Fashionable things for full girls. Summer images for full girls

As for curvy girls, some may dislike and shy away from wearing bright colors and prints. I definitely disagree with you, as women of any shape can wear any color and print, regardless of their size, the main thing is to know how to do it right.

All of today's gorgeous outfits are perfect to wear every day, Monday through Sunday. You will see beautiful dresses polka dots, bold stripes, floral prints, pale pink hues, stylish drapery on some pieces, abstract jungle prints, rich blues and beautiful patterns. Each of the presented ready-made images is complemented by beautiful accessories and jewelry that will harmoniously complement them and make them more complete.

Spring-summer 2016 is the season to show your uniqueness and individuality, not be afraid to try new things and wear something that you did not dare to wear last year.

Take a look and choose your favorite!

beautiful clothes for obese women(18 photos)" data-essbishovercontainer="">

At present, in our state, and throughout the world, the number of obese people has increased rapidly. But fashionable clothes are not sewn for them very much. Fashionable and beautiful clothes for obese women, unfortunately, in Lately becomes a rarity.

Fat people hate to be pitied, so we won't sympathize with them. Yes, because of the non-standard figure, it is much harder for them to choose normal clothes for themselves. But the main task every woman to be able to look stunning no matter what. So we can safely say, there would be a desire.

Having full figure, a woman can act in two ways: go in for sports and start losing weight, or fall in love with herself, despite a large number of kilograms. Whatever option the woman stops at, in any case, she will have to find clothes. large sizes.

You should not think that if a girl is full and wears clothes of large sizes, then she can never look attractive to a man. Believe me, sometimes a plumper in a beautiful and well-fitting dress looks much more sexy than a slender young lady in an ultra-short skirt. So, finding your style and buying a variety of fashionable clothes designed specifically for overweight women, you will be irresistible.

Where can I find?

Women "in the body" can find themselves suitable clothes in a specialized store. The only problem is that we don’t have many such boutiques, and the prices in them are not the cheapest. The position of clothing manufacturers is not clear enough: on the one hand, they care about the category of women with the “+” size, but on the other, they set such prices that you can go crazy. That's why often plump girls just walk past one, the only store with fashionable clothes for them.

If clothing manufacturers are stubbornly unwilling to cut prices on their products, you can simply use their ideas. How exactly? Find nice outfit, dress or blouse in the store, try it on and quickly and imperceptibly for sellers write down the size, color and manufacturer's company with the thing that fits perfectly on you.

Then say goodbye and say that you will think about the purchase for a while. When you get home, sit down at your computer and start studying information on the Internet in groups, on websites and in online clothing stores for the overweight. There you can find a thing that you have recently tried on with everything in a fashion boutique for a more affordable price. Perhaps it will have to wait a little, but then you will save money and you can use them to purchase additional goods.

The main problem of choosing the right things for fat girls lies in the fact that often, due to non-standard forms, clothes either weigh or are very tight, and sometimes both occur at the same time. In order not to face such troubles, you can sew clothes to order. In general, this is the most ideal option for choosing a wardrobe for yourself. Since in the end you get everything your soul desires regarding this thing: style, length, color. In order to sew fashionable things for yourself, you need to have three things: a good seamstress and a fabric store, as well as taste.

How to wear?

Completeness varies. In some women, it manifests itself in a voluminous top: large breasts and wide arms, in others in massive hips and a big dad. Although there are times when a woman can boast not only outstanding breasts, booty, but also her stomach.

Depending on the personal characteristics of the figure, a woman should choose her clothes.

If you ignore this simple rule, you can terribly distort the proportions of your body.

For women with small breasts, narrow shoulders and large, wide hips, it must be taken into account that the main thing in a female figure is proportionality. Therefore, your main goal should be to visually increase the top. This can be successfully achieved through striped sweaters and sweaters. You also need to wear blouses with decorative elements on the chest.

Just do not overdo it with ruffles and rhinestones. Neat embroidery or multi-colored inserts will be enough. With this body type, you should wear black, blue, and dark brown, non-tight pants and light, cream, and white shirts.

If you have a puffy top, and you do not have priests, like Jennifer Lopez, then you need to wear absolutely opposite things. For a figure like yours, skirts are perfect, but they should not be narrowed. Skirts flared to the bottom will look best on you. But it is better to refuse cutouts and an open neckline, closed sweaters will look best.


