How to make beautiful curls with a cascade haircut. Volume-giving cascade haircut for short hair: photos of stylish hairstyles and features of selection according to face type

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When your head starts to get too oily, and this also causes fall out hair, then a salt scrub can come to the rescue. As the owner of brown hair, I had always done this for myself, but wanting to add variety to my hair care, I decided to try something different.

A salt hair scrub has become an excellent home remedy for me, which can thoroughly cleanse the scalp and open the way for oxygen. The effect of the scrub is noticeable after the first use - the hair has acquired pomp and volume at the roots. I will try to tell you how to make a salt scrub correctly in this article.

Nowadays, many modern girls suffer from excess greasiness in their hair, which brings quite a few problems. Also, to give our hair a perfect look, we mercilessly apply various styling products, from this pores on the scalp become clogged and stop breathing.

Scrubs in this case become simply necessary, because if oxygen does not reach the hair, the hair begins to noticeably thin out. Salt is the main exfoliating component due to the presence of small crystals in it.

Did you know that sea salt is currently mined in a volume of more than 6 million tons. in year? Is the one that is gray in color considered the most valuable?

After the first use of scrubs, it seemed to me that more hair fell out than necessary, but in fact, the hair that was supposed to fall out fell out, but appeared instead new.

Salt used in scalp scrubs will bring enormous benefit hair, namely:

  1. will restore access to oxygen;
  2. effectively cleanses the scalp;
  3. eliminates dandruff;
  4. will reduce hair loss;
  5. dries out the skin;
  6. strengthens hair roots;
  7. will remove excess fat content;
  8. improves blood circulation in the scalp;
  9. saturates the skin with microelements and minerals;
  10. will accelerate hair growth.

To carry out cosmetic procedures to improve your hair, it is advisable to acquire nautical salt, since it is this that will bring invaluable benefits to the hair due to its rich composition:

  • chlorides;
  • sulfates;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese.

You can list for a long time the elements that sea salt contains, because this is almost the entire table Mendeleev. That's why they give preference to it.

In the absence of such salt, you can take cookery. It will also cleanse the scalp well, but you are unlikely to get any healing or healing effect, since it contains only one element - sodium chloride.

The best hair scrubs

Now I would like to dwell in more detail on the recipes for effective hair scrubs that contain a substance unique in its composition - sea salt. Their not difficult can be done at home, you just need to stock up on ingredients first.

Salt scrub with olive oil

This scrub will gently but thoroughly cleanse the scalp, will accelerate growth hair by improving blood microcirculation. This scrub is suitable even for dry scalps, as it contains nourishing oil.

  • sea ​​salt (2 tbsp);
  • olive oil (3 tbsp).

Mix the two ingredients together so that the salt crystals are evenly coated with the oil.

How to use?

The resulting mixture must be massaged onto the scalp for at least 5 minutes, moving from the back of the head to the forehead. The salt should be evenly distributed throughout the head. You can even leave the product on for a little while if your scalp is not sensitive, then rinse your hair with water and wash your hair with shampoo.

Salt scrub with blue clay

The product is ideal for hair greasy at the roots, as it cleanses them great, turning greasy shine into a mirror-like shine.

What will you need and how to prepare it?

  • sea ​​salt (3 tbsp)
  • (2 tbsp).

Blue clay must first be diluted with water until it becomes sour cream. Then add sea salt to it and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

How to use?

The scrub must be applied to the entire scalp with massaging movements for 10 minutes. During this time, oily hair and scalp will be completely cleansed. Then you must first rinse your curls with water, and then wash them with shampoo.

Salt scrub with kefir

This scrub is also suitable for oily scalp, accelerating growth hair and preventing the appearance of greasy shine.

What will you need and how to prepare it?

  • sea ​​salt (2 tbsp);
  • kefir (2 tbsp);
  • essential oil bey (2 parts);
  • tea tree essential oil (2 parts).

First you need to mix salt with warm kefir, and then add essential oils in doses. Stir all ingredients until smooth.

How to use?

