Where is Oksana Makar's mother now? Oksana Makar’s mother: “Ksyusha’s death was not in vain! She started this war!”

More than a week has passed since the events that shocked everyone in the country. The terrible crime left no one indifferent. 18-year-old Oksana Makar was first raped and then they tried to strangle and burn the triplets (I don’t dare call them young people - author’s note) from Nikolaev. Now they continue to fight for her life at the Donetsk Burn Center. Dozens of townspeople come here with gifts, money, and icons. Her mother Tatyana Surovitskaya also settled here, next to her daughter. Doctors allocated a separate room for the woman with all amenities. Tatyana Surovitskaya behaves courageously, although sometimes she cannot hold back her tears.

We talked to her immediately after she left the office of the chief doctor of the burn center where Oksana was being saved.

“In a pit at a landfill they burned it along with the passport.”

I hardly slept for a week. Only on the first night in Donetsk did I manage to rest a little - Tatyana admits tiredly and detachedly, and tears well up in her eyes. – You know, Emil Yakovlevich (Fistal, Oksana’s attending physician – author’s note) just showed me a photo of the operation. There is horror there, a bloody mess. I’m crying and his tears are rolling down, but he told me: “We’ll save her legs, I’ll do everything. We’ll pull the girl out.” And from the first second I believe that this will happen.

How is Oksana's condition now?

Do you know how strong she is? He says that he will learn to do everything with his left hand. She needs to get used to it. I give her a bottle of water, and she says: “Let me do it myself, I need to study.” She is now connected to a ventilator. He doesn't say yet. But she recognizes me and squeezes my fingers... These nonhumans burned her alive. One thing they didn’t calculate was that she would be resurrected.

Tatyana Surovitskaya remembers what happened on March 10 with rage frozen in her eyes. That day she was in Kyiv. There she works in one of the trading companies. Things were looking up. Soon, in her native Nikolaev, Tatyana was going to open her own office, in which she intended to work together with her daughter. And Oksana had a lot of plans for the future. The girl practiced professional boxing for 3 years. “But that didn’t save her,” her mother says bitterly. After school I dreamed of studying to become a hair stylist. But she asked her mother not to spend money on her education yet. I wanted to achieve everything myself.

That night she was accidentally found by a man. This is her guardian angel and godfather! There are a lot of dogs in the landfill. If it had been a little later, no one would have found Oksana, and the dogs would have torn her to pieces.

If it weren't for this man. He worked as a driver for more than 30 years, and went out to start the car in the morning. And while I was working on the engine, I heard a faint squeak, like a kitten... Then I listened and heard someone weakly calling: “Help.” He went to check, looked into the hole and that’s it. I have no words..

A charred body, but alive and moving. And her beautiful blonde hair and face. The fire didn't touch him.

Tatyana remembers the events that took place in the following days as if in a fog. The main thing was that I urgently needed to get money from somewhere. On the very first day she had to give away all her savings - more than 10,000 hryvnia. After which, the girl’s mother rushed about in despair, selling all the gold and valuables she had in order to find funds for treatment.

"Mom, there are prosthetics that look like real hands"

Do you remember the first time you saw your daughter after what happened?

She told me: "Hello." And she added: “Don’t list me as disabled.” I don’t know where she has so much strength. She began to cry only after the amputation of her right arm. She asked me: “Mom, what about my dream? I wanted to be a hairdresser...” But then she pulled herself together and told me that “there are prosthetics like real hands and I’ll also put a wedding ring on her.”

She asked me - “get these bastards away. I can’t breathe, mom.” However, now she demands a baseball bat to take revenge on them. She did not lose consciousness from pain and I decided to keep her informed of everything that was happening. Even when the Internet reported that she had died. She then even told these people on the phone: “I am alive and will live!”

They say that Oksana knew one of the guys in this company. She allegedly rejected his advances. Did you know about this?

This is fiction! Oksana didn’t know any of them. She met them only on that fateful evening. With two. And the third appeared only when they were already in the apartment.

