Wooden wedding: what Vitorgan taught Sobchak. Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan are on the verge of divorce Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan: latest news, rumors and scandals

Socialite Ksenia Sobchak is a talented journalist who knows how to present information in a way that interests listeners. revealed some details about Ksenia’s personal life, which she prefers to hush up, the site reports

Second pregnancy

Clairvoyant Marianna Abravitova is sure: Ksenia Sobchak is not pregnant with her second child.

“Ksenia is a very thorough person, this also applies to the birth of children. Sobchak has pregnancy plans. The TV presenter is a person with an analytical mind, she is ok with logic, so she wants there to be a certain interval between children. There is intrigue, but she started it herself. Alas, her “tummy is flat” for now. She is pregnant only with her own ideas, of which there are a huge number,” says the tarot reader.

The future of the son of Sobchak and Vitorgan

The fortune teller is sure that little Plato has a great future in business

“I can say with confidence that he will be a multifaceted personality. He will definitely go by the intellectual level of development; theater and stage will not attract him. Most likely, the son of Sobchak and Vitorgan will become a public figure or a very creative businessman,” said Abravitova.

Marriage of a celebrity couple

Unfortunately, the clairvoyant saw the couple's separation in the near future.

“I see that for 4-5 years the family will live happily and together, but after this period Ksenia and Maxim will come to a certain crisis in their relationship, rethink their marriage and break up. And if in the end they stay together, they will live as a guest marriage” , says Marianna.

Whether the tarot reader's predictions will come true or not - time will tell. And now, Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak are very happy. As JoeInfoMedia journalist Marina Korneva reminds, the father of the family recently showed a photograph in which mother and son appeared.

// Photo: Evgeny Smirnov / Woman.ru

Five years ago, on February 1, 2013, unexpectedly for friends and even relatives, Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan got married. At that time, few people believed in the sincerity of the couple, considering their wedding to be PR or just a joke. However, the couple are still together. And it seems that they are just as in love with each other as on that happy day at the Fitil cinema, where they celebrated the occasion. They plan to celebrate their marriage anniversary in Moscow with their family. On the eve of the wooden wedding, relatives and friends told StarHit how Sobchak and Vitorgan change and surprise each other.

Woman's hand

Ksenia’s mother, Lyudmila Narusova, is almost always with the spouses. She devoted herself entirely to raising her long-awaited grandson Plato, who is one year and two months old. It would seem that Lyudmila Borisovna knows everything about Ksyusha and Maxim, and it is difficult to impress her. However, the “children” still succeed.

“Young people have absolute equality in the family, but Max is still in charge on any issues,” Narusova tells StarHit. “The daughter listens to him, she likes to obey her husband. But there was a situation when Ksyusha really surprised me! My son-in-law injured his hand. Naturally, like all men, he does not like to go to doctors. Then the daughter behaved extremely harshly, refused to listen to any arguments and took Maxim to the hospital. There she made sure that he didn’t run away, and that the doctors did the necessary procedures. In my memory, such a strong-willed decision on her part happened for the second time. The first was when Ksenia forced her husband to go on a diet and go to training. And you know, he fell in love with sports and still enjoys working out in the gym and at home.”

Now Sobchak has to leave her family for work more often than usual - at the end of last year, the TV presenter announced her intention to run for president of Russia. Ksenia’s friend, TSUM fashion director Alla Verber, literally predicted this event back in the mid-90s.

“I met Lyudmila Narusova when Ksyusha was only 16 years old,” Alla Konstantinovna tells StarHit. “During the first meeting, she said: “I’m sure your daughter will become the president of the country!” Even at that age she was an ambitious, smart, purposeful girl. By the way, despite her busy schedule, she is a wonderful wife and attentive mother. I see how Maxim looks at his beloved - it’s worth a lot. Ksyusha was looking for her man and found her. She is the kind of woman you should look up to. He manages to pay attention to everyone and takes care of all family members. Together with stylists, she sometimes selects clothes for Maxim in our store. She often buys glasses for herself, she has thousands of them, and bags.”

Joke after joke

Sobchak has greatly narrowed her social circle - in recent years you rarely see her at social parties or film premieres. Instead, they devote time to friends.

