Using a French press. Fench press: what is it and how to use it? Top brands

An automatic coffee maker may be quick and convenient, but nothing can beat a French press for flavor intensity and style. By allowing the coffee grounds to mix with water, you create a stronger, thicker, more savory brew that retains the essential oils and grounds. When using drip coffee makers, these important elements will remain on the filter. If you have a French Press collecting dust in your cupboard, be sure to take it out, wash it, and follow these simple steps to brew a brand new cup of coffee.


Take everything you need

Choose the right beans. In any shop or supermarket in the area you will find dozens of types of bean coffee. It seems impossible to narrow down your choices to the perfect beans. Fortunately, several criteria will help you choose the best one for your preferred taste palette.

Take a French press. A French press is a type of coffee pot that is a glass cylinder with a flat filter attached to a long plunger on the lid. You simply place the beans in the bottom, place the filter on top and add hot water.

  • While some people complain about grounds in the cup after using a French press, this is more likely due to the grind of the coffee itself. This means that the granules are too small or the wrong size, so the coffee grounds pass through the filter and into the hot water.
  • The French press is also called “Cafetiere” (“French coffee pot”).
  • Get a good coffee grinder. The quality of the coffee grinder is almost as important as the quality of the French press itself. Find a conical burr grinder. Don't try to save money by buying the cheapest option. The coffee grinder is responsible for grinding whole coffee beans into the perfect size grains and bringing out the true aroma of the coffee.

    Gather other necessary components. You will need boiling water to prepare the coffee and cup, the rest is up to you! You can sweeten your coffee with whatever you like best - try sugar, honey, caramel or chocolate and half and cream. Or simply enjoy a cup of pure black coffee with a rich, deep aroma.

    How to brew coffee in a French press

    Preheat the coffee press. Although there is no need to add water at this stage, it is advisable to rinse the press with warm water. Most French presses are made of glass, so boiling water can cause them to crack, which will naturally ruin them. Just make sure the glass is barely warm to the touch before brewing.

    Grind the coffee. Be sure to grind your coffee right before brewing - this way you will get a great aroma and will not be afraid that the coffee is stale.

    Pour coffee into the press. Remove the lid from the French press. This will remove the plunger with the filter attached to it. Place the desired amount of ground coffee in the bottom of the glass flask.

    Add water. Once you have secured the filter over the coffee, fill the French press with boiling water. Take one cup of water per person. Lift the plunger, allowing the beans to mix with the water and release the coffee flavor into the boiling water.

    Wait. Leave the press with the plunger raised and let the coffee brew. You can set a timer to keep the timing correct; 3-4 minutes is ideal for the coffee to brew.

    Complete the process. Once the time is up, lower the plunger to separate the grounds from the water. Press the plunger slowly and evenly to avoid stirring the grounds or splashing coffee all over the place. Finally, pour the coffee into your favorite mug. Enjoy!

    How to brew tea in a French press

    Choose a tea. Any loose leaf tea with leaves large enough that they will not pass through the filter will do. Or simply cut up a bag of your favorite tea and pour it straight into your French press. For every cup of tea, add one tablespoon of tea leaves.

    Boil the water. Boil water on the stove or in an electric kettle for one cup per person. Make sure the French press is warm to the touch before adding boiling water to prevent the glass from cracking due to sudden temperature changes.

    • The temperature of the water depends on the type of tea you are brewing. Generally, 94 degrees Celsius is a safe temperature for tea.
  • Add ingredients. Place loose leaf tea in the bottom of the press and add the required amount of water. Stir lightly to infuse the tea better.

    • If you prefer iced coffee, use cold water and place the French press in the refrigerator overnight. In this case, the taste of coffee turns out to be very delicate and pure, because the essential oils have not been subjected to the destructive effects of heat.
    • A French press can also be used to make iced tea, simply replace the coffee beans with tea leaves and adjust the time the tea steeps accordingly.
    • Clean your French press between uses. Immediately after filling the cup, remove and rinse the filter. To disassemble the filter for cleaning, hold the bottom with one hand and unscrew the handle with the other. The filter consists of several parts. Remember what order they are in so you can assemble the filter correctly! To get rid of lingering coffee smell, scrub your press with baking soda. The filter must have a neutral odor; otherwise it may change the taste of the drink. You can place mouthwash in the bottom of the press and place the disassembled parts inside. Fill it with water and let it soak. Rinse and the press will be completely clean.
    • To prevent overfilling, do not pour too much water into the French press or lower the filter too quickly. Some French presses come with a line indicating the maximum amount of water allowed, but the general recommendation is to leave at least 25mm of space before the water line.


