How to drink protein. Protein for gaining muscle mass

Every beginner and experienced athlete realizes that physical exercise alone is not enough to achieve tangible body transformations. Muscular body mass that is subjected to stress is in constant need of proteins, which are quite difficult to obtain from regular food.

Having information on how to drink protein correctly, you can easily cope with the task. However, in order for all the incoming protein to be fully absorbed, the athlete must systematically take harmless biological supplements, as well as regularly visit the gym. In our article you can learn a lot of new information about this process.

Quite often people confuse essentially two absolutely identical concepts. Protein or protein? Most are convinced that protein is a segment harmful to humans, while protein is a multifunctional and beneficial component.

So, protein and protein are identical organic component, which is one of the most important microelements in our bodies.

In sports, this dietary supplement with a high protein concentration is valued for its anabolic properties which help build muscle mass. This phenomenon is due to the content of polypeptides in the protein.

A polypeptide, in turn, is a chain of various amino acids that interact with each other through chemical bonds. It is worth noting that in each chemical chain there are essential and essential amino acids, whose function is to perform the most important functions in the life of the body.

As you begin to actively engage in sports, you will think about whether you should take protein, if so, when and in what quantity.

All-knowing and experienced athletes strongly recommend taking it, since it is a natural protein accelerates the body's recovery processes after heavy and prolonged physical activity.

Given this fact, a fairly reasonable question arises: how to take protein and should people who do not exercise need it? If a person is highly active, including physical activity, then Protein intake is essential. A dietary protein supplement is not a steroid drug, so it cannot harm your health.

How to drink protein to gain muscle mass

In order for the consumption of natural protein to provide the desired result, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the existing rules and understand what is not complicated.

When a person takes an insufficient amount of the specified substance, it is possible to achieve only a partial effect, and its excess contributes to the formation of excess weight. In order not to personally encounter the most common mistakes and learn how to use the substance correctly, let’s familiarize ourselves with the rules described below.

How to consume protein, how many times? If you decide to seriously approach the issue of increasing muscle mass and acquiring a beautiful, sculpted body, then you need to work with your trainer during training discuss your nutrition and, of course, touch on the topic of the amount of protein consumed per day.

Usually, two or three uses quite enough. Consuming more than three times is necessary for professional bodybuilders who have incredible muscles and their body needs huge amounts of protein during training.

The timing of your protein intake is extremely important, so you should be aware of when to drink your protein shake.

  1. In the morning during breakfast. During sleep, the human body starts a process called catabolism. The essence of the process is the breakdown of nutrients, which contributes to the loss of muscle mass and the formation of morning sickness syndrome. An average amount of protein consumed during breakfast will quickly slow down the breakdown processes, restore metabolism and provide you with energy for the whole day.
  2. Before going to the gym. In order for all physical exercises performed to bring the desired effect, the body needs to have a large amount of undigested protein in reserve. When getting ready to train, drink a large portion of a protein shake, otherwise your body will be unable to work and fatigue will increase. Keep in mind that an exhausted body will not progress because it has to eat itself during training. It is not necessary to drink a protein shake after a workout.
  3. Before bedtime. A large number of novice athletes are afraid to drink a protein shake at night so that it does not harm them, but there is nothing dangerous about it. The average amount of protein entering the body before bedtime activates the production of growth hormone, which will have a positive effect on the process of your body’s athletic progress.

There are several forms of protein supplements available today. Each of them has its own individual characteristics that should be taken into account when choosing it.

Let's look at the main types of sports protein, as well as the rules for taking them for the effective progression of lean body mass.

Using the data obtained, you can significantly increase productivity your workouts, but which protein should you prefer: whey or casein? Soy or casein? Egg or soy? Egg or whey?

