Technological maps of English lessons. Technological maps Collection of technological maps English for colleges

Technological map of an English lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Teacher :

Item : English languageClass :

Lesson topic :

Lesson type:

Planned result

Subject Skills


Personal: form a positive attitude towards the learning process, develop cooperation skills in different situations;

Communication : listen to the audio recording, the teacher and each other to perceive and reproduce the necessary information, adequate participation in the dialogue on a given situation;

Cognitive: Be able to consciously construct a speech statement based on a model, formulate answers to questions from the teacher and classmates, and formulate questions.

Regulatory: plan your actions in accordance with the task,implementation of regulatory actions of self-observation, self-control, self-assessment in the process of communicative activities in a foreign language.

Basic Concepts

Lexical units

Grammatical structures:

Organization of learning space

Interdisciplinary connections

Forms of work

Frontal survey;

Pair work;

Individual work;

Group work.

Resources and necessary equipment



Teacher's book

Teacher activities



Organizational stage of the training session(study mood - warming - up )

(3 min)

Target – set up for communication in English.

Checking readiness for the lesson

(school supplies)

Welcomes students :

Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please!”

Are you ready? let's check it!

The teacher shows school supplies.

Target - engage in foreign language communication, responding to the teacher’s remark according to the communicative


Children ask questions about the presence of these items to the class one by one

Have you got a pen?

Have you got a book?

Have you got a…..?

Have you got a…..?

Yes, we have

Speech and phonetic exercises

(4 min)

Target - develop pronunciation skills, adjust students’ articulation to English speech.

Phonetic warm-up

And now, as usual, we will play with sounds together with the monkeyPam

Our cheerful monkey is walking in the forest.
- She rings the bell: [n], [n], [n].
- Invites a squirrel for a walk:,,.
- Teases mosquitoes: [z],[z],[z].
- The mosquitoes got angry and bite her, the monkey shouts:,,.
- The mosquitoes bit the monkey painfully. She even speaks with difficulty: [m], [m], [m].
- The bees flew to the monkey and calmed it down:[
d ],[ d ],[ d ].

- The monkey returns home and warms his frozen paws with his breath [ h ],[ h ],[ h ].
- The monkey goes to bed and blows out the candle [
w ],[ w ],[ w ].
Very good , children .

Game "Sounds and words"

Teacher shows cards with transcription icons [n],,[z],,[m],[ d ], [ h ],
w ]

Repeat sounds and words, trying to copy the teacher’s articulation

Students name sounds and words with these sounds

Goal setting and motivation

(3 min)

Target - create conditions for children to set the goals and objectives of the lesson

By answering leading questions, they draw their own conclusions about the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

They answer that you need to remember.

Repetition of what has been learned material

(2 minutes)

Target - repetition of LE on the topic

And now, let's repeat

Name the words.

Improving vocabulary skills

(6 min)

Dynamic pause

(Modal verbcan\ cant)

(3 min)

Target - change of educational activities in the lesson, repetition of grammatical structuresIcan...and verbs.

The song is being staged « Icanjump»

And now Let’s have a rest! Please stand up, sing the song and move.

The song helped us relax a little

They sing a song and show movements.

I can run, I can run
I can run and run
And I'm having lots of fun
I can run, I can run
Can you?

I can jump, I can jump
I can jump and run
And I'm having lots of fun
I can jump, I can jump
Can you?

It can…..(skip, jump, run, swim…)

Updating LE on the topic

(7 min)

Children repeat

Discuss in groups:

Skill building

(11 min)

Target - formation of students’ skills


(3 min)

Target - summing up the lesson material studied, establishing the correspondence of the obtained result to the set goal.

Thank you for your work! Do you like our lesson? Let's remember together what was the purpose of the lesson today? have we achieved this goal? What didn't work?

Reflection . Now let's decorate our tree! If everything worked out for you and the lesson was useful,apple . If you liked the lesson, but not everything was clear,flower . If you wasted your time today,yellow leaf.


