Gas station road sign. Basic requirements for gas stations

Ground structures must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the edge of the roadway. The territory is separated from the roadway by a traffic island based on the placement of a traffic barrier or sidewalk on it.

On roads with 1-2 lanes in each direction, at the entrances to gas stations there should be: an accumulation lane with a width equal to the main traffic lane up to 50 meters long and an exit lane 15 meters long.

Fire breaks to adjacent buildings, structures, open areas, forests, as well as between buildings and equipment on the territory of stations must comply with the requirements of state building codes.

The territory must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means in accordance with the standards.

It is prohibited to carry out work using open fire at a distance of less than 20 m from the territory of the gas station. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.

The location of the gas station is indicated by the road sign “Gas station”.

At the entrance to the territory the following road signs must be installed:

« Maximum speed limit - 5 km/h,

for gas stations with a canopy - “Movement of vehicles whose height exceeds... m, prohibited ».

At the exit there is a sign “ No entry".

The direction of movement to the refueling islands is determined by road markings.

The traffic management scheme and the installation of all road signs are provided for by the project and are agreed upon with the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Safety signs are installed on the territory and technological equipment:


“It is prohibited to use open fire”;

“No smoking”;

“Entry (passage) is prohibited”;

“It is prohibited to work without grounding”;

- warning:

"Carefully! Flammable substances";

"Carefully! Explosion hazard";

"Carefully! Electrical voltage";

"Carefully! Possible fall";


“Work using respiratory protection;

“Wear safety glasses”;

“Keep the passage clear”;

"Get out here";


"Fire extinguisher";

“Fire notification point”;

“Place for smoking;

"Fire pond" or "Fire hydrant"

signs indicating the categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazards and the class of explosive zones;

posters with the duties of a driver when refueling vehicles,

signs denoting: “Passenger drop-off point”, “Motorized transport stop 15 m away”.

Artistically designed shop windows and advertising posters can be placed on the premises.

At the entrance and exit from the territory, gentle elevations with a height of at least 0.2 m or drainage trays should be constructed to drain atmospheric precipitation contaminated with petroleum products to treatment facilities.

Concrete, asphalt and tile surfaces of the territory and entrances must be free of defects.

Places for refueling and discharging petroleum products must be illuminated at night.

Luminaires used in hazardous areas of class 2 must comply with the explosion protection level.

Gas stations must be equipped with surveillance and emergency warning systems:


Loudspeaker communication

CCTV cameras,

24-hour fire surveillance system,

Sensors for monitoring fuel levels in tanks and other equipment.

Gas stations must be equipped with portable gas analyzers in an explosion-proof design.

Each fuel dispenser must be marked with its serial number and the brand of petroleum product dispensed.

Each tank (on the plate if there are no inspection wells) must have inscriptions indicating:

Serial number of the tank,

Base height (height stencil),

Brands of stored petroleum products,

Maximum filling height.

Outside the hazardous area, the drainage area must be equipped with a grounding device.

Information and documentation

basic information

In accordance with the “Rules for retail trade in petroleum products”, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 20, 1997 No. 1442 (with amendments and additions), it is recommended:

A sign indicating the name of the business entity is placed on the façade of the commercial building;

Information about the operating mode is posted; a copy of the state registration certificate; a plate indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of the operator; price list for petroleum products;

A corner is installed in a visible and accessible place for buyers, which displays information: trade patent (if the enterprise is not a single tax payer), information for buyers (addresses, telephone numbers of bodies that control state protection of consumer rights); procedure for the exchange of goods (extract from the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Consumer Rights”);

For the purpose of familiarization of the buyer, the information board (stand) indicates the brands of petroleum products, the retail price per liter, the sulfur content of diesel fuel, and the availability of additional services.

It is allowed to apply brand names, symbols, logos on buildings, structures, gas station structures, install flagpoles with company pennants, company flags, etc., which do not violate the operating safety conditions.

Basic documentation

At gas stations, documentation is maintained in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical and legal documents. Maintaining documentation is determined by the head of the enterprise and is assigned to the official responsible for the operation of the facility.

Permissive(copies of documents):

State act on the right to use land.

State Commission act on commissioning.

Permits for air emissions, waste collection and storage.

Permits from government agencies to begin work.

Documents on identification of potentially dangerous objects.

Trade patent.


Schedules for maintenance and repair, verification of measuring instruments (verification certificates), protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment; cleaning tanks.

Gas station passport. Certificates for tanks. Calibration tables for tanks. Passports (forms), operating manuals for fuel, gas and oil dispensers. Passports of technical and technological equipment, measuring instruments, ventilation and air conditioning systems, water supply, heating, electric motors, pumps, etc.