  • Whey. How to take whey protein? With this information, a person can quickly lose extra pounds and begin to stimulate muscle growth. Trainers recommend using a whey cocktail not only for boys, but also for girls. If you want to say goodbye to extra pounds, then take whey proteins shortly before the start of your workout - calories will be burned before your eyes. Fast and, most importantly, harmless drying is guaranteed.
  • The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage required for you. In addition, it is worth noting that whey protein is also sold in tablet form. The active food supplement Whey, which includes a large amount of protein, is very popular. The carbohydrate dietary supplement Gainer is not far behind. Systematically, using them in equal quantities, you will be able to achieve high muscle growth in the shortest possible time.
  • Casein protein: how to take? The use of casein cocktail is not yet in great demand, so not all athletes have information on how to take casein protein. Casein is a complex milk protein that, during the souring process, forms a sediment that visually resembles a curd curd.
  • The advantageous feature of the product is that it has a storage function: it breaks down almost twice as long as whey, so it provides a sufficient amount of amino acids in the body over a long period of time. Due to this feature, it is recommended to use it in the evening before bed to preserve muscle mass during active sleep.
  • Having an idea of ​​how to properly drink a protein shake consisting of high-quality soy isolate, you can effortlessly lose a few extra pounds, while leaving muscle mass unchanged. Numerous studies have proven that the supplement in question helps eliminate “bad” cholesterol from the body.
  • Having a goal, you will quickly understand the rules for taking a soy cocktail and become the owner of a slim body. By regularly using this supplement, you not only get high training efficiency, but also significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases without harming the reproductive organs. Here are the features of soy protein.
  • The egg variety of the sports supplement has been awarded the title of the perfect form of protein. It includes all the amino acids necessary for the body to function properly. An experienced trainer will tell you how to properly take a protein shake that contains egg whites, after which you will experience noticeable progress in increasing muscle mass.

The undeniable advantages of egg protein are the absolute harmless and highly effective. Experts say that in parallel with egg white it is recommended

It seems that even the most backward sections of the population, who now stand in lines at sports stores, have understood the benefits of protein for losing weight and building muscles. But, it is important not only to buy protein, but also to know how to drink it correctly. And not everyone knows this.

The article reveals the main secrets of white powder.

There are two reasons for this:

  • the desire to lose weight not through muscle, but through fat;
  • for a quick gain of muscle mass.

How much protein should you take?

The minimum amount of protein that should be taken by those who want to build muscle is 1.5 grams per 1 kg of their body. The optimal amount is twice as much, i.e. 2 grams per 1 kg of weight.

The thing is that a person’s daily diet is richer in carbohydrates and fats than in protein. Therefore, in order to correctly calculate the amount of protein needed to take, in addition to weight, you need to know how much protein enters the body with food. In addition, protein powder does not contain as much protein as stated on the package. As a rule, 100 grams contain only 70%. Therefore, if you weigh, for example, 70 kg, 70% protein should be taken 100 g per day. If you weigh more, the amount of protein taken daily should be increased accordingly.

Another important factor to consider when choosing your protein dose is the intensity of your workout, or lack thereof, on a particular day.

Amount of protein in grams (daily value)

body weight
% squirrel
50 kg 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
90% 56 67 78 89 100 111
80% 62 75 87 100 112 125
70% 71 86 100 114 128 142
60% 83 100 117 134 151 168
50% 100 120 140 160 180 200

Knowing the amount of protein received per day from food, it is easy to calculate how much additional protein you need to take, i.e. contained in protein. For men during the period of weight gain, it usually needs from 200 to 300 grams. For women, this amount is smaller - 150-200 g. The measuring spoon, which usually comes with the powder, contains 30-50 g of protein.

How to take protein correctly?

To prevent lumps from forming and make drinking protein more enjoyable, it is recommended to use a blender to prepare the cocktail. If this device is not available, a shaker will do - a blender bottle with whipping balls inside. It is enough to shake the shaker vigorously to obtain a homogeneous liquid.

You can mix the protein with water or milk, but you can also mix it with juice (many people prefer the latter option). Although the optimal amount of liquid required is usually written on the package, this does not matter much. You can, for example, use the following proportion: for 30-50 g of protein - 300 ml of 0.5% milk, kefir, water or juice.

