April 5th is a day in history. Holidays and events in April

Today, on April 5, holidays are celebrated all over the world: in Russia they celebrate the Day of Adoption of the Steppe Code (Constitution) of the Republic of Kalmykia, in Kazakhstan they celebrate the Day of the Migration Police of Kazakhstan, in the Netherlands on the day of the National Museum Weekend they propose to celebrate the Day of Museums in the Netherlands, in China today is a holiday of purity and clarity Qing Ming, and in South Korea Arbor Day.

Holidays April 5, 2019

Day of adoption of the Steppe Code (Constitution) of the Republic of Kalmykia

Not even everyone who lives in Russia knows what holiday is in Kalmykia today. In 1994, on April 5, Kalmykia adopted the Steppe Code, or otherwise the Constitution of the Republic, which is the Basic Law of Kalmykia. State authorities made this date an official public holiday of the Republic of Kalmykia. This republic is located in the southeastern part of the European territory of Russia. Most of Kalmykia is occupied by plains; the republic is washed by the Caspian Sea.

Kazakhstan Migration Police Day

Every year on April 5, Kazakhstan celebrates Migration Police Day. This holiday date was dedicated to a historical event - the reorganization of the passport system, which was a direct consequence of changes in Kazakhstan related to the requirements of the time. The passport and visa service was renamed the migration police in 1999. Its tasks and functions, as well as its structure, were changed.

National Museum Weekend - Museum Day in the Netherlands

This year, the Dutch National Museum Day is celebrated on April 5th. In the Netherlands, this holiday is celebrated not only by indigenous people, but also by tourists who come to this country to improve their educational and cultural level. More than 550 free museums are open in the country on this day.

Qing Ming Festival of Purity and Clarity

Every year in China the Qing Ming Festival is celebrated - a holiday of purity and clarity. This year its celebration fell on April 5th. This holiday is associated with the onset of bright and clear days. And it is on this day that yang and yin come into balance. Qing Ming is a Chinese holiday honoring the dead.

Arbor Day in South Korea

Today is Tree Planting Day in South Korea. Residents of the country take an active part in landscaping their areas on this day.

Unusual holidays

What other holiday can be celebrated on April 5? Today there are 3 more unusual holidays - the Day of Swelling of the Kidneys, the Festival of Melt Water and the Day of Ringing Bells on Cat Collars

Kidney swelling day

Have you noticed how sometimes the buds swell right before your eyes in one day? Imagine that this day is today. Try to watch the buds on April 5 and you will notice a lot of interesting things.

Melt Water Festival

This unusual holiday came to us from Bashkiria. It was there that he was born and there he is celebrated every year in the spring with competitions, games, and gifts of souvenirs at a time when streams flow through the streets and the sun warms the earth more and more often.

Cat Collar Ringing Day

This is truly an unusual holiday. Have you ever wondered how much influence the stars have on your pets? What do you think - is there a difference between a Scorpio cat and an Aries cat? In fact, this holiday was invented simply as a small reason for your good mood and, of course, so that you once again pay attention to your cat and maybe buy her a collar with bells.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Nikonov day

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Nikon of Pechersk, who lived in the 11th century. From 1078 to 1088 he founded the monastery and church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and was the abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Nikon Pechersky became famous as a scientist-chronicler.
For our Nikon ancestors, the day was a day of thorough cleaning in the house and garden.
People used to say: “The house is great for its owner,” “The house is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to sit down.” Today the owners whitewashed the stoves, shook out the beds, and took out the trash.
Today the peasants invited spring birds - protectors from pests.
On holidays, benches, floors and tables were washed in the house with infusion of dried mint. Tea was made from mint. In many villages it was considered a medicine for good sleep.
The bathhouse was also indispensable without mint. All the shelves in the bathhouse were covered with grass because of its antiseptic properties.
Apple trees and rowan trees with black and red currants were planted on Nikon.
On this day, birds - protectors from pests - were treated to grains, crumbs and flaxseed.
On April 5, peasants walked around the springs and springs near the village, saying: “Underground water, we are opening spring paths for you.”
Name day April 5 with Alexey, Anastasia, Varvara, Vasily, Georgy, Ilya, Lydia, Makar, Nikon, Pelageya, Sergey
Also celebrated on April 5 are: Geologist's Day, International Soup Day, Day of Ringing Bells on Cat Collars, Day of the Russian Nation, Melt Water Festival.

April 5th in history

1955 - Winston Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of England, ending his political career.
1969 - The number of Americans killed in the Vietnam War reaches 33,641.
1970 - By decision of the leadership of the USSR, the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were exhumed and destroyed 11 km from Magdeburg by cremation.
1975 - Unsuccessful launch of the Soyuz spacecraft. The launch vehicle exploded.
1975 - Chiang Kai-shek, military and political leader of China (b. 1887), died.
1978 - Deputy Secretary General of the UN and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to the UN Arkady Shevchenko asked for political asylum in the USA.
1982 - During a military operation in western Afghanistan, Soviet troops mistakenly invaded Iran.
1983 - 47 Soviet diplomats accused of espionage were deported from France.
1991 - The Supreme Council of the RSFSR granted emergency powers to Boris Yeltsin.
1993 - Establishment of the oil company Lukoil by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The character of a person and his fate very much depend on when he was born. Incredible hard work, energy and enterprise are the main characteristics of those who have a birthday on April 5th. The zodiac sign Aries has awarded these people with another gift - they are very sociable. There is no such person with whom they could not find common ground. And life itself for them is a performance in which they got the main role.

General characteristics of those born on April 5

It cannot be said that all people born on the same day are the same in character y or they go through the same life path. But everyone has common traits, inclinations and talents. Those who celebrate their birthday on April 5 also have their own distinctive characteristics. What zodiac sign, besides Aries, can boast of such simple and at the same time uncompromising views on everything that happens around him? Philosophy and unnecessary worries are not their strong point. On April 5th, carefree and cheerful people are born. They have a very good memory, well-developed intellect, and quickly learn everything new.

Personal Development Trends

The fate of people born on April 5 depends on the family, the people around them and the kind of upbringing they received in childhood. For those who are lucky enough to be born into a prosperous family, wonderful prospects in life are always open. They will be able to achieve success in their professional field, take a worthy position in society, and create their own family, where peace and love always reign.

And those to whom fortune was initially unfavorable will have to make a lot of effort so as not to fall to the very bottom and not plunge into vice and sins.

Only by choosing the right path will they be able to fully discover all the talents given to them by higher powers from birth, realize their dreams and live a decent and prosperous life.

Character traits and life credo

Everyone born on April 5th has one incredible gift - they are very sociable. Talking to a person and then easily maintaining a conversation with him is not worth the effort for them. Moreover, they themselves do not suffer from excessive talkativeness; they always speak briefly and to the point. But the listeners are simply unsurpassed. And they always try not only to listen, but also to get to the heart of the problem and help with their advice.

For Aries, life is a bright and colorful show., in which they are both the director and the main character. They have a well-developed intuition, which allows them to always play exactly the role that is suitable for a given situation. Those born under this zodiac sign always think through their image so carefully that sometimes the image they created becomes absolutely real for them.

According to the horoscope, those born on April 5th are very self-confident and proud individuals. But this is not surprising, because nature has endowed them with many talents. Helping them achieve success:

  • incredible hard work and endurance;
  • self-control;
  • persistence bordering on stubbornness;
  • communication skills and the ability to understand the problems of others;
  • optimism and cheerfulness;
  • inexhaustible energy.

To all the positive traits, modesty is added. Aries do not like to be the center of attention and flaunt their virtues. They really don’t like it when someone starts studying their actions and analyzing their behavior too closely. This especially applies to your personal life.

Behavior in society

It is almost impossible to drag a person born under the sign of Aries into a conflict situation. Even if he was treated unfairly, he will refuse to sort things out and step aside. These people believe that all disputes can be resolved by discussing them in a civilized and correct manner. For them, decency is not an empty word, but a life credo, and quarrels and showdowns only distract and prevent them from pursuing their dreams. They treat friendship rather coldly, but they respect and appreciate those who share their position in life.

Some representatives of this sign are greatly hampered in life by a strong desire to make a good impression on others. It is the worry about what other people will think of them that often forces Aries to put on a mask and not be who they really are. Over time, they get along so well in the invented role that they do not notice how they have become its hostage.

Attitude to work

Having chosen their profession in life, April people rarely deviate from their intended path. They never pursue fame and honor, but simply work in their chosen field. Sometimes it seems that they are just trouble-free performers, completely devoid of ambition, but this is only part of the role that they have chosen for themselves. Thanks to their ability to work, responsible attitude to work, and excellent analytical mind, they always achieve what they want. Aries tend to always find a way out of even a very difficult situation. Among their talents is the ability not only to do several things at once, but to do everything efficiently and on time.

Having realized all their professional and natural talents and achieved success, those born on April 5 forever remain on the crest of the wave. Ups and downs are unusual for them; they do not change their chosen profession or favorite business.

Although they are not at all afraid of change, and if necessary, they are ready to start their lives over with a new leaf. They direct all their qualities to self-improvement and development. But these people never change their life principles.

But sometimes life turns its back on Aries. The reason most often becomes themselves, or more precisely, the negative qualities of their character:

  • straightforwardness - not everyone likes it when the whole truth is told to their face, especially if this is not necessary;
  • uncompromisingness - the ability to find compromises allows you to move on and not make enemies everywhere.

In addition, those born on April 5th do not know how to stop or retreat in time. These people are accustomed to giving their all at work, forgetting about rest and the fact that, besides work, there are many more interesting things in life. Horoscopes advise them to pay more attention to their health, take care of their body, avoid excesses in food and give up bad habits. It is also very important for them to learn to share not only joyful moments with others, but also to dedicate them to their problems.

Temperament of a bright Aries woman

Obstinate, bright, energetic and passionate. These are the words that can be used to describe ladies born on April 5th. The zodiac sign of the Aries woman is ruled by the planet Mars. Thanks to its power, she has unlimited creative potential. Her main credo is the desire to always get what she wants. And she is good at it. For her there are no barriers or authorities. Therefore, it will be better for those around her if her wishes come true immediately. Otherwise, they risk running into a hurricane of insults and tears.

When an Aries woman is in a great mood, she is a soft and sensitive cat. With her irrepressible energy, she is able to charge everything around her and inspire men to heroic deeds. These women really like to be different from all other people, so they spend a lot of time and money on creating their own image.

Rapid climb up the career ladder is a very important moment in their lives. Thanks to their achievements, they can once again demonstrate to the whole world their perseverance and originality. In addition, this is a great opportunity to earn enough money for all your desires. Negative character traits such as temper and quarrelsomeness also help them achieve success. Aries women are direct and uncompromising, always ready to go only to victory. And as you know, winners are not judged.

Girls born under this sign give themselves to everything with all the ardor and passion. Their love relationships are always accompanied by violent quarrels and vivid reconciliations. Each new romance is for them for life, and they experience it as if it were the last love of their life. Only an independent, reserved, proud and impartial man can become their companion. It is the hurricane woman’s constant desire to conquer him again and again that allows her to maintain a long and harmonious relationship. The ideal chosen ones for them would be men born under the following zodiac signs:

  • Sagittarius.
  • Scales.
  • Calf.

You should not start relationships with representatives of the signs Aries, Capricorn and Scorpio.

Romantic and idealistic Aries man

On this day, very extraordinary and charismatic personalities are born. They are always full of different ideas and plans. The Aries man is always confident that he is right, purposeful and active, sets high standards in life and always achieves results. It’s better not to get in his way: he’ll wipe him off the face of the earth and move on. And not because he is a cruel or unprincipled person. It’s just that on the way to his dream he doesn’t notice any obstacles, always moving forward.

If a girl wants to be idealized and put on a pedestal, then she needs a guy born on April 5th. The zodiac sign of a man born on this day gives him romance and fidelity towards his chosen one. He is ready to organize a holiday for his beloved every day, give gifts and strew flowers. But you should remember that Aries are real men, and therefore they want to see an ideal woman next to them. They prefer that any initiative comes only from them; they do not tolerate intrusiveness and unnecessary movements in relationships. But even at home, their woman should look like a queen.

An Aries in love is not prone to having affairs on the side; he is always faithful to his soulmate. But even slight flirting on her part towards another man can lead to a break in the relationship. His concepts of love relationships are based on book novels, which should only be ideal and sublime. Feeling that love has left his heart, he would rather leave the family than compensate for the lack of romance on the side. Horoscopes consider the best wives for Aries men to be women born under the auspices of:

  • Aquarius.
  • Leva.
  • Sagittarius.
  • Scorpio.
  • Gemini.

But it is difficult for men born in April to maintain relationships with Pisces and representatives of their sign. The Aries woman loves to lead, and there cannot be two leaders in one family. A representative of the Pisces sign is prone to compromise, and this is perceived not as a positive trait, but as a weakness of character.

The Aries man loves to live in abundance and even luxury. For the sake of his comfort, he can work day and night. If his profession does not bring the desired income, he can easily change it. Thanks to their incredible ability to work, high intelligence and self-confidence, men of this sign can make money out of nothing.

The main advantage of both sexes is their pride, and those who want to live with them in peace and harmony must always remember this. The wounded pride of representatives of this sign can lead not just to a quarrel, but to a break in relations forever.

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International Flamenco Festival "Viva Spain"

Viva España is one of the most vibrant events reflecting the musical culture of Spain. In Moscow, the famous festival takes place annually at a variety of concert venues and lasts several days. In 2013, it will begin on April 5, and it is planned to end on April 10.

Flamenco is a subtle, multifaceted music and dance style that has absorbed many cultures of the West and East. This is a rich instrumental language, and a huge variety of both familiar and extraordinary musical phrases, this is a bewitching atmosphere, witchcraft and passion rolled into one. In 2010, UNESCO declared Flamenco a World Heritage Site.

The development of the festival began in 2001, when several flamenco dancing groups decided to hold a small performance of original Spanish dance in the capital. Since then, the festival began to develop and rose higher every year. Three years later, the whole of Russia learned about it, thanks to the enlightenment of the media, and more than a dozen Flamencan groups became participants. Now the Moscow festival “Viva Spain” has turned into a vibrant cultural spectacle, attracting the attention of both the public and Flamenco professionals.

And the event itself becomes more luxurious and solemn every year. Thousands of Russian performers, dozens of dance groups from Russia, Spain, Israel and many other countries take part in the festival every year. Also, as part of the holiday, unique photo exhibitions dedicated to the art of original dance, exquisite Spanish fashion shows, fairs and other cultural and entertainment events are organized.

Day of the Migration Police of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Migration Police Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is celebrated annually on April 5. The event is timed to coincide with the reorganization of the passport and visa service in 1993 and the creation of the migration police on its basis. According to tradition, on this day, ceremonial events are held in all its divisions, which are necessarily accompanied by congratulations, speeches and concerts. The best migration police officers are awarded prizes and state awards.

April 5 in the folk calendar

Nikonov day

On April 5, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Nikon of Pechersk. The saint lived in the 11th century, and from 1078 he was the abbot of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery. He was a man of broad views and was involved in science. He entered world history as the founder of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and an outstanding chronicler.

In Rus', on Nikon’s Day, peasants were engaged in general cleaning of houses and land plots. Caring owners whitewashed the walls and stoves, painted the windows, washed the floors, swept away dust and cobwebs from the ceilings. And dried mint was used to refresh the rooms. It was also often added to tea. In general, mint was the key to cleanliness, health and good sleep. And what kind of steam room brooms it made! However, after the “big” cleaning, it was advisable to visit the bathhouse.

On April 5, apple trees, currants, rowan berries, raspberries, cherries and other fruit and berry crops began to be planted in gardens and vegetable gardens. And to prevent pests emerging from hibernation from spoiling the seedlings, the area was covered with bread crumbs, thus inviting birds - the guardians of the harvest.

Historical events of April 5

During the reign of Vasily the Dark, the Russian Church moved away from Byzantium. He ascended the throne as a child, as a ten-year-old boy, and spent most of his life waging internecine wars, defending the legal right to the principality. His opponents were close relatives: an uncle and two cousins. Everyone wanted to grab a piece of power. He received the nickname Dark Ruler after one of the brothers, Dmitry Shemyaka, gouged out his eyes in 1446, and he himself took possession of the throne. But this did not stop the prince; he continued to fight for his rights. Vasily's supporters overthrew Dmitry, and he was later poisoned. Vasily the Dark became famous thanks to the purity of Orthodoxy. Under him, the church was declared independent. The prince died from an unknown disease, which in those days was called “dexa” - this fact is indicated in historical writings.

The discovery of a secluded, virgin corner of the Earth belongs to the expedition of Admiral Jacob Roggeveen. Subsequently, the island was named Easter, because the day of its discovery coincided with the Great Christian holiday of the same name. The sailors were amazed by the “variegation” of the natives - white-skinned, red-skinned and black, but they were even more amazed when they saw stone idols placed along the banks, which were huge structures up to twenty meters in height. Stone idols were made in special quarries in the very center of the island.

Today this island is the property of Chile, and the local stone “blocks” are one of the country’s attractions that attract tourists.

In 1989, the all-female Vivaldi Orchestra, led by a violinist and conductor, made its first public appearance on stage. And the first orchestra consisted mainly of harpsichordists and players of bowed instruments. However, despite this, the performance of the female Vivaldi Orchestra took place at Ura; it soon became unique, thanks to its only female composition. The orchestra's current repertoire, in addition to Italian baroque, also includes modern compositions.

Born on April 5

Joseph Lister(1823-1912) - English doctor, introduced antiseptics into surgery. In the 19th century, every fifth person died from deep surgical intervention. Lister hypothesized that the death was caused by harmful microscopic bacteria that caused total infection. It took him about 20 years to prove he was right. The object of his research was carbolic acid. Based on it, Lister invented an antiseptic. In addition, the doctor introduced mandatory sterilization of premises and the use of disposable bandages and white coats by medical staff.

Vincenzo Viviani(1622-1703) - Italian scientist in the field of physics and mathematics, student of Torricelli and Galileo, who became his main mentors. After the death of his teachers, he continued their scientific research. Thanks to Viviani, a collection of Galileo's works was published. From 1666 he worked as a court astronomer with a very high salary.

Ludwig Spohr(1784-1859) - an outstanding German composer, conductor, teacher and violinist. Spohr's musical abilities were noted at a very early age. From the age of six he began to learn music and made great progress. In 1802, he went on his first concert tour, which ended in gaining fame. His creative arsenal includes: 9 symphonies, 15 violin concertos, 3 overtures, 10 operas, 2 quintets, four quartets, more than 30 jet quartets, etc.

Name day April 5

Albert, Ekaterina, Maria, Ruslan, Yuliana, Alexey, Bogolep, Anastasia, Varvara, Georgy, Vasily, Ilya, Luka, Lydia, Makar, Nikon, Macedon, Stefan, Sergey, Pelageya, Philip.

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Holidays and events of April.

Today is April 5th. Holidays and Events:

April 5 - Qing Ming Festival of Purity and Clarity, in China
April 5th in South Korea is Arbor Day
Events of April 5 that happened around the world, in different years

On April 5, China celebrates Qing Ming, a holiday of purity and clarity. It is associated with the onset of clear and bright days. It was believed that on this day yang and yin come into balance.
On Qing Ming Day, festively dressed people walk the streets with willow branches in their hands and fly paper kites. Therefore, for some reason, the Qing Ming holiday is also called tatsinze in Georgian, a day of walking through the first greenery with kebabs and “Kindzmarauli”.
Qing Ming is a holiday in honor of all the dead, it was also called the Festival of Cold Food and Pure Light. The Chinese combined visiting graves with walks, entertainment and games. According to one version, Chinese games in cemeteries were the reason for the emergence of a new youth subculture - the Goths.

The holiday was established in connection with the Park Chung Hee government's campaign to restore Korean forests (by the way, this campaign was extremely successful). Until 2005, this day was a public holiday in the country, but even now the traditions of celebration have been preserved.
On this day, many South Koreans take part in landscaping their areas and planting forests in the mountains. But the fact is that the forage breeds of Korean dogs when grazing are trained, literally, like sheep and cows in Russia, to chew grass, and some of them, like Russian hares, gnaw the bark of trees. That is why dog ​​meat is saturated with many beneficial vitamins and becomes even tastier and more expensive. Trees suffer from such a dog diet, so thrifty Koreans plant almost any free piece of land every year on April 5th. I’ll say more, friends: the Koreans ate the dog in the gardening.

1242 - Battle of the Ice (Battle of Lake Peipsi). A battle took place between the Novgorodians and Vladimirites under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky against the knights of the Livonian Order.
1327 - in the Church of St. Clare in Avignon, the Italian poet Francesco Petrarca first met Laura, whom he fell in love with at first sight.
1340 - The Arab fleet defeated the Spanish squadron in the Strait of Gibraltar.
1398 - The Germans drove the pirates (Vitalian brothers) from the island of Gotland.
1453 - Turkish Sultan Mehmed II began the siege of Constantinople, which he captured at the end of May.
1652 - an expedition led by the Dutchman Jan Van Riebeeck arrived at the Cape of Good Hope.
1710 - Philip Orlik signed the “Charter of the Zaporozhian Army” in the city of Bendery.
1716 - Antoine Hudard de Lamotte and Anne Dacier met at a dinner party and raised glasses in honor of the greatness of Homer, thereby ending one of the central literary controversies in French literature of the 18th century.
1772 - the Parisian parliament refused to allow the playwright Pierre Beaumarchais to inherit a large sum of money bequeathed by his partner Paris-Duvernay.
1792 - George Washington used the first presidential veto in US history.
1793 - Jean-Paul Marat is elected president of the Jacobin club.
1794 - Jacobin leaders Georges Danton, Camille Desmoulins and others, arrested on the orders of Robespierre, were executed.
1795 - France and Prussia signed a peace treaty in Basel.
1797 - coronation of the Russian Emperor Paul I. On the same day, the emperor issued the Manifesto on the Three-Day Corvee, which limited the corvee to three days a week and prohibited landowners from forcing peasants to work on Sundays. A Manifesto on succession to the throne was also published: the Austrian system of succession to the throne was adopted in Russia - from father to son or brother.
1804 - under unclear circumstances, French General Charles Pichegru, leader of the conspiracy against Napoleon, was killed in a Paris prison.
1806 - The Spaniards stopped boycotting food supplies to Russian settlements in Alaska.
1812 - Russia and Sweden entered into an agreement on joint actions against France.
1814 - after the entry of allied troops - Russia, Prussia, Austria and Great Britain - into Paris, French Emperor Napoleon I abdicated the throne.
1815 - Mount Tambora on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia began to erupt and last for a week. One of the largest volcanic eruptions in human history (the volume of lava and ash reached 180 cubic kilometers). 92,000 people died.
1818 - South American troops of José Martí defeated the Spanish army near Santiago (Chile).
1818 - Battle of Maipú, ending Spanish rule in Chile.
1818 - In Paris, Baron Karl de Drèze demonstrated the first two-wheeled vehicle (the prototype of a bicycle).
1843 - Hong Kong is declared a British possession.
1895 - Oscar Wilde lost his case for libel against the Marquess of Queensberry, who accused the writer of homosexuality.
1896 - The first modern Olympic Games began in Athens (April 6-15). The first Olympic champion that day was American triple jumper James Connolly with a score of 13.71 m.
1899 - the first edition of V. I. Lenin’s first book “The Development of Capitalism in Russia” was published
1905 - Composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov printedly refused the title of honorary member of the Russian Musical Society (RMS).
1913 - Niels Bohr completed his article “On the structure of atoms and molecules,” which gave rise to quantum theory.
1920 - The Far Eastern Republic (FER) was formed.
1921 - in Constantinople, Baron Wrangel formed the “Russian Council”, which declared itself the government of Russia in exile.
1925 - Lazar Kaganovich was elected first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U.
1931 - a team of molders from the Kharkov plant “Sickle and Hammer” signed the first self-supporting agreement in Ukraine.
1941 - German and Italian troops invade Yugoslavia and Greece.
1941 - Signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Non-Aggression between the USSR and Yugoslavia.
1942 - Adolf Hitler signed a directive outlining Caucasian oil as the main target of the German offensive.
1942 - Japanese troops bombed Ceylon for the first time.
1943 - the French squadron “Normandie” (later “Normandie-Niemen”) began operating as part of the Red Army.
1943 - off the coast of Brazil, fishermen picked up the English sailor Poon Lim, who had been in the ocean on a raft for a record time - 133 days.
1943 - “The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupéry, written by him in 1942, was published in English in the United States.
1945 - The Soviet Union announced the denunciation of the Non-Aggression Pact with Japan of April 13, 1941.
1945 - The Georgian Texel Uprising began: an uprising of a battalion of captured Soviet soldiers from Georgia on the Dutch island of Texel against the German occupiers during World War II. This uprising is sometimes described as "The Last Battle of Europe".
1951 - The US Supreme Court sentences Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to death on charges of atomic espionage for the USSR.
1955 - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill resigns.
1961 - US President Kennedy authorized the start of a military operation against Cuba.
1963 - the automatic station Luna-4E (launched on April 2 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome) due to a deviation of the flight trajectory from the calculated one, passed at a distance of 8,500 kilometers from the surface of the Moon and was lost in space. It was assumed that the spacecraft would make a soft landing on the lunar surface.
1970 - By decision of the leadership of the USSR, the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were exhumed and destroyed 11 km from Magdeburg by cremation.
1971 - The Rolling Stones formed their own record company - Rolling Stone Records. The company's trademark, the protruding tongue, became famous.
1978 - Deputy Secretary General of the UN and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to the UN Arkady Shevchenko asked for political asylum in the USA.
1980 - The USSR and Afghanistan signed an agreement on the presence of a contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.
1988 - an article “Principles of Perestroika” appeared in the Pravda newspaper criticizing Nina Andreeva’s article “I Can’t Give Up Principles.”
1989 - the Solidarity trade union was legalized in Poland.
1991 - The Supreme Council of the RSFSR granted emergency powers to B. Yeltsin.
1991 - one of the famous aerobatics teams “Russian Knights” was formed in Kubinka.
1992 - Russian Vice President A.V. Rutskoy supported the independence of Transnistria during a visit to Tiraspol.
1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina announced its secession from Yugoslavia.
1993 - Establishment of the oil company Lukoil by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.
2004 - The first battle for Fallujah began in Iraq.
2005 - Askar Akaev resigned as president of Kyrgyzstan.

The zodiac sign of those born on April 5 is Aries. They are hardworking, energetic and resourceful individuals. They are endowed with the gift of persuasion, high intellectual potential and good memory. They easily absorb new information, which helps them in learning. Despite their outward lightness and serenity, at heart they are sensitive, responsive and prone to philosophical reflection.

The life path of those born on this day depends on their childhood environment and upbringing. A favorable environment and the personal example of their parents make them successful and self-sufficient people. Otherwise, they risk ending up at the bottom. To achieve material prosperity and fame, it is important for them to identify their talents and develop them.

Such people are sociable and cheerful. They are endowed with a subtle psychological sense. It is not difficult for them to carry on any conversation. They know how to correctly express their thoughts, avoiding empty talk. They do not tolerate conflicts and disagreements and make a lot of efforts to avoid them. Friendship is not a priority area of ​​life for them. At the same time, they value like-minded people who support their endeavors and share their views on life.

Characteristics of women born on April 5

These are versatile, charming, mysterious and self-confident individuals. Creative energy boils within them, which pushes them to search for a way of self-expression. Thanks to their gentleness, sensitivity and natural charisma, they easily become everyone's favorites.

In a good mood, such women are able to encourage and inspire others, charging them with positivity. They are artistic and individual, so they attach great importance to their appearance and style.

Characteristics of men born on April 5

These are ambitious, tenacious and persistent individuals. They hide their shortcomings and indecisiveness from others and cultivate strength of character. Leadership qualities and restless nature make them natural leaders.

In adulthood, rich life experience is important for such men. They reevaluate the years they have lived and gain wisdom. It is important for them to achieve material well-being and public respect.

Love horoscope

Those born on this day are passionate and romantic in love. Their personal life is full of bright events and acquaintances. They do not lack the attention of people of the opposite sex. In their youth, they have many love affairs, which rarely develop into long-term relationships. Their early marriages often end in divorce, which they easily cope with.

Family life for such women and men is successful with a person who shares their interests and priorities. They want their partner to guess their thoughts and support them in everything. In marriage, it is important for them to feel new emotions and impressions.


Aries born on April 5 build harmonious and strong couples with Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra and Leo. They have low compatibility with Capricorns and Virgos.

The most suitable partner for those born on April 5

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 1, 11, 18
February: 5, 6, 8, 17, 29
March: 4, 6, 8, 13, 17, 18
April: 4, 6, 13
May: 4, 15, 19, 28
June: 5, 14, 15, 30
July: 1, 8, 17, 22, 26, 28
August: 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 26
September: 3, 4, 12, 14, 21
October: 5, 9, 13, 20
November: 2, 12, 18, 23, 30
December: 1, 11, 14, 15, 20, 27

Business horoscope

Those born on this day choose their profession responsibly. Throughout their lives, they do not change their field of activity; they prefer to develop and build a career in one field. They are driven by dedication and a desire to achieve career growth. They are not afraid of difficulties and changes. They are collected and confident in their abilities, thanks to which they do not panic, but intelligently get out of the current situation. Such workers are able to manage multiple processes and pay attention to detail. They strive to consider the prospects and ways of developing a common cause.

Thanks to their innovative outlook, resourcefulness and developed intellectual potential, these people are realized as scientists and researchers. Leadership abilities push them into politics, management and business.

Health horoscope

Aries born on April 5 are endowed with good health, but they are not inclined to take care of their body. These are workaholics. They direct all their strength and energy into professional activities. At the same time, they forget about proper rest and sleep. In their free time they prefer feasts with alcohol and fatty foods. They often attend parties in nightclubs. This lifestyle is harmful to health.

Such people are prone to excess body weight and chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The horoscope advises them to take a more rational approach to leisure time, give preference to active recreation in nature and plan their daily routine.

Be picky in your love affairs

You are popular among the opposite sex and have many affairs. Short-term affairs and frequent changes of partner can negatively affect your reputation and interfere with a happy family life.

Remember that there are other areas of life besides work.

You delve into your work and devote all your free time and energy to professional activities. Remember that there are other areas of life besides work. Take time to communicate with loved ones, relax and enjoy hobbies.

Cultivate your flexibility

You are characterized by straightforwardness and perseverance. Therefore, you are stubborn in your judgments and refuse to accept other people's points of view. Cultivate flexibility in yourself, learn to compromise. This will improve relationships with partners.