“The girls and I have a tradition of going to the bathhouse on weekends,” businesswoman Olga Slutsker tells StarHit. – We usually take a steam bath at my place, outside the city. I recently made an interesting observation. Previously, in the bathhouse, and even after it, Ksenia drank green tea or herbal mixture with honey. And just the other day she came to visit, we warmed up, jumped into the snow and sat down to dinner. Suddenly I hear a completely unexpected phrase: “Ol, can I please have 50 grams of beer.” A presidential candidate needs to relax sometimes.”

According to cousin Ksenia Alla Usova, Sobchak and Vitorgan perfect couple. “I admire their ability to love, respect each other’s interests, hear and sometimes not hear each other, laugh, joke, argue and surprise with surprises.”

StarHit somehow had a chance to take part in one of these surprises. This happened a couple of years ago. On the eve of Maxim’s birthday, Ksenia contacted our editorial office, asking us to help her organize a flash mob for her husband. We called out to in social networks, and the next morning at eleven o’clock everyone who wanted to congratulate the actor came to the appointed place in the center of Moscow - then the couple still lived on Tverskaya-Yamskaya. A van with multi-colored balls drove up there... “Ksenia, we are ready, where are your windows?” – sent a message to Sobchak. “I hung a red ball on the window!” - she answered. We walk around the house, nothing is visible. “Oh, it burst, stuck out a rose!” – we receive a message from Sobchak two minutes later. Maxim was pleased with our impromptu joint gift with Ksenia.

The documentary film "The Sobchak Case", triumphantly showing on the screens of the country, was discussed, it seems, by everyone. A word from the creator - Ksenia Sobchak, who met in HELLO! in Sochi together with Maxim Vitorgan, she spoke about this work, her son Plato and more.

Behind Last year Ksenia even exceeded her, to put it mildly, intensive plan. Her resume is journalist, TV presenter, public figure, candidate for president of Russia. Even though she didn’t win the elections, she gained the support of a million voters, and then released a project that she had been working on for 18 long years - a documentary about her father, “The Sobchak Case.”

She filmed the story of the first mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, told by his family, associates and enemies, together with director Vera Krichevskaya. Sobchak conducted most of the interviews personally, regardless of who was sitting in front of her - her father’s friend, his ill-wisher, own mother or current president Russia Vladimir Putin. There are revelations there from Dmitry Medvedev, and from Sobchak’s ex-deputy Vladimir Yakovlev, and from Boris Yeltsin’s former security chief Alexander Korzhakov - in fact, the first comments from these people about Ksenia’s father, heard from the screen.

On June 1, the film was shown at the Central House of Culture, from where it sold a record number of copies. The film's high-profile premiere took place on Russia Day, June 12. Guests of Kinotavr also saw “The Sobchak Case”. Ksenia flew to the festival with her family, including her mother Lyudmila Narusova and her one and a half year old son Platon.

It would seem that relaxation and Sobchak are incompatible concepts, but we managed to catch Ksenia in a rare state for her: she clearly enjoyed the respite, communication with her family, was relaxed, friendly and looked almost carefree. Maxim Vitorgan, accustomed to constant attention, in the center of which his wife invariably turns out to be, having returned from a morning swim in the pool, put on the first plain T-shirt he came across and entered the frame. It’s as if a photo shoot for a magazine isn’t work at all for them, but part of a habitual, easy-to-use pastime. After all, the sea is nearby, the sun is shining, the whole family is together, and nothing prevents you from enjoying the moment.

In Sochi, Ksenia Sobchak not only worked, but also rested with her family - her husband Maxim Vitorgan, son Platon and mother Lyudmila Narusova. For the shoot, Ksenia and Maxim invited HELLO! almost to your home - to your Hyatt Regency Sochi hotel room

Ksenia, do you often travel with Plato?

If Maxim and I go somewhere longer than one or two days, we always take our son with us. Recently, for example, he was with us in Thailand. Now in Sochi, at the beautiful Hayatt Hotel. I think this is right: given how much we both work, this is the only way to make the most of our time together.

Aren't you afraid that someone will want to take a photo of him on the sly and publish the photo on the Internet?

We are not hiding Plato, he is not a picture of the prerafa-elites. We just try not to advertise our family life. We do not publish his portraits, but we cannot insure our son against the fact that someone somewhere will take a photograph of him. He’s alive - he’s walking down the street, swimming in the pool. I count on people's integrity.

When Plato grows up, will you raise him the way your parents raised you?

Probably not. I would like to raise him a little differently. I don't think I had a perfect childhood. I would like to spoil him less, shower him with toys less, give him as much as possible more love and some real emotions.

Ksenia Sobchak always knows how she wants to look in a given situation. After all, an image is also a tool for influencing the audience, and every detail conveys information about its owner. In the romantic dresses that Ksenia chose for our shoot, she looks quite relaxed. About the fact that Sobchak - business man with status, remind Swiss Watches Omega

Were you bullied as a child?

Of course, they always brought me something from my trips - dolls, toys. It seems to me that this is not entirely correct.

How did you feel then, what was it like to be the daughter of the mayor?

It rather hindered me, it was an aggravating factor. I was deprived of an ordinary childhood - the freedom and carelessness that my peers had. I moved around the city in a car with security, but I wanted to take the metro and walk in the yard with the boys. And as a teenager, I was difficult, causing a lot of trouble for my parents: I ran away from home, went to discos, talked to much older people, drank alcohol - did everything that people in adolescence often do.

If you won the election, would Plato be given even more responsibility than you did as a child?

While he, thank God, is small, he does not understand such things. His area of ​​responsibility is to go to the potty and eat according to the clock. But in the future I would not want to cultivate in him the feeling that he is somehow special. It seems to me that the feeling of being chosen comes not from what family you are born into, but from what you are. I want my son to have the right values ​​in life.

“I don’t think I had an ideal childhood; I would like to raise my son with Maxim a little differently.”

So that the term “golden youth” would not apply to him?

Exactly. For example, now we live outside the city, but at some point we will have to move to Moscow, because the schools near Moscow absolutely terrify me. The children of new Russians study there, and this is the atmosphere of selectness that reigns. Even if a child in a family receives an excellent upbringing, he has normal parents, then when he comes to school, where everyone has expensive cars and things, this cannot but affect him. Society puts him on the wrong path of consumption and endless boasting. I wouldn’t want my son to grow up like this from childhood.

Is Lyudmila Borisovna spoiling Plato? After all, there is a hypothesis that grandmothers treat their grandchildren warmer than their children.

I can’t say that he spoils him: his mother is often busy with her own affairs, and she doesn’t get to spend much time with him. When she comes, he rejoices, calls her “granny”, they walk together and play. I am happy too.

IN documentary film“The Sobchak Case” is your interview with your mother, which after filming you called almost your most frank conversation about your father.

Unfortunately, she and I rarely talk about such topics. It’s hard for her, because they loved each other very much. We had a long interview—a four-hour conversation about dad and our lives. Not everything was included in the film, so now we are even thinking about documenting the conversation separately.

What was Lyudmila Borisovna’s reaction to the film?

I think she liked him. She was silent for several days after watching it, then she said that the film touched her.

Ksenia Sobchak lost her father when she was 18 years old: Anatoly Sobchak, famous political figure, the first mayor of St. Petersburg, passed away on the night of February 19-20, 2000. The official cause of death is acute heart failure

How did you manage to gather such a number of first-echelon people in one picture?

Their attitude towards my father influenced me. Almost no one to whom we offered an interview turned us down. Most of them worked with their father and treated him with great respect. Only a few people who can be called Sobchak’s opponents or enemies did not film, others agreed. And we specifically made a film in which there are both enemies and friends of the father. After all, this is not a memorial film - together with Vera Krichevskaya we made a film not so much about that time, about the 90s, but about our life today. The film explains why we live this way today, why we find ourselves in this particular time.

How difficult was it to communicate with your father's enemies?

It was hard, but I mentally prepared for it. It was especially difficult to talk with several people - with Alexander Nevzorov, with Yuri Rydnik. They spoke more harshly about my father than I expected, although I already knew my father’s main shortcomings. He could say extremely harsh, caustic, witty and offensive things about a person. He was a born speaker, and at the same time very straightforward - he always told the truth. This raised him up, and this is what ultimately destroyed him.

