Money and love rituals for the new year.

New Year's Eve is the most magical night of the year. At this time, the heavens open, and the requests of people are heard by the universe. At this time, rituals and ceremonies are traditionally performed to attract good luck and wealth. On New Year's Eve you can get rid of obstacles and troubles and make a secret wish. What other rituals are there? New Year can I do it? Let's look at a few effective magic spells on different cases life.

In order for the year to be successful, you need to set magical protection from the machinations of unclean spirits. These rituals will keep you and your family from misfortune for a year, and the next year you need to repeat everything again. However, before installing protections and amulets, it is necessary to clear the room of energy dirt.

Cleaning the room from negativity

After finishing the usual cleaning of the house, sprinkle the room with holy water. Particular attention should be paid to corners, windows and doors. Then light a church candle and say:

Amulet from trouble

You need to prepare for this ritual in advance. You need to collect the following magic items:

  • pine cones and needles;
  • a thread of pure wool without synthetics 30 cm long;
  • twigs of dry wormwood with flowers;
  • a copper coin or any item made of copper;
  • coin white or silver;
  • a piece of silk fabric;
  • dried lilac flowers;
  • dry red rose petals;
  • seven oat grains;
  • seashell or stone with a hole;
  • three dry oak leaves;
  • candle wax.

You should have 12 different items representing the 12 months of the year. Now take a piece of red fabric without a pattern and cut a circle out of it. Using a new needle and red thread, go along the edge of the circle with a “gimmick” stitch and secure with a knot at the end.

Place objects on the circle and tighten the threads. Before tying the bag, blow inward on the objects and say:

Scroll of Wishes

What New Year is complete without fortune telling and wish rituals? Those who annually practice rituals to fulfill wishes say that everything comes true literally. Only you need to approach this ritual responsibly and make wishes that can actually be fulfilled. You can’t demand the impossible from the universe; it won’t come true anyway.

So, you need to prepare:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a crust of black bread;
  • red rose;
  • a piece of refined sugar;
  • a red pen or felt-tip pen;
  • a white candle and a scarlet ribbon.

What wishes can you make on New Year's Eve? These may be dreams related to prosperity, love and money. Each person has his own dreams, and the universe responds to the desires of the heart. The ritual should begin a week before New Year's Eve.

Light a candle. Write down three cherished wishes on a piece of paper and put a magical “so be it” under them. Pack all the items into a sheet, hold it in your hands for a few minutes and focus on your desires.

Then tie the bundle with a ribbon and secure it with candle wax - seal it. Place the package under the mattress, you should sleep with the package every night: 7 days before the new year and 7 days after it. Then take the bag out from under the mattress and place it on the very high place in the house with your photograph. First, place a photo, and on top of it - a package. Within a year, all dreams will come true!

Desire in champagne

What other New Year rituals and ceremonies are there on request? A cheerful collective ritual with champagne has gained popularity: it can be performed together with guests at the festive table. First you need to prepare napkins, boxes of matches and pens according to the number of people at the table.

When the chimes start chiming, you need to quickly write down your innermost desire on a napkin, set it on fire, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it. All actions must be completed before the last chime. If you succeed, your wish will come true quickly!

Three bags of fate

For this ritual you need to draw three bags on three sheets of A4 paper different color: black, blue and red. Next, do the following:

  1. write a wish list on a piece of paper with a red bag;
  2. on a piece of paper with a black bag, write what you want to get rid of;
  3. On the sheet with the blue bag, list the good events of the past year.

After the chiming clock, you need to burn the sheet with a black bag and scatter the ashes in the wind (blow it off the balcony). This is something that should leave you in the new year. Along with destroying the sheet, you need to get rid of the pen with black paste - break it. The other two sheets need to be hidden and forgotten about until next New Year's Eve. After the holidays, you can re-read the entries and note what came true during the year. This ritual can be performed constantly.

New Year's fortune telling

This fortune telling should be carried out among guests. Prepare walnut shells according to the number of people present and place a wish symbol in each half of the shell:

  • love - heart;
  • money - dollar symbol;
  • car - a wheel from a car;
  • and so on.

Pour water into a bowl and lower the shells. Now you need to stand around the basin and blow: whichever shell lands on “your shore”, your wish will come true!

New Year's Eve, as you know, has incredibly strong energy that can radically change our lives. In addition, January 1 is a day that allows us to start life with clean slate, if we want it, of course. Do you want the New Year 2018 to become financially and productive for you? Then go ahead and get acquainted with the rituals for attracting money.

1. Bait bag

When decorating your Christmas tree, be sure to prepare a yellow, red or gold bag. Place 12 gold coins in it and hang it on the beautiful Christmas tree. Such simple ritual will help you stay financially successful all year long.

