Intex children's and family inflatable pools. Swimming pool with mineral water almost in the city center Swimming for children 5 years old

“The fact that a baby can swim is one of the facts that confirms the limitless capabilities of a child.”(Masaru Ibuka, “After Three It’s Too Late”).

The famous Japanese teacher and psychologist Masaru Ibuka, in the book “After Three It’s Too Late” (which we wrote about), shares a sensation that occurred in 1965 at the International Conference of Women Athletes in Tokyo. Chairman Rize Dim then spoke for the first time about teaching swimming to children under one year old. Before her eyes, a five-month-old baby learned to swim in the pool in 3 months. And he could “hold out” on the water for more than 6 minutes. This was further proof that all human capabilities and talents can begin to be developed within a year.

We have selected 7 centers in Moscow where you can take your baby swimming under the guidance of a professional instructor. The selection criteria were, firstly, the experience of the center’s instructors, secondly, the characteristics of the water in the pool, and thirdly, the cost of the classes.

1. Family health center “Second Birth”(3 branches, you can choose)

Children's age: 1.5 months. – 3 years, 4-5 years

Water purification system: multi-level, with water disinfection ultraviolet light

Cost: one-time lesson with a trainer - 600 rubles, lesson in a subscription - from 500 rubles. (3 or more lessons)

2. Center for Early Development and Childbirth Preparation« Baby Dolphin» (6 branches, you can choose)

Age of children: 1.5 months - 4 years, 5 - 7 years.

Water purification system: multi-level ()

Cost: one-time lesson – from 700 rub. (you can find out more here for each branch

3. Center"Magic Child"(Bakuleva street, 5)

Children's age: 2 months. - 4 years

Water purification system: multi-level, with ozonation

Cost: one-time lesson – 1000 rubles, lesson in a subscription – 700 rubles.

4. Center« Duckling» (Avtozavodskaya str., 21, swimming pool of the Torpedo sports complex)

Children's age: 2 months. - 4 years; 4 – 6 years;

Water purification system: hypochlorination, constant filtration due to water circulation

Cost: one-time lesson with a trainer – 900 rubles; subscription 4 classes – 2800 rub.

5. Center for Positive Living Bright Family(Staromonetny Lane, building 18)

Children's age: 1.5 months. – 3 years, 4-7 years

Water purification system: three-stage (ultraviolet water treatment, hypochlorination and quartz-sand filters)

Cost: one-time lesson with a trainer - 1100 rubles.

Regular swimming lessons have a beneficial effect on the child’s body: they train the musculoskeletal system, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, accelerate metabolic processes and improve immunity. Swimming is rightfully considered one of the easiest ways to raise a child healthy, strong and resilient. In addition, activities in water invariably evoke positive emotions in children and improve their mood. The main thing here is to choose a good pool for kids.

Let's try to figure out together where in Moscow to teach a child to swim and how to choose the right pool with a trainer for children.

When choosing a pool for small children under 3 years old, first of all, you should pay attention to indicators such as temperature and method of water purification, as well as the presence or absence of individual lessons in the pool with the child.

In addition to these indicators, we all want to find a children's pool "near me", and this is really important, because in the case of children, the time spent traveling there and back plays a significant role in the effectiveness of the activities. If the child was already tired on the way to the pool, then the training will be of little use. Therefore, when referring to our list of swimming pools for children in Moscow, do not forget to take into account the geographical principle - it will be different for everyone.

Aqua club “Me and my baby”

The center's instructors focus on establishing and strengthening a strong emotional bond between parent and child in the aquatic environment. This connection is achieved with the help of special techniques, mastery of which helps you learn to easily stay in the water.

Brightlight specialists, based on many years of international experience, claim that children who have mastered this technique are more developed physically, intellectually and emotionally and, accordingly, are more successful in life.

This system involves classes for children aged 1.5 months and older together with their parents. There is a specialized pool for them with a water temperature of 32 degrees.

The BrightFamily Center is located near the Polyanka or Tretyakovskaya metro stations at the address: Staromonetny lane. 18.

The cost of a one-time group lesson is 1,400 rubles, and an individual training session with an instructor is 2,500 rubles.

Splash Swimming School

"Chaika" is famous for one of the best open-air swimming pools in Moscow. Children up to 18 years of age are taught swimming here. Depending on the age, the child falls into the group of “babies”, “frogs”, “fish” or “dolphins”.

The pool also provides the opportunity to take personal training with an instructor.

