Hypersonic aircraft are being created in the Russian Federation to overcome missiles. Promising Russian UAVs (list) New combat aircraft

However, given that the program for creating robotic combat systems in Russia is classified, it is quite possible that publicity in the media was not needed, since, perhaps, combat tests of promising robotics were carried out.

Let's try to analyze open information about what kind of combat robots Russia currently has. Let's start the first part of the article with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Ka-37 is a Russian unmanned aerial vehicle (unmanned helicopter) designed for aerial photography, broadcasting and relaying television and radio signals, conducting environmental experiments, delivering medicines, food and mail when providing emergency assistance in the process of eliminating accidents and disasters in areas that are difficult to reach and dangerous for humans. places.


  • Multi-role unmanned helicopter
  • First flight: 1993


  • Main rotor diameter: 4.8 m
  • Fuselage length: 3.14 m
  • Height with rotation screws: 1.8 m
  • Weight Max. takeoff 250 kg
  • Engine: P-037 (2x24.6 kW)
  • Cruising speed: 110 km/h
  • Max. speed: 145 km/h
  • Range: 20 km
  • Flight range: ~100 km
  • Service ceiling: 3800 m

Ka-137- reconnaissance UAV (helicopter). The first flight took place in 1999. Developed by: Kamov Design Bureau. The Ka-137 unmanned helicopter is made according to a coaxial design. The chassis is four-wheel. The body has a spherical shape with a diameter of 1.3 m.

Equipped with a satellite navigation system and a digital autopilot, the Ka-137 moves along a pre-planned route automatically and reaches a given location with an accuracy of 60 m. On the Internet it received the unofficial nickname “Pepelats” by analogy with the aircraft from the film “Kin-dza-dza!” .


  • Main propeller diameter: 5.30 m
  • Length: 1.88 m
  • Width: 1.88 m
  • Height: 2.30 m
  • Weight:
    • empty: 200 kg
    • maximum take-off: 280 kg
  • Engine type 1 PD Hirht 2706 R05
  • Power: 65 HP With.
  • Speed:
    • maximum: 175 km/h
    • cruising: 145 km/h
  • Practical range: 530 km
  • Flight duration: 4 hours
  • Ceiling:
    • practical: 5000 m
    • static: 2900 m
  • maximum: 80 kg

PS-01 Komar is an operational unmanned aircraft, remotely piloted vehicle.

The first flight took place in 1980, developed at OSKBES MAI (Industry Special Design Bureau MAI). Three samples of the apparatus were built. On the device, a scheme of annular tail with a pusher propeller and rudders located inside the ring was developed, which was subsequently used to create a serial complex of the Shmel-1 type.

The design features of the drone are the use of folding wings and a modular fuselage design. The wings of the device were folded in such a way that, when assembled (transported), the aircraft was placed in a container 2.2x1x0.8 m. From the transport configuration to the flight configuration, the Komar aircraft was brought in 3-5 s using hinges with self-latching clamps for the extreme positions of all folding elements .

The UAV fuselage had a detachable head module with three quick-release locks, which ensured easy change of modules. This reduced the time for replacing a module with a target load, the time for loading the aircraft with pesticides or biological protection agents for agricultural areas.


  • Normal take-off weight, kg 90
  • Maximum ground speed, km/h 180
  • Practical flight range with load, km 100
  • Aircraft length, m 2.15
  • Wingspan, m 2.12

Reconnaissance UAV. The first flight took place in 1983. Work on the creation of a mini-UAV has begun at the Design Bureau named after. A. S. Yakovleva in 1982, based on the experience of studying the combat use of Israeli UAVs in the 1982 war. In 1985, the development of the Shmel-1 UAV with a four-legged chassis began. Flight tests of the Shmel-1 UAV in a version equipped with television and IR equipment began in 1989. The device is designed for 10 launches, stored and transported folded in a fiberglass container. Equipped with replaceable sets of reconnaissance equipment, which include a television camera and a thermal imaging camera, installed on a gyro-stabilized ventral platform. Parachute landing method.


  • Wingspan, m 3.25
  • Length, m 2.78
  • Height, m ​​1.10
  • Weight, kg 130
  • Engine type 1 PD
  • Power, hp 1 x 32
  • Cruising speed, km/h 140
  • Flight duration, h 2
  • Practical ceiling, m 3000
  • Minimum flight altitude, m 100

“Shmel-1” served as a prototype for the more advanced machine “Pchela-1T”, from which it is practically indistinguishable in appearance.


Bee-1T- Soviet and Russian reconnaissance UAV. With the help of the complex, operational interaction is carried out with fire weapons of the MLRS “Smerch”, “Grad”, cannon artillery, attack helicopters in conditions of fire and electronic countermeasures.

The launch is carried out using two solid fuel boosters with a short guide located on the tracked chassis of the airborne combat vehicle. Landing is carried out using a parachute with a shock-absorbing inflatable bag that reduces shock overloads. The Pchela-1 UAV uses a two-stroke two-cylinder internal combustion engine P-032 as a power plant. The Stroy-P complex with the Pchela-1T RPV, created in 1990 by the A.S. Design Bureau. Yakovlev, is designed for round-the-clock observation of objects and transmission of their television or thermal imaging images in real time to a ground control point. In 1997, the complex was adopted by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Resource: 5 flights.