Give ratings


(3 min)

Target – development of writing skills while completing written homework.

The lesson is over! Good bye!

Write down your homework, ask questions if you don’t understand something.

“The purpose of a child’s education is to
to make him capable of developing without the help of a teacher."
American writer, E. Hubbard

The attitude towards the design of a modern lesson was completely changed after the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) were introduced into the education system. The technological lesson map is one of the innovations of the Federal State Educational Standard - a modern form of planning pedagogical interaction between teacher and student, which makes it possible to reflect the activity-based approach to teaching.

The technological lesson map is a graphical version of the traditional lesson plan used previously. The authors of the standard are confident that the use of technological maps in the lesson helps to work through all stages of the lesson with the greatest possible detail, which makes it easier to test and evaluate children’s knowledge at the end of the lesson.

A modern lesson should be problematic and developmental in nature, contributing to the formation of personal and subject competencies, universal learning activities (ULA).

There are no mandatory requirements for the structure, development and form of the technological lesson map. The Federal State Educational Standard does not regulate technical maps in any way, leaving the development of methods to the teachers. A lot of teaching aids and articles have been published on the topic of developing technological lesson maps, from which we can conclude that today there is not a single clear, unified concept that the majority of teachers would adhere to.

Nevertheless, in the structure of the technological map there is always information part And main part lesson.

Structure of the information part of the lesson

  1. Class.
  2. Lesson topic.
  3. Basic tutorial.
  4. Lesson type.
  5. Determining the purpose of the lesson ().
  6. Lesson objectives: (educational, developmental, educational).
  7. Planned results (and UUD).
  8. Didactic tools (name of teaching materials, reminders, educational visual aids, handouts and didactic materials, etc., etc.).
  9. Equipment (computer, posters, templates, layouts, etc.).

Structure of the main part of the lesson

In this section of the technical map, we must describe the methods, technologies used in the lesson, in what sequence, what results we expect, etc. For each lesson, the following lesson elements need to be clearly defined:

  • Structural form of the technological map.
  • Approximate structure of each type of lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard. (Material: " ")
  • Formulations of definitions of planned results: personal, meta-subject, subject.
  • Formulations of definitions of the activities of the teacher and students (Table " ").
  • Formulations of definitions of universal educational actions: personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative ().

All we have to do is put the mosaic together into a structured technological lesson map. In our opinion, the easiest way would be to structure the main part of the lesson in the following table:

If desired, you can add the column “Use of ICT”, “Method of intermediate control”, etc. to the technological map, but in our opinion this is all “cumbersome” and the teacher should not overload his time with “excess”.

After the technological map, you can place the necessary additions (applications): diagrams, sample solutions, tests.


1. Gladko, M. Technological map of a lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard: sample TC and design rules [Electronic resource] / M. Gladko /
2. Gromova, V.I. Federal State Educational Standard. Teacher's handbook: Educational and methodological manual / V.I. Gromova, T.Yu. Storozheva. – Saratov, 2013. – 120 p.
3. Technological maps [Electronic resource] / Methodological assistance. M.-Education, 2013- Access mode: http: //wwww. is free. — Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. rus.

Technological map of a foreign language lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Sorokoladova Vera Yurievna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 3 named after P.A. Stolypin, Rtishchevo, Saratov region"
Brief job description: Repetition of the use of modal verbs in oral and written speech on three topics “Rules at school”, “Household responsibilities”, “Internet safety rules”. Creating mini-projects in class on these topics.

