Essay on the topic of personal development. Essay on the topic: "Professional self-education and self-development of a teacher - the path to pedagogical excellence"

Tatiana Romantseva
Essay “Self-development or go with the flow?”

“Always dream and strive for more than you know you can achieve. Don't bother being better than your predecessors or contemporaries. Try to be better than yourself."

William Faulkner.

What categories of people are there? Firstly, those who could not cope with everyday problems, sank to "bottom" marginalized lives. Secondly, ordinary people "floating on flow» who in most cases strive only for material enrichment and financial well-being, throwing spiritual enrichment and physical health into the background. Thirdly, people with an active lifestyle, striving for self-development and self-improvement.

For me most the third category of people is attractive - "activists". Such people always have in the foreground self-development. And what is it? Self-development, in my opinion, is an endless process of improvement yourself in all facets: spiritual, mental, physical, intellectual... As with any process for self-development characterized by the presence of a specific goal. And it doesn’t matter at what speed you move towards it, be it the slowness of a snail or the speed of a jet airplane, the main thing is not to stop there. If you have achieved your goal, then move on to achieving the next goal!

Self-development– is it easy and simple? No! It may seem to some that for some people everything works out easily and naturally, but no. There are moments in each of our lives when "give up". Someone in such situations becomes depressed, while others find the strength to move on and fight for their lives, desires, and dreams. Only through constant work on ourselves and training of personal qualities does it become easier for us to overcome the thorny path self-development.

I thought about it and came to the conclusion that there are favorable conditions for self-development. It is important that your social circle includes people who strive to self-improvement. It will be easier to develop this way, having in front of me an example of a person who has an active life position that is in tune with my own. In society "marginalized" for a person of weak character or lacking self-confidence there is a risk "sink to the bottom" and stall your development. At the same time, one should not forget one simple truth, as Kano said Jigoro: “It doesn’t matter if you are better than someone else. What matters is whether you are better than you were yesterday.”

Is it possible « to go with the flow» without any effort? It’s possible, but nothing about it there can be no talk of self-development and especially self-improvement. If you want to be successful and move up the career ladder, develop your personal qualities and your physical abilities. If you want to be a wonderful father or mother to your children, deepen your knowledge in pedagogy and psychology, add experience to your life. If you want to be healthy, eat right, give up bad habits, don’t be lazy - do morning exercises! All these are elementary steps self-development.

How does it go self-development in your life?

Currently, I have a favorite profession, which I did not come to right away. Through trial and error, which is an integral part self-improvement, I chose my future path in life. Like Richie said Blackmore: “It never happens that I am satisfied with something. I constantly try to improve my music” - just as I strive to master the skills of true mastery in my work. To do this, I study literature, try to create the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of children, take an interest in new products, and try to learn from the experience of my older colleagues. I'm trying to prove to myself most that is capable of more. According to Victor Frankl: “A person is somewhat similar to airplane. Airplane can ride on land, but to prove that he is airplane, it should rise into the air. Also We“If we don’t rise above ourselves, no one will even guess that we can fly.”

Publications on the topic:

Development of cognitive interest in children of senior preschool age within the framework of the work of the “I Choose” centers In any preschool education program, one of the primary tasks is to preserve the health of children, as well as “the opportunity to joyfully.

"Tricky question". Quiz about tea for older preschool children There are tables arranged in the hall according to the number of participating teams, a central table and a table for the jury members. - Hello, hello, guests.

Didactic manual “Housing issue”. The manual was created for preschool children. Over time, human living conditions have changed.

Scenario of an intellectual game on traffic rules “Question for backfilling” Scenario for cognitive and research activities Intellectual game “Question for backfilling” Purpose of the game: Create conditions for learning.

Summary of the competition game in the preparatory group “Question for backfilling” Target. Expand children's horizons, help unleash their creativity and teach cooperation and teamwork. Develop skill.

KVN scenario on ecology “Question for backfilling” Question to fill in. Purpose. Instilling a love for nature, nurturing a caring attitude towards it. Development of logical thinking, observation skills.

This is my first experience writing an essay.

Until now, I had to write, but these were completely different genres: concepts, programs, feasibility studies, reports, SMS messages and tweets. Before starting to reveal the topic of the essay “Strategy for my personal development,” I had to turn to the encyclopedia and understand what an “Essay” actually is. It turned out: literally - an attempt, a trial, an essay, and in general - a literary genre of prose writing of a small volume and free composition.

I had to do the same with the theme. Divide it into separate concepts, analyze them, put them back together, synthesize and get an answer to the questions (which I ask myself so systematically for the first time in my life): What is the Strategy for my personal development? And did she even exist? And what goal should be achieved? What resources do I have to achieve my goal?

What's the goal? To be better than others (smarter, stronger, richer, more successful, happier, rise up the social ladder)? Probably to be freer. After all, all of the above concepts (which for many people are an end in themselves) are just degrees of freedom. And we must make a reservation: the concept of “mine” is equal and inseparable from “my seed,” and the concept of “freedom” is identical to “development.”

So it is given: the goal is freedom and development (as a sum of concepts); time period – 10-20 years (hopefully); rear resources - family, friends, experience (life and work); Frontline resources – personal qualities, personal financial savings, existing business, business partners.

Encyclopedias interpret “Development” as an irreversible process aimed at changing material and spiritual objects in order to improve them. One of the key patterns is that Development always goes through unstable periods (expressed in development crises). My Development as a person can be divided into three components: physical development; social development (change in social status); development of mental processes: intelligence (thinking, attention, memory); development of will; development of emotions.

If almost everything is clear about physical development and its characteristics (weight, height, strength) vs. (proper nutrition, sports, medical examination), then there are questions about social and mental development. I am clearly aware that I have hit a ceiling in my social and intellectual development. And I need to find a way (door) to other floors. If we consider development literally, as a turn of times (i.e. movement in a spiral), I need to move on to the next turn. Get out of the crisis of your own development.

Strategy is a plan of action. Strategy as a method of action becomes necessary in a situation where there are not enough available resources to directly achieve the main goal.

But how to make this plan correctly? And so that this plan would work and not be a beautiful dream. And what am I missing to compile it? How to overcome the crisis of your own development?

There is no method, no systematized knowledge that meets the needs of today and tomorrow. I don't have this.

I understand that any movement towards achieving my goal is impossible without specialized knowledge and the presence of ready-made strategies does not exempt me from studying them.

I understand that I live during the transition of humanity from one technological structure to another, to a knowledge economy. And knowledge will become the main resource, the main wealth and the main measure.

Tactics is a strategy implementation tool. My tactical task today is to gain knowledge. Education. Exploring what is unknown. Reconnaissance in force.

This text is permeated with military terms: rear, reconnaissance, battle. Perhaps this is an internal mobilization of the body, or a premonition of a new time. I am sure that there are no coincidences. After all, the literal translation of the word Strategy from the ancient Greek στρατηγία is “the art of a commander.” My task is to master this art.

Everything that I have achieved to date (head of an enterprise, expert of the legislative assembly, advisor to the executive branch), I have achieved through my human, and not business, qualities. My development lags behind the development of my partners, my managers, and, worst of all, it may begin to lag behind my subordinates. Much of what I studied before has been forgotten, erased or littered with information garbage. I need to update and systematize my knowledge, and learn a lot for the first time.

Competition on the blog of a happiness psychologist The Self-Development Essay seems to be reaching its climax. In 4 prizes from the happiness psychologist, 5 essays on self-development were sent. It’s great, because the 5th is the number of my birth and the main function of this number is development, change, newness.

Essay competition about self-development on the blog of a happiness psychologist

Thus the probability of an event “I won the happiness psychologist competition” is 4/5 or 0.8 - the chances of each participant are great, don’t you agree?

Spread the news throughout the world and win!

Besides, each participant will be able to invite her acquaintances and friends from social networks to this page by email and increase your chances of taking first place in this competition.

5 competitive essays on self-development

All 5 essays on self-development will be numbered below from 1 to 5 and posted in the same sequence as they were received by mail from the happiness psychologist.

1) How thanks to this blog I came back to life

The blog is cool. I came to him at a very difficult time for me. At that moment I was ready to die. Survived a stroke. There was emptiness ahead and I didn’t want to live. When I read it, at first it seemed like garbage and nonsense, I’m a teacher, and I’m familiar with it. And now I wonder why I never stopped reading. But when I got into it, I suddenly realized that it makes sense to live on if there are people like you, Sasha. Thank you very much for your work.

Nadezhda, 62 years old, St. Petersburg

2) Exit from under the baseboard

Greetings to all readers and admirers! I wish each of you joy, happiness and love! I am writing out of gratitude to a wonderful person, Sasha Molyaruk, an outstanding psychologist of our time, who created his own system and invested a huge amount of work, soul, love for people, his knowledge and experience into the Happiness blog. The author of the blog still takes part in my life through this blog, webinars, books, correspondence, consultations. Supports me throughout the entire period of our acquaintance. For me he is a very dear, beloved and respected person. I consider him my mentor and friend. I know that Sasha loves every reader and client.

I must say that my soul does not like to undress in public. But for those gathered here, I will remove the veil.
I'll start with where it all begins - from childhood. I was raised in a family that loved me. In nature, in a large house, with a garden and vegetable garden. From early childhood I loved to sing with my family. I danced a square dance with my grandfather to the accordion at sunset on the shore of the pond. She organized concerts and performances for family members. I have been writing essays since first grade. For some reason grandma kept them in a Singer sewing machine?! I loved listening to fairy tales. I had my own garden under the apple tree. From this harvest I made soup for the dolls with my friends. They poured lead figurines with the boys on the street, and a friendly group of children played funny outdoor games until the evening. All this is very dear and valuable to me: a loving family, nature, creativity, beauty, music and the world of childhood.
A popular proverb says: a child learns what he sees in his home. The family was large - the girl saw a lot of things. I understood, I didn’t understand, but I put it in a bag of beliefs.

At the same time, when all the children were composing, I also composed my life script. I acquired the drivers: “Be the best!”, and in my youth “Be strong!” No sooner said than done! With this I entered my adult life. While my life cart was not very full, it moved quickly, but wobbly. Still would! With drivers like these... It happened to me in my personal life! Oh! Strong - I’ll still “defeat” you! At this time I worked a lot and made a career. The best means you... you understand... And if you consider that we choose a couple with our injured part, then I chose what I needed... for my lesson. I ran around both in the role of a Victim, and in the role of a rescuer, and in the role of a pursuer. It is clear that it is unconscious. Since I had enough ignorance, hence the result: I stopped respecting men, stopped trusting them, accumulated a bag of claims and grievances, and other spam. The process of mutation from a woman to the opposite sex was gradual and imperceptible to me. (Here I remember a joke about a little dragon: Dragon, who are you now?) Since I had a lot of male character traits, I felt bad, bad, really bad about myself... What I thought to myself, it’s better not to write at all . From physics we know: what is the danger of critical mass? That's right - an explosion. I was already living “under the plinth”—my self-esteem was below zero. There's a lump in my throat. She lay there without energy.

At that moment, an outstanding practicing psychologist came into my life! The process of returning to life began with total forgiveness. The hardest thing for me was to forgive myself. Then self-pity is like a pain in the ass. The splinter is there, but it came out through tears. I cried. My soul and eyes were cleansed. And I saw a pillar of a rainbow in the middle of winter, in cloudy St. Petersburg. For an hour and a half he told me that everything would be fine. Then we learned the geometry of happiness. I found out that there is another and with love! And she chose to live in it. They dug into the spiritual bag. Got rid of fears.
We worked with Sasha with the Inner Child - Tanechka, who sings on the jump rope as if into a microphone. In March, frost from the wires, through the sunlight, sprinkled me from head to toe. Magic! I started singing and dancing. So much so that the young people on the landing asked to repeat the music! Got slimmer. I took singing lessons. The laughter returned to me. Filled with joy. I made peace with my mother. We communicate in a completely different way - with joy. For about 30 years I couldn’t do it. She let out her anger by hitting a stack of newspapers with a rubber hose. Feel better immediately! Space was freed up for love and tenderness. The responsibility is now with me.

It was hot here in May. I went for a swim in the pond. A girl named Lisa, 3-4 years old, came up to me. We talked to her. And when it was time for me to return, Lisa said goodbye loudly: “Goodbye, good fairy!” Stunned, the adult company was surprised. Children, cats, neighbors, people, men are now drawn to me. I am silent about my family and friends. This is secret! At work yesterday, an employee said: “Tanya, it’s so good that you exist!”

Wrote by Sasha about hairpins and jewelry. I immediately took them out and started using them. The hair has grown back. You can already do a high hairstyle. I feel like a woman. The gentlemen appeared and a soul friend. I bathe in male attention and compliments. I must say that she was so popular among men only in her youth. And I already have half a century behind me. I live without looking at my passport. I feel like a healthy, young, necessary, interesting woman. I sincerely love men as a class. I choose a protector, breadwinner and strategist with whom we will understand each other well. I communicate freely and willingly. Sasha helped me come to my senses and see my true self, born from childhood love, and understand my worth. And the world around me confirms this to me every day. Life goes on. This true story will help those who still doubt...

Dear people who came to the blog! We are all very lucky. Sasha is so lucky with this blog!))))))))))))
Today I can honestly say that I am already happy and I want just a little more! Life goes on! Faith, Hope, and Love are with us again and again! I wish us all courage, confidence, joy, happiness and love in the triangle of happiness.

Tatiana, VKontakte: id 228614809, St. Petersburg

3) The difficult path of self-development

Why do so few people strive for self-improvement? They go with the flow in their lives, while some of them try hard to earn money and achieve prosperity in the financial sphere, while others do not strive for anything at all.

Both of these don't quite suit me. I always wanted to become better in everything: in school (at school), in work, in my personal life and in society in general. I’ll be honest: only the first point (regarding classical education) was completely successful.

Every day I try to improve: to do only good deeds (or at least not to do bad ones), take care of my health (eat right, do exercises), achieve success at work and financial well-being (something constantly prevents me from achieving this), read good books. But for some reason the results are still quite modest.

But the most important question to which I have not yet found an answer is. I write down common goals: for example, an activity plan for the year, month or day. But I still haven’t defined the global (most important) goal. But the plan for all other actions directly depends on it!

I started visiting your blog quite recently, but I immediately noticed that there are a lot of positive emotions and positivity in general. It happens that I read a book and notice: everything seems to be written correctly, but somehow dark. And you just have a “sunny” blog.

It is very good that quite a lot of people still strive for happiness, want to become better, and at least with the help of the Internet you can meet such people.

Olga, 42 years old, Ukraine, Druzhkovka

4) Three vases with balls of happiness

Yes, Alexander, your blog is a valuable find for me! I’m from the city of Zhukovsky, I’m 40 years old, I work in a kindergarten and children’s center, and I also teach courses. I don’t know how it happens, but what’s spinning in my head is plans, thoughts after some time I read on your site and catch myself thinking that I’m just thinking about this or looking for an answer to this or that question .

I’ll tell you how I managed to slightly change your advice about collecting (for my motivation, you recommended three vases). At first I used it for myself - I can say that the vase did not have time to be filled and... I got married. And then I came up with such a positive motivation for children and when consulting I advise parents, they are delighted, it works great and the children change before their eyes. A 10-year-old child is inattentive at a knitting course, and this vase helps me here too...

Business ideas, fairy tale therapy, relationships, I absorb everything like a sponge, add my experience and transform it into a new idea. This is approximately how it all happens. Thank you!

Valeria, 40 years old, Zhukovsky

5) There is happiness

I always suspected that happiness somewhere, with someone, once was, is and will be, but somehow I didn’t apply this concept to myself, I was afraid to appropriate it, or what? Is it mine? Is it it? Can't be! But deep down I felt that someone should know about this for sure. And then one day the mail brought a link to an interesting article from the pagepsychologist of happiness. I read it and... forgot.

The new letter was even more interesting. I read it, tried it on myself, copied it (well, stole it) to use with other people.

I became interested in blog news. It turned out that I initially didn’t notice a lot of useful information, didn’t comprehend it, didn’t accept it or something. I began to read every article, write comments. My life changed, it became more interesting and complete.

I like the way Alexander blogs; his style of writing resonates with my inner reader. I like tests and practical assignments. If you think that I have already found my happiness, then you are mistaken, no, not yet, but I am on the way to it. Happinnes exists.

Irina, 49 years old, Samara region

Vote 2 out of 5 essays on self-development

So, the essays on self-development are one better than the other, and the participants in the competition are all well-chosen. Let's start voting and selecting winners?

Reflective essay

Topic: “Professional self-education and self-development of a teacher - the path to pedagogical excellence.”

For the professional activity of a teacher today, it is not enough to simply work in an educational institution and know your subject; in addition, at the current level of society’s requirements, it is necessary to constantly update and enrich your professional potential.

Several years ago I made my choice, and I still consider it correct. My task is to train, develop and educate. My goal is to learn and develop. My happiness is in the success of the student. My pedagogical credo: “Each of us chooses our own path in life. Some people go at random, head on, while others clearly set a goal and definitely achieve it.”

I believe that the main thing for me, as a teacher, is constant development, improvement, mastery of something new, useful and significant in modern conditions. A teacher must constantly develop himself.

Not only the student, but also the teacher must develop. My strategic goal is to help the student find himself in life. My pedagogical axioms are simple: “If I want a child to love my subject, I myself must love what I teach and those to whom I teach. If I want a child to love learning, I must work together with him. If I want a child to take initiative, I have to captivate him.”

Nowadays, it is impossible to obtain a specialty once and then only implement your knowledge and skills. The world does not stand still. It is like an elevator that is always moving upward.

A good specialist today may not be in demand tomorrow. Staying professional requires a continuous process of self-education.

Self-education is a source of professional growth for any person, along with the professional experience he or she has accumulated. The work process often presents us with tasks that cannot always be solved based on previous experience. This requires new knowledge, a new approach, which a person engaged in self-education may well have, and which someone who does not master anything new certainly will not have.

When starting work on self-education and professional self-improvement, the teacher must have analysis data of his work for a certain period, an objective assessment of them and recommendations from colleagues on how to improve his work.

Self-education is the basis for a teacher’s growth as a specialist. A teacher, according to A. Disterweg, “is only able to actually educate and educate until he works on his own upbringing and education.” If he does not study, does not read, does not follow scientific achievements in his field and does not implement them into practice, it is not enough to say that he lags behind: he pulls back, makes it difficult to solve the problems assigned to the educational institution, and whether he wants or not, he resists the general movement of the teaching staff.

Rethinking my teaching experience, I can say that being a teacher today is not easy. You need to have basic pedagogical competencies, be prepared to resolve pedagogical situations, to systematically update the education system (update the content of education, technologies, assessment systems, management and financing). In addition, you need to be an interesting and passionate person and keep up with the times. Do I, as a teacher, always succeed in this? Often with great difficulty. I, like many people, have personal habits that are difficult to overcome. For example, I don’t know how to do something that I don’t understand, the significance of which I doubt.

But I try to meet all the requirements of professional development: I learn new things, use the experience of colleagues, share my experience, because professionals are not born - they are made.

The secret of a teacher’s success is the willingness to revise one’s experience. A teacher is a vocation and a call for continuous creative self-development.

“Forever inventing, trying and improving - this is the only course of a teacher’s life.”