Like previous scrubs, the mixture is applied to the scalp, then massaged for 10 minutes; the scrub can also be left on the skin for another 10 minutes. Next, you need to rinse off the product with water, and then rinse your hair with shampoo.

Sometimes I add other essential oils as desired, but no more than 4 drops per 4 tablespoons of base.

Salt scrub with soda

I really liked this scrub composition, after it my mixed hair becomes very soft and crumble great, while leaving the scalp fresh and clean.

What will you need and how to prepare it?

  • sea ​​salt (2 tbsp);
  • soda (2 tbsp).

Mix the two ingredients by adding a little water. A much better effect can be achieved if you prepare a decoction of nettles or birch buds instead of water.

How to use?

The resulting scrub should be thoroughly massaged into the scalp for 10 minutes, then rinsed off first with water and then with shampoo.

Salt scrub mask with rye bread

I spotted this scrub on one forum, according to reviews from girls, this is a recipe universal, suitable even for dry hair and scalp.

What will you need and how to prepare it?

  • sea ​​salt (1 tsp);
  • (2 pieces);
  • chicken yolk (2 pcs.).

First you need to turn the rye bread into crumb; you can use a little water for this. Then mix the yolks and sea salt and add them to the bread slurry.

How to use?

This mixture must be applied to the entire scalp and massaged a little, then you must put on a cellophane cap, insulate the top with a cap or towel and leave for 30 minutes. Then you can wash off the scrub mask with water and shampoo.

Another homemade recipe for hair scrub with salt can be seen in the following video.

Features of using scrubs

Scrubs for the scalp, especially when the main component is salt, must be used Right, otherwise you may not achieve the desired effect or, on the contrary, significantly damage your hair.

So try to follow the following recommendations:

  1. The scrub must be applied to wet, slightly dried scalp; before doing this, it is better to wash your hair once with shampoo to wash off the main dirt.
  2. Do not overuse scrubs with salt; even for oily hair, such cleansing once a week will be enough, but dry hair needs this procedure - once every 2 weeks.
  3. It is better to choose sea salt for scrub, but food grade, since it does not contain dyes and various additives, and it is finer, and as a result will not harm the skin.
  4. You shouldn’t rub your head too hard with the resulting scrub, because salt is an exfoliating component and that’s already enough.
  5. Instead of water, you can add herbal infusions to your homemade scrubs that suit your scalp type.
  6. Essential oils will also not be superfluous: bey, lavender, ylang-ylang, rosemary, tea tree.
  7. Scrubs must be washed off first with water, and then once with shampoo, otherwise the entire head will remain unwashed and will be strewn with salt crystals.
  8. If the hair is dry in length, then after the procedure it is necessary to apply a balm, although you can pre-lubricate it with moisturizing vegetable oil.
  9. After the scrub, you can apply a mask that accelerates hair growth, because the cleansed scalp will accept all the ingredients with a bang, but the product should also preferably be homemade. Although I also tried store-bought ampoules - the effect was superb.
  10. After 10 regular procedures, the skin must be allowed to rest, and then you can change the main abrasive component or continue with this.

Who shouldn't do it?

But in the following cases, scrubs with added salt can cause significant harm, so refuse from them if:

  • you have wounds, scratches and other damage to the scalp - it will be very unpleasant;
  • you have severe baldness - weak follicles will not be able to hold thin hair due to mechanical stress;
  • you are allergic to salt in general - it happens, but quite rarely;
  • hair is overdried, split in length - salt will only aggravate the problem, remember how long it takes to restore hair after swimming in the sea;
  • you have increased sensitivity of the scalp - in this case, unwanted irritation may occur; it is better to replace it with another component.

That's all! I advise you not to forget to deep cleanse your scalp with scrubs. If you have never tried it before, do it and you will immediately feel difference before and after. Trichologists also recommend hair scrubs; they will be especially beneficial for oily scalps.

Have healthy hair! See you!

The scrub by its nature is a kind of “vacuum cleaner”; in this case, when applied, clogged pores are cleaned from unwanted blackheads. It also improves blood circulation in the scalp, thereby accelerating the growth of your hair.

