What is the secret of the copier box? “The Xerox box” and the book scandal: the owner of Saratov Airlines went through four criminal cases

Based on the inadequate reaction to the story related to the Xerox box, I realized that people are a complete mess in their heads about this.
And a separate short post is needed to explain what actually happened. Because some part of the naive public still perceives the lies that Korzhakov once told at face value.

I'll repeat what happened again.
By order of Korzhakov, two important and active members of the election campaign, S. Lisovsky and A. Evstafiev, were arrested. Sergei Lisovsky, at that moment the head of the large production company "Lis-s", was organizing concerts that took place throughout the country. Concerts in support of the candidate. And Arkady Evstafiev, as one of the people closest to A. Chubais, was responsible for providing funding for some election campaign programs.

If there is someone here who is naive and believes that all artists, musicians, cultural figures, etc. and so on. perform during such political events for free, then I wish you to continue to be in your happy illusions.
Yes, some performed for free. But most of them received money. They have received, are receiving and will continue to receive.

People like Lisovsky and Evstafiev were in all the election headquarters in 1996 - Zyuganov, Lebed, and everyone else who seriously participated in the elections.
These people were responsible for ensuring that artists came to such and such a city, performed there, and also for ensuring that they received money for their performance. And the musicians (often even the same ones) sang in support of Zyuganov, and Lebed, and Tuleyev, and Zhirinovsky...
Well, and Yeltsin, of course. And voters did not mind at all that the ideological positions of their favorite artists were so changeable. The main thing is that the concert took place.

Korzhakov, on behalf of the pope, was responsible for control over all the finances of the election campaign.
Therefore, throughout the entire election campaign, he carefully watched as Lisovsky, as well as many others, received money dozens of times - in Xerox boxes, in boxes of writing paper, in other boxes, in cases, etc. what was convenient for bringing money and paying.

Nothing else happened that time either.
Lisovsky received the money. In the presence of Evstafiev. I had to pay their artists the next day. For the report. And then submit this report to headquarters. As it always was before. Korzhakov gave the command to arrest them. The whole story.

And I will repeat once again what I said last time.
This cannot be called anything other than stupidity, meanness and betrayal. People worked with him on the same team, doing the same thing - the election campaign. Here trust in each other is one hundred percent. And when one of the most trusted people in the election campaign arrests innocent people - what else can you call it? Knowing that they were doing what was their responsibility, which had been done more than once or twice before under Korzhakov’s supervision. What was it if not betrayal?

Why did he do this?
He believed that with this noise - an honest general preventing theft in his own campaign headquarters - he could, on the one hand, curry favor with the pope, prove to him that he was all his, guarding the interests of the president, and on the other hand, and this is the most important thing , eliminate strengthened competitors and regain the slipping power. There were no fools around. Naturally, no one believed his story that they tried to steal something from the headquarters, except for the naive public who was deeply distant from the elections. Well, it was obvious that such a betrayal could not end so easily for him.
The next day he was fired. By the way, when he left, he stole all the financial documents of the election campaign, the only one with access to all these documents. Then they were long and voluptuously reprinted by all the famous Chekist writers, from Korzhakov himself to Streletsky and Khinshtein.

By the way.
A little note at the end. The fired Korzhakov went to the polls. He began to be elected in a single-mandate constituency as a deputy from Tula in State Duma. During the election campaign, artists sang, danced, and danced, both in the halls, and on the radio, and on local television, everywhere. Naturally, in support of the candidate. I think the residents of Tula still remember this star landing. The security forces brought dad documents that recorded who carried boxes of money to pay the artists, who financed his campaign, which firms, banks, companies. And they even offered to conduct a special operation. Mirrored. So that there is a capture, a seizure, under video cameras, with coverage on TV channels. Well, and if necessary, with the further removal of Korzhakov from the elections. Dad returned these documents with disgust. He said that if people choose him, then they will choose him. Don't interfere.

These documents are somewhere.
So they turned out to be unclaimed.

The same “copier box”

One of these days, June 16, 2016, will be the anniversary of dramatic events that few people remember, but which predetermined the development of Russia for many years to come. On this day, in the struggle for the Kremlin, two forces, which today are commonly called “siloviki” and “liberals,” clashed violently for the first time. The liberals then smashed the security forces to smithereens, but as it turned out, not for long.

Before 1996, few people considered the security forces political force- they talked only about the confrontation between reformers and communists. That year, Boris Yeltsin ran for a second presidential term. Everyone predicted victory for the communists. In January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Western leaders lined up to meet Zyuganov to meet the future Russian president. Yeltsin, a man who drinks and is not very healthy, has already been written off by most observers.

