Turkin Fedor Olegovich candidate typed. Coordinator of the project 'Your Home'


Turkin Fedor Olegovich

Russian Entrepreneur

Chairman of the Board of GC "RosStroyInvest"

Fedor Turkin was born on April 16, 1958 in the city of St. Petersburg. Memories of his childhood often take him back to the tragic times of the Great Patriotic War, which also affected his family: his grandfather died at the front in 1941, his grandmother became a hostage of the siege of Leningrad.

From early childhood, Fyodor Turkin dreamed of helping people, especially those who suffered from the inhuman Moloch of war. His parents played an important role in the development of his sense of patriotism and fortitude. The boy’s father, Oleg Turkin, was a military man and, as they say, “for the soul” played the trumpet. The mother of the future entrepreneur taught at school, and to a large extent she was responsible for raising her son.

During Fedor’s school years, the Turkin family had to move frequently due to the military career of the head of the family. It was at this time that the boy literally fell in love with music. Fyodor did not have the opportunity to study it at a professional level, since there were simply no music schools in the military garrisons. However, music accompanied him all his life, despite the fact that Turkin linked his fate with the construction sector, because, according to him, architecture is frozen music. After graduating from school, Fedor entered the Higher Technical School of the Leningrad Metal Plant, which he successfully graduated in 1981, having mastered the specialty of mechanical engineer.

In the same 1981, Fedor Turkin began working at Turbine Engineering with specialized education. Years of study and diligence allowed the novice master to quickly grow to senior engineer. A few years later, he was offered the position of process engineer at the All-Russian Research Institute of Electric Welding Equipment, where Turkin worked until 1988, when he decided to go into business.

Since 1988, Fedor Turkin, despite the lack of experience in the construction industry, together with his wife, was involved in organizing repair work on small areas. Over 10 years of operation, their small company has gained trust and become widely known in St. Petersburg.

Therefore, in 2001, Turkin decided to “raise the stakes” and invested in the construction of residential buildings. In 2002, he headed the company ZAO RosStroyInvest, making the happy future of potential clients the leitmotif of its activities.

One of the first projects was a 35-storey building in Rybatskoye called “Prince Alexander Nevsky”. All names for residential complexes are selected individually: from the words of the businessman, it is clear that they often come to him on their own, due to amazing coincidences. For example, the Strawberry Fields complex received its name from the song “Strawberry Fields Forever” by the businessman’s favorite band, “The Beatles.” And sometimes the names are a direct association with the location of the complex, such as “Old Fortress” on Oboronnaya Street. In 2010, Turkin became a member of the Patriots of Russia party. And in 2012, the businessman was awarded the title “Honorary Builder of Russia.”

Being the head of one of the most successful construction companies in St. Petersburg, Fyodor Turkin did not forget about his main hobby - music. Every month, on his initiative, creative evenings are held for the company's employees with the participation of actors and singers from St. Petersburg theaters and philharmonic societies.

Fedor Turkin is not only a successful entrepreneur, but an important part of his life is social activities. In 2016, he initiated the creation of the patriotic social movement “Immortal Leningrad”. According to him, the project, which became a natural continuation of the all-Russian movement “Immortal Regiment”, is designed to preserve the memory of generations of Leningraders.

On the website of the public movement “Immortal Leningrad” a census of the destinies of the siege is being conducted. Everyone who witnessed those tragic 872 days of the siege, everyone in whose family memories of the siege of Leningrad are passed down from generation to generation, can contact the volunteers of the movement to add another page to the history of the immortal hero city.

... read more >

Fyodor Turkin was born and raised in Leningrad. Memories of his childhood often take him back to the tragic times of the Great Patriotic War, which also affected his family: his grandfather died at the front in 1941, his grandmother became a hostage of the siege of Leningrad. From early childhood, Fyodor Turkin dreamed of helping people, especially those who suffered from the inhuman Moloch of war. His parents played an important role in the development of his sense of patriotism and fortitude. The boy’s father, Oleg Turkin, was a military man and, as they say, “for the soul” played the trumpet. The mother of the future entrepreneur taught at school, and to a large extent she was responsible for raising her son.

During Fedor’s school years, the Turkin family had to move frequently due to the military career of the head of the family. It was at this time that the boy literally fell in love with music. Fyodor did not have the opportunity to study it at a professional level, since there were simply no music schools in the military garrisons. However, music accompanied him all his life, despite the fact that Turkin linked his fate with the construction sector, because, according to him, architecture is frozen music. After graduating from school, Fedor entered the Higher Technical School of the Leningrad Metal Plant, which he successfully graduated in 1981, having mastered the specialty of mechanical engineer.


