Factors complicating the economic activities of a medical organization. Elements of the internal environment of the organization and their characteristics

Topic: Internal and external environment of a healthcare organization Completed by: Kaydaulov M.K. Checked by: Ph.D., Altynbekova U.A.

Introduction plan 1 Internal environment of a medical organization 2 External environment of a medical organization Conclusion

Introductions Medical organization is an organization operating in the field of healthcare or the provision of medical services,

Medical organization - organization,
operating in the field
healthcare or medical services,
supporting the development of medicine as a science,
engaged in activities to maintain
health and medical care for people
through study, diagnosis, treatment and
possible prevention of diseases and injuries.
Factors that influence the activities of medical
organizations can be divided into 2 groups
* Internal factors
* External factors

1 Internal environment of medical organizations

A goal is a specific end state or desired result,
what the organization strives to achieve
Organizational structure is logical relationships
management levels and functional areas built in
in a form that allows you to most effectively achieve
goals of the organization.
Technology is a combination of skills,
equipment, infrastructure, tools and related
technical knowledge necessary to achieve the desired
transformations in materials, information or people.
Personnel are the driving force of a medical organization

1 Goal and vision of a medical organization Example No. 6 polyclinic Strives for continuous improvement of its activities, applying managerial,

1 Purpose and vision of the medical organization
Example No. 6 clinic
Strives for continuous improvement of its activities, applying
management, medical and information Innovations, for
maintaining mutual Trust between the clinic and patients,
in order to preserve the most valuable thing a person has - his
Our vision
City clinic No. 6 - mobile, dynamically developing
medical organization that guarantees patients accuracy and
reliability of the results.

2 Structure of the medical organization

3 Technologies Technology is the means, processes and instruments used in patient treatment. * Appointment and examination by a doctor in various areas * K

3 Technologies
Technology - means, processes and tools used in
patient treatments.
* Appointment and examination by a doctor in various areas
* Advisory assistance
* Diagnostic service: ultrasound, ECG, fluorography, endoscopy
* Clinical diagnostic study: types of tests
* Outpatient surgery: dressing, suture removal,
sigmoidoscopy, plaster casts, removal of foreign bodies
* Physiotherapeutic services
* Dental services

4 Human resources

Administrative staff
Medical staff:
GPs, nurses, workers
functional diagnostics, narrow
Support staff: engineers,
electricians, security guards

External factors External variables are all those factors that are outside the organization and can influence it. External

External factors
External variables are all those factors that are outside
outside the organization and can influence it. External
the environment in which the organization has to operate is in
continuous movement, subject to change. Ability
organizations to respond and cope with these changes
external environment is one of the most important components
her success.
Based on the nature of the impact on the organization, external
environment of direct influence and external environment of indirect

10. External factors of direct impact

1 Resource providers: technological resources,
financial, medical resources,
service providers
2 Consumers: Patients, their purchasing
ability, demands
3 Competitors: strengths and weaknesses,
4 State bodies: Local bodies, UZ,

11. External factors of indirect impact

1 Social STEP factors include change
demographic situation, educational level, system
health and social care
2 Technological STEP factors – they mean the following
changes in the scientific and technical field as scientific and technical
progress, obsolescence of knowledge, introduction of new technologies.
3 Economic STEP factors include the dynamics of the level
inflation, interest rate (discount rate), tax rates,
exchange rates, income level of the population
4 Political STEP factors are associated with the general external and
internal government policy, political stability

12. Conclusion The above internal and external factors of medical organizations are an integral part of the activities of these organizations

The above internal and external factors
medical organizations are an integral part
activities of these organizations. Analysis of internal and
external factors improves strategic planning
medical organizations and increases sensitivity
medical organizations to changes in environmental factors

13. Resources used 1 Acting Order Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 26, 2009 No. 791 On approval of the Qualification

Resources used
1 Acting Order Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 26
2009 No. 791 On approval of Qualification characteristics
health care worker positions
2 www.gp6.kz
3 www.google.kz

The organization's environment plays an important role in the existence and development of the company. Understanding an organization's environment is key to the right business strategy, not to mention the right quality strategy.

The purpose of understanding an organization's environment is to identify factors that influence performance. Factors can be external and internal. To understand the conditions in which an organization operates, it is necessary to take both into account. A mandatory requirement of environmental analysis is the consideration of all factors that affect the organization.

Environmental factors may have an impact both direct and indirect impact. The internal environment is an integral part of the organization itself, so it always has a direct impact.