Lesson plan and procedure for gas station personnel in the event of the occurrence and elimination of possible emergency situations.

Instructions for:

Labor protection for workers by type of work;

Fire safety;

Operation of wastewater treatment plants;

Providing first aid to victims of accidents.

Schemes: placement of technological equipment, pipelines; electrical networks and electrical installations; engineering networks; treatment facilities; fire extinguishing means.

Acts and protocols: cleaning tanks and checking for leaks; base height measurements; measuring the resistance of grounding devices, cable insulation, lightning rods; checking the dispenser for the dispensed dose; measurements of the concentration of harmful substances in the air.


Shift report. Invoices, acts of receipt of petroleum products. Approved price list for petroleum products and services, price tags for goods.

Quality passports (certificates) for petroleum products and other goods.

Magazines and books: accounting of settlement transactions; accounting for receipt of petroleum products; accounting for repairs of technical and technological equipment; inspection and repair of buildings and structures; reception and transfer of shifts; total counter readings; checking the fuel dispenser for dispensing accuracy; inspection, maintenance of electrical installations; contents of protective equipment; inspection and maintenance of treatment facilities; visits and inspections by officials.

Documents on registration of payment transaction registrars (cash registers) with the tax authorities.

Liability agreement with staff. Logs for issuing instructions; registration of briefings on labor protection and fire safety.

Logbook for registration of inspections by state regulatory authorities.

Logbook for recording the operation of an autonomous energy supply unit (DES).

Copies of orders appointing those responsible for: operation of the facility, operation of electrical equipment, metrological support; state of labor protection, fire safety; environmental protection.

All books and magazines must be numbered, bound and signed and sealed.

By decision of the company management, it is allowed to maintain additional documentation on the operation of gas stations and accounting of inventory items.

Buildings and structures on the territory of the gas station are located in strict accordance with the project approved and agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

All types of repair and construction work on buildings and structures are carried out in strict accordance with the schedule of planned maintenance work (PMP), drawn up on the basis of local operating conditions. The settlement of foundations of buildings, structures and equipment in the first two years of their operation (after commissioning) is carefully monitored by inspection and measurements at least once every three months.

Metal structures must be inspected at least once a year, and reinforced concrete structures at least twice a year. If damage and malfunctions are detected in the structures of buildings and structures, an inspection is carried out by specialized organizations. Based on the results of the survey, measures are taken to further use the structures.

To protect against corrosion, metal structures of buildings and structures must be periodically painted with protective primers, paints or varnishes (external ones - at least once a year, and those located indoors - at least once every 3-5 years).

At the gas station, a log of inspection and repair of buildings and structures is kept, in which it is necessary to record: dates and results of inspections with a description of all noticed damages, repair work performed, indicating the dates of the beginning and end of repairs, its nature and volume, results of measurements of foundation settlement, data on cracks and their location. To reduce gas pollution in residential and industrial buildings, the gas station is located on the side of the prevailing wind direction. Ventilation installations of gas station production premises are maintained in good technical condition. The operating efficiency of forced-action ventilation units is checked annually by specialized organizations, with the issuance of conclusions and a note in the passport for the ventilation unit.

The layout should exclude the possibility of an emergency fuel spill on the territory of the gas station and beyond it. At the entrance and exit from the territory, gently sloping elevated areas with a height of at least 0.2 m, or drainage trays, are installed that drain sediment contaminated with oil products to treatment facilities.

The layout provides:

Convenient access and parking of vehicles at the pump during refueling;

Good overview of the entire area from the operator’s premises;

Allocation of areas for green spaces;

Sanitary and hygienic conditions for station workers;

Coordination with the general architectural composition of the microdistrict;

The minimum distances of a gas station to external objects and between its structures must comply with NPB 111-98. "Gas stations. Fire safety requirements";

The location of the gas station is indicated by a road sign;

At the entrance to the gas station territory, it is installed;

Road sign “maximum speed limit”;

Road sign “the movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited”;

A mandatory “compulsory disembarkation of passengers” sign at a gas station is installed in the service area;

Warning to drivers of motorized vehicles to turn off the engine 15 meters before the shopping center by installing a sign “Stopping motorized vehicles 15 meters away”;

Information board “Scheme of movement of vehicles through gas stations”;

Information board indicating the range of petroleum products sold, types of transport serviced;

At the entrances to the filling island, a “straight ahead only” sign is installed; at a gas station that has a canopy, a “height limitation” sign is installed;

Information signs about the location of a fire reservoir, water intake wells or fire hydrant.

In accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications for technological systems used at gas stations, signs are installed that limit the dimensions, weight and types of vehicles allowed to enter the gas station.

Information for the driver on the rules for refueling vehicles, in relation to the type of fuel dispensers, is posted in a prominent place.

Figure 1. Scheme of organization of a stationary (traditional) gas station.

Heating of premises may only be carried out using factory-made devices that meet fire safety requirements, observing the required distances from combustible materials. It is not allowed to place protective clothing, oily rags, or flammable materials on heating devices and heating pipelines, or to dry clothes on heating devices.

17.4.14. Inspection and repair of lightning protection devices are carried out in accordance with regulations specially developed for this purpose.

17.4.15. The results of inspections of lightning protection devices, tests of its grounding devices, routine and repair work carried out must be recorded in the logbook for recording routine and repair work of the lightning protection system.

Based on the inspections, the scope of lightning protection repairs should be determined, which should be completed by the beginning of the thunderstorm period of the year.

17.4.16. Gas stations (gas stations) must be equipped with a rigid towing bar, at least 3 m long, for emergency evacuation of a burning vehicle from the territory of the gas station (gas station).

17.4.17. Gas filling stations (A Z C) must be provided with appropriate safety signs in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76 "Signal colors and safety signs" and road signs in accordance with GOST 10807-78 "Road signs. General technical conditions" and GOST 23457-86 "Technical means traffic organization. Rules of application."

17.4.18. The location of the gas station must be marked with a “gas station” sign. When entering the territory of a filling station (gas station), the following are installed:

road sign “Entry prohibited” (in the case when gas stations or filling stations are closed for entry of vehicles);

road sign "Maximum speed limit" for the movement of refueled vehicles through the territory of gas station (gas station) at a speed of no more than 5 km/h;

a mandatory sign “Stop motorized transport 15 m away” to warn motorized transport drivers about the need to turn off the engine at a distance of at least 15 m from the fuel dispenser;

a mandatory sign “Compulsory disembarkation of passengers” (at filling stations this sign is installed in the “public center” area);

road sign "Movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited";

road signs limiting the types, dimensions and weight of vehicles permitted to enter the territory of the gas station (gas station) in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications or technical specifications for the technological systems used at this gas station (gas station).

At the entrance to the territory of the filling station (gas station), a board must be installed with instructions regulating fire safety measures for drivers and passengers, and an information board indicating the range of petroleum products sold, with the condition that they can be read by everyone entering the territory of the filling station (gas station).

Among the safety signs installed on the territory of gas stations and filling stations there should be signs prohibiting smoking and the use of open fire, as well as signs regulating the movement of passengers and refueled vehicles.

17.5. Requirements for fire protection of filling stations (NPPs)

17.5.1. At nuclear power plants, mobile and hand-held air-foam fire extinguishers should be provided in the quantity necessary to completely cover possible gasoline spills with foam.

17.5.2. For nuclear power plants. on which it is allowed to use ACs that are not equipped with a bottom valve in accordance with GOST R 50913-96 "Motor vehicles for transporting and refueling petroleum products. Types, parameters and general technical requirements", mobile air-foam fire extinguishers with a capacity of at least 100 liters each in quantity should be provided at least two to cover the surfaces of filling areas for AC.

17.5.3. The choice of type and calculation of the required number of fire extinguishers for industrial and public premises of filling stations should be made depending on their fire extinguishing ability, area, fire class of flammable substances and materials in the protected premises in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 3 to these Rules.

17.5.4. To extinguish the fire of fuel dispensers, electric consoles and tank fittings, it is necessary to provide manual carbon dioxide and (or) powder fire extinguishers.

17.5.5. NPPs must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing means based on:

at the filling island of a gas station for refueling passenger cars, which has up to 4 dispensers, - 1 air-foam fire extinguisher (with a capacity of 10 l) and 1 powder fire extinguisher (with a capacity of 5 l), and from 4 to 8 dispensers - 2 air-foam fire extinguishers (with a capacity of 10 l) and 2 powder fire extinguishers (5 l capacity). Fire extinguishers must be located on fuel islands. It is allowed to provide one set of fire extinguishers for two refueling islands, if the distance between these islands does not exceed 6 m;

at gas stations for refueling trucks, buses, large construction and agricultural equipment - 2 mobile powder fire extinguishers (with a capacity of at least 50 liters each) to extinguish the fire of the equipment being refueled and hand-held air-foam fire extinguishers in the quantity provided for refueling islands for refueling passenger cars;

for each fueling site for AC - 2 mobile powder fire extinguishers (with a capacity of 50 liters each) to extinguish an AC fire. If there are such fire extinguishers at the gas station, intended for extinguishing the equipment being refueled, it is allowed not to provide additional fire extinguishers for extinguishing the AC.

17.5.6. Fire extinguisher locations must be marked with appropriate signs.

17.5.7. Each fuel storage container (hereinafter referred to as the FSC) must be equipped with one air-foam fire extinguisher with a capacity of 10 liters and one powder fire extinguisher with a capacity of 5 liters.

17.5.8. Each gas station must be equipped with at least two fire extinguishers (one powder fire extinguisher with a capacity of 5 liters and one carbon dioxide with a capacity of 5 liters).

17.5.9. Primary fire extinguishing means must have established certificates of compliance with the standards established in the Russian Federation or specifications.

17.6. Requirements for the development of a plan for the localization and elimination of fire hazardous situations and fires at filling stations (gas stations)

17.6.1. In the event of a fire hazardous situation at a filling station (gas station), it is necessary to be guided by the provisions of the TED for equipment agreed with the Main Directorate of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the procedure regulated by the “Plan for the localization and elimination of fire hazardous situations and fires at gas station (gas station)”, agreed with the territorial divisions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia.

17.6.2. PLLs should be developed and compiled in order to determine possible fire hazardous situations, scenarios for their development, the procedure for the actions of filling station (gas station) workers and the AC driver to localize and eliminate fire hazardous situations and fires, as well as the procedure for interaction of gas station (gas station) workers with the units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the corresponding stages of fire development and specification of the technical means used for this.

Safety at a gas station is a key concern when designing a station.

It is very important that safety signs, road signs and indicators are manufactured and installed in accordance with all necessary regulations. An individual design style is developed for each gas station, including all information signs and markings.

To build gas stations, the highest quality materials are used that can withstand any weather conditions. All work is carried out in accordance with the safety requirements applicable at gas stations.

The full range of services includes work on creating inscriptions, signs, information plates, required markings, light stands and gas station lighting. You can also order the product separately if you need to install an additional sign or update it.

In addition, the GASZNAK company offers the production of one-sided or two-sided information stand. Depending on the size of the gas station and the customer’s preferences, the dimensions are agreed upon and the corporate design style of the fuel company is taken into account.

A unique feature of our safety signs is the continuous double flange. This production method makes it possible to abandon the use of an auxiliary metal frame, which in turn reduces the cost and weight of the sign. This also extends the service life of the safety sign by increasing the material’s resistance to corrosion. You can order a product or a set of services on our website in the appropriate section.

– supplier of a wide range of information signs, plates for fuel tankers, gas tankers.

Transportation of dangerous goods using appropriate special equipment is regulated by established international safety standards and regulations. To harmonize this type of activity in different countries, a common set of rules was developed - the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. Countries that are directly involved in the ADR agreement on the transport of dangerous goods undertake to comply with these rules in the territory of their country and the participating countries.

ADR regulates the requirements for certification, labeling, classification and packaging of dangerous goods. Of key importance is equipping the vehicle (gas tanker, fuel tanker) carrying such cargo with appropriate information signs signaling this fact to other road users.

The AZS Market company offers everything necessary for the external design of a fuel tanker: reflective tape, stickers, “Dangerous Goods” signs, ADR information signs, flashing beacons, fire extinguisher cases, etc.

Dangerous goods plate ADR

To recognize tank trucks carrying liquid motor fuel, propane-butane, special markings are used. Based on the current rules, special equipment transporting dangerous goods is equipped with a “dangerous goods” sign on the front and back, made on an orange background.

The information plate for displaying dangerous goods has dimensions of 0.3m x 0.4m and a black border of 0.015m.

You can buy ADR signs in our online store or by calling the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section.

ADR information hazard signs

Transportation of fuel by tank trucks, tank containers and multi-part gas containers is carried out using a danger sign measuring 0.250m x 0.250m, made in the shape of a rhombus. This sign is placed on the sides of the transported container and on its rear surface. In the case of transportation of dangerous goods by means of a multi-section tank, the required sign is installed on the sections on both sides, and a similar sign is placed on the rear end part.

Additionally, signs informing about the danger to the external environment are used, which are also installed on the sides and back of tanks, and on the ends and sides of containers. Such substances should be considered liquid or solid substances that poison water.

Labeling of goods hazardous to the environment is not applied in cases where the volume of the substance is no more than 5 liters/kilogram.

The AZS Market company offers information signs, fuel tanker hazard signs, gas tanker hazard signs, made of high-quality material and designed in strict accordance with current standards.