In the same 1981, Fedor Turkin began working at Turbine Engineering with specialized education. Years of study and diligence allowed the novice master to quickly grow to senior engineer. A few years later, he was offered the position of process engineer at the All-Russian Research Institute of Electric Welding Equipment, where Turkin worked until 1988, when he decided to go into business. Since 1988, Fedor Turkin, despite the lack of experience in the construction industry, together with his wife, was involved in organizing repair work on small areas. Over 10 years of operation, their small company has gained trust and become widely known in St. Petersburg. Therefore, in 2001, Turkin decided to “raise the stakes” and invested in the construction of residential buildings. In 2002, he headed the company ZAO RosStroyInvest, making the happy future of potential clients the leitmotif of its activities.

One of the first projects was a 35-storey building in Rybatskoye called “Prince Alexander Nevsky”. All names for residential complexes are selected individually: from the words of the businessman, it is clear that they often come to him on their own, due to amazing coincidences. For example, the Strawberry Fields complex received its name from the song “Strawberry Fields Forever” by the businessman’s favorite band, “The Beatles.” And sometimes the names are a direct association with the location of the complex, such as “Old Fortress” on Oboronnaya Street.

In 2010, Turkin became a member of the Patriots of Russia party. And in 2012, the businessman was awarded the title “Honorary Builder of Russia.” Being the head of one of the most successful construction companies in St. Petersburg, Fyodor Turkin did not forget about his main hobby - music. Every month, on his initiative, creative evenings are held for the company's employees with the participation of actors and singers from St. Petersburg theaters and philharmonic societies.

Fyodor Turkin and “Immortal Leningrad”

Best of the day

Fedor Turkin is not only a successful entrepreneur; An important part of his life is social activity. In 2016, he initiated the creation of the patriotic social movement “Immortal Leningrad”. According to him, the project, which became a natural continuation of the all-Russian movement “Immortal Regiment”, is designed to preserve the memory of generations of Leningraders.

On the website of the public movement “Immortal Leningrad” a census of the destinies of the siege is being conducted. Everyone who witnessed those tragic 872 days of the siege, everyone in whose family memories of the siege of Leningrad are passed down from generation to generation, can contact Fyodor Turkin or the volunteers of the movement to add another page to the history of the immortal hero city.

Personal life

Fyodor Olegovich Turkin is married. His wife, Nina Abramovna Kreslavskaya, is a co-owner of RosStroyInvest CJSC.

Fyodor Turkin devotes his free time from business and politics to music. Not long ago, he presented his musical creations to the audience of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, which the audience accepted with delight. In one of his interviews, Turkin admitted that he has been composing music since childhood, notes literally come to his head out of nowhere and, if they are not written down immediately, they disappear like a weightless hummingbird, so he always records the drafts of a future musical work on a voice recorder.

Fedor Turkin now

Fedor Turkin does not stop at the achieved level and is constantly improving his company and his hometown. The businessman pays special attention to the development of children: RosStroyInvest is engaged in the construction of cultural and educational centers at each residential complex. In them, children can practice music, acting, martial arts, creativity, foreign languages, robotics, etc.

The company also plans to build churches and temples. According to Fyodor Olegovich, the temple is the path to God, and together with God a person can overcome any difficulties. In addition, the businessman actively helps older people and people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Co-owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the RosStroyInvest Group of Companies



Rosstroyinvest will build two 140-meter towers on the banks of the Neva and two low-rise complexes in the Leningrad region

The Rosstroyinvest company will build two high-rise complexes on the Neva in St. Petersburg, General Director Fedor Turkin told reporters at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The company is now “working on acquiring land,” and the deal is expected to be completed within two months, he said. The preliminary names of the projects are “Peter the Great” and “Catherine the Great”, both towers will reach 140 m - the height provided for by the current development and land use rules. The height of the projects will not affect the architectural ensemble of the center of St. Petersburg, says Turkin. He does not name the planned volume of investment.
link: http://www.vedomosti.ru/

The head of the RosStroyInvest group of companies Fedor Turkin began blogging

The General Director of the RosStroyInvest group of companies began an on-line dialogue with Internet users. Fedor Olegovich Turkin maintains his blog on the company website www.rsti.ru.
link: http://www.aleksandr-nevsky. ru/node/249