  • Clothes for plump girls should have some secrets. Let's consider the main ones:
  • The fabric of your clothes should be dense and natural.
  • Proper arrangement of folds in clothes can visually tighten the stomach and hide excess in the hips.
  • The vertical strip is now your ally. Only it should be of medium size: small - will ruffle, large - to fill.
  • Be sure to wear long jackets. They do not have to be dark, the main thing is to find a good style. Combine jackets with dresses and shirts.
  • Do not buy too wide things and stop hiding in clothes.
  • Also not suitable for you: sweaters and dresses that tend to treacherously emphasize all the flaws.
  • You will look amazing if you learn how to combine several things at the same time. For example, put on a tight-fitting, and on top of it a knitted jacket with buttons. Only in this version you are allowed to wear knitwear.
  • When putting on trousers, try to cover their top. And remember that with a full figure, it is not necessary to wear a belt on trousers.
  • Sweatshirts, T-shirts and T-shirts should not be short.
  • Wear bright, solid colors. But it is better to refuse leopard and tiger prints in favor of purple, blue and green colors.
  • Be sure to wear heels. It doesn't have to be an ultra-thin hairpin. stable, wide and high heel will look harmonious and stylish.
  • they look simply chic, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of wearing them.
  • Do not wear overly colorful things. You don't want to draw attention to yourself like that.

Clothing for overweight people should not differ from the usual things that we constantly see in fashion magazines. Do not be sad if your body does not fit into fashion standards. You have every right to dress beautifully and stylishly.

Sweatshirts for obese women

Pants for overweight girls

beautiful tunics

Modern fashion provides a huge variety of styles and forms of clothing. There are few options for non-standard forms, but if you approach the wardrobe issue appropriately, you can look fashionable in any size. Stylish clothes for overweight girls it can be boring and attractive if you know a few rules basic set clothes.

Basic wardrobe for overweight girls

You should organize your wardrobe in such a way that you can create many looks from a small set of clothes. What plus size girls will need to always have the opportunity to create ensembles for all occasions:

  • multi-colored T-shirts with different sleeves (short and long) - at least 7 pieces;
  • sweaters for every day and for special occasions - 2 pieces each;
  • outerwear should be one piece each: coat, raincoat, fur coat, jacket;
  • blouses for everyday wear and for holidays - at least 2-3 pieces;
  • skirts and trousers - 4 pairs each;
  • different dresses - about ten pieces.

All these things still rely on shoes, which in the first place should be comfortable, and in the second - fashionable. And it would not hurt to get a pair of suits for summer and winter.

Clothing color

To make the figure visually slimmer, you should give preference to rich dark tones: brown, green, deep blue. An image made in such colors will turn out elegant and stylish.

Delicate blue and pink tones will make a magnificent figure even heavier and visually enlarge it. You can leave these shades for accessories. From light colors, you should opt for clothes made from fabrics of light burgundy, foggy blue and olive.

Gray color would be a great option for girls big size. This shade has the ability to absorb volumes. But it should be noted that shades of gray in clothes look best during the day, and in the evening the image runs the risk of becoming blurry.

It should also be taken into account that two bright colors in the image they can divide the body in half and emphasize imperfections.

Fashionable clothes for a curvaceous figure

For a magnificent figure, clothes must be selected carefully and in such a way as to hide flaws and decorate all the advantages. It must be remembered that perfect figures does not happen, and even thin girls mask their imperfections.

Girls short stature do not choose layering in clothes. The figure will look larger than it really is, and the growth will be even lower. on the ladies vertically challenged Dresses made in one color and with a high waist look great. And if you pick up shoes with heels, then the image will stretch and become visually slimmer.

If the stomach protrudes forward, then clothes should be chosen from dense fabrics. Then the skirt or trousers will support the stomach well and even pull it down.

Full legs are difficult to disguise - in this case, tights with a slimming effect and shoes with heels will come to the rescue. Matte colors are also suitable.

For girls with big shoulders and full arms, stylists recommend wearing loose-fitting blouses and dresses. The shoulder area should not be clear lines, and the fabric should not fit the problem area, but fall off freely.

Turkey has proven itself in the clothing market for girls of non-standard sizes. Clothing from this country sits well on the figure, is made from high-quality, natural fabrics. On the Russian market clothing from Turkey has long been presented and won the trust of customers.

fashionable dresses

Dresses are clothes that must be in a girl's wardrobe, no matter what size she wears. Curvy women should know how to choose the right dress and which model is better to prefer.


Fashionable clothes in the style of boho-chic are suitable not only for slim figures. A dress made of flying fabric with a free cut is ideal for girls of large sizes. Here you need to ensure that the outfit was without bright prints. If, nevertheless, a print is present, then it should not be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bproblem areas, so as not to emphasize them.

Wrap dresses

A wrap dress is more relevant than ever in the spring 2017 season. This model looks great on girls with a curvaceous figure, visually makes the waist thinner and hides a protruding belly. The style of such a dress should be free, and the length should reach the middle of the knee or below.

A-line dress

The dress flared to the bottom is suitable for girls with not too large hips. The model should be chosen from light fabrics such as silk, chiffon, cotton. Examples can be seen in the photo below.

Fashion outerwear

Jackets can be chosen by ladies with a not very big belly. The jacket model should be single-breasted and cropped. Girls of short stature should pay attention to the number of buttons: they should be as few as possible. The raglan sleeve will visually make the figure lighter and taller.

A-line jackets are best suited for overweight girls. Visually, unnecessary volume is hidden on the hips, the image is light and elegant. A jacket with a belt will draw attention to the waist and make the figure more slender and harmonious. A great option would be a jacket from genuine leather, it perfectly masks imperfections and hides the stomach.

The coat, like the jacket, should expand towards the bottom. The length can be different, the main thing is that it does not visually fill the figure. Excessive drapery and prints are best avoided, as the coat itself is made from heavy fabrics and adds volume in itself.

Blouses for a full figure

The best material for full figure blouses is chiffon and silk. This fabric does not shine through and gives the image femininity and lightness, airiness. It is better not to purchase blouses made of stretchy fabrics and knitwear, as they will ugly fit the body, emphasizing obesity.

The color of the blouse for curvaceous ladies should be chosen based on the color type of appearance. Light green and light blue shades are suitable for owners of fair skin. Girls with swarthy skin should prefer models of green, dark cherry and of blue color. In summer, you can opt for a bright model, for example, an orange blouse made of light fabric.

Various ruffles and other draperies on blouses are categorically not suitable for plus size girls. Models with a loose cut and a V-neckline that emphasize beautiful lush breasts look best.

Also, the blouse should not be too short. It is better if she closes the groin area, this will make the figure more slender.

Video selection on the topic of the article:

Thanks to the efforts of modern designers fat fashion provides overweight women with every opportunity to look stylish and attractive, regardless of the features of their figure. Having soberly assessed their parameters, the owners of magnificent forms can compose their wardrobe in such a way as to hide all their imperfections as much as possible. As you can see in the photo, fashion for fat women is based on the use of basic design and style elements aimed at visually reducing large volumes and diverting attention from the problematic parts of the figure.

Fashion trends, applicable to clothes for women whom nature has endowed with excess weight, these are:
  • The active use of a combination of different colors, so that you can achieve the appearance of thinness. For example, for a figure of fat women with large hips, shoulders, a protruding belly, it is recommended to use dark shades in clothes. For example, at very wide hips- dark bottom, and vice versa.
  • Vertical lines are welcome, both in the cut of clothing and in the arrangement of patterns.
  • Even for a very large figure, slightly tight-fitting clothing is acceptable, but at the same time it must expand towards the bottom to balance the silhouette.
  • As you can see in the photo, even trousers look good on large women if you combine them with elongated tunics or blouses.
Very fat women can buy a beautiful stole or bolero, with which they will cover too massive shoulders. To hide excessive fullness, a cardigan or a dark-colored vest that is mid-thigh long will help to hide the excess fullness.

Fashion for fat 2013-2014

In the new season, things that perfectly hide extra pounds and allow women to feel their attractiveness will be fashionable. Will be relevant dark colors- monochrome and restrained ornaments. Dresses made of translucent fabrics with a semi-adjacent silhouette with flared hems emphasize the femininity of the owners of curvy figures and make them more elegant. In trend blouses covering upper part hips, due to which they seem somewhat less voluminous. Dresses, blouses and sundresses with a high waist mask a protruding belly. Light tunics are not inferior to their positions - a real find for full fashionistas that can be worn with comfortable trousers and skirts. We offer you a selection of photo models of clothes for very large women, which you can buy in specialized stores that sell plus size clothes.