  • Wingspan, m: 3.30
  • Length, m: 2.80
  • Height, m: 1.12
  • Weight, kg: 138
  • Engine type: piston
  • Power, hp: 1 x 32
  • Radius of the complex, km: 60
  • Flight altitude range above sea level, m: 100-2500
  • Flight speed, km/h: 120-180
  • RPV take-off weight, kg: up to 138
  • Control method:
    • automatic flight according to the program
    • remote manual control
  • Error in measuring RPV coordinates:
    • by range, m: no more than 150
    • in azimuth, degrees: no more than 1
  • Launch altitude above sea level, m: up to 2,000
  • Altitude range for optimal reconnaissance above the underlying surface, m: 100-1000
  • Angular speed of UAV turn, deg/s: not less than 3
  • Complex deployment time, min: 20
  • Field of view of the TV camera in pitch, degrees: 5 - −65
  • Flight duration, hours: 2
  • Number of takeoffs and landings (applications for each UAV): 5
  • Operating temperature range of the complex, °C: −30 - +50
  • Training time for maintenance personnel, hours: 200
  • Wind at RPV launch, m/s: no more than 10
  • Wind during UAV landing, m/s: no more than 8

Tu-143 "Flight" - reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

Designed to conduct tactical reconnaissance in the front-line zone through photo and television reconnaissance of area targets and individual routes, as well as monitoring the radiation situation along the flight route. Part of the VR-3 complex. At the end of the flight, the Tu-143 turned around according to the program and returned back to the landing zone, where, after stopping the engine and the “slide” maneuver, landing was carried out using a parachute-jet system and landing gear.

The use of the complex was tested at the 4th Air Force Combat Use Center. In the 1970-1980s, 950 pieces were produced. In April 2014, the Armed Forces of Ukraine reactivated the drones left over from the USSR and tested them, after which their combat use began in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

  • Modification of Tu-143
  • Wingspan, m 2.24
  • Length, m 8.06
  • Height, m ​​1.545
  • Wing area, m2 2.90
  • Weight, kg 1230
  • Engine type TRD TRZ-117
  • Thrust, kgf 1 x 640
  • Accelerator SPRD-251
  • Maximum speed, km/h
  • Cruising speed, km/h 950
  • Practical range, km 180
  • Flight time, min 13
  • Practical ceiling, m 1000
  • Minimum flight altitude, m 10

"Skat" is a reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicle developed by the Mikoyan and Gurevich Design Bureau and JSC Klimov. It was first presented at the MAKS-2007 air show as a full-size mock-up designed to test design and layout solutions.

According to Sergei Korotkov, General Director of RSK MIG, the development of the Skat unmanned attack aerial vehicle has been discontinued. By decision of the Russian Ministry of Defense, based on the results of the corresponding tender, Sukhoi Holding Company was elected as the lead developer of a promising strike UAV. However, the groundwork for Skat will be used in the development of the Sukhoi UAV family, and RSK MIG will take part in this work. The project was suspended due to lack of funding. On December 22, 2015, in an interview (Vedomosti newspaper) with the general director of RSK MiG, Serey Korotkov, it was said that work on Skat continues. The work is being carried out jointly with TsAGI. The development is financed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.


  • Conducting reconnaissance
  • Attacking ground targets with aerial bombs and guided missiles (X-59)
  • Destruction of radar systems by missiles (X-31).


  • Length: 10.25 m
  • Wingspan: 11.50 m
  • Height: 2.7 m
  • Chassis: tricycle
  • Maximum take-off weight: 20000 kg
  • Engine: 1 × RD-5000B turbofan engine with flat nozzle
  • Thrust: afterburning: 1 × 5040 kgf
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: at maximum take-off weight: 0.25 kgf/kg

Flight characteristics

  • Maximum speed at high altitude: 850 km/h (0.8 M)
  • Flight range: 4000 km
  • Combat radius: 1200 km
  • Service ceiling: 15000 m


  • Hardpoints: 4, in internal bomb bays
  • Suspension options:
  • 2 × Kh-31A air-to-surface
  • 2 × Kh-31P air-to-radar
  • 2 × KAB -250 (250 kg)
  • 2 × KAB-500 (500 kg)
  • Designed for observation, target designation, fire adjustment, damage assessment. Effective for aerial photography and video shooting at short distances. Produced by the Izhevsk company “ZALA AERO GROUP” under the leadership of Zakharov A.V.

    The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed according to the “flying wing” aerodynamic design and consists of a glider with an automatic autopilot control system, controls and power plant, on-board power system, parachute landing system and removable target load units. To ensure that the aircraft does not get lost at late times of the day, miniature LED lights are installed on the body, requiring low energy consumption. ZALA 421-08 is started manually. Landing method - automatically with a parachute.


