Game for girls is a happy occasion. Intellectual game “Lucky chance”



A little about everything


A flock of geese was flying: one in front and two behind; one behind and two in front; one between two and three in a row. How many geese were there?

« 2 »

« 3 »

« 4 »

Three sisters have one brother each. How many children are in the family?

Masha gave her brother half of the supply of candy and one more candy. She didn't have a single piece of candy left. How many sweets did Masha have?

5 and 11 haystacks were collected together in one field. How many stacks did you get?

Matroskin the cat cut the rope in 6 places. How many parts did you get?

Doctor Aibolit prescribed the hippopotamus to take 3 tablets a day. How many days will a pack of 10 tablets last?

“But in front of them is the sea -

It rages and makes noise in the open space.

And the tall one walks into the sea...

Now she will swallow Aibolit"




Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

What was the name of the boy who really wanted to study from the story of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy?





On a tram.

… on a broomstick.

They drive and laugh

They're chewing gingerbread"



Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky


Dunno had a friend who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with him for hours. They quarreled among themselves twenty times a day and made peace twenty times a day. Name the hero of the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.”




Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

How many wishes of the old man did the fish fulfill in the fairy tale of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin?

This is... page.

A fox walked along it,

Covering the trail with your tail.




Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

What continent do we live on?




Continue folk sign

"Flowers smell stronger..."

before the rain

when they bloom

when will they be watered

She only has a tail in infancy, and then disappears




How many continents are there on our planet?

The sun is




On what basis are words divided into 2 groups:

forty chalk

tit house

cow com

dog spruce


living and nonliving

by number of words

by number of letters

The word prodigy comes from German language. How is it translated?




Words with opposite meanings are




Find the extra couple of words

high Low


day Night

Find the extra word




Say it right!

No socks

No socks

Put the emphasis correctly

more beautiful

Game program for junior schoolchildren

Competitive game program in grades 3-4

"Lucky case"

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests, parents and children! We are present at the “Lucky Chance” quiz. Exactly Lucky case brought us all together today to think again, reflect on this important issue as nature conservation. To protect nature, you need to know it well. We will dedicate our game to this topic.

Main actors There will be two teams - two families.

The presenter introduces the teams.

Music "Horse" sounds.

Goals and objectives:

Development of cognitive abilities, logical thinking and intelligence of younger schoolchildren;

Fostering a sense of collectivism, respect for classmates, seniors and juniors.

Class hour can be spent with class teacher parallel class. Then teams of “experts” are formed from the classes, and the rest of the students will be fans.

If Classroom hour is carried out in one class group, the teacher helps the children form teams.

Prepare the room in advance - it is necessary for the teams to sit opposite each other; prepare 2 tables, tape and scissors, envelopes with tasks for the teams, separately print out questions for the presenter for each game.

You can invite the school librarian and give him the floor during the game.

1st game. "Warm-up"

Teacher: In 1 minute, each team must answer the maximum number of questions. For each correct answer she gets one point.

Questions for the 1st team

I rolled the ball around until it became a sock. (Clew)

In which fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("12 months")

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No)

The gnome moved his beard and the owner entered the house. (Key)

Two played chess for 4 hours. How long did each player play? (4 hours)

What is the name of Santa Claus's granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

Many are people, one is... (Man)

Bird house. (Nest. Possible option - birdhouse)

A cunning animal with a fluffy red tail. (Fox)

What phrase ends the letter? (Goodbye)

Is a tram standing at a stop walked around from the front or the back? (Front)

Which human organ is called the “motor”? (Heart)

A doctor, a steelworker, a salesman - is this...? (Professions)

Is a penguin a bird? (Yes)

What flower is considered the symbol of Japan? (Chrysanthemum)

Live and learn)

Which bird of our forests best imitates bird voices? (Starling)

Who are more, girls or children? (Children)

Running at full speed means... (Fast)

The honey plant tree is... (Linden)

Questions for the 2nd team

It doesn't fly, doesn't sing, but pecks. (Fish)

Small paws, and scratches in the paws. (Cat)

What was the name of Pierrot's bride? (Malvina)

The person who lives nearby. (Neighbour)

Insect that produces honey. (Bee)

In which book did S. Marshak talk about the inhabitants of the zoo? ("Children in a Cage")

A place where vegetables grow. (Garden)

Raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries are... (Berries)

What does half an apple look like? (For the second half)

Is a trolleybus or bus standing at a stop being passed in front or behind? (Behind)

A person has twenty of them. (Fingers)

Sheep, hare, elephant - this is... (Animals)

What does elk lose every winter? (Horns)

What flower is considered a symbol of Russia? (Chamomile)

With the arrival of which birds is it believed that spring has arrived? (Rooks)

Measure seven times, and once... (Cut)

What is more, apples or fruits? (Fruit)

Fooling another's head means... (Deceiving)

Which tree produces sweet sap? (Maple) The results are summed up.

