Morning exercises are a set of exercises. Gymnastics for beginners for weight loss

Gymnastics, which can be done at home, is preferred by housewives or those who want to lose weight and who have little free time. Advantage home fitness– cost-effectiveness and the ability to study at any convenient time. Learn sets of exercises, create an individual schedule, show self-discipline and enjoy training. There is nothing complicated about home gymnastics for losing weight.

If you have seriously taken up figure correction, remember that not a single product gives the same result as you will get by using all weight loss methods in combination. Impossible to have perfect figure, abusing beer and lying on the couch.

Follow a few principles when getting rid of excess weight:

  • Give your body regular physical activity;
  • Monitor the quality of food;

To ensure quick and reliable results, first of all, eliminate from your diet foods and dishes that cause obvious or hidden harm to the body: excessively high in calories, unnatural, with chemical flavoring additives. Stick to a strict routine, don’t eat more than you want, give up late dinner - this is where you show willpower and perseverance.

Drink 1.5-2 liters clean water in a day. , because it removes waste and toxins.

When doing weight loss exercises at home, don't forget that regularity is just as important as intensity. Even if you take a light load and exercise every day, it will bring more benefits than a solid load, but with irregular exercise.

To always be in good health physical fitness, use any conditions and opportunities as a charger. Ordinary household chores (cleaning or ironing) also save a considerable amount of calories. Take a walk in the fresh air, walk, do not use the elevator, stretch and bend, simple movements will be a good addition to physical exercise.

Let's start classes

Home gymnastics for weight loss includes mandatory morning warm-up and special exercises for muscles in problem areas.

Morning work-out


The main technique for tightening the abdomen is. Perform the exercises in different variations, most often lying on your back, bending your knees, holding your hands behind your head.

  • In the first option, raise top part body, pressing the pelvis to the surface on which you are lying;
  • In the second option, leave your upper body motionless, lifting your pelvis;
  • Third exercise - in the same position, slowly sit down to touch your elbows to your knees.

Perform the exercises 15 times, doing 3 approaches. The abdominal muscles will return to normal and will be elastic.

If you're focusing your efforts on losing belly fat, don't get carried away with abdominal exercises. Abdominal exercises strengthen muscles, but do not eliminate fat tissue. As a result, you will gain muscle, but your belly will still stand out.

Your feedback on the article:

Some parents consider exercise unnecessary (“why, there’s physical education at school!”), others don’t have an extra 15-20 minutes for their children, “because it’s work!” And only a few mothers and fathers understand the importance of exercise for the child, and specifically get up half an hour early in the morning in order to have time to cheer up together with the child and prepare the body for the school/work day.

If your children sleep in class and are constantly shirking physical education lessons, this instruction is for you!

When is the best time for a younger student to do exercises? How to prepare for gymnastics?

Man by nature must move a lot. It’s not for nothing that they say that movement is life. How smaller child moves, watching everything free time near the TV and then more problems with health he gets.

Children's specialists are sounding the alarm and reminding parents that children's bodies should be actively moving at least 10 hours a week, and for younger schoolchildren this minimum increases to 3 hours a day. Moreover, it is desirable that this happens in the fresh air.

Naturally, parents have too little time, but still dedicating 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening for exercise is not that difficult.

Video: Gymnastics for primary school children

What does charging do?

  • Prevention of obesity.
  • Prevention of problems of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, etc.
  • Elimination of nervous tension.
  • Returning the body to normal tone.
  • Increasing your mood is a psychological setting for a good day and a boost of energy in the morning.
  • Complete awakening (the child will come to lessons with a “fresher” head).
  • Activation of metabolism.
  • Etc.

How to prepare a child for exercise?

Of course, it’s difficult to get a child out of bed ahead of time, especially “for some kind of exercise.” This wonderful habit must be instilled gradually.

As you know, for a habit to become established, it takes about 15-30 days of regularly repeated actions. That is, after 2-3 weeks of such activities, your child will already be drawn to them.