Did your daughter tell you the details of that terrible evening?

They raped her and wanted to do it a second time. My child told them: “If you touch me again, I will hand you over to the police.” Then they started strangling her. And when Oksana stopped moving, the owner of the apartment said that the body needed to be disposed of. And then there was an abandoned construction site, a dump there... They wrapped her in a sheet and threw her into a pit where they burn garbage. And they set it on fire! These non-humans burned her right with her passport... So that no one would find the end.

Did you watch the video of the interrogation?

I could not. But they told me. These are animals that calmly say: “We carried her, she fell. We picked her up and carried her again.”

"We were helpless until the noise started."

After doctors give Tatiana hope, she prepares to fight for her daughter in court. There, together with two lawyers, the woman intends to be a public defender.

But so far I don’t even have a resolution to initiate a criminal case. A week later! But I want the trial to be public. They promised me that the case would be in court within a month. And I'm waiting for this day. There is nothing worse than the fact that your mother will be the defender in court against these bastards. It’s just a pity that I can’t carry out the execution with them myself.

Did the parents of these sadists try to find you and get in touch?

No. And I wouldn't be able to talk to them. And I wouldn’t accept help or an apology. This will not be good for me or the child. Maybe this is not right, not Christian, I hate them and cannot forgive them.

Allegedly, Oksana’s father, who is currently serving a prison sentence, called and asked to know the names of his daughter’s offenders, so that an appropriate reception would be waiting for them in the zone. Have you had this conversation?

No. We don't keep in touch. We divorced just a week after the wedding and have not spoken since then.

After the torturers were released from the police, who told you about this?

But no one took the risk. I found out about this by accident. People who wrote letters to me via the Internet helped me a lot. And the girl who created the relief fund even began to receive threats. It helped us that my godfather’s daughter works on central television, and the incidents received wide publicity. After which people gathered on the street with protests. True, there are only two majors there - one is the son of a former prosecutor, the second is the mayor of Elants. And the third one is nobody. So they tried to pin everything on him. He raped, he strangled... But it didn’t work out. Now I’m thinking with horror about one thing: if there hadn’t been a noise, everything would have just died down! And my daughter would continue to be in the Nikolaev hospital.

Now residents of Israel, Germany, Italy and Turkey have approached Tatyana Surovitskaya with offers of help and support. And letters came from Russia calling for a boycott of EURO 12 due to the lawlessness that is happening here.

More than a week has passed since the events that shocked everyone in the country. The terrible crime left no one indifferent. 18-year-old Oksana Makar was first raped and then they tried to strangle and burn the triplets (I don’t dare call them young people - author’s note) from Nikolaev. Now they continue to fight for her life at the Donetsk Burn Center. Dozens of townspeople come here with gifts, money, and icons. Her mother Tatyana Surovitskaya also settled here, next to her daughter. Doctors allocated a separate room for the woman with all amenities. Tatyana Surovitskaya behaves courageously, although sometimes she cannot hold back her tears.

We talked to her immediately after she left the office of the chief doctor of the burn center where Oksana was being saved.

“In a pit at a landfill they burned it along with the passport.”

I hardly slept for a week. Only on the first night in Donetsk did I manage to rest a little - Tatyana admits tiredly and detachedly, and tears well up in her eyes. – You know, Emil Yakovlevich (Fistal, Oksana’s attending physician – author’s note) just showed me a photo of the operation. There is horror there, a bloody mess. I’m crying and his tears are rolling down, but he told me: “We’ll save her legs, I’ll do everything. We’ll pull the girl out.” And from the first second I believe that this will happen.

How is Oksana's condition now?

Do you know how strong she is? He says that he will learn to do everything with his left hand. She needs to get used to it. I give her a bottle of water, and she says: “Let me do it myself, I need to study.” She is now connected to a ventilator. He doesn't say yet. But she recognizes me and squeezes my fingers... These nonhumans burned her alive. One thing they didn’t calculate was that she would be resurrected.