It is only important that the protein is mixed with a cold or room temperature liquid, because at higher temperatures the protein coagulates (denatures), losing its properties.

Should you drink protein before or after meals?

Protein intake is not associated with meals, but it is better to do it between them. Taking the powder depends more on your goal. To facilitate the absorption of protein, it is better to divide the daily dose into several doses - 2-3. It is difficult for the body to absorb a large amount of protein taken at a time.

If you take protein immediately after finishing your workout (to close the protein-carbon window) and mix it with creatine, you can achieve explosive muscle growth. You can also take it before training. In this case, the created amino acid pool will allow you to train more effectively.

If protein intake is associated with weight loss, it can be an ideal alternative to food. You should take it instead of dinner and snacks. Thus, without increasing the daily calorie intake, you can increase the amount of protein consumed per day.

How long to drink protein?

The fact is that protein is an analogue of regular food, so it is not addictive. Therefore, you can drink it without restrictions. There will be no harm from this, but the benefits are enormous.

What happens if you stop drinking protein?

There is a common myth that as soon as you stop drinking protein, your muscles will deflate. This is not entirely true. The main thing to maintain muscle is to eat more protein-rich foods.

Which protein do you prefer?

Fitness beginners should give preference to a multicomponent complex protein. By the way, they are the majority. For experienced athletes, single-component proteins - whey or casein - are more suitable.

Whey Protein is a whey protein. It is digested quite quickly, so amino acids enter the body almost immediately and in large volumes. This type of protein has pronounced immune properties. In addition, it contains large quantities of BCAA acids necessary for the synthesis of muscle tissue.

There are two types of whey protein available on the market - whey protein isolate and concentrate, which is not the purest product. It contains from 40 to 80 percent protein. While the protein content in the isolate reaches 90-95%. It is clear that isolate is more preferable, since it is of higher quality and rich in proteins.

Second, i.e. casein is a complex protein obtained as a result of enzymatic curdling of milk. When casein enters the stomach, it forms a long-digesting clot, which the body provides with amino acids all this time. It is recommended to drink it at night to prevent catabolism.

Video: How to take protein correctly

People who are actively involved in sports consume special nutrition to improve results. It definitely contains protein.

The supplement is an additional source of energy for creating muscle connections.

How to take it correctly

The dosage depends on the weight of the human body.

Studies have shown that an increase in muscle volume occurs when consuming a daily dose of 1.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Increasing loads helps increase the dose by 0.5-1 grams.

Intense training forces the body to adapt to changing conditions. The new muscle fibers created help you endure greater physical stress.

Improper use of protein - protein - disrupts the formation of muscle cells. As a result, the human body will be exhausted.

To avoid this, the average athlete will have to consume a large amount of protein per day. These are huge portions of protein foods that are impossible to take.

Therefore, there is a need to replace it with protein supplements containing an increased amount of protein.

Types of protein

The division into groups occurs according to the product from which the additive is made. Each type is available for separate purchase.

Formally, protein is:

  • fast;
  • slow.

The first type is whey – is absorbed in the body in a short time by almost 100%.

The second is casein – has a complex composition, so splitting into components takes a long time.

“Fast” proteins

The reference protein is found in eggs, so egg is considered the standard. The additive is hypoallergenic.

The body will not accept excess.

The table shows the relationship between the amount of protein and the rate of protein intake.

Protein in the morning before or after meals

You should take a casein type of supplement in the morning. Due to the rapid breakdown in the body, it is better to take a dose before meals - immediately after waking up.

You can make a milkshake with the required portion added. A bodybuilder's breakfast should contain proteins - boiled eggs, omelet. Oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, and muesli are also suitable.

The human body went without food during the night, so in the morning it is important to restore the protein balance. This can be done with the help of correctly used.

The result will be a charge of vigor and readiness to perform exercises.

Pre-workout protein

There is no need to consume a protein shake before the activity itself, it will not be beneficial.

However, if two hours before training you did not have lunch consisting of high-protein foods, you should take care of the condition of your muscles and drink a portion of the mixture.

It will provide the athlete's body with the amount of protein necessary to maintain energy.

If your last meal was 3-4 hours before you started exercising, you should also take a protein supplement. It increases the amount of amino acids in the bodybuilder's body.

They, in turn, contribute to the effective recovery of muscle fibers at the end of the workout.

Proteins after training

Protein synthesis promotes the breakdown of muscle cells in the body. To prevent this from happening, drink a protein shake immediately after completing a set of exercises.

The anabolic state of muscles lasts up to 48 hours. But the body’s maximum demand for additional material – protein – is present in the first 2 hours.

This process, called the training window, must be accompanied by the use of whey protein supplements.

Taking protein before bed

Consuming casein proteins before going to bed is beneficial for an exercising person . During sleep, the body continues its recovery processes.

To help him revive lost fibers and acquire new ones, you need to take a protein shake.

The nutritional supplement helps keep protein levels normal. A long process of sleep is forced fasting. The amino acids obtained from casein protein will enter the bloodstream overnight.

What foods contain protein?

Food of animal origin contains the largest amount of proteins per 100 grams of product. These include all types of meat, including fish, milk and products made from it, eggs.

Protein-rich foods:

  • nuts – cashews, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts;
  • legumes – peas, beans, lentils;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, cabbage, avocado, zucchini;
  • figs

During training aimed at increasing muscle mass, it is necessary to follow a diet high in protein foods. A specialist can help you compile it.

Attention! Chaotic eating and unbalanced nutrition will not help build muscle.

How to choose and buy whey protein for a beginner

. Consumption will depend only on the type and quantity.

Bodybuilders who have experience taking different protein shakes can easily determine the supplements that are suitable for their body. But what should a beginner do?

When choosing a protein, you should follow these tips:

  1. Buy products only in specialized sports nutrition stores. The consultants there know everything about their products.
  2. Study the composition. A good concentrate should contain low levels of fat and carbohydrates (1-5 grams), high levels of protein (20-30 grams).
  3. Use protein mixtures of natural origin. The composition of such a substance should not contain more than 10 components.
  4. Pass a medical examination and consult with a trainer.

Compliance with these rules will help you choose a protein that is suitable in composition and action. There are a lot of unknown companies on the protein supplement market.

It is better to ignore them and use time-tested companies.

Reasons for the lack of the desired result

The root cause of the absence is the insufficient amount of protein consumed by the athlete.

When the protein dose is increased to 20 grams per day, muscle fibers increase. If protein is taken in the maximum amount, but there is no result, then the reason is different.

An incorrect training program, the amount of physical activity, and intensity affect the growth of muscle mass.

Adjusting the training regimen, changing the coach, or changing the gym will help solve the problem.

In addition, the speed of achieving results is influenced by a person’s weight, physique and the quality of sports nutrition.

Buying cheap supplements means deliberately harming your own body.

Is there any harm possible?

Protein is a building element in the human body.

Its use in itself cannot harm. But intensive protein intake can negatively affect kidney function, so people with kidney disease or other chronic ailments should first consult with their doctor.

Taking protein may trigger an allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to carefully study the composition.

Perhaps a person has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the supplement. A similar reaction can occur even to the highest quality product.

Attention! It is necessary to monitor the condition of the body and change supplements if adverse reactions occur.


It is important to decide on the purpose of future training – whether it’s weight gain or weight loss, undergo a series of examinations, consult with a trainer.

Depending on this, try it out. Over time, the athlete understands which type of supplement is right for him.

The most backward sections of the population, it seems, have already realized how useful protein is in building muscles and are standing in line at sports stores. But not everyone knows how to drink protein correctly in order to achieve their goals. Revealing the secrets of white powder!

Why take protein

Protein is taken in 2 cases:

  • when losing weight, to lose weight through fat, not muscle;
  • at .

We hope one of the goals suits you.

How much protein should you drink?

For muscle growth, the minimum protein you need to take is 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. A good indicator is 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

The problem with protein is that your diet can often lack it. Our daily diet is much richer in fat and carbohydrates than in proteins.

To determine how much extra protein you need to take, you need to know not only how much you weigh, but also how much protein you get from regular foods. On average, a person eats 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

You also need to know that there are not exactly as many grams of protein in a protein powder as there are in a can. Typically, 100 g contains about 70% protein. This means that if you weigh 70 kg, you need to take 100 g of 70% protein. Weigh more - take more.

Another factor that will also matter is the intensity of the workout (or whether there is a workout that day at all).

Daily Value of Protein (grams)

body weight
% squirrel
50 kg 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
90% 56 67 78 89 100 111
80% 62 75 87 100 112 125
70% 71 86 100 114 128 142
60% 83 100 117 134 151 168
50% 100 120 140 160 180 200

Calculate how much extra protein powder you need based on the amount of protein you typically get from food. During the period of mass gain, a man needs 200-300 g of protein per day, a woman - 150-200 g. The measuring spoon, which usually comes with protein, is 30-50 g of powder.

How to take protein

To mix a protein shake efficiently, it makes sense to purchase a blender - this device will prepare your shake completely without lumps. If you don’t have a blender, use a shaker (blender bottle - usually inside such a bottle there is a whipping ball that needs to be shaken properly). It is customary to mix protein with water or milk (some, by the way, use juice). The amount of water does not matter; usually the optimal amount of water for 1 cocktail is written on the powder packaging. For example, take 30-50 g of powder and 300 ml of liquid (0.5% milk, water, kefir, juice). The only rule: mix the powder with cold or room temperature water. In hot water, the protein denatures (coagulates) and loses a number of its properties.

How to drink protein - before or after meals?

Protein intake is not related to or dependent on meals - it depends on your goals. It is best to divide the daily dose into 2-3 doses - it will be difficult for the body to absorb such an amount of protein at once. Take protein between meals. It is best to take it at noon and immediately after training to close the protein-carbohydrate window. Secret: if you mix protein with creatine after a workout, muscle growth will be explosive. You can also consume protein before training to create an amino acid pool that will allow you to train more effectively.

If you're losing weight, protein may be the perfect meal replacement for you. For example, use it instead of snacks or replace it with dinner. This will increase the amount of protein you consume per day without increasing your daily caloric intake.

How long can you drink protein?

Good news: protein is similar to regular food and is not addictive. Drink it as long as you like, it will not harm you.

What happens if you stop drinking protein?

Contrary to popular myth, your muscles will not "deflate" if you stop drinking protein. Just try to eat more protein-rich foods - that's all!

What kind of protein should you drink?

If you are new to fitness, a complete multi-ingredient protein is perfect for you. These are the majority of proteins. For experienced athletes, single-component proteins - casein or whey - are suitable.

Casein- a complex protein that is the result of enzymatic curdling of milk. Once in the stomach, casein forms a kind of clot, which is digested for quite a long time and throughout this time provides the body with amino acids. That is why it is recommended to drink casein at night to avoid catabolism.

Whey Protein- This is whey protein, which is digested very quickly, due to which amino acids enter the body quickly and in large volumes. Whey protein also has strong immune properties. Whey protein also contains large amounts of BCAA acids, which are necessary for the synthesis of muscle tissue. There are two types of whey protein widely available in the market - whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate.

Whey protein concentrate is not the purest product: it contains between 40% and 80% protein. Whey protein isolate is a product containing 90-95% protein. So we advise you to stick to isolate as a higher quality and richer source of protein.

Good luck with your protein intake!

In order to successfully build muscle mass, you need to supply your body with protein in excess quantities. A large amount of natural protein is known to be found in such products. But do not forget that the same foods are rich in cholesterol, an excessive amount of which leads to various diseases and adversely affects the functioning of the heart. Therefore, you should be very careful about a high-protein diet.

An alternative option for protein nutrition is the use of concentrated protein mixtures. They do not contain cholesterol and, therefore, do not harm the body. Still, some experienced bodybuilders prefer natural protein, citing the fact that powder mixtures do not provide the same effect. The fact is that different types of proteins act on the body differently, so it is very important to develop an individual protein nutrition strategy depending on the desired result.

It is worth noting that the effect of protein on the human body has not yet been fully studied. Regularly, with the conduct of new scientific experiments, new facts emerge, often destroying some of our previous ideas and knowledge in this area.

An obvious advantage over all other types of proteins is recognized for whey. Most manufacturers are switching to producing exclusively whey protein products. Indeed, this type of protein is most easily absorbed by the body and supplies the blood with amino acids most quickly. But the paradox is that rapid absorption does not imply the same increased anabolism. In order to accelerate the growth of muscle mass with the help of whey protein, it must be consumed literally every half hour.

French researchers conducted an interesting experiment

Different protein supplements were developed for four groups of bodybuilders. The first group took casein milk protein, which is slowly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, once a day. The second group also took free amino acids as a supplement once a day. Participants in the third group were given whey protein once a day. And finally, representatives of the fourth group also consumed whey protein, but much more often - 13 times a day every 20 minutes. 7 hours after taking the protein, a study of the level of anabolism was carried out based on measuring the leucine balance.

According to the results, it turned out that it works much better than amino acids, since the level of anabolism in the first group was higher than in the second. The third group showed the lowest level of anabolism. Whey, being quickly absorbed by the body, is no less quickly eliminated from it, as a result of which the remaining time the level of amino acids in the blood drops and the muscles do not receive sufficient nutrition for growth. The highest level of anabolism was recorded in the fourth group of subjects.

Thus, it has been scientifically proven which type of protein should be taken to successfully build muscle mass. But in practice, everything turns out to be not as simple and unambiguous as in theory. Let's look at real-life examples that clearly demonstrate the capabilities of different proteins in relation to lifestyle and diet.

  • If you have such a busy day ahead that you won’t have time to have lunch, then the best option would be a reception casein early in the morning. It will be gradually absorbed by the body, gradually saturating the blood with amino acids and maintaining anabolism at a stable level throughout the day. In this case, a one-time dose of the serum during the day will not give any effect.
  • Reception of the same casein is very effective before bed. Whey acts for a very short time, while casein will “work” on the muscles until the morning.
  • Sharply load the body with amino acids using Whey protein will be very useful immediately after finishing your workout.
  • If your lifestyle is free from external limiting factors, you should consume small portions of whey protein as often as possible. The intervals between doses should not exceed three hours.
  • If circumstances arise when you definitely cannot eat food within the next few hours, it is again better to take casein protein. Remember that your main goal is to maintain the level of anabolism.

Nutrition strategy

Developing a balanced nutrition strategy to build a beautiful body and build muscle mass is very closely related to maintaining the anabolic process in the body. It is clear that there is no one universal protein that would completely solve this problem. In each specific case, you have to use a specific power supply scheme. But in addition to the described function, proteins also play another, no less important and even more useful role in the body. For example, whey protein contains small amounts of peptides: alpha-, beta-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins. Each of them performs its own vital functions, such as, for example, antimicrobial and antioxidant, for which lactoferrin is responsible.

The results of experiments conducted on animals prove that the immune system is strengthened under the influence of whey protein. In addition, it helps to increase the content of the main antioxidant glutathione in human blood. If additional nutrition in the form of whey protein is introduced into a person’s diet, which is sufficiently rich in natural proteins, an increase in muscle mass will be inevitable.

There is also soy protein, which, according to scientists, also helps increase muscle mass. These statements are made based on experiments performed on animals. Research results have shown that isoflavones contained in soy protein enhance anabolism.

To briefly summarize all of the above, when choosing a protein diet, various factors must be taken into account. If your meals are irregular during the day, choose casein. Whey protein is used when frequent meals are possible. At the same time, it is recommended to consume other types of proteins that will provide the most complete nutrition to the muscles and bring overall benefits to the body as a whole.

Video “How to take protein”