2. Two outfits

If you have the opportunity, then make sure that you have 2 new outfits on New Year's Eve. In one you need to spend last year, in another to meet a new one. This ritual will contribute to your success in any endeavor.

3. Money follows you around

Such a simple and, to some extent, humorous ritual can very quickly attract the required amount of money into your home. On New Year's Eve, draw with a marker on your heels the amount you would like to receive in the near future. Now money will literally follow you on your heels.

4. Swimming in money

On the eve of the New Year, when you take a bath, pour the contents of your piggy bank (coins) into it. Swim in money, mentally imagining a large cash flow coming to you. If this ritual is accompanied by aromatherapy, the result will please you much sooner than you expect.

5. Christmas tree toy

On New Year's Eve, as the chimes strike, write down your monetary desire on a piece of (preferably red) paper. Roll the piece of paper into a tube and place it in any Christmas tree toy. The piece of paper with the wish should remain in the toy until next year. Then you will enjoy financial success all year.

6. Coin under the tablecloth

When preparing the holiday table, place it under the tablecloth in the center of the table. gold coin greatest dignity. The coin should remain under the tablecloth until the end of the feast, after which it should be put in the wallet and stored as a talisman.

7. Gift to yourself

To make the coming year financially prosperous for you, be sure to treat yourself to something pleasant in the first week of January. This could be a purchase you've been dreaming about for so long or just a pleasant procedure for caring for your appearance.

8. Correct placement of the Christmas tree

If you want to attract cash flow to you in the new year, choose the right zone to install your Christmas tree. It is known that the southeast side of the house has a beneficial effect on financial growth.

9. Money magnet

To attract money to you like a magnet in the New Year, on New Year's Eve, place your piggy bank under the Christmas tree, after placing a magnet under or near it. This could be a regular magnet or a refrigerator magnet with money on it.

10. Taming money

Since the coming year is ruled by our four-legged friend the Dog, taming money will be a wonderful money ritual. Buy a leash (dog or toy) in advance and attach a large denomination banknote to it, then place it under the tree. All. Now the money will be in your home all year.

PS: Remember that the most important key to success is your work and inspiration!

In this article:

Conspiracies that take place at the end of December and for the New Year are very diverse. Most of them are aimed at leaving all the bad things in the past year, and attracting them in the new year. new luck, financial well-being, health and love.

It is important to remember that rituals for the New Year should be carried out only after complete cleansing of all accumulated negativity; there should be no negative energy left in you, otherwise the rituals performed will not lead to the desired results.

Conspiracies before the New Year

Period New Year's holidays- This unique time with powerful energy and mysterious forces. New Year, Christmas, old New Year - all these days come one after another, and therefore it is important not to be late and to carry out all the ceremonies and rituals on time that will provide you with everything you need in the coming year.

New Year in people's minds is a day of anticipation and a night of celebration, when we make our deepest wishes, which later very often come true.

Every person wants his life to be as more luck, joy, love, prosperity, therefore we should not miss the opportunity to change our lives for the better, which the new year gives us.

Ritual for health and youth

In order for the New Year to bring you health and youth, you must perform this simple ritual. The ritual must be performed during the last hour of the outgoing year. You need to stand in front of a mirror, light three red or three church candles, take a spoonful of honey and say the spell:

“On three sides is day, on the fourth side is night, damp earth the water flows away. So let all the illnesses flow from my body, all illnesses go away, I will be healed by mother earth, I will be healed by clean water. As if I put a sweet drop into my mouth, I will walk on the earth like a swan. To become young forever, I will seal my age with sweet honey. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Honey is a storehouse of nutrients and an excellent store of information.

After pronouncing last words you need to eat a prepared spoon of honey and wash it down warm water. It's simple but effective magical ritual, allowing you to significantly improve your health and protect yourself from diseases.

Charm for good luck

This magical ritual should be performed only on December 31st. In order for the ritual to be as effective as possible, you need to concentrate on forgiving all your enemies, let go of grievances, leave them in the past year, thank God for the past year and pray that He will support you in all future endeavors, so that you and yours loved ones were healthy.

After this, you need to light a church candle and, holding it in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

“My merciful God, be with me in the coming year. Send health and prosperity to me, me and my family.

Send me gold and silver, and more various good things. Bless me with rest, bless me with peace, so that I will never part with You.

Holy archangels, yeah good angels, all the heavenly hosts, do not let me, God’s servant (name), and my family suffer in the new year.

Protect us from trouble, protect us from any illness, from fire, and from water. Throughout the new year, may my God be with me. Save me, save me, and protect me from evil and misfortune. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To make your wishes come true

If you want the new year to bring fulfillment of all your cherished desires, perform this simple magical ritual. For your wishes to come true, you need to have it on your hand. Golden ring. When the chimes begin, touch the ring to your left earlobe and concentrate all your energy on visualizing what you want, imagine that everything you want is already with you, and then the new year will definitely bring what you want.