Indirect influence arises due to the interaction of environmental elements not directly involved in the work of the organization. They have more or less the same impact on all organizations located in the same region, operating in the same industry or engaged in the same type of activity. The organization cannot influence such factors. They represent uncontrollable forces that must be identified and responded to appropriately.

Direct influence occurs when the organization's environment is directly involved in the company's operations. Such interaction exists when performing daily (operational) tasks. At the same time, the organization itself can also influence elements of the environment.

Environmental factors have both positive and negative influence on the activities of the organization. Positive influence can open up new opportunities within existing activities or help create new directions in work. Negative influences are potential risks and threats that can lead to a deterioration in the organization’s position in the market or even to the cessation of its existence.

Factors in the external environment of the organization

For companies that want to succeed, and not just exist in the market, environmental factors become an ordered set of sources of information to gain insight into the changes taking place in their environment.

In order for the factors of the organization’s external environment to truly become a source of valuable information for the development of the company, they must be classified in a certain way. The first stage of such classification is the division into factors of direct and indirect impact.

Indirect impact factors relate to the macroenvironment of the organization. The organization is not able to influence these factors, but it must adapt to them in a timely manner. The number of such factors is not large.

Typically, there are four to six factors:

  • economic factor;
  • political factor;
  • social factor;
  • technological factor;
  • environmental factor;
  • demographic factor.

Depending on the market in which the organization operates (consumer or business), the speed and strength of the impact of environmental factors of the organization may change. Macroenvironmental factors have a serious impact, but they have a fairly long period of change, so organizations have time to adapt.

External direct impact factors are often called microenvironmental factors, because they are inherent in the work of only one specific organization. Every company has to deal with the influence of these factors in its daily activities.

The variety of microenvironmental factors can be reduced to several groups:

  • competition factor;
  • sales factor;
  • partnership factor;
  • employment factor;
  • consumption factor.

Factors in the internal environment of the organization

The internal environment includes a set of factors that are under the direct control and management of the organization. In order to ensure the stable operation of the company, factors must be well known and be appropriately reflected in management decisions. Information about the factors of the internal environment of the organization is used when developing a mission, setting goals, determining strategic directions of activity, assessing the achievement of results, etc.

Factors in the internal environment of an organization can have both a positive and negative impact on the company's position in the market. An analysis of internal factors allows you to detect opportunities or threats associated with changes occurring in an organization.

The factors of the internal environment of the organization include:

  • corporate culture factor;
  • organizational structure factor;
  • personnel factor;
  • technology factor;
  • resource factor.

Defining the Organization's Environment

There are many methods to determine the internal and external environmental factors of an organization. Large companies can use methods of strategic analysis and situational modeling. For small organizations, simple methods are sufficient: SWOT analysis, PEST method, Porter's Five Forces model. It is important that the organization's environment is under constant control. The frequency of monitoring and analysis is established based on the dynamics of changes in the external and internal environment.

An organization's environment can be identified through the following activities:

  • Formulation of the problem. At the first stage, it is necessary to accurately formulate the scope of identifying factors in the external and internal environment of the organization. This area depends on the size of the organization, the scope of its activities and the type of goods or services it provides.
  • Data collection. Data sources can be primary or secondary. Primary data is data that is collected specifically to identify factors in the internal and external environment of an organization. Secondary data refers to data that has already been obtained previously for some other purpose in the same organization or by other organizations.
  • Information analysis. Qualitative and/or quantitative methods can be used to analyze data. Qualitative methods are based on the expert opinion of the specialists who conduct the analysis. The labor intensity of these methods is low. A relatively small amount of data is required for analysis. Quantitative methods are labor-intensive and use a large amount of data, but their accuracy is much higher than that of qualitative methods.
  • Presentation of results. The results of the analysis of the organization's environment should be presented to stakeholders. The results of the analysis are conclusions and decisions that are included in tactical and strategic plans. The form for presenting the results must take into account the requirement of the ISO 9001:2015 standard for documenting information.

Documenting an analysis of the organization's environment

Documenting the analysis of an organization's environment includes two components: documenting the stages of the analysis and documenting its results.

Documenting the stages of analysis is necessary when working with data sets. Collection of data on environmental factors of an organization, their systematization and processing in themselves imply their documentation.

The results of the analysis represent the conclusions and decisions made on the basis of data that characterize the organization's environment. Documenting them helps to identify risks and opportunities. The results of the analysis are the basis for the development of strategic and tactical plans. Therefore, documenting results becomes an integral part of the strategic management process.