    • Radius of video/radio channel 15 km / 25 km
    • Flight duration 80 min
    • UAV wingspan 810 mm
    • UAV length 425 mm
    • Maximum flight altitude 3600 m
    • Launching from the body of a UAV or catapult
    • Landing – parachute/net
    • Engine type – electric traction
    • Speed ​​65-130 km/h
    • Maximum take-off weight 2.5 kg
    • Target load weight 300 g
    • Navigation INS with GPS/GLONASS correction, radio rangefinder
    • Target loads Type "08"
    • Glider - one-piece wing
    • Battery – 10000 mAh 4S
    • Maximum permissible wind speed 20 m/s
    • Operating temperature range -30°C…+40°C
    • (5 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    For a quarter of a century, ideas have been floating around the world about creating a so-called hybrid aircraft, which in its design will combine an airship, an airplane and a helicopter. Why is such a strange design needed if all three of these types of aircraft can be used separately? But the fact is that even in the era of large Soviet construction projects, a problem arose in transporting massive structures that still had to be installed exactly in the designated place. After all, in fact, an ordinary helicopter will not carry a multi-ton drilling rig to the operation site. Therefore, the tower elements were delivered by rail, and then assembly began. This took a huge amount of time and resources, including financial ones. It was then that the Tyumen designers had the idea of ​​​​creating an aircraft that could move through the air at a relatively low speed and carry a large load.

    By the way, this idea, first born in the USSR, reached the United States. Already next year, the Americans plan to take to the skies a giant Aeroscraft - both an airplane and an airship at the same time. It can be stated that Russian designers are ahead of the Americans in terms of implementing the idea of ​​a hybrid aircraft. After all, its “BARS”, which is how the hybrid is named, made its first flight over the Tyumen fields back in the mid-90s. It turns out that the job is done and our aircraft designers can rest on their laurels, however, as always, their work and talent cannot be appreciated. This is due, first of all, to total underfunding. That same “BARS”, despite its obvious advantages, has not been put into mass production, so many problems in transporting goods by air have not yet been solved.

    Let's try to figure out what the advantages of hybrid aircraft are? The fact is that the design of the same “BARS” is a real integration of elements of three aircraft at once. Its body is made of the same materials as the aircraft body, but in its central part there is a technological area with several propellers. These screws allow the hybrid machine to move strictly vertically. In addition, the aircraft is equipped with helium containers, which implement the principle of airship flight and allow the hybrid to be firmly fixed to the ground during unloading. The BARS and similar models have elevators, as well as side tails, like a regular airplane. This allows him to maneuver effectively in flight.

    Many may notice that an airship could cope with the function of delivering large equipment to a designated point, but the airship is much more difficult to control and is susceptible to the influence of air mass flows, which can easily lead to disaster. And the airship cannot effectively lower a large load - after lowering a multi-ton structure, the airship can take off uncontrollably, as if discarding large ballast. A hybrid aircraft does not have such disadvantages. In addition, aircraft such as BARS are equipped with an air cushion, which can allow it to fill a special capsule with water, and then use it to extinguish fires or irrigate fields.

    If the Russian idea is so far entirely focused on civilian cargo transportation, then the Americans plan to use their hybrid for military purposes. The Pentagon says that it is already ready to purchase several Aeroscraft in order to use it in the future to deliver warheads and troops to hard-to-reach areas.

    Of course, there is no point in saying that hybrid aircraft should be used as passenger transport. Airplanes are better suited for this purpose, because the speed of a hybrid is not higher than 200 km/h. But in terms of effectively providing remote construction sites, transporting large loads across mountain ranges, and extinguishing fires, these machines will have no equal. Note that the carrying capacity of the hybrid is about 400 tons, which is 130 tons higher than the carrying capacity of the huge Mriya aircraft.

    Let's hope that flying hybrids will soon begin to be supplied to various sectors of Russian civil aviation.

    The image of an unmanned aerial attack vehicle is often seen in Hollywood science fiction films. So, currently The USA is the world leader in the construction and design of drones. And they do not stop there, increasingly increasing the fleet of UAVs in the armed forces.

    Having gained experience from the first and second Iraqi campaigns and the Afghan campaign, the Pentagon continues to develop unmanned systems. Purchases of UAVs will be increased, and criteria for new devices will be created. UAVs first occupied the niche of light reconnaissance aircraft, but already in the 2000s it became clear that they were also promising as attack aircraft - they were used in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Drones have become full-fledged strike units.

    MQ-9 Reaper "Reaper"

    The Pentagon's latest purchase was order of 24 attack UAVs of the MQ-9 Reaper type. This contract will almost double the number of such drones in the military (at the beginning of 2009, the US had 28 of these drones). Gradually, the “Reapers” (according to Anglo-Saxon mythology, the image of death) should replace the older “Predators” MQ-1 Predator; there are approximately 200 of them in service.

    The MQ-9 Reaper UAV first flew in February 2001. The device was created in 2 versions: turboprop and turbojet, but the US Air Force, interested in the new technology, pointed out the need for uniformity, refusing to purchase a jet version. In addition, despite its high aerobatic qualities (for example, a practical ceiling of up to 19 kilometers), it could be in the air for no more than 18 hours, which did not satisfy the Air Force. The turboprop model went into production with a 910-horsepower TPE-331 engine, the brainchild of Garrett AiResearch.