Tatyana Surovitskaya remembers what happened on March 10 with rage frozen in her eyes. That day she was in Kyiv. There she works in one of the trading companies. Things were looking up. Soon, in her native Nikolaev, Tatyana was going to open her own office, in which she intended to work together with her daughter. And Oksana had a lot of plans for the future. The girl practiced professional boxing for 3 years. “But that didn’t save her,” her mother says bitterly. After school I dreamed of studying to become a hair stylist. But she asked her mother not to spend money on her education yet. I wanted to achieve everything myself.

That night she was accidentally found by a man. This is her guardian angel and godfather! There are a lot of dogs in the landfill. If it had been a little later, no one would have found Oksana, and the dogs would have torn her to pieces.

If it weren't for this man. He worked as a driver for more than 30 years, and went out to start the car in the morning. And while I was working on the engine, I heard a faint squeak, like a kitten... Then I listened and heard someone weakly calling: “Help.” He went to check, looked into the hole and that’s it. I have no words..

A charred body, but alive and moving. And her beautiful blonde hair and face. The fire didn't touch him.

Tatyana remembers the events that took place in the following days as if in a fog. The main thing was that I urgently needed to get money from somewhere. On the very first day she had to give away all her savings - more than 10,000 hryvnia. After which, the girl’s mother rushed about in despair, selling all the gold and valuables she had in order to find funds for treatment.

"Mom, there are prosthetics that look like real hands"

Do you remember the first time you saw your daughter after what happened?

She told me: "Hello." And she added: “Don’t list me as disabled.” I don’t know where she has so much strength. She began to cry only after the amputation of her right arm. She asked me: “Mom, what about my dream? I wanted to be a hairdresser...” But then she pulled herself together and told me that “there are prosthetics like real hands and I’ll also put a wedding ring on her.”

She asked me - “get these bastards away. I can’t breathe, mom.” However, now she demands a baseball bat to take revenge on them. She did not lose consciousness from pain and I decided to keep her informed of everything that was happening. Even when the Internet reported that she had died. She then even told these people on the phone: “I am alive and will live!”

They say that Oksana knew one of the guys in this company. She allegedly rejected his advances. Did you know about this?

This is fiction! Oksana didn’t know any of them. She met them only on that fateful evening. With two. And the third appeared only when they were already in the apartment.

Did your daughter tell you the details of that terrible evening?

They raped her and wanted to do it a second time. My child told them: “If you touch me again, I will hand you over to the police.” Then they started strangling her. And when Oksana stopped moving, the owner of the apartment said that the body needed to be disposed of. And then there was an abandoned construction site, a dump there... They wrapped her in a sheet and threw her into a pit where they burn garbage. And they set it on fire! These non-humans burned her right with her passport... So that no one would find the end.

Did you watch the video of the interrogation?

I could not. But they told me. These are animals that calmly say: “We carried her, she fell. We picked her up and carried her again.”

"We were helpless until the noise started."

After doctors give Tatiana hope, she prepares to fight for her daughter in court. There, together with two lawyers, the woman intends to be a public defender.

But so far I don’t even have a resolution to initiate a criminal case. A week later! But I want the trial to be public. They promised me that the case would be in court within a month. And I'm waiting for this day. There is nothing worse than the fact that your mother will be the defender in court against these bastards. It’s just a pity that I can’t carry out the execution with them myself.

Did the parents of these sadists try to find you and get in touch?

No. And I wouldn't be able to talk to them. And I wouldn’t accept help or an apology. This will not be good for me or the child. Maybe this is not right, not Christian, I hate them and cannot forgive them.

Allegedly, Oksana’s father, who is currently serving a prison sentence, called and asked to know the names of his daughter’s offenders, so that an appropriate reception would be waiting for them in the zone. Have you had this conversation?

No. We don't keep in touch. We divorced just a week after the wedding and have not spoken since then.

After the torturers were released from the police, who told you about this?

