What where when Olesya Mukhina. Ales Mukhin: "What? Where? When?" tries to stay out of politics as much as possible

How he decided to have a third child, how the search for the meaning of life ended, and what he did when everything seemed boring - Ales Mukhin told Komsomolskaya Pravda in the column “What Men Want” [photo]

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Ales and Tatyana got married while they were still students, he was 19, she was 20. 20 years later, the couple was raising adult children: Anton - 20, Dasha - 13. It would seem - live and enjoy. But the couple again plunged into baby diapers: on September 18, the wife gave birth to the 41-year-old expert’s third child - son Vasily.

Ales, you were born, as they say, with a golden spoon in your mouth: a late child of wealthy parents, who, in addition to inheritance, passed on your intelligence and intelligence. What else does a man need to be happy?

I am a supporter of the theory that happiness does not just happen, the strongest are lucky. Also, to remain happy and successful, you need to work hard. The most annoying thing is when people have luck, but they cannot take advantage of it. I am indeed a very lucky person in many matters: for example, in marriage.

- But at the age of 19, you probably didn’t know how to handle this luck?

That's right, thank God, I was born into a democratic family with the right moral principles, I was able to adopt a lot and build my relationship with Tatyana for mutual benefit. We divided areas of responsibility and agreed on basic values.

For example, that you cannot be offended by a loved one, much less carry this resentment within yourself. It’s better to say at the first opportunity how you like or don’t like it. For many, grievances accumulate for years, and as a result, a small twig ignites a fire, which almost leads to divorce. In our family, there is no such thing as someone carrying a pebble in their bosom; everyone speaks out at once. We teach children to do the same.

- But it was difficult at first?

Yes, but this, like any skill, is learned. The main thing is to want and understand why you are forced to break yourself. A happy family is precisely the incentive for which you have to work hard in many matters.

- What else did you have to agree on in marriage?

I immediately said what I don’t do. I am a perfectionist in life and try to do only those things that I do well. I try to ensure that my financial condition, starting from my early youth, allows me to attract professionals so that they do well what I cannot do.

For example, while on vacation in Spain, when they called me and said that in Minsk the entire riser in our house was turned off because I had flooded four floors, I took out a certificate stating that three weeks ago a plumber from the housing office changed the faucet. On the one hand, it’s like I’m not a man, because I didn’t change the faucet myself, on the other hand, it was changed by a professional. Yes, it’s unprofessional, but it still saved me the budget for renovations of neighbors’ apartments.

Or, for example, if I know that a particular pate is well made in a particular cafe, I would rather buy it there than force Tanya to train to make the pates that I love.

“I want it to be my way, and I create the conditions for how it can be”

As I understand from your few interviews, you don’t know how to do much in the family, and that’s why marriage is luck for you. Does your spouse cope successfully with everyday life while you earn money?

Yes, but I understand that Tatyana’s possibilities are also not limitless, I didn’t marry a housewife, but the woman I loved. Therefore, my task, ever since my hungry student days, was to save and buy new technical household items in order to make my wife’s life easier. For example, a mixer that 20 years ago ground vegetables for little Antoshi. The update process is never-ending. Recently, on September 16, it was my birthday, and my friends gave us a robot vacuum cleaner.

I had a dishwasher in my dacha at a time when many houses had never even heard of it. So that the wife does not waste time and effort on washing dishes after the departure of the numerous guests who like to visit us.

- Almost an ideal husband. But do you have any shortcomings?

I have a lot of them. I'm neat and tidy. Therefore, my poor family is forced not to throw socks and handbags throughout the apartment, but to put them down and put them in their places. A whole compartment in the closet has been prepared for women's handbags. I want it to be my way, but at the same time I create the conditions for how it can be.

- But many will tell you that a spectacular handbag is a decoration for any apartment!

Absolutely right: this is what we are fighting against (smiles).

I also love delicious and exclusive food. To have beautiful napkins and dishes on the table. We rarely eat what we cooked yesterday. At the same time, once a week we have daddy’s day. And since I don’t cook myself, I take my family to a cafe or restaurant. It's called "daddy cooked it."

What should be on Ales Mukhin’s table during the remaining six days? Will you refuse to try pasta with sausages?