The results of the analysis can be presented in documents such as:

  • business plan;
  • development concept;
  • mission and strategic goals;
  • competitor analysis;
  • economic reports;
  • SWOT analysis, PEST analysis;
  • minutes of meetings of the organization's strategic committees;
  • diagrams, tables, maps, diagrams of the competitive environment.

The standard does not establish a direct requirement to document the analysis of the organization’s environment (stages of analysis and its results). But it is difficult to conduct an analysis without documentation, especially when it comes to large and medium-sized companies.

More detailed explanations and examples of determining the organization’s environment are provided in the guidelines -

The effective functioning of an enterprise in a market environment depends on internal and external factors.

The internal environment of an organization represents situational factors within the enterprise that require the constant attention of managers.

all its constituent elements, connections and relationships between them regarding production and management.

Variable factors of the internal environment of the organization include:


  • technologies,


Goals are specific end states or desired results that an organization seeks to achieve.

Industrial enterprises usually have several goals: gaining market share, developing new products, improving the quality of services, minimizing costs, increasing productivity, profitability, etc. Since most enterprises have several production units that have their own set of goals, the task of management is to to prevent a mismatch between these goals and the goals of the enterprise.

The structure of an organization is a logically constructed relationship between management levels and functional units in a form that allows the most effective way to achieve the goals set.

The management structure of a particular enterprise is influenced by the features of the horizontal and vertical division of managerial labor. Depending on the scope of control (the number of persons subordinate to one manager), a distinction is made between “high” (2-3 subordinates) and “flat” (4-6 subordinates) management structures. The smaller the sphere of control (controllability norm), the more levels of management.

A task is a prescribed job, a piece of work or a set of jobs that must be completed in a predetermined manner within a given time frame. Tasks are not set for specific employees, but for positions.

One of the important characteristics of tasks is their repetition. Machine operations may be repeated many times during a shift. Management operations can be both highly repetitive and unique. Solving unique problems is usually much more difficult.

Technology is a combination of skilled skills of workers, equipment, infrastructure, production processes, relevant technical knowledge necessary for the transformation of raw materials, materials and information.

There are several classifications of technologies: technology of single, serial and mass production; technology of discontinuous and continuous production (geological exploration and oil refining); multi-link technologies (well construction); intermediary technologies (banking services, employment offices), etc.

Personnel are the main factor in any management model.

Employees of an industrial enterprise can be characterized using mainly qualitative criteria: abilities; predisposition to perform a certain job; physiological and psychological needs; expectations regarding business and personal goals; perceptions of any events; relations to other employees and their groups, etc. It is important for an enterprise that all the advantages of each person are revealed most fully, which will bring a certain effect to the enterprise.

The internal environment of an organization is a single whole consisting of interconnected parts.

An enterprise as an open system depends on the external environment in relation to the supply of resources, energy, labor, product consumers, competitors, etc.

The most important characteristics of the external environment are:

    complexity (the number of factors to which the enterprise must respond, as well as the level of variation of each factor);

    mobility (the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the enterprise);

    uncertainty (a function of the quantity and quality of information on the basis of which decisions are made).

External factors are divided into two groups: direct factors and indirect factors.

The internal environment of an organization reflects the specifics of its activities, namely the features of technology, product promotion to the buyer, organizational structure, team climate, approaches to personnel training and labor incentives.

Internal environmental factors (internal variables) are situational factors within the organization that are the result of management decisions. Internal variables are controlled to varying degrees. Among them are the following, the most important:

Organizational goals;



Organizational goals are specific end states or desired results that members of the organization would like to achieve by working together.

Without a clear formulation of the goals of its activities, an organization cannot establish itself in the market and survive in competition. The point of goal setting is to identify the most significant areas of activity and expected results in order to focus on achieving these results.

The formulation and communication of goals is an important means of coordinating the work divided among specialized groups, provided that the goals of the units are consistent with the goals of the organization as a whole.

For commercial organizations, goals of profitability, profitability, etc. are established, for non-profit organizations - goals of meeting budgets, social responsibility to society, etc.

The most common areas of goal setting in a business organization are:


Market position;


Financial resources;

Capacity of the organization;

Product development, product manufacturing and technology upgrade;

Changes in organization and management;

Human resources;

Working with customers;

Providing assistance to society, etc.