Without attitude - nowhere. Therefore, the most important thing in forming this habit is to tune in and.

In addition, it is important that the child’s exercises change periodically (children at this age get tired of the same type of training too quickly).

And don’t forget to praise your child and encourage any physical activity in every possible way.

Video: Morning exercises. Charging for children

15 best exercises for children 7-10 years old - correct posture and increase muscle tone with a daily set of exercises!

If you are unable to go out to charge Fresh air, then open the window in the room - training should not take place in a stuffy room.

So, here are 15 exercises for younger students:

The first 5 exercises are to warm up the muscles. It is strictly forbidden to do complex exercises immediately after sleep.

  1. We take a deep breath and rise on our toes. We pull the handles up as high as possible, as if we are trying to reach the ceiling. We lower ourselves to the full foot and exhale. Number of approaches – 10.
  2. Tilt your head to the left, return to the starting position for a couple of seconds and then tilt your head to the right . Next we do circular movements head - to the right, then to the left. Execution time – 2 minutes.
  3. Now shoulders and arms. We alternately raise one shoulder, then the other, then both at once. Next, we swing our hands upward - in turn, now with our left hand, now with our right hand. Then make circular movements with your arms, as when swimming – first breaststroke, then crawl. We try to do the exercises as slowly as possible.
  4. We rest our hands on our sides and bend over – left, right, then forward and backward. 5 times - in each direction.
  5. We walk in place for 2-3 minutes, raising our knees as high as possible . Next, we jump 5 times on the left leg, then 5 times on the right leg, then 5 times on both, and then jump with a 180-degree turn.
  6. We stretch our arms forward, interlock our fingers and stretch forward - as far as possible . Then, without losing the lock, we lower our hands down and try to reach the floor with our palms. Well, we finish the exercise by trying to reach the ceiling with our clasped palms.
  7. We do squats. Conditions: keep your back straight, legs shoulder-width apart, hands can be clasped behind your head or extended forward. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  8. We do push-ups. Boys, of course, do push-ups from the floor, but for girls the task can be simplified - you can do push-ups from a chair or sofa. The number to repeat is from 3-5.
  9. Boat. We lie down on our tummy, stretch our arms forward and slightly up (lift up the bow of the boat), and also put our legs together, lifting up the “stern of the boat.” We bend the back as hard as possible. Execution time – 2-3 minutes.
  10. Bridge. We lie down on the floor (children who know how to lower themselves onto the bridge from a standing position, lower themselves straight from it), rest their feet and palms on the floor and, straightening their arms and legs, bend their back in an arc. Execution time – 2-3 minutes.
  11. We sit on the floor and spread our legs to the sides. We alternately reach out with our hands to the toes of our left foot, then to the toes of our right. It is important to touch your stomach with your leg so that your body lies with your leg - parallel to the floor.
  12. Bend left leg in the knee and lift it up, clap with your hands under it . Then repeat with the right leg. Next, we raise the extended left leg as high as possible (at least 90 degrees relative to the floor) and clap our hands under it again. Repeat for the right leg.
  13. Martin. We spread our arms to the sides, move our left leg back and, slightly tilting our body forward, freeze in the swallow pose for 1-2 minutes. It is important that the body at this moment is parallel to the floor. Next, we repeat the exercise, changing the leg.
  14. We hold a regular ball between our knees, straighten our shoulders, and rest our hands on our waist. Now we slowly squat, keeping our back straight and the ball between our knees. The number of repetitions is 10-12.
  15. We rest our hands on the floor and “hover” above it in a “push-up” position. And now slowly, with the help of our hands, we “go” to vertical position. We rest a little in the “ostrich” pose and “stomp” our hands forward to the original position. We walk back and forth with our hands 10-12 times.

We finish the exercise with a simple exercise for relaxation: we stretch “at attention” while inhaling, tensing all the muscles – for 5-10 seconds. Then we sharply relax at the command “at ease”, exhaling. We repeat the exercise 3 times.