It’s just that I don’t like pasta, so I won’t... In general, half of my friends are sure that I didn’t marry my wife, but my mother-in-law. In the summer we often live at the dacha, so Tanya relaxes in the summer and her grandmother cooks.

- Money, women, self-realization - in what order would you place the main male desires?

Self-realization is ahead simply because it helps my family live well. I simply don’t deal with issues in which self-realization does not help my family live well - for example, visiting a fitness club. To maintain my physical fitness, I like to walk my dog ​​in the evening: it feels good for both the dog and me, and it benefits the family...

In fact, I always lack time; this is the main resource that I always want to take somewhere. Therefore, I live a strange life: I always do two, or even three things at the same time.

- But this quickly depletes the nervous system.

Yes, that’s why a vacation for me is a beach for 10 days, of which the first five I just lie down. I allow myself such a vacation a couple of times a year.

- Self-realization is clear, but what about women?

I can't say that I'm not interested in women. I'm happy for my son when he gets a beautiful girlfriend. I enjoy working and communicating with people who are beautiful internally and externally. But money is also extremely important for me: it is not an end in itself, but a tool to live the way I want, in those hours when I do not earn money. But we don’t save money, it doesn’t work out.

- But is it possible to save $200 a month?

It's kind of petty. If you need a large purchase, we borrow money from the bank. I think this is correct. Because today I went to a restaurant instead of saving 50 dollars, and tomorrow I bought a car.

- Yeah, and then I gave the bank a quarter of what I borrowed.

Yes, everything has its drawbacks. But there is also a proverb: don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. And you can borrow from them if you really need it! But I have a goal - I understand that now this money must be given away.

“Our three children were raised by three different Alesyas and three different Tanyas”

Car, apartment, dacha, captaincy in the Moscow “What? Where? When?”... Sometimes accomplished men worry that everything in this life has already happened, that everything has been achieved, that everything is boring. What do you want?

This is exactly the period I experienced a year ago, which is why I gave birth to Vasenka.

So, is it true that the birth of a third child in a long marriage is an attempt to cheer up oneself, and often family relationships?

These are completely new emotions and definitely a reboot of relationships and family. It's like pressing the start button: “Go!” Only if tactical missiles shoot out the steps, then here you, on the contrary, shoot them towards you.

After forty, it seems to many that the children have already grown up, and all the pleasures have been tried, and passions have cooled, often spouses become friends. It is at this time that many divorces occur...

I’m generally surprised how every normal family, where the level of respect and health of the spouses has been preserved, cannot figure out the secret of happiness - having a child after forty. This is generally a recipe for improving and strengthening the relationship between a woman and a man.

I remember my parents, they were very young because they had me, whom they gave birth to at 38 years old. It is my deep conviction that late children are a recipe for happiness in the relationship between mom and dad.

- But someone will agree that children are the flowers of life, and someone will say that they are a burden and responsibility.

Yes - a burden, a responsibility, but these are new colors of life. The one who walks will master the road. Life is boring for someone who is not interested in anything. If we are talking about the relationship of a couple who, by the age of forty, went through everyday life, children together, travel, experienced all the emotions, some even accumulated negative ones, perhaps there were betrayals, grievances accumulated, but the people remained together - everything went through...

- Can this be reset?

Yes, through a child, all this can at least be reset and rebooted. Because a child as a student, like our Antoshka, and as an adult, like Vasenka, are completely different. If we take our three children, we can say that they were raised by three different Alesyas and three different Tanyas.

Psychologists are sure that a child is also a huge risk, a test for a couple: weak marriages are finished off, strong ones are strengthened. But what a risk, it’s really hard, especially for women. And a man who is already accustomed to being independent must harness himself. Ready?

What is our life? A game! Without risk, nothing happens in this life; without risk, there are no strong emotions. There is no strong satisfaction unless some great work has happened before.

“The wife perceived the thought of a third child as fantasy and a whim”

For the last three or four years I have been dreaming about having a baby. This has always happened in life. When my first-born Antoshka was born, I was happy for the first five years, and then I started following Tanya and whining: “I want a girl.” Dasha was born.

For the last two or three years, I have been following my wife and saying that we are still able, by all parameters, to give birth to a third child. Tanya perceived this as fantasy and a whim.

- The master, you see, wanted...