In addition to the above benefits, the scrub has a number of special functions:

  1. First of all, as already mentioned, the scrub penetrates deeply into the pores of the skin., thereby bringing all the “garbage” to the surface.
  2. Also improves cellular oxygenation by cleaning the pores.
  3. In turn, the above actions lead to noticeable improvement of hair. They become larger, cleaner, brighter. Less susceptible to vitamin deficiency.
  4. Serves as a regulator of the sebaceous glands. Hair becomes cleaner and less susceptible to contamination from external factors.
  5. Thanks to the application of the scrub through massage blood circulation to the scalp improves, thereby leading to faster hair growth.

Scrub composition

As a rule, a scrub consists of hard abrasive particles that help get rid of unnecessary “garbage” in the skin.

Also, when preparing a scrub at home, the following components may be included:

  1. Salt. For a better and higher-quality effect, it is recommended to use sea salt, but you can also use table salt, but not too fine, otherwise it will simply dissolve in the liquid without bringing the desired effect. Salt peeling is the most effective in cleansing the scalp.
  2. Nut and egg shells. Before adding the future scrub to a homogeneous mass, you need to grind the shells in a mortar to a powder state, otherwise you may get pointed ends that can easily injure your wonderful skin.
  3. Fruit seeds. To prepare them, you must grind them thoroughly in a blender or yourself. They have a huge restorative effect.
  4. Crushed buckwheat, oatmeal, coffee.
  5. Granulated sugar. When applied, it can create a sticky effect; it is recommended to be more careful when washing off the scrub.
  6. Baking soda. It is the most effective remedy in the fight against various rashes and blackheads. After application, there is no need to wash your hair because this substance will completely replace all properties.


In order to eliminate the negative consequences after applying the scrub, it is necessary to follow certain rules for using the mixture, namely:

  1. Do not use the scrub under any circumstances if there are open or recent wounds on the skin. Otherwise, you will injure the upper layer of the epidermis, thereby causing bleeding.
  2. Before use, you must pay attention to allergic reactions to the components. After preparing the scrub, apply a small amount of the substance to your wrist, then rinse. After 10 minutes, check for itching, irritation or redness.
  3. It is not recommended to wash your hair before using the mixture.
  4. Wet before use roots with vodka.
  5. Duration of the procedure approximately 5 minutes.
  6. In case of applying a scrub-mask The duration of time can take up to 15 minutes.
  7. After using the scrub Rinse your hair with shampoo in warm water.
  8. When rinsing, use lemon juice or vinegar.
  9. Apply conditioner for hair.
  10. It is advisable to dry your hair naturally.
  11. For a more effective effect, experts recommend alternating scrub recipes. Because The scalp quickly gets used to the ingredients, after which it does not have any positive effects.

Review of the most effective scrubs.

Sea buckthorn scrub for scalp. It has a lot of beneficial effects, from cleansing pores of various blackheads and rashes to improving blood circulation in the scalp. Ingredients of the mixture: Altai sea buckthorn oil, vitamins, amino acids, extracts of wild Siberian mint, calendula and Yakut sorrel.

The product is applied to prepare the skin for various medications. Also clears clogged pores. Normalizes the hydrolipid balance of the scalp and hair.

Exfoliating scrub with walnut shells. The scrub contains walnut shell granules and thoroughly scrubs the scalp, removing all types of dirt and sebum. Designed for deep cleaning and preparation of the scalp for the use of drugs in ampoules or other procedures.

Cleanser for oily/dry scalp. The cleanser for both oily and dry scalps deeply cleanses the scalp and has an exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps with hair loss by improving blood circulation and stimulating new hair growth. Active ingredients: orange oil, peppermint, jojoba and bamboo root extract.

Anti-dandruff exfoliating gel. An anti-dandruff remedy that is best used in conjunction with special medicated shampoos. Thanks to the moisturizing quality of trimethylglycine and the astringent effect of witch hazel, the scalp is prepared for the exfoliating effects of jojoba microspheres. With their help, they gently exfoliate dandruff and also ensure deeper penetration of active ingredients into the scalp.

