How to eat during training. Proper nutrition during training

Proper nutrition during training is a source of calories and valuable nutrients that are required for the full functioning of the body. In addition, a well-designed diet allows you to withstand daily physical activity.

Nutrition during training

Many people strive to lose weight using various methods. Some are on diets, others are actively involved in sports, but it is worth remembering that only a complex will help you achieve good results and make your figure slimmer.

Proper nutrition during training and optimal physical activity will help you achieve excellent results quickly. It is important that you receive as many calories as you need to maintain an active lifestyle, since if the diet is not chosen correctly, then physical activity will bring little results.

Professional athletes often turn to nutritionists to develop their own nutritional system. Depending on what kind of sport a person is involved in, an individual menu of proper nutrition during training is drawn up. In addition, it is advisable to consult with your doctor so as not to harm your body. When playing sports, it is important to adhere to some rules, namely:

  • not to starve;
  • do not eat too quickly;
  • eat when you want.

Free time should be distributed in such a way that it is enough for normal physical activity, as well as for rest. You should get a lot of protein in your diet over the course of a few hours to train. If you don’t have time to eat normally, then about half an hour before you need to snack on fresh fruit. After active training, it is advisable to consume foods rich in carbohydrates, but only those that take a long time to digest. Because otherwise the volume of fat mass will increase.

Diet during physical activity

Proper nutrition during training implies fragmentation. This is the most basic way to quickly get rid of fat deposits, build muscle and get your shape back to normal. Breakfast should be complete and well organized. This will allow you not only to actively engage in sports, but also not to overeat at lunch. If a person is not used to having a hearty breakfast, then in order to normalize the diet, you need to skip several dinners. Morning jogging, contrast showers and gymnastics will help increase your appetite.

Proper nutrition during training is not limited to just consuming vegetables and avoiding starchy foods; you also need to know what foods are allowed and how to eat them correctly. In the morning, first of all, you need to drink a glass of water, then do exercises and take a shower. Then have breakfast, but remember not to drink tea with your food. It is important to consume plenty of water throughout the day.

Half an hour before training, you need to eat something nutritious with high protein content. However, you should not overeat, otherwise your workouts will be ineffective. After classes, it is better to limit yourself to a light salad or dairy products.

Don't forget about snacks, because for fast weight loss it is very important to maintain a good metabolic rate, so you need to eat something every 3-4 hours.

What should breakfast be like?

Proper nutrition when training for weight loss means that the diet should be balanced. Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. Food should be rich in proteins and fiber, as this allows you to feel full, calm the feeling of hunger for a long time, and also get the required boost of energy.

It is best to consume oatmeal, bran or natural whole grain products rich in healthy fiber for breakfast. You can add a little milk, crushed nuts or yogurt to the finished porridge. When making toast, it is best to use whole grain bread. You can put a boiled egg, chicken or nut butter on toast. In addition, you can eat a variety of vegetables for breakfast.

Features of snacks before and after training

Proper nutrition before and after training includes having light snacks. It is very important to maintain a balance of carbohydrates and proteins. Your daily diet should include light foods that combine proteins and carbohydrates to recharge your energy for the whole day. Ideal for a snack:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • nuts.

You can take these products with you to your workout. Bananas are a good option as a snack, as they are rich in magnesium and potassium, which the body simply needs, especially during intense exercise. The natural sugars contained in bananas will help replenish energy reserves, which are simply necessary for full-fledged workouts.

Berries and fruits are quickly absorbed by the body, provide the body with the required energy, and normalize fluid balance. You can eat them with yogurt for extra protein.

Nuts are a source of healthy fats, as well as various types of nutrients. They give a powerful boost of energy, which will be quite enough for training at any level of difficulty. Nuts can be mixed with a serving of fruit or berries for carbohydrates. However, it is worth remembering that certain types of nuts contain a lot of fat, so it is better not to eat them before training.

Lunch Features

Among all other meals, lunch should be quite dense and nutritious. The menu can include soup, pasta or porridge, chicken or fish. To achieve good results, portions should be small. It is advisable to drink a glass of water half an hour before eating, as this will somewhat dull your appetite.

You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly, as this will help you eat much less, but still feel full. Proper nutrition and training program should be selected individually, depending on the desired result. To lose weight, you need to consume more vegetables and cereals, and to build muscle mass, you need to focus on protein foods.

