How does Jennifer Aniston watch her figure? Slender Jennifer Aniston

0 July 30, 2016, 2:43 pm

People magazine named her the woman in the world, and Men's Health awarded her the title of "sexiest." How does the 47-year-old actress manage to become more beautiful and sexier every year, while remaining natural? The actress in an interview spoke about her anti-aging care and how she manages to become more beautiful and elegant over time.Remember Jennifer Aniston's beauty secrets.

1 Train the muscles on your face, no need to paralyze them

Aniston notes that many people are too keen on Botox and plastic surgery.

Why do you need the muscles to be paralyzed? If you don't train them, they will eventually weaken,

The actress thinks.

In order to keep the skin smooth and toned, she performs microcurrent facial therapy (a physiotherapeutic procedure that has an equally beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body, the muscle layer and local blood circulation, does not cause complications and has no rehabilitation period). It's like a facial exercise that stimulates muscles, moisturizes and tones the skin.

2 Focus on skin texture rather than wrinkles

I like the Clear and Brilliant fractional laser (a sensitive tool that allows you to control the strength and depth of the effect - editor's note), it takes little time, is very refreshing for the face and after the procedure you don't look like a tomato without a peel,

The actress said and added that she considers the radiance of the skin much more important than immobilizing all the wrinkles on the face. Aniston is also a fan of Thermage, a patented non-surgical deep lifting technique that stimulates natural collagen production.

3 Less makeup

Coco Chanel once said that before leaving the house you should look at yourself in the mirror and remove one accessory. Jennifer Aniston follows a similar rule when it comes to makeup.

Less is better. I have a loved one who never tires of telling me that I am more beautiful without makeup. It took me a while to get used to minimal makeup and feel comfortable, but later I realized that it was right,

The 47-year-old actress said. Aniston also said that she drinks a lot of water - 3-4 bottles of 700 milliliters each day.

Water, sleep and sun protection are my three main secrets in the fight against age,

The actress explains and also shares the names of her favorite products: her favorites are Laura Mercier moisturizing foundation with a radiant effect and Armani Face Fabric foundation mousse.

4 Make friends with sunscreen

When I was younger, I would put a thick layer of baby oil on myself and do anything to get a burn. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing

Narrated by Anison, a former tanning enthusiast.

Now the actress has realized her mistakes and carefully takes care of her skin in the sun: before going out, she applies sunscreen with a high protection factor - Aveeno SPF 50. According to the star, it perfectly protects and moisturizes the skin without making it oily.

5 Eat right, but don't make it the meaning of your life

Everything is good in moderation,

The actress talks about her diet. The star's diet mainly consists of organic vegetables and lean protein. For breakfast, she eats avocado toast and whole grain bread or a smoothie. Jen tries to limit the amount of dairy and gluten in her diet.

I can't say a definitive no to dairy products. It's very difficult for me to part with cheese,

The actress admits to her little weaknesses. Aniston also sometimes indulges in a plate of spaghetti or something not very healthy from Mexican cuisine.

I don't have gluten intolerance, I try to eliminate it rather because it contributes to weight gain,

Jennifer comments.

6 Prioritize

When a person lies on his deathbed, he is unlikely to care about beautiful cheekbones and the absence of wrinkles. Aniston admits that as she gets older and wiser, she is looking for meaning in something completely different.

When I think of what beauty truly looks like, I think of women like Gloria Steinem. She's 82 years old and gorgeous, and her beauty doesn't depend on what she looks like,

Jennifer Aniston said.

Source Instyle


Jennifer Aniston: figure parameters, youth and beauty

When, back in 1990, an unknown girl, Jennifer Aniston, achieved her first role in a television movie, a condition was set for the debutante. The actress had to urgently lose thirteen kilograms. The girl was full!

In fact, like most Greek women, Jennifer Aniston's natural body type is plump. And the fact that these days the actress looks like the standard of harmony is only her merit; genes did not play a role in this. Even more surprising is the long-term youth of the actress. Now she is forty-seven, and the star looks many, many years younger.

Jennifer Aniston weighs 50 kilograms and height is 168 centimeters.

Let's find out how Jennifer Aniston watches her figure! And let's try to follow her.

Jennifer Aniston - secrets of being slim

“I exercise six days a week. If I start exercising for only five days, then I will no longer be in shape,” says the beauty. At least an hour a day - on a treadmill or exercise bike. This is both cardio training and fat burning. In addition, the actress does kickboxing and kayaking. While watching TV or during phone calls, Jennifer sometimes lifts dumbbells (she even takes them when traveling). A dozen squats and stretching before going to bed.

Some roles also require special physical preparation. To play a stripper in the film “We're the Millers,” Jennifer Aniston (her figure allows her to play such roles) seriously learned to pole dance.

But that's not all of Jennifer Aniston's fitness workouts. This star has its own hobby, which is called “budokon”.

The actress and her yoga instructor, Mandi Ingberg, have been practicing Budokon for a long time. This original technique combines yogic practice with martial arts techniques - karate and taekwondo. The exercise system not only improves physical fitness, but also allows you to develop willpower.

The fifty-minute class begins and ends with a five-minute meditation. The main time is spent on yoga exercises and jumping in martial arts techniques.

Fitness program from Jennifer Aniston

Let's talk about some simple exercises! The photographs show the actress’s personal trainer.

1. "Butterfly". You sit on the floor with your knees bent. The feet are connected. Grasp your feet with both hands. Close your eyes. The back should be straight.

Take a few deep breaths and lean forward (slowly) as much as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise eight times. This is a good warm up and stretch to start your workout.

2. "Flight". Lie on your left side with your legs together. Raise your torso on your left arm without bending it. The right arm remains in position along the body. Take a deep breath and exhale. Raise your right hand up and begin to pull it in turn in different directions. At the same time, pull your toes in the opposite direction.

After repeating the exercise five times, turn over to the other side of your body and perform the same exercise with your left hand. This way you can burn fat around your waist and strengthen your leg and abdominal muscles.

3. "Jump". One leg should be bent at the knee, the other should be pulled back. The arms are straightened and raised above the head, palms held together. Lower your body down and lift it in this position. The exercise is performed fifteen times. Then you need to change sides. This way you can develop the muscles of your buttocks and thighs.

4. Squats. Do ten squats without lifting your heels off the floor. Your arms should be raised up during this exercise. The exercise develops the muscles of the buttocks and legs.

"Cats/dogs." Get on all fours, raising your chin to the maximum height, and begin to bend your back alternately up and down, as deeply as possible. This exercise prevents lower back and lower back pain. Performed ten times.

"Bridge". Lie on your back with your arms extended along your torso. Raise your lower body by bending your legs. Then lower your body down. The exercise is performed fifteen times. Most muscles are involved.

These are some of the exercises from Jennifer Aniston's workout program.

Jennifer Aniston Diet

However, training is only half the battle. Don't forget about your diet! The Hollywood star was taught to eat properly by two personal chefs and nutritionists - sisters Jill and Juelz Elmore. When the Elmore sisters published their bestselling cookbook, The Family Cook, Jennifer Aniston wrote the foreword for the book.

“We misuse the word ‘diet’ to mean short-term food restrictions,” says Aniston. “Diet is a constant regimen of proper nutrition. If the diet is short-lived, then you will lose weight - not for long. However, a regular diet does not mean eating salads all your life! It is enough to exclude white bread, white rice and similar dishes that provide little protein but a lot of carbohydrates.”

Rice, sugar, white bread, potatoes, ice cream, pasta - Jennifer excluded these foods from her diet. Vegetables became the basis of her diet. Fried zucchini and freshly chopped carrots are much healthier for your figure than a plate of pasta. The Elmore sisters believe that vegetables should make up at least 75% of the diet.

This does not mean that Jennifer eats only vegetables - the actress’s diet leaves room for fish, poultry, milk, eggs, whole grain bread, and spices. One of the actress’s favorite dishes was turkey sandwiches.

One of Jennifer Aniston's days is an example of healthy and tasty eating:


  • Whole grain fried bread with apple jam, muesli and a piece of cheese
  • Peach juice cocktail with ginger and coconut


  • Lentil, cucumber, tomato and cheese salad
  • Salad with white beans, garlic, tomatoes and onions
  • Celery soup

Evening meal

  • White fish with a side dish of steamed beans
  • Marinated salmon with asparagus, onions and mushrooms

This is how Jennifer Aniston stays in shape!

If a Hollywood diva wants to relax a little and pamper herself, she goes to a Mexican restaurant and eats, for example, a chicken burrito.

“If you weigh a little, they criticize you. If you weigh a lot, they criticize you.

According to the press, I was both too thin and too fat.

There is no point in trying to please everyone, so I suggest that we all quit this useless activity once and for all.”

Jennifer Aniston's blow of fate

She had every reason to have complexes, become depressed and seek solace in desserts and hamburgers or even worse - alcohol. Her beloved husband Brad Pitt, with whom she lived together for five years, abandoned her in front of the whole world. And he left not for just anyone, but, according to many, for the most beautiful woman on the planet - Angelina Jolie.

But Jennifer Aniston did not break under the blow of fate. On the contrary, the experience strengthened her and made her even more beautiful. She is already 41 years old, but even 20-year-old girls are jealous of the appearance of the famous Rachel from the series “Friends”.

Jennifer Aniston parameters

Date of Birth: February 11, 1969

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Options: 94-58,5-90

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Real hair color: fair-haired

Eye color: gray-green

Trademark: gorgeous hair (spends fabulous sums on hair care)

Loves: massage, trips to the sea, watercolor painting

Does not love: being photographed (paparazzi), getting tattoos (about your body)

Jennifer Aniston about the tendency to be overweight and complexes

“When I was a teenager, my dad used to say that I had such a huge butt that you could easily serve a tray of tea and biscuits on it.”

Why and how she lost weight for the role of Rachel in “Friends”: the producers felt that the actress had too round cheeks and massive hips, so they set a condition for her - either lose weight or forget about the series. Jennifer decided to try a new product - the Zone diet. In just a few weeks of dieting (plus exercise on a treadmill, exercise bike and stepper), she managed to lose more than 10 kg, and her figure began to resemble an hourglass.

Jennifer Aniston on emotional eating

What she does if she starts to gain weight: completely excludes pasta, white bread and sweets from her diet, and limits snacks to a handful of berries or a slice of cheese.

Nutrition Jennifer Aniston

What's in her plate: vegetables, berries and fruits (Jen especially likes blueberries and cantaloupe), seafood, smoked turkey, beef fillet, chicken, salmon with rice and vegetables, wrapped in Chinese lettuce or cabbage, meat and fish fillets, as a side dish - wild or brown rice, whole grain pasta.

Occasionally– omelet and soft-boiled eggs, cheese, whole grain bread, nuts, berry and curd desserts. The actress starts every morning with a glass of water with lemon. During the day he drinks water, juices, herbal and green tea.

When and how much does she eat: 5-6 times a day, three main meals and 2-3 snacks. Tries to eat organic, seasonal foods.

What food immediately lifts her mood: corn chips with salsa and guacomole and a Margarita cocktail (tequila + lemon or lime juice + orange liqueur; served in a chilled glass with a rim lightly dipped in salt). In general, Jen prefers Mexican cuisine to all others. In second place is Italian.

Can't stand: Greek cuisine (although she herself is half Greek, on her father’s side), Chinese and Indian. Not a fan of spicy food.

Fitness Jennifer Aniston

Favorite types of fitness: jogging, yoga, canoeing, weights, martial arts.

What yoga did to her:“My legs have become slimmer. My hands are stronger. It seems to me that I have even gained an inch in height thanks to the fact that I am constantly trying to straighten my spine. But these are all nice bonuses. The main thing is that I have become more harmonious and stable internally. When you hold an asana, you learn to be patient with yourself. You will definitely manage, and if not, it’s okay. This is not a competition. Not a race. It's just life."

Who taught her yoga to music: coach Mandy Ingber. Jen says she owes her super shape. They meet three to four times a week and study for an hour or two. As a warm-up, 20 minutes on the treadmill. “This helps warm up the muscles before moving on to the asanas.”

What helped her get through her divorce from Brad Pitt: Budokon lessons are a mixture of martial arts and psychotherapy. Jennifer had an important shoot for the cover of Vanity Fair magazine. She wanted to look attractive and happy, despite the fact that Brad had just moved in with Angelina Jolie. And then her best friend and colleague on the series “Friends” Courteney Cox brought her together with Cameron Shane, the creator of Budokon. Punching and kicking, jumping, rebounding, swinging - all this helped burn calories, tighten muscles and allowed Jen, who was used to keeping unpleasant experiences inside herself, to throw out stress and resentment.

Her menu

toast with low-fat soft cheese and fruit/berry jelly, tea.

Or: 2 hard-boiled eggs on whole grain toast with tomato slices.

Or: a serving of oatmeal with berries or block slices, raisins and nuts.

Lunch: portion of peach cobbler, juice.

Dinner: Cobb salad (greens, tomatoes, avocado, egg, pieces of boiled chicken), a slice of low-fat cheese, tea.

Or: baked potato with 2 tablespoons of canned tuna (in its own juice) + vegetable salad, sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Or: Sandwich with vegetables and hummus.

Afternoon snack: ravioli with seafood, tea.

Dinner: two-egg omelette with ham, tomatoes and herbs + vegetable salad (red bell pepper, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, etc.), tea.

Or: stew with chicken, brown rice and vegetables (red onions, sweet yellow peppers, broccoli).

Or: baked salmon fillet + a portion of couscous with sweet pepper.

Text - Ksenia Tatarnikova

Jennifer Aniston has an excellent figure, despite her no longer young age. Want to know her secret? Read about Jennifer Aniston's diet in our article!

Jennifer Aniston's training and diet secrets have not left any girl indifferent for several generations. We'll tell you what techniques help the star of the television series "Friends", adored by millions of fans, stay in great shape.

Jennifer Aniston gained her popularity precisely thanks to this project, and therefore today, seeing the famous actress, many immediately remember Rachel Green. And this despite the fact that more than a dozen years have passed and Jennifer has long become much older than her heroine - she is now almost 50 years old.

Agree, looking at a star, it is impossible to name its exact age. The maximum you can give her is 40. And this is indisputable proof that Jennifer Aniston knows the secret that allows her to always stay in shape.

Jennifer Aniston Diet

The actress admits that the key to her good figure is diet. She did not invent anything new, but only used one of the existing systems called No White Food Diet.

The most interesting thing is that this nutrition system gained popularity precisely thanks to the star of the television series “Friends” and became known as the Jennifer Aniston diet.

What is the essence of Aniston's diet?

It consists of giving up harmful white foods. These include all flour, sugar, white rice, pasta, potatoes and, in general, all products made from premium and first-grade flour.

At the same time, it is not prohibited to eat healthy foods of the same color, for example, lean fish, dietary chicken, milk, kefir (naturally low in fat), cabbage and onions.

The essence of the diet is to saturate the body with simple carbohydrates. As a result, blood sugar levels are normalized, and fiber from vegetables (which Jennifer eats in large quantities) promotes good digestion and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time.

If you are a lover of sweets and starchy foods, switching to Jennifer Aniston's diet will not be easy. And in this case, the replacement principle is perfect for you.

Let's take a closer look at the star's diet together with guru Denis Semenikhin.

The principle of replacement in Jennifer Aniston's diet

Jennifer Aniston's diet contains no foods that are harmful to her figure. But not for the reason that she eliminated their species completely, but because she replaced them with harmless analogues. So instead of white rice, she uses brown rice, and cane sugar has replaced standard sugar.

You can use this idea too. It's much easier to eat sweet potatoes instead of potatoes and noodles instead of pasta than it is to just munch on vegetables and fruits all day.

  • Firstly, the feeling of hunger if you completely give up certain foods will become almost uncontrollable, which means that at any moment there will be a risk that you will break down.
  • And, secondly, an unaccustomed body may begin to resist, especially the stomach.

Nutrition rules during Aniston's diet

Speaking about the diet of the famous actress, we can draw the following conclusions.

You can and should eat:

Vegetables, fruits and berries, whole grain bread, wild and brown rice, buckwheat, lentils, dietary meat and fish - chicken, turkey, halibut, etc., nuts and honey.

The enemies of diet and a beautiful figure are:

Sugar and all confectionery products, yoghurts and ice cream, of course, fast food, pasta and potatoes, cheese and butter, sweet soda.

The “right” foods should be eaten at least three times a day. Ideally, according to the star, you need to eat 5 times: three meals should be the main ones, and two should be secondary.

Jennifer Aniston's Sample Menu

1 meal

Wild rice

  • 100 gr.

  • 101 Kcal
  • 4 proteins, g
  • 0.4 fat, g
  • 21.3 carbohydrates, g

1 meal

  • 101 Kcal
  • 4 proteins, g
  • 0.4 fat, g
  • 21.3 carbohydrates, g

2 meals

Chicken breast without skin

  • 160 gr.

  • 180.8 Kcal
  • 37.8 proteins, g
  • 3.1 fat, g
  • 0.7 carbohydrates, g


  • 27 Kcal
  • 1.4 proteins, g
  • 0.3 fat, g
  • 5.9 carbohydrates, g

Walnut or other nuts

  • 30 gr.

  • 196.2 Kcal
  • 4.7 proteins, g
  • 19.7 fat, g
  • 4.1 carbohydrates, g

2 meals

  • 404 Kcal
  • 43.9 proteins, g
  • 23.1 fat, g
  • 10.7 carbohydrates, g

3 meals

  • 200 gr.

  • 280 Kcal
  • 53.4 proteins, g
  • 6 fats, g
  • 0 carbohydrates, g

Sweet yellow pepper

  • Any vegetables of your choice will do

  • 48.6 Kcal
  • 1.8 proteins, g
  • 0.4 fat, g
  • 11.4 carbohydrates, g

3 meals

  • 328.6 Kcal
  • 55.2 proteins, g
  • 6.4 fat, g
  • 11.4 carbohydrates, g

4 meals

Turkey (meat with skin)

  • 170 gr.

  • 272 Kcal
  • 34.7 proteins, g
  • 13.6 fat, g
  • 0 carbohydrates, g

Eggplant or other vegetables

  • 150 gr.

  • 36 Kcal
  • 1.5 proteins, g
  • 0.3 fat, g
  • 8.6 carbohydrates, g

4 meals

  • 308 Kcal
  • 36.2 proteins, g
  • 13.9 fat, g
  • 8.6 carbohydrates, g

The process of losing weight should go away gradually - otherwise it will return along with other kilograms.

Jennifer Aniston's diet is a great way to gradually get rid of those extra pounds... forever. In the first couple of weeks, 2-3 kilograms are lost. And although the figure is not so impressive, the result is amazing - swelling subsides, and the skin is tightened and smoothed.

On average, 4 kilograms are lost per month of the diet. At the same time, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with hunger and be exhausted from a lack of vitamins for weight loss and energy. And most importantly, you can follow the nutrition rules until you achieve the desired result.

Diet and training

Jennifer has made healthy eating part of her lifestyle. However, she understands perfectly well that the key to beauty is not only diet, but also training.

The star goes in for sports 6 times a week, and she does this strictly following the regime. The actress is sure that missing at least one workout will lead to changes in her figure, naturally, not for the better.

Aniston's workouts

Aniston does both strength training and... Of the latter, she prefers exercise on an exercise bike. In addition, she is often seen riding a regular bicycle. When it comes to strength exercises, Jennifer chooses those that allow her to work all her muscles at once.

The famous actress also keeps her body in shape thanks to yoga. She regularly works on a relaxing program that allows her to maintain both her figure and peace of mind. In addition, during classes she does stretching exercises.

You can see Jennifer's favorite exercises, which she revealed for Glamor magazine below.

And here's her yoga workout.

As Jennifer Aniston says, diet and exercise are the best means for a beautiful body.

Figure like a star

The star's lifestyle had a positive impact on her appearance. Recently, the film “We Are the Millers” was released, where the actress played one of the main roles. And since the comedy included a moment with the heroine’s striptease, more than one country saw the figure of the then 44-year-old Jennifer. And believe me, many girls younger than Aniston have experienced feelings of envy.

Do you also envy the stars and want to have the same perfect body as the best screen divas? Don't waste your energy on negative emotions!

Better spend it on self-control and motivation.

  • Take advantage of Jennifer Aniston's diet: limit your consumption of unhealthy foods and give preference to healthy and low-calorie ones.
  • Start your workout and yoga practice.
  • And don't forget to drink 3 liters of water a day.

In just a couple of weeks you will notice an improvement in your well-being and appearance, and in another month you will admire yourself in the mirror and be proud of yourself!

“America's Sweetheart,” the owner of a star on the Walk of Fame, the charming Rachel Green from the television series “Friends” - Jennifer Aniston managed to conquer Hollywood and viewers almost all over the world.

Some enjoy her excellent sense of humor, others emphasize the actress’s good taste, and almost everyone admires Jen’s incomparable figure. The actress only gets better with age.

And at 46 years old she will give odds to more than one young beauty:

  • ideal figure;
  • gorgeous skin;
  • luxurious hair;
  • and a shining smile.

What is the secret of her beauty?

I have never had any diet! I exercise and eat healthy!

– Aniston denies the presence of diets in her life, obviously implying extreme hunger strikes.

The diet of a Hollywood actress can hardly be called nourishing and high-calorie. The nutritional system that Jennifer adheres to is called the No White Food Diet - it is what fans of the actress call “Jen’s diet,” although many representatives of the celebrity world are among her admirers.

No White Food Diet is not a diet, but a way of eating that involves giving up the majority of white foods.

In the list of prohibited:

The exception is the “white” friends of the figure:

You should not only rely on low-calorie sources of protein, because proper nutrition is balanced.

The diet needs to be supplemented with:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • whole grain flour products;
  • cereal porridge;
  • nuts and honey.

The diet does not limit the amount of food you eat, but it is better to limit yourself to the standard 5-6 glass-sized servings. You can count on weights of up to 4 kg per month - the canonical standard for weight loss.

Aniston claims that giving up fast carbohydrates, in addition to the desired weight loss, will eliminate swelling, improve skin condition and provide vitality. But the main advantage of the No White Food Diet is that you can follow the diet for as long as you like.

Few people know that the star of the series “Friends” is predisposed to obesity. Today, Aniston’s figure is in the TOP of the best bodies in Hollywood.

Do you still blame genetics for your excess weight? Review your diet, as Aniston once did, by giving up cheeseburgers, fried potatoes and fatty sauces. The actress's personal chefs wrote a book about her diet.

A typical menu for a Hollywood beauty is a role model:

  • breakfast: whole grain toast with jam, a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, a handful of granola;
  • lunch: salad with beans, tomatoes, herbs and garlic;
  • lunch: cheese salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, lentils, celery soup;
  • dinner: fish baked with walnuts and green beans on the side.

Scarce? One has only to look at Jennifer’s photo and motivation will pacify the righteous anger that erupted due to the lack of carbonara pasta or Mexican pizza.

The actress's personal trainer speaks of Aniston's impeccable sense of proportion, who will never eat a pack of cookies at once, but will enjoy a small piece for a long time.

Most of us would rather eat the cake and fast for the entire week. Unfortunately, “tomorrow” usually does not come, and the eaten cake is safely deposited on the waist.

Express advice from Aniston:

  • fractional healthy nutrition;
  • full 8-hour sleep;
  • 3 liters of water

– for everyone who is tired of hunger strikes and stress.

Fitness in the life of Jennifer Aniston: “I exercise six times a week”

Five workouts a week, according to the actress, have a detrimental effect on her figure, while a six-day training takes care of her appearance properly.

Aniston does not spare her belly.

  • With the help of yoga trainer Mandy Ingber, Jennifer masters the art of “yogalosophy,” which combines yoga asanas and cardio exercises with a philosophical “sauce.”
  • Clearly setting goals and consciously achieving results is the key to success in body shaping, and asanas and aerobic exercises are only a means that helps to realize your plans. The Friends star notes that “yogalosophy” has radically changed her life, enriching her spiritually, not to mention specific results - slimness and flexibility.

During the preparation for the filming of the film “We Are the Millers,” the actress took lessons in strip plastic surgery, noting the colossal energy intensity of the training. The pole is not the only hobby of the “Friends” star.

Among the “favorites”:

Is the activity of your life in the same degree? You are on the verge of success! The strategy of healthy eating and a sports lifestyle is a winning one.

Recently, the paparazzi have noticed that the actress has gained weight. Rumors about the possible pregnancy of the 46-year-old Hollywood diva are being discussed online.

Jennifer and her 44-year-old husband Justin Theroux returned from a romantic trip in August. The vacation brought the wife not only love experiences, but also a couple of extra pounds.

However, glossy magazines have repeatedly published news about the actress’s pregnancy on their covers – once every six months or even more often. Whether Jennifer is hiding her delicate situation or whether gastronomic excesses are the cause of her atypical plumpness, time will tell.

In any case, the beauty Aniston deserves praise!