    • If you pour too much water into the press or press the plunger too hard, the water may splash out and burn you.
    • Research suggests that unfiltered coffee may cause elevated LDL cholesterol levels. If you're watching your cholesterol levels, talk to your doctor or filter your coffee through an unbleached paper filter, although this will change the taste of the coffee. The French press is not intended for additional filtering.
    • The grounds are the secret enemy of the French press. Even good coffee grinders or coarse grinding do not protect against small amounts of coffee dust. If you don't let the thickener settle, your first sip will be unpleasant and gritty. You will also notice grounds at the bottom of the cup as you finish your coffee. That's where she should stay.
  • A French press (French press) is a special device for brewing coffee or tea (see), which in recent years has gained massive popularity all over the world. The design is simple and functional, easy and convenient to use.

    Such teapots are used at home, in offices, in restaurants and cafes, and, in general, anywhere. If there is hot water, you will get high-quality brewed coffee. Let's take a closer look at the French press: what it is, what its advantages are and how to use it.

    History of the teapot

    The technology can hardly be called new: the first French presses appeared back in the 1800s (and yes, in France), although they were far from modern models. At the beginning of the 20th century, the design was noticeably improved in Italy, and by the mid-50s, the French press acquired its modern look, and this was done, again, by the French.

    In the post-Soviet space, French presses gained mass popularity already in the 2000s, when they began to be found in literally every tea and coffee store, as well as in kitchenware departments. But at first they were used exclusively for making tea, and coffee was prepared in other ways. And, perhaps, only in the last decade have French presses been used for coffee

    Design features of French presses

    All teapots are of the same design and consist of five main elements :

    Most often on the market you will find glass flasks in a stainless steel body, with a metal handle and lid. As a cheaper option - with plastic components.

    Operating principle

    Preparatory stage :

    To brew coffee in a French press, it is better to use coarsely ground coffee up to 0.8 mm (see), and to give the coffee an even greater aroma, grind the coffee beans immediately before preparing the drink (see). Before you start making coffee, to enhance its flavor, you can first rinse the flask with boiling water and wipe dry.

    Using a French press is very easy :

    1. Boil water, let it cool for a minute.
    2. Pour coffee into a flask and fill it with a third of water - a lot of foam will appear, the coffee will swell and “bloom”.
    3. You can stir it and then add the remaining water.
    4. Raise the plunger so that the filter does not touch the top edge of the drink and close the lid.
    5. Wait 3-4 minutes.
    6. Slowly lower the piston so that the filter presses down the grounds.
    7. Pour coffee from a French press into a cup (see).

    There is no need to lower the layer of coffee deep, or move the plunger back and forth during brewing. Let the coffee interact with the air, so it will better reveal its aroma.

    A hot cup helps bring out the best flavor of this drink. Try heating the cup before pouring the finished coffee, and you will immediately understand its benefits.

    How to choose the right French press

    • Flask material. It can be plastic (in cheaper models), metal or glass (in more expensive ones). It is better to opt for glass, as it is a neutral material that does not affect taste and smell. When choosing a coffee pot, you need to make sure that there are no cracks or chips on the flask.
    • Filter material. If you brew finely ground coffee, consider a synthetic mesh. If the grind is coarse, then a metal mesh will suit you. Moreover, metal lasts much longer. Also, with coarse grinding, it will be easy for you to compress the grounds, but with fine or medium grinding you will have to apply a little force to lower the piston.
    • The tightness of the strainer to the walls. The piston in a French press should fit snugly against the walls; it is better to opt for a simple French press with a stainless steel piston. Because the piston, sealed along the edge with a silicone ring, not only has a short service life, but also produces an odor during brewing.
    • The handle of the French press and its body are better than plastic, since they will not heat up. - Everyone chooses the volume and external design depending on their taste preferences and needs. This does not affect the taste in any way.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    When people talk about what a French press is, they usually explain how to use it, but few people reveal all the benefits of this teapot.

    So, here are the reasons to start using a French press.


    • Delicious and aromatic coffee;
    • The grounds are filtered out efficiently, but it is precisely this that often causes irritation of the stomach and intestines. And it’s simply more pleasant to drink coffee when the particles don’t stay on your teeth.
    • You can brew your favorite coffee anywhere where there is boiling water. You don’t need a stove or a Turk (see). And even the water will not be too hot, the drink will be brewed, but there will be no grain particles in it (and this often happens when you brew coffee in a mug).
    • Your coffee is guaranteed not to burn or run away. Very convenient for those who are distracted from the Turk for a second and then have to wash the stove.
    • Even a child can handle preparing the drink. It’s difficult for him to keep track of the Turk, and the stove needs to be turned on, but for a French press you just need to press a button on an electric kettle, boil water, pour it into the flask and cover with a lid.
    • Unlike coffee machines, due to long brewing, the French press allows the maximum amount of oils, flavoring and aromatic compounds to pass into the water (see). You will be surprised how rich and deep the taste of your favorite drink will be.
    • Coffee strength can be adjusted(depending on the infusion time);
    • Low price;
    • Easy to care for;
    • Possibility to add spices immediately while preparing the drink;
    • Does not consume electricity;
    • Compactness;
    • Multifunctionality(suitable for making tea, tea drinks, etc.).


    • Manual cooking method drink;
    • It is necessary to have an additional kettle or other device for heating water;
    • You can’t store the drink in it for a long time, to avoid oxidation and damage to French press parts.

    Caution: If you are used to espresso from a coffee machine (see), the drink from a French press may be too strong for you.

    Now you understand what a French press is, and perhaps you want to buy one, or try making coffee in the one you already have.

    Here are some tips from the professionals :

    In most cases, you can wash your French press in the dishwasher. . This is a device where nothing gets damaged by hot water or detergent.

    As a last resort, remove the flask from the plastic case and wash only it. There is no need to use abrasive products, and in principle, everything is easy to clean even with a regular sponge and dishwashing detergent.

    To brew tea and coffee, it is better to use different French presses. Otherwise, an unpleasant aftertaste from another drink may appear.


    1. A French press is a brewer for coffee or tea in which the grounds fall to the bottom and are retained with a filter (see).
    2. More often French press is made of glass and stainless steel, but various options are possible.
    3. Among the main advantages French press is easy and safe to use; only boiling water is required to prepare the drink.
    4. Choose a coarse grind, and always brew as much as you will drink at once, do not keep coffee in a French press.
    5. The same French press suitable for tea and coffee, but it's better to have different ones.

    Do you use a French press? Do you have a favorite brand or manufacturer? Share your opinion in the comments!

    In the kitchen of any housewife there is always a variety of devices that can make the work of preparing food and drinks easier, as well as decorate the interior. This type of product also includes a French press, which today is a popular kitchen appliance due to the fact that it is compact and convenient, and most importantly - Almost any family member can handle it; no special skills are needed.

    What it is?

    The French press is designed for brewing hot drinks: tea or coffee. It should be immediately noted that in our country, this kitchen appliance mostly acts as a tea kettle, while in the United States of America, as well as in Europe, the French press is preferred for making coffee. However, it must be said that coffee prepared in such an unusual way will differ from a strong drink that was brewed in a specially designed coffee maker or Turk.

    The description of preparing a particular drink using a French press is quite simple. So, first, you need to pour tea (you can use sheets, granules, etc.) or ground coffee into the glass flask of the kettle. After this, the dry substance must be poured with hot boiled water.

    You should not start drinking the drink right away. First, you need to wait 5 minutes until the drink brews and the water is filled with flavor, and then use a piston to squeeze out the unwanted sediment. To do this, you need to press firmly on the plunger - it will go down, and the sediment (coffee granules or tea leaves) will be compacted at the bottom of the flask.

    Thus, coffee or tea is ready for drinking, the liquid becomes clean and free of any impurities.


    Generally speaking, a French press is a kind of kettle for brewing various types of drinks. Its design consists of several integral elements:

    • glass flasks;
    • filter;
    • plunger (a special piston that is necessary for spinning, it is equipped with a small handle that facilitates the process of its operation).