Dinner Features

Proper nutrition when training in the gym means a well-organized dinner. In the evening, you should not overload your stomach, so it is best if the dinner is light. In this case, baked fish with fresh or steamed vegetables is ideal. After dinner, you can drink a cup of green tea.

Before going to bed, you should drink kefir or natural yogurt, as it will help you digest food much faster. In addition, it is important that the body receives sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. There are many of them in vegetables and fruits, so these products should be present in sufficient quantities in the daily diet.

How many calories should you consume per day?

If you need to lose weight and tone your muscles, then when exercising in the gym it is important to take into account the number of calories consumed with food. However, you should not greatly reduce the number of calories, since exercise requires energy. If you follow the diet, you should not experience symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • severe fatigue;
  • sickly look.

All these signs indicate that a person is not getting the required amount of calories. For women and girls who want to lose weight safely, the number of calories should be at least 1200-1500 per day. For men, 1500-1800 is considered the norm. It is this amount of calories that will allow you to lose excess weight in the safest way for your health.


Proper nutrition during training means that it is imperative to include protein in all meals and snacks. Protein is required by the body to support repair and growth processes. It helps build muscle mass and repair fibers, allowing you to reap the full benefits of your workouts.

Protein can be an additional source of energy, especially if the body does not have enough carbohydrates. It is found in foods such as:

  • bird;
  • red meat;
  • fish;
  • beans and lentils;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

It is best to choose lean sources of protein that contain very little saturated fat, and also limit your consumption of processed foods.


Proper nutrition for training for men and women implies the intake of fats into the body, but you need to choose them very wisely, taking into account all available recommendations. Unsaturated fats help cope with ongoing inflammation in the body and also provide calories. Whatever the workout, it is important that the body receives the required amount of fat, as this is a fairly important source of energy.

Healthy unsaturated fats are found in foods such as:

  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • olives;
  • avocado;
  • oil.


Many women try to choose the most restrictive diet for themselves to lose weight, but this is very dangerous for their health. Proper nutrition during training for girls will help you lose extra pounds much faster without harming your body.

Carbohydrates must be present in your daily diet, since they are considered the main source of energy for the body. However, it is very important to choose the right type of carbohydrates. You should only eat complex carbohydrates found in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes.

Whole grains take much longer for the body to digest and leave you feeling full and energized throughout the day. In addition, they help stabilize blood sugar. Such products also provide the body with all the required vitamins and minerals.

Why is it important to drink a lot of water?

It is necessary not only to select the right nutrition for training in the gym, but also to maintain a drinking regime. It is important to consume enough water, as dehydration can not only impair your workout results, but also harm your health. You can drink water before or after training. If you feel very thirsty while playing sports, you also need to drink.

Water helps the body replenish the lack of energy, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. In addition, sufficient fluid helps the skin look much younger and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

A person needs to consume approximately 2-3 liters of water daily. However, it is worth considering that you should not drink water 20 minutes before meals and an hour after eating food.

During training, you must eat at least 5-6 times a day, in small portions. You need to eat approximately every 3 hours. During the day there should be 3 full meals and the same number of snacks. The serving should be about the size of your palm.

When consuming food, it is necessary to set the table, otherwise there is a high probability of overeating. It is important to consume a minimal amount of salt or completely eliminate it from your diet.

List of healthy and prohibited foods

Proper nutrition during training involves consuming only certain foods. If you need to build muscle or lose weight effectively, then your daily diet must include:

  • buckwheat grain;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • cereals;
  • cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat milk, yogurt;
  • fish;
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits;
  • nuts, seeds, dried fruits.

There are a number of prohibited foods that are harmful to the body and also cause excess weight. Among the junk foods that should be reduced (or better yet eliminated), the following should be highlighted:

  • confectionery, sugar;
  • baked goods;
  • smoked meats, fast food, various canned foods;
  • products with harmful additives;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

Those who love sweets very much and cannot refuse them can consume foods that do not contain fat. Such delicacies include marshmallows, marmalade, and marshmallows.

Ecology of nutrition: How to lose weight more effectively by playing sports? You need to follow 7 rules of nutrition! You will get the maximum effect from working out in a fitness club only when you organize your diet.

How to lose weight more effectively by playing sports? You need to follow 7 rules of nutrition! You will get the maximum effect from working out in a fitness club only when you organize your diet.