You are similar to him in this straightforwardness.

To some extent, yes, so his life is a cautionary tale for me too.

“We don’t hide our son, we just try not to advertise our family life and don’t publish his photos.”

Of course, during filming I discovered some new details from my father’s life. But to a greater extent, she made the film not for herself, but for Plato. I want him to watch this film so he can find out what kind of grandfather he had. I think when Plato turns 14-15 years old, he will be able to consciously appreciate it.

You said in an interview that after your father left you felt completely unprotected, that a certain wall that protected you had fallen, you lost a shoulder to lean on. When did you find it again - with the appearance of Maxim in your life?

“In character, I am in many ways similar to my father, and his life is an instructive story for me as well.”

This happened before: at some point I simply decided that I myself could be this shoulder for myself, I realized that no one else except the person himself could take responsibility for him. In the end, we all come into this world alone, we all leave alone, and we must learn to be as independent as possible. Therefore, now I don’t count on anyone but myself, and I feel strong enough to both provide and protect myself. I earn good money, I have a favorite job - only after realizing this did I begin to feel like a full-fledged person.

Makeup: Taisiya Sushkova. Hairstyle: Alina Kazaryan. We thank Hyatt Regency Sochi for assistance in organizing the shooting

More than once romantic encounters awaited. In 2012, Sobchak fell in love with a member of the Russian Opposition Council, Ilya Yashin, with whom, however, she did not stay together for long. Shortly before the start of her affair with Yashin, during a rally on Sakharov Avenue in December 2011, Sobchak first met actor Maxim Vitorgan, who also took part in the event. A year later, Maxim and Ksenia met again - and this time they decided not to part again. True, the lovers, like real spies, hid their relationship even from those closest to them. Before the wedding, the couple went out only once: together with Vitorgan’s son Daniil, the future spouses attended a film premiere.

They hid the wedding even from their relatives

On February 1, 2013, Sobchak and Vitorgan became husband and wife. The cunning newlyweds invited their guests, including their parents, to the “Wick” cinema, supposedly to the premiere of a new film with Vitorgan’s participation. At the “premiere”, a bride in a lace dress and veil from Ulyana Sergeenko and a happy groom were waiting for them. Of course, few people in the party believed in the sincerity of the union: he was a theatergoer from a famous acting dynasty, closed from the public; she is a flamboyant media personality who loves to show off her life. But the marriage changed both: Vitorgan began to go out more often and even agreed to take part with his wife, who had no theater education, in the play “Marriage” at the Theater of Nations, and Ksenia allowed her husband to come to the fore and stopped taking part in dubious adventures.


They love to argue

A couple of months after the wedding, in an interview with Vokrug TV magazine, Maxim Vitorgan said: “Ksyusha and I sometimes argue very harshly and for a long time, breaking the word “worldview” into separate fragments. But this is not my conversation with her as a man with a woman - this is my conversation with interesting person" Why aren't we surprised?! Ksenia is not one of those women who will rely on the opinion of her beloved man in everything and unconditionally agree with the word of the head of the family. And, by the way, many men value obstinacy and having their own position in their girlfriends.

They are on good terms with each other's parents

As Vitorgan himself admits, he often acts as a mediator in disputes between Ksenia and her mother Lyudmila Narusova. The tense relationship between mother and daughter in the party has already become the talk of the town, but Maxim decided not to take sides, and his mother-in-law often uses his neutrality to complain about her daughter. His new daughter-in-law also made the most pleasant impression on Emmanuel Vitorgan. “I am very pleased to look at Maxim and Ksyusha, it is very pleasant to listen to them. They speak well, and their point of view on any situation is very important to me. Like any of us, Ksyusha can be wrong about something, but in ordinary life she is gentle, warm, beautiful,” the actor said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

They planned emigration, but not children

After the murder of Boris Nemtsov, Sobchak believed that her name was on the so-called “hit list.” The TV presenter seriously feared for her life and even hired security. “Would I like her to shut up and go with me to the village, where we would live quietly, calmly and happily? I probably would. But it won’t be her then... There are unpleasant sensations associated with this. It’s unpleasant to feel helpless,” Maxim Vitorgan shared his experiences in an interview on Radio Liberty at the end of August. Because of the current situation, the couple began to seriously think about emigration. Ksenia was not averse to getting a second passport and moving to Israel. Sobchak believed that she would not have problems with this, since Maxim has Jewish roots. The journalist also considered the USA or Latvia. “There is a large Russian diaspora in the USA. I would make a career on a Russian TV channel there. There is also Riga. I would go to work at Meduza as an editor. London is very expensive. I can’t handle it,” Sobchak said.