Khaibullova Razilya Ravilevna
Educational institution: MAOU Gymnasium No. 77, Naberezhnye Chelny
Brief job description: Technological map of an open lesson in English on the topic "Healthy eating". Familiarization with the grammatical rule “Adverbial clauses of condition with the conjunction unless.” Introduction to phrasal verbs to make, to do

Eremeeva Charina Afanasyevna
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary educational institution "Tokki school - boarding school of secondary general
Brief job description: In this series of lessons, students work on a project in groups. The main stages of work are: preparation of the project, its defense and evaluation. Preparation of the project begins from the very first lesson of the cycle. You can introduce project names to students in the first lesson so they can build up the material gradually. Each group chooses a topic that they like best or suggests another. Roles are assigned, a project layout is outlined, and work begins. Defending the project may take two lessons; it is necessary to give each group the opportunity to present their project. Students themselves choose the form of presenting their projects. It is advisable that all students from the group take part in the presentation. Project evaluation. Students can decide their own criteria for evaluating projects. There should be a discussion about the content and form of the work presented, as well as the role of each student in presenting the project. Of the best projects, an exhibition can be organized to familiarize other students, teachers, and parents with it.

Technological map of an English lesson in grade 6 “Speech skills: cooking”
Subject, class
Lesson type
Didactic task
Lesson Objectives
1. Personal
2. Meta-subject:
Cognitive UUD
Regulatory UUD
Communicative UUD
3. Subject
(MK "Star English")
English language, 6th grade
Stellar English
Verbal skills: cooking.
Organize student activities aimed at enhancing and improving
skills in oral and written types of speech activity within the framework of the topic “Food”; on studying
vocabulary on the topic “Cooking”.
 To form motivation for learning English and the desire to
 Form adequate self-esteem through accessible and interesting tasks;
 Develop a respectful attitude towards the point of view of classmates when working in pairs,
consciously construct a speech utterance in oral form;
draw conclusions as a result of joint work.
 Ability to highlight the necessary information;

 Ability to define and formulate a goal in a lesson;

 Ability to express your thoughts orally;
 Listen and understand the speech of others;
 Work collaboratively in pairs and groups.
 Develop the ability to perform tasks according to a learned pattern, using speech clichés,
correctly format and keep notes in notebooks;
plan your action in accordance with the task;
make necessary adjustments to the activity after its completion based on its evaluation;
tell your opinion.
including composing dialogic and monologue statements on the topic
 Use lexical units and speech structures in oral and written speech according to
topic of the lesson.

Methods and techniques of organization
student activities
Interdisciplinary connections
Forms of work
Resources used:
Didactic materials
Words on the topic "Food"
Explaining new material through a textbook interview; independent
work from the textbook; group work
Verbal, visual, partially search, practical
Frontal, work in pairs, in groups, individual work
Baranova, Dooley, English language. Textbook for 6th grade, p.36
Self-assessment sheets
Computer presentation
Lesson stage
Contents of teacher activities
Contents of the activity
Formable ways
Organizational structure of the lesson
1. Organizational
Purpose: emotional
work attitude
12 min.
Provides instructions and sets up children
to work, checks readiness for the lesson.
Check readiness for the lesson.
Getting ready for the lesson.
Greeting classmates
and teachers.
Good morning! I am glad to see you. Today
we have special lesson, you can see guests in
class. Now we greet each other. We won't
use words, but being silent eyes. At the
same time, try to show your eyes, what is
your mood today. Look at your classmate.
We start our lesson with a smile. Our smile
gives good emotions without words.
Today we are going to continue speaking on
our topic – WHAT IS OUR TOPIC? "Food"
Hello guys. I'm glad to see you.
Now we will greet each other. But
Let's say hello not with words, but silently
eyes. At the same time, try with your eyes
show what your mood is today.
student activity
Cognitive UUD:
determine readiness for the lesson.
formulate rules for themselves
behavior and reasoning
the need to implement them.
Communication UUD:
teachers listening, broadcast
your mood, establishing
connections promoting
Personal UUD:

establishing personal
contact between students.