Professional athletes know everything about nutrition! What about those who are far from sports, but are eager to change themselves for the better? Your work in the gym will definitely give stunning results if you remember one thing: losing weight is only 20% dependent on physical activity, and 80% on proper nutrition.

Rule 1

A strict diet and exercise are incompatible

And there are two reasons for this:

1. If you starve, you simply won’t have the energy to do a quality workout.

2. At the slightest physical activity, the body will try to get rid of muscles, since maintaining them requires a colossal amount of energy, but will refuse to part with fat.

What to do:

Accustom yourself to eat 5-6 times a day, without going beyond the calorie content of your diet.

Rule 2

You need to eat before training

The optimal meal before class is no less than 1.5-2 hours before it starts.

Before training, slow carbohydrates are required, which give a lot of energy, increasing endurance, and some lean protein to feel full. It is important to observe the portion size: after eating, you should feel light hunger and not heaviness in your stomach.

You should not eat immediately before training, as in this case the body will take energy from food, and not from stored fat.

What to eat:

Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice)
Bread (rye, grain, bran)
Vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce)
Protein (chicken breast, lean beef and fish, egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, seafood)

If you train early in the morning and don’t have two hours of free time, the ideal breakfast option for you would be oatmeal with water without sugar or an apple, and green tea will help you wake up and invigorate.

Rule 3

You shouldn't eat carbohydrates after a workout.

If your goal is to lose weight by getting rid of fat, give your body the opportunity to work as hard as possible after your workout.


15-20 minutes after the start of exercise, glycogen reserves* in the liver are depleted, and the body begins to use subcutaneous fat, breaking it down and releasing energy for further training. After about 30-40 minutes, the body completely switches to burning fat. But even after training, the process of subcutaneous fat breakdown continues for another 2-3 hours.

If you eat an apple, banana or drink juice immediately after training, your body will happily switch to easily accessible carbohydrates, and the fat burning process will come to naught.

*Glycogen is stored carbohydrates that are used as readily available “fuel.”

Rule 5

More proteins

Intense exercise forces the body to burn not only fat, but also muscle mass, which you strengthen during exercise with such difficulty! To maintain toned muscles, immediately after training and after a couple of hours you need protein food, which is a kind of “building material” for their restoration.

What you can eat:

Skim cheese
Chicken breast
Lean beef
Rabbit meat
Egg whites
Squid or lean fish

The protein dish can be supplemented with a salad of vegetables such as cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, bell peppers, broccoli, and salad mix.

If you exercise too late, never go to bed on an empty stomach! This will not only lead to muscle breakdown, but also to a decrease in metabolism. For a very light snack before bed, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese or a piece of boiled meat are suitable.

Sports educational program: 3 principles

To eat or not to eat after training - each trainer has his own opinion on this matter, but it all depends on your goal.

Remember the difference and make a choice:

1. Proteins and carbohydrates are eaten after training when gaining weight and training for strength, while consuming carbohydrates stops the process of losing subcutaneous fat.

2. To break down fat and preserve muscles at the same time, you need protein food.

3. The lack of any nutrition after training leads not only to fat burning, but also to the loss of muscle mass, which means you can say goodbye to an attractive, toned silhouette.

Rule 6

Less fat

Fats slow down the absorption of proteins, and for this reason it is recommended to eat low-fat foods, and after training, avoid fat altogether.

But you can’t completely eliminate fats from your diet:

1. It is a natural “lubricant” for joints.

2. Fat helps maintain and strengthen muscles.

3. Fat takes part in the absorption of vitamins and the production of hormones.

What to do:

Avoid animal fat (fatty meat, poultry with skin, lard, butter) and spreads.

Choose foods with reduced fat content.

Consume vegetable oils and fatty fish in the first half of the day.

Consider calorie content when using oil even in the smallest quantities.

Rule 7

Drink plenty of water

If there is not enough water, the water-salt balance in the body is disrupted, which reduces metabolism and endurance during physical activity. As a result, the energy saving mode is activated, the body begins to retain water, and the weight loss process is automatically slowed down.

How much to drink?

Do not limit yourself to water - drink as much as you want and under no circumstances become thirsty.

The National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) makes the following recommendations:

1. 2-3 hours before class, drink 500-700 ml of water.

2. 10-20 minutes before class – 200-300 ml of water.

3. During training, every 10-20 minutes - 200-300 ml of water.

4. After training for 2 hours - about 700 ml of water.

Good luck in your sporting endeavors! published

This healthy food guide will show you how to eat healthy and efficiently while working out at the gym to achieve maximum results.