Motivating a junior schoolchild to perform daily gymnastics at home - useful tips for parents

Even an adult finds it difficult to force himself to do exercises in the morning, let alone children - you need to try hard to accustom your child to this useful ritual. You can't do without motivation here.

Where to look for this motivation, and how to entice a child to exercise so that the child enjoys it?

  • The main rule is to do exercises all together! Well, if dad categorically refuses, then mom should definitely participate in this process.
  • We turn on upbeat and cheerful music. Doing exercises in silence is boring even for an adult. Let the child choose the music!
  • We are looking for an incentive in each specific case. For example, an incentive for a girl can be a beautiful, toned figure that everyone will envy, and an incentive for a boy can be muscle definition that he can be proud of. Losing weight if the child is overweight will be no less of an incentive.
  • We are looking for those we can imitate. We do not create idols (!), but look for a role model. Naturally, we are not looking for him among bloggers and bloggers with beautiful bodies and emptiness in their heads, and among athletes or heroes of films/movies that the child loves.
  • Exercise is needed to become stronger. And you need to be strong (strong) to protect younger brother(sister).
  • In addition to 5 exercises to warm up the muscles, you need to choose another 5-7 exercises for direct exercise. No more is needed for this age, and the workout itself should take no more than 20 minutes (twice a day). But it is important to regularly change the set of exercises so that the child does not get bored! Therefore, immediately make a large list of exercises, from which you will pull out 5-7 new ones every 2-3 days.
  • We talk with the child about health more often : why is exercise so important, what does it give, what happens to the body without physical activity, and so on. We are looking for thematic films and cartoons, which we watch, of course, with the child. We often watch films in which young athletes achieve success - often these films become powerful motivators for a child to enter the world of sports.
  • Arrange a sports corner for your child in his room . Let him have personal parallel bars and rings, a Swedish barre, a fitball, a horizontal bar, children's dumbbells and other equipment. As a reward for each month of training, make it a trip to a trampoline center, play climbing, or another sports attraction.
  • Use his own preferences to attract your child to exercise . For example, if a child loves a ball, consider a set of exercises with the ball. He loves parallel bars - do exercises on the children's playground. Etc.

Video: Fun exercises for a child

Remember that it is impossible to force a child to exercise like hard labor. It is important that he himself wants to work with you. Therefore, first of all, we demonstrate the importance of charging with our own example.

Children at this age are already excellent at thinking and analyzing, and if you are constantly lying on the sofa, growing a belly, then you simply will not be able to force your child to study - personal example is more effective than all other methods.

No sports training, that's why you're afraid to do fitness? It doesn’t matter, there are simple gymnastics for beginners to lose weight. To achieve desired result and lose weight with the help of gymnastics, you need to do it systematically. It is enough to exercise for half an hour every day, or an hour, but every other day. Training is carried out both in the morning and in the evening, it all depends on your biological clock.

Even small but constant loads will improve your well-being not only physically, but also psycho-emotionally.

An important condition for such short training is that after the main group of exercises, it will help the muscles relax and get out of the “working” state.

There are many types of fitness programs and gymnastics in the world, they are divided into 5 subgroups:

  • Endurance exercises (walking, running and other cardio exercise);
  • Strength training (swimming, bodybuilding);
  • Speed ​​exercises (volleyball, basketball, pioneer ball);
  • Classes to develop coordination (skipping);
  • Flexibility exercises (anything that includes stretching).

After you have completely mastered the exercises for beginners and strengthened muscle groups for further training, you can choose a program to your liking (aerobics, callanetics, Pilates, etc.)

To give workouts for weight loss required result, be sure to fulfill 2 conditions:

  • Increased calorie consumption. Everything is simple here, classes should require a lot of energy;
  • How more difficult training, the more energy is consumed. will not allow you to lose weight as quickly as running or interval cardio exercises.

A set of exercises for beginners

A simple set of exercises resembles lessons physical culture at school and suitable for beginners. Before starting the main block of exercises, you need to warm up so as not to damage the muscle or joint.


The number of repetitions in all warm-up exercises is 8 times.

  1. As you exhale, tilt your head to the left, try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Return your head to the starting position as you inhale, and then tilt to the right.
  2. Turn your head to the right towards your shoulder as you exhale, return to the starting position as you inhale. Do the same in left side.
  3. Raise your arms up to the sides as you inhale, try to stretch out like a string. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  4. Pull right hand up and bend as you exhale to the left. Come back as you inhale. Please note that in the first exercise you returned to the starting position while exhaling, and now while inhaling.
  5. Spread your arms to the sides as you inhale, then, as you exhale, bring them together and lower your head. After this, cross your arms and lower them down. Repeat everything from the beginning.
  6. Spread your arms to the sides and rotate your forearms.
  7. The same thing, only now the rotations are performed with the whole arm, as you inhale, the arms are extended upward, and as you exhale, they are lowered. Rotations must be performed both forward and backward.
  8. Make a lock with your fingers and, while inhaling, lift it up, thoroughly stretching your spine. Lower down as you exhale.
  9. Stretch your arms above your head and bend to the side as you exhale. Inhale to the starting position.
  10. Stretch your ankle joint. Place your foot on your toes and rotate clockwise and counterclockwise.

Main unit

Exercises from the main block are performed 10 times.

  1. Stand facing the wall, bring your legs together. Raise your right hand and try to reach your fingertips as high as you can. Do the exercise with the other hand and with both at the same time.
  2. We are still facing the wall. Place your hands on the wall and begin doing push-ups. Choose the distance from the wall so that you can perform the exercise with effort, your hands are at shoulder level.
  3. Perform sharp swings with your legs, your hands also resting on the wall.
  4. Hands in the same position on the wall. Bend your right leg and pull it towards your stomach, do the same with your left.
  5. Now swing your legs back, arching your back slightly.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your knees, support your buttocks with your hands and place your feet on the wall. Start walking up the wall as high as you can, straightening your body.
  7. Lying on your back, lift your legs up so that your lower abs tighten. Cross your legs like scissors.
  8. Continue lying on your back. Straighten your legs and close them together. Lift them up so that you feel the tension in your lower abs, stay in this position for 30 seconds.

At this point the main block is completed and you need to correctly complete the gymnastics for weight loss.

Final part

You need to do a cool-down that will return the body to a calm state. Stretching, hold the muscle tension for about 30 seconds.

  1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet together. Gently press your hands onto your knees, pressing them to the floor.
  2. Bend your left leg horizontally and cross it with your right leg, bent at the knee. Press your left palm onto the outside of your right leg and rotate your body to the right. Repeat this again, only now cross your left leg over your right
  3. Lie on the floor with your stomach down and lift your back up, leaning on your hands. You will feel a stretch in your back.
  4. Sit flat on your knees and stretch along the floor.
  5. Lie on your back, lift your arms and legs up, shake, relieving tension.

That's all, this easy gymnastics for beginners does not take more than half an hour a day, and you will notice weight loss after a month of regular training.

Your feedback on the article:

You don't have to spend money on a gym membership to get in shape; A great workout is also possible in the comfort of your own home. All you need is some time and space for yourself, and a basic workout plan. And even if you miss a day or two, there are plenty of ways to get more physical activity into your routine. daily life.


Part 1

Take the first step

    Create a healthy eating plan. This could be a few basic changes or a complete overhaul of your diet. Overall, try to stick to balanced diet a diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat moderate amounts of protein (such as meat, fish, eggs and beans) and dairy products, and minimize foods high in fat and sugar.

    • Don't focus too much on the number of calories you consume - just try to eat fresh foods instead of processed foods to help you feel light and energized throughout the day.
  1. Determine for yourself best time for training. It is very important to create the right regime so as not to “jump off”. Try to incorporate exercise into your daily life as a habit (for example, exercising every morning after brushing your teeth).