    Basic performance characteristics of the Reaper:

    — Weight: 2223 kg (empty) and 4760 kg (maximum);
    — Maximum speed — 482 km/h and cruising speed — about 300 km/h;
    — Maximum flight range – 5800…5900 km;
    — With a full load, the UAV will perform its work for about 14 hours. In total, the MQ-9 is capable of staying in the air for up to 28-30 hours;
    — The practical ceiling is up to 15 kilometers, and the working altitude level is 7.5 km;

    Reaper weapons: has 6 hardpoints, a total payload of up to 3800 pounds, so instead of 2 AGM-114 Hellfire guided missiles on the Predator, its more advanced brother can take up to 14 missiles.
    The second option for equipping the Reaper is a combination of 4 Hellfires and 2 five-hundred-pound GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bombs.
    The 500-pound caliber also allows the use of GPS-guided JDAM weapons, such as the GBU-38 ammunition. Air-to-air weapons are represented by the AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles and, more recently, the AIM-92 Stinger, a modification of the well-known MANPADS missile, adapted for air launch.

    avionics: AN/APY-8 Lynx II synthetic aperture radar capable of operating in mapping mode - in the nose cone. At low speeds (up to 70 knots), the radar can scan the surface with a resolution of one meter, scanning 25 square kilometers per minute. At high speeds (about 250 knots) – up to 60 square kilometers.

    In search modes, the radar, in the so-called SPOT mode, provides instantaneous “images” of local areas of the earth’s surface measuring 300x170 meters from a distance of up to 40 kilometers, with a resolution reaching 10 centimeters. Combined electro-optical and thermal imaging sighting station MTS-B - on a spherical suspension under the fuselage. Includes a laser rangefinder/target designator capable of targeting the full range of US and NATO semi-active laser-guided munitions.

    In 2007, the first attack squadron of “Reapers” was formed, they entered service with the 42nd Attack Squadron, which is located at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. In 2008, they were armed with the 174th Fighter Wing of the Air National Guard. NASA, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Border Patrol also have specially equipped Reapers.
    The system was not put up for sale. Of the allies, Australia and England bought the Reapers. Germany abandoned this system in favor of its own and Israeli developments.


    The next generation of medium-sized UAVs under the MQ-X and MQ-M programs should be operational by 2020. The military wants to simultaneously expand the combat capabilities of the strike UAV and integrate it as much as possible into the overall combat system.

    Main goals:

    “They plan to create a basic platform that can be used in all theaters of military operations, which will greatly increase the functionality of the unmanned air force group in the region, as well as increase the speed and flexibility of response to emerging threats.

    — Increasing the autonomy of the device and increasing the ability to perform tasks in difficult weather conditions. Automatic take-off and landing, entering the combat patrol area.

    — Interception of air targets, direct support of ground forces, the use of a drone as an integrated reconnaissance complex, a set of electronic warfare tasks and tasks of providing communications and illumination of the situation in the form of deployment of an information gateway on the basis of an aircraft.

    — Suppression of the enemy’s air defense system.

    — By 2030, they plan to create a model of a refueling drone, a kind of unmanned tanker capable of supplying fuel to other aircraft - this will dramatically increase the duration of their stay in the air.

    — There are plans to create modifications of UAVs that will be used in search and rescue and evacuation missions related to the air transportation of people.

    — The concept of the combat use of UAVs is planned to include the architecture of the so-called “swarm” (SWARM), which will allow for the joint combat use of groups of unmanned aircraft for the exchange of intelligence information and strike operations.

    — As a result, UAVs should “grow” into such tasks as inclusion in the country’s air defense and missile defense system and even delivering strategic strikes. This dates back to the mid-21st century.


    In early February 2011, a jet took off from Edwards Air Force Base (California). UAV X-47V. The development of drones for the Navy began in 2001. Sea trials should begin in 2013.

    Basic requirements of the Navy:
    — deck-based, including landing without violating the stealth regime;
    — two full-fledged compartments for installing weapons, the total weight of which, according to some reports, can reach two tons;
    — in-flight refueling system.

    The United States is developing a list of requirements for the 6th generation fighter:

    — Equipping with next-generation on-board information and control systems, stealth technologies.

    — Hypersonic speed, that is, speeds above Mach 5-6.

    — Possibility of unmanned control.

    — The electronic element base of the aircraft’s on-board complexes must give way to an optical one, built on photonics technologies, with a complete transition to fiber-optic communication lines.

    Thus, the United States confidently maintains its position in the development, deployment and accumulation of experience in the combat use of UAVs. Participation in a number of local wars allowed the US armed forces to maintain combat-ready personnel, improve equipment and technology, combat use and control schemes.

    The Armed Forces gained unique combat experience and the opportunity in practice to reveal and correct design flaws without major risks. UAVs are becoming part of a unified combat system—waging “network-centric warfare.”

    The ability to preserve the most valuable resource - fighters on the battlefield from the beginning of the first wars was the most important and promising. Modern technologies make it possible to use combat vehicles remotely, which eliminates the loss of an operator even if a unit is destroyed. One of the most pressing issues these days is the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles.

