How is mineral water made? Underground mineral waters

Where does mineral water come from?
Mineral waters are waters used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, which contain biologically active mineral components. Mineral waters are usually obtained from underground water sources. In this case they are called natural mineral waters. Currently, artificial mineral waters are also produced.

Origin of natural mineral waters

Aquifers form in the thickness of the earth's crust. Water enters them either along with sediments, or is filtered from sea water, or is formed by combining hydrogen and oxygen from magma. Such waters by origin are called filtration, infiltration and deep, respectively.


Mineral waters often come to the surface of the earth in the form of springs or springs. At the point where the water comes out, a special well is installed - a captage. Its above-ground part is called the pump room. A pavilion is being built above it. If the water does not come to the surface of the earth, then a well is drilled. Not only businessmen or Forex traders, but also less wealthy people often visit resorts with mineral springs, such as Truskovets, Kislovodsk, Karlovy Vary and others.

Characteristics of mineral waters

Mineral waters are very diverse in their composition and physical properties. Therefore, the following characteristics are used to classify them:

1. General mineralization. The concentration of all ions, expressed in grams per liter.

According to general mineralization, mineral waters are divided into:

Low mineralization waters – up to 2 g/l;
low mineralization water – 2-5 g/l;
water of average mineralization – 5-15 g/l;
water of high mineralization – 15-35 g/l;
brines – 35-150 g/l;
strong brines – more than 150 g/l.

Water of low and medium mineralization is usually prescribed internally. They are also sold in bottled form. High mineralization waters have a laxative effect. Before ingestion, brines are diluted with ordinary fresh water. Waters of various mineralizations are used as an external agent.

2. Ionic composition. The ratio of biologically active ions in water.

The most common ions in mineral waters are sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, bicarbonate and sulfate ions. The concentration of ions is denoted as equivalent percent (eq%), that is, as a percentage of the equivalent mass of an ion in the sum of the equivalent masses of all ions. The name of water is formed from the names of the main ions contained in it, if their concentration is above 20 eq%. In addition, water may contain other biologically active components in small quantities: iodine, bromine, fluorine, iron, manganese, organic substances, radioactive substances, etc.

3. Gas composition. The content of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and nitrogen in water is of greatest importance.

4. Active reaction. pH value or acidity.

Waters are distinguished:

Strongly acidic – pH less than 3.5;
acidic – pH 3.5-7.2;
slightly alkaline – pH 7.2-8.5;
alkaline - pH greater than 8.5.

5. Water temperature.

Waters are classified according to temperature:

Cold – up to 20 degrees Celsius;
warm or low-thermal - 21-35 degrees;
hot or thermal - 36-42 degrees;
very hot or high thermal - above 42 degrees.

Thus, the full name of mineral water may look like this:

Essentuki No. 17 – carbonated water of medium mineralization, sodium bicarbonate-chloride, slightly acidic, cold.

Depending on the nature of the chemical composition, nine balneological groups of mineral waters are distinguished:

I. Mineral waters, the effect of which is determined by mineralization and ionic composition.
II. Carbon dioxide waters.
III. Hydrogen sulfide waters.
IV. Ferrous waters.
V. Bromine, iodine and iodine-bromine waters.
VI. Siliceous thermal waters.
VII. Arsenic-containing waters.
VIII. Radon or radioactive waters.
IX. Boron-containing waters.

Application of mineral waters

Artificial mineral waters are prescribed as an external remedy. Only natural water is used inside.

Options for external use of mineral waters:

Mineral baths;
therapeutic pools;
underwater traction;

You can also rinse your mouth or throat with mineral water, use microenemas with mineral water, do inhalations, etc.

Bottled mineral waters

Bottled mineral waters are used for drinking. They are divided into three groups: medical, medical-table and dining rooms.

Medicinal mineral waters include waters with a mineralization of 8-12 g/l or other mineralization values, if they contain trace elements and organic substances in high concentrations. You can take such waters only under the supervision of a doctor. Understanding the types of mineral waters for a modern person is as important as knowing what Forex or a mobile phone are. This will help restore lost health, cope with chronic diseases and organize proper nutrition.

Medicinal table waters have a mineralization of 2-8 g/l. They can be taken as prescribed by a doctor as medicinal waters, or independently, if done infrequently.

Mineralization of table waters is below 2 g/l. They do not contain active ingredients.

During bottling, mineral waters are saturated with carbon dioxide. This is done so that air does not penetrate into the bottles, which can change the physical and chemical properties of water. Mineral water must be bottled in yellow or green glass bottles and must be transparent, colorless, without foreign inclusions. Only a small sediment of mineral salts is allowed.

If you store water in a bottle at a temperature from -4 to +14 degrees in a dark place, its beneficial qualities will be preserved. The shelf life is usually one year.

For treatment, mineral water must be taken in a certain way. When prescribing mineral water, the doctor is obliged to give specific recommendations for use. Understanding the types of mineral waters for a modern person is as important as knowing what Forex or a mobile phone are. This will help restore lost health, cope with chronic diseases and organize proper nutrition.

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It seems like a very easy task. And at first glance it may seem so. After all, nature itself took care of the quality and benefits of the product. All the entrepreneur needs to do is drill a well and install a tap so that water flows into the bottles immediately. This is only a superficial knowledge of the process. If we take a deeper look at the issue of mineral water production, a lot of nuances will appear, without which it is impossible to set up the high-quality operation of a plant for bottling medicinal drinks.

Mineral water

In order to understand how complex the process of producing bottled medicinal water is, let’s figure out what mineral waters are. Firstly, it is a mineral that is formed in the depths of the earth and flows to the surface or is mined using drilling rigs. But where does water come from in the earth? There are several hypotheses for the formation of mineral waters:

  • Water that has entered the earth as a result of the process of infiltration (seepage) from the surface.
  • Water released from mineral rocks by metamorphic and volcanic processes.
  • Water from buried reservoirs during the accumulation of sedimentary rocks.

Subsequently, the water circulates in the thickness of geological rocks and undergoes various changes: it is saturated with salts, gases, radioactive elements and organic components. As a result of a long time, under the influence of external factors, underground waters with a unique composition are formed, which people have learned to use for medicinal purposes.

The healing properties of mineral waters have been known since ancient times. Many rulers organized places near the springs flowing to the surface where they could improve their health. Mineral waters were used for baths, inhalations or simply ingestion. Depending on the composition of dissolved components and their concentration, mineral waters have different purposes. This article will only consider waters used for food purposes.

Types of mineral waters

Depending on what defining characteristics are used for separation, mineral waters are differentiated into different types. Let's consider the most popular classification based on the concentration of dissolved elements:

  1. Table mineral waters. The concentration of dissolved substances is less than 1 g/l. Such natural drinks can be freely used in everyday life without restrictions, like drinking water.
  2. Medical canteens. The concentration ranges from 1 to 10 g/l. These waters have healing properties due to the higher salt content in the solution or the presence of biological components. Can be used without restrictions.
  3. Medicinal waters with a salt content of more than 10 g/l. The intake of such waters takes place only under the supervision of a doctor according to a strictly planned plan.

The first two types of water are freely sold in any supermarket or pharmacy, and in order to drink an ion-cation cocktail, you do not need to ask your doctor for permission. The situation is different with medicinal mineral waters. Their consumption is possible only according to a certain scheme drawn up by a doctor. You won’t find a bottle labeled “medicinal mineral water” in supermarkets. In order for the effect of taking it to be positive, it is recommended to drink medicinal waters only in balneological sanatoriums or mineral resorts.

Beneficial effect of mineral waters

Everyone knows that, first of all, mineral water, when taken orally, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Kidney diseases can be treated with the help of medicinal drinks. Also, table and medicinal table waters can be used for inhalation to help the upper respiratory tract in case of diseases.

Extraction of mineral waters

It is known that mineral waters are extracted from the earth by drilling wells. Sometimes their depth is more than one and a half thousand meters (for example, the well for the extraction of Borjomi mineral waters). It happens that water itself finds its way to the surface of the earth through cracks in rock layers.

To preserve the uniqueness of natural deep waters, it is necessary to ensure the isolation of the mining process. Mixing mineral waters from different aquifers is strictly prohibited. For this purpose, specialists carefully develop a project for drilling a future well. It must include a clause on the abandonment or conservation of the well. And so that the extraction of mineral waters is not considered barbaric, it is necessary to take into account how much water will flow during self-flow. After all, only in this way will the healing liquid pumped out of the depths be restored again.

Technology for the production of mineral and drinking water

Before bottled mineral water, which has risen through wells to the surface, it is necessary to go through several more production stages. About each in order:

  1. Water spilled from the well first falls into a special container, in which it is accumulated for further use in production.
  2. The next stage is cooling. Firstly, many mineral waters have a specific odor that disappears when cooled. Secondly, the low water temperature is comfortable for bottling.
  3. Afterwards, the water is purified from various impurities using filters. Natural environmental materials are used as cleaning substances: coal, sand, etc.
  4. The bacteriological safety of water is ensured by the stage of ultraviolet exposure to water. It is the spectrum of light that can destroy harmful microorganisms without disturbing the structure of water.
  5. Carbon dioxide enrichment. This event is carried out in order to preserve the beneficial properties of mineral waters for a long time. Plus it tastes better to drink.
  6. Blowing plastic bottles from special blanks.
  7. Filling of products into containers and transportation to the warehouse. After forwarding to the point of sale.


In order for a mineral water production plant to operate, it must be equipped with special equipment:

  1. Special reservoirs (large tanks) where water from the well will accumulate.
  2. Pumps that will pump water through pipes.
  3. Filters for purifying water from unwanted mechanical impurities.
  4. Ultraviolet lamps for water disinfection.
  5. A device designed to saturate water with carbon dioxide.
  6. Automatic machine for pouring water into containers.
  7. A device that will blow plastic bottles from blanks.
  8. Label gluing machine.
  9. A device that automatically or semi-automatically closes bottles hermetically.
  10. Large volume sterile containers in which purified water will be stored for bottling.

To control quality at the plant, it is necessary to organize a laboratory in which the chemical composition of the source waters and their safety, as well as compliance with the standards of the finished product, will be checked. It is advisable to have a warehouse on the territory of the enterprise for storing manufactured goods.

Mineral water production business

Despite the fact that today there are many factories in the country and abroad that are engaged in the extraction and bottling of mineral waters, this area remains promising. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the resource base is limitless, because with proper operation of the well, the supply of mineral water is restored. To create a full production cycle of special units, little is required; the technology for producing mineral water does not contain complex schemes and steps. Secondly, the equipment varies in price: from inexpensive to exclusive. Thirdly, the damage caused to nature is minimal (unlike, for example, wastewater from the production of mineral fertilizers). The profitability of such an enterprise is about 30%. The equipment will be able to pay for itself within a year.

Why is the production of mineral water an idea for a promising business with high profits? The popularity of bottled water has grown significantly in recent years. They buy it not only in the heat, but also at home, in the office, in the gym and on the road. We tell you what types of mineral waters exist and what their benefits are, how to produce bottled water, how much costs will be required and how quickly they will pay off.

Mineral water has a high content of salts, trace elements and biologically active components. They are extracted from aquifers or complexes isolated from human influence. It should be understood that not all water from underground sources, and especially not all drinking water, can be considered mineral, although in speech it is often called that way.

The composition of mineral waters makes them a medicinal and prophylactic agent, the use of which is strictly dosed. Often the most intense ones are drunk in courses. All mineral water is usually divided into:

  1. Dining room. The lowest salt content is up to 1 gram per liter. Suitable for regular use. It is harmless to most people, its effect is preventive.
  2. Medical canteen. It has a high salt content, from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter. It can have a healing effect, but especially saturated formulations should be consumed in accordance with the dosage, and in case of diseases of the stomach and kidneys - only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Medicinal. The salt content exceeds 10 grams in 1 liter. Sold only in pharmacies and used as prescribed by a doctor.

Depending on the composition, mineral water can be table water, medicinal table water, or medicinal water.

There is another classification based on ionic composition:

  1. Hydrocarbonate. The healing effect is to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Useful for urolithiasis. Using the dosage and method of use, you can accelerate or inhibit secretion.
  2. Chloride. It has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and intestines. Speeds up metabolism.
  3. Sulfate. Helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Useful for diabetes, excess weight, chronic hepatitis.
  4. Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sulfate. Helps soften chronic gastritis, reduces the amount of gastric juice.
  5. Bicarbonate-sulfate calcium. Useful for chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. Chloride-sulfate. Indicated for use by those who are overweight, with diabetes, gout and diseases of the biliary tract.
  7. Mineral-organic. Helps treat chronic kidney disease.
  8. Glandular. Treatment of thyroid diseases, iron deficiency anemia.

The benefits of mineral water

Mineral water is useful and can demonstrate a therapeutic effect only if the method of its intake is followed. To achieve maximum effect, it is not drunk like water, but taken hourly, in certain dosages at a certain temperature. For example, when cold it can enhance the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and when warm it can relieve spasms.

The general therapeutic effect on the body of a healthy person is to strengthen the skin, bones, hair and nails, increase immunity, regulate the acid-base balance, increase hemoglobin and replenish fluid balance.

The effect of water on the body directly depends on its composition, therefore, in case of specific diseases, you should drink mineral water with a salt content of more than 1 gram as prescribed by a doctor.

Technology for the production of drinking and mineral bottled water

Due to high demand, the water business promises to be promising. In simple terms, then There are 2 technologies:

  • production of natural mineral water (extraction from wells, processing and packaging);
  • production of artificial mineral water (salt and microelements are added to purified water).

The first type is the most in demand and is rightly considered more useful. In this article, we will look at the production and sale of natural mineral water.

The process begins with pumping water out of wells using industrial pumps. Freshly extracted water necessarily contains foreign impurities; it may have a cloudy tint, so it is sent for filtration. Coal and sand are usually used for this. But such purification is not enough, because microorganisms live in water. They get rid of them using ultraviolet radiation.

The production of sparkling water seems more promising - the demand for it is higher. Therefore, after purification and ultraviolet treatment, the water is passed through a saturator, in which it is saturated with carbon dioxide and becomes carbonated. Next, the final stage is bottling into plastic or glass containers. Most of these companies prefer to produce bottles themselves: this allows them to use a proprietary design and ultimately turns out to be more cost-effective than purchasing containers from another manufacturer.

The depth of a mineral water well can reach 1500 meters

Features of mineral water extraction

A business plan for the production of drinking water must take into account some features of the extraction of this product. Mineral water is pumped out from wells, the depth of which can reach 1500 meters. It is believed that suitable water already lies at a depth of 100 meters, but You can get truly unique and healing compounds from a depth of 300 meters. The depth and composition of the water depend on the region.

It is not enough to simply drill a deep well, install a pump and pump out water. With this approach, it will not be possible to preserve the unique composition of the water, and the sad consequence of this approach will be the depletion of the well. Water extraction begins with the preparation of a well design, which provides for a certain volume of production, self-flow (needs to be calculated to prevent depletion of the well) and conservation. Only specialists with specialized education can develop and implement such a project.

Equipment for the production of

The production of drinking water requires the following lines of machinery and equipment:

  1. Well pump operating at a depth of 100 meters. Pumps out water and directs it to the production line.
  2. Filter for water purification for production. Groundwater is not suitable for consumption without filtration. To clean it, coal, sand and special multi-stage filtration systems are used. It is better to choose multifunctional devices that simultaneously perform several water treatment options.
  3. Saturator, installation for carbonation. The water is cooled and saturated with carbon dioxide. Carbonated drinks not only sell better, but also retain their healing properties better.
  4. Reservoirs and tanks. Used to store liquids at intermediate production stages.
  5. Equipment for a water bottling line. Most enterprises purchase a block for the production of plastic bottles; this turns out to be more profitable than purchasing containers from other manufacturers. More expensive water is usually bottled in glass.
  6. Packaging equipment and label machine. The bottles are placed in briquettes and covered with polyethylene for ease of transportation.

The total cost of equipment for the water bottling line will be approximately 1.5 million rubles. This amount does not include drilling and construction of a well. Sometimes the water is additionally saturated with oxygen. This process is called ozonation and is carried out using special equipment. Its approximate cost is 260 thousand rubles. This machine is also used to disinfect containers.

Premises for organizing production

To fit all the necessary equipment in one room, you will need an area of ​​300 square meters. The location of the workshop should be as close as possible to the well. All communications will be required - electricity, gas supply - and convenient access roads. Most equipment runs on electricity, so you need a reliable connection and a backup generator.

Before launching the line, you will have to pass an inspection by the sanitary and epidemiological service. The main requirement of this regulatory body is the absence of harmful materials in the finishing of the workshop that could get into the water during filtration and bottling. The fire inspectorate will check emergency exits and the reliability of the electrical network.

Pay special attention to the warehouse. If the water is properly treated and hermetically sealed, no special storage conditions are needed. A fairly large area with a flat floor where packaged products can be stored. Temperature about 15 degrees, low humidity (high moisture content in the air will damage the labels).

Plastic and glass containers are used for mineral water

Selection of containers

Mineral water is poured into 2 types of containers:

  • glass;
  • plastic.

Glass containers are considered more beneficial from an environmental point of view, as they do not pollute the environment and can be recycled. Many buyers are confident that glass containers are safe for them because they do not release any harmful substances into the water. However, making such containers is more difficult; it will cost the manufacturer many times more. In the future, these expenses will definitely pay off. Water on tap in glass containers is perceived by consumers as more elite, so they are willing to pay more for it.

Plastic bottles are more economically profitable for the manufacturer, because equipment for plastic containers can be located in its own workshop. It is not as expensive, and working on it is not as labor-intensive as making glass vessels. The price of a turnkey PET water bottling line will be approximately 900 thousand rubles.

Costs and payback

Organizing the production of bottled water with your own well at a depth of 300 meters is quite expensive. All expenses are divided into 4 directions:

  • well (design, drilling, maintenance) - cost negotiable, but not less than 500 thousand rubles;
  • production line - from 3 million rubles;
  • container production line - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • workshop rental/construction, transport and other expenses.

You should not expect less than 3 million rubles to launch such an enterprise; a more realistic amount is 5 million. Add to this payment for utilities and payroll.

How quickly the investment will pay off depends on the level of sales. Medium-capacity equipment will produce approximately 10 thousand liters of mineral water per shift. It will be sold in different containers: from 0.33 to 1.5 liters. The average cost of a liter of such water is higher than that of ordinary drinking water - 35–40 rubles. For a shift it turns out to be 400 thousand rubles, for a month - about 11 million rubles. The trade margin will be about 30%, that is, approximately 3 million rubles will be the net profit of the enterprise.


The production of mineral water is quite promising and has a quick payback. You will have to invest approximately 5 million rubles in organizing the enterprise. The exact cost is determined by the depth of the well, the power of the equipment, and the type of container. With proper organization, you will be able to earn 2-3 million rubles in the first month, and in the first year of work you will be able to recoup 100% of all starting investments.

Today we are going with you to produce natural mineral water from a hundred-meter-deep artesian well. Artesian water is reliably protected by thirty-meter layers of clay with various impurities and water-resistant clay of Jurassic age.

The limestone aquifer beneath them is even older. And the water was stored in it for centuries. Over the long period of the well's existence, there have never been any complaints about the microbiology of the water, and its chemical composition has never changed.

So, first, water is extracted from a well. The well is a concreted pipe going deep underground. There is nothing interesting to see here.

The water then enters a reverse osmosis system, where it is purified of impurities to the desired level.
And then soft and hard water are mixed in certain proportions.

Then we need to make a bottle into which we will pour water. For this, these PET preforms are used.

And this is what a mold for blowing 1.5 liter bottles looks like.

They are blown out in a machine like this. The total productivity of the blowing shop is 9 thousand bottles of various capacities, shapes and colors per hour.

And here is the conveyor line along which the blown bottles move to the next unit.

The bottles are moved using powerful fans that blow them along the conveyor.

Then the bottles go into the bottling unit. Here they are rinsed with water, filled and covered with a lid.

In the case of the production of sweet drinks, there are six blending tanks where syrups are prepared and added to the water.

Internals of the bottling apparatus.

Stoppers for closing bottles.

Along the entire length of the conveyor there are photocells that track the movement of products, but in addition there is always an operator nearby who monitors possible defects.

Sticking labels.

General view of the first line conveyor from above.

The labels have been pasted.

The bottles are collected in front of the packaging machine.

They line up in orderly rows.

Wrapped with shrink film.

And they go into the oven.

After the oven, they are blown with a large fan.

And they continue moving along the conveyor belt.

Here they are pasted with a barcode.

And they send it to the warehouse.

Let's take a walk along the neighboring second line, which was under maintenance at the time of filming.

Conveyor control.

Let's take a look from above again.

Apparatus for carbonating water.


The insides of the bottling machine, the bottles here move along two circles, are first washed, then they are filled and the cap is immediately screwed on.

Photocells on the line, plus a lamp allowing the operator to visually monitor the level of filling of bottles with water.

Labels for 1.5 liter bottles.

The neighboring workshop produces 5-liter bottles.

We take a PET preform.

The device mixes the preforms with simple movements in such a way that sometimes they catch on the top edge and are sent further.

First, the preform is heated.

Then it is placed in a blow mold and the bottle is ready in a second.


Next, fill the bottles with water. Filling occurs gradually, since this ensures constant progress of the conveyor.

Screw on the lid.

We attach the handle for carrying.

Paste the label.

And we send the products to the warehouse. Here the products are placed on Euro pallets and wrapped with film.

This concludes our tour. I express my deep gratitude to the DANA company for their help in organizing this photography.

Mineral water is a category of natural water containing dissolved salts and a number of biologically active microelements in its structure. It is extracted from horizons that have retained their natural chemical composition. It belongs to the category of food products, and in the case of a high content of biological components, it is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Mineral waters are classified into:
- drinking;
- actually, minerals for external and internal use;
- therapeutic and prophylactic and others.

Location of mineral waters

Rocks contain water of varying quality and reserves. The conditions of its occurrence are directly dependent on the physical properties of the rocks. These include porosity, that is, rocks containing small pores (voids) and porosity, that is, rocks containing large pores.

But the issue of the formation of underground water reserves does not have a single point of view. There are several hypotheses regarding their origin on this score. For example, according to the theory of infiltration, accumulation occurs by the seepage of precipitation into the ground. And according to the theory of condensation, the origin of underground moisture is due to atmospheric water vapor penetrating and condensing in the cold earth’s crust. Below is a zone of so-called slow water exchange. Pressure or artesian resources are formed in them.

The formation of mineral resources is a very long process. In fact, the chemical and even bacteriological composition of natural natural waters is formed under the influence of continuous natural factors. This is the geological structure of the basin and its influence on the composition of the rock, coupled with physical and biochemical processes. Climate, volcanic activity with changes in relief, one way or another, have a gravitational and electromagnetic effect on the mixing of formation waters. Many issues of the formation of natural sources with a saturated composition of carbon dioxide and other mineralization remain controversial. Taking into account a brief summary of the hydrogeological situation, the depth of their occurrence in different regions of the earth's surface is different.

Extraction of mineral water

Extraction of mineral resources is carried out in accordance with technical projects agreed with the federal bodies of Gosgortekhnadzor. Along with standard requirements for drilling operations, projects for conservation and abandonment of wells are also provided, as well as the implementation of the entire package of documents relating to the extraction of mineral waters. Serious attention is paid to the isolation of different horizons to prevent the mixing of different types of waters. Mineral resources are selected using the so-called intermittent tap method. This is due to a possible change in physical and chemical properties and a negative impact on the technical and operational condition of the well. In this case, it is allowed to use their continuous selection.

If mineral waters are extracted with an admixture of, for example, oil, then the well is equipped with appropriate separators. In general, drilling operations are developed depending on the depth of the well and additional requirements when drilling for mineral springs. An important argument is the hydrogeological specificity of the deposit and, naturally, the quality of the raw materials.

Area of ​​use of mineral water

Mineral drinking waters are used for sanatorium treatment and dining. For the purpose of sale, they are bottled into airtight containers and artificially carbonated. In such packaging, carbon dioxide helps preserve the salt composition and medicinal properties. In resort conditions, various types of sources are used.

Mineral waters are classified according to types of diseases. Can be used for diseases of the intestines, biliary tract, and intestines. In general, you can use waters aimed at diseases of the digestive system. The approximate chemical composition is usually written on the label. But this data is useful for users who understand their disease.

For balneological purposes, only sources are used that are directly extracted from wells with a constant, unchanged chemical composition and protected from contamination. They can also be used outside resort facilities, bottled in measuring containers. The bottling is carried out at food industry enterprises with carbon dioxide saturation, which preserves the taste and chemical composition for a long time.

Waters are also used for external use. These include baths, swimming in pools, shower massage and others. Along with natural springs for medicinal purposes, artificially prepared mineral waters from pure lake or sea salt are also used. These are sulfur, oxygen, bromine - sodium and other baths.

Natural and artificial waters are also used for inhalations, colon lavage, enemas and other medical procedures.

Benefits of mineral waters

Natural mineral water is truly endowed with life-giving power:
- preserves the taste of cooked dishes for a long time, in comparison with main water;
- perfectly preserves the natural aroma of tea and coffee;
- with slightly less mineralization it is used in dry mixtures, diluting juices for infants;
- used as a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink;
- promotes proper and timely digestion of food.
- are able to compensate for losses (in the form of sweat and natural secretions), since it is considered the most saturated with calcium, magnesium salts and other elements.
- allows you to improve efficiency and increase life expectancy, since it compensates not only for the loss of moisture, but also some of the body’s salts.
- perfectly absorbed, reacts well to gastric juice with stimulation of intestinal activity.
- is widely used in cosmetology.

Disadvantages of mineral water

Low content of mineral salts:
- do not provide a nominal balance of minerals;
- contribute to the leaching of microelements accumulated in the body, which can lead to weakening of bone tissue;
- the absence or low percentage of fluoride causes caries and destruction of tooth enamel;
- lack of magnesium can lead to cardiovascular disease;
- Lack of iodine can cause growth retardation and mental retardation.

But highly mineralized moisture, for example, with sulfates and chlorides, will lead to the appearance of urolithiasis. And an excess of sodium chloride will certainly cause unhealthy functioning of the cardiovascular system.

As a warning, you need to take moderately mineralized water.