You have just started fitness training, but you still don’t really understand how to eat. Don't worry, you've come to the right place. Here you will learn the basics of healthy fitness nutrition for strength training. This is not rocket science, all you have to do is read the article carefully!

Food is the key ! Keep this in mind when you prepare dinner tonight. Whatever your goal - losing weight or building muscle - nutrition will ensure success. Really, to do exercises necessary; but if your diet doesn't match your fitness goals, you will never achieve results.

I get a lot of questions about dieting and I thought I'd put together a beginner's guide to creating a gym meal plan that breaks down the basics in an easy-to-understand way.

Calorie content is the most important indicator of a beginner's diet

When starting to create a diet for athletes, first find out what calories are and why they play a key role. A calorie is a unit of energy obtained from regularly consumed foods and foods. They provide you with energy throughout the day so you can carry out daily activities. Moreover, consuming enough calories is imperative if you want to achieve fitness results.

However, not all calories are created equal; see macronutrient ratios below (at the end of the article).

How many calories does it take to maintain your current weight?

The starting point towards any fitness goal is to determine the daily caloric intake needed to maintain weight. Then you can increase this figure if you want to gain weight, and reduce her for weight loss. I recommend calculating this indicator using .

Remember that we all have different body types and metabolic rates, so use this number as a starting point. Libra is your best friend. Over time, you will understand how your body works.

Calculate your BO (basic exchange rate)

This indicator reflects the minimum number of calories the body needs for optimal functioning of vital organs (heart, brain, lungs, etc.). It shows how many calories your body burns at rest. .

This figure is slightly below the level of calories for weight maintenance. Do not forget that complete rest and inactivity are taken into account here. Walking will use more energy.

Tailor your caloric intake to your training goals

Now you are aware that your diet will be the main factor in changing your body. In reality, the calories required to maintain weight (calculated above) may vary depending on whether you want to lose weight or build muscle (tone). The most common fitness goals are:

  • Weight Loss: Your ability to lose weight is determined by the contents of your plate. This doesn't mean you need to starve. Although it can be a very effective method in reducing the percentage of body fat. You need to eat according to your goals (add snacks between meals). To lose body weight, you will have to expend more energy than you consume. Our bodies burn calories when we: rest (determine how many calories you burn at rest (RR)), walk, or exercise. Therefore, if you want to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, try to burn more than you eat. This is often called scarcity. Subtract 200-500 Kcal from your weight maintenance calories per week, depending on your metabolism.
  • Maintaining body weight: It is very common to find people who want to maintain weight while gaining some muscle. Under these conditions, you will not be able to quickly lose weight or increase muscle mass . This option is suitable for those who just want to get in shape and ensure good health in the long term.

It's a long way to achieve results. If you are expecting quick progress, it is better to choose another one.

  • Building Muscle: The most popular goal among members of the fitness community involves gaining lean mass, even when it comes to women. To achieve significant results, it is necessary to create a diet during training in the gym or at home that will contain more calories than are burned. This phenomenon is known as excess. Eating more food will provide additional energy during exercise, which means you can exercise harder and longer, stimulating more muscle fibers (muscle growth). It is recommended to increase your caloric intake weekly by 200-500 kcal depending on your metabolism.

This process will inevitably lead to the accumulation of fat. However, you can minimize this if you add calories gradually (i.e. 200 instead of 500 kcal) and include cardio exercises in your training program.

Be sure to weigh yourself every week, preferably at the same time, in order to understand how well your diet is composed; for athletes, this is the best way to properly change your diet.

It is very important to understand what happens to body weight, whether it grows, stays the same or decreases, and how intensively the changes occur.

Don't neglect weighing in pursuit of results. Without this, you will never be able to determine what your body responds to and what it doesn’t. You should weigh yourself in the morning immediately after waking up before drinking food or water. If you weigh yourself at different times, your food intake, water intake, calorie expenditure, and excess clothing may show different readings on the scale.

Although you shouldn't do this every day. The data will not be accurate and will confuse you rather than provide motivation.

Examples of diet adjustments to achieve goals

Let's look at two illustrative situations to better understand how nutrition is prepared and changed when training in the gym:

  • For example, you want to lose weight gradually. To maintain your current body weight you need 1900 Kcal (for example). Let's say you want to reduce your calorie intake by 200 kcal per week to lose weight. So, the goal is to consume 1700 Kcal. Your MR (basal metabolic rate - the number of calories burned at rest) is 1500 Kcal. Therefore, 1700 -1500 = 200 Kcal. This means that to lose weight you need to spend 200 Kcal (through walking, running, strength training).

At the end of the week, you need to weigh yourself, and if the number on the scale decreases, then you need to stop at this level of calorie intake. If the scales do not show progress, you will either further reduce your caloric intake or spend more energy through exercise.

  • The next situation is that you are going to build lean muscle mass, so you will consistently create an excess in food. Let's assume that 2400 kcal is required to maintain weight. You want to increase your calorie intake by 300 kcal per week. So, you will consume 2700 Kcal. Your OO is 2200 Kcal. From here we have 2700 – 2200 = 500 Kcal. Therefore, an extra 500 kcal will allow you to train harder and use more muscle fibers. The more muscles are injured during training, the more new muscle tissue will grow during the recovery period.

After a week you have to weigh yourself. As long as the progress is positive, you will stick to this nutrition plan until a plateau occurs. When this happens, you will have to change your diet again when working out in the gym.

What are macronutrients in a beginner's diet?

Macronutrients are nutrients that our body requires in large quantities: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Each of them performs specific functions:

  • Carbohydrate: This macronutrient serves as energy fuel for the body. It provides you with energy to carry out daily activities and helps you perform better in your workouts. Carbohydrates also affect your mood. Their deficiency causes a feeling of depression and powerlessness. Fiber is also a carbohydrate. I advise you to read the article at the link.
  • Protein: It has gained the reputation of a “building material” for the body. It is an important constituent of bones, skin, cartilage and blood. From a fitness perspective, protein helps build and repair muscle tissue. If you don't provide your body with enough protein, you won't be able to gain muscle mass.

Micronutrients as an important part of a healthy diet

Micronutrients are substances needed in small doses to maintain health. This vitamins and minerals. They are often found in foods we consider "healthy", such as:

  • in vegetables
  • legumes
  • seeds and nuts

It is recommended to eat more of this food. It is also necessary to avoid highly processed foods (foods packaged in boxes or bags and canned food). Such food goes through many stages of technological processing, during which all micronutrients are lost. An example of such food is white bread. It has been proven that it can lead to the development of diabetes. Instead, it is better to give preference to whole grain white bread.

What does healthy or “clean” eating mean?

Today, people believe that “clean” eating consists of eating only vegetables and fruits. But this is not a completely healthy diet, especially for beginner athletes, who will never achieve progress in fitness, because these products are deprived of some of the most important macronutrients.

You can eat only the healthiest and most nutritious foods, but if the caloric content of your daily diet does not meet the norm, do not expect success in fitness.

Start by getting your macronutrient ratios right, and then make healthy food choices. Remember, the food on your plate will affect your figure. Don't limit yourself to just fruits when working toward your fitness goals.

What is a macronutrient ratio?

Sport, fitness - for many people these are no longer just words, but a way of life. These people, no doubt, are aware of how it is advisable to eat during regular (albeit at an amateur level) exercise. However, there is another category - novice athletes. Those who finally made up their minds overcame laziness and joined the gym. We will talk about how to eat properly when playing sports. Although, perhaps, the “pros” will also emphasize something new for themselves.

We emphasize that the story in the material is not about food additives (dietary supplements, etc.), sold in specialized stores. Firstly, there is no confidence in their absolute harmlessness to health. Secondly, “Culinary Eden” is still a resource about “ordinary”, albeit very tasty food, as well as everything connected with it.

Sports activities always involve increased muscle activity. For normal muscle function and achievement of sports results (for example, some muscle building), there is a need for additional protein nutrition. After all, it is protein that is “responsible” in our body for the formation and restoration of body cells and tissues.

However, don't forget about carbohydrates. Some people mistakenly believe that their consumption should be limited because they make you fat. However, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. And energy is very necessary for the body during significant physical activity. Fats are also a source of energy. You shouldn't forget about them either. In general, the body needs more proteins, carbohydrates and even fats during physical activity than without them.

It is always better to rely on personal experience rather than on someone else’s stories (although learning from the mistakes of others, of course, has not been canceled either). Fortunately, in this case there is such an opportunity (personal experience): the author of the text goes to the gym three times a week.

How to eat properly when playing sports. Start

Returning from vacation and looking with sober eyes at his photos taken at a seaside resort, the author was surprised to discover that he already had a fairly noticeable belly. This saddened the author. But true friends did not let me die of boredom - they encouraged me to sign up for the gym. Moreover, they kept us company. By the way, it’s better to go and play sports with a group. At least with someone else. It’s more fun, and there’s a certain competitive spirit.

It’s better to start exercising twice a week (this is not the author’s invention - advice from a trainer). And when you feel that you have “swayed”, you can switch to a frequency of three times every seven days. Some people exercise more often, but if you just want to “get yourself in order,” that’s enough: excessive diligence can do harm.

By the way, I almost forgot, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting classes. Moreover, preferably not with a doctor “assigned” to the fitness center. Take your time, don't regret it. In the end, you will receive not just advice on the intensity of your exercise and load, but also a more or less complete picture of your health. When was the last time you had your body examined for no apparent reason, just for prevention? Same thing.

When a doctor's consultation has been received, finally go to the gym. Meet the coach. At first, it is better to hire him - he will advise and supervise the implementation of a set of necessary exercises (depending on the goals you are pursuing), and show you how to use the exercise equipment correctly.

I want to eat

To be honest, at first I was not in the mood for proper nutrition. After the first couple of lessons, “everything hurt.” But then the body adjusted to the new rhythm of life, the muscles “developed”, the pain went away. My friends and I remembered that we seemed to have heard something about how you should eat something special when playing sports. Having remembered, we asked the coach a question. By the way, he himself could enlighten us on this matter. Ultimately, proper nutrition speeds up the achievement of the desired result. “Minus one hundred points - Gryffindor,” Minerva McGonagall, the headmaster of the Hogwarts school of wizardry from the Harry Potter saga, would say about this.

One way or another, the question was asked. In response, our trainer recommended that we eat at least 5-6 times a day, saying that this way of eating is “the most physiological.” During the day there should be two breakfasts (first and second), lunch, dinner and post-workout meals. At the same time, it is advisable not to overeat before training and not to overeat after it.

To eat properly when playing sports, the first breakfast, which should not be too rich. A glass of yogurt, kefir (not necessarily low-fat), maybe a little cottage cheese, tea, coffee (both without sugar) or fresh orange juice. The first breakfast is about 5% percent of the total daily calorie intake. Next comes the second breakfast. It can be eaten before leaving home for work or, if possible, already at work (approximately 30% of the daily calorie intake for an adult). Lunch is another 30% of calories. Afternoon snack - plus 5%. Dinner - 25%. Another 5% is post-workout nutrition. You shouldn't eat too much. With a weight of 70-80 kg, the volume of food eaten should be no more than 4 kg per day. Don't forget about fruits and vegetables: 15-20% of your daily diet. This is ideal.

Not everyone and not always can follow such a diet. But, of course, options are possible! For example, you can have only one breakfast - nothing bad will happen to you because of this. Breakfast and lunch on a “sports day” should be quite nutritious.

You should have an afternoon snack two or three hours after lunch. In general, in the afternoon you can eat little by little at intervals of two hours. At the same time, food should contain a lot of carbohydrates - this will give you strength before exercise. It is worth scheduling daily meals so that the last one takes place at least an hour and a half before class. Drink water (not carbonated) or juice - it won't hurt, especially in the last hour before training.

You need to eat varied. You shouldn’t get hung up on cottage cheese and diet boiled chicken breasts (I know from myself that at first you just eat them, being happy for yourself, and then you can’t look at these products). Boiled and steamed meat is perfect, legumes - only pureed, as well as oatmeal with milk. An excellent option is various soups, not too fatty, but not entirely lean either. Neutral soups, again for variety, should be interspersed with sour soups.

If possible, in order to comply with your eating schedule, it is better to carry food with you (if there is no normal cafe at work or nearby or if you want to save money). There's nothing to be ashamed of. In the end, are you trying to improve your figure or do you simply have nowhere to put your money and, out of nothing to do, are giving it away for a gym? In addition to chicken and meat, eat fish. Side dish - buckwheat, rice, potatoes, even pasta can be eaten (without fatty sauces). Buy several hermetically sealed plastic containers at the store - they are convenient to take food with you.

The daily calorie intake (and not only when playing sports) also depends on the climatic conditions in which the individual lives. In hot weather, it is better to reduce the calorie content of food, while in Siberian frosts, eat more protein foods, but at the same time reduce fat intake.