Game 2. “Troubles from a barrel”

The barrel is made of cardboard and painted yellow-brown, the “troubles” are wooden barrels with numbers.

Each team is assigned four questions. They get the “troubles” one by one: first, the first player of one team answers the question, then the first player of the other team gives the answer.

1. Why do swallows fly low before the rain? (They catch insects that are knocked to the ground by the cold air)

2. Why are frosts stronger when the sky is cloudless? (Clouds are like a blanket to the earth, they don't let it cool down)

3. Why is the wolf called the “forest orderly”? (Hunts primarily for sick, weakened animals)

4. What kind of paper do ground wasps build their nests from? (They make paper themselves. Using sharp jaws, they scrape pieces of wood from the tree and, having crushed it, moisten it with their sticky saliva. The result is a sticky pulp. When it dries, it turns into thick, gray “paper.” You can even write on it with a pencil)

6. Why do snakes show their tongues? (They “feel” the air, look for prey. And what they sniff out, they “carry” on their tongue into their mouth)

Note. If players take out a barrel that says “Lucky Chance”, they receive a chocolate bar.

The presenter sums up the results of the second game.

A recording of the music “Horse” is playing.

Game 3 "Dark Horse"

Dark Horse asks three questions.

1. Name 10 edible mushrooms. (Porcini, boletus, boletus, saffron milk cap, volushka, russula, oiler, chanterelle, honey fungus, morel)

2. When do crayfish molt? (Crayfish molt when their shell becomes too small. This happens somewhere at the end of autumn. And it is too small for them for a simple reason - crayfish grow. How can you grow if you are shackled in a shell? Throw it off and grow a little! This is what a cancer does : pulls out first the back part of the body from the shell, and then the paws and claws)

3. Who lives for six months without lunch? (Those who hibernate in winter)

If the teams cannot answer the question, then the audience helps. Best player At the end, an incentive prize is awarded from the audience.

The presenter sums up.

Physical exercise.
Let's join hands,
Let's turn left
Long strides
We'll go in circles.
Let's clap our hands
Let's stomp a little.
Let's join hands,
Let's turn to the right
Narrow steps
We'll go back.

Game 4 “You for me, I for you.”
Teams ask each other three questions. A correct answer receives 2 points.
1 team.
1. A white liquid that you often eat. (Milk)
2. He came and knocked on the roof, but he left and no one heard. (Rain)
3. In what fairy tale does a girl go to the forest in winter to pick snowdrops? ("12 months")
2nd team.
1. How should I call Sivka-Burka? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass”)
2. Doesn't fly, doesn't sing, but pecks. (Fish)
3. Needed for writing on the board. (Chalk)

Game 5 “I alone answer.”
Each player is asked a question. If the participant answers himself, then the team receives 3 points, if with the help of the team - 2 points. If the other team answers, they have the opportunity to get 1 point. Each player will be asked two questions.
Questions for 1 team.
1. City institution for animals. (Zoo)
2. Don’t rush your tongue, hurry... (business).
3. Author of “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” (A.S. Pushkin)
4. Baba Yaga's personal transport. (Mortar)
5. Sits on the roof above everyone else. (Antenna)
6. The fruit that poisoned the princess. (Apple)
7. Who took the hares on a boat for the amusement of the whole village? (Grandfather Mazai)
8. Brothers of the hares. (Rabbits)
9. Pine forest. (Bohr)
10. Father of the wooden boy. (Papa Carlo)
11. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)
12. An animal that builds a house on the river. (Beaver)
13. Who kidnapped Thumbelina? (Toad)
14. What did the chicken lay? (Egg)
15. Car house. (Garage)
16. Baby goat. (Kid)
17. The name of the boy who was carried away by wild swans. (Ivanushka)
18. In what work did Sergei Mikhalkov talk about a man of enormous stature? ("Uncle Styopa")
19. Who raises children in kindergarten? (Teacher)
20. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? (Into the swan)