Low-rise building changes face

“Our company also faced a similar problem. We are building a four-story residential complex with an attic. The architecture and appearance correspond to the development system that developed back in the days of Count Vsevolozhsky, combined with elements of modern architecture,” says Fedor Turkin, General Director of RosStroyInvest Group of Companies. — The site is owned, sales of apartments are carried out after obtaining permission strictly in accordance with Federal Law 214. We are aware of our responsibility to the residents of the area and intend to complete all work efficiently and on time and improve the territory. Therefore, we are saddened by the emotional reaction of several of our neighbors - owners of elite cottages in the Pugarevo area.
link: http://spb.kp.ru/daily/26103/ 2999793/

The developer RosStroyInvest begins to develop the office real estate segment

As Fyodor Turkin, general director of RosStroyInvest, told DP, the company is creating the first office building at 17 Dobrolyubova Ave. (opposite the Embankment of Europe project) for itself. It is expected that at the end of 2012 the head office of the group of 500 employees will move there (the company currently rents 2 thousand m2 in the Priss business center on the Petrograd side).
link: http://www.dp.ru/a/2012/02/16/Zastrojshhik_RosStrojInves/

Rosstroyinvest is stocking up on city land

As market participants say, there would be more applicants, but many applicants were not satisfied with the quality of the prepared documents and the site itself. “We studied the proposal, but decided not to get involved in the rather controversial bidding. The fact is that the 66.6 thousand square meters declared in the documents of the “Property Fund”. m of housing cannot be built here by law. The maximum that a developer can claim according to land use and development rules is about 49 thousand square meters. m. As a result, it is not clear based on what figures one should bargain,” said one of the developers.

As representatives of the buyer, the Rosstroyinvest group of companies, emphasized, representatives of the developer knew about the legal snag. “That is why we plan to build a residential building here with a usable building area, according to land use rules, of 54,961 square meters. m. with an apartment area of ​​49,381 sq. m. m. The design of the facility is now beginning,” said Fedor Turkin, General Director of the Rosstroyinvest group of companies.
link: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2137537/print

Rosstroyinvest will build two high-rise complexes on the Neva

At SPIEF, General Director of Rossstroyinvest Fyodor Turkin said that the company is going to build two high-rise complexes on the Neva. The company is “working” on the acquisition of the site; the transaction is planned to be completed within two months.
link: http://www.expertnw.ru/news/ 2013-06-22/rosstroyinvest—postroit-dva-vysotnykh-kompleksa-na-neve/

St. Petersburg builders celebrated Russia Day

“A house is something more than just a residential building, a house is our city, country, family,” says Fyodor Turkin, CEO of the RosStroyInvest Group of Companies. “Everything is connected with it, we are trying to remember our roots, because such a great power as the power of the clan, the power of the people, is a little forgotten, but we will remember and our strength will increase tenfold.”
link: http://www.bn.ru/articles/ 2013/06/14/112487.html

General Director of RosStroyInvest Fyodor Turkin on new plans and trends in the real estate sector

The general director of the RosStroyInvest company, Fedor Turkin, spoke in an interview with DP about the interest in new real estate segments, plans for business development in the regions and the transition period that needs to be experienced. Fedor Olegovich, you have been silent for the last 2 years - apparently, you focused on overcoming the crisis... What has changed in the company during this time? “We got stronger, came out of the crisis lean, without excess fat.
link: http://sanktpeterburg. bezformata.ru/listnews/rosstrojinvest-fedor-turkin-o- novih/3551875/

RosStroyInvest plans to build 2 residential complexes with a total area of ​​400 thousand square meters in the Leningrad region. m

The RosStroyInvest group of companies (St. Petersburg) plans to build two residential complexes with a total area of ​​400 thousand square meters in the Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region, group CEO Fedor Turkin told reporters on Saturday on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. “Negotiations are currently underway with the land owners, there are preliminary agreements,” he said, adding that one of the plots is located in the eastern part of the district, the other in the northern.

According to F. Turkin, both projects involve low-rise buildings with a height of about 4 floors, within the framework of one of them it is planned to build 100 thousand square meters. m of housing, second - 300 thousand sq. m. m. “We expect a cost of 40 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m, in reality it will probably be 45 thousand rubles,” he noted, speaking about investments in projects.
link: http://finance.rambler.ru/ news/economics/130517890.html

Tenth anniversary of the RosStroyInvest Group of Companies

The company confidently occupied its niche in the construction market of St. Petersburg, but did not rest on its laurels. You need to know the character of the general director of the RosStroyInvest Group of Companies: for Fedor Turkin, all these achievements are only the beginning of the significant path that, according to his plan, the Group of Companies will go through:
“The time has come to move on, and now we are entering the countryside housing market and starting work in the commercial real estate segment. Future plans for the medium term include expanding into the regions.