During and after training

Of course, you can’t eat anything during training. Agree, it’s strange to pump up, say, your abs, with undigested food in your stomach, biting off a piece of bread from time to time. As already mentioned, you need to “stop” eating at least an hour and a half before the start of your workout.

But during training you should drink water (it’s good to drink a glass of water before). Of course, not in liters, but little by little: a few sips every 20-25 minutes. Do not swallow the water right away, it is better to hold it in your mouth for a while - this will quench your thirst better. Naturally, no soda. Even mineral water, not to mention cola and other lemonades. Don't drink cold water. After physical exercise it becomes hot, and a person strives to sip some cold water. This is exactly what cannot be done. It is much better if the water is at room temperature, even slightly warm. As a rule, gyms have coolers - there is no problem adding a little hot water to a glass of cold water.

You cannot limit yourself in fluid intake while playing sports. This can lead to pressure fluctuations, increased stress on the heart, and the onset of dehydration processes.

After training - optional. If you're thirsty, drink, and if not, don't drink. There is an opinion that you should not drink water immediately after training. But that's not true. If you drink half a glass or even a glass of water, it won't get any worse.

Now about the food. The workout is completed, a lot of energy has been spent, and you are hungry. A huge mistake is to wait two hours after training and only then allow yourself to snack. Should not be doing that. It is advisable that no more than an hour pass between physical exercise and the subsequent meal. Another thing is that you shouldn’t eat your fill. A plate of rice, buckwheat, or even better - a little bean or pea puree, a little cottage cheese with jam, fresh fruit - this is quite enough to remove hunger and strengthen your strength.

You can't eat this

Of course, there are foods whose consumption when playing sports is best minimized. These are sweet drinks - any lemonade, coffee and tea with sugar (it’s better to drink the latter with honey or, in extreme cases, with a sweetener). Of course, you shouldn’t go heavy on baking. Sweet buns and even bread can be replaced with special bread, unleavened bread. Sweets, not only chocolate, but mainly caramel. Various cakes, especially store-bought ones, which are made from “nobody knows what” (it’s better not to eat them at all, never). Cheap pasta (it is acceptable and even healthy to eat only high-quality pasta made from durum wheat). Let us emphasize: “reduce consumption to a minimum” does not mean eliminate it completely: do not reproach yourself for one piece of candy you eat.

  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, oatmeal (3-4 tablespoons dry), an apple or orange, a cup of unsweetened coffee with milk (with regular, not condensed or cream);
  • Snack: a glass or two of kefir or 100-150 g of cottage cheese or an apple (orange) and 50 g of hard cheese;
  • Lean meat or fish or poultry (200-250 g), cereals or pasta, greens;
  • Look what you haven’t eaten yet - maybe a vegetable salad, maybe cottage cheese, maybe 1-2 eggs, maybe, if you don’t really want to eat, a glass of kefir or milk;
  • After training: green salad (white cabbage, greens, maybe with fresh cucumber) with meat, fish or poultry (150-200 g), or eggs;
  • Before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir or green tea with skim milk.

To eat properly, you need to at least approximately know how many calories are “burned” during sports training. However, training is different. Above we were talking about training in the gym (simulators, treadmill). But sport does not live on the gym alone. The table below will help you relate energy expenditure to sports.

As a supplement to nutrition during intense physical activity, you can take vitamins (in winter and spring this is worth doing even without sports). There are specially developed vitamin complexes (not dietary supplements!) for those who are friends with sports. Consult your doctor before using them. Now you know how to eat properly when playing sports. Exercise, eat right and be healthy! By the way, the author’s tummy is gradually shrinking.

About 60-70% of success in losing weight depends on proper nutrition. Exercise speeds up the process of burning excess subcutaneous fat and improves your shape. Muscle tone and elasticity appears. The diet during training should be varied so that the body receives all the necessary nutrients, and the dishes create an appetite. It is recommended to visit the gym 3-4 times a week and perform cardio exercises for 20-60 minutes at each workout (exercise bike, race walking on a treadmill, etc.), this training scheme is suitable for men and girls of all ages.