At the same time, a group of oligarchs was formed in Davos, led by Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky, who decided to pool their financial and media resources in support of Yeltsin. They called Anatoly Chubais as manager.

Yeltsin faced a choice. The security forces - security chief Alexander Korzhakov, FSB director Mikhail Barsukov and Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets - persuaded him to cancel the elections, suspend the constitution and ban the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The oligarchs and Chubais called for people to go to the polls, promising victory.

On March 16, Yeltsin was ready to follow Korzhakov’s advice and had already signed decrees essentially introducing a dictatorship in Russia. However, Chubais, with the help of Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana, was still able to convince the president, and with a heavy heart he decided to go to the polls, putting a secret triumvirate at the head of the pre-election campaign - Chubais, Berezovsky and Gusinsky.

On June 16, after a grueling election campaign that took him all over the country, Yeltsin finally defeated the Communists; he received 35 percent of the vote, leaving behind Zyuganov with 32 percent. The strategy, which was to reduce Yavlinsky's weight and help Lebed, bore fruit: Lebed came third with 15 percent, taking away a significant part of the votes from the Communists, and Yavlinsky gained 7, losing votes to Yeltsin. Yeltsin and Zyuganov now had to fight in the second round.

Yeltsin understood that he owed his victory to Berezovsky-Gusinsky-Chubais, and at that moment the security forces struck their blow.

How this happened is described in our book with Marina Litvinenko, written from the words of direct participants in the events:

On the evening of June 18, Igor Malashenko, right hand Gusinsky and the creative genius of NTV, stopped by the Logovaza Club on Noaokuznetskaya. There he found Berezovsky and Chubais sitting on the veranda. Berezovsky was in great spirits and sipped his favorite Chateau Latour. But Chubais seemed very concerned. For four hours now he could not find his assistant Arkady Evstafiev anywhere. Chubais endlessly called everyone he knew and asked them to find him.

Finally, someone reported that at about six in the evening, Evstafiev and Sergei Lisovsky, owner of the Media International agency, were arrested by Korzhakov’s people as they left the Government House, carrying half a million dollars in cash in a cardboard box containing Xerox copy paper.

As Malashenko later told me, deathly silence reigned on the terrace. No one was surprised by this amount of cash: Lisovsky’s agency coordinated concerts during the election campaign, and pop stars performed only for cash. But the fact that Korzhakov arrested Chubais’s people did not bode well. It was obvious that this would be followed by an attack along the entire front.

Let’s move inside,” someone suggested. It was unsafe to remain on the open terrace, which was clearly visible from the surrounding houses.

Soon several more people arrived: Gusinsky with his guards under the command of a thug armed with a huge pump-action shotgun nicknamed Cyclops, Nizhny Novgorod governor Boris Nemtsov and Privatization Minister Alfred Koch.

Later, Malashenko recalled the events of that night from memory:

Boris [Berezovsky] and Gus [Gusinsky] remained the most cold-blooded. Together with Chubais, they quickly counted our resources: two TV channels, direct access to the President through Tanya-Valya [Dyachenko and Yumashev]; two heavyweights - Prime Minister Chernomyrdin and General Lebed. But we understood that Korzhakov had a very real force - the FSB special forces.

For the third time this year, it fell to Tanya-Vali’s lot to save Russian democracy from the security forces. It was already past midnight when they arrived at the Club. As everyone agreed later, this was the decisive factor that saved everyone. By morning, snipers appeared on the roofs of nearby houses. However, Korzhakov did not dare to launch an assault, knowing that the president’s daughter was in the Club.

After the immediate threat had passed with the appearance of Tatyana, everyone remembered the two prisoners - Evstafiev and Lisovsky.

Chubais picked up the phone, Malashenko recalled, called the director of the FSB and started yelling: “If even one hair falls from their head, I will destroy you!” Of course, his threats were worth little, but this picture itself - Chubais yelling at Barsukov - cheered everyone up.

Arriving at the Club, Tatyana called her father. She insisted that the President be woken up.

“Dad, turn on the TV,” she said, “important things are happening.”

At that very moment, NTV presenter Evgeny Kiselev was entering the studio for an emergency news release.

Perhaps it was the most important news release in the entire history of NTV, Malashenko recalled. - But it was intended only for one person - Yeltsin. If Tatyana had not woken him up, everything would have ended badly.

After watching the breaking news, the President made one phone call and went back to sleep. And at four in the morning Evstafiev and Lisovsky were released.

In the morning, Chubais was summoned to the president. In the morning news it was announced throughout the country that Soskovets, Korzhakov and Barsukov had been dismissed due to an attempted coup.

When Sasha Litvinenko came to work in the morning, his bosses “walked around like shell-shocked.” Towards the end of the day, the assistant director of the FSB approached him and said: “Tell Boris that if Korzhakov or Barsukov is arrested, then he is a dead man.”