    • Many people find that it's best to set aside some time in the morning so you'll be energized for the rest of the day.
  2. Find a place in your home to exercise. In a comfortable environment where you can practice freely, you will achieve the desired result. Avoid places with big amount distractions.

    • If your surroundings allow, consider keeping your exercise area outside of your home. A yard, street, and/or park in your neighborhood are all potential places to exercise. Besides, small change V environment will save you from the monotony of training.
  3. Plan your routine. Consider which parts of your body you want to strengthen and which parts you want to stretch.

    Keep records. Keep a notepad handy and record your workouts. This way you can keep an eye on what's going on and be sure you're doing the right amount of work.

    Stock up on equipment. Although it is quite possible to practice without any additional tools, having the basic ones will help you improve your form faster.

    • Cloth. Dress in soft, comfortable clothes. You don’t need to wear anything fashionable, just something that is comfortable and allows you to do the whole range of exercises. Don't forget about supportive shoes for walking, jogging and aerobic exercise.
    • Sport equipment. If space and budget allow you, you can purchase a treadmill, exercise bike or orbiter. If not, look for a basic sports inverter, for example, dumbbells, a jump rope or a yoga mat.
  4. Set a goal for yourself. Whether it's losing a certain amount of weight or training for a marathon, setting a goal will help motivate you.

    • Remember: the quieter you drive, the further you will go. Don't overdo it, but stick to your plan. It's better to do a little every day than a lot once.

    Part 2

    Develop Home Workouts
    1. Always warm up. Warming up increases blood flow to the muscles, improves mobility and reduces the risk of injury. Walking or cycling are suitable for this.

      Do some dynamic stretches. Unlike static stretches, where you stretch for a few seconds, dynamic stretches are performed using slow, controlled movements. Research shows that dynamic movement is best done after a warm-up and before the main part of your workout. Try to do several repetitions, 30 seconds each.

      Switch to cardio mode. They are also known as aerobic exercise, during which your heart rate should increase. Beginners should start with 30 minutes of cardio at least three times a week.

      Do exercises with your own weight. These exercises develop strength. Try to do 20-30 minutes of bodyweight exercises three times a week; a good goal is to do 10–15 reps of each exercise. Try to include exercises to strengthen all muscle groups. There are hundreds of exercises, but here are a few to get you started.

      Stretching. Now it's time for static stretches. Try to do at least three 15-minute workouts per week. Stretching is a great stress reliever. Still, remember: breathe, do not sway when you stretch. Try to hold the positions for 30 seconds. Stretching should never cause pain! Exercise carefully.

      Don't forget about the cool down. This phase should be similar to a warm-up—a short, easy walk, jog, or bike ride that lowers your heart rate.

Do you want to lose weight and think where to start training at home ? Or do you want to improve your physical training and have a more athletic and toned body? We offer you a ready-made home workout plan for beginners with visual illustrations of exercises and a class schedule, which will help you lose weight and get rid of problem areas.

Home training for beginners: general rules

At home you can organize quite effective workouts for weight loss, and for this you do not need special equipment or even any experience in fitness. If you choose an affordable exercise program and practice regularly, you can achieve results even if you have never exercised before. We offer you ready plan circular home workout for beginners, with which you will get rid of excess weight and improve the quality of your body.

Benefits of this home workout for beginners:

  • training will help you lose weight and tone your body;
  • The lesson is suitable for beginners and those who have not trained for a long time;
  • You can start training at home with this program;
  • the program includes exercises for all major muscle groups;
  • they will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of problem areas;
  • most of the proposed exercises are low-impact;
  • you will need minimal inventory.

Before going directly to the list of exercises, be sure to read the recommendations and rules that will allow you to train efficiently and effectively.

Rules for training at home for beginners:

1. Start this home workout for beginners, start with a warm-up and end with full-body stretching. We recommend watching:

2. Always exercise in sneakers; You can’t train at home barefoot if you don’t want to get joint problems.

3. Try not to eat at least an hour before training, otherwise digestive problems may occur. Half an hour after training, eat protein + carbohydrates (for example, 150 g of cottage cheese + fruit).

4. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before your workout and take small sips of water every 10 minutes throughout your workout. After your workout, drink a glass of water.

5. Suggested workout for beginners consists of two rounds 6 exercises in each round. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. If you find it difficult to sustain a workout from start to finish, you can take a 5-minute rest between rounds or shorten the duration of the program.

6. This workout for beginners involves the use of a timer. (each exercise is performed for 30 seconds) . But if this format is inconvenient for you, you can perform counting exercises: 15-20 repetitions of each exercise.

7. This program contains exercises that involve performing on different sides: first on the right, then on the left (eg, lunges, leg raises, side hip adduction) . We recommend dividing the execution into 2 circles, i.e. in the first circle you perform exercises on one side, in the second circle - on the other side. But if you want to make the workout more challenging and longer, you can do exercises on both sides of each circuit.

8. Duration of this at home workout for beginners – 20-25 minutes(excluding warm-up and cool-down). You can always adjust the training time at your discretion by adding or reducing the number of laps. Stop and stop exercising if you feel dizzy, weak, or have heart pain.

9. For some beginner exercises you will need dumbbells. If you don't have them, you can use plastic bottles with water (1-1.5 liters) or perform exercises without additional weight. If, on the contrary, you do not have enough load in some exercises, you can use dumbbells, leg weights or an expander.

10. This set of workouts is for beginners divided into 3 days. You can train 3-5 times a week depending on your goals and capabilities - just alternate the 3 ready-made plans with each other. After 3-4 weeks of implementation, it is advisable to increase the time spent doing the exercises (focus on your capabilities) .

Workout for Beginners at Home for Weight Loss: Exercise Plan

So, we offer you a home workout for beginners, which is performed on a circular basis. Perform the suggested exercises sequentially for the specified time, the exercises are performed in one approach with a short rest between approaches. By alternating between cardio and strength training, you'll raise your heart rate and burn more calories, while also toning your muscles. If you want to monitor your heart rate and the number of calories burned during an activity, you can purchase a heart rate monitor.

How to do the workout:

  • We perform each exercise for 30 seconds;
  • break after each exercise for 15 seconds (can be increased to 30 seconds if you have a weak heart or low endurance);
  • repeat each round in 2 circles;
  • Rest 1 minute between circles, 2 minutes between rounds;
  • If you feel uncomfortable doing an exercise, change it or skip it.

Beginner Workout: Day 1

First round:

(for cardio, stomach and arms)

2. Squat with calf raises (for legs, buttocks and arms)

3. Dumbbell press (for arms and shoulders)

(for buttocks and abdomen)

(for stomach and legs)

Second round:

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for the waist and legs)

3. Lying dumbbell raises (for chest and arms)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for cardio and abdomen)

6. Static bar

Beginner Workout: Day 2

First round:

(for cardio and legs)

(for hands)

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for the stomach and back)

(for stomach and legs)

6. Elbow bar static (for arms, shoulders, stomach and back)

Second round:

(for cardio and legs)

(for hands)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for the stomach and back)

Beginner Workout: Day 3

First round:

1. Walking with shin overlapping(for cardio and toning the whole body)

( for arms, stomach and legs)

(for legs and buttocks)

( for cardio, stomach and buttocks)

(for chest and arms)

(for the abdomen and waist area)

Second round:

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for back and chest)

(for cardio and legs)

(for the belly)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for legs and buttocks)

BehindgifsThank youyoutube channels: mfit, Linda Wooldridge, Live Fit Girl, Jessica Valant Pilates, FitnessType.

Workouts for Beginners: 7 Best Videos

If you are planning to study using ready-made programs, then we offer you a selection of excellent videos for beginners with which you can start practicing at home.

1. Low Impact Cardio (Low impact cardio workout without jumping for 25 minutes)