Stimulating gommage for the scalp. Gommage gently cleanses the scalp of impurities and dead cells, improves microcirculation, and improves oxygen saturation of cells. Hair gains shine, lightness, strength and volume from the very roots. Suitable for all hair types. Active ingredients: sunflower seeds, jojoba micro-granules.


  • Recipe 1. In order to prepare a scrub for your head and hair, you will need sugar, regular shampoo, olive oil, almond and tea tree essential oils. To create a mass, take 2-3 tablespoons of shampoo, 2 tablespoons of sugar and one spoon of olive oil. Then the mass is mixed and a few drops of essential oil are added. After all this, the scrub is mixed again and applied to the hair roots. The product must be washed off with warm water after five minutes. The oils in the scrub soften and nourish the hair, and the sugar helps cleanse the scalp.
  • Scrub with. To prepare the scrub we need 3 tbsp. spoons of salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Apply the scrub to the skin with massage movements, rinse with shampoo.
  • Scrub with yogurt or kefir. To prepare the scrub, you need to mix 3 tbsp. spoons of salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of natural yogurt (without additives) or kefir.
  • Scrub with sugar. If your hair is oily, you can mix sugar with white or blue clay, and if you have dry hair, then with yogurt. Mix 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar with a spoonful of clay and dilute the dry ingredients with chamomile infusion.
  • Scrub with ground coffee. A few tablespoons of ground coffee are mixed with oil or balm. Apply to the scalp with massage movements.

With a beautiful hairstyle, every woman will always be attractive. It doesn’t matter at all what length and structure her hair is, the main thing is that it is well-groomed.

In the hands of a real hairdressing master, even thin strands acquire volume, splendor and, if necessary, length.

Haircut "Cascade" - ideal for all hair types for several decades now, this year it is not losing its popularity, and is even acquiring new interesting varieties.

Why are medium-length Cascade hairstyles so popular? What are their advantages and features

“Cascade” attracts special attention with its versatility. The multi-layer cutting technique is quite complex, but it has many design options and allows you to vary the length and patterns.

The variety of haircut types allows you to choose the optimal shape for any female type, because this is the basis of the image and image.

Suitable for:

A classic Cascade hairstyle of medium length can be transformed from everyday to festive with the help of light styling.

Although in its natural form it gives the owner plenty of charm and charm. Thin and not very thick hair acquires pomp and volume.

Thanks to the correct choice of shape, if necessary, you can visually correct facial features.

The cascading haircut differs from the “Ladder” by soft lines and smooth transitions of cuts from the crown to the ends.

There are no strict rules, so the simplest, classic type of hairstyle can be turned into a super fashionable original model by adding small touches.

A cascading haircut can stand out using:

  1. Asymmetrical or “torn” strands;
  2. Oblique bangs;
  3. Toning, coloring, etc.

A hairdresser is also a kind of artist, and his work is creativity, in which it is necessary to take into account not only the preferences of the customer, but also all the individual characteristics of the available “material” to create a masterpiece.

There are a lot of all kinds of professional tricks that can beat any nuances in achieving the desired result.

Disadvantages of a cascading haircut for medium-length hair. What is important to consider

Medium length "Cascade" hairstyle, more beneficial for soft, no matter straight or slightly curly curls.

Thick and coarse hair can react very differently, because the shortest strands can turn out to be unruly and ruin the overall harmony.

Despite the simplicity of the haircut technique, strict adherence to clear symmetry is required. Therefore, it is better to entrust your hair to an experienced stylist, with a steady hand and a keen eye.

In general, if there are even small problems with the structure of the curls, you need to pay more attention not only to the cutting method, but also to the tools used.

Thin, lifeless hair "Cascade" can "fluff" even more, to avoid this, it is better to refuse thinning or do this procedure as carefully as possible.

Curls with small curls require an individual approach. For them, the frequency of steps will have to be reduced. And for greater pacification, use means of fixation and styling.