    What is a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)

    A UAV is any aircraft that does not have a pilot in the air. The autonomy of the devices varies: there are the simplest options with remote control, or fully automated machines. The first option is also called remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), they are distinguished by the continuous delivery of commands from the operator. More advanced systems require only occasional commands, between which the device operates autonomously.

    The main advantage of such machines over manned fighters and reconnaissance aircraft is that they are up to 20 times cheaper than their analogues with comparable capabilities.

    The disadvantage of the devices is the vulnerability of communication channels, which are easy to disrupt and disable the machine.

    History of the creation and development of UAVs

    The history of drones began in Great Britain in 1933, when a radio-controlled aircraft was assembled based on the Fairy Queen biplane. Before the outbreak of World War II and in the early years, more than 400 of these vehicles were assembled and used as targets by the Royal Navy.

    The first combat vehicle of this class was the famous German V-1, equipped with a pulsating jet engine. It is noteworthy that warhead aircraft could be launched both from the ground and from air carriers.

    The rocket was controlled by the following means:

    • an autopilot, which was given altitude and heading parameters before launch;
    • the range was measured by a mechanical counter, which was driven by the rotation of the blades in the bow (the latter were launched by the incoming air flow);
    • upon reaching the set distance (dispersion - 6 km), the fuses were cocked, and the projectile automatically went into dive mode.

    During the war, the United States produced targets for training anti-aircraft gunners - Radioplane OQ-2. Towards the end of the confrontation, the first repeatable attack drones appeared - Interstate TDR. The aircraft turned out to be ineffective due to its low speed and range, which were due to the low cost of production. In addition, the technical means of that time did not allow targeted fire or combat at a long distance without being followed by a control aircraft. Nevertheless, there were successes in the use of machines.

    In the post-war years, UAVs were regarded exclusively as targets, but the situation changed after the appearance of anti-aircraft missile systems in the army. From that moment on, drones became reconnaissance aircraft, false targets for enemy anti-aircraft guns. Practice has shown that their use reduces losses of manned aircraft.

    In the Soviet Union, until the 70s, heavy reconnaissance aircraft were actively produced as unmanned aircraft:

    1. Tu-123 "Hawk";
    2. Tu-141 Swift;
    3. Tu-143 "Flight".

    Significant aviation losses in Vietnam for the United States Army resulted in a revival of interest in UAVs.

    Here tools appear to perform various tasks;

    • photographic reconnaissance;
    • radio intelligence;
    • electronic warfare targets.

    In this form, the 147E was used, which collected intelligence so effectively that it recouped the cost of the entire program for its development many times over.

    The practice of using UAVs has shown significantly greater potential as full-fledged combat vehicles. Therefore, after the beginning of the 80s, the United States began to develop tactical and operational-strategic drones.

    Israeli specialists took part in the development of UAVs in the 80s and 90s. Initially, US devices were purchased, but their own scientific and technical base for development was quickly formed. The Tadiran company has proven itself best. The Israeli army also demonstrated the effectiveness of using UAVs in operations against Syrian forces in 1982.

    In the 80-90s, the obvious success of aircraft without a crew on board provoked the start of development by many companies around the world.

    In the early 2000s, the first strike vehicle appeared - the American MQ-1 Predator. AGM-114C Hellfire missiles were installed on board. At the beginning of the century, drones were mainly used in the Middle East.

    Until now, almost all countries are actively developing and implementing UAVs. For example, in 2013, the Russian Armed Forces received short-range reconnaissance systems, the Orlan-10.

    The Sukhoi and MiG design bureaus are also developing a new heavy vehicle - an attack aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 20 tons.

    The purpose of the drone

    Unmanned aerial vehicles are mainly used to solve the following tasks:

    • targets, including to distract enemy air defense systems;
    • intelligence service;
    • striking at various moving and stationary targets;
    • electronic warfare and others.

    The effectiveness of the apparatus in performing tasks is determined by the quality of the following means: reconnaissance, communications, automated control systems, weapons.

    Now such aircraft successfully reduce personnel losses and deliver information that cannot be obtained at a line-of-sight distance.

    Types of UAVs

    Combat drones are usually classified by type of control into remote, automatic and unmanned.

    In addition, classification by weight and performance characteristics is in use:

    • Ultralight. These are the lightest UAVs, weighing no more than 10 kg. They can spend an hour in the air on average, the practical ceiling is 1000 meters;
    • Lungs. The mass of such machines reaches 50 kg, they are capable of climbing 3-5 km and spending 2-3 hours in operation;
    • Average. These are serious devices weighing up to a ton, their ceiling is 10 km, and they can spend up to 12 hours in the air without landing;
    • Heavy. Large aircraft weighing more than a ton are capable of rising to a height of 20 km and operating for more than a day without landing.

    These groups also have civil structures, of course, they are lighter and simpler. Full-fledged combat vehicles are often no smaller in size than manned aircraft.


    Unmanned systems are the simplest form of UAV. Their control occurs due to on-board mechanics and established flight characteristics. In this form you can use targets, scouts or projectiles.

    Remote control

    Remote control usually occurs through radio communication, which limits the range of the machine. For example, civilian aircraft can operate within a range of 7-8 km.


    Basically, these are combat vehicles capable of independently performing complex tasks in the air. This class of machines is the most multifunctional.