On July 3, 1996, in the second round of presidential elections, Yeltsin won a landslide victory over Zyuganov. After the victory, Chubais received the post of head of the Kremlin administration. The communists were dealt a blow from which they never recovered. The security officers were licking their wounds. A coalition of reformers and oligarchs firmly held power in the Kremlin.

Recalling these events later, Sasha Litvinenko called them “the first battle great war between oligarchs and security officers." The entire subsequent outline of events boiled down to a confrontation between people in uniform and people with deep wallets.

The triumvirate of Berezovsky, Gusinsky and Chubais, which can rightfully take pride in consigning Russian communism to the dustbin of history, collapsed soon after. The oligarchs eventually lost the war to the security officers due to their internecine strife.

They thought that with their own money they could buy our generals and take them into their service, and they rushed to compete to see who could offer the most,” Sasha explained. - And for ours it was class struggle, from the very beginning they planned to take everything away from them, sit in their place and command.

“The oligarchs made a big mistake in considering the communists their main opponents,” he later wrote in his book “Lubyanskaya criminal group“. - They thought that no one was behind Korzhakov and Barsukov, they did not understand that the special services had their own political interest. And the special services learned a lesson, they realized that they would not be able to feed themselves by “protecting” business if they did not crush the oligarchs. In general, in 1996 the special services lost the battle, but not the war. But then few people understood this. Boris, perhaps, understood earlier than others, but Putin outwitted him too.”

The story of the box before the second round of the 1996 presidential election:

"Xerox Box", wiretapping

New Russia 1990 – 2010: Historical Chronicles

“Secrets of the “copier box”

For our young fellow citizens, who today are in the socially active age of 18 to 40 years, due to a number of reasons, many important, significant events of our recent past are unknown, without knowledge and understanding of the essence of which a correct objective understanding of the driving reasons, essence and content is impossible socio-political processes.
And a considerable number of such events are purposefully, consciously perverted, distorted, mythologized to please their direct inspirers, organizers and accomplices...
Be it the “murky” stories of the search for “party gold” (1992), or no less mysterious story with a “copier box”….
It is with the latter that we will begin our story.
This story began on one of the warm Moscow evenings on June 19, 1996.
Brief information“Chronicles of the main events of Russia of the twentieth century” does not at all bring clarity to this issue:
“June 20 – Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on exemption from job responsibilities Chief of Presidential Security A.V. Korzhakov, FSB Director M.I. Barsukov and First Deputy Prime Minister O.N. Soskovets in connection with their unsuccessful participation in the election campaign of B.N. Yeltsin and attempts to interfere with the transfer of cash financial resources on his election campaign in the second round of elections...” (Brief chronicle of the main events of Russia in the twentieth century, M., 2004, p. 263).
In addition to the absolutely incomprehensible, vague formulations, let us pay attention to the following factual error: Korzhakov’s position was actually called Head of the Presidential Security Service (SBP), at that time a strong and influential intelligence service, numbering tens of thousands of employees...
And so, St. Petersburg and Korzhakov and Barsukov knew about numerous violations and machinations of members of Yeltsin’s election headquarters, located in the “White House” (of the Russian government) on the “Free Russia” Square, and with the aim of “pressing down a little” the particularly presumptuous “democrats”, decided to detain 2 members of the election headquarters, who at about 11 o’clock at night were taking two “copier boxes” filled with... bank packages of North American “wooden rubles” from the Russian Government House. The volume of these “packages” suggests that we were talking about amounts that are multiples of 2 - 3 million dollars!
And in principle, these amounts had an almost legal origin: they were “salaries” for work in the “election headquarters of the presidential candidate Yeltsin.” But Korzhakov also knew that this fund was far from entirely legal, since it far exceeded the officially announced budget of the election campaign (for some documents on this issue, see A.E. Khinshtein’s book “The Kremlin. Yeltsin. Case History”). By the way, it was precisely this circumstance - the “leftist funds” of the election campaign that was the basis of the accusations to the current president USA to R. Nixon, which led to his resignation under the threat of impeachment.
But the aforementioned “embezzlers” were simply too lazy to openly tell the White House security about the “legal origin” of what they carried out of the government building Russian Federation"fees for work performed."
“The entire presidential army” stood up to “defend their own” from strangers, and Korzhakov, for whom I, however, do not have excessive sympathy, fell victim to the unscrupulous “hardware game” of the presidential candidate’s closest associates. And “faithful Ruslan” - Korzhakov was sacrificed to the “interests” of the new “presidential family”, which went down in history under the name “seven bankers”.
This, however, is a completely different story.....


Yes, not everyone will be so lucky: suddenly there will be confirmation of what was said, and even first-hand, that is, from the mouth!:
Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana Dyachenko:
About the copier box:

“Korzhakov, on behalf of the pope, was responsible for control over all the finances of the election campaign. Therefore, throughout the entire election campaign, he carefully watched as Lisovsky, as well as many others, received money dozens of times - in Xerox boxes, in boxes of writing paper, in other boxes, in cases, in whatever It was convenient to bring money and pay. Nothing else happened that time either. Lisovsky received the money. In the presence of Evstafiev. I had to pay their artists the next day. For the report. And then submit this report to headquarters. As it always was before. Korzhakov gave the command to arrest them. The whole story. This cannot be called anything other than stupidity, meanness and betrayal.”

Summary of the interview in "MK" 01/19/10
Former head of the security service of the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, Alexander Korzhakov, in an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets, commented on the blog posts of Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana Yumasheva

In particular, Korzhakov denied Yumasheva’s words about his role in the story with “Xerox boxes.” According to him, he detained Yeltsin’s campaign headquarters employees Lisovsky and Evstafiev, who were taking 500 thousand dollars out of the White House, on instructions from the president himself: “rumors started “that the money intended for the elections is being stolen,” Yumasheva wrote that Korzhakov tried to “curate favor with the pope” and “eliminate strengthened competitors and regain the slipping power,” and regarded his act as “stupidity, meanness and betrayal” (The money was intended to pay for performances by artists who supported Yeltsin)

In addition, Korzhakov denied Yumasheva’s words that when he left, he “stole all the financial documents of the election campaign,” which were later published. At the same time, in the book “Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk,” Korzhakov, as he himself stated, published the documents “not financial, but genuine” (“I simply had them as a member of the Election Council - ex officio”) Korzhakov also denied the statement that, while running for the Duma, he himself paid for speeches in his support in a similar way (According to Yumasheva, Yeltsin had the opportunity to prove this, but he did not take revenge)

State Duma deputy from " United Russia“ also answered the question “why does Tatyana Yumasheva write very well about Roman Abramovich, but not so much about Berezovsky?” According to Korzhakov, when Yumasheva became Yeltsin’s image adviser, Abramovich “brought her a normal suitcase with dollars every month” directly to the Kremlin

Korzhakov stated that entries in t-yumasheva’s LiveJournal are being edited former leader Yeltsin administration by Valentin Yumashev (“She’s tongue-tied, but I recognize his style”), but said that he would not sue

On June 19-20, the irreconcilable confrontation between the two camps in Yeltsin’s immediate circle is resolved. The security forces are trying to be proactive, but this only speeds up their end

Both the Chubais and Korzhakov camps of the election headquarters want Yeltsin’s victory according to their own scenario. After all, it is clear: whoever he wins with will be the presidential team of the second term; two cannot survive at court. The influence of the “liberals” is clearly growing - for Yeltsin, they are more interesting and more effective than the gloomy “siloviki”. The chief of the Presidential Security Service, Alexander Korzhakov (see 1994), and another prominent favorite, the head of the FSB, Mikhail Barsukov, are trying to seize the initiative. On the evening of June 19, the SBP detained Sergei Lisovsky, the organizer of the “Vote or Lose” project, and Arkady Evstafiev, the organizer of the “Vote or Lose” project, while leaving the government White House (the Kor-Zhakovites have their own unit there). They are carrying $500,000 in cash in a “copier box” (actually a ream of printer paper).

The fact that the current government is conducting an election campaign using budget resources, understandable to anyone politically literate. Korzhakov-Barsukov also has nowhere else to get his money, without leading his rivals to clean water they are movable. The scandal is addressed past society, to Yeltsin personally: look, Boris Nikolayevich, how the liberals finance their shows and thereby set you up! At Berezovsky's reception house at LogoVAZ on Novokuznetskaya Street, a meeting with the participation of Chubais and Gusinsky decides: we are playing for aggravation. From nightly television programs, the country learns for the first time since the arrest of Beria that the all-powerful heads of the special services are enemies of the people, in modern terms - enemies of democracy, leading a course to disrupt the elections. This is a risky step: the president has not yet recognized them as such. Only Tatyana, Yeltsin’s daughter, provides insurance; she alone is able to explain to her father that idiots in uniform are ruining him.

Lisovsky and Evstafiev are released the next morning. Around noon, Yeltsin announces the resignation of Korzhakov, Barsukov and First Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets, who does not seem to be involved in the night scandal. Chubais reports at a press conference that Soskovets - “ spiritual father"two generals. The triumphant winner does not hear the comical rhyme. Soon Yeltsin will appoint Chubais to the key post of head of the presidential administration.