Yes (laughs). I understood that, first of all, this is a test for a woman; here I must give my wife her due. I am simply delighted with Tanya and grateful to the bottom of my heart. Maybe this is a whim of the master, but it is happiness when a woman understands. That's why I said that my luck happened when I was 19.

- Many, when it seems that they have achieved everything, begin to look for the meaning of life. Have you tried it?

I was looking too. But during that last year, when I got bored, I didn't find it. Maybe I’m not a thinker, but I haven’t found any meaning in life that is exclusive to me. So when we realized that we would have a child if we wanted it, I made every effort to make it happen. Because, perhaps, this is the meaning of the next 10 - 15 years. Everything coincided so well that I do not regard it as anything other than God’s providence...

As for men's desires, I always wanted a good strong family, like my parents, I wanted to have a loving, understanding and sometimes even forgiving person next to me, because I am far from a gift in everyday life, I am quite emotional, I don’t do what Don't want.

I also always asked God for healthy children who would grow up to be Humans with a capital “H”, so that He would show me how to do this. I wanted to have reliable and understanding friends nearby with whom we love to spend time.

- Do you understand that Vassenka will take up a significant part of the time devoted to friends?

Is not a fact. We have a joke when I want to involve children in useful work, but they resist, I say: “Why did I give birth to so many of you if you can’t do it (laughs)”? I think this argument will be used with Vasily. In addition, I told the elder Anton to get ready: for him, the birth of Vasenka is a test in battle, let him train (laughs).


Ales MUKHIN, captain of the team of the Moscow elite club “What? Where? When?”, author and presenter of the Belarusian television version of the game. He graduated from the Faculty of History of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University with a degree in teaching history and English. Since the late 90s, he has headed large commercial structures of various directions. Now he runs the largest tea and coffee holding company “Karavan”. His wife Tatyana is the editor-in-chief of the television project “What? Where? When?" in Belarus ". Son Anton, daughter Daria, son Vasily.

Ales Vasilievich Mukhin is a teacher and entrepreneur from Belarus, who won the position of captain of the club team “What? Where? When?". The strongest team leader participated in school tournaments from his youth before making a career in an elite club.

Childhood and youth

Ales Mukhin is a native of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk). Born in 1976, September 16. In an interview, he admits that in elementary school he often did not attend classes and studied satisfactorily, although he had high intelligence. In high school, my interest in education grew along with my grades. There are few facts about the family in Ales’s biography.

From a comprehensive school, Ales's parents transferred him to an educational institution with an emphasis on the English language. This could not but affect the choice of his future profession: Mukhin later became a graduate of the Pedagogical University in Minsk, receiving the specialty “teacher of history and English.”

One school incident played a role in Ales’s education. In the eleventh grade, the future expert was in conflict with the history teacher, defending his point of view about the influence of some historical fact on the course of events. To prove he was right, as well as expand knowledge in this area, Ales decided to become a teacher.

With the games “What? Where? When?" I have known Mukhin since school. The AMO youth team took part in competitions at the regional level. Interest in intellectual tournaments did not disappear during his student days, and in 2001 the player was accepted into the ranks of an elite club.


After receiving a higher education diploma, Ales Mukhin devoted time to business. He proved himself to be a brilliant entrepreneur in areas of activity that do not overlap with each other.

Mukhin took his first steps in the business world as director of a perfume company. Later he became the founder and leader of the Euroset branch in Belarus. During the time he managed the branch, Ales Vasilievich managed to open 110 BelEvroset stores within the Republic.

Mukhin left the cellular communications business in 2008, having found a more profitable position in the Caravan company, which supplies tea and coffee to the country.

“Caravan” became the main project in Ales’s life. Minsk sources publish materials about the company, employees and director with interest. According to Realt.by, in 2014 the company was already the largest supplier of coffee and tea on the Belarusian market.

The General Director approaches management issues creatively and responsibly, taking care of every detail of the business. According to Mukhin, Caravan employees and guests should feel comfortable. Ales cares about the prosperity of the company, and this can be seen in the management style, even in the interior, which was carefully worked on by a team of professionals.

It is known that a businessman puts maximum effort into any business. Persistence and competent business strategies allowed Ales Vasilyevich to be included in the list of the most successful people in Belarus.

In addition to entrepreneurial activities, Mukhin participates in the Belarusian KVN as a jury member. By the way, for some time he played as part of one of the teams.

"What? Where? When?"

To the elite club “What? Where? When?" Ales Mukhin came in 2001, immediately taking leadership of the team. Three years later, the captain was awarded the Crystal Owl, and later he received the title of “Best Team Player.”

In 2009, Ales Mukhin became the new host of the “What? Where? When?", which is broadcast in Belarus on the ONT channel. It is interesting that broadcasts on television brought Mukhin more popularity than the business projects to which the connoisseur devoted a significant part of his life.

The viewer knows Ales as a player and captain with a clear civic position, ready to defend the interests of the team. During the period of leadership in the games “What? Where? When?" There were both enchanting victories and loud conflicts.

Since the beginning of March 2016, the strongest player, two-time winner of the Crystal Owl, owner of the Diamond Owl, winner of the What? Where? When?" . He left the game quietly, without a scandal, so the audience came to their senses by the end of the summer, but this outcome was expected.

In 2014, Ilya Novikov acted as a lawyer in the case. From an interview with fontanka.ru it is known that the expert informed the producer of the program “What? Where? When?" about the possible consequences of the scandalous case and agreed to leave the team at any time. For a couple of years, Novikov combined games (Mukhin’s team was the winner three times, Novikov was recognized as the best player) and lawyering.

As representatives of the program explained, the situation is directly related to politics, and the participants “What? Where? When?" should be far from it. For viewers there is no Ilya Novikov the lawyer, only an expert.

In 2016, towards the end of the Savchenko case, the controversy and scandals surrounding the trials became impossible to ignore. The producer, according to Ilya, asked Novikov to abandon the upcoming games. The expert agreed with the verdict and left the program before filming the spring series of games. Captain Ales Mukhin and other team members, following Novikov, refused to participate in the game.

Mukhin's new team in 2018

In 2017, a new composition of the Mukhin team was introduced: Vera Rabkina, Daria Shevtsova, Nikolai Krapil, Mikhail Malkin, Stanislav Mereminsky. The scandal surrounding lawyer Novikov has subsided.

In the same year, Ales Mukhin appeared on the air of another intellectual game on Channel One - “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

Personal life

Successful in business and intellectually developed, Ales Mukhin is also an exemplary family man. The connoisseur met his future wife Tatyana during his student years at a costume party.

Soon after the meeting, the young people entered into a romantic relationship, and a few years later the couple legalized their relationship. In marriage, the Mukhin family had three children: Anton, Daria and Vasily.

Ales Mukhin now

Ales Mukhin’s team continues to participate in the series of games “What? Where? When?". On June 3, 2018, the second summer game aired. The players included: Vera Rabkina, Daria Solovey, Nikolai Krapil, Mikhail Malkin, Stanislav Mereminsky. The team snatched victory from TV viewers in the last round. Throughout the game the score remained in favor of the experts, and then leveled - 5:5. Vera Rabkina managed to give the correct answer, which brought the last winning point. The game ended with a score of 6:5 in favor of Ales Mukhin's team.

Team Mukhin in 2018

Last Sunday, one of the best players of the Moscow elite club “What? Where? When?”, winner of the Crystal Owl prize and the title of “Best Club Captain” Ales Mukhin flew to Almaty to become a presenter at the penultimate game of the Almaty club. And the experts were the players from his team - Stanislav Mereminsky and Mikhail Malkin.

- Ales, how do you like Almaty? Did you have time to take a walk and see the city?

I liked Almaty last time, when we opened the Almaty elite club “What? Where? When?” First of all, I liked the people. Maybe I’m so lucky, but I communicate with the organizers; last time there was a lot of communication with the guests. We were walking along your pedestrian boulevard, people came up to us, talked, and I liked the kind of inner openness of people. This is very cool, it seems to me that this means that the country is on the right path, because people are not embittered, but, how can I put it correctly, well, the right word is open.

I also liked Almaty because the city is trying to preserve some of the spirit of the city with history, and at the same time there are a lot of designer new buildings. If Astana is, in principle, a new city with some fabulous buildings, then in Almaty this is done in separate areas. For example, your bypass road on the way to The Ritz-Carlton (Esentai Tower business center - Auto.), this deserves respect, I have seen this in the most developed countries of the world, and it is very pleasing. There is no such thing in Belarus.