But no one took the risk. I found out about this by accident. People who wrote letters to me via the Internet helped me a lot. And the girl who created the relief fund even began to receive threats. It helped us that my godfather’s daughter works on central television, and the incidents received wide publicity. After which people gathered on the street with protests. True, there are only two majors there - one is the son of a former prosecutor, the second is the mayor of Elants. And the third one is nobody. So they tried to pin everything on him. He raped, he strangled... But it didn’t work out. Now I’m thinking with horror about one thing: if there hadn’t been a noise, everything would have just died down! And my daughter would continue to be in the Nikolaev hospital.

Now residents of Israel, Germany, Italy and Turkey have approached Tatyana Surovitskaya with offers of help and support. And letters came from Russia calling for a boycott of EURO 12 due to the lawlessness that is happening here.

Those who three years ago took the grief of Oksana Makar’s mother so close to their hearts that they tore their money from their hearts will be interested to know how she lives now. According to the press, our well-wishers donated personal money to her without any publicity. This is what it says in the Gospel, this is what it says in the Sermon on the Mount. An acute feeling of pity for the sufferer pierced their hearts so much that they rushed to help save the life of the doomed woman who had suffered at the hands of local sadists. It was not possible to save Oksana. Our medicine has not learned to cope with lung burns.

But Oksana’s tragedy did not pass without a trace for Ukraine. As a result of the efforts of many people in our society, a fairer attitude towards weak creatures is being developed in comparison with strong or frostbitten men in our brutal age. The poet once called for “mercy for the fallen.” Let us also show this mercy by reading these notes.

Quite by accident, three years after her only meeting with me, Tatyana discovered my business card as a deputy assistant. And just once again she had an interview in the Plaza, where a branch of a German company was recruiting a staff of managers to get a job. Her interlocutor found out that he was talking with Oksana Makar’s mother. It is quite clear that he did not even call the applicant back, that she would not be hired. This deeply hurt Tatiana. And she was indignant that everyone had forgotten about her for six months already. She blames this on the war, which reduced attention to her personally. Not a humane manager. Play it safe!

For some reason, she invited me to her apartment on Nikolaevskaya Street, although even during the meeting she did not really remember with whom and when, and why she was meeting. Personally, the author of these lines did not participate in any way in the campaign to condemn sadists. I was brought to Surovitskaya by Yuri Yurin, the initiator of the only recording on camera of the late Oksana, who had barely recovered from the injection of painkillers. Tatyana herself made this recording in a hurry, which she now regrets. Then it was purchased more than once and shown on television.

What sparked my interest in this tragedy then? A strange division between the female part of our society. Some were in a hurry to give gifts to the victim's mother. And other souls of mature ladies, mothers of already adult children, were gripped by terrible envy of “Dragonfly”, which, in their opinion, was herself to blame for her daughter’s tragedy. And they tried to warn the Ants from further donations in favor of the martyr’s mother. The directors of popular TV shows and their presenters, focused on squeezing tears out of the eyes of the female audience, cleverly used the conflict that arose, pitting those seized by a rush of sympathy and envious women, eager to expose the sufferer’s mother, Oksana herself, and, most importantly, to demonstrate themselves. It doesn’t matter that the envious women, who not only stole foreign grants, but also shamelessly deceived their fellow members of public organizations, had more sins than the former prisoner Tatyana Surovitskaya.

It is important that they are given fame. It doesn’t matter what and how achieved! Extortionists and scammers are remembered. Sinners denounced the sinner. The conflict was obvious. Three years passed, and the same moral conflict was repeated on a global scale. Also, for many years, the Nikolaev social activists I personally knew became involved in vile politics, thoroughly saturated with non-Christian lies. She dragged them to the East of Ukraine. Former activists of the “Third Ukrainian Republic” joined the ranks of the so-called “Colorados”. Some with a camera and microphone, and some with weapons in their hands, join the maddened army of “Donbass militias”. And their gullible fellow citizens hide them and feed them when they secretly return to Nikolaev to rest and improve their health after checkpoints and winter trenches in “Novorossiya”.