But the children in family plans Ksenia was not included: “I understand that I am 33 years old, and nature has decreed that I need to somehow resolve this issue before I turn 40. But I have a big contradiction between biological necessity and the fact that I like my life today.” Maxim, apparently, did not insist on pregnancy, but the miracle still happened.

They did it

On June 8 in St. Petersburg, Ksenia appeared before the guests of the magazine's awards in a tight dress that emphasized her rounded belly - the rumors were confirmed, Sobchak is expecting a child! All summer, the star's position was the number one topic in social circles, tabloids and gloss. Ksenia was accused of forgery and wearing a false belly, they assured that she would give birth to twins, and the biggest lovers of intrigue (including blogger Lena Miro) suspected that the TV presenter was not pregnant from her legal husband. The culmination of the epic called “Sobchak’s Pregnancy” was the cover of the December Tatler, which was decorated with a completely naked photograph expectant mother. The photo was taken in the style of the famous photo shoot of Demi Moore, who starred in 1991 for Vanity Fair in full

Rumors about this couple appear as often as Sobchak changes dresses... Vitorgan, laughing, calls himself “henpecked,” and Ksenia is glad that she had the opportunity to end up in such an “intelligent family.” We asked our expert, author of numerology courses Olga Pertseva, to comment on their relationship.

Neither Ksyusha nor Maxim like to give interviews about personal matters. Fans can only guess about the couple’s affairs from the funny videos that Ksyusha occasionally indulges her subscribers with and jokes on Vitorgan’s Instagram.

At the same time, numerologist Olga Pertseva is sure that there is a change of roles in the couple.

Maxim and Ksenia

“Ksyusha is drawn to relationships and family. Moreover, it just so happens that she is madly in love with her husband. It was not by chance that I chose this epithet “crazy,” because a strong energy dependence is obvious here, one of the most durable and painful,” Pertseva shares. - Maxim has a lot of energy by nature. And Ksenia simply got hooked on his energy and is ready to forgive a lot, take on herself, change, adapt, but be with him. The fear of losing a donor is so great that Ksenia, being mercantile, is ready to forgive her husband’s extravagance. That's why Maxim can lower a large amount without feeling any remorse. Moreover, if she mentions this, there is a risk that her husband will leave. Most likely, he blackmailed her into breaking up more than once.”

Ksenia is hooked on Maxim’s energy and is ready to forgive a lot, adapt, but be with him

The numerologist is sure that it is possible to make from Vitorgan good family man and a loving father, but not a breadwinner.

“He enjoys spending time with his son, mostly because it's easier on his responsibilities. There is no burden as a family breadwinner.”

Maxim with his son Plato

Let us remember that Vitorgan and Sobchak met five years ago on the street where they participated in a rally. The acquaintance did not continue... Or rather, it did, but only a year later. Ksenia was worried about breaking up with the oppositionist Ilya Yashin, and Maxim lent his shoulder in time and began to conquer her.

“And he conquered,” she admitted after a while. “I was fascinated by Maxim’s nobility and saw in him all the qualities that I was looking for in a man.”

Vitorgan, in turn, was struck by the huge difference between the established image of Sobchak and the real her.

“When I realized this, I was stunned. She’s completely different now,” said the actor.

Both carefully hid the romance that developed. Only once did journalists manage to photograph them together at the airport, but both turned the coincidence into a joke.

And a few months later, Ksenia and Maxim became husband and wife.

The wedding ceremony took place on February 1, 2013, and it turned out to be a surprise for the guests. Everyone who came to the Fitil cinema that day was sure that they were invited to the premiere of a new film with the participation of Vitorgan.