Questions for team 2.
1. Dog's house. (Kennel)
2. Mother of the lamb. (Sheep)
3. A student who did not advance to the next grade. (Repeat year)
4. Construction for crossing the river. (Bridge)
5. A fur-bearing animal that lives in a hollow. (Squirrel)
6. What do 12 months total? (Year)
7. A device for measuring time. (Watch)
8. Winter bear's lair. (Den)
9. Which tap can you not drink from? (From the lift)
10. Tree with a white trunk. (Birch)
11. Women's clothing. (Dress)
12. Guess which birds are great at singing? (Nightingales)
13. Bad weather. (Bad weather)
14. Droplets of water on the grass. (Dew)
15. An item used to decorate the top of a Christmas tree. (Star)
16. A man guarding the forest. (Forester)
17. Father, mother, son, daughter - in one word. (Family)
18. A piece of snow. (Snowflake)
19. Ice skating area. (Ice rink)
20. Oak fruit. (Acorn)

Leading: Our game has come to an end. All teams behaved with dignity and showed their comprehensive development. Well done! But since we had a competition, let’s summarize. The jury gives the floor.

Lucky case

intellectual game 2-3 grade

Good afternoon friends. We begin our game “Lucky Chance”, because it was a happy chance that brought us together. Today we will watch an intellectual battle between two teams. Children draw lots (in teams of 7 people).

Team "Erudite" and team "Pochemuchki".

Selecting captains:Teams are asked one question and the first to answer becomes captain.

a) What is in watermelon, tomato, cucumber and not in pumpkin and melon? (letters P)

b) Imagine that you are a train conductor. The train carries 1200 boxes, each box contains 100 boxes, each box contains 2 shoes. How old is the conductor?

We have captains, we can start the game.

1. Warm up.

We answer questions in one minute.

1 team

  1. I rolled the ball around until it became a ball. (clew)
  2. In which fairy tale does a girl go pick flowers in winter (12 months)
  3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
  4. The gnome moved his beard and the owner entered the house? (key)
  5. Two played chess for 4 hours. How long did each player play chess?
  6. What is the name of Santa Claus's granddaughter?
  7. Many people, one... (person)
  8. Bird house?
  9. A wild animal with a red fluffy tail?
  10. What words does the letter end with?
  11. Is a tram standing at a stop walked around from the front or from the back? (from the front)
  12. What human organ is called "Motor"?
  13. A doctor, a steelworker, a salesman - is this...?
  14. Is a penguin a bird?
  15. What flower is the symbol of Japan? (chrysanthemum)
  16. Live forever and ever... (learn)?
  17. Which bird of our forests best imitates the voices of other birds? (Starling)
  18. What does "Run at full speed" mean?
  19. Who has more girls or children?
  20. Honey tree?

2nd team

  1. When is a boy called Sonya?
  2. Doesn't fly, doesn't sing, but does it bite?
  3. Small paws, but there are scratches in the paws?
  4. What was the name of Pierrot's bride?
  5. The person living nearby?
  6. Honey-producing insect?
  7. In which book did S. Marshak talk about the inhabitants of the zoo?
  8. A place where vegetables grow.
  9. Raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries - is this...?
  10. What does half an apple look like?

11. Is a trolleybus standing at a stop walked around in front or behind? (from behind)

12. Does a person have 20 of them?

13. Sheep, hare, elephant is...?

14. What does moose lose every winter?

15. What flower is the symbol of Russia?

16.With the arrival of which birds does spring come?

17.Measure seven times, and once...?

18. What are more apples or fruits?

19. What does it mean to “fool a person’s head”?

20.Which tree, like the birch, has sweet sap?

2. "Dark Horse"

1 team

Deniska Korablev K. Bulychev

Alisa Selezneva L. Lagin

Hottabych P. Bazhov

Dunno A. Barto

Silver hoof V. Dragunsky

Vovka the good soul N. Nosov

Fly-Tsokotuha E. Uspensky

Crocodile Gena K. Chukovsky

2nd team

Cipollino S. Mikhalkov

Uncle Styopa N. Nekrasov

Aibolit J. Rodari

Sasha K. Chukovsky

Balda G.H. Andersen

The Absent-Minded Man E. Uspensky

Thumbelina A.S. Pushkin

Cheburashka S. Marshak

3. "You - for me, I for you"

The guys make up and ask each other questions (5 questions each). The correct answer is 1 point.

4. "Colorful tricks from a barrel"

Identical tasks for teams who will give more correct answers

Add the correct word.