Yes, we are ambitious, but is healthy ambition a bad thing? When we started building the first residential skyscraper in St. Petersburg, many said that nothing would come of this idea, but we had a goal, we had a great desire and passion for work, and we achieved this result,” says Fedor Turkin.

Fedor Olegovich Turkin is the Chairman of the Board of the RosStroyInvest Group of Companies. Since 2010, he began to conduct political activities in the St. Petersburg branch of the Patriots of Russia party, and coordinated the project for the development of low-rise construction “Your Home.” He is the founder of the public movement “Immortal Leningrad” and is a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Fedor Olegovich Turkin

Childhood and family of Fyodor Turkin. Education

Fyodor Turkin was born and raised in Leningrad. Memories of his childhood often take him back to the tragic times of the Great Patriotic War, which also affected his family: his grandfather died at the front in 1941, his grandmother became a hostage of the siege of Leningrad.

From early childhood, Fyodor Turkin dreamed of helping people, especially those who suffered from the inhuman Moloch of war. His parents played an important role in the development of his sense of patriotism and fortitude. The boy’s father, Oleg Turkin, was a military man and, as they say, “for the soul” played the trumpet. The mother of the future entrepreneur taught at school, and to a large extent she was responsible for raising her son.

During Fedor’s school years, the Turkin family had to move frequently due to the military career of the head of the family. It was at this time that the boy literally fell in love with music. Fyodor did not have the opportunity to study it at a professional level, since there were simply no music schools in the military garrisons. However, music accompanied him all his life, despite the fact that Turkin linked his fate with the construction sector, because, according to him, architecture is frozen music.

After graduating from school, Fedor entered the Higher Technical School of the Leningrad Metal Plant, which he successfully graduated in 1981, having mastered the specialty of mechanical engineer.

Career of Fedor Turkin

In the same 1981, Fedor Turkin began working at Turbine Engineering with specialized education. Years of study and diligence allowed the novice master to quickly grow to senior engineer. A few years later, he was offered the position of process engineer at the All-Russian Research Institute of Electric Welding Equipment, where Turkin worked until 1988, when he decided to go into business.

Since 1988, Fedor Turkin, despite the lack of experience in the construction industry, together with his wife, was involved in organizing repair work on small areas. Over 10 years of operation, their small company has gained trust and become widely known in St. Petersburg.

Therefore, in 2001, Turkin decided to “raise the stakes” and invested in the construction of residential buildings. In 2002, he headed the company ZAO RosStroyInvest, making the happy future of potential clients the leitmotif of its activities.

Fedor Turkin’s company is a reliable player in the St. Petersburg real estate market

One of the first projects was a 35-storey building in Rybatskoye called “Prince Alexander Nevsky”. All names for residential complexes are selected individually: from the words of the businessman, it is clear that they often come to him on their own, due to amazing coincidences. For example, the Strawberry Fields complex received its name from the song “Strawberry Fields Forever” by the businessman’s favorite band, “The Beatles.” And sometimes the names are a direct association with the location of the complex, such as “Old Fortress” on Oboronnaya Street.

“Morning Star”, one of the projects of the company “RosStroyInvest”

In 2010, Turkin became a member of the Patriots of Russia party. And in 2012, the businessman was awarded the title “Honorary Builder of Russia.”

Being the head of one of the most successful construction companies in St. Petersburg, Fyodor Turkin did not forget about his main hobby - music. Every month, on his initiative, creative evenings are held for the company's employees with the participation of actors and singers from St. Petersburg theaters and philharmonic societies.

Fyodor Turkin and “Immortal Leningrad”

Fedor Turkin is not only a successful entrepreneur; An important part of his life is social activity. In 2016, he initiated the creation of the patriotic social movement “Immortal Leningrad”. According to him, the project, which became a natural continuation of the all-Russian movement “Immortal Regiment”, is designed to preserve the memory of generations of Leningraders.

On the website of the public movement “Immortal Leningrad” a census of the destinies of the siege is being conducted. Everyone who witnessed those tragic 872 days of the siege, everyone in whose family memories of the siege of Leningrad are passed down from generation to generation, can contact the volunteers of the movement to add another page to the history of the immortal hero city.