The structure of an organization is a logical relationship between management levels and functional areas, built in a form that allows the organization’s goals to be most effectively achieved.

A task is a prescribed job, a series of job functions that must be completed in a specific form and within a limited period of time. Tasks can be classified as working with objects, people, information.

From a technical point of view, tasks are not assigned to the employee, but to positions. Based on the structure decision, each job includes a number of tasks that are seen as essential contributions to achieving the organization's goals.

Production technology in the field of business activity refers to methods, methods, and techniques for combining production factors in order to obtain a product ready for consumption.

Technology from a management point of view is not a method of processing raw materials, not a method of connecting machines and workers. The manager, first of all, looks for the most effective way to achieve goals.

Production technology and its choice is an engineering and technical function, and technology for organizing the production process is an economic and organizational function that rests entirely with the manager.

The main tasks that a manager has to solve in relation to technology:

Compliance of technology with the selected (selected) profile of the organization;

Technology performance assessment;

Assessment of the cost of technology (payback period, efficiency, energy intensity);

Assessment of compliance of the level of actual qualifications of personnel with the requirements of the selected (used) technology;

Assessing the compliance of the selected technology with competitive technology standards.

Tasks and technology are closely related. Performing a specific task involves using a specific technology as a means of converting an input material into an output form.

An organization, including managers and subordinates, is nothing more than groups of people. There are three main aspects of the human variable in the situational management approach:

Behavior of individuals;

Behavior of people in groups;

The nature of a manager's behavior, the manager's functioning as a leader and its influence on the behavior of individuals or groups.

For the Meridian company, due to the limited number of its personnel, the most suitable is a linear-functional structure, in which two departments can be distinguished: Ivanovskoye and Rodnikovskoye.

In 2007, Meridian LLC was engaged in the trade of ready-made optics: a number of models of ready-made glasses with various lenses. In 2008, the company received a license for the production and sale of medical products (connecting frames with glasses).

According to existing regulations, in order to obtain and renew a license, it is necessary that at least one specialist work in optics, who has undergone special training and has at least 3 years of experience in licensed optics. Taking into account this condition, the organization hired 3 foremen.

The organization does not have a formal division of masters and optical consultants into categories depending on their qualifications. More experienced employees are allowed to access more information and carry out more serious assignments, receiving appropriate compensation.

The work schedule of optical consultants is formed a month in advance, taking into account the requirements of the Labor Code and the wishes of the workers themselves. There is a distribution of the mandatory number of workers per shift depending on the time of day. If any employee is absent from the workplace, he must be replaced by another. These conditions imply the need for hourly payment.

Members of the organization believe that the main direction of development of the organization is determined by the established goals of the organization: decent working conditions and pay for employees and profit for the founders.

Due to the limited financial resources of the founders and the small amount of the authorized capital, a small amount was allocated for working capital, which determined the assortment of goods for the poor buyer at the beginning of the organization’s activities. "Meridian" has found its niche in the market for these products and has become known as optics with affordable prices.

At the desired level of development, Meridian LLC would like to have its own laboratory for the production of frames and a workshop for the production of lenses, as well as a network of optics consisting of one to two dozen points in the Ivanovo, Vladimir, and Kostroma regions. At the moment, the organization is at the beginning of the path to design capacity, efficient management and workforce are being formed, the foundations of a strategic vision of development prospects are being laid, fixed assets are being built up, the business idea is being polished, and a management system is being established. The life cycle stage of Meridian LLC should be defined as “Growth”.

Internal and environmental environmental factors represent a combination of climatic and sanitary-hygienic components of the optics environment itself.

Moderate temperatures are maintained at both Meridian LLC sales points. In the summer, air conditioners operate in the rooms, not only refreshing, but also purifying the air. Stores have moderately bright lighting on the sales floor. Meridian LLC achieves maintenance of air composition at the required level through active air exchange, for which ventilation, air conditioning, ozonation, and aromatization are used.

The sanitary and hygienic environment of Meridian LLC meets all necessary norms and standards. Branded clothing is provided for staff. There is no noise pollution in the sales area. Through windows made using modern technologies, the noise of vehicles is not heard.

External environment of the organization

The external environment of an organization consists of groups of situational factors located outside the organization. The importance of external factors varies from organization to organization and from division to division within the same organization. Factors that have an immediate impact on the organization relate to the environment of direct influence (microenvironmental factors); all others - to the environment of indirect influence (macroenvironmental factors).