  1. Fairy tale by C. Perrault "Red _____________________________"
  2. Fairy tale by C. Perrault "Blue ________________________________"
  3. Cartoon "Blue __________________________"
  4. The story of A. Pogorelsky "Black _______________________"
  5. Story by V. Oseeva "Blue ________________________________"
  6. A. Kuprin's story "White ___________________________"
  7. Story by D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray _____________________"
  8. V. Bianchi's story "Orange __________________________"
  9. Cartoon "Pink ________________________________"

Key to the task:

Playing with the audience.

  1. Who saved the Fly-Tsokotukha?
  2. There are only three in this tale. Name it?
  3. Name the three little pigs
  4. The heroine of which fairy tale woke up from the kiss of the prince?
  5. Car driver?
  6. Blanket on the table?
  7. A figure without corners?
  8. Baba Yaga's home?
  9. Organ of vision?
  10. House for a horse?
  11. Underground Railway?
  12. How many legs does a fly have?
  13. Longest-legged animal?
  14. Tool used for chopping?
  15. Temperature measuring device?

Viewer who responded to greatest number questions are awarded.

5. Captains competition.

Name as many words as possible starting with the letter T in the picture (in 10-20 seconds).

6. Race for the leader.

Answers to questions with turn transition. (own question - 1 point, opponent's question - 2 points)

Fairytale objects, whose are they?

  1. Mortar
  2. Golden egg
  3. Egg inside with a needle
  4. glass slipper
  5. Seven-flowered flower
  6. Mirror
  7. Golden Key
  8. Walnut shell
  9. Broken Trough
  10. Little Red Riding Hood
  11. Walking shoes
  12. The Scarlet Flower
  13. Samovar
  14. Tail
  15. Propeller
  16. Ball
  17. Bast hut
  18. Boots
  19. Magic wand
  20. Apple
  21. Axe

The results of the game are summed up. (The jury consists of counselors)

Our game is over. But the holidays are not over. Congratulations to the winners!

Materials used: Yarovaya L.N., Zhirenko O.E. and etc. " Extracurricular activities. 3rd grade." - 2nd ed. additional - M.: VAKO, 2005.

Three teams of 4-5 people each take part in the game. The participating teams have their own name. The game is played in 4 games. Before the game starts, it is decided which team will respond first. At the end of each game, the counting commission announces the final result of each team.

Each team takes turns rolling a game die (the die is made from a large cardboard box). Ones are written on four faces of the cube, a zero is drawn on one face of the cube, and a horseshoe is drawn on another. If a one appears on the top face of the cube, then the team receives 1 point for the correct answer to the question asked by the leader. If a horseshoe falls out, this means that the team is lucky, it has a “lucky chance” and for the correct answer to the same question it can receive 3 points. But if a zero appears, this means a changeover. During the first game, each team rolls the dice 7 times.

First game questions:

1. Which elephant does not have a trunk? (at the chess one).
2. What happened on February 31? (there is no such day).
3. The table top has four corners. One corner was sawed off. How many corners does the table have? (five).
4. Who saved the hares during the flood? (grandfather Mazai).
5. What notes can be used to measure distance? (mi-la-mi).
6. How do day and night end? (soft sign).
7. In what fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("Twelve months").
8. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge).
9. What two notes grow in the vegetable garden? (beans).
10. Name the author: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere”? (Krylov).
11. What doesn’t burn in fire and doesn’t sink in water? (ice).
12. Is it motley itself, eats green, gives white? (cow).
13. What clock does it show? right time only twice a day? (which are worth it).
14. Name a children's humorous film magazine. (“Yeralash”).
15. Which scary beast Craving for raspberries? (bear).
16. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May).
17. What birds cannot fly? (penguins and ostriches).
18. A product obtained from beets and cane? (sugar).
19. Underground Railroad? (metro).
20. Which state can you wear on your head? (Panama).
21. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (peat).

Game 2 “Troubles from a barrel”

The presenter brings out 6 multi-colored numbered barrels on a tray (you can use capsules from “Kinder surprises” and put question numbers inside them). The team that has the this moment less points. The presenter reads the question to the team, the number of which is indicated on the keg. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 2 points.

Second game questions:

1. Using this item main character fairy tale, he found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow).
2. She came to us from Andersen’s fairy tale. Her name means a measure of length equal to only 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Thumbelina).
3. Which fairy tale features animated fruits and vegetables? (“The Adventures of Cippolino”).
4. The toy is the main character of the book and cartoon, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table. (Cheburashka).
5. With the help of this item you can make the most wonderful things, and you can even kill the terrible hero of Russian fairy tales. (Needle).
6. Under Tsar Ivan 1U, coins were issued that depict a horseman with a spear in his hand. What were these coins called? (Kopecks).

Game 3 “Dark Horse”

The host explains that he wished for one famous work. And in order to guess it, he will give clues to it. There will be five such tips. If any team recognizes the work after the first hint, then it will receive 5 points, after the second hint it will already receive 4 points, and so on in descending order. The team whose captain raises his hand the fastest begins to answer.


1. The main character of this work suddenly became rich.
2. She made many friends, for whom receptions began to be held.
3. They tried to kidnap her, but a young daredevil suddenly appeared and saved her.
4. The matter ended with a wedding.
5. Your most valuable asset main character there was a samovar.
Answer:(Fly Tsokotukha).

Game 4 “Race for the Leader”

Each team is asked 20 questions in a row. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If within 3 seconds after reading the question the team does not give any answer, the presenter reads out the correct answer and asks the next question. The presenter begins to ask questions to the team that has fewer points.

Questions for the first team:

1. A cow as a child? - Calf.
2. Home car? - Garage.
3. “Measure seven times, once...” - Cut.
4. Astronaut suit? - Space suit.
5. northern capital Russia? - Saint Petersburg.
6. Which city flies? - Eagle.
7. Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? - Filthy.
8. A car that counts other people's money? - Taxi.
9. Hero of folk puppet shows? - Parsley.
10. A magic tablecloth where food appears on its own? - Self-assembly.
11. Father of the wooden boy? - Papa Carlo.
12. A plot of land for growing vegetables? - Vegetable garden.
13. Water in gaseous state? - Steam.
14. Simultaneous move of the king and rook in a chess game? - Castling.
15. The seventh letter in the word “electrification”? – The letter “i”.
16. Boxing ground? - Boxing ring.
17. What does a hedgehog do in winter? - Asleep.
18. Is there an Orange Sea in the world? - No.
19. A day of fun, joy, celebration? - Holiday.
20. In Italian “tartufel”, and in Russian...? - Potato.

Questions for the second team:

1. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles? - Hedgehog.
2. Dog's house? - Kennel.
3. The student's very first book? - Primer.
4. Baba Yaga's personal transport? – Stupa / Pomelo.
5. Baby goat? - Little goat.
6. Who spoke magic words: “Sim, Sim, open up!”? - Ali Baba..
7. Do ours fly? migratory birds nests in the south? - No.
8. What goes on without moving? - Time.
9. Belts or ropes for controlling a horse in a harness? - Reins.
10. What key did Buratino receive from Tortila the turtle? - Gold.
11. Rectangle with equal sides called... - Square.
12. What holiday is celebrated on January 7? - Christmas.
13. Which note is not needed for compote? - Salt.
14. Who speaks all languages? - Echo.
15. Place for a circus performance? - Arena.
16. Which vegetable resembles a space plate? - Patisson.
17. Who can lie on a board with nails? - Yogi.
18. Appears on the iron due to dampness? - Rust.
19. State emblem? - Coat of arms.
20. The fastest-footed bird? - Ostrich.

Questions for the third team:

1. Boy with a wooden nose? - Pinocchio.
2. City animal facility? - Zoo.
3. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? - Into the swan.
4. Hidden treasure? - Treasure.
5. The fruit that poisoned the princess? - Apple.
6. Chocolate covered ice cream? - Eskimo.
7. Does the chicken breathe in the egg? - Yes.
8. What can you see from eyes closed? - Dream.
9. What size boots did Uncle Styopa wear? - 45th.
10. Place on the square for trade? – Bazaar/Market.
11. Break between acts in the play? - Intermission.
12. Does he show the way to ships at night? - Lighthouse.
13. Collection geographical maps and tables? - Atlas.
14. Very confusing road? - Labyrinth.
15. Talking bird? - Parrot.
16. The name of which vegetable comes from Latin word"kaput"? - Cabbage.
17. Which giraffe legs are longer: front or back? - The same.
18. How many days in leap year? – 366 days.
19. Postage sign? - Brand.
20. Horse symbol of good luck? - Horseshoe.

At the end of the fourth game, the total result of the game is calculated. All teams receive prizes based on their points. The winners receive medals in the shape of a horseshoe.