2. Update
Goal: repeat the words
topic of the lesson, determine
23 min.
So let's start our lesson. We continue
topic of the section.
Phonetic exercise. Snowball
We have learned many words. They are the
names of food. Let's remember some of
them. Look at the screen. There are a lot of
pictures on the screen.
 Apple, potato, lemon, tea, juice…
These words are well known for you. Repeat
after me.
 Yellow butter, red jam, brown bread
spread it thick, eat it quick.
 A cup of coffee hot in a coffee pot.
 Banana, apple, orange. It's good and
Mutual control of exercises
Addition to the general scheme.
Name the learned words by
Repeat after the teacher.
Cognitive UUD:
general educational structuring
knowledge, conscious construction
statements, knowledge of vocabulary.
Communication UUD:
listen to the teacher and repeat
sweet and it’s tasty to eat.
Leads children to
formulation of the topic and
setting lesson objectives.
Guess the topic of the lesson.
Write down the number in your notebook and
topic of the lesson.
They answer according to the example.
Personal UUD: personal,
life self-determination and
making life plans
in time perspective
UUD: determine and
formulate the purpose of the lesson
(setting a learning task for
basis of correlating what
already known and learned
students and that. What hasn't yet
Well done! You remembered a lot of words from
topic. What else would you like to know about
topic. What do you think will happen next?
3. Staging
educational purposes
Purpose: defining the goal
2 minutes.
Great! you did it wonderful. SLIDE 1
We know a lot of words on the topic of food.
Let's remember them. Look at
screen, here are pictures on the topic. you them
you know well. Name them.
Well done, now repeat after me.
Great! I see that you remember the names of
food. And what else would you like to know
about food? What do you think we are going
to speak about in connection with topic
FOOD? What do you need for that?
Let us guess the topic of our lesson today.
Look at the pictures. SLIDE
What will you be able to do by the end of the
lesson? SLIDE 4 and 5
2 and 3

4. Primary
material and
Goal: find a way
achieving the goal.
Learn new material
and its primary
45 min.
speech? What do we need for this? And in this
Pictures will help us. Look at
slide and guess the topic of our lesson
That's right. What will we learn by the end?
Great. I like your ideas and you have guessed
our topic – Food preparation! What does it
mean? Who can explain?
Open the books at page 36! Exercise 1. Now
You will listen to some expressions for
preparing food! Make sure we know what
they mean. SLIDE 617
Fine. What you say is true and
correctly identified the topic of the lesson -
Cooking. What does it mean? You
can you explain?
Open the textbooks on page 36 exercise 1. We
Let's get acquainted with some phrases,
which will help us in this lesson. And you
you can guess their meaning,
using pictures.
Learning new vocabulary during
Reading words and repeating them
Working with content
textbook p. 36.
5. Independent
work with
mutual verification.
Goal: organize
completion by students
independent work
for new knowledge and
mutual verification.
Now we will work with books at p.36 ex.2.
You will fill in the gaps in the recipe from
ex.1. I give you 5 minutes to look through the
recipe and do the task. If something is not
clear, ask me then! Work in pairs.
So, time is over! Do you have questions?
Then I give you 2 minutes to prepare the
answers. SLIDE 18 and 19
You did it great!
They practice words.
Work with the textbook on p. 36
exercises 1 and 2. Work in pairs.
Read the task.
Write down the answers in a notebook.
78 min.
So, now we will check how you understand
Peer review.
Communication UUD:
be able to formulate your thoughts into
orally; listen and
understand the speech of others.
Cognitive UUD:
formulate their
statement, construction
logical chain of reasoning.
Regulatory UUD:
intermediate goals taking into account
the final result.
Communication UUD:

textbook texts, understand
cooperate in joint
solving the problem.
Cognitive UUD: skill
choose the most
effective solutions
tasks, ability to consciously and
build randomly
Communication UUD:
behavior management
partner, control, correction,
assessment of the partner's actions.
Regulatory UUD:

6. Physical education minute
Goal: organize
students' rest from
12 min.
7. Creative
exercise. Work in
Goal: be able to apply
acquired skills in
According to
given task.
1015 min.
meaning of words. Textbook p.36 exercise 2. Here
pancake recipe given. Your task -
fill in the gaps using words from
exercise 1 in meaning. To complete task 5
min. If you have any questions, please raise your hand.
You work in pairs.
Checking the task. I give you 2 minutes
to prepare your answers.
That's right.
Repeat after me:
Hands up and down
Hands aside forward
Look at the window
Look at the door
Be attentive ones more!
Sit down, please.
Repeat the movements after me. Sit down.
We continue our lesson. After you have read
a recipe. We are divided into 4 groups by 45
pupils. Every group will receive a recipe and
you tell us how to make your dish. You need
to choose a speaker and then You must
present your recipe. Work in groups. Use
First, Next, Then, Finally.
Hands out task cards.
We continue our lesson. You
got acquainted with the recipe for pancakes. A
Now we will divide into groups and each
The group will be given a recipe. Your task -
describe this recipe according to plan and
imagine it. One of them will answer
Checking the task.
Answer the task, build
your answers.
drawing up a plan and
sequences of actions;
carry out work on
the proposed plan, contribute
necessary adjustments to
action after completion
based on its assessment and accounting
the nature of the mistakes made.
Repeat after the teacher
Communication UUD:
listen and understand the speech of others.
Divided into groups.
Doing the task in groups.
Responsible Groups
Cognitive UUD:
knowledge modeling,
building a logical circuit
Regulatory UUD:
intermediate goals taking into account
the final result.
constructing monologues in
According to
communication tasks;
ability to express one's point
sight, read aloud and silently
textbook texts, understand
cooperate in joint

8. Lesson summary.
Goal: correlate the goal and
educational result
Dear boys and girls! You tried your best and
did your best today. Thank you for the lesson.
I’ll give you good and excellent marks.
Thank you very much for your work. Take
the papers and tick the right answer.
Evaluate your work on the worksheet
achievements "Selfassessment",
what they learned in the lesson.
12 min.
9. Homemade
Goal: organize
activities on
12 min.
Teacher handing out achievement sheet to children
"Selfassessment", students evaluate
their work in the lesson, what they learned.
Well, children our time is up! But I want to
write your homework.
HW: write the recipe of different dishes
(write a recipe for any cuisine,
using phrases from the lesson). SLIDE 20
So, the lesson is coming to an end and it's time
write down your homework. Write
recipe for any cuisine using
phrases from the lesson.
Define a task for yourself and
write down in a diary.
problem solving
Regulatory UUD:
Analysis of emotional
condition received from
Evaluating your results
Personal UUD:
Ability to evaluate critically
my job
Cognitive UUD:
Skill building
search and independent
Personal UUD:
Respectful attitude towards
different opinion, positive
attitude towards learning and one's own

Technological map of an English lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Lesson outline

Lesson topic: Cows are funny

Item: English language

Pedagogical tasks: development and consolidation of reading with detailed reading comprehension, listening, conversation about animals on this topic " Cows are funny!”

Planned educational outcomes: reproducing rules, concepts, algorithms in your own words, performing actions according to a model or algorithm.

Subject : the ability to predict the result and put forward hypotheses, independently formulating the topic of the lesson and making adjustments to the lesson plan; acquiring initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on one’s speech capabilities and needs; mastering the rules of speech and non-speech behavior; mastering the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level, expanding the linguistic horizons; the formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards speakers of another language based on familiarity with the life of their peers in other countries, with children's folklore and accessible examples of children's fiction.

Metasubject: mastering an academic subject means methods of activity that are applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, which include:

a) students’ mastery of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), ensuring mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn;

b) students’ mastery of interdisciplinary concepts.

Cognitive: understanding the personal significance of the purpose of the lesson and updating life experience; perception and analysis of messages and their most important components - texts, use sign-symbolic means, including mastering the action of modeling, as well as a wide range of logical actions and operations, including general techniques for solving problems.

Regulatory: mastering the methods of all types of educational actions aimed at organizing one’s work in an educational institution and outside it, including the ability to accept and maintain an educational goal and task, plan its implementation (including internally), control and evaluate one’s actions, make appropriate adjustments to their implementation.

Communicative: the ability to take into account the position of the interlocutor (partner), organize and carry out collaboration and cooperation with the teacher and peers, adequately perceive and transmit information , display the subject content and conditions of activity in messages, the most important components of which are texts.

Personal: awareness of the algorithm of your action; mastering an academic subject is understood as a system of value relations of students - to themselves, to other participants in the educational process, to the educational process itself and its results, formed in the educational process; formation of the student’s internal position, adequate motivation for educational activities, including educational and cognitive motives, orientation towards moral standards and their implementation, the ability for moral decentralization.

Interdisciplinary connections: - drawing

Forms of work: individual, frontal, in pairs

Lesson type: Lesson for the initial presentation of new knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson

Primary acquisition of new subject knowledge, skills and abilities.



Introduce students to the names of body parts, teach them to describe animals; develop listening, reading and speaking skills.

To develop the skills of introductory, study and search reading.

Educational:- develop skills and abilities in all types of speech activity

Develop the ability to systematize knowledge and fill out a form based on it.

Educational: Cultivate a sense of respect for the interlocutor, an individual culture of communication.



Subject Skills

Request necessary information about someone or something;

Exchange opinions about what you read or see, arguing your point of view.

Guess the meaning of some words from the context;

- “bypass” unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text;

Ask again in order to clarify the content using appropriate clichés like: “Excuse me?” etc.

Answer questions in writing based on the text read (based on the text, illustration);

Meta-subject results

Expanding the general linguistic horizons;

Development of cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres; formation of motivation to learn a foreign language;

Mastering the ability to coordinate work with different components of the educational and methodological set (textbook, audio CD, workbook, reference materials, etc.).


Fostering diligence, a creative and responsible attitude to learning and work; skills of cooperation in the process of educational and gaming activities with peers and adults; formation of a value attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle.


- implementation of regulatory actions of self-observation, self-control, self-assessment in the process of communicative activities in a foreign language; - developing the ability to independently control and manage your time.


Organization and planning of educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, - construction of oral statements in accordance with the assigned communicative task; - take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position;

The ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, search for means of its implementation. – consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with communicative tasks; - recognize simple word-forming elements; Cognitive- Language and speech-thinking abilities - construction of logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

Students will have the opportunity to learn:- - problem, argue its relevance; - look for the most effective means of achieving the task;

Basic Concepts

Lexical units – Active: head, legs, body, tail, thin, fat, short, long, cow, sheep, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, big, small, train, It"s got a big mouth! Passive: get on, track, What's the matter? Come on!

Interdisciplinary connections

Forms of work


    Lesson "Drawing"



    UMK "Spotlight"


    pictures on the topic

    cards with new words

    cards for individual work

    DVD disc, letter cards

    flowers for reflection, picture of a vase.

Teacher activities

Student activities




Actions taken

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Stage 1 – organizational

Target: psychologically prepare students for learning activities

Homework control

Greeting students

Good afternoon, children! I'm glad to see you. How are you? Sit down, please! ”; What is the date today? What is the weather like today? It"scold. Who is absent today? I’m your English teacher today.Are you ready to start our lesson? Let's do it!


Good morning, teacher! Glad to see you too. Today is the 27th of January. ........isabsent.

listen, respond and react to the cue appropriately to the speech situation.

Receiving the signal to begin educational activities.

Psychological readiness for the transition from rest to educational activity. use speech to regulate your actions.

Asks the student to discuss the tasks completed at home and voice it.

Get to know the work of your classmates

Read and listen

Discuss, Interact with the teacher during a survey carried out in frontal mode

Make a joint decision

Awareness and self-control of fulfillment or non-fulfillment of tasks.

Stage 2 – Speech warm-up

Target: Prepare the speech apparatus for work and remember the vocabulary of the previous lesson

Organizes activities to repeat previously studied lexical units and speech structures

Kettle with cup,

cup with lid,

lid with pimp,

pimp with a hole.

There is a strong wind blowing outside [v] [v] [v] [v]. A mosquito [z] [z] [z] [z] flew past. Somewhere nearby bees buzzed [ð] [ð] [ð] [ð] A snake crawled across the ground [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ]

Remember the pronunciation of sounds.

Extract the necessary information from what you listen to

Students repeat after the teacher

repeat after the teacher phonetically correct English sounds

carry out self-control of correct pronunciation.

Paying attention to what is said

Stage 3 – motivational. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Target: Inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level

Creates a problematic situation that will push students to formulate the purpose of the lesson. (using your native language if necessary)

T.: Look at the blackboard, please. What can you see here? What are we going to do today?



By answering leading questions, they themselves draw conclusions about the purpose of the lesson.

Interact with the teacher during a conversation carried out in frontal mode

Listen to the interlocutor, construct statements that are understandable to the interlocutor, formulate your own opinion and position.

Make decisions and make independent choices in educational and cognitive activities. Assess the field of their ignorance, set educational goals and objectives (with the help of the teacher, they determine what else needs to be learned on this topic)

Be able to plan your activities in accordance with the target setting.

Stage 4 – primary consolidation of knowledge. (in a familiar situation - typical; in a changed situation - constructive)

Target: Primary systematization of acquired knowledge

Teacher activities

Student activities




Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Offers to study the drawing

and guess the meaning of new words to clarify the topic of the lesson

Study the illustration and make guesses about the meaning of new words

Draw logical conclusions about what they see

Interact with classmates during group discussion and search for an answer

Listen to the interlocutor, make a joint decision

They express their own point of view and come to a consensus.

Independently activate thought processes, monitor the correctness of information comparison, and make adjustments.

The teacher reads the title of the paragraph and asks students to remember the animals they can name in English (bird, frog, fish, chimp, horse, bear).

The teacher attaches one picture from the handout to the board (small nose, big ears, small head, big eyes, thin legs, fat body, short tail, long tail). Pointing to each picture, the teacher says and writes the corresponding pair of words. Students listen and repeat in chorus and individually. The teacher removes pictures from the board and distributes them to students. Students go to the board, attach pictures next to the corresponding words and name them.

To develop pronunciation skills of new words;

-I turn it on to listenDVDdisk,

Look at the screen.

Open your books on page 74, No. 1

Look at the pictures and translate. What’s the Russian for…

acquire speech skills in using new lexical units (head, legs, body, tail, thin, fat, short, long, cow, sheep, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, big, small, train.)

Repeat aloud with visual support.

Children open the textbook on page 74, No. 1.

Children translate words.

Update new LEs based on the learning situation and personal experience.

Listen to the teacher and each other to reproduce and perceive the necessary information and maintain an educational and business conversation.

Develop cooperation skills in different situations of joint activities;

Express their own point of view

Accept and maintain learning goals and objectives.

Formation of writing skills in English words.

Open your dictionaries. Write down the new words. The beautifully.

I post pictures, new words with transcription and translation.

Students write new words in the dictionary.

Acquiring written skills in using new LEs,

use symbolic means, including models as a model for writing

Adequately perceive the teacher’s suggestions for correcting mistakes.

With. 74, ex. 2. The teacher introduces the words cow and sheep using visual aids. Then, pointing to a drawing depicting a cow’s head, the teacher says: It’s a cow. It's got a big mouth! Students listen and repeat in chorus and individually. Then students work in pairs, talking about the animals shown in the pictures in ex. 1. Answer: It’s got a small nose! It's got big ears! It's got a small head! It's got big eyes! It's got thin legs! It's got a fat body! It's got a short tail! It's got a long tail!

work in pairs, talking about animals

Strengthen speech skills in using new lexical units

Build collaborative speaking skills

With. 74, ex. 3. The teacher asks the students to look at the drawing of an unusual animal and says that this animal is from another planet. Students are asked to describe the animal using vocabulary from ex. 1. First, the teacher asks students to read the sample and then helps them create similar sentences. The exercise is performed orally.

Study independently

They share their results Sample answers: Poggo has got big ears. Poggo has got a long tail. Poggo has got thin legs. Poggo has got big eyes. Poggo has got a small body.

They listen to their interlocutor, voice their own opinions, and come to certain conclusions.

The results are announced in order of priority,

They evaluate their results.

Monitor the time allocated for work.

Dynamic pause change of educational activities in the lesson.

It's time to have a rest.

Stand up! Clap! Clap!

Arms up! Clap! Clap!

Step! Step! Arms down!

Clap! Clap! Smile to a friend.

Please, sit down!

dynamic break watch and repeat after the teacher

repeat the verbs of motion learned in previous lessons.

Interact with the teacher

Understand the teacher’s speech by ear and reproduce actions and verbs of motion.

Carry out learning activities in a materialized form.

Stage 5 – creative application of knowledge in a new situation (problem task)

Target: Independent application of acquired knowledge

With. 74, ex. 4. The teacher distributes sheets of paper to the students, asks them to draw an unusual animal in 1 minute, give it a name and describe it to their neighbor on the desk. The teacher can then ask some students to describe their animal to the class. For example: Student 1: This is Razzy. It's got...

Complete the task - draw, describe orally

Achieve your goal using your own resources of imagination, memory, and thinking.

Interact with the interlocutor and the teacher

Listen to the interlocutor, construct statements that are understandable to the interlocutor, build speaking skills and cooperation

Perform training activities.

reproduction and application of existing knowledge.

Listening and reading p. 75, ex. 5.

Open your workbooks on page, Ex..5.

For example: Teacher (pointing to picture 1): Where are they?

Teacher (pointing to picture 2): Look! Cows!

Students look at pictures illustrating the dialogue and answer the teacher's questions.

Students: In Snowdonia.

Consciously and voluntarily use new LE when performing a task.

develop cooperation skills.

Be active in interaction to solve cognitive problems.

Perform training activities.

control the correctness of information comparison and make adjustments.

The teacher invites students to listen to the plot dialogue, following the pictures, and then checks how they understood the text. Using a picture, he explains the meaning of the word track. During the second listening, students follow the text and repeat after the characters during pauses. The teacher pays attention to the correct pronunciation and intonation.

Help each other(help a friend a friend)

Check your work. (Please check your work)

Who decides.(who managed)

Well, clap your hands Answer: The sheep’s got a fat body and thin legs. Then students read the dialogue role-playing.

Students follow the text and repeat after the characters during pauses.

They read to themselves, correct mistakes, and answer.

Update LE based on the learning situation and personal experience.

Systematize and differentiate the acquired knowledge.

Independent summarization of the information received. Selecting the necessary methods of action to carry out a communicative task.)

Use visual aids to complete the task.

Use verbal, supporting and visual aids to complete the task.

Perform training activities.

Check the correctness

(Monitor your own time and the correct execution of the task.)

Independently activate thought processes,

Stage 6 - information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

Target: Further independent application of acquired knowledge

Explains homework

Textbook p. 74, exercise 1; With. 75, ex. 5. Workbook: p. 38, ex. 1.

Visual acquaintance with the content of homework and instructions for completion.

Determine the scope of application of the acquired knowledge

Discuss and ask questions

Preparation for independent formulation and implementation of the assigned task.

Independently determine the degree of complexity of the task and the necessary assistance.

Willingness to take independent action to reproduce and apply acquired knowledge.

Stage 7 – reflection (summarizing the lesson)

Target: Correlating the assigned tasks with the achieved results, setting further goals.

Teacher activities

Student activities




Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Asks students to choose endings for phrases



They choose the endings of the phrase in accordance with their own internal assessment.

Analyze the results of your own activities. Identify existing gaps in acquired knowledge and formulate further goals based on them.

Broadcast an assessment of the results of their own activities.

Express your own opinion, listen to others.

Compare the previously set goal with the result of the activity.

Maintain the learning task, exercise self-control and self-assessment.