Therefore, listening to Tatyana Surovitskaya and helping her get a legitimate job, although she is not a voter of the 29th district in the Old Vodopoe, seemed instructive to me. I can immediately say that Tatyana has so far refused to use the opportunities of the Employment Center. She is ashamed to go there. It's a shame! She was used to working behind the scenes. She spoke about the distribution of cosmetics at the head of a group of distributors. What can we say, network marketing of cosmetics is one of the diseases of our society. Something like an acute respiratory infection. Nothing new.

I can immediately upset envious people. Tatiana did not drink the night before the meeting and was in quite normal condition. She has only gained noticeable weight in three years. Her very modest and quite well-kept apartment in a Khrushchev block on Nikolaevskaya Street does not differ significantly from the apartments of other 45-year-old ladies. She does not live with her former husband, but she is not alone either. Of her benefactors, she remembers Yuri Krutsylov, who treated her humanely, but had long been distracted from the problems of her survival. And I am especially grateful to Nikolai Katerynchuk, thanks to whose assistance the former resident of the village of Luch was given the apartment where our meeting took place. I had difficulty remembering the silhouette of Evgenia Mateichuk.

But Tatyana has not been able to contact her former patron for a long time. The fate of her daughter became her cult. She assured me and my young companion that Oksana had known one of her killers, Prisyazhnyuk, for more than a year, in fact, the only major from the company of sadists. That’s why she so frivolously went with him and the completely frostbitten “skinhead” Krasnoshchek to a familiar apartment. But Tatyana is even more outraged that after the death of Mayor Chaika, everyone forgot about her. All of those who tried their hand at PR next to her. And who also did not gain anything personally from participating in this campaign.

I was unable to detect any traces of her understanding of PR and a mass scandal campaign in general, either at the first meeting or at the last. All tolerances and PR risks turned out to be beyond Tatyana’s level of education. She did not acquire a taste for this action. Now she is more concerned about having bread in the bread bin and the fear of not paying rent for February. I don’t want to arouse pity for the daughter of 74-76 year old parents who still live in the village of Luch. Some people still go to work there.

But I cannot help but note that this family is a kind of victim of the Cold War, which before our eyes has again settled in Nikolaev and in the world. Surovitskaya recalls with delight the years when the village residents bathed in happiness. But it also does not hide the stream of suicides, when highly paid fighters of invisible radio radiation dropped from the high antennas of the village, forever realizing that no one else needed them. That they, out of ignorance, were accomplices of the all-Union swindlers, wasting in vain the fruits of the labor of the entire Soviet people. And no one will ever pay them the former heavenly and unearned wages.

I can add that those that did not fall from such antennas are now inciting the so-called separatists and their assistants from Russia to fight the Freemasons (and Jews) from the Kyiv junta. They also don’t want to admit that their lives were sacrificed on the altar of the Cold War in vain. They claim that the imperialists are the enemies of the Russian world and them personally. Their madness cannot be cured!

It’s a pity that no one said a word of praise to those police trainees who, on Women’s Day three years ago, found the killers of Oksana Makar in literally an hour or two. They only remember Oleg Naidu, who committed an act that was quite ordinary for the 50s and 60s, but extraordinary for our time, of which he is quite rightly proud. Now people shy away from actions related to the police if their personal interests are not harmed. Tatyana is also proud, whose efforts made it somewhat safer for other people’s daughters to meet their boyfriends in their “dirty” apartments. She is generally correct in her assessment of the consequences of this campaign three years later.

As for her incredible wealth, the prospects for creating a Foundation named after Oksana Makar, some kind of beauty salon and other inventions of idle journalists, I can testify: rumors about the unprecedented generosity of our fellow citizens, who in crowds carried what they had earned through back-breaking labor to Tatyana Surovitskaya, were greatly exaggerated. There are no traces of exorbitant luxury in the apartment given to her. It seems that moderate well-being so “blurred” the eyes of envious people with a camera and a voice recorder that they considered it necessary for the benefit of their readers and for the sake of entertaining their reports to greatly increase the envy of that category of mothers whose children did not belong to the category of fallen (not) angels.