For reciprocity in love

If you celebrate the New Year with a loved one who has not yet reciprocated your feelings, ask him to pass you an apple from the New Year's table from hand to hand. Under no circumstances should this apple be eaten; it must be hidden discreetly and later placed under christmas tree. When you wake up in the morning, take the apple, remove the core from it and put in a small piece of paper with the name of your loved one written on it.

Choose a dry and ventilated place to prevent rotting.

Then you need to tie the apple with red thread and hide it in warm place where no one will see him. While the fruit is drying, your lover will definitely turn his attention to you, which will be the key to future love. Naturally, no one should know about this ritual, otherwise the magic will lose all its power.

Conspiracies and rituals for the New Year for wealth

In the New Year, many people ask higher power about wealth. This is not surprising, everyone needs money, and the energy of rebirth gives a person enormous opportunities to change his own life.

There are many different magical rituals aimed at attracting financial well-being in the new year, and many of them have already proven themselves to be the best.

Money plot for the New Year

The first change you receive in the new year for change must be saved, wait for the new moon and perform a magical ritual. To do this, put the change in a new clay pot and put it in a secluded place. A dark place and every night during the waxing moon we read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“As the month grows in the night sky, so will my money grow. As the month advances in the night sky, so will the money in my pockets increase. Amen".

To enhance the effect, you need, in addition to reading magic words add new coins to the pot. When the full moon comes, hide the pot so that no one can ever find it. You can bury it next to your own home.

Absolutely everyone believes in the magic and miracles of the New Year, even the most sad pessimists.

New Year's magic is considered one of the most powerful of the year, so rituals to attract money and good luck for the New Year must be carried out.

If you are still a beginner magician, then use the simplest money rituals and signs that will help you increase wealth in your home.

You won’t need any special preparation other than pre-New Year’s house cleaning.

It is only necessary good mood and waiting for real magic!

Decorate the New Year tree with coins, candies, cookies, apples, eat some of the edible decorations on the holiday night and you will live in abundance all year long.

You can hang a small children's scoop on the Christmas tree; it can bring in a lot of money.

After the holidays, keep it in a hidden place in your home all year.

This ritual will help you rake in money with a shovel!

On festive table there should be 12 dishes.

In this way you appease the 12 months of the new year. Can be filled clean water 12 containers so that every month of the new year is clean and bright.

Slice all the bread for the New Year's table before dark.

It is believed that starting a new loaf after it has darkened will lead to poverty.

When serving, place a coin under each cutlery. yellow color(preferably these should be shiny new pennies).

Whoever eats from this plate in the New Year will experience financial success.

You also need to put coins of the largest denomination under the tablecloth on all four corners of the New Year's table.

By eastern traditions The refrigerator is associated with a barrel of rice - a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

If you believe the astrologers of the East, place a red bag with three small coins, tails up, on the lowest shelf.

Faithful money sign for residents of Austria - eat a lot of salad before midnight green peas- a symbol of money.

Scattering a pack of salt in front of the threshold also means money; on New Year's Eve it is an excellent ritual for attracting money.

Before the New Year, you need to open all the doors and windows to get all the negativity out of your home.

After midnight, repeat the ritual, letting prosperity, luck and happiness into your life.

Under no circumstances should you lend money or repay debts before the New Year - there will be no money all year.

And the following ritual will help you get rid of existing debts. You need to throw something heavy over your shoulders (they say: over your hump), for example, a roll of blanket, and carry it on the back of your neck for a couple of hours.

You need to throw it off when the chimes strike. At the same time, exclaim: “I am free!”

After this, events may occur that will close all financial holes almost unnoticeably.

To attract cash flow, you need to perform the following ritual on New Year's Eve. A few minutes before midnight, run your bath cold water. Let the water run from the tap and go down the drain. The flow must definitely operate at midnight! Place a branch of a live Christmas tree or pine tree into the water. Immediately after the New Year, take out a branch and sprinkle moisture from it on all corners of the house, saying: “I open the doors.” cash flow! I remove barriers and obstacles! I’m starting the mechanism of wealth!” After you have gone through all the rooms in the house, you can turn off the water and finish the ritual.

Buy a spool of thread that matches the color of your holiday outfit. Keep this reel with your savings and then they will definitely increase.

On New Year's Eve you need to wear three new things - then you will have money to buy new things all year.

If your clothes have pockets, they should not be empty on New Year's Eve. Place a coin in each.

At midnight on December 31st, over a glass of champagne, you need to make a wish for what you dream of. You need to drink to the bottom.

The New Year's table cannot be left empty; when you clear the table, immediately place a vase of fruit or something else on it. Also, you should not throw away leftover dishes from the holiday table.

In the coming year, for 12 days, it is advisable not to do “dirty” work and spend time positively. The first lived day of the new year corresponds to the first month of the new year, the second day to the second month, etc. Watch your thoughts, words, actions, behavior these days. These days you lay down a program for the whole year.

When making your first purchase in the new year, try to get some change as change.

In this little thing, find the most small coin and keep it in your wallet all year.

If you were given a beautiful jug or vase for the New Year, this is very good omen, guaranteeing that there will always be money in your home.

The vase must be filled with water, otherwise it will attract poverty. With each water change it will open new way to attract money.

The most important thing in New Year's money rituals is your the right attitude to attract finance and fulfill desires.

After all, the main element in any ritual is not candles or coins, but your emotions, faith in the fulfillment of your plans.

The brighter and clearer you imagine what you want to achieve, the more likely it is that your wish will come true.

Do you want to be happy, healthy and rich? Certainly! Everyone wants this! So why wait for favors from fate? We must take everything into our own hands. New Year's Eve is the best time for this. A special atmosphere, the hopes of many people, gathered together, create the ideal background to, with the help of magic, correct the shortcomings of the Guardian Angel, and direct the course of your life in the right direction.

In practice, this can be done using New Year’s rituals and ceremonies. Some of them have existed since ancient times, others were invented and substantiated by modern magicians. Everything works. The results sometimes exceed the most optimistic forecasts! It’s worth trying and taking a little time so that you can forget about your worries for a whole year!

New Year rituals for money in 2020

Well, many people know that the New Year tree is decorated with banknotes. The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the holiday. The green beauty literally attracts monetary energy flows into our lives. Moreover, the Rat is a domestic animal and loves money and prosperity very much!

But there is a New Year's ritual that allows you to get rid of the burden of debt. You need to throw something heavy over your shoulders (they say: over your hump). For example, you can take a blanket, roll it up and wear it on the back of your neck for an hour or two. You need to throw it off when the chimes strike. At the same time exclaim:

"I am free!".

After this, of course, creditors will not write you a message saying that the debts have been cancelled. Only events can happen that will allow all financial holes to be closed painlessly and even unnoticeably. This happens differently for everyone.

In order for the flow of money to pick you up and carry you into a comfortable future, you need to perform the following ritual on New Year’s Eve. Before midnight, fill the bath with some water (cold). Now create a thread. Let the water run from the tap and go down the drain. The flow must definitely operate at midnight! A branch of a live Christmas tree or pine is placed in it. Immediately after the New Year, you should take out the branch and “sprinkle” all the corners of the house with moisture. At the same time, you need to go, spray water and say:

“I open the doors to cash flow! I remove barriers and obstacles! I’m starting the mechanism of wealth!”

Only after you have gone through all the rooms of the apartment (house) can you turn off the water and finish the ritual.

Rituals and ceremonies for health

In order to prevent illnesses from bothering your family, it is good to raise glasses filled not with champagne, but with a special “healthy” decoction when the chimes strike. They are preparing it for New Year's ritual early.

You need to find herbs (it’s good if you collect them yourself, but pharmacy ones will do):

  • chamomile,
  • plantain,
  • violet flowers,
  • agave,
  • rose hip,
  • Birch buds.

You will also need linden honey.

Pour a liter of water into a container. When it boils, they throw in two whispers of the named plants. Cook for thirteen minutes. Cool and filter. Then gently add two tablespoons of honey to the resulting broth. Keep the decoction in the refrigerator. You need to drink it during the festive feast, not forgetting to add to each wish:

“And I wish you health!”

In some villages, the following New Year ritual is common: illnesses are swept out of the house. An ordinary broom is not suitable for this (much less a vacuum cleaner). We still need to collect the last herbs in the fall. Dry them by hanging them with a broom in a small draft. Before the New Year, you should sweep (symbolically) all the rooms from the window to the threshold with this broom. At the same time sentence:

“Go away, you’re sick, you’re no longer needed!”

The broom is immediately taken out of the threshold. Ideally, they burn it. The main thing is that she shouldn’t get into the house again!

New Year's ritual for love

They say that to attract love, you must hang a golden heart on the Christmas tree. You should keep it all your life and take it out only once a year to hang it on the New Year's tree.

And to attract the joy of mutual relationships, the following ritual is suitable. Make an ugly doll out of black rags and threads. She should be the most repulsive you can be. Name it “Loneliness (name)”. You can just say it, or you can write it on a piece of paper and pin it up. Sit alone with her before the New Year. You need to explain how upset you are about your untimely separation from her. Say goodbye for centuries and throw it out the window at exactly midnight. If you can squeeze out a tear, the effect will come faster.