Characteristics of the external environment:

Interconnectedness of factors (all factors of the external environment are interdependent and interact with each other);

Complexity (the complexity of the external environment refers to the number and variety of factors to which the organization is forced to respond);

Mobility (the mobility of the environment is characterized by the speed with which changes occur in the environment);

Uncertainty (environmental uncertainty is a function of the amount of information available on a specific factor and confidence in the reliability of this information).

The macroenvironment includes legal, political, social, economic, and technological factors.

From a substantive point of view, the legal factor represents the “rules of the game” that society establishes for the professional functioning of producers.

From a formalized point of view, the legal factor is the sum of laws and regulations that determine the direction and content of business activity and the content of relations with other subjects of economic relations and government structures and public institutions. In other words, the legal factor is everything that determines the possible scope of rights, obligations and freedoms of a business person.

The characteristic of the legal factor also includes such a concept as legal culture, by which we mean law-abiding.

Specific forms of the legal factor:

Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the manufacturer;

Possible forms of protecting one's own interests in case of their violation by other subjects of law;

Procedural mechanism for protecting interests and its characteristics;

Possible forms of liability in case of violation of obligations assumed on the basis of contractual relations;

Stability of the legal system;

Opportunity to lobby your own interests in legislative bodies.

The political factor determines the attitude of the state to the processes occurring in society in the sphere of business relations and the direction of its influence (real and potential) on such processes.

The quality and nature of the stability of the political system are the main characteristics of the factor.

Components of the political factor:

The dominant political force in society and its positions;

The opposition and its position in society;

Threats to the organization if the opposition comes to power;

Government attitude towards entrepreneurship and the business community;

Forms of contact between the government and representatives of the business community;

The amount and form of fees charged by the government or officials to commercial entities for lobbying;

The attitude of the government towards the industry within which the organization operates;

The attitude of the government towards the region where the organization is located and the characteristics of the region.

The main components of the social factor:

National traditions and customs;

Educational level of the nation;

Features of national culture;

Level and quality of life;

National values;

Level of professional training of the workforce;

People’s attitudes towards work, independent business activity and business success;

Mobility of labor and the population as a whole;

The attitude of others towards independent business activity and business success;

Availability of infrastructure and its quality (everything that facilitates business activities - transport communications, information centers, marketing, engineering consulting structures).

The main components of the economic factor:

The degree of availability of the necessary resources;

The size of GNP and its structure;

Inflation rate;

Unemployment rate;

Labor productivity;

Tax rates;

Average salary or average family income;

Stability of the economic policy of the federal government and regional authorities and its direction;

The level of market prices for consumed resources and their possible dynamics;

Level of development of national economic and management schools, etc.

A technological factor is something that appears outside the industry in which the organization operates.

When studying and understanding the technological factor of the external environment, the following two options are possible.

1. Identification and recording of a technological gap from competitors, if the manager in the process of competition adheres to the strategy of pursuing competitors.

2. Identification and recording of the appearance on the market of a new (compared to the one currently used), more advanced and productive technology, if the manager adheres to a strategy of getting ahead of competitors.

The external environment of Meridian LLC should be characterized as complex. The company in question has about fifty different counterparties:




JSC "Medtechnika", which carries out verification and calibration of measuring instruments;

Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Ivanovo Region", which carries out measurements of lighting and microclimate, registration of medical records, as well as sanitary and epidemiological examination and microbiological studies;

Organizations; carrying out preventive examinations of employees;

Organizations providing various communication services such as Internet, intrazonal, long-distance, international and mobile telephone communications;

Private security;

Organizations providing operational and technical maintenance of technical means of security and fire alarms and electrical installations of Meridian LLC;


JSC Lotos JSC, which carries out temporary storage and demercurization of mercury-containing waste;

Educational and technical center providing pre-certification training for energy personnel and others.

Optics interacts with the above-mentioned counterparties on the basis of existing legislation, norms and rules. The management of Meridian is confident that strict implementation of formalities protects the organization from closure by regulatory authorities, while for many competing organizations such a possibility theoretically exists. At the same time, Meridian tries to maintain informal relations with representatives of the listed counterparties, which helps the optics maintain constant compliance with existing standards.

In the region in which Meridian LLC is located, there are many competing dynamically developing organizations, many of which represent trade and industrial networks, for example, Icraft, Ochkarik and others. Small stalls are opening in various shopping centers and stores selling glasses manufactured without a license.

Thus, the competitive environment of Meridian LLC should be considered fluid and uncertain.

Changes in the demographic situation occurring in Russia have both positive and negative impacts on the activities of the company. A change in the age structure of society, in which the largest share is occupied by the population of pre-retirement and retirement age with very low incomes, will lead to a reduction in the number of products sold and services provided. But the aging of society, which contributes to an increase in the proportion of people with visual impairments, will contribute to an increase in the volume of orders and services provided and, when setting the most optimal prices, will allow the organization to increase sales.

Social factors that may further affect the activities of Meridian include the following:

Average wage level in the industry: since the wages of the company’s employees are slightly higher than the average wage in this industry, the company has the opportunity to increase its requirements for employees;

Movements to protect consumer rights and increase requirements for companies providing medical services and products;

The increasing attention of middle and upper class consumers to their health and preservation, which contributes to an increase in the company’s sales volumes;

The territorial environment (location) of optics has a significant impact on the perception and attitude of customers towards the store.

The Ivanovo branch of the organization is located in the central business zone of the city, the Rodnikovsky branch is located near a large store in the city center.

The formation of a favorable atmosphere is facilitated by the territorial and transport accessibility of both Meridian divisions, which is determined by the state of transport communications, access roads, as well as accessibility for pedestrians.

The technological factor of optics has the following feature. New modern machines, designed using new methods and technologies, make it possible to produce glasses not only of a higher class and attractive shape, but also to do it faster and with better quality. Thus, the growth of fixed assets allows you to increase the number of products produced and expand their range. Currently, Meridian optics uses manual, semi-automatic and automatic machines, the latter of which fully complies with modern requirements. In general, the company's management characterizes its technological state as corresponding to the level of its main competitors.

The strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the threats and opportunities of the external environment, are shown by the SWOT analysis presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

An integral part of the SWOT analysis is the identification of market opportunities and threats, as well as the identification of the company's weaknesses and strengths, for which various elements of the organization's internal environment are analyzed.

What is the internal environment of an organization?

When it comes to the internal environment of an organization, this usually means a set of elements that can be influenced in one way or another, in comparison with external environmental factors that cannot be changed. So, the internal environment of the organization includes:

  1. People.
  2. Goals.
  3. Tasks.
  4. Technologies.
  5. Structure.

The combination of all these elements represents the essence of the organization’s activities: people, united in a certain structure, perform a number of tasks, using certain technologies to achieve final goals.

Thus, combining elements of an organization's internal environment may or may not be effective. The task of the analysis is to identify those processes that are ideally adjusted, as well as those that reduce the overall profitability of the company.

How are elements of the internal environment classified?

The main elements of the internal environment of an organization are usually classified into groups, or so-called sections:

  • organizational cross-section;
  • marketing slice;
  • personnel cut;
  • production cut;
  • financial slice.

For ease of analysis, the elements of each group are considered separately. In the organizational section, the characteristics of the enterprise are studied from the point of view of the organizational structure of the company. Attention is paid to both hierarchical connections within the company and the system of interaction between individual structures of the enterprise. A marketing cross-section gives an idea of ​​the range of products, their features and advantages, pricing factors, as well as sales and advertising methods.

When considering the financial profile, attention is paid to financial reporting, the dynamics of the main indicators of expenses and profitability. The efficiency of cash flow is determined. In the personnel section, the relationship between management and executive personnel is considered, and the results of work are analyzed. This also includes the corporate or organizational culture of the organization, methods of stimulating and motivating personnel.

The fifth section - production - includes a list of technologies, norms, rules and standards for the production of goods and their quality control. A variety of innovative developments and scientific research aimed at expanding the range or increasing the useful properties of a product also relate to the production sector.

Personnel as an element of the internal environment

The task of the situational approach in analyzing and making management decisions is to consider the behavior of individual employees, their groups, as well as the nature of the influence of management personnel. According to economic theory, personnel is one of the main factors of production, but in modern realities the team of employees is becoming a strategically important element.

The managerial task is to organize the work of personnel as efficiently as possible, while several components of this process should be taken into account:

  • principles of personnel selection and hiring;
  • personnel monitoring, its methods;
  • motivation and stimulation of personnel;
  • training, advanced training of personnel;
  • creating and maintaining a corporate culture.

Thus, an incorrectly adjusted system at an enterprise can become its weakness and ultimately make it difficult to achieve both short-term and long-term goals and intermediate objectives. Team management remains one of the strategic activities of managers.

