How to beat the guess who game. Game “Guess who you are”: with pieces of paper, cards or stickers on the forehead

Exciting game, in which a lot of portraits are presented on the screen famous people, and 10 seconds are given to guess each identity. You click on the photo, a box appears where you need to enter the last name, and if you enter it correctly, the person’s first and last name are entered themselves, and the photo turns green. This means you guessed correctly famous person. There are 3 types in the game gameplay: Fast, Medium and Long. The first involves 49 people, the second – 81, and the third – 144. Of course, “Guess Who” perfectly develops memory and helps to recognize many new world-famous personalities.

How to play?

You have 3 attempts to guess each photo. Ideally, you need to guess the person the first time, and for this the game awards 10 points. For the second attempt you are awarded 5, and for the third - 2. If you guess the person correctly, the photo turns green and changes its status to “inactive”. The picture “that’s right” appears on it.
The photo becomes inactive if all three attempts to guess the celebrity are unsuccessful. Only now the photo turns red with the words “wrong.”
If the photos are guessed or, on the contrary, not guessed (inactive), the game stops. It also ends if you click on “End Game”.

Here you can play for free online game"Guess who?"

You need to guess the character on your partner's card. In order to win, you must win five times.


  • Flip both playing fields front side down. Press the tongue in the corner of the board towards the center until it clicks. Repeat this operation for all the tongues on both boards.
  • Cut out white plastic cards and markers. You can simply twist them out or use scissors.
  • Insert markers into each game board until it clicks.
  • Carefully press the cards out of the frames. Set the largest yellow ones aside for now.
  • Load the yellow and blue cards into the plastic frames: hold the frame as shown in Figure 3. Then insert the smaller edge of the card into the frame as far as it will go. Sort the collected frames by color.
  • Place the blue game board on a hard, level surface. Take any frame with a blue card and insert it into the game board. Check if the card is securely attached. After charging the blue board, move on to the yellow one.
  • Installing the game

  • Choose one of the game boards. Place the game board facing you, then tilt it first away from you, then towards you so that all the cards are vertical.
  • Shuffle the yellow cards and draw one without showing it to your partner. Insert this card into the slot on the game board facing you.
  • Attention: all 24 cards contain red and of blue color identical faces, the same as on yellow cards. They differ only in the color of their shirts

    Preparing for the game

    If you are playing for the first time, first notice some differences between the faces on your cards.
  • Noses can be large or small.
  • Hats and Glasses Remember who has a hat, who has glasses, who has both.
  • Hair can be red, dark or gray. There are also light ones, that is, the hair can be different color, or they may not exist at all.
  • Beards and mustaches Pay attention to the difference in beards (short, long) and mustaches.
  • Ceets, cheeks, lips, hats and glasses may vary in color. You will be able to find many more differences after playing a few times.
  • Progress of the game

    The youngest player goes first. On your turn, ask your partner one question and try to guess what kind of character is drawn on his card. Do this by elimination. The question should be such that it can be answered either “yes” or “no”.

    Tens of thousands of people on Odnoklassniki are hooked on interesting game entitled "Guess who?". In it you have to go through levels, answering correctly with increasing difficulty.

    The essence of the game “Guess Who”: you see a certain silhouette, letters are located under it, and you must guess what picture is hidden behind the shadow. You see a silhouette that looks like a fork, write the word “fork” in letters and if you guess correctly, it will write “correctly” to you, after which the next level opens.

    Naturally, you are allotted a certain time, and therefore you won’t be able to be “stupid” for a long time. For inviting friends, bonuses are given that can be exchanged for hints (open a letter, open a word, highlight required letters etc.) Perhaps I didn’t explain it very clearly, so watch the video:

    Overall, playing “Guess Who” is enjoyable (one of the downsides is quite a lot of advertising). The structure is similar to the games “Guess the word based on a hint” and “4 photos 1 word”, but the essence is a little different. For those who want to kill time - just right.

    I once sat through “Guess Who” for three hours, and only then realized that I had wasted so much time. But I’ll say right away that it only seems so easy at first glance. In fact, the further you go, the more you realize that you have never seen such incomprehensible silhouettes in your life and the answers are becoming more and more complex. What makes life easier is that its category appears above the silhouette. For example, you see an incomprehensible silhouette and think, what is it? And on top it says “food”, and you immediately understand that there is an onion hidden behind the shadow. But believe me, this does not always help. Sometimes the category written at the top does not help at all, but on the contrary, it limits the flow of imagination.

    Answers to the first 110 levels

    Correct answers to the top twenty levels:

    The answer to level 1 - Fork, 2nd - Shovel, 3 - Saucepan, 4th - Ruler, level 5 was difficult - Deer, 6 - Kitchen, stage 7 - Tie, task 8 - Eagle, stage 9 - Green onions, 10 — Motorcycle, 11 — Fighter, level 12 — Starfish, 13 - Seal, 14 fruit - Pineapple, 15 stage - Chandelier, 16 stage - Screwdriver, 17 - Lock, 18th - Fire Truck, 19 - Tulips, 20 - Clamp. These were the answers to simple levels.

    Answers for levels 21 – 40:

    21 - Coconut, 22 - Coffee, level 23 - Laptop, 24 not difficult - Rome, stage 25 - Tractor, 26 - Glue, 27 - Lamp, 28 - Saw, 29 - Hat, stage 30 - Asters, 31 - Apple, 32 - Goat, 33 - Chisel, 34 was simple for me - Olives, 35 - Radio, 36 - Rhino, 37 - Shell, 38 - Heron, 39 - Swan, finishing 40 - Remote. They already feel like the game is becoming slightly more complicated.

    How to pass levels 41 – 60:

    41 - Grenade, level 42 - Xylophone, 43 - Mushroom, stage 44 - Sydney, 45 instrument - Saxophone, 46 - Violin, 47 - Buffalo, 48 answer - Michael Jackson, 49 - Lynx, 50 - Excavator, 51 - Battery, 52 - Hedgehog, 53 - Octopus, level 54 - Rat, 55 - Spatula, 56 - Wall, 57 - Impact, 58 - Installation, 59 - Panther, level 60 - Yogurt.

    Completing stages 61-110:

    61 - Bag, 62 - Spider, 63 - Giza, 64 answer - Tank, 65 - Machine Gun, 66 - Triceraptos, 67 - Train, level 68 - Ship, 69 - Cake, 70 - Clover, 71 - Horn, 72 - Pliers, 73 - Scissors, 74 - Stroller, 75 - Microphone, 85 answer - Turkey, 86 - Thermometer, 87 - Killer whale, 88 - Corn, 89 - Pizza, 90 - Rose, 91 - Che Guevara, 92 answer - Gandhi, 93 - Maple , 94 - Bread, 95 - Elephant, 96 - Milk, 97 - Automatic, 98 - Shark, 99 level of the game - Plate, 100 - Plums, 101 - Poppy, 102 - Umbrella, 103 - Lion, 104 - Jacket, 105 - Gun , answer to level 106 - Joseph Stalin, 107 - Feather, 108 - Medusa, 109 city - St. Petersburg, 110 - Perforator.

    Answers to all levels of “Guess Who”

    For those who don’t want to rack their brains over the “Guess Who” game for too long, there is a video with answers to all levels. You can either go through the entire game without even straining your brain, or just look at the answer to a very difficult level in order to quickly skip it and continue playing on your own. In any case, I wish you good luck and enjoy playing the game “Guess Who”!

    Answers to the game GUESS WHO? 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 level:

    Correct answers to the game GUESS WHO? Level 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40:

    Answers for levels 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,60:

    Answers to the game GUESS WHO? Stage 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80:

    Answers to the game GUESS WHO? Level 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,100:

    Answers to the game GUESS WHO? Level 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120:
