What do people who lose weight eat? How to lose weight quickly - step-by-step instructions for women who dream of an ideal figure

When it comes to weight loss and body shaping, most people begin to argue that rapid weight loss is not possible without a strict diet. It will not be possible to achieve the desired result with physical activity alone. Correcting the menu and giving up tasty foods is one of the main stages that a fashionista who wants to lose weight must overcome. Not everyone is ready to starve for a slim figure. However, experts say that weight loss can occur without a strict diet. The fashionista just has to figure it out in advance, what to eat to lose weight.

If you carefully read the current information on the topic, it turns out that there are products that have a negative or close to such a calorie value. This means that the body spends more energy to digest this food than it receives from it. This feature allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. Having learned the basic rules of eating and familiarizing yourself with the list of healthy foods, the girl will be able to eat almost everything, while continuing to lose weight quickly. We’ll talk further about the features of the diet, the list of foods that can be consumed for weight loss, and the nuances of creating a daily menu.

Nutritionists say that a person can lose weight if he reduces the calorie content of the food he eats and stops eating foods high in carbohydrates; see the article for more details. Having heard about the need to give up carbohydrates, not all girls understand the reason why they need to carry out such an action.

Note! If a girl plans to reduce the content of carbohydrate foods in her diet, the amount of protein foods, on the contrary, should be increased. The fact is that such food contains lipotropic substances that prevent the formation of fats. In addition, proteins stimulate the normal functioning of metabolism.

In the subconscious of ordinary people, there is an opinion that fatty foods contribute to the formation of excess weight. However, the statement is only partly true. The fact is that the human body produces a hormone - insulin. By interacting with carbohydrates, it converts them into fats.

An excess of substances of this type in the body leads to the formation of deposits and the appearance of excess weight. For this reason, experts recommend stopping eating sweets and other foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates.

Note! You cannot completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In order not to experience a deficiency of the substance and lose weight, it is recommended to eat fruits.

By reducing the amount of carbohydrate foods in the diet and giving preference to healthy foods, a person will take a big step towards an ideal figure.

List of foods that prevent you from losing weight

You will also have to completely abandon:

  • grapes,
  • bananas,
  • semi-finished products,
  • Sahara,
  • baking,
  • sauces,
  • foods high in fat.

By including food from the above list in her daily menu, a girl runs the risk of earning money. It is also recommended to limit salt intake.

List of foods that will help you lose weight

If a girl is thinking about what she needs to eat in order to quickly lose weight and remove toxins, she must master the principles. You don't have to go on a diet. However, a fashionista’s daily menu should consist of permitted products.

Note! If a girl does not like any type of food included in the permitted list, she can refuse to eat it. At the same time, it is prohibited to constantly eat only 1 product from the list. The menu should be varied.

Having decided to lose weight, a girl can continue to eat after 18:00. However, you will only have to eat the right foods.

If a girl decides to lose weight, she should eat the following foods:

  • chicken meat,
  • veal,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits,
  • fermented milk products,
  • veal,
  • eggs.

If a girl decides to lose weight, she will have to eat vegetables. They are the main source of fiber. In addition, they contain vitamins and macro- and microelements that the body needs for normal functioning. They help and prevent the formation of excess weight. Vegetables have a positive effect on human digestion. They can be consumed in any form.

The list of foods that you need to eat to lose weight faster includes:

  • cucumbers,
  • celery,
  • radish,
  • asparagus,
  • carrot,
  • cabbage,
  • bell pepper,
  • broccoli,
  • beet,
  • zucchini,
  • green pea.

Meat is a source of protein. It is prescribed to be eaten in most diets that allow you to lose weight. You can include chicken and veal in your daily menu. If a girl gives preference to one type of meat, it must be peeled. It contains a large amount of harmful fats. You can eat beef too. However, it is much harder on the stomach. For this reason, it is better to include it in the menu no more than 1-2 times a week.

Only lean meat helps you lose weight. Similar requirements apply to fish. Experts advise giving preference to cod and salmon. These types of fish are classified as dietary. A serving of cod can easily replace a piece of meat, and salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acid, which helps break down fatty tissue.

It is important! When losing weight, you need to drink a lot. To quench your thirst, you can drink plain water or green tea. But it is better to avoid carbonated and sweet drinks.

An indispensable assistant in the fight against extra pounds is kefir. It contains acid, which helps to break down what is between the internal organs. It is very difficult to fight it in other ways. Fruits are the source of the required amount of carbohydrates during weight loss through diet. However, not all of them can be eaten. So, it is better to avoid bananas and grapes. They will slow down weight loss. If a girl wants fruit, it is better to give preference to apples.

Daily menu for weight loss

If a girl does not follow a diet, there is no exact menu. A fashionista can independently alternate foods from the permitted list. However, nutritional rules that allow you to speed up weight loss still exist. So, you need to eat every 2-3 hours. At the same time, the total amount of food consumed per day should remain the same. You need to eat in small portions. Breakfast is a must.

The table below contains a sample menu for every day that allows you to lose weight:

Day of the week Eating Menu
Monday Breakfast Oatmeal with honey + apple
Lunch Cottage cheese without fat + almonds
Dinner Barley + cod + vegetable salad
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese + nuts or fruit
Second afternoon tea Hake + vegetables
Dinner Turkey meat + vegetables
Tuesday Breakfast Wild rice with honey and berries or fruit
Lunch Hake + vegetable salad with olive or linseed oil
Dinner Rice + turkey meat + vegetables
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese + nuts or fruit
Second afternoon tea Pollock + vegetable salad
Dinner Skim cheese
Wednesday Breakfast Crispbread and dark chocolate
Lunch Cod + vegetable salad
Dinner Buckwheat + chicken + vegetable salad
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese + nuts or fruit
Second afternoon tea Cod + vegetable salad
Dinner Chicken meat + vegetable salad
Thursday Breakfast Oatmeal with honey + raspberries or fruit from the list of foods that you can eat according to your diet
Lunch Pollock + vegetable salad
Dinner Rice + turkey meat + vegetable salad
Afternoon snack
Second afternoon tea Hake + vegetable salad
Dinner Cod + vegetable salad
Friday Breakfast Oatmeal with honey + fruit from the list of foods that you can eat according to your diet
Lunch Cottage cheese + a handful of walnuts
Dinner Barley porridge + cod + vegetable salad
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese + nuts or fruit
Second afternoon tea Pollock + vegetables
Dinner Turkey meat + vegetable salad
Saturday Breakfast Wild rice + honey + kiwi
Lunch Cottage cheese + peanuts
Dinner Buckwheat porridge + chicken + vegetable salad
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese + nuts or fruit from the list of foods that you can eat according to your diet
Second afternoon tea Cod + vegetable salad
Dinner Chicken + vegetable salad
Sunday Breakfast Oatmeal with honey + apple
Lunch Hake + vegetables
Dinner Barley + cod + vegetable salad
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese + nuts or fruit from the list of foods that you can eat according to your diet
Second afternoon tea Pollock + vegetable salad
Dinner Skim cheese

Physical exercise

If a girl has decided to lose weight and is trying to figure out what foods to eat to lose weight, she can’t do without physical activity. Their absence will significantly slow down the process.

Why do we gain excess weight? Everyone knows the answer. This is due to poor nutrition and lack of exercise. The term “improper” nutrition means: fast food products, semi-finished products, products containing harmful food additives and other dangerous carcinogens. The question arises: “What to eat to lose weight?”

And you can eat almost anything! However, in order to lose the kilos you have already gained, you need to radically change your diet, throwing out all harmful foods. Start eating the right food! This does not mean going on a diet or limiting yourself to something for a certain time. No! When dieting, irreparable harm is caused to the body, because at first the kilograms go away, but then they can return twice as much.

Basics of proper nutrition

The philosophy of proper nutrition (PN) is to consume foods that are healthy for the human body. Following the basic principles of PP, you need to eat 5 times a day. The following meals are provided: a hearty breakfast, a snack, a large lunch, another snack and a light dinner. By eating every three to four hours, we speed up our metabolism, promoting weight loss.

The key to weight loss is the right combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Calorie counting and portion control are also important. First, you need to calculate the required daily amount of calories, which is individual for everyone. Secondly: create a so-called calorie corridor that helps activate metabolism. Thirdly, limit the amount of consumption of a number of products.

So what should you eat to lose weight not only quickly, but also safely? What foods should you eat?

Vegetables are the basis of our diet

Most likely, when asked about what to eat to quickly lose weight, any person will receive advice to introduce vegetables and greens into their diet. This will be the right decision! These fiber-rich foods will help you lose extra pounds painlessly. The great news for those losing weight is that you can eat vegetables and greens with almost no restrictions.

Cabbage (all types), carrots, beets, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes - they are all rich in vitamins and minerals. There are a lot of variations of vegetable dishes. You can eat them in salads, make vegetable casseroles, boil, bake, stew or grill. Vegetables are best paired with protein.

Sources of protein - meat, fish, eggs and legumes

To lose weight you need to eat dietary types of meat: chicken, rabbit, turkey or, in extreme cases, beef. You should forget a little about pork kebab. You should eat boiled or baked meat. Meat is an essential food product that should not be removed from your diet. To match meat are fish and seafood, which have a number of useful microelements. Fish can be baked or boiled. In any case, it turns out very tasty and healthy.

When losing weight, you can also eat eggs. The myth persists that eggs contain cholesterol. However, 1-2 eggs a day is a healthy option for breakfast or lunch. You can make an omelet from eggs or simply boil them. Eggs are a very useful product for weight loss.

Legumes are another valuable source of protein. Beans, peas, lentils are very nutritious foods. They can be eaten as a side dish or added to soups. They can also partially replace meat.

Fruits are a great snack

To lose weight, you must eat fruit. These can be the usual apples, citrus fruits, apricots, plums, kiwis, etc. You can make a salad, smoothie from the fruit, and you can bake the apples. You need to be careful with bananas and grapes. They are too high in calories.

It is recommended to eat seasonal fruits. In summer, eat apricots, raspberries, currants, and watermelons. But in autumn and winter - pears, apples and citrus fruits.
In the summer, you can prepare dried fruits so that in the winter you can steam them and eat them or make compotes from them.

Dairy products

What dairy products should you eat to lose weight? You should not blindly believe in the miraculous effect of low-fat dairy products. Such products a priori cannot be natural. Preference should be given to low-fat kefir and cottage cheese. But be careful with yogurt; if you eat it, do it without fillers.

What should you not eat if you want to lose weight?

The answer is obvious - you don't need to eat sugar. It is not only useful, it is even harmful to the body. It is better to exclude it from your diet as much as possible. It can be replaced with honey.

You should also be careful with salt. It retains water in the body and promotes swelling. Salt is initially present in every product; the habit of adding salt to food is completely unhelpful. It is worth limiting your salt intake. For example, add salt to a dish only during cooking.

When losing weight, you don't need to eat mayonnaise and ketchup. It’s better to make your own sauces based on sour cream. Mayonnaise can be replaced by sour cream mixed with mustard and curry seasoning. It’s enough to season salads with just olive or vegetable oil.


Having eliminated salt, you will have to somehow compensate for its absence at first. Spices are a great alternative. When choosing them, you need to carefully study the composition. Natural herbs are needed that will complement the taste of dishes, and not drown them out with an unnatural taste. However, spices should be used very carefully, because they increase appetite.

Is it possible to eat flour and sweets when you are losing weight?

It is possible, but in very limited quantities. If flour is prepared without yeast, then it can be eaten, for example, for breakfast. And you need to be careful with sweets. It is better to limit yourself to dark chocolate, which is very healthy in reasonable quantities.

In any case, if you eat flour products and sweets, then only homemade ones. There are many recipes on the Internet with which you can prepare healthy dishes that will not harm your figure at all, unlike store-bought products with dubious ingredients.

Drink water and get rid of extra pounds

To lose weight correctly and quickly, you need to eat regularly and monitor the body’s water balance. Be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of plain water a day. A glass of warm water with lemon, in the morning, on an empty stomach, will help start the digestive system. During the day, you need to adhere to the following regimen: drink water no later than 20 minutes before meals, and no earlier than an hour after meals.

We create a healthy nutrition menu for the day


Option 1 – porridge (oatmeal, barley) + fruit
2nd option – low-fat cottage cheese with honey
3rd option - omelette with vegetables.

If you have a feeling that a breakdown is just around the corner, then you can eat something fatty and high-calorie for breakfast. There will be a whole day ahead to burn off those extra calories. This way you can protect yourself from major breakdowns, and therefore large weight gain.

Snack: 250ml kefir + fruit

Options: Baked Cinnamon Apple Slices or Fruit Salad.


You can cook vegetable soup or eat a piece of meat (preferably boiled or steamed) or fish with vegetables prepared in the correct way (boiled, stewed, baked).

Snack: 250 ml kefir + fruit


Protein (fish, chicken, rabbit, beef) + vegetables.

Quite a filling diet!

When developing a weekly menu, you can enter protein and fasting days. On a protein day you are supposed to eat only protein, and on a fasting day - kefir, apples or buckwheat. This helps speed up your metabolism.

Important! Don't forget about the calorie range. Every day – a different amount of calories (within the acceptable limit).

Proper nutrition is not a short-term method of losing weight. This is a way of life, thanks to which you can safely lose excess weight, and most importantly, prevent it from returning.

The desire to lose weight is familiar to many girls and a variety of techniques can be used for this purpose. To bring your weight back to normal without regaining what you lost, you need to know what you can eat when you’re losing weight and minimize the consumption of unhealthy foods.

Authorized Products

To lose extra pounds, you need to know what to eat when losing weight. Below are products that will not only help in this difficult task, but will also bring great benefits to the whole body:

  1. Eggs. They can be eaten while following almost any diet, saturating the body with the necessary amount of protein, which is directly involved in the process of building cells. However, the yolk contains a lot of fat, so it is recommended to eat no more than one egg per day.
  2. Apples. These fruits contain a lot of iron, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Apples help normalize the functioning of the intestines and activate metabolism. These fruits can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities when losing weight.
  3. Corn, legumes. They contain a large amount of fiber, protein, and vitamins. You can eat them in the evening and not be afraid of gaining weight, since these products are an excellent alternative to poultry and meat, and therefore are added to a variety of diets.
  4. Tomatoes. They contain a minimum number of calories, but provide very quick saturation. Just one tomato contains the daily requirement of carotene and ¼ of the required amount of vitamin C.
  5. Cabbage. You can eat this product in the evening and not be afraid of gaining weight. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber, as well as coarse dietary fiber, thanks to which it helps to quickly cleanse the intestines and easily lose weight. You can eat all types of cabbage when losing weight.
  6. Sweet pepper. This is one of the healthiest low-calorie foods that provides the body with the required amount of carotene and vitamin C. The body spends a lot of energy digesting pepper, so it must be consumed in any diet.
  7. Grapefruit. Many girls are interested in the question, is it possible to eat fruit in the evening? Of course yes, but low-calorie. It is better if there is grapefruit among the fruits for the evening. It has a bitter taste that works real miracles. It contains a large amount of fiber, stimulates the production of bile, and accelerates the process of breaking down fat deposits.
  8. Carrot. This vegetable is a record holder for the content of fiber, carotene, minerals and vitamins. Two carrots a day provide the body with the daily requirement of vitamins.

If you compose your daily diet by combining the above products, you can reduce weight in a relatively short period of time and fill the body with valuable substances necessary for its full functioning. When preparing a diet, you need to follow the principles of healthy eating, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Sweets and flour products for weight loss

When losing weight, you really crave sweets, but eating desserts will not help you lose weight. Almost nothing from sweets and starchy foods is allowed; instead, it is useful to eat natural foods with minimal energy value - for example, dried fruits that have a pleasant sweet taste, but are compatible with almost any diet.

If you are losing weight, you should replace dessert with dried apricots, figs, prunes, and dates. These dried fruits are not only very tasty, but also healthy for the body. This also includes nuts, but it is best to opt for walnuts and hazelnuts.

Baking and baked goods are allowed in small quantities, but only low-calorie ones - crackers, grain cookies, pumpkin or cottage cheese casserole. If you plan to lose weight after childbirth, it is useful to add to your diet products for the production of which not simple wheat flour was used, but oatmeal, buckwheat, whole grain wheat and bran. Sugar should be replaced with natural honey, and bananas should be taken instead of eggs. It turns out not only very tasty, but also healthy.

The question often arises: is it possible to eat marshmallows while losing weight or will the diet be ruined? Despite the fact that marshmallows are classified as sweets, they are allowed, but only in small quantities - no more than 2 pieces per day.

If you find it hard to resist and really want something sweet, you are allowed to eat a little dark chocolate (the maximum portion per day is 50 g). As soon as the body gets used to a low-calorie diet, the craving for cakes and buns will noticeably weaken, and soon disappear altogether.

The following list of healthy and dietary products will help you create a diet that will quickly help you lose excess weight:

  • any vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • dietary meat;
  • fish (only low-fat varieties);
  • dried fruits;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • eggs;
  • fruits;
  • chocolate;
  • paste;
  • marshmallows;
  • marmalade;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • cinnamon;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • mushrooms;
  • green tea;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • grapefruit;
  • Bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • ginger;
  • a pineapple;
  • raspberries.

The question is quite common: when can you eat cottage cheese and kefir? Of course, before going to bed, it is recommended to add any berries. The same applies to an invigorating drink, loved by many - is it possible to drink coffee while losing weight? Yes, but preferably without added sugar. It’s even better to replace it at least temporarily with chicory.

What can you eat for dinner while losing weight?

It is important to remember that after a light and dietary dinner you will not be hungry. If you know what you can eat and what you can’t eat when losing weight, the process of fighting excess weight will not cause any difficulties. The meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Having studied in detail what not to eat and whether it is possible to drink coffee in the evening, each girl can easily create her own diet.

Check out examples of low-calorie dishes:

  • baked beef with spices and a little stewed cabbage;
  • boiled chicken, served as a side salad with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • chicken breast combined with cauliflower or broccoli;
  • vegetable stew;
  • cabbage soup with mushrooms;
  • salad with cucumbers, beef, tomatoes, lettuce;
  • chicken roll, it is recommended to serve fresh Chinese cabbage as a side dish;
  • vegetable stew with stewed low-calorie fish;
  • boiled beef with grilled vegetables.

Is it possible to eat at night?

To lose weight quickly, you need to know what you can eat when you're losing weight for dinner. The meal before bed should be low-calorie; the ideal option would be cottage cheese seasoned with dietary natural yogurt, a little milk and low-fat cheeses. It is worth diversifying your diet with a salad of fresh vegetables and fish; black bread is allowed, but in limited quantities.

Watch the video, which talks about the principles of proper nutrition and several main dietary products, which, if consumed regularly, can quickly lose weight and carry out an effective healing course for the whole body.

To quickly lose weight and cleanse your body of accumulated toxins, you need not only to add healthy and low-calorie foods to your diet, but also not to forget about regular physical activity. Proper nutrition combined with exercise gives amazing results in a very short time.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 11 minutes


There are a huge number of diets that allow you to lose excess weight. But for some reason, few people think that it is enough to approach the issue of nutrition competently and wisely, and no restrictions will simply be needed. There are certain rules that should be followed so as not to cry on the scales, and there are also. How to eat right?

  • Watch your portion sizes. In short, eat less! And at home, and at a party, and in public catering. Refuse the heavy salad and replace it with a light one. And share the main dish with a friend.
  • Avoid large plates at home. Take a smaller plate. And accordingly, use smaller portions. Remember that the body does not need as much food as you are used to putting in. Enough to make you feel a little full.
  • We eat much more if we eat while watching a movie on TV(fact proven by scientists). Learn to think of the nutrition process as refueling your car. How much fuel do you need to get your car going? Refueled and off we went.
  • Try to plan your menu at least a day in advance. And even better - for the whole week. The day before your work day, think about what exactly you will feed your body? Stock up on yogurt and a couple of fruits to satisfy your hunger in a timely manner and not have to run to the store later for chips and chocolates.
  • Once you have set your menu for the week, stick to it. Buy all products in advance. Tape your menu to the refrigerator and eat only what is on it. Hide the “extra” products so that there is no temptation to grab a couple of Krakow bagels or a smoked ham before dinner.
  • Drink more water. This is the basis of proper nutrition. Minimum one and a half liters per day (soups, juices, tea and coffee go separately).
  • Be sure to have breakfast in the morning. Breakfast should not be heavy, but it must contain those nutrients that will help you survive until lunch. Dairy and fiber are a must. See.
  • Stick to your diet strictly. If there are still a couple of hours before lunch, but you are simply unbearably hungry, and you are ready to run for a hamburger, grab an apple, pear or banana. Snack on fruit - it will not do any harm, and the feeling of acute hunger will go away.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Every day. At every meal. The most useful green vegetables are Chinese cabbage, lettuce, arugula, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, etc. They contain the maximum amount of essential vitamins and ensure smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid fruits in syrup(canned) and cheap fruit juices. Reduce your sugar intake with tea and coffee. If possible, replace sweets with fruits, candied fruits, dried fruits, and dark chocolate.
  • Minimize your salt intake. In some cases, refuse it altogether. For example, a vegetable salad dressed with oil will not suffer at all in taste from the lack of salt. Again, a boiled egg can be consumed without salt.
  • Eliminate the wrong carbohydrates(sugar, rice, flour) and introduce healthy ones (fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grain bread).
  • Don't forget about fiber! The minimum amount per day is about thirty g. Look for it in whole grains and fruits and vegetables.
  • Swap unhealthy fats for healthy ones– for nuts and avocados, olive oil and pumpkin seeds, fish, etc. Reduce, if possible, the consumption of red meat, whole milk products, as well as fried foods, cookies, margarine, etc.
  • Protein is essential. This is the source of our energy. Look for it daily in fish, beans, nuts, eggs and tofu.
  • Vitamin D and calcium(dairy products, beans, leafy vegetables) - you can’t live without them.
  • Strictly avoid catering. Cook it yourself! Not semi-finished products, but “first, second and compote.” You can prepare it in advance and put it in the freezer, this will save time. And money – even more so.
  • Consume high-calorie foods only in the first half of the day. In the second - only the lungs.
  • During the day, try to burn more calories than you consume per day. Keep a notebook for the first time to see the “income and expenditure” of extra kg.
  • Avoid fatty-sweet-spicy-salty.
  • Any dietary restrictions are meaningless without physical activity. If you don’t want to become an old woman ahead of time, then combine your proper nutrition with proper exercise. Then your skin will not sag and your muscles will not weaken.

What is the right thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

What to eat for breakfast

This energy boost is the basis of the whole day. Breakfast is not stored on the hips and is processed into clean energy. Requirements for a proper breakfast:

  • Buns, sandwiches, toast and croissants - out. They only tire the body, which after such a breakfast wants to go back to bed.
  • Pulses for breakfast are too much . The exception is buckwheat.
  • The main part of breakfast should be fruit. Especially in the summer. In winter, you can replace them with dried fruits.
  • Must be included in your morning meal yogurt, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese .
  • Pure milk for breakfast can only be consumed before six in the morning. For example, with cinnamon - it provides vigor.
  • Ideal breakfast - fruit salad , seasoned with yoghurt or fermented baked milk. You can also add berries and nuts.
  • For second breakfast you can eat porridge (for example, oatmeal), fruit and a small piece of dark chocolate.

What to eat for lunch

For the most part, we eat lunch very quickly, without really thinking about what we are eating, and throwing what we have at hand into the firebox. Because the job is waiting. And this meal requires a serious approach. And of course, sandwiches are absolutely not suitable for lunch. As a last resort, you can order lunch to the office or find a canteen with hot lunches. Requirements for a proper lunch:

  • At lunch you don’t have to limit yourself in food , but this meal should not occur later than two o'clock in the afternoon.
  • For the first course you can eat, for example, borscht, for the second - buckwheat side dish and two hundred grams of chicken breast. Don't forget about salad (fresh vegetables only) and yeast-free bread. For the third - compote or juice from fresh fruits.
  • Avoid smoked and fried meats at lunch . Replace it with steamed meat and plenty of vegetables.

What should you eat for dinner?

How does dinner usually go? We eat a lot of everything (and certainly with dessert), after which we collapse on the sofa in front of the TV to digest all this abundance of food. Moreover, while you come home from work, while you prepare dinner, while you gather the whole family at the table, the clock hands are confidently approaching ten in the evening. As a result, we spend the night digesting food instead of resting. So how should it be? Requirements for a proper dinner:

  • Dinner should be light. The optimal time for dinner is no later than four hours before bedtime. Preferably around six o'clock in the evening.
  • For dinner you should not eat pulses – they should be eaten in the first half of the day.
  • The best dishes for dinner are steamed or raw vegetables . Certainly not meat and chips and a huge piece of cake.
  • You can drink warm milk before going to bed , seasoned with a spoon of honey - it promotes restful sleep and quick fall asleep.

Correct menu for the day

Since morning:
A glass of water immediately after you get out of bed. Get yourself into this habit.
Breakfast :

  • A couple of dried breads.
  • Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Or a vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • 100 g cottage cheese (cheese).
  • Tea, coffee, maybe with milk.


  • 100 g of berries (fruits).
  • Natural juice.


  • Soup (lean, fish, vegetable puree soup, or low-fat broth).
  • About 150 g of fish, turkey or chicken (not fried). Baked or stewed. No “tasty” skins or crusts! For example, salmon kebab or turkey stew.
  • Salad (fresh vegetables only!) with vegetable (olive) oil.
  • Garnish – maximum four tablespoons. It is preferable to avoid it altogether, replacing it with a larger portion of salad. Or stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack:

  • 100 g of berries or fruits.
  • Tea-coffee, juice or water. You can use low-fat yogurt. Choose.


  • A couple of dried breads.
  • Any vegetables. It is better if you follow the “tradition”: fresh vegetables and vegetable oil.
  • 100 g of cheese or cottage cheese, plus a boiled egg.
  • Boiled (baked) chicken (turkey) breast. Or boiled (stewed) fish.
  • Drink optional.

And the most important thing to remember: we eat only to live, and not vice versa.

You might have probably thought that in order to lose weight you need to significantly limit yourself in food or even give it up for a while. Admit it, did this happen?

But such thinking is fundamentally wrong. Resorting to strict diets and fasting can only cause colossal harm to your body!

Therefore, my dears, let's look at what and how to eat in order to lose weight and improve your health if you have resorted to harsh methods.

What to eat to lose weight: food list

Grapefruit– removes excess fluid and harmful substances from the body, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves food absorption. This citrus fruit has the property of satisfying hunger and blocking appetite for a long time.

A pineapple– the main fruit for fat burning, since it contains the enzyme bromelain, which breaks down fat coming from food. In addition, pineapple helps speed up the digestion of heavy protein foods.

Pomegranate– has properties because it has a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for human health: iodine, calcium, iron, silicon, vitamin C and B vitamins.

Kiwi– a source of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and fiber, which are helpers in the fight against excess weight. Eating this fruit will not only normalize metabolism, but will also remove excess water.

Pear– removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. For weight loss, it is noteworthy that the pear contains essential oils that will help cope with stress or even depression due to giving up your favorite “snacks”.

Apple– contains pectin, the benefit of which is the ability to remove excess water and harmful substances from the body, as well as improve intestinal motility and reduce cholesterol levels.

White cabbage– with a low calorie content, it perfectly satisfies hunger, completely filling the stomach. This affordable vegetable normalizes the intestinal microflora and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas.

Tomato– a low-calorie fruit that can quickly satisfy hunger when consumed in small quantities. In addition, eating this vegetable improves mood and fights stress, which is part of the life of overweight people.

Cucumber– 95% consists of water, contains vitamins A, C and groups, as well as components important for weight loss – potassium, manganese, magnesium. By eating cucumbers in your diet, you will speed up digestion and remove toxins and excess water from the body.

Carrot– has a positive effect on metabolism, regulates intestinal functions, and also acts as a mild laxative. This vegetable is low in calories because it contains about 90% water, and a significant amount of fiber regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Onion– regular use of it in your diet will have a beneficial effect on metabolism, and will also prevent the appearance of new fat cells due to the rutin content in onions. You can eat different types of onions to lose weight, but leeks are particularly beneficial.

Garlic– stimulates metabolism, helps with bloating, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. This vegetable reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, so it is perfect for obese people.

Celery– a green vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, which improve intestinal motility and eliminate toxins. In addition, celery can rightfully be called a product for the beauty of skin and nails.

Lettuce leaves– contains fiber, which helps regulate metabolism and cleanse the body. Salad is one of the lowest calorie foods, since it consists of 90% water, and it also contains vitamins A, C, D, E, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Legumes(peas, beans, lentils) – contain large amounts of protein and, in combination with animal protein, are well absorbed. After eating them, the feeling of hunger does not come for a long time, and the content in beans improves metabolism.

Chicken eggs– provide a feeling of fullness for a long time due to the large amount of protein they contain. Eggs help speed up metabolic processes in fatty tissues. I recommend using them boiled, 2 pieces each. few times a week.

Lean meat, poultry– veal, rabbit, chicken breast, turkey are sources of protein necessary for building muscle tissue without the risk of gaining extra pounds in the form of fat. In addition, the body spends more energy on the absorption of protein-containing foods than it receives from them.

Sea fish and seafood– contain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and iodine, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for hormonal levels and the speed of all metabolic processes.

Low-fat fermented milk products(kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt) - contain an element such as calcium, which accelerates the process of breaking down fat cells. Sour milk restores intestinal microflora and speeds up digestion. The protein in their composition is easily digestible and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Oatmeal - contains about 10% soluble fiber, which cleanses the human body of toxins and improves the functioning of the entire digestive system. Oatmeal also regulates cholesterol and blood glucose levels, is easily digestible and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Buckwheat– rich in fiber, cleanses of waste and toxins, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, reduces cholesterol. The nutritional value of buckwheat consists of protein compounds and complex carbohydrates, thanks to which hunger will not soon occur after eating it.

– reduces blood sugar levels, as a result of which the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the formation of fat cells from unspent energy, is produced in smaller quantities. Therefore, with long-term use of this spice, weight loss is observed.

Ginger– accelerates blood circulation and digestion, removes toxins, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Ginger does not lose its properties either in pickled or grated form.

Green tea - accelerates metabolism due to the content of tannin, iodine, potassium, fluorine and B vitamins in its leaves. In addition, this drink fills with energy and enhances performance, which will only be a plus for everyone who wants to lose extra pounds.

What should you not eat if you want to lose weight?

    Products containing trans fats.

    How to eat to lose weight?

    1. Don't diet, just eat right.

      Remember that strict diets can cause great damage to your health and metabolic rate.

      And proper and balanced nutrition will help you not only lose weight, but also be a healthy person, filled with vital energy and ready for great achievements.

      Change your diet gradually.

      If proper nutrition is something completely new and unknown for you, you should not suddenly switch to it at one moment, so as not to expose your body to stress.


      • Instead of heavy cream, put skim milk in your coffee;
      • replace white bread with rye bread;
      • instead of sweets, eat a sweet banana;
      • put honey in tea;
      • Dress the salad not with mayonnaise, but with sour cream.
    2. Eat high-calorie foods before noon, as your metabolic rate is higher at this time, and you can use the resulting energy throughout the day.
    3. Finish your meal before you feel full, as this feeling comes only 20-30 minutes after eating.
    4. Chew all your food well, so it is better absorbed and you will feel full faster.
    5. Don't neglect it - this is the main meal that gives the body all the nutrients it needs and helps you consume fewer calories throughout the day.

      And if you skipped your morning meal, then don’t be surprised that already in the afternoon you will be drawn to something tasty and “forbidden”, and it will be difficult for you to deny yourself it.

      Change your cooking habits.

      Forget about fried foods and dishes, give preference to baking, stewing, and steaming.

      Eat fresh food rather than reheated food.

      Cook only as much as you can eat at a time.

    6. Replace the usual large and deep plates with small saucers or salad bowls. This trick will help you eat less.
    7. Avoid overly salty foods and add less salt to your meals than usual.
    8. Make your diet varied throughout the week.

      Firstly, you won’t get bored with healthy food, and secondly, you will receive a full range of nutrients.

      Drink clean water.

      Your daily norm will be 30 ml of water multiplied by 1 kg of current weight.

      Drink it not during meals, but between breaks - 15-20 minutes before meals and 1 hour after.

    Follow our advice, eat the right food for your health and pleasure!

    Eat and lose weight!

    Forward to slimness!

    Do you want to lose weight without dieting? Do you need help and moral support on your way to a healthy and slim body?

    Then let's get acquainted :) My name is Daria Khimchenko and I am the author of the project and part-time certified nutritionist-nutritionist.

    Write me a letter indicating your goals and the note “Forward to slimness” by e-mail [email protected]. And within 24 hours you will go on an exciting journey through the world of a bright and varied diet that will give you health, lightness and inner harmony.