Company goals as an element of the internal environment

When analyzing the state of the company and planning a further strategy, one or more goals are set. The task of the company's management is to select only achievable goals that correspond to the state of the market and the company itself.

Having sufficient financial resources, personnel and effective planning together leads to correct goal setting. In this case, the list of general goals should be divided into subgoals or tasks, the responsibility for the implementation of which is distributed between employees or departments of the organization.

For example, company X, entering the market with mass-produced products, sets a goal: to become a leader in a certain market in the short term. At the same time, Company X operated in a different segment, and when analyzing the financial statements, it was determined that there was an outstanding loan from the bank for a large amount. In addition, the analysis of personnel policy showed that the sales department performs its functions ineffectively and the planned indicators are not achieved. It is obvious that achieving the goal set by management is not only difficult, but also practically impossible.

Examples of correctly formulated goals:

  • achieve brand awareness up to 60%;
  • increase market share to 16%;
  • become one of the three leading companies in the market;
  • increase the average bill to 1,500 rubles;
  • increase website traffic to 2000 people per day.

Thus, to effectively set goals, company management must be based on in-depth research of the market and the company's current position in it.

as an element of the internal environment

After compiling a list of company goals, it is necessary to divide them into tasks, that is, into components. Rarely does any organization have just one goal. So, the company's strategic goals are transformed into operational goals for the year, half a year or quarter. Next, the goal is divided into a list of specific tasks that must be completed in order to achieve the desired result.

Each of the established tasks must have a documented end result, as well as the departments and specific employees responsible for its implementation. Here's an example of converting one of the goals into a list of tasks. So, to achieve the goal of increasing sales by 25%, a company can distribute tasks as follows:

  1. Increasing the appointment plan for each sales manager by 5%. Responsibility and control lies with the head of the department, I. I. Ivanov.
  2. Preliminary analysis of the market situation from the marketing department, development of an advertising campaign with monthly monitoring of the implementation of recommendations. The person in charge is the head of the department, A.P. Petrov.
  3. Expansion of the sales department to 20 people by the end of the year. Responsible - HR manager A.I. Sidorov.
  4. Opening of 5 new branches in the regions in 6 months. Responsible - Deputy Director for Development G. I. Laptev, HR Manager A. I. Sidorov.

Thus, the head of the organization can control the process of achieving the enterprise’s goal step by step, and the correct work of personnel managers will allow each employee to bear personal responsibility for achieving the overall result.

Technologies and their place in the internal environment

The process of converting raw materials into finished products requires certain technologies. If this is a canning plant, then special lines, trained personnel, approved standards and registered patents are required. All of the above applies to enterprise technologies.

As surprising as it may be, technology, as an element of the internal environment, is present even in small individual entrepreneurs or freelancers. For example, a photographer or designer uses special software, equipment and technology in their work, without which it is simply impossible to remain competitive in the market.

The structure of an enterprise as an element of its internal environment

One of the first stages of analyzing the internal environment of an enterprise is a detailed consideration of the organizational structure. At the same time, marketers and managers establish not only a list of internal departments, but also the relationship between them, hierarchical subordination and dependence.

Hierarchy in the organization of personnel work helps to effectively distribute labor. Employees are delimited and isolated into separate groups and departments, assigned to various departments. The hierarchy in an enterprise can be horizontal or vertical, and the efficiency and quality of labor distribution is revealed during analysis.

One of the important components of such an analysis may be determining the effectiveness of information and other flows between divisions of the organization. For example, at enterprise B, which produces parts for automobiles, delays in the implementation of the plan are constantly recorded. Employees were asked to fill out working time cards, penalties were introduced, but such preliminary measures to manage the team turned out to be ineffective.

When analyzing the relationship between the departments of Company B, it turned out that the fault lies not with the employees who manufacture the parts, but with the department that is responsible for repairing the equipment. Thus, many machines were idle for more than the scheduled time due to prolonged repairs.

How are the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise determined?

The adoption of a management decision is preceded by a thorough analysis of all elements of the internal environment, the external environment, followed by a conclusion about the enterprise’s place in the market and its capabilities.

The data obtained during the analysis must be presented in the form of a list. For example, these could be the following items:

  1. Unqualified personnel in the sales department.
  2. Lack of own accumulated funds.
  3. Innovative developments for the production of goods.
  4. Availability of a bank loan.
  5. Wide range of products.
  6. Outdated equipment in production.

After preparing such a list, it is necessary to divide the data by qualitative influence, that is, determine whether this or that factor has a positive impact on the company’s activities or a negative one.

So, in the end, the initial list should be divided into two parts, and the next step should be an assessment of the possible influence of these factors in the internal environment of the organization. We recommend using a scale from 1 to 5 or from 1 to 10. Each item on the list must be scored depending on how strongly this factor influences the company’s activities.

The next stage is an assessment of the possible harm that each item on the list can cause. As a result, the resulting list must be ranked according to two indicators - possibility and probability. This method will help to cut off unimportant data and create a list of the main problems that were discovered during the analysis of factors in the internal environment of the organization. An example of a qualitative analysis of an organization's environment should end with a specific list of no more than 10 points for each of the categories - the company's weaknesses and strengths.

What is the relationship between internal environment and SWOT analysis?

The SWOT tool involves analyzing the company's environment, both internal and external. Elements of the organization's internal environment and their characteristics show what strengths can be used to achieve competitive advantages. The list of weaknesses obtained during the analysis will help to adjust the company’s activities in order to minimize their harm or carry out modernization and improvement.

The result of a SWOT analysis helps to compare the threats and opportunities of the external environment, that is, the market in which the company operates or plans to operate, with factors in the internal environment. The task of a marketer, manager or leader is to draw up a marketing plan in such a way that, using the company’s strengths, harm from market threats can be avoided. The same can be said about combining market opportunities and company strengths - the leader must decide how to effectively use them together.

How to properly conduct a SWOT analysis?

In order to understand how to correctly conduct a SWOT analysis, let’s look at the most common mistakes managers make when conducting it.

Unreasonable inclusion of elements of the internal environment in the categories of strengths or weaknesses of the company leads to errors in planning. Each fact must be supported by specific figures and reporting data. One can unfoundedly state that the company is a market leader, but in fact this is confirmed only by the words of the manager, and not by marketing research.

At the same time, in addition to reliability, each of the supposed strengths must be compared with known data about competitors. This will reveal the real strengths of the enterprise, which will help in achieving its goals.

For example, the close location of raw material resource bases was identified as a strength of the company. Obviously, this provides many benefits to the company, helping to save on both financial and time costs. However, when analyzing this information in terms of differences from competitors, it may turn out that all the major players are located close to the sources of raw materials. It turns out that every company on the market has such a strong point, and therefore it will not be possible to gain benefits compared to competitors.

For convenience and to prevent errors, you should conduct an analysis of competitors from available open sources and determine their strengths and weaknesses. Next, you should create a check table that compares each element of the internal environment with competitors. As a result, it turns out that the company can boast of not so many advantages.

A common mistake is to indicate general information that indirectly affects the company's activities. Or their influence is too small to be proven. For example, inexperienced managers indicate the following environmental factors:

  • crisis in the country;
  • difficult economic situation;
  • unstable exchange rates.

If we talk about crises in the economy, it is impossible to measure and plan their significance for the activities of a particular company. The “crisis” factor is quite vague, so it should be broken down into specific components that really affect the position of the enterprise. Perhaps compulsory licensing was introduced at the state level or quotas were established for certain types of activities.

As for unstable exchange rates, companies that are not dependent on currencies often mention this in their SWOT analyses. If a company does not import or export, does not purchase raw materials abroad, or sells finished products in other countries, then the impact of changes in exchange rates has a negligible impact on the activities of the enterprise.


The internal environment of a company is an important strategic resource that can help or, conversely, harm the company's activities. The internal environment of an organization includes several basic elements: people, technology, structure, tasks and goals. This set of elements is not accidental, since any organization with a certain structure employs people who, with the help of technology, achieve the assigned tasks and general goals of the enterprise.

The head of an organization in making management decisions should be based on analysis. If there is an obvious threat in the market, then the resources of the internal environment will help to overcome it. The same applies to market opportunities, the maximum effect of which is possible only if you use the internal resources of the enterprise.

During the analysis, environments are assessed in terms of their influence and divided into the strengths and weaknesses of the company. may turn out to be a weakness of the organization, and at the same time, a professional and effective marketing department can be considered a strength of the enterprise.

When drawing up a marketing plan, several general goals are distributed in the form of tasks among departments, divisions, groups and specific employees. A properly established system of motivation and incentives for staff and team management will help to give each task the personal responsibility of the employee. At the same time, each employee in the team will understand that they are working to achieve one common goal.