Time, of course, puts everything in its place. But this is not obvious to everyone. He needs a little help. Not him - it does not need help - but our contemporaries need to open their eyes: remember the command: “Lift my eyelids!” - Viy. It is for this reason that I am breaking the promise I made to Surovitskaya: not to write anything about her. And I didn’t write - I typed it on the keyboard. It will be useful for society. But it’s not harmful to her. If she has been completely forgotten, then it is not for me to improve her well-being. Mercy for our fallen fellow citizens is not my specialty.

New husband - school love

Over the past two years, a lot has changed in the life of Oksana Makar’s mother, Tatyana Surovitskaya: she lives in a new apartment (in her words, a gift from a friend) with a new husband, but says that the pain still has not gone away.

According to neighbors and acquaintances of Surovitskaya, the woman lives “quietly” and now “modestly.”

The first year, of course, she drank heavily, now she doesn’t buy alcohol, she seems to come sober, she doesn’t say much, she’s become secretive,” says the saleswoman of the grocery store located next door to the house where Tatyana lives.

Two months ago, Surovitskaya officially divorced her husband, and now there is a new man in her life.

“Igor and I have known each other for more than a quarter of a century,” Makar’s mother tells Komsomolskaya Pravda about her new chosen one. - 26 years ago we met, then he was drafted into the army, and then I went to prison for fighting. And so our paths diverged. And when everything happened to Ksyusha, he saw her on TV, called and offered help. He had just received an advance, went and sent me 2,500 hryvnia. Then we met, he was there all the time. He helped and supported me in everything.

Tatyana's common-law husband works at the factory, and he is trying in every possible way to calm the hype around what happened.

It’s already hard for her, but everyone is still trying to throw mud at her and accuse her of something. We don’t need anything, just leave us alone,” says the man.

In the near future, Tatyana and Igor want to formalize their relationship and have a child.

Two million in the account?

Tatiana Surovitskaya’s opponents are still trying to figure out where the money went that people from all over the world sent for Oksana’s treatment. Human rights activist Elena Kabashnaya, who has been involved in the Makar case from the very beginning, says:

When it all started, in Nikolaev money was handed over in cash, no one kept records of it. Then the “Mi Poruch” foundation, together with activists, collected and donated seven or eight thousand hryvnia for Oksana’s treatment, no one controlled everything else, she says. - Then Tatyana opened a bank account, and people began to send money there.

According to Kabashna, according to documents, there were about two million hryvnia in the account. But activists suggest the amount was higher. They say that Tatyana only had a hryvnia account, and a lot of money came in foreign currency from Germany, Canada, and the USA.

When you ask Tatyana herself about money, she starts to get nervous:

All I received were crumbs compared to what went in an unknown direction. I received one hundred, two hundred, three hundred hryvnia - these are all little things, now I don’t even have money for bread,” the woman assures.

Remembered modestly

Surovitskaya plans to celebrate the second anniversary of her daughter’s death modestly; she will not specially invite anyone. Only the relatives and girlfriend of the deceased Irishka, who will specially come from Kyiv, will go to the cemetery. By the way, Surovitskaya is sure that today’s events in the country are due to her daughter.

It was Ksyusha who started the war that is now going on! Her death is not in vain! I am glad that people are no longer afraid to stand up for their rights.

And about Makar’s mother, Tatyana Surovitskaya, they say that she is pregnant

While all of Ukraine is watching "Vradievsky affair", a resonant story with Oksana Makar’s offenders received its continuation. As Vesti found out, Evgeny Krasnoshchek, who was sentenced to life for the rape and murder of a girl, was only transferred from the pre-trial detention center to the colony on October 9. We also found out what his accomplices, Maxim Prisyazhnyuk and Artur Pogosyan, who received 15 and 14 years behind bars, are doing in prison.


On Wednesday, Krasnoshchek arrived from the Chernigov pre-trial detention center in Novgorod-Severskaya colony No. 31. “When he arrives, he is required to be in quarantine for 14 days,” Vasily Romanyuk, an officer of the colony’s special unit, told us. “They’ll find him something to do later.” We have something to keep the convicts occupied—the production of clothing, furniture, and household items.” Also, Krasnoshchek, according to employees of the State Penitentiary Service, has the opportunity to join religion. Priests from the Transfiguration Monastery and representatives of the Emmanuel Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith preach in the colony. Krasnoshchek will keep company with 12 lifers who are currently in the institution.


A month and a half ago, Maxim Prisyazhnyuk arrived at the Bilenkovsky correctional colony (Zaporozhye region). For now, he's not doing anything special here. “Officers involved in social and educational work say that during the time that Prisyazhnyuk has been with them, he has not shown himself in any way - he has no penalties, does not violate discipline, but there is nothing to reward him for. He behaves absolutely passively and has absolutely no desire for socially useful work,” colony employees told Vesti on condition of anonymity. “If he still wants to work, then he can be employed in a woodworking shop or metal processing.” Jailers say that the Bilenkovskaya colony is officially considered exemplary. This is a medium-security facility where rapists, murderers, robbers and car thieves serve their sentences.


Artem Poghosyan is serving his sentence in Krivoy Rog colony No. 80. Since 2005, it has been a medium-security institution where those convicted of serious and especially serious crimes are kept. Poghosyan recently visited his mother. “I was not allowed on a date because the application had to be submitted earlier, I spoke with my son on the phone through the glass. The colony made a good impression - there is even a fountain there. The son looks good, he’s got a job as a dishwasher in the kitchen,” Larisa Pogosyan, who works as a librarian in Nikolaev, told Vesti. “That’s why he has food, the food is decent, he even refused fried chicken and other edibles. I only took sweets and cigarettes. He has no complaints about the administration or other prisoners; he is not offended there. He just says that there is a lot of dishes - in total there are 4 thousand convicts sitting there, so they have to work from 6 am to 2 am. Doesn't get enough sleep. He says that when he was sick, they gave him all the medicine and even allowed him not to work at that time.” Larisa Poghosyan still claims that her son is only guilty of concealing a crime, saying that he did not rape or kill. And the fact of non-involvement in rape was allegedly confirmed by an examination: “We wrote a cassation appeal, but the High Special Court turned it down, pointed out some technical inaccuracies, I gave it to the lawyer to redo it,” says the mother of the convict.


At the same time, human rights activist Elena Kabashnaya from Nikolaev says that Oksana Makar’s mother Tatyana Surovitskaya is now constantly drinking. “She has a young fiancé, a former prisoner, who drives her around in a car he recently bought,” says Kabashnaya. “And recently journalists came from Poland to record an interview with Surovitskaya, but she refused, apparently because she was pregnant.” Surovitskaya herself could not be reached by phone.

How Oksana Makar Surovitskaya’s mother lives, her neck was cut and her ribs were broken

On the night of March 10, 2012, in Nikolaev, three men gang-raped 18-year-old Oksana Makar, after which they tried to kill the victim and then burn her body.

The victim managed to survive. On the morning of March 10, she was accidentally discovered by a passerby. Oksana was taken to the hospital with 3-4 degree burns, where she was able to name the names of her offenders. They turned out to be Evgeny Krasnoshchek, Maxim Prisyazhnyuk and Artyom Pogosyan.

Despite the intensive medical care provided, Oksana Makar died on March 29, 2012.

On November 27, 2012, the Central District Court of Nikolaev found the accused guilty on all counts (rape and murder committed with extreme cruelty by a group of persons by prior conspiracy) and gave Evgeniy Krasnoshchek a life sentence, Maxim Prisyazhnyuk - 15 years in prison, Artem Pogosyan - 14 years . May 30 appeal court rejected complaints and representatives of the defendants.