Curls of medium length for a cascading haircut are more obstinate than long ones, weighed down by their own weight.

In order not to spoil your own impression, from the total number of “Cascade” options, you need to carefully select the most optimal, taking into account the type of face, its advantages and possible disadvantages, color, structure, hair length, eye shape, necessarily age and all other significant factors.

Be careful! Unhealthy hair, first of all, requires careful care and treatment; no haircut can get rid of this problem, although it is an integral part of the treatment complex.

When choosing a medium-length cascade hairstyle, you need to take into account the shape of your face and the general style of clothing.

A cascading haircut best demonstrates the beauty of hair, so problem hair, especially short and medium-length hair, requires a very careful working technique.

Recommendations for choosing a cascading hairstyle according to your face shape

For an impeccable appearance, the main thing is to accurately select the shape and model of the hairstyle so that it turns out to be what is called “under the face.”

Round face

Ideal for a classic long “Cascade” without bangs.

The average length requires you to adhere to several conventions: start the strands from the chin, it will be more interesting if they are torn.

Having bangs is better than a side bang, it will help make the oval narrower. Although its shape depends on the preferences of the hostess.

Oval face

Looks good framed by a “Cascade” based on a square, make torn strands on the top of the head.

Any bang option will reduce the oval shape if necessary.

You need to cover your ears to make your face a little wider.

Triangular face

There are no big restrictions in selection, the multi-layered “Cascade” with expansion downwards will give the desired effect of fullness and smooth out facial features.

Square face

Should not open with short hair and even length to the level of the chin or concentrate the splendor at this level.

It is better if the strands cover the cheekbones and flow gently down the cheeks.

Rectangular face

Loves fullness and thinned layers, but does not smoothly frame the face.

Creative chaos presents beauty very advantageously and with a twist.

Pear-shaped face

Played with "Cascade" with torn bangs and the same strands no longer than the line of the cheekbones.

The volume at the top will increase the width of the forehead and create the desired proportion.

Diamond face

An oblique bang with a side parting or no bangs at all will decorate it.

The length of the hair should cover the cheekbones. You should abandon the volume on the crown.

The “Cascade” hairstyle for medium length hair is pleasant because it does not require any styling or special effort. This is very relevant nowadays.

For everyday life, sometimes drying with a hairdryer with appropriate manipulations with a comb is quite enough. Light, stylish negligence is now one of the fashion trends.

Hairstyle options "Cascade"

There are quite a lot of options for cascading haircuts. You should choose them depending on many factors, from appearance to age category.

Classic look

The classic “Cascade” of medium length can be slightly below or above the shoulders, and have two or more layers. The height of the levels varies depending on the location of the desired splendor.

The haircut begins from the crown, separating a section of hair for bangs, if provided. The higher the top layer, the larger the entire volume.

Each strand is separated by a vertical parting. Having decided on the top strands, cut off their ends in a zigzag. Then pull the lower strands up and compare them with the first length.

Shape the bottom length. Cut the curls framing the face into a ladder and profile them. Make bangs. Trim off excess length and trim rough cuts. Check the symmetry of the hairstyle.

The principle of any “Cascade” is a gradual, soft transition from short hair at the top to long hair at the ends.

Note! Thin hair requires smooth changes between tiers. Coarse strands, on the contrary, need deeper steps. These rules are especially relevant for cascading haircuts of medium and short length.

The classics are all-encompassing, This type of hairstyle suits absolutely everyone, regardless of age. Installation does not take much time and effort.

Professionally, you can create a wide variety of original models by playing with shapes and colors. To reduce time costs, a fixing agent and a hairdryer are enough to create volume and curl the ends.

Dual View

The double “Cascade” is distinguished by milled tips on each layer and a small difference in the length of the tiers.

There are several ways to perform a haircut:

  1. The control strand is selected between the back of the head and the crown; its length will be a guideline for all hair. The remaining strands are combed towards it and cut at a right angle. Having formed the back of the head, you can proceed to the temples and crown of the head. This results in a natural, even comb back. This is the best way to add volume to fine hair.
  2. You can start by creating a cap on the top of the head and work your way down to the ears. This is a rather original and unusual, one might say daring version of “Cascade”.

