1s unf work in progress. Reservation of inventory items in "1C: Management of a small company"

Each configuration has its own characteristics, but there are several functions that, strictly speaking, define the concept of “production accounting” and are present in any of them in one form or another.

The main functionality related to production accounting:

  • The ability to create and store specifications for the manufacture of products, services, and semi-finished products.
  • Accounting for semi-finished products in multi-process production.
  • Accounting for marriage.

Specification Comparison

For comparison, here are some specifications from different solutions 1C.

The simplest specification belongs to the most common configuration “1C Accounting 8.3”:

Such a specification contains a minimum of data: name (what we produce), in what quantity, what materials and how much is used during production.

The specification from the UNF occupies an intermediate position in complexity.

In 1C UNF you can specify both a list of components and a list of operations. Such information is quite enough to describe the simple production process of a small company.

Figure 4 shows the resource specification used in 1C ERP - the most modern and promising configuration for accounting for production processes of any production volume and complexity. This specification is intended to describe the network schedule for the manufacture of a product.

Comparison of specifications makes it possible to analyze the capabilities of various 1C configurations. The more complex the specification, the more functionality the configuration has.

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Features of production accounting in 1C: Chain of production documents

Any production process has several similar stages:

  • Transfer of materials to the production workshop.
  • Output.
  • Transfer of products to the warehouse.
  • Sales of products.

To the same list you can add processing of customer-supplied raw materials and transfer for processing.

In 1C configurations to reflect the above production stages documents used:

These documents form a kind of production chain. It is recommended to maintain the chronological sequence of all documents involved in such a chain. If materials are not received into the warehouse before they are written off for production, the program will not be able to correctly calculate the cost of components, and then the output product. The same thing will happen if you reflect the release of the finished product before the materials are written off from the warehouse into production.

The most important document from the point of view of production accounting is the document “Production Report for the Shift”. It reflects what exactly was produced, in what quantity, when, from what.

The “Materials” tab can be filled out based on the specification.

Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the “Production Report...” documents from the 1C: Accounting and UPP configurations. Documents have same meaning– reflection of product output. But as you can see from the pictures, the content is different. The UPP has several additional tabs: “Distribution of materials”, “Distribution of other expenses”, etc.

These bookmarks are needed to distribute direct costs directly in the document itself and for a specific item. This makes it possible to calculate the cost of each unit of manufactured product or semi-finished product. Unlike UPP in 1C: Accounting, cost distribution is performed only up to the item group.

Another one distinctive feature UPP – use of orders. There are orders from customers, orders to suppliers, orders for production. Orders are very important documents from the point of view of production accounting. In UPP you can order and analyze its execution. Figure 7 shows an example of a customer order and a report on it.

UNF is even more “focused” on the use of orders in production accounting. Here the chain looks like this:

Buyer order – Production order – Production – Transfer to warehouse – Sales.

All documents are created based on each other.

As can be seen from Fig. 8, instead of the document “Production Report ...”, the UNF uses the document “Production”. The meaning and content are the same.

In conclusion, there is a chain for ERP (Fig. 9, Fig. 10). This configuration implements a fundamentally new approach to production accounting. Production accounting goes “hand in hand” with production planning. On the one hand, this is more difficult, on the other hand, it is ensured completely new level production management.

in the configuration “Management of a small company 1.6”

Among the solutions of the 1C company there is a configuration “Management small company"(hereinafter referred to as UNF), which, surprisingly, has quite developed functionality for maintaining management accounting small enterprise.

More details can be found on the official website: http://v8.1c.ru/small.biz/

Among other things, this configuration allows you to automate accounting production costs and calculation of the cost of goods and services.

Let's look at the features of the algorithm for writing off materials for the cost of manufactured products using the example of 2 products: a wooden bench and a metal bench. Specifications for each product are shown below in Fig. 1 and fig. 2.

We process the receipt of materials:

Now we will arrange the production of 4 benches: 3 wooden and 1 metal.

In the first case, the production is strictly according to the specification, and in the second case, we will partially replace “Aluminum Profile” with “Steel Profile” in the composition of materials without creating a new specification.

As can be seen in Figure 6, replacing part of the “Aluminium Profile” material without creating a corresponding specification led to a very “interesting” distribution of the cost of materials between the produced items. Instead of the expected write-off of the “Steel Profile” for the production of “Metal Bench”, the “Metal Profile” was distributed by quantity to all manufactured products, as a result of which the cost of the product “Wooden Bench” turned out to be significantly overestimated, while the cost of the product “Metal Bench” was significantly understated.

Figure 7 shows a situation where the “Aluminum Profile” was completely replaced with a “Steel Profile”. As can be seen in this case, the system correctly assigned all the “Steel Profile” material to the “Metal Bench” release.

It is worth noting, however, that this behavior cannot be called an error because if you turn to reference information, then the configuration developers honestly warn about what algorithm is implemented in the System

To be honest, from this description of the algorithm I would like to conclude that the “Steel Profile”, when completely replaced, should have been distributed proportionally between the products. But not everything is so simple!

Therefore, as they say, it is better to see once than to correct errors 100 times when writing off materials at cost, especially in the production of complex products consisting of large quantity different materials.

Summarize. What are the possible options for ensuring the write-off of materials, which will give an honest cost:

1. Create new product specifications when performing a material change.

a. The disadvantage of this approach is the need to maintain a large number of BOMs if materials are changed frequently.

2. Selection of products for which the material is replaced without creating the material in a separate document.

a. It makes sense in situations where a material is being replaced that has a significant impact on the cost of products.

b. The disadvantage of this approach is the increase in the number of input documents

3. A separate “Production” document for each product (for example, a separate document for the release of “Wooden Bench” and a separate one for “Metal Bench”)

a. In this case, you can not maintain specifications in the system at all because materials will always be written off where needed.

b. The disadvantage - as in the option above - is the increase in the number of documents.

4. Using a standard mechanism “as is”

a. It makes sense in situations where a material that has a low share in the cost of production is being replaced. In this case, even when allocating the cost of the material by quantity to different items, the distortion of the cost will be insignificant and, perhaps, can be neglected.

We will register the receipt of 100 units of the product “Standard Board” for 100 rubles excluding VAT, carry out production and analyze the formation of the cost of production in 1C Management of our company (UNF). It is recommended to start reflecting production operations with a production order. To automatically fill in the materials and resources involved for the “Wooden Chair” product, you should set a specification. To do this, you need to go to the item card and click on the “Specifications” hyperlink. In the specification, you must fill out the “Composition” and “Operations” tabs. To be able to fill out materials according to the specification, each line of the product must contain a specification.

Production order

Based on the production order, you should create a “Production” document and, if necessary, fill out the “Waste” tab. Waste will be capitalized at zero cost.

Accounting for piecework wages in cost

To reflect expenses under the piecework wage plan as direct expenses that are included in the cost of production, you must use the “Piecework Order” document from the “Production” subsystem, or you can create this document based on the “Production” document.

Piecework outfit

It should be noted that in order to correctly account for direct costs, the department must be the same in the “Piecework Order” and “Production” documents. In order for costs to be reflected in the cost of production, the piecework order must be closed.

Distribution of indirect costs to production costs

If it is necessary to distribute indirect costs (for example, electricity) to the cost price, then in the document “Invoice”, which reflects the fact of costs in the item (via the hyperlink “Accounts”), you should specify the distribution settings.

Distribution method

You can view the production cost using the “Production Cost” report from the “Production” subsystem.

Report “Cost of production”

Setting up and maintaining 1C UNF

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Very often, production involves the production of standard products or certain of its components in series. Manufacturing a product often requires not just assembly, but several levels of processing. We will consider accounting for serial standard products in this article.

For example, let's take a wooden box based on a pallet; for its production we will need the pallet itself and boards for the box. We produce the pallet from 3 components - Buckets - 9 pcs, Cross Board 6 pcs and Flooring Board 6 pcs, which in turn are made from lumber.

We begin accounting work by filling out nomenclature cards.

We bring in lumber first - indicate the name (1), units of measurement (2) and group (3), in this

case “Raw materials and materials”. We also fill in “Replenishment method” (4) and “Supplier” (5)

Click “Save and close”

Now we create component cards - Bakulka and boards

The principle of filling is the same, with the exception of the group “Components and “Method of replenishment” - “Production”, and we also add a Specification according to which we will produce them.

The specification is as follows:

Name of the specification (1) - we write such a name so that it can be easily distinguished from alternative options - the bin can also be made from boards and other materials, we can create several more specifications - “Board bin”, etc.

(2) Line type put material

(3) In “Name” select the previously created “Lumber”.

(4) and (6) In quantity we put a proportion - the amount of material spent on the amount of production. In our case, 1 m3 per 500 bottles, you can set the proportion to 0.002 m3 per 1 bottle - the first option is preferable - there is no need for unnecessary calculations with a high probability of making mistakes - the program will calculate better.

(5) Cost share will determine what part of the cost is transferred to the cost price of a given product - there are options in which part of the cost is transferred to the cost price - for example, a product requires a 2-meter board, but you can only purchase 3-meter ones - I set the coefficient to 0.67 - cutting boards we can give it to another production or sell it as firewood.

In the Operations tab fill in:

(1) in the Operations column – create an item with the “Operation” type and name it Sawing of cylinders

In this card we need to create a price for this operation– the price can take into account the cost of operating machines and personnel. If we keep records according to the Time Standard, then in the line “Unit. change." We put “hour”, and if at a fixed cost, then we put “pcs”, and in the specification we determine how many bottles the cost will be distributed over.

In the specification I determined that the price of 100 rubles falls by 500 bottles

We also create cards, specifications and operations for “Cross-section board” and “Deck board”.

After creating component cards, we create a “Wooden pallet” card and in its specification we indicate the components with “Line Type” (1) “Assembly” we indicate their quantity (2) in the finished product

products and indicate the current specification (3)

In the “Operations” card, we create the operation “Assembling a pallet” and, since we pay workers for the number of assembled pallets, we indicate “Time Standard” (1) = 1 and “Quantity of Products” (2) = 1

We may manufacture this pallet to this specification as a separate item or specify it in other products as a unit that will be assembled as part of the overall manufacturing process.

Now we assemble a box based on this pallet, and as walls we use “flooring boards” and “cross boards”, 2 pieces each.

This results in the following specification:

In which “Pallet Wooden” is specified as “Assembly” and the boards are specified as “Assembly”.

The main difference between a “Unit” and an “Assembly” is production, assembly must be carried out, and the assembly is present in the warehouse in the form of components.

So let's look at how the production process works at UNF.

We start with the fact that production received an order for 200 boxes - first we create a “Production Order” for 200 boxes.

Go to the “Production” section in the “Production” block and open the link “Orders for production”

Click the “Create” button

Fill in the following fields:

(1) and (2) – the start date of the production process and the date of its completion.

(3) we select the nomenclature for production, (4) – the quantity and specification (5) according to which this product will be produced.

In the “Materials” tab, click the “magic” button “Fill in according to specification” and what do we see?

And we see how the program decomposed the box into components - if you look at the specification of the box above, then in it we put “Assembly” Pallet and “Assemblies” Boards - here the program also decomposed the “Assembly” into components, putting boards on the sides and boards on the pallet . For example: Flooring boards for 200 boxes need 2*200 for the walls and 6*200 for the Pallet, totaling 1600 pieces as the program shows.

But we don’t have these components in stock - so we need to produce them. To produce components based on this order, we create another “Order for production”, for which in the main order we press another “magic” button “Create based on” and select “Order for production”

In a new order, we see a list of components in the “Products” tab and the process starts automatically

set to the start of the main process - change the production completion date to the real one and go to the “Materials” tab

Here we see the material (1) from which the components will be made and the quantity required to produce the entire order (2).

But if we go to the Nomenclature directory and check the “Show balances” checkbox, we will see that the quantity

There is only 1.53 m3 of lumber, so we need to replenish supplies.

To replenish Lumber supplies, we again return to the order for the production of components and click our favorite button “Create based on” and select “Order to supplier”. In the order, select the supplier (1).

The item (2) and quantity (3) are automatically filled in, but they can be adjusted - in in this case can be adjusted to an even number - 20 m3. We can set the price automatically if we have filled in the prices in the item card or set it manually after calling the Supplier. Here, after the call, we will put down 4,000.00 per 1 m3.

We can send this order to the Supplier by e-mail(if accounts are configured).

Click on the envelope at the top of the order form, an outgoing letter form with an attached order file will open - click send and wait for the goods to arrive.

When the lumber has arrived at the warehouse, open “Order to supplier” and “Create based on” “Receipt invoice” - we check the data and click “Post and close” - the lumber has been received into the warehouse.

Everything is ready for production, and we begin production - based on the “Order for Production” of components, we create a “Production” document.

It is filled in automatically - but you need to know a few nuances.

In the “Products” tab, in the “Recipient” line, the warehouse of the manufacturer’s division is automatically entered - if you want the receipt to be reflected in the main warehouse, replace the division with the warehouse. In this case, you can leave an intermediate warehouse, since all produced products in their entirety will be used for the production of finished products.

The situation is similar with materials - in the line “Write off from” you need to indicate the warehouse location of raw materials and components.

This document has another tab - “Waste” - in it you need to enter all the waste that needs to be registered.

We press the button “Post and close” - as a result of this action material is written off from the warehouse and finished products and waste are posted to the warehouse. Let’s look at the warehouse report (see the “Purchases” section, link “Reports” “Goods Movement Report”):

In the report, we see the receipt and consumption of goods and we see that we have components in the “Main Division” warehouse - accordingly, we can start the process of assembling the Box.

But first, in the “Production Order” you need to set the status to “Completed” and click “Post and Close”.

Now we open the “Production Order” of the Box and, based on it, create a production order.

In the recipient line we set “Main warehouse”, and in the “Materials” tab, on the contrary, we set “Main division”. Click “Post and close” and we receive 200 boxes in the warehouse.

Let's look at the report. The report shows how internal production redistributions took place in the warehouse of the Main Division, and 200 Boxes were added to the Main warehouse.

We go to “Production Order” Korobov and change the order status to “Completed” - the production process is completed.

Program 1C: Enterprise 8 Managing a small company is suitable for keeping records of various areas of activity, including production. For this purpose, its configuration provides a special section. In our article we will look at one of the documents in this section, which has the same name “Production”, which allows you to keep records self-made products, and take into account all operations related to the packaging of goods in the warehouse.

Features of accounting for production operations

The “Production” document, available in the 1C UNF configuration program, is created on the basis of a production order. There are 2 operations available to him:

· Assembly – all operations related to the in-house production of goods or their assembly in a warehouse are reflected here;

· Disassembly – reflects the disassembly of goods or disassembly of finished products into components.

The “Production” document in the 1C UNF program has clear details that are filled in by the user based on previously created orders. Namely:

· Recipient – ​​the place where finished products or assembled sets of goods will be received. This is usually a warehouse.

· Written off – here indicates the name of the structural unit from which the materials, components, fuels and lubricants, etc. spent on the production of products will be written off. These can be warehouses, storerooms, production workshops.

· Waste – lists the types of waste generated as a result of production, as well as the place where they will be disposed of.

The capabilities of the 1C UNF 1.6.7 program provide automatic completion of almost all required fields. The user can only check their correctness, write down and post this document. And once it is carried out, the accounting will reflect the following:

· Release of finished products and their receipt at the main warehouse;

· Fulfillment of an order taken into production;

· Write-off of materials and components that were used in the production of products in physical and value terms;

· Receipt of production waste to the appropriate warehouse.

The “Production” document in the 1C UNF 1.6.7 program allows you to keep simultaneous records of the production of various types of finished products. Moreover, the materials used in the production process will be written off to cost in accordance with previously created specifications. If any material was not taken into account in the specifications, it will be written off in proportion to the number of units produced, which will make accounting as transparent and understandable as possible.

Accounting for the movement of inventories and finished products

During the production process, there is a need to move materials and components between warehouses and production areas. To reflect these operations, the 1C UNF 1.6.7 program provides the document “Transfer of Inventory”. It reflects the write-off of inventory items for general business expenses, as well as:

· Transfer of inventories between any structural divisions of one enterprise;

· Transfer of components and materials to production;

· Return of production waste to the warehouse.

Finished products released from the production workshop are subject to transfer to a warehouse for further sale. To formalize this operation in the 1C Small Firm Management 1.6 program, you need to use the “Inventory Transfer” document, and in order to avoid errors, you need to create it based on the “Production” document.

To control and analyze all of the above operations, the configuration of the 1C Small Firm Management program version 1.6 provides the “Inventory” report. It allows you to see the entire range of finished products in the warehouse in physical and value terms, its movement, as well as what customer orders it was produced for.

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