    If you study the design of this device in more detail, you will find that, regardless of the specific model of the device, the French press has some universal characteristics that remain unchanged. For example, a glass flask, which is the main container of a kitchen appliance, cannot change in diameter, but it can vary in volume. Thus, we can note the fact that the higher the kettle, the more spacious it is (and vice versa).

    The convenience of a French press is that, due to the transparency of the glass from which the main container is made, the user can observe the preparation of the drink, controlling the process.

    The main glass container is usually placed in a special housing. The housing can be made of different materials (for example, metal or plastic). The kettle also has a lid that ensures quick brewing of tea or coffee. A plunger is attached to this cover, moving vertically and acting as a squeezing press.

    At the bottom of this plunger (which is essentially an ordinary piston) there is a mesh that acts as a filter, a small element made of steel, and a spring that is secured with a bolt.

    What is it needed for?

    The French press is used to prepare drinks: primarily tea and coffee. In order to prepare coffee in this unit, you must follow a certain sequence of actions:

    • boil water;
    • pour coffee into the French press flask;
    • pour boiling water over coffee;
    • wait a while;
    • slowly lower the piston to the bottom;
    • pour the drink into cups.

    The mechanism for preparing tea using this unit is similar.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Despite the fact that the kitchen appliance is quite popular among a wide range of consumers, the French press is not considered an ideal device for preparing hot drinks. It has both positive and negative characteristics. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of the French press. To begin with, it should be noted that the number of advantages significantly exceeds the number of negative aspects. Users often highlight the following positive characteristics of this type of kitchen appliance:

    • affordable price– a French press can be purchased by representatives of various social classes with different income levels;
    • ease of care and maintenance– this characteristic is especially important for housewives;
    • There is absolutely no sediment in the drink– this property of the French press is due to the presence of a metal filter that effectively copes with its task;
    • compactness– the device will fit even in the smallest kitchen and will not take up a large amount of space or clutter it up;
    • drink variability– not only can you use the device to brew tea and coffee, but you can also adjust the strength level of the drink according to your desire.

    However, despite the positive characteristics, this device also has negative features. These include:

    • fragile material - glass is quite easy to break, scratch or damage, so the device requires careful handling;
    • Mechanical operating principle: the process of preparing a drink occurs with the help of human efforts, and not automatically;
    • French press does not have a water heating function, Therefore, you will need additional household devices to prepare the drink, and it will not be able to keep the prepared drink warm.

    Although the device does have a number of disadvantages, it is still a popular choice for many consumers who believe that the many advantages of the French press outweigh some of the disadvantages.


    Depending on the body material, there are several types of French presses:

    • glass;
    • metal;
    • ceramic;
    • plastic;
    • made of stainless steel.

    However, differences may be not only in the material of manufacture, but also in the device. For example, some devices may have durable double walls.

    Best models

    There are a huge variety of French presses on the market today. That is why it is quite difficult to navigate such a wide range of devices. Our rating will help you choose the most suitable model.


    The Danish brand Bodum offers its customers a wide variety of devices of various colors and sizes. The devices are comfortable to use and durable.


    French presses from Bialetti are of high quality and widely known among consumers. One of the main advantages of the device is the presence of durable and reliable handles.



    Despite the fact that this brand is Chinese, it has a fairly good reputation. French presses from this manufacturer are not only functional and practical, but also attractive from an aesthetic point of view.


    The main advantage of this company is its affordable price.


    This brand has earned love and recognition not only among coffee and tea lovers, but also among world-class chefs who use Röndell devices in their restaurants.


    By preparing a drink in a device from Vitesse, you can truly reveal the exquisite taste of strong coffee or the pleasant aroma of herbal tea.

    Criterias of choice

    Choosing a high-quality French press that will fully perform its functions and also serve you for quite a long time is quite difficult. That is why when purchasing a device you should pay special attention to some points.

    • First of all, experts advise purchasing French press only from brands that have already proven the quality of their products and have a good reputation. We talked about them above.
    • It is important to pay attention to the reliability of fastening the flask inside the device. If it wobbles or does not hold firmly enough, then you should refuse to purchase such a device.
    • Analyze the appearance of the flask. It should be made quite well. Assess the condition of the glass: it should not have scratches, chips or other damage.
    • Check that the mesh, which acts as a filter, fits tightly enough to the flask. It should move softly and smoothly, without any jerking.

    If you act according to the instructions and strictly follow the recommendations of specialists, then you will be able to choose a high-quality device.

    In order to enjoy the delicious drink that you prepared yourself using a French press, You must follow a number of simple rules when operating the device.

    • To brew coffee, use only coarsely ground beans. The fact is that the French press filter will not be able to hold coffee that is ground too finely. Thus, your drink will not be clean and smooth, but will have sediment.
    • You should brew as much coffee as you can drink at one time. If the drink sits in the French press for a long time and brews for a long time, it will become bitter and unpleasant in taste.
    • Do not be too zealous with the use of the piston - do not squeeze out all the liquid to the last drop.
    • In order to thoroughly wash the device, it must be disassembled and, after washing, reassembled correctly. The kettle can be washed either by hand or in a dishwasher (however, there should be a separate note about this in the instructions for use and assembly).
    • As mentioned above, a French press can be used to make both tea and coffee. However, if you plan to prepare different drinks, then it is better to use different devices. Otherwise, an unpleasant taste and odor from the other drink may appear.

    The French press is one of the easiest and most popular ways to make coffee. Due to prolonged contact with water, the coffee is strong, and due to a fairly coarse filter, it is dense.

    Grinding degree and dosage

    The French press grind is coarse, feels coarser than sea salt.

    The optimal coffee dosage for a standard 350 ml French press is 21 grams.

    The ratio of the weight of coffee to the weight of finished coffee is 60 grams of grain per 1 liter of water. To determine the dosage for each specific case, you just need to calculate the proportions. For example, a half-liter French press will require 30 grams of coffee.

    We do not recommend measuring coffee by eye, because the slightest deviations in proportions significantly affect the result. To ensure a stable result, it is best to weigh it on a scale in 0.1 g increments before each preparation.

    Water temperature

    The optimal temperature for making coffee in a French press is 95°C. To achieve this temperature, you either need to bring the water to a boil and then either cool it for a minute, or use a good water thermometer.


    First, you need to rinse the French press with a little hot water to get it to the optimal temperature. Then pour ground coffee into the French press, start the timer on the scales or phone and add 350 ml of water. After this, you need to stir the coffee with a plastic or wooden spatula, cover the French press with a lid, and without lowering the piston, leave for 8 minutes.

    When the time is up, you need to smoothly lower the piston and immediately pour the coffee into the cups. You cannot leave the drink in the French press, otherwise it will over-extract and become overly strong.

    The easiest and most affordable way to brew a good cup of coffee at home is to learn how to use a French press.

    It is this simple device that makes it possible to brew the strongest and richest coffee of all existing ones. Even a professional coffee machine cannot do this. It's all a matter of process. It is in the French press that ground coffee beans are in direct contact with water for a long time, absorbing all its strength and aroma.

    On the website in the section you will find a French press from the famous Italian brand Bialetti. This coffee guru knows exactly what real espresso tastes like. After all, Bialetti has been producing geyser coffee makers for decades. Now there are French presses on sale, which will make your morning coffee brewing ritual even more enjoyable. While you place your order, let's study the theory of the issue

    How to use a French press? Five Required Steps

    How to use a French press? It would seem that nothing could be simpler. I added coffee, poured boiling water, waited five minutes and lowered the piston. All. The coffee is ready. But the devil, as we know, is in the details. There are five required steps to achieve the perfect taste.

    Step 1. Increase the degree

    Coffee does not like sudden temperature changes. Therefore, before pouring ground beans into the French press, it must be warmed up. For this, 30 seconds is enough. Fill the bowl with boiling water and pour it out. Looking ahead, let us remind you that the cup should also be heated before filling it with ready-made coffee.

    Step 2. Calculate the mass fraction of coffee

    How much coffee should be added to a French press to get the right brew is debatable. Even experienced baristas do not have a clear answer to this. Some people refer to the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAE) cupping specification and recommend adding 5.5 grams of ground coffee for every 100 ml of water. Others believe that this is extremely little, and add 7 or even 10 g of coffee for every 100 ml. Our advice is to experiment, and over time you will find your ideal proportion.

    Step 3. No boiling water!

    The most common mistake is pouring boiling water over coffee. The grain does not like such high temperatures and is much more willing to give off its aroma to water heated to 92-96 degrees. That is, you need to boil water and then let it cool for 2-3 minutes.

    Step 4: Start small

    Don't immediately fill the French press bowl to the brim. Add 30 ml, close the lid and wait 30 seconds. Let the coffee “bloom” - release all its aromas. And only after that fill the flask to the spout of the kettle. Carefully screw on the cap with the piston, check that everything is tight and start the stopwatch. In 4 minutes the coffee will be ready.

    Step 5. Lower the piston

    After 4 minutes, you can lower the piston of the French press. To prevent the drink from spilling over the edge, align the hole on the lid with the spout of the bowl. This will allow excess air to escape freely. Take your time, push the plunger handle slowly and hold the cap with your other hand. That's it, the coffee is ready.

    Ideal bean: what kind of coffeeShould I choose for a French press?

    If the quantity of coffee for a French press is a controversial issue, then all experts have a unanimous opinion about its quality. Firstly, delicious coffee is only freshly roasted. This means that under ideal circumstances, no more than a week should pass from the moment of roasting. Maximum of three. Let’s make a reservation right away: there is no such coffee in supermarkets. Go to specialty stores for it.

    Secondly, the coffee must be freshly ground. Therefore, do not skimp and get one. This is a profitable investment that will be returned a hundredfold with every cup of aromatic coffee.

    And finally, the degree of grinding. A French press, unlike an espresso machine, likes a coarse grind. The pieces should be the size of a small buckwheat grain. But perhaps the main criterion for success is that the grinding should be uniform. Only in this case will the piston smoothly go down, collecting all the grounds, and at the exit you will get a completely clean drink - without foreign impurities and dusty suspension.

    Hygiene comes first

    We figured out how to use a French press. Everything is extremely simple. It's quite difficult to spoil a drink. But there is still a chance.

    The French press has a sealed design. And if you don’t clean it regularly, an unpleasant musty smell will appear, which cannot be overcome even by such a powerful flavoring as coffee.

    Therefore, after each use, the flask and all other structural elements (filter, piston, lid) must be thoroughly rinsed under running water with a mild detergent. You can assemble all the parts of the French press together only after they are completely dry.

    Not just coffee: how to use a French press to prepare various drinks?

    At its core, a French press is a universal teapot. Therefore, you can use it to prepare not only coffee, but also a lot of other drinks.

    The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, tea. You can brew any loose leaf or herbal tea in a French press. In this case, as in the case of coffee, the larger the leaf, the easier it will be to push the piston. The good news is that you can safely add your favorite crushed herbs and spices, grated ginger root, dried berries and herbs to your tea. The press will not allow all this cake to end up in the cup.

    If you decide to make everyone’s favorite Mojito at home, a French press will come in handy. Remember that unpleasant feeling when a piece of mint leaf gets into your mouth through a straw with a cool drink or the straw gets clogged with lime pulp? Prepare your cocktail base in a French press and this won't happen again. Simply add a few lime wedges, five crushed mint leaves, and soda water to the bowl and let the mixture sit. Then lower the plunger, dropping the unnecessary grounds to the bottom, and you will get the purest base for your Mojito. All that remains is to add white rum, sugar syrup and crushed ice to the glass.

    Finally, a French press can be used to froth milk instead of a blender or mixer. It is enough to vigorously raise and lower the piston for a minute. Passing through the filter holes, the milk will be enriched with oxygen and frothed into a stable foam. Thus, with only a French press on hand, you can prepare an excellent cappuccino.

    Visit our store:

    With this you can quickly and easily make delicious coffee.

    The press is made of stainless steel and heat-resistant glass and has the characteristic “man with a mustache” design, which is widely recognized as the original symbol of Bialetti quality and authenticity.

    In addition to making coffee, it can also be used to brew tea and other drinks.

    Volume 350 ml

    from Bialetti is specially designed to meet modern kitchen standards. The classic aluminum top and stainless steel bottom section allow it to be used on all types of hobs, including induction.

    The volume of prepared coffee is 150 ml, 3 classic cups of espresso.

    Black color

    It's based on the classic Moka Express heater, but it's truly special!

    Unusual design, bright colors and consistent quality are the components of the success of this set.

    You get 2 cups of strong, aromatic espresso at once thanks to the built-in spouts in just 4-5 minutes.

    Charge yourself with good mood and energy for the whole day!

    The set includes a coffee maker and 2 cups of 50 ml each
