How to properly inject into the thigh. How to easily inject yourself

In the thigh at home.

"Country of Soviets" warns: we will talk about intramuscular injections. Leave intravenous injections to the professionals. Moreover, if you have the opportunity, it is better to provide them with intramuscular injections.

But if you are prescribed a course of intramuscular injections, but there is no time to go to the nurse at the hospital, you will have to give injections at home with the involvement of your family and friends in the process.

So, intramuscular injections can be given:
- in the buttock (the simplest and most common option),
- in the thigh (we’ll stop there),
- in the hand.

If the doctor insisted on performing intramuscular injections in the thigh, or for some reason you are not able to perform an intramuscular injection in the buttock, do not be discouraged - placing an intramuscular injection in the thigh is not much more difficult than in the gluteal part.

What you will need

Cotton balls soaked in 96 alcohol
- three-component syringe 2.5 - 11 ml (depending on the volume of the medicine prescribed for administration),
- the drug prescribed for administration.


1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
2. Take the ampoule with the medicine, wipe thoroughly with alcohol.
3. Shake it well.
4. File and break off the tip, draw the medicine into the syringe.
5. Then tap the syringe with your finger to collect all the air bubbles at the top of the syringe into one, and little by little press the plunger to “push” the air bubble through the needle.
6. To make sure that there is no more air in the syringe, wait until the first drop of medicine appears from the needle.

Performing an injection

To determine the injection site, you need to sit on a stool and bend your knee. The injection site will be the upper third of the lateral surface of the thigh, i.e. the lateral part of the thigh, the muscle that hangs slightly (shaded in the figure).

1. Before performing the injection, relax your leg as much as possible.
2. The depth of needle insertion is 1-2 centimeters.
3. Take two cotton swabs and, one by one, lubricate the injection site with alcohol.
4. Retract your hand with the syringe and, at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface, insert the needle into the muscle with a decisive movement.
5. Slowly pressing the plunger with your right thumb, inject the medicine (caution: if you are using an outdated syringe design - two-part - with one hand, you may not be able to inject. In this case, it is better right hand hold the syringe barrel and press the plunger with your left hand).
6. Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, press the injection site and quickly remove the needle at an angle of 90 degrees. This will stop bleeding and reduce the risk of infection entering the body.
7. Then massage the affected muscle. This way the medicine will be absorbed faster, and the alcohol will disinfect the wound.

Safety regulations

1. Alternate injection sites - do not inject in the same thigh.
2. Use only imported syringes, because their needles are thin and sharp. Also, 2 cc syringes have a thinner needle than 5 cc syringes.
3. Never reuse a syringe or needle; the syringe must be thrown away after use!

First, we want to inform you that we will talk about intramuscular injections, and it makes sense to entrust more complex intravenous injections to professional doctors. But if you are intended for intramuscular injections, and there is no time to visit the clinic, such an injection can be successfully done at home, involving your family. Making an intramuscular injection into the thigh is no more difficult than making an injection into the buttock.

Intramuscular injection into the thigh

To do this, you will need cotton balls pre-moistened with alcohol, a three-component medical syringe with a capacity of 2.5-11 milliliters (depending on the volume of injection), as well as a drug intended for injection.

The injection must be carried out in the following sequence:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Wipe the ampoule intended for injection with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
  • Shake the ampoule several times.
  • File the tip, break it off and fill the syringe with medicine.
  • Turn the syringe over with the needle facing up and tap it with your finger so that air bubbles move into the top part syringe. By pressing the plunger of the syringe, squeeze out the air from the syringe. To make sure of this, wait for a drop of medicine to appear from the syringe needle.
  • To determine the injection site, sit on a stool and bend your knee. The place for the injection will be the upper third of the thigh on the side.

Preparing for a subcutaneous injection in the thigh

Before injecting, relax your leg as much as possible. Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, lubricate the injection site. You should move your hand with the syringe to the side at an angle of 90 degrees, and with an energetic movement of your hand, insert the needle into muscle mass. The needle should be inserted to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. Slowly press the plunger of the syringe and inject the medicine.

Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, press the area where the injection was made and quickly remove the needle at an angle of 90 degrees, which will avoid bleeding and reduce the possibility of infection at the injection site. Using the same cotton swab, massage the injection site for faster absorption of the medicine.

When performing intramuscular injections, injection sites should be alternated. You should not give injections to the same thigh all the time. If possible, use syringes with thin needles and a volume not much larger than the volume of the medication being injected. If a reusable glass syringe is used for injections, it must be thoroughly boiled to disinfect it before use.

how to give an injection in the leg?

  1. So, intramuscular injections can be given:
    - in the buttock (the simplest and most common option),
    - in the thigh (we will stop there),
    - in the hand.

    If the doctor insisted on performing intramuscular injections in the thigh, or for some reason you are not able to perform an intramuscular injection in the buttock, do not be discouraged - placing an intramuscular injection in the thigh is not much more difficult than in the gluteal part.

    What you will need

    Cotton balls soaked in 96 alcohol
    - three-component syringe 2.5 - 11 ml (depending on the volume of medication prescribed for administration),
    - the drug prescribed for administration.


    1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
    2. Take the ampoule with the medicine, wipe thoroughly with alcohol.
    3. Shake it well.
    4. File and break off the tip, draw the medicine into the syringe.
    5. Then tap the syringe with your finger to collect all the air bubbles at the top of the syringe into one, and little by little press the plunger to “push” the air bubble through the needle.
    6. To make sure that there is no more air in the syringe, wait until the first drop of medicine appears from the needle.

    Performing an injection

    To determine the injection site, you need to sit on a stool and bend your knee. The injection site will be the upper third of the lateral surface of the thigh, i.e. the lateral part of the thigh, the muscle that hangs a little

    How to properly give an intramuscular injection in the thigh?

    1. Before performing the injection, relax your leg as much as possible.
    2. The depth of needle insertion is 1-2 centimeters.
    3. Take two cotton swabs and, one by one, lubricate the injection site with alcohol.
    4. Retract your hand with the syringe and, at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface, insert the needle into the muscle with a decisive movement.
    5. Slowly pressing the plunger with the thumb of your right hand, inject the medicine (attention! if you are using an outdated syringe design - two-component - with one hand, you may not be able to inject. In this case, it is better to hold the syringe barrel with your right hand, and press on the syringe with your left piston).
    6. Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, press the injection site and quickly remove the needle at an angle of 90 degrees. This will stop bleeding and reduce the risk of infection entering the body.
    7. Then massage the affected muscle. This way the medicine will be absorbed faster, and the alcohol will disinfect the wound.

    Safety regulations

    1. Alternate injection sites; do not inject into the same thigh.
    2. Use only imported syringes, because their needles are thin and sharp. Also, 2 cc syringes have a thinner needle than 5 cc syringes.
    3. Never reuse a syringe or needle; the syringe must be thrown away after use!

    If you want to inject insulin, then you need a special syringe and syringe pen and a needle no more than 5 mm long.

  2. inject into the middle of the thigh. at an angle of 90 degrees. having treated the injection site beforehand. after the injection the pain will go away =)

If at some point the need arises to give yourself an injection, then it is very important to know how it should be done. this procedure. After all, doctors quite often have to include injections in the treatment package. And usually, no problem arises if one of your friends or relatives knows how to perform them.

These procedures can be carried out independently, as they are not particularly difficult. The most important thing is not to panic, remain in a calm state, strictly follow some instructions, and then the question of how to give an injection in the leg or thigh will disappear on its own.

What will it take?

Before the procedure, you will need to prepare everything you need. To inject yourself you will need:

  1. 1. A single-use syringe with a volume of 2.5-11 ml, depending on how much of the drug you need to administer. It is also important to note that you should choose a syringe, taking into account the area for injection. If you need to make intramuscular injections, then you need to choose a syringe with the longest needle. And if it is required subcutaneous injection, then respectively with a short needle.
  2. 2. Ampoule with medicine
  3. 3. Alcohol for disinfecting injection sites
  4. 4. Napkins, cotton balls or disks

Then you will need to prepare a syringe with the drug:

  • With sterile, clean hands you need to take the ampoule, treat it with alcohol, shake it using a special file and saw off the tip of the ampoule. It is advisable to file 1 cm from the beginning.
  • Wrap the tip of the ampoule with a cotton swab and carefully break it off.
  • The cap is removed from the syringe needle, after which the syringe with the needle is inserted into the ampoule to the bottom.
  • After you have drawn the medicine into the syringe, hold the syringe vertically several times with a light movement and tap it with your fingertip. This is required so that the remaining excess air collects at the top.
  • Slowly and gently pressing down on the plunger will release air bubbles through the needle. And as soon as a drop appears at its tip, we can assume that the syringe is ready for use.
  • All that remains is to select the area for the injection.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to take the most comfortable position. Doctors recommend giving the injection while turning halfway to the mirror. However, the injection is possible and is also permitted in a side lying position. It is also important to take care in advance that the surface in this case is smooth and sufficiently hard.

How to give an injection in the thigh? In fact, to give an injection in the thigh, you will first need to first determine the future injection area. Therefore, first you will need to sit on a chair, and then bend your leg at the knee. From the side, exactly that part of the thighwhich will beslightlyhang downon the chairand will be a suitable area for injection.

When inserting, it is recommended to hold the syringe in the same way as a writing pen, so as not to harm the periosteum. The most recommended place for intramuscular injections in the thigh is the literal muscle, since it is equally well developed in both adults and small children.

It is better to inject into the middle third of the muscle. To determine the right place, you need to position your right hand so that it is approximately 2 centimeters below the femur. The other hand will need to be positioned so that it rises two centimeters above the patella, and the thumbs of both hands should be in line. On education with the help thumbs Both hands are exactly the place for the future injection.

When administered intramuscularly medicinal product with a syringe, in a small child or an exhausted adult, you need to grasp an area of ​​skin so that a fold is formed. This will help ensure that the medicine will be injected into the muscle. At this moment, the patient should be in a supine position, with the leg slightly bent at the knee, into which the liquid will be injected. But intramuscular injections can also be given in a sitting position. In this case, the needle should be inserted at an angle of 90 degrees.

The technique for performing an injection into the thigh consists of the following several stages:

  • It is necessary to sterilize your hands
  • Sitting on a chair, bend your leg at the knee, where the injection area is located.
  • Wipe this area with a cotton pad, which must first be moistened with alcohol.
  • Before the injection, it is important that the leg is as relaxed as possible
  • Quickly but carefully insert the needle about 2/3 into the area previously disinfected with alcohol.
  • Lightly press the piston, injecting the medicine inside
  • Apply a cotton pad soaked in alcohol tightly to the injection site, and then quickly remove the needle.
  • Can light movements massage the area of ​​skin after the injection so that the medicine dissolves faster.

An intramuscular injection into the thigh is not much different from how to properly inject yourself into the leg. The same technique and the same rules. But you can add a few more tips:

  • So that after some time the leg does not start to hurt due to injections into the same muscle, it is completely allowed to give injections to each leg in turn - first in one, and next time in the other.
  • It is best to purchase imported syringes, which have the best quality needles.
  • Syringes that have been used once cannot be reused. After one use, it is better to throw them away.

Among other things, it is also worth noting that not in all cases you can inject yourself in the leg. For example, when a heel spur occurs, an injection is given in the heel in special medical institutions. However, treatment in this situation is complex. At the first stage, they are limited to the use of various special ointments and gels that help relieve inflammation. This also includes physiotherapeutic procedures. And only if these methods are not beneficial, and the pain in the leg does not disappear, then they resort to special injections into the heel.

Basic rules and safety precautions

To give intramuscular injections, you must adhere to the necessary safety precautions:

  • It is important that the future area of ​​skin for injection is not inflamed. That is, there should not be any open wounds or damage. If present, it is recommended to find another area.
  • Periodically alternating injection sites to avoid damaging the skin.
  • Well, as mentioned above, reusing syringes and needles is strictly prohibited. After the procedure, they must be disposed of.

What complications can arise after an incorrect injection?

The most common evidence that a previously performed procedure was performed incorrectly is the appearance of hematomas. They may occur due to the fact that small vessels may have been damaged during the injection process, or perhaps the medicine was administered too quickly.

The bruise gradually disappears on its own after a short period of time, so no additional treatment is required in this case.

If the medicine has not completely dissolved, you can apply warm compresses to the injection site or use special pharmaceutical ointments.

The most unpleasant of all complications can be the formation of an abscess, but it is much more dangerous. It can be easily identified, since a slight induration, redness, mild pain and, in some cases, itching may appear at the injection site. It may be the result of an allergic reaction. In this case, it is recommended to give injections not independently, but in special medical centers. It is better not to remain silent about such cases and report to your doctor or nurse. If allergic reaction does not manifest itself strongly, then you can only get by with taking antiallergic drugs. But if the manifestation is severe, then the doctor will most likely prescribe intravenous injections.

The cause of an abscess in most cases is a banal failure to comply with safety rules, hygiene standards, or an injection into an undisinfected area of ​​the skin.

In such a situation, a mandatory visit to a doctor is required. And in the future, touching this place, as well as massaging or applying any compresses, are contraindicated. In this case, special treatment is required only if it is prescribed by the attending physician. In particularly advanced situations, surgical intervention may be required to resolve the problem.

The procedures for administering intramuscular injections actually do not pose any particular difficulties. The most important thing is to choose the right places for injections and follow general rules hygiene and, of course, mandatory disinfection. However, if there is still even the slightest doubt and lack of confidence in your abilities, then it is better not to take risks and not be too lazy to seek help with the procedures from a doctor in order to avoid complications that, through ignorance, you can inflict on yourself.

This situation often happens when a person is forced to give himself an intramuscular injection. This often happens if the doctor has prescribed daily injections, but there is no time to go to the clinic. Or the patient has some chronic and regularly exacerbating disease that requires immediate administration of medication. In this article we will try to figure out how to inject yourself and what rules should be followed.

Preparing for the injection

Before you give yourself an injection, you should carefully prepare. First you need to wash your hands with soap. Then lay out all the items you will need on the table. And this is alcohol for disinfection, several cotton balls, ampoules with medicine and a syringe of the required volume.

Carefully inspect the ampoule (it must be intact, without damage), check the expiration date.

Use only sterile cotton wool. Tear off several small pieces and soak them in an alcohol solution.

If medicine is not a liquid, but a dry powder, you need to purchase water for injection in advance, which is sold in pharmacies. First, draw it into a syringe, then remove the metal cap from the bottle with dry powder, pierce the rubber part with a needle and inject water. After this, shake the bottle thoroughly until the drug is completely dissolved and draw the resulting solution into a syringe. Then you need to change the needle without removing the protective cap.

Choosing a position and location for administering the medication

How to give yourself an injection, which part of the body to choose for this? It is believed that the best place for intramuscular injection is the gluteal and femoral muscles, since they are among the most developed in the human body.

Of course, it is not always convenient to do such an injection yourself, but remember that there may not be enough muscle mass on the arm or leg.

If you decide to inject the drug into the thigh, then the front side will do, on the palm above the knee. In this case, it is better to carry out the injection while sitting, and the leg should be relaxed. How to give an injection in the buttock yourself? To begin with, you can practice a little in front of the mirror, choosing a comfortable position. In order to correctly determine the injection site, the buttock is mentally divided into four identical squares. The injection is placed in the upper outer corner, since there is a minimum number of nerve endings and capillaries.

Execution technique

How to give an injection yourself? This process includes several stages:

Security measures

Very often, people and even experienced nurses do not take injections seriously. However, negligent behavior can lead to a number of different errors and problems. So, if you decide to inject yourself intramuscularly, pay attention to the following nuances:

Small tricks

Speaking about how to inject yourself, it should be noted that the medicine is drawn into the syringe immediately before the injection, and not in advance. After all, over time it can decompose, and the needle can become infected.

Never reuse a syringe - the risk of infection is too high!

If an oil solution of the drug is administered, the ampoule can be heated in warm water to body temperature. Having inserted the needle into the skin, pull the piston slightly towards you. In this way, it is checked whether the needle has entered the vessel or capillary. If blood does not appear, you can safely administer the medicine.

Do not inject in one buttock - alternate places.

What else you should know

So, you already understand how to inject yourself. But there are still a number of small precautions. First, try not to inject in the same place. Secondly, it is better to choose imported syringes, although they are a little more expensive than domestic ones, since their needles are sharper and thinner, which means the procedure will be more comfortable. Third, under no circumstances should you use the same syringe more than once. After injection, it must be thrown away.

If you accidentally get a needle in blood vessel and a hematoma has formed, don’t panic. Although such bruises do not go away quickly, this process can be accelerated if an iodine mesh is applied to the affected area every other day until the hematoma is completely absorbed.


In the article, we told you how to give an injection in the buttock yourself, and what safety measures you should take. For beginners, this process may seem complicated, but in reality it is not difficult to complete, especially if all the rules are followed. Situations in life are different, and knowing how to inject yourself or another person can come in handy at any time.