The water temperature in the pool is maintained at 28 degrees throughout the year. Highly effective modern methods of water purification are used.

The cost of a subscription for group swimming in Moscow from 3 years old is 3,300 rubles (6 lessons). Each individual lesson for a child with a teacher will cost 1,500 rubles.

The Chaika pool is located near the Park Kultury metro station at the address: Turchaninov lane, 3, building 1.

"Branch of MPO named after I. Rumyantsev"

If you want to enroll your child in the pool as an adult, a worthy option is the “Branch of MPO named after I. Rumyantsev”. The sports complex has been operating for more than forty years, and is constantly updated and meets all modern requirements. Experienced trainers teach swimming here to children from 7 years old and adults of all ages. This sports complex with a swimming pool is ideal for activities with children 10 years and older. In the children's and adult pools of the complex, the water temperature is maintained at 26-27 degrees.

The sports complex is located near the Savelovskaya metro station at the address: st. Pistsovaya, 12.

The cost of an individual lesson with an instructor is 1,650 rubles; if you purchase a subscription, it is more profitable.

We hope our selection will help you find a good children's pool in your area and raise, if not a world champion swimmer, then certainly a healthy and happy child.

Swimming as a sports discipline appeared in Ancient Greece - this activity was part of the physical education program for young Hellenes. Before this, people moved by swimming during military operations, hunting, fishing, and not for pleasure or sports. The first official sports organization opened only in the second half of the 19th century in England. After this, swimmers' associations appeared in many other European countries. In the Russian Empire this happened in 1894. After 2 years, swimming was included in the program of the Olympic Games (by the way, the first in modern history). In the same century, artificial swimming pools began to be built.

The rapid growth in the popularity of swimming began in the 20th century and continues in the 21st: in almost all cities, including, of course, ours, there are sections of this sport, taught by qualified and experienced leaders. You can take up swimming from an early age. It’s better not to delay: the physical education program in schools often involves visiting the pool and passing standards, so it is advisable for parents to think ahead of time about making their child feel literally like a fish in water.

Swimming is one of the most useful sports. During classes, many muscle groups are trained, the condition of the spine improves (which is why doctors advise many children suffering from scoliosis to swim) and the respiratory system. With the help of swimming, it is excellent to fight excess weight and fears; it increases flexibility, dexterity and accuracy of movements, and coordination. In a word, this is an almost ideal sports discipline, useful for everyone.

How to breathe properly while swimming

Swimming is not just, roughly speaking, the use of arms and legs: it is the synchronization of many body processes, and proper breathing plays a big role in this. A person who does not know exactly how to breathe while in water loses more strength and may begin to panic and stop staying on the surface. One of the simplest but most useful rules, which is taught to everyone, young and old, is this: you need to inhale with your mouth above the surface of the water, and exhale - also with your mouth - already in the water. There is also an interesting dependence: the deeper you inhale, the longer you can stay on the surface of the water. But it is important not to fill your lungs as much as possible: excess air will create discomfort. While swimming, you should turn your head to have time to take a breath above the water. But of course, it’s better to do all this in practice under the guidance of a trainer, who will show by example how to control your breathing.

How to overcome your fear of water

Not only children, but also adults (the latter even more often) experience fear of being in water. It would seem: there is a desire to learn to swim, but panic fetters further actions... What to do? There are some tips that may be helpful. First: just be free from fear, not think that it exists at all. Second: don’t listen to those who scare you. Of course, it is not easy for sensitive children to “filter out” what adults or peers might have short-sightedly told them... Third: master exercises that help to stay on the water, for example, “Float”. The fact is that it is not the person himself who can drown: everything is to blame for the fear that this will happen. Panic paralyzes thoughts, a person can swallow water, and... Professionals also recommend learning to dive, and after that - swimming underwater with held breath. This is not so simple, but it helps greatly in reducing all worries to zero.

How to outfit your little swimmer

To practice in the pool, a child needs the necessary minimum of things: a silicone swimming cap, special swimming goggles, rubber shoes (to walk from the locker room to the shower and the pool itself), a one-piece swimsuit for girls and swimming trunks for boys. In addition, you need to remember a change of dry clothes, which the children will put on after classes. It’s a good idea to carry a terry robe with you, which quickly warms and dries the body, but you can get by with a towel. The pools have a shower: after class, the child can wash himself in it, so it is better to stock up on a washcloth and soap in a soap dish. Even for the first visit to the pool, a certificate of no contraindications from a doctor and, in some cases, sports insurance are often required.