- Thank you, this is a compliment for all Almaty residents. You went to the mountains today. How do you like Medeu? Did you go ice skating?

You know, we didn’t go ice skating, there was a very heavy fog today, and we didn’t have much time because we needed to prepare for today’s event. We went to Medeu in order to touch a piece of our common history. We all know that many European and world records were set on Medeu. And of course I just wanted to see how it is the largest high-mountain skating rink in the world and remains so.

And, of course, Shymbulak. The cable car is one of the longest in the world, well, we rode for a very long time. We had a very foggy day today, and at some point, when the cable car was high above ground level, there was a very strange feeling: you are in the fog, and it goes so quietly, especially on one of the long stretches, it’s not even clear you’re standing or you go. Even a slight claustrophobia began - well, in a good way.

It’s great, well done, for supporting the infrastructure. I was surprised by the large number of vacationers. They rode from the mountains, and busloads of students came to Medeu. It turned out that Kazakhstan is a sports country! This is wonderful!

You worked as a director of a perfume company, then at Euroset, then in a business not related to mobile communications. By the way, which one?

I now manage the largest holding company in Belarus for the production and sale of tea and coffee.

- Why tea?

First of all, it's good for people. There is such a social moment. I was offered some employment related to those products that are not always useful to people. It still seemed to me that tea and coffee are something that is always needed, and this is an eternal business if it is built correctly. You always want to work with confidence in the future. Well, in addition to this, these are colonial goods, which give a good markup and make it possible, with the right approach, to sell them well, to sell a lot. It so happens that in this company the owner is primarily a marketer. And, of course, it was important to arrange the business process in such a way that everything would work well. And I’ve been involved with this company for ten years now.

- What are your volumes? Do you sell tea only in Belarus?

No, over the years we have already built a large coffee production plant in Belarus. And he began shipping, including to the Russian Federation. And there were even shipments to Kazakhstan, but this is not a systematic business. We are interested in the Kazakh market. This is ground coffee, called Barista MIO. We had an interesting advertising campaign, where I, Vadim Galygin and another Belarusian celebrity - a singer, we made some noise on the Internet. And our company is large, more than a thousand people work there.

What do such leaps in the field of activity have to do with your versatility, or do you just go with the flow and see where it’s better to turn?

In fact, if you look deeply, there are no differences, because for the last exactly 20 years I have been leading people. I manage people, being the captain of the team “What? Where? When?”, I manage people in the Belarusian club “What? Where? When?”, being the general producer and host of the project, I do the same in the company “Karavan”, also as in Euroset, in the laundry and courier company. And what the business is based on is already a question of long-term or short-term strategy, these are slightly different questions. But basically I do the same thing everywhere.

Photo of the organizers of the game "What? Where? When?" Almaty

- So, first of all, you are a manager?

- In general, you are a historian by training. Apparently, this is where the first makings of a connoisseur came from?

I went into history because I initially had an interest in history and geography since childhood. At the age of six, I knew the capitals of all the countries of the world, for example, their outlines - what they look like, who borders whom, how and why exactly such borders were formed. But why the borders were formed in this way is already history. That is, it is impossible to get involved in geography, especially political, without mastering some historical moments. Therefore, when the question of higher education arose, I realized that I had strong English and was attracted to history.

In addition, historical science implies not only the presence of historical disciplines. We had such subjects as logic, rhetoric, which are extremely important in the modern world in any case - in the same management, and in the game "What? Where? When?"

- So you combine hobbies, business, and life in one thing?

First of all, this is a hobby that has turned into a piece of life. Firstly, because we manage to show good results at the Moscow club for many years. And this story could have ended quite quickly if it hadn’t worked out. And when we opened the Belarusian TV club nine years ago, it was very difficult. This is a very difficult creative process associated with the fact that "What? Where? When?" is one of the technologically complex television programs. Our Moscow colleagues have developed a whole brand book “What? Where? When?”, which we call among ourselves “the bible”.

- How does the game differ in mentality in Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus? What are the main differences?

It was a discovery for me not only that Kazakhs are sports people, but also that they are very gambling.

- We even have our own Las Vegas - the city of Kapchagay. Haven't you been there?

From the first game we went there to the after-party, to one of the casinos, they were our partners. We stopped by to visit them to see what your casinos look like. Although I don’t play in casinos, it’s not of any interest to me, but nevertheless it was interesting to meet the guys.

The first difference between Kazakhs is passion. Secondly, I was pleasantly surprised by the intellectual level of the teams that played at the two games I attended. The confidence with which they took on very difficult questions was a revelation to me, to be honest. Because I understand that these are people who have never played “What? Where? When?” To me this means that they have a very strong background, which is very cool.

Photo of the organizers of the game "What? Where? When?" Almaty

- Who did you become friends with from Kazakhstani clubs?

We communicate most with the organizers, I really liked their approach to business, I liked how high the bar they initially raised the game to. Therefore, we actually have some kind of communication, not only when I am here, we consult on game formulas or technical issues. I can say that I usually don’t communicate as much with the organizers as I do with the guys here.

- You said about Kazakhstan. What are the differences between the game in Belarus?

You know, we have a very kind club. People often tell me that you should be meaner to experts. Even the spectators, who usually root for the experts, say this. Maybe this is due to the fact that I am a player myself and I am internally for them. But kindness also has limits, and the main point is that we always strictly adhere to the rules of the game. Well, the charisma of the presenter is still a very important thing. It matters who the leader is. The question is not even about the rules, but about how he knows how to catch the floor, what his signature serves are. In this sense, you are lucky and you have a whole parade of presenters.

- You are a perfectionist. Does this help or hinder you more?

I am a perfectionist, I try to be one, but not in every step I take, otherwise I would be some kind of tortured cracker, a bore. This often helps at work. I am a perfectionist in those things that I understand and that are a priority for me. This is where I try to do everything as well as possible.

Photo of the organizers of the game "What? Where? When?" Almaty

Ales, towards the end of our conversation I will ask probably the most unpleasant question for you. About your team player Ilya Novikov and Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko. Comment what was it?

All comments have already been given. We missed the season, now we are already playing with a new lineup. We spent a long time preparing ourselves mentally for this season, preparing hard for it in order to play with this particular coach and this roster.

We had a team that had been welded together for years. If, in general, one of the players can, in principle, be changed, then the team that formed at the time of Ilya’s departure was the strongest in the last 10 years. We proved this with results. They became the best team of the year, Ilya received a diamond owl. And here it’s the same as in football - the main striker left.

You know, I am very sorry when internal circumstances, either family or, as in this case, business, prevent one of the guys who are part of my team from continuing to play in the team. For example, Inna Druz moved to the USA, she no longer plays on my team. Although we played together for many years, she returned to us after pregnancy.

This is Ilya’s advocacy work - it was a widely publicized case that did not allow him to limit himself only to professional terms. Although before that he defended her for more than a year and played during that time. Therefore, I cannot blame the TV crew for anything; they acted as correctly as possible. It was clear that as soon as Ilya begins to comment on this case on some political plane, he cannot at the same time be the face of Channel One and at the same time adhere to some political views. That is, this is a conflict of interest.

We are also represented in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia - that is, there are a lot of internal conflicts there. "What where When?" trying to stay out of politics as much as possible. I adhere to these views. As soon as we declare this or that political position, the game will cease to be a game in its pure form and will turn... into what we already see everywhere, and we really don’t want that.

Were there any fights within the team? Did you try to persuade Ilya to stay in the game and give up Savchenko’s defense?

No, it was Ilya’s conscious decision, we supported his position. This is not because some evil uncles or aunts did something behind mine or Ilya’s back. This is a decision that I, as team captain, respected. Many felt that without Ilya, having played together for many years before, we probably would not be able to play with such a lineup, simply replacing one player. That's exactly what happened. That project, that team simply ceased to exist.

Photo of the organizers of the game "What? Where? When?" Almaty

- Is it difficult with the new team?

It was also harder with those guys until we got used to each other. Every team, when everything changes so categorically, it’s like a new life. I have another visit to the game "What? Where? When?" as a newbie. Of course, the role of the captain is huge, but he cannot, no matter what he is, make the game alone. I have a team with experienced players, but no experience in an elite club. For example, Stas Mereminsky and Mikhail Malkin are guys who have been playing “What? Where? When?” for many years. and won many tournaments, but Mikhail played for many years as part of one team, then did not play for a long time. Stas also did not play for an elite club for many years. The girls from Minsk, who are on my team, played for a long time in the Belarusian club, but they never played in Moscow either.

So far it’s not working out for us, I’m dissatisfied with the game. We lost in the summer. Of course, those who were worried about us blamed the “top” for everything; it was a very nervous, anxious game. As soon as we take on some questions, a feeling of mutual agreement appears - we will get some kind of super blitz. There was no normal game, there was some kind of irregular game in terms of tempo. Or there was some fairly simple question, but we couldn’t grasp onto something and discussed it for three minutes. And we finally found the correct answer in the third minute, but this did us a disservice, because we had to answer the next question ahead of schedule. And at the same time, both Stas and Misha had the same answer options, they were given the answer, but both turned out to be wrong. But it’s okay, we are optimists, looking to the future. We hope everything will be fine in 2018. The team has very strong potential.

-Are you communicating with Ilya now?

I continue to communicate with Ilya. Literally on the way to Almaty, we met, had a wonderful evening, had dinner, and discussed his and my current lives. We are friends and have been friends all these years. I try not to let the social lives of my team players interfere with our ability to be human. And Ilya is a man with a capital M, there is no question about that.

Ales Mukhin's team is one of the most famous and prominent in the intellectual club "What? Where? When?" in recent years. Many famous players played for it at different times. True, she has not been participating in the TV club lately. One of its leading players, Ilya Novikov, was denied participation in projects on Channel One due to his participation as a lawyer in the case of the Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko. As a sign of solidarity with him, the entire team refused to play.

Ales Mukhin - team captain

Alesya Mukhina in the environment "What? Where? When?" have known for a long time. This is a famous player and TV presenter. In Belarus, he is the host of the local analogue of the television version of this game, which airs on the ONT TV channel.

In ordinary life, Mukhin is engaged in business. Graduated from a specialized English language school in Minsk. Received a specialty as a teacher of history and English in

He still lives in the capital of Belarus. He has a wife, Tatyana, and two children: son Anton and daughter Daria.

He began his business career as director of a perfume company. Then he headed the Belarusian branch of Euroset. Now he has his own business, not related to mobile communications.

Career in "What? Where? When?"

I became interested in intellectual games during my school years. In the sports version of the game "What? Where? When" he played for the "AMO" team. True, he has not been participating in tournaments lately after he started hosting the Belarusian television version of the program.

He made his debut in the Russian elite club of experts on December 15, 2001. Since then he has played 45 games. In 25 of them his team won.

The 2004 season was successful for him. In the final of the spring series, Ales Mukhin was recognized as the best player and was awarded a crystal owl. In 2005, he received the title of best captain of the club, and has since worn a symbolic captain's shoulder strap.

Last game

At the moment, the last game of Ales Mukhin’s team took place on December 5, 2015. She opened the spring series.

The cast included Grigory Alkhazov, Yulia Arkhangelskaya, Gunel Babaeva, Ilya Novikov and Roman Orkodashvili.

It was an experimental game. Two teams took turns playing at the table at once - Ales Mukhina and After one of them gave the wrong answer, the composition at the table changed. The experts got off to a bad start. Maxim Potashev did not answer the question about Don Quixote, and Mukhin’s team lost in the 13th sector.

Then Sidnev's team took the lead, taking 4 questions in a row. Mukhin and company returned to the table with the score 4:3. They got a blitz and only managed to answer the first question correctly. Sidnev's team returned to the table and brought the game to victory - 6:4.

Conflict over Ilya Novikov

One of the most popular players of Mukhin’s team, Ilya Novikov, in his law practice, took on the case of the Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko, who participated in the armed conflict in south-eastern Ukraine. She was accused of murdering Russian journalists; her lawyers insisted on her innocence and the need to extradite her to Ukraine.

In August 2016, in an interview, the host and head of the television project asked Novikov to leave the club “What? Where? When?” Ales Mukhin's team, as a sign of solidarity with the player, also refused to take part in further games.

Novikov is a popular expert. He began his career in the television club in 2002. During this time he played 44 games. According to this indicator, he is among the top ten experts, taking 9th place. He became the owner twice in 2004 and 2014. In 2014, he was also awarded a Diamond Owl as the best player of the year.

Now Ales Mukhin has announced that in the near future his team will return to the television club with an updated lineup. However, he did not specify when this will happen.