Fyodor Turkin at the procession of the “Immortal Regiment”

Personal life of Fyodor Turkin

Fyodor Olegovich Turkin is married. His wife, Nina Abramovna Kreslavskaya, is a co-owner of RosStroyInvest CJSC.

Fyodor Turkin and his wife (center) at a holiday for the children of Donbass

Fyodor Turkin devotes his free time from business and politics to music. Not long ago, he presented his musical creations to the audience of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, which the audience accepted with delight. In one of his interviews, Turkin admitted that he has been composing music since childhood, notes literally come to his head out of nowhere and, if they are not written down immediately, they disappear like a weightless hummingbird, so he always records the drafts of a future musical work on a voice recorder.

Fedor Turkin now

Fedor Turkin does not stop at the achieved level and is constantly improving his company and his hometown. The businessman pays special attention to the development of children: RosStroyInvest is engaged in the construction of cultural and educational centers at each residential complex. In them, children can practice music, acting, martial arts, creativity, foreign languages, robotics, etc.

The company also plans to build churches and temples. According to Fyodor Olegovich, the temple is the path to God, and together with God a person can overcome any difficulties. In addition, the businessman actively helps older people and people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Fyodor Turkin, candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation, honorary builder of Russia, chairman of the board of directors of the construction holding RosStroyInvest, knows how to do this.

- Fedor Olegovich, why did you decide to run for State Duma deputy?

As I grew older, I became an absolute fanatic of our country. And I want to create a future for it in which every citizen will be happy. The high federal status provides much more opportunities for this.

-Are you a patriot?

What is patriotism? This is love for the Motherland. And the Motherland is people. And patriotism, in my understanding, is the ability to love and respect the people who live in Russia, in all the diversity of their cultures and traditions. The ability to love, the desire to love, the willingness to love... And to love means to give. Giving away part of your soul. Give your all to work that will make people's lives better.

- What area of ​​life do you plan to start with?

As a builder, my first priority is to ensure that housing becomes affordable for the majority of citizens. Today Russia ranks 32nd in the world in terms of housing provision with an indicator of 23.4 square meters per person. Half of Russians (more than 73 million residents) are in a situation of urgent need to solve the housing problem for themselves and their families. At the same time, very few of those in need are able to buy housing or rent it at a commercial price; the majority (seventy to eighty percent) cannot afford it. Family income is low and mortgage rates are too high. When buying an apartment on credit, already poor families overpay for it by two to three times! It is necessary to strive to reduce the mortgage lending rate to five to six percent per annum and even lower in order to enable more Russians to buy housing on credit.

- But even such loans will be unavailable to many...

There is a solution for low-income people too. We need to return to the practice of providing housing through social rent, as was the case in the USSR. By the way, this scheme is typical for many countries of the European Union, where the housing supply indicator is almost twice as high as ours. Not everyone should be an owner, but everyone needs a roof over their head - and social hiring provides this opportunity. At the same time, housing for all categories of citizens must be decent and provided with all the social, cultural and everyday infrastructure necessary for a full life of a modern person.

- What's stopping you?

Today in Russia there is no legislative framework that would allow the mass construction of housing for social rent. It is necessary to adopt new standards for the construction of social housing, determine the conditions for its construction and provision for social rental. It is necessary to develop measures that will encourage developers to build such housing, in particular, to achieve reductions in loan rates and tariffs for the services of monopolists. These issues require consideration at the legislative level.

- Why are you confident that you can make the election program a reality?

The head of our state, at a meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on the development of the construction complex in May, spoke about the importance of solving the housing problem in Russia and that it has always been acute and has never been resolved. I wanted to be there and say: “We have a solution, Vladimir Vladimirovich!” I am confident that my election program will become a reality, because, on the one hand, there is an urgent need, and on the other, an excellent, highly professional team of like-minded people has been assembled. We are all patriots of our city, we all want to build interesting things and make people happy. Our goal is not just to build square meters (that’s not where happiness lies), but to develop and develop the country. We want cultural and spiritual values ​​to once again become the basis for the existence of society. Providing people with housing is only the first step, a necessary condition for the full development of each and everyone. Having extensive experience in the construction industry, relying on a team of like-minded people, and having federal status, we can do a lot for Russia and Russians.

The material was paid for under agreement No. KP -170 dated 08/16/2016 from the electoral fund of the registered candidate for the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation in single-mandate electoral district No. 214, the city of St. Petersburg - North-Eastern single-mandate electoral district Fedor Olegovich Turkin.