Of course, you should remember that the volume of the crown, open ears, and combed back are not very necessary for elongated oval faces.

Important to remember! Proper installation involves volume from the roots and laying the steps one to one. And when designing the tips, you can show your imagination. In hair styling, even chaos should be artistic.

By laying a double “Cascade”, the splendor of the top and the distribution of the lower strands in a certain order or chaotically are emphasized. It is better to use cosmetic wax or gel for this, which treats each of them separately and twists them in the desired direction.

View with bangs

“Cascade” with bangs suggests a variety of their types: straight, short, long, asymmetrical, two lengths, triangular, etc.

The bangs themselves are the highlight of any hairstyle, because they are in the foreground, which means that the correct design of the beauty of the face depends on its shape.

Types of bangs according to types:

Graduated view

Graduated “Cascade” is not suitable for weak and split ends.

The principle of its implementation is to layer tips of different lengths on top of each other. All kinds of bangs are appropriate for him.

Ragged look

Torn “Cascade” is a godsend for lovers of creativity.

Multi-stage with curls of different lengths and frequency, the chaotic structure of the haircut conceals any imperfections in the shape of the face. True, it has its own difficulties in installation.

Asymmetrical look

The asymmetrical “Cascade” is based on a graduated angled haircut. Its length and type must be selected based on the shape of the face, height and weight to achieve harmony and proportionality. It is characterized by dynamism and unusual images.

“Cascade” will never lose its popularity, because it is impossible to present femininity, individuality, highlight advantages and play with proportions more beautifully and diversely.

This haircut allows you to model a lot of original hairstyles and can easily be done without styling at all, while maintaining style, charm and charm for girls of any age.

In this video you will see medium-length cascade hairstyles, stylish options for haircuts of this type.

From this video you will learn what kind of haircut you can make for medium-length hair.

The cascade haircut is not new, but this does not lose its relevance. What is her secret? This model can rightfully be considered universal, suitable for almost any type of face and appearance. Hair in such a haircut acquires additional volume, which is a definite plus. Also, the cascade can be complemented with bangs without any problems. It will add audacity and modernity to the entire look, or help add softness and romance.

A cascade with bangs is a haircut that has many advantages. Firstly, it reveals the potential of all hair types: it gives volume to thin hair, lightness and shape to thick and heavy hair, and tames unruly hair into a beautiful hairstyle. Secondly, this haircut can be done on top of another, for example, a bob, on medium and long hair. Thirdly, a cascade with bangs is suitable for almost all representatives of the fair sex, but is especially in demand among young people.


A cascade haircut implies a smooth stepwise transition from short to long hair, it is also called a “ladder”. But at the same time, it is so universal that there are no clear rules and there are many techniques for its implementation. A cascade with bangs creates additional volume, gives the image femininity, slight carelessness and some playfulness. Those with a round or full face, as well as a high forehead, will appreciate a cascade with bangs.

Don’t think that the “ladder” look is the prerogative of chubby ladies with hair that doesn’t hold volume. No, a cascading haircut is one of the most versatile, the main thing is to choose the right model and length.

We will talk about this in our article.

Who is it suitable for?

The cascade is a wonderful means of visually correcting the oval of the face. For example, women with an oval face should pay attention to a haircut with straight, elongated bangs.

While those with a round shape should avoid straight and massive bangs. A cascade with asymmetrical oblique bangs will suit you. It will help visually lengthen your face and make it thinner.

Various types of coloring also look interesting on a cascading haircut, giving incredible shimmer and highlights to your hair.

Different models of fashionable hairstyles

The master achieves the cascade effect using the so-called “ladder” or step transition. In the classic form of this hairstyle, the cuts can be so smooth that the transition remains almost unnoticeable. Thinning is possible, which allows you to achieve soft transitions.

And there is a radically different look - torn. In this case, the thinning is more pronounced