Proper nutrition before training

Subcutaneous fat, accumulated over the years, will be used up by your body only in a critical situation. This situation may be fasting or a small amount of carbohydrates coming from food. This means that in order for men and women to lose weight, they need to create a carbohydrate deficit. Your diet should contain 1.5-2 grams of protein for every kilogram of your weight, 0.5 grams of fat and 1-2 grams of carbohydrates for weight loss. Eat like this for 2 months, go to the gym, make your menu varied and you will burn about 8 kilograms during this period of time, and your figure will be much better. It is believed that 1 gram of carbohydrates per 1 kg of your weight is not enough for the good functioning of the body. After losing weight, make carbohydrates 2-4 grams per 1 kg of your weight. With this regimen, you will be able to control your weight and be energized for the whole day.

You need to eat 2-3 hours before the gym, so much time is needed for all the food to be absorbed and excess fat to be burned during training.

The menu before the gym may consist of rice, buckwheat, durum pasta, oatmeal, fruits, and vegetables. It is advisable to add protein foods to the menu - fish, chicken, lean meat. Thanks to this diet, you will get enough carbohydrates and energy for a good workout.

If you go to workouts in the morning, then your diet for weight loss may look like this: oatmeal with milk 0.5-1% fat or a couple of apples in 30-60 minutes. Such carbohydrates will be quickly absorbed, and you will successfully work out in the gym.

Watch educational video No. 1:

Balanced diet after training

After intense exercise, your body is a little exhausted and needs to replenish its reserves of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. If the goal is weight loss, then you should not eat for 2 hours after exercise. You just need to drink water if you want. It’s good to drink water, because the body consists of almost 60% of it. Drink water 20 minutes before meals every time. 1-2 liters of clean water per day is the norm for men and women. If the gym classes are intense and you are limited in carbohydrates, because... If you remove excess fat from the sides, you will drink more than 1-2 liters of water. Stay hydrated and drink water in moderation.

Try to consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and a couple of hours after the gym, eat protein foods. Proteins are the building blocks for muscles. And toned muscles look beautiful. Food containing proteins: low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat, fish fillet, chicken fillet, eggs, seafood. Add vegetables to the menu after the gym: tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, herbs, zucchini. Make yourself a salad of fresh vegetables with olive oil.

Vegetables contain fiber and vitamins and are very beneficial for the health of men and women. They help food digest and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

If you are overcome by hunger after the gym, and you cannot go 2 hours without food, then drink 0.5 liters of kefir with 0-0.5% fat content or eat an apple, this will help.

Meals during training in the evening should be protein, preferably a couple of hours before bedtime, i.e. if your gym classes end at 21:00, then immediately eat proteins and vegetables and go to bed at 23:00-00:00.

Weekly menu for weight loss for men and girls

Add your favorite dishes to the menu and control your weight; losing extra 2-4 kg per month is safe and correct. Stick to these numbers. If the calorie content in your daily diet is low and you are losing weight quickly, then add calories, and if the weight is slowly coming off, then remove calories from carbohydrates, but do not lower the bar below 1 gram per 1 kg of your weight. If your weight is 60 kg, then 60 carbohydrates is the minimum level for you.


  1. Breakfast – oatmeal, a glass of low-fat milk.
  2. Lunch – boiled chicken fillet, rice, compote.
  3. Dinner – steamed fish, vegetable salad, tea.
  1. Breakfast – boil 2 chicken eggs, a glass of juice, oatmeal cookies.
  2. Lunch – buckwheat, fish, jelly.
  3. Dinner – lean meat, vegetable stew, green tea.
  1. Breakfast - omelet with low-fat milk with herbs, pear, tea with lemon.
  2. Lunch – a couple of baked potatoes in the oven, Greek salad, compote.
  3. Dinner – vegetable salad with olive oil, boiled chicken, jelly.
  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with pieces of fruit, banana, vegetable or fruit juice.
  2. Lunch – vegetable salad, lean meat, carrot juice or any other.
  3. Dinner – boiled corn, fish, green tea.
  1. Breakfast – a couple of boiled eggs, an orange, tea.
  2. Lunch – low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream and fruit, borscht, green tea.
  3. Dinner - boiled meat, vegetable stew, compote.
  1. Breakfast – rice with chicken fillet, fruit juice with oatmeal cookies.
  2. Lunch – soup with meatballs, Olivier salad, compote.
  3. Dinner – steamed fish, fresh vegetables, green tea with lemon.


Fasting day, menu at your discretion, include light and favorite dishes, just know when to stop, to lose weight you need to receive fewer calories per day and burn more.

Watch educational video No. 2:
