Why dream about fire? Why do you dream about fire in the house?

  • The primary elements are fire.
  • Elements - heat. Emotions - joy. Organs - small intestine, triple heater meridian, heart. Planets - Mars.
  • From the point of view of Chinese medicine and philosophy, Fire is one of the five main Elements of the creation of the world. Each element has its own positive and negative properties, and the negative is the former positive, brought to complete uncontrollability. For example, when there is not enough water, fire does not provide heat (water + fire) and humidity, but deadly heat. The symbolic qualities of fire are chaotic, formless and uncontrollable. Unlike the qualities of water, which, being formless itself, takes the shape of any vessel and is controlled by any movement (the wind, the hands of a swimmer), fire is absolutely uncontrollable. Water is dangerous to the weak and weak-willed, while fire burns everyone indiscriminately. The trigram/graphic symbol of fire is Li. At the bottom there is a solid line of active action, the third line from the bottom (upper) symbolizes the fire devouring the basis of its movement (everything burns to ashes). The Book of Changes says: Li - combustion and beauty, symbolized by the pheasant; in addition, it means the second daughter, the sun, lightning, armor and helmet, spear and sword, a fat-bellied man, dry land... and the like. The range of fire transformations is very extensive and active, which corresponds to the required yang activity of behavior in the summer. But extremes are dangerous both in philosophy and in reality. This should be remembered. Seeing fire in a dream, feeling it on yourself, walking in fire (picture) - yang in abundance. Seeing fire in a dream means being in a state similar in essence to the nature of fire: powerful, destructive external manifestations that have no form, a specific place of action, purpose and internal strength - having no validity. To see fire in a dream without fear and, perhaps, with joy, to see oneself on fire without pain - the dreamer’s actions and enterprises are based on an empty, random source of information (theory without practice), so that the events have some relation to reality (the conviction of others), the dreamer is forced, as it were, voluntarily to serve the yang fire of action with fuel (wood). All actions-consequences in this state will correspond to the fickle nature of fire: quick, easy and unprofitable success, passing without a trace: relationships are torn, money slips through your fingers. Joy is unexpected and random, and therefore especially bright and strong, also fully consistent with the nature of fire: it burns the heart and destroys the small intestine. The result will be premature old age and disease. The dream is unfavorable: the doctor’s advice will not help without changing your attitude towards the world and its benefits. The dream option, when the dreamer does not want to, but is forced and must walk through the fire (he knows that this is dangerous) - indicates danger from the outside (this may not yet be expressed outwardly) and the utmost strain of the strength of the person walking through the fire. If we leave aside talk about the spiritual beauty and power (fire again) of people fulfilling their duty, then such a waking dream can result in serious troubles with the heart in particular and with health in general.
  • You should slow down the pace and level of pressure: the business may be left without a leader and executor. If there is too much fire in national or state symbols (flames, the color red, and so on), then the national character suffers from a craving for theories unfounded by practice, which turns into emotional outbursts at the state level, which end in long-term depression due to the burning out of national spiritual forces (economic and spiritual stagnation - hibernation).

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 2nd day of the month. The dreams I had last night are empty and meaningless.

Today is the 10th lunar day. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is Thursday. Thursday is the day of the social planet Jupiter. Thursday's dreams in the same form talk about work, about the prospects that open before you. Thursday's dreams will show activities that can bring great success. “Jupiterian” dreams can also tell about your superiors or patrons, sponsors, mentors. On Thursday night you can see the solution to any issues related to social and public life.

It’s great if in Thursday’s dream you took part in a major event. Large-scale paintings in a dream of Jupiter mean your quick success in social activities, rapid promotion, and the love of your superiors. If a small number of participants are involved in “Jupiterian” dreams, it means that work is not the main thing now and no serious changes are expected in this regard. If you see your ancestors or pictures of distant times, it means that life will force you to continue the work of your parents and study their profession.

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FIRE – Miller's Dream Book

Fire in a dream is a favorable sign, but only if you yourself do not burn in it.

A dream of fire promises long-term prosperity for sailors, travelers, and everyone who works on earth.

If you see in a dream that your house is on fire, in life you will be surrounded by loving friends and obedient children.

If an entrepreneur sees his store on fire, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses.

Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you hectic work.

Seeing the burnt walls of your store (warehouse, etc.) predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again.

If in a dream you light a fire, pleasant surprises await you. You will be able to visit your distant friends.

If you saw a big fire in a dream, for sailors this means successful and safe sailing. This promises success and honors for writers, and boundless luck for business people.

FIRE – Modern Dream Interpretation

Fire in a dream is a symbol of temper, quarrels, evil, danger if it appears suddenly in your dream. But if you are trying to keep the fire alive, not to let it go out, then such a dream symbolizes your struggle for life, happiness or well-being, which you are trying to preserve. If you succeed in this in a dream, then unexpected joy awaits you or the fulfillment of a cherished desire at a moment when you have completely lost hope and despair.

You see fire in a dream - this is a good dream, you see light in life, you are perspicacious with this light, you understand where good is, where evil is - even if evil takes the guise of good. Although the Lord will not allow you to live in luxury, you will not need anything; this dream is especially favorable for sailors, travelers and farmers.

It’s as if you are kindling a fire - a pleasant surprise will happen to you, the light will illuminate you, you will see new beautiful features in a person you have known for a long time.

You are trying to put out the fire, you are fighting the fire - the work that lies ahead of you cannot be called calm. You will achieve what you want, but before that you will have to work hard.

You see a fire in the stove - wealth will grow around your stove, your house will be full.

The fire seems to be burning your house or your business - fantastic luck awaits you, your business will bring fabulous profits, you will expand your business into a large enterprise.

You just vaguely saw some kind of fire in a dream - this is a sign that you are dreaming of something unrealistic.

A big flame in a dream is a sign that your wish will come true. Small lights in a dream mean friends.

If you dream that you are on fire, then beware of severe colds. A dream in which you are burning and feel pain at the same time foreshadows disappointments that will cause your anger and will be followed by a family scandal.

If the fire in your dream is frighteningly large and you feel danger, then this predicts misfortune for you.

A dream in which you saw that a clear fire burns moderately, evenly, without smoke, crackling or sparks, portends excellent health, home celebration, and prosperity in the house.

A fire with smoke and sparks in a dream foreshadows short quarrels and receipt of unpleasant news. Sparks in a dream are a sign that you should protect yourself and your fortune from greedy and envious people. The dream predicts that your fortune may go to your enemies.

An extinguished fire in a dream predicts poverty, meager incomes and constant hardships for those who can barely make ends meet. For patients, such a dream predicts recovery.

A dimly burning fire in a dream is a sign of family happiness, good luck in business, the birth of children who will be a consolation for their parents. For a woman, such a dream can predict pregnancy.

Fanning a fire in a dream is a sign of profit for the poor; for the rich, such a dream predicts that they will soon have a hard time. Such a dream also predicts an unexpected turn in business.

Carving fire out of a stone is a sign that you will need the help of another person in order for your business to be successfully completed.

Taking fire with your hands in a dream and not causing yourself any harm means that your enemies will be powerless to harm you in any way.

If you dream that you had difficulty starting a fire, but it soon went out, then expect misfortune in the family.

Burning something in a dream means new acquaintances and changes. Also, such a dream means that some part of your life has ended and there will be no return to the old.

Fighting fire in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will have to spend a lot of effort on something that is unlikely to bring much return.

Seeing the bright, dazzling shine of fire in a dream means that the wrath of a powerful person will fall on you.

It is bad to see in a dream that a huge flame moves across the sky or appears in different places, while looking at which side it appears from or in what place. This will help to more accurately interpret the meaning of the dream. Seeing a huge fire in the sky is a sign of national disaster, pestilence, war, poverty, executions. Here again you need to pay attention to which direction the fire will be directed. Its direction will indicate exactly where the tragic events will occur.

Fire coming from the sky portends illness (especially nervous and mental), big problems and misfortunes. But if, when you see this fire, you are not afraid of it, then you will have a good chance and you will be able to achieve a lot of what you have set for yourself.

If you dream that you see entire trees on fire, huge torches flying in the air, and huge tree branches burning, then your country may be drawn into a destructive war, famine, and enormous suffering. For the sleeper, such a dream predicts injuries or other misfortunes that will happen to him.

If in a dream you hear that your friend has burned down, then your affairs will go badly, which will negatively affect your future.

Suffering losses from a fire in a dream means that new plans await you.

Jumping over fire in a dream and not getting burned is a sign that you will be able to successfully complete a profitable but risky business.

FIRE – Slavic Dream Interpretation

Pipe dreams, quarrel; fire in the stove - wealth; fire and smoke at the same time are danger; Antonov fire - to lose a friend; fire in the sky - change of management; fallen from the sky - sadness; wandering - conversation in society; seeing a burning house is dangerous.

FIRE – Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Burning on the surface of the river - longevity, happiness; burns in the wild mountains - you will make a career, become famous; glows in your home - prosperity and strength; the sun or moon are burning with fire - support for a big man; fire grows from the ground - disease; traveling with fire in your hands - appointment to a position; seeing yourself on fire means support from a noble person; fire and black smoke - disease; in the home, light from fire means happiness and prosperity; hear the fire burning - you will become a district chief or district ruler; a huge flame rises to the skies - establishing order in the country; flames rise upward - wealth; flames flying out of the kitchen - an urgent matter; to see smoke rising and flames burning - all sorrows and anxieties will go away.

FIRE – Indian Dream Interpretation

Seeing fire in a dream means hot temper and its consequences. People who often see fire in dreams mostly have a choleric temperament, hot-tempered and angry.

If anyone dreams that he is on fire, he will experience a short, mild fever.

Seeing a moderate fire in a dream, without smoke, crackling and sparks, means that the person who saw the dream is completely healthy, and only good things await him in the future. Sometimes this dream foreshadows complete contentment, as well as feasts and fun with family and friends.

If you dream of a big fire with smoke and sparks, this predicts light quarrels or some unpleasant news.

Seeing a fire extinguished in a dream means poverty, need, misfortune for a person who needs money. For the patient, this Dream predicts a speedy recovery.

A dream in which you see one or more houses burning, but the fire is light, clear, without a crackle and did not destroy the house - means: for the poor, that they will receive a fortune, wealth, inheritance; the rich will be showered with honors and will receive important and honorable positions.

If you dream that houses are burning with a strong, crackling fire and at the same time falling, this indicates the opposite.

If a man dreams that his bed is on fire and falling apart, this means illness, grief and trouble for him. If a woman sees this dream, the same thing awaits her husband.

To dream that the furniture in the house has been completely destroyed by fire foretells troubles and grief for the owner of the house.

To dream that outside windows are burning and falling apart means the loss of a relative. When you dream that the windows facing the courtyard are burning, this predicts the loss of a relative.

To dream that doors are on fire predicts a great misfortune with someone in the family, and sometimes with the one who sees such a dream.

If you dream that the bed is burning and collapsing, then this prophesies happiness for female children.

To see the top floor burning and collapsing means loss of fortune, friends, or a lawsuit.

When you see in a dream that without much difficulty you managed to light a fire, light a candle or some other lamp, it foretells you many children who will be happy and will become your consolation. If a woman had such a dream, it means that she is pregnant and will safely give birth to a child who will be happy.

When you dream that a fire is difficult to start and immediately goes out, this dream foreshadows misfortune for both women and men.

To dream that a palace is burning and collapsing portends trouble, illness or great grief for its owner. If you dream that an entire city is burning and collapsing, then this predicts a crop failure, war or epidemic for that city.

If anyone dreams that a dress is burnt, then in reality they will face boredom, insults, slander and loss of friends.

Seeing in a dream that rye, collected in heaps, is burning, means an epidemic. If the rye burns but does not burn, this is a sign of fertility and an abundance of all good things for the one who saw this dream.

When you dream that you are burning and feel pain, this foreshadows envy, displeasure, anger and quarrel.

To dream that you are holding a bunch of flaming straw in your hands and are going to bring it into some crowded place - respect and success in business await you.

Burning one's finger in a dream means envy and sin.

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Fire has always caused an insurmountable fear among representatives of various cultures. However, it is often also associated with purification: to come out of the fire undamaged means to be purified. But if you dream that you are on fire, then life seems extremely threatening and painful to you. If any object (house, car, etc.) is on fire, this indicates your excessive attachment to this thing: you simply cannot imagine life without it.

According to Freud, fire symbolizes male power. If you interpret the dream in this way, then the fire shows that you are striving to master the situation and control it to the extent possible. If in a dream you successfully cope with a flame, then in real life you will keep the situation under control, and vice versa.

Do you question your own ethics?

Are you looking for cleansing after some transgression?

Do you feel that some significant turn is about to take place in your life, requiring spiritual preparation and rethinking?

Fire in Miller's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you don’t burn yourself. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, and everyone who works on earth. Seeing your house on fire means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur sees his store on fire, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses. Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you hectic work. Seeing the burnt walls of your store (warehouse, etc.) predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again. If you light a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You will be able to visit your distant friends. Seeing a big fire means a successful and safe voyage for sailors. This promises success and honors for writers, and boundless success in business for business people.

Fire in Vanga's dream book

Seeing a sheet of paper engulfed in fire in a dream means a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The planet's population will have an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air.

Seeing fire approaching from the sky in a dream is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will greatly damage many cities around the globe and kill a large number of people.

If in a dream a bad smell emanates from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers are spreading about you. You will have to work hard to refute the machinations of your enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others.

Warming yourself by the fire in a dream is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors.

Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself homeless.

To see a small flame from a lit candle in a dream - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will have a great impact on your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love.

If you dreamed of cities or forests engulfed in fire, then in the future the globe is threatened by a terrible drought. There will come times when people will not have a sip of water left, and then it will rain heavily, which will last for several days and nights and will give people long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. Anyone who survives this drought will never cause harm to nature, because people will know that the drought was sent down to them for their lack of faith in the Lord, renunciation of religion and ruthless attitude towards the environment.

Fire, as the essence in a dream, is a symbol of renewal as a result of the combustion of something old.

Fire in the form of a fire is a symbol of loss, loss, both spiritual and material.

If you are on fire in a dream, your house is on fire - there may be losses and damages. Moreover, these losses will more likely relate to spiritual or psychological losses than to material ones.

If in a dream you see a burning fire and it does no harm, such a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of renewal, through the element of fire.

Fire in a dream can also act as an assistant. If you dreamed that you were cold and warmed up by the fire, then such a dream may mean receiving help in a difficult situation.

If you dream that you are cooking food on fire, then such a dream may mean that you will receive the information you need, since in such a dream fire is a means of obtaining it.

Brief conclusion: dreams in which fire is a destroyer warn you of possible troubles.
Dreams where fire is a source of heat and light warn of the arrival of help, important information or clarification of the situation.

If you have any difficulties in interpreting your dream, describe it briefly in the comments to the page and we will try to help.


Seeing fire in a dream is good if you don’t burn yourself. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, and everyone who works on earth.

Seeing your house on fire means loving friends and obedient children.

If an entrepreneur sees his store on fire, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses.

Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you hectic work.

Seeing the burnt walls of your store (warehouse, etc.) predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again.

If you light a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You will be able to visit your distant friends.

Seeing a big fire means a successful and safe voyage for sailors. This promises success and honors for writers, and boundless success in business for business people.

Fighting a fire in a dream predicts that you will have to make enormous efforts and energy if you are going to get rich.


Seeing a sheet of paper engulfed in fire in a dream means a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The planet's population will have an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air.

Seeing fire approaching from the sky in a dream is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will greatly damage many cities around the globe and kill a large number of people.

If in a dream a bad smell emanates from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers are spreading about you. You will have to work hard to refute the machinations of your enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others.

Warming yourself by the fire in a dream is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors.

Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself homeless.

To see a small flame from a lit candle in a dream - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will have a great impact on your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love.

If you dreamed of cities or forests engulfed in fire, then in the future the globe will be threatened by a terrible drought. There will come times when people will not have a sip of water left, and then it will rain heavily, which will last for several days and nights and will give people long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. Anyone who survives this drought will never cause harm to nature, because people will know that the drought was sent down to them for their lack of faith in the Lord, renunciation of religion and ruthless attitude towards the environment.


Fire - pipe dreams, disappointment, quarrel in personal life.
A fire in the stove is wealth.
Fire and smoke are dangerous.
Fire on water is great happiness; from the earth - to illness.
Himself on fire - high patronage.
If you burn - illness, vice or unhappy love.


Fire to see is the world of will, which can be permeated with high spiritual impulses or passions; fertility, conception, love, passions, dreams, wealth, prosperity; “light of life”, i.e. health and its characteristics; power; misfortunes, mainly “national”: plague, pestilence, war.
Okay, a brightly burning fire is something happy.
Excessive, gigantic - more of a disaster than happiness.
Sparking, flickering, dying out of the fire - a lack of positive qualities - not wealth, but poverty, not health, but illness, etc.
An abundance of smoke is a deteriorated, negative meaning of fire, especially if the smoke is black.
Seeing a clear fire in a dream portends severe frost.
Fantastic strange fire to see, dark and black fire, drawing in light - danger to life, death of the soul.

The burning city is an image of one’s own body in a waking state; overwork; your body, destroyed by alcohol and drugs.
The earth around you begins to burn - an obsessive fear of any delay; get lost in the abundance of news, new ideas and knowledge.
A pillar of flame rises from the ground - sudden illumination; supreme revelation; new idea.
Seeing a wall of fire in front of you is the last obstacle on the path to success.
A ditch with fire is something irresistible, something that is currently beyond your strength.
Hellfire, most often multi-tiered - sadness, embarrassment, dissatisfaction with oneself. Burning in it means loss of health. To escape from it is recovery.
Walking calmly through the flames means rebirth; liberation; take off of the soul.
To burn in a flame, and not suffer from it, and not be burned - to experience the joy of impunity.
Walking along a road bordered on both sides by fire is the right path to choose.
The fire on a person’s head is blazing - some kind of apprenticeship awaits; teacher.
Seeing a fire at the top of the tower is good hope, happy news.
Running away from a fire in fear, seeing a person burning in the flames is a picture of the effect of alcohol on the body.
Walking between the fiery pillars means you will have to observe other people’s passions.
The vessel with fire is a book of extraordinary value; dishonest wealth.

Seeing a will-o'-the-wisp flashing and flickering (or flickering) on ​​a plain, in a swamp, etc. is an image of your sleeping body, it speaks of the weakening of its vital forces.
It suddenly flashes in front of you - your “etheric body”, suddenly you have to take care of your health, think about it.
To run away from it is to drive away the truth about your health from your consciousness.
Running after him means worrying about your health, unpleasant circumstances.

To see a whole village, a row of houses on fire, is a very great happiness.

Fire in a dream usually turns out to be a harbinger of dramatic life changes or warns of the activation of enemies. In modern dream books you can find many interpretations of such a plot. The details of the dream will help you determine exactly why you dream about fire.

In the Modern Dream Book, a fire is both a symbol of a quarrel and a harbinger of warm weather. The result of the interpretation depends on what emotions the person experienced while looking at the fire. If tongues of fire were visible high in the sky, it is worth waiting for a change in management and it will not be easy for the sleeper to build good relations with the new leadership. A huge high fire, which the dreamer simply admires, foreshadows the appearance of an unrealizable dream.

But a burning house, according to the Modern Dream Book, is a symbol of danger looming over a man or woman. In reality, you need to behave as carefully as possible and not get involved in dubious adventures. If the top of a tower in the distance was engulfed in fire, it means that a person will receive good news and will have hope for a happy future.

Did you find yourself surrounded by fire? The Universal Interpreter notes that such a dream portends the dreamer the support of an influential person. If a person himself is burned in a fire, it means that in reality he will have everyday problems. Burning in fire, but at the same time experiencing only pleasant warmth - means getting a new desired position. Along with an increase in salary and various honors, it will bring a person many additional difficult responsibilities.

In Miller's work, fire is usually a good harbinger.

  • Is the house of the one who sleeps on fire? This means that his children will be obedient and successful, and his friends will be faithful. A period of peace and spiritual harmony will begin in a person’s life.
  • Lighting a fire yourself in a dream means meeting old friends or pleasant surprises from loved ones.

The Exoteric Dream Book states that the burning of a person himself in fire symbolizes his excessive attachment to someone. For example, sick love, marriage to an oppressive person, or relationships with domineering parents. Such attachment, which prevents the sleeper from realizing his plans, must be gotten rid of as soon as possible. In the same book, lighting a fire is associated with the violent emotions of a man or woman in reality. A person will have to fight strong temptation.

Fire in the stove, bonfire, fireplace

  • A bright fire in the stove promises the sleeper an unexpected meeting. It is difficult to predict in advance how pleasant it will be. The sleeper will meet a person who will cause him great excitement.
  • If someone else pours water on the fire in the dreamer’s stove, it means that the important secret of the man or woman will be revealed to those around him. This will lead to shame for the sleeper. Next, you will have to spend a lot of effort to restore your own reputation.

A brightly burning fire in a fire symbolizes changes in your personal life. If a person, looking at such a flame, experiences pleasant warm feelings, then soon his loneliness will end. A soul mate will appear in the dreamer's life. Smoke from a fire in a dream symbolizes cheerful relaxation and entertainment. And the fading light in it promises a move to a new place of residence.

  • A burning fireplace that does not emit heat is a sign of illness. You need to devote time to your health, otherwise you cannot avoid unpleasant consequences.
  • If a sleeper tries to burn something in the fireplace, in real life he will have to be tormented by doubts about some important issue.
  • If the flame in the fireplace suddenly goes out before the eyes of a person sleeping in a dream, this is a sign that a person feels emptiness in his soul. To cope with internal discomfort, you should seek advice from a wise, experienced person who has already experienced life.

I dreamed of a fire - interpretation from dream books

If a representative of the fair sex dreams of a large-scale fire, then happy changes in fate will soon await her.

But this meaning is only relevant if no one died from the fire in the dream.

Is the whole city engulfed in fire? In reality, an epidemic of a dangerous disease may begin.

Interestingly, for a pregnant girl, dreams of a fire are a hint about her psychological unpreparedness for motherhood. Therefore, she should attend special courses or talk with a psychologist about a disturbing topic even before the baby is born.

If all the personal belongings of the sleeping person are burned in a fire at once, you should not be afraid of the plot repeating in reality. In fact, this is a sign that a person will get rid of unnecessary people, things, memories and in reality. He will have the opportunity to start a new life.

Putting out a fire in a dream - meaning

Did you have to struggle to put out the fire in your dream on your own? This means that in reality it is not easy for a person to cope with his own emotions. He does not know how to control anger, anger, aggression. This is probably why it is not easy for him to build relationships with people around him.

If a man or woman managed to put out the fire very easily, new prospects will soon appear at work. You should not reject any proposals from your superiors, even if at first glance they seem dubious.

For a seriously ill person, a dream in which he has to put out a fire turns out to be a positive harbinger. He will soon recover.

Big flame

Have you ever seen a big flame on your body? Currently, a person is experiencing strong sincere feelings. We must try to preserve them, despite any difficulties. It is with your current lover that you will be able to build a happy long-term relationship.

If a flame of an unusual color appears in a dream, you need to try to remember which one:

  • blue - to the fulfillment of a cherished dream;
  • black - to the appearance of minor troubles;
  • white - you will be able to earn the respect of others;
  • green - you need to be more attentive to your health and give up bad habits;
  • multi-colored - danger comes from close people whom the dreamer trusts infinitely.

Fire of your own/someone else's house

If you dream of a fire in your own house, a happy, joyful event will soon await a man or woman. It can concern any area of ​​life. Sometimes in a dream you can even notice clues about which one.

Is someone else's house on fire without smoke or fumes, and the sleeper just looks at it from the side? In reality, you will be able to successfully implement all your plans. None of the ill-wishers will be able to harm the dreamer.

forest fire

A large-scale fire in the forest, which a person sees from afar, promises him significant material profit. There is a chance to win a large sum of money or receive it as a gift.

Had to walk through a forest that recently burned down in a fire? Things will soon change for the worse. The cause of the unpleasant changes will be envious people whom the dreamer allowed into the circle of close acquaintances.

Does the sleeping person himself start a fire in the forest belt? This testifies to his unprecedented creative abilities. If a person’s work is in no way related to this area, he needs to look for another opportunity for self-realization in creativity. Without this, the sleeper will not be able to feel absolutely happy and fully develop.
