baby home at the age of one month. And only by miracle, two years later, he found himself in his family uncle, the fact is that he was the one who gave it to him rare name- Spartak. And then one day my uncle's wife, passing by orphanage, I heard the teacher continually calling out to a certain naughty child by the name of Spartak! It immediately became clear to the aunt that this was most likely her nephew, and without hesitation, she did everything to take the baby from the orphanage. And so the years pass, in 2017, Karina Mishulina, on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program, calls her possible brother a bastard - in her opinion, this is a decent word, because it is in Ozhegov’s dictionary. That is, her father is not a bastard, but another person born out of wedlock can be called a bastard. In addition, Karina Mishulina wonders how her father could fall in love with Timur’s sixteen-year-old mother. While she herself, being fifteen years old, dated a man who was 30 years older than her! She just deceived him and said that she was sixteen. Another fact from the life of Madame Mishulina, at the institute she got pregnant from a certain guy who did not want to marry her, and what did the unfortunate pregnant woman do? She went for an abortion and took her dad with her, who tried to dissuade her as best he could from a rash act, but still agreed with her daughter’s arguments and, in the end, humbly waited until they brought her from the abortion clinic.

Karina Mishulina herself is married for the third time, about her two last husbands She says that her dad sent them to her from heaven. Well, I can just imagine this picture, Spartak Mishulin sitting there on the clouds and thinking, who should he send to his beloved daughter this time? The main thing is to find a good man to care for and cherish his daughter. Well, if they separate in a couple of years, you can send her someone else, there are many candidates, here in heaven it’s still clearly visible - with whom Karina will ultimately get along better.

How will this whole story end? Wait and see. Both sides of the flared conflict can only wish endurance and patience. And yet, you shouldn’t idealize anyone too much, people tend to do nasty, base things, and some people are never ashamed of what they’ve done!

This baby photo Timur Eremeev, on it he is with his mother Tatyana. Also attached is one of Spartak Mishulin’s telegrams.

In this photo you see little Spartak Mishulin with his mother. This woman gave up her illegitimate son V Orphanage, since she completely lacked maternal instinct, the baby was later taken from the government place by her own uncle.

Spartak Mishulin with his half-sister and brother.

In this photo, Spartak’s wife Mishulina, whom he adores, Valentina.

And that was little Karina Mishulina.

Spartak Mishulin kisses his wife.

And this is the young mother of Timur Eremeev, once, during a train trip with her beloved, she made a sketch of him on a pack of cigarettes.

Spartak Mishulin was a handsome man in his youth, and it was not for nothing that women lusted after him.

And again Karina Mishulina.

In this photo, Spartak Mishulin and Timur Eremeev.

Childhood photo of Timur Eremeev.

Wife of Timur Eremeev.

Timur Eremeev with his grandmother.

Little Timur Eremeev.

Karina Mishulina with her parents.

Karina with dad.

At the beginning of the week, the results of a DNA test of the alleged illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin and aspiring actor Timur Eremeev became known. Daughter famous artist I found Carlson’s suit in which he performed. Experts were able to detect biomaterial, thanks to which it was possible to establish that the young man is indeed the heir of Spartak Vasilyevich. Timur Eremeev is the son of Spartak Mishulin. The whole story of the conflict between relatives

After the results were announced in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, Karina doubted the reliability of the study. Dmitry Borisov once again gathered all the participants in this high-profile case. Mishulina said that she wanted to convey her position, which, in her opinion, was not taken into account. According to her, Timur should have come to her and his mother much earlier and not made a show out of this incident. She believes that since her father hid information about illegitimate son, which means he considered it necessary. Timur Eremeev about the result of the DNA test: “Spartak Mishulin is my dad? This did not come as a surprise to me."

“If during these 12 years a person found the opportunity to come to us, of course, the first reaction would still be shock. But we would find the courage and strength to quietly sort it out as a family. If we discuss dad, then only as a creative person. And not with whom he cheated and with whom he was. Ethically, this is ugly,” said Mishulina.

Experts in the studio recalled Karina’s behavior on her first talk shows. Many felt that this was a natural reaction of the woman, since she was unprepared to talk about this topic. Today, the actor’s daughter found the strength to apologize for her words.

“I myself didn’t expect that I couldn’t control myself, as if a veil had closed, as if it wasn’t me. It was impossible to behave this way, really. You can only behave this way in the kitchen. But I have become wiser,” Mishulina justified herself.

Although 12 years after the death of the famous actor, details of his personal life were revealed, the daughter said that nothing could change her relationship with her dad. Talk show host Dmitry Borisov also recalled the moment when Karina did not believe the results of the DNA test.

“This is an expert study and was carried out in a federal laboratory. There is a subscription about criminal liability for giving a knowingly false result. Moral and ethical aspects do not interest me,” said Pavel Ivanov. - The Y chromosome, which is passed from father to son, can mutate, this is the same case that we see in the example of Timur. 100% cannot be achieved.”

Mishulina admitted that in this whole story she feels very sorry for her mother, Valentina Konstantinovna. First and foremost, she wanted to protect her from public attention.

“I wanted to call dad dad and not have lawsuits,” Timur responded to his sister’s claims.

Many guests in the studio doubted that Karina and her mother had no idea about the existence of Timur and Tatyana Anatolyevna. Mishulina swore on the lives of her children that she did not know about this. Eremeev hastened to apologize to his sister.

“Karin, I think that you recognize my right to make mistakes, I am a living person. There is no resentment towards you. The young man said it’s unlikely that we will hug in this studio, I replied that I wouldn’t say no,” said Timur.

Lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky said that he was informed about another illegitimate child of Mishulin. The editors of the “Let Them Talk” program found the ballerina’s neighbor, who allegedly gave birth to a child from Spartak Vasilyevich. According to Lucy Lassan, Maya Evtukhina did everything so that no one would know about her affair with the famous actor. One day a neighbor saw them together, and after a while she noticed that the ballerina’s daughter looked like Spartak Vasilyevich.

Dmitry Borisov appealed to fans of Karina and Timur so that they unite. Half an hour after recording the program behind the scenes, Tatyana Eremeeva asked Karina and her mother for forgiveness.

In August of this year, theater actor Soviet army Timur Eremeev, after many years of silence, stated in an interview that Spartak Mishulin was his biological father.

What did I get in response? lawsuit from Spartak’s daughter Karina Mishulina demanding a refutation of these statements and a public apology.

All this, in the end, led the participants in the scandal to a two-day meeting in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program.

As this story developed, Karina found out that Eremeev’s mother worked as a watchman and moonlighted as a cleaner in a cooperative house on Mayakovskaya, where Mishulin lived with his official family.

“When my mother and I were shown a photo of Timur Eremeev’s mother, we immediately recognized her as the watchman of our house. We remember Tanya very well - short, very active, red-haired in those years. She was 46 years old at the time.”

Timur became one of the heroes of the show “Let Them Talk,” the producers of which filmed and aired four episodes dedicated to this difficult story this week.

Eremeev passed the necessary tests to confirm his relationship with Mishulin, and at the end of the week it will become known whether Timur is really the son of a Soviet cinema star. 7days.ru has a recording at its disposal exclusive interview Eremeev’s mother, which we are publishing on the eve of the publication of the DNA test.

“I gave birth at the age of 30,” says Tatyana Anatolyevna. - Spartak did not come to the maternity hospital, God forbid. He called. I remember saying: “Well, I’m already there!” Silent. "So, I'm waiting!" - "Boy!" - "Which?" - “Weight 3750, height 56 ​​centimeters.” - “Uuu, hero!” He wanted Shurik, but I named him Timur. I watched the film “Timur and his team.” In kindergarten, at school, everyone said: “Timur, where is your team? Take it and let's go."

According to Tatyana Anatolyevna, she was not tempted to give her son the middle name Spartakovich.

“I lived in a communal apartment,” she recalls. - If, as I do now, I lived in Moscow, and not in Vologda, I would do it. Of course, I wouldn’t give my last name, but my middle name, yes. And then I didn’t want it. I was very shy and very, very uptight. I was afraid that he would get into trouble. A friend said: “If I were impudent, I would go to the trade union committee, the local committee, the party committee, I would raise my eyebrows. I say, what are you saying, I’m 30 years old, why, everything is for love, why do I need this ... "

“Why is all this necessary?” - a question that some viewers ask after the release of a popular TV show.

The behavior of many of the subjects in the shooting is truly surprising. But the fact that Timur Eremeev wants his beloved daughter Nika to know who her grandfather was seems to leave no one indifferent.

The daughter of the most famous performer Carlson is not afraid that Timur will claim the inheritance, since most of the property is registered in her mother’s name. And they don’t have the wealth that can interest them. But for good name the father is offended.

“To those who think that we are afraid for our inheritance, I will answer - everything was registered in our mother’s name. Even if he wanted to claim the inheritance, nothing would have worked out for him. Yes, we are not oligarchs: we do not have palaces and a ranch in Mexico. Our family has an ordinary three-room apartment in Moscow and a dacha in the Moscow region. Only if my mother has bastard, so he can claim the inheritance. Going through this situation, I won’t be surprised by anything,” admitted the artist’s heiress.

In an interview with TV Program, Karina Mishulina admitted that during these month and a half she conducted her own investigation: she made inquiries, called and met with dozens of people.

“I felt like Sherlock Holmes. 97% percent that Timur Eremeev’s mother was my father’s fan, who could go to the Satire Theater from morning to evening, wait for him at the service exit, and even pass him pies. It is quite possible that she could inspire the child that his dad famous actor. It confuses me why, as a 22-year-old guy, he didn’t come to his dad and say: “Hello, I’m the artist Timur Eremeev, I think that I’m your son.” He could wait for him at the service entrance to the theater, dad was an adequate and kind person, he communicated with people. Why didn't Timur come to the funeral? Why didn’t you come to talk to us, to your relatives, why did you go straight away to give an interview?” — said the artist’s daughter.

Let us remind you that in the second episode of the talk show, Timur Eremeev agreed to take a DNA test to prove that he real son Spartak Mishulina.

They even brought the artist’s hat to “Let Them Talk,” which he wore in the play and which retained remnants of biomaterial. The test results were announced, but the expert clarified that they may be unreliable, and for complete clarity, DNA from Mishulin’s close relatives, for example, his daughter, is needed.

But Karina refused to undergo an examination and stated that if she did it, it would only be after a court decision. The artist’s daughter also clarified that even if it turns out that Timur is her brother, she will not communicate with him.

Timur Eremeev was born on November 17, 1983 in the village of Pervomaisky in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region. According to the actor, his mother, who worked as an engineer, met Mishulin in Vologda.

Spartak came there to film the film “Property of the Republic” (1971). Since then, he allegedly had a relationship with his mother; she even accompanied him on tour. Thirteen years later Timur himself appeared.

In the family archive there is a cigarette pack with a portrait of the late actor, drawn by Timur’s mother from life on the Novosibirsk-Moscow train.

The actor also has a photograph with Mishulin himself. Eremeev says that he and his mother constantly attended his father’s concerts, and after them all three of them went for a walk.

With him, his parents never quarreled. Mother was always amazed at Timur’s similarity to his father. He even knew how to copy Mishulin’s gait and other behavior patterns.

Spartak Mishulin was born on October 22, 1926 into a very wealthy family. His mother, Anna Vasilyevna Mishulina, served in the People's Commissariat of Industry not as someone else, but as a deputy people's commissar (that is, a minister), and therefore was among the highest government officials.

But the high post did not save the woman from party purges: in 1937 she was considered an “enemy of the people” and sent into exile in Tashkent. The future actor remained in the care of his uncle, the famous historian Alexander Vasilyevich Mishulin.

Uncle specialized in the Spartacus uprising in Ancient Rome and was exactly the person who once came up with the name for his nephew.

In the mid-twenties, such names were in vogue; with them, builders of a new life sought to replace the previous names based on Christian discourse.

However, the name invented by my uncle was not only “fashionable and proletarian,” but also beautiful, and this was a rarity.