    Principle of operation

    The operating principle of a UAV depends on its design features. There are several layout schemes that most modern aircraft correspond to:

    • Fixed wing. In this case, the devices are close to the aircraft layout and have rotary or jet engines. This option is the most fuel efficient and has a long range;
    • Multicopters. These are propeller-driven vehicles, equipped with at least two engines, capable of vertical takeoff/landing and hovering in the air, therefore they are especially good for reconnaissance, including in urban environments;
    • Helicopter type. The layout is helicopter, the propeller systems can be different, for example, Russian designs are often equipped with coaxial propellers, which makes the models similar to machines such as the Black Shark;
    • Convertiplanes. This is a combination of helicopter and airplane design. To save space, such machines rise vertically into the air, the wing configuration changes during flight, and an airplane method of movement becomes possible;
    • Gliders. Basically, these are devices without engines that are dropped from a heavier vehicle and move along a given trajectory. This type is suitable for reconnaissance purposes.

    Depending on the type of engine, the fuel used also changes. Electric motors are powered by a battery, internal combustion engines are powered by gasoline, jet engines are powered by the appropriate fuel.

    The power plant is mounted in the housing, and control electronics, controls and communications are also located here. The body is a streamlined volume to give the structure an aerodynamic shape. The basis of the strength characteristics is the frame, which is usually assembled from metal or polymers.

    The simplest set of control systems is as follows:

    • CPU;
    • barometer for determining altitude;
    • accelerometer;
    • gyroscope;
    • navigator;
    • random access memory;
    • signal receiver.

    Military devices are controlled using a remote control (if the range is short) or via satellites.

    The collection of information for the operator and the software of the machine itself comes from various types of sensors. Laser, sound, infrared and other types are used.

    Navigation is carried out using GPS and electronic maps.

    Incoming signals are transformed by the controller into commands, which are transmitted to executing devices, for example, elevators.

    Advantages and disadvantages of UAVs

    Compared to manned vehicles, UAVs have serious advantages:

    1. Weight and size characteristics are improved, the survivability of the unit increases, and visibility for radars decreases;
    2. UAVs are tens of times cheaper than manned airplanes and helicopters, while highly specialized models can solve complex tasks on the battlefield;
    3. Intelligence data when using UAVs is transmitted in real time;
    4. Manned equipment is subject to restrictions on use in combat conditions when the risk of death is too high. Automated machines do not have such problems. Considering economic factors, sacrificing a few will be much more profitable than losing a trained pilot;
    5. Combat readiness and mobility are maximized;
    6. Several units can be combined into entire complexes to solve a number of complex problems.

    Any flying drone also has disadvantages:

    • manned devices have significantly greater flexibility in practice;
    • It is still not possible to come to a unified solution to the issues of saving the device in the event of a fall, landing on prepared sites, and ensuring reliable communication over long distances;
    • the reliability of automatic devices is still significantly lower than their manned counterparts;
    • For various reasons, in peacetime, the flights of unmanned aircraft are seriously limited.

    Nevertheless, work continues to improve technology, including neural networks that can influence the future of UAVs.

    Unmanned vehicles of Russia


    This is a drone developed by the Irkut company - an unobtrusive device capable of conducting reconnaissance and, if necessary, destroying enemy combat units. It is expected to be equipped with guided missiles and bombs.

    A-175 "Shark"

    A complex capable of all-weather climate monitoring, including on difficult terrain. Initially, the model was developed by AeroRobotics LLC for peaceful purposes, but manufacturers do not rule out the release of military modifications.


    A reconnaissance and strike vehicle capable of staying in the air for up to two days. Practical ceiling - 12 km, speed within 150-250 km/h. At takeoff, the weight reaches 5 tons, of which 1 ton is the payload.


    Civil development of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. In the reconnaissance modification, it is capable of collecting diverse data about objects on water and land. Can be used for monitoring power lines, mapping, and monitoring meteorological conditions.

    US unmanned vehicles


    Developed by Northrop Grumman. In 2017, three vehicles entered the United States Army. They were sent to the UAE.


    A Lockheed Martin drone designed not only for surveillance and reconnaissance, but also for electronic warfare. Capable of continuing flight up to 15 hours.


    The brainchild of Aurora Flight Sciences, which is being developed as a vertical take-off combat vehicle. It reaches speeds of more than 700 km/h and can carry up to 1800 kg of payload.

    MQ-1B "Predator"

    The development of General Atomics is a medium-altitude vehicle, which was originally created as a reconnaissance vehicle. Later it was modified into a multi-purpose technique.

    Israeli drones


    The first UAV created by the Israelis was the Mastiff, which flew in 1975. The purpose of this vehicle was reconnaissance on the battlefield. It remained in service until the early 90s.


    These devices were used for reconnaissance in the early 1980s during the first Lebanon War. Some of the systems used transmitted intelligence data in real time, while others simulated an air invasion. Thanks to them, the fight against air defense systems was successfully carried out.

    IAI "Scout"

    The Scout was created as a tactical reconnaissance vehicle, for which it was equipped with a television camera and a system for broadcasting collected information in real time.

    I-View MK150

    Another name is “Observer”. The devices were developed by the Israeli company IAI. This is a tactical vehicle equipped with an infrared surveillance system and combined optical-electronic components.

    Unmanned vehicles in Europe


    One of the recent developments is a promising reconnaissance and strike vehicle, which is being created jointly by Italian, Spanish, German and French companies. The first demonstration took place in 2018.

    "Sagem Sperwer"

    One of the French developments, which managed to prove itself in the Balkans at the end of the last century (1990s). The creation was carried out based on national and pan-European programs.

    "Eagle 1"

    Another French vehicle, which is designed for reconnaissance operations. It is assumed that the device will operate at altitudes of 7-8 thousand meters.


    A high-altitude UAV that can fly up to 18 kilometers. The device can survive in the air for up to three days.

    In Europe as a whole, France takes the leading role in the development of unmanned aircraft. New products are constantly appearing all over the world, including modular multifunctional models, on the basis of which various military and civilian vehicles can be assembled.

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    Conducting work on the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is considered one of the most promising courses in the development of current combat aviation. The use of drones or drones has already led to important changes in the tactics and strategy of military conflicts. Moreover, it is believed that in the very near future their importance will increase significantly. Some military experts believe that the positive shift in the development of drones is the most important achievement in the aircraft industry of the last decade.

    However, drones are used not only for military purposes. Today they are actively involved in the “national economy”. With their help, aerial photography, patrolling, geodetic surveys, monitoring of a wide variety of objects are carried out, and some even deliver purchases home. However, the most promising new drone developments today are for military purposes.

    Many problems are solved with the help of UAVs. Mainly, this is intelligence activity. Most modern drones were created specifically for this purpose. In recent years, more and more attack unmanned vehicles have appeared. Kamikaze drones can be identified as a separate category. UAVs can conduct electronic warfare, they can be radio signal repeaters, artillery spotters, and aerial targets.

    For the first time, attempts to create aircraft that were not controlled by humans were made immediately with the advent of the first airplanes. However, their practical implementation occurred only in the 70s of the last century. After which a real “drone boom” began. Remotely controlled aircraft have not been realized for quite some time, but today they are produced in abundance.

    As often happens, American companies occupy a leading position in the creation of drones. And this is not surprising, because funding from the American budget for the creation of drones was simply astronomical by our standards. So, during the 90s, three billion dollars were spent on similar projects, while in 2003 alone they spent more than one billion.

    Nowadays, work is underway to create the latest drones with longer flight duration. The devices themselves must be heavier and solve problems in difficult environments. Drones are being developed designed to combat ballistic missiles, unmanned fighters, and microdrones capable of operating in large groups (swarms).

    Work on the development of drones is underway in many countries around the world. More than one thousand companies are involved in this industry, but the most promising developments go straight to the military.

    Drones: advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of unmanned aerial vehicles are:

    • A significant reduction in size compared to conventional aircraft, leading to a reduction in cost and an increase in their survivability;
    • The potential to create small UAVs that could perform a wide variety of tasks in combat areas;
    • The ability to conduct reconnaissance and transmit information in real time;
    • There are no restrictions on use in extremely difficult combat situations associated with the risk of their loss. During critical operations, multiple drones can easily be sacrificed;
    • Reduction (by more than one order of magnitude) of flight operations in peacetime, which would be required by traditional aircraft, preparing the flight crew;
    • Availability of high combat readiness and mobility;
    • Potential for the creation of small, uncomplicated mobile drone systems for non-aviation forces.

    The disadvantages of UAVs include:

    • Insufficient flexibility of use compared to traditional aircraft;
    • Difficulties in resolving issues with communication, landing, and rescue of vehicles;
    • In terms of reliability, drones are still inferior to conventional aircraft;
    • Limiting drone flights during peacetime.

    A little history of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

    The first remote-controlled aircraft was the Fairy Queen, built in 1933 in Great Britain. It was a target aircraft for fighter aircraft and anti-aircraft guns.

    And the first production drone to participate in a real war was the V-1 rocket. This German “miracle weapon” bombarded Great Britain. In total, up to 25,000 units of such equipment were produced. The V-1 had a pulse jet engine and an autopilot with route data.

    After the war, they worked on unmanned reconnaissance systems in the USSR and the USA. Soviet drones were spy planes. With their help, aerial photography, electronic reconnaissance, and relay were carried out.

    Israel has done a lot to develop drones. Since 1978 they have had their first drone, the IAI Scout. During the 1982 Lebanon War, the Israeli army, using drones, completely destroyed the Syrian air defense system. As a result, Syria lost almost 20 air defense batteries and almost 90 aircraft. This affected the attitude of military science towards UAVs.

    The Americans used UAVs in Desert Storm and the Yugoslav campaign. In the 90s, they became leaders in the development of drones. So, since 2012, they had almost 8 thousand UAVs of a wide variety of modifications. These were mainly small army reconnaissance drones, but there were also attack UAVs.

    The first of them, in 2002, eliminated one of the heads of al-Qaeda with a missile strike on a car. Since then, the use of UAVs to eliminate enemy military forces or its units has become commonplace.

    Types of drones

    Currently, there are a lot of drones that differ in size, appearance, flight range, and functionality. UAVs differ in their control methods and their autonomy.

    They can be:

    • Uncontrollable;
    • Remote controlled;
    • Automatic.

    According to their sizes, drones are:

    • Microdrones (up to 10 kg);
    • Minidrones (up to 50 kg);
    • Mididrons (up to 1 ton);
    • Heavy drones (weighing more than a ton).

    Microdrones can stay in the air for up to one hour, minidrones - from three to five hours, and middrones - up to fifteen hours. Heavy drones can stay in the air for more than twenty-four hours while making intercontinental flights.

    Review of foreign unmanned aerial vehicles

    The main trend in the development of modern drones is to reduce their size. One such example would be one of the Norwegian drones from Prox Dynamics. The helicopter drone has a length of 100 mm and a weight of 120 g, a range of up to one km, and a flight duration of up to 25 minutes. It has three video cameras.

    These drones began to be produced commercially in 2012. Thus, the British military purchased 160 sets of PD-100 Black Hornet worth $31 million to conduct special operations in Afghanistan.

    Microdrones are also being developed in the United States. They are working on a special program, Soldier Borne Sensors, aimed at developing and deploying reconnaissance drones with the potential to extract information for platoons or companies. There is information about plans by the American army leadership to provide individual drones to all soldiers.

    Today, the RQ-11 Raven is considered the heaviest drone in the US Army. It has a mass of 1.7 kg, a wingspan of 1.5 m and a flight of up to 5 km. With an electric motor, the drone reaches speeds of up to 95 km/h and stays in flight for up to one hour.

    It has a digital video camera with night vision. The launch is done manually, and no special platform is needed for landing. The devices can fly along specified routes in automatic mode, GPS signals can serve as landmarks for them, or they can be controlled by operators. These drones are in service with more than a dozen countries.

    The US Army's heavy UAV is the RQ-7 Shadow, which conducts reconnaissance at the brigade level. It went into serial production in 2004 and has a two-fin tail with a pusher propeller and several modifications. These drones are equipped with conventional or infrared video cameras, radars, target illumination, laser rangefinders, and multispectral cameras. Guided five-kilogram bombs are suspended from the devices.

    The RQ-5 Hunter is a mid-size half-ton drone developed jointly by the US and Israel. Its arsenal includes a television camera, a third-generation thermal imager, a laser rangefinder and other equipment. It is launched from a special platform using a rocket accelerator. Its flight zone is within a range of up to 270 km, within 12 hours. Some modifications of Hunters have pendants for small bombs.

    The MQ-1 Predator is the most famous American UAV. This is a “reincarnation” of a reconnaissance drone into an attack drone, which has several modifications. The Predator conducts reconnaissance and carries out precision ground strikes. It has a maximum take-off weight of more than a ton, a radar station, several video cameras (including an IR system), other equipment and several modifications.

    In 2001, a high-precision laser-guided Hellfire-C missile was created for it, which was used in Afghanistan the following year. The complex has four drones, a control station and a satellite communications terminal, and it costs more than four million dollars. The most advanced modification is the MQ-1C Gray Eagle with a larger wingspan and a more advanced engine.

    The MQ-9 Reaper is the next American attack UAV, which has several modifications and has been known since 2007. It has a longer flight duration, controlled aerial bombs, and more advanced radio electronics. The MQ-9 Reaper performed admirably in the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns. Its advantage over the F-16 is its lower purchase and operating price, longer flight duration without risk to the life of the pilot.

    1998 - the first flight of the American strategic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft RQ-4 Global Hawk. Currently, this is the largest UAV with a take-off weight of more than 14 tons, with a payload of 1.3 tons. It can stay in the airspace for 36 hours, while covering 22 thousand km. It is assumed that these drones will replace U-2S reconnaissance aircraft.

    Review of Russian UAVs

    What is at the disposal of the Russian army these days, and what are the prospects for Russian UAVs in the near future?

    "Bee-1T"- Soviet drone, first flew in 1990. He was a fire spotter for multiple launch rocket systems. It had a mass of 138 kg and a range of up to 60 km. He took off from a special installation with a rocket booster and landed by parachute. Used in Chechnya, but outdated.

    "Dozor-85"- reconnaissance drone for the border service with a mass of 85 kg, flight time up to 8 hours. The Skat reconnaissance and attack UAV was a promising vehicle, but work has been suspended for now.

    UAV "Forpost" is a licensed copy of the Israeli Searcher 2. It was developed back in the 90s. "Forpost" has a take-off weight of up to 400 kg, a flight range of up to 250 km, satellite navigation and television cameras.

    In 2007, a reconnaissance drone was adopted "Tipchak", with a launch weight of 50 kg and a flight duration of up to two hours. It has a regular and infrared camera. "Dozor-600" is a multi-purpose device developed by Transas, which was presented at the MAKS-2009 exhibition. It is considered an analogue of the American Predator.

    UAVs "Orlan-3M" and "Orlan-10". They were developed for reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, and target designation. The drones are extremely similar in appearance. However, they differ slightly in their take-off weight and flight range. They take off using a catapult and land by parachute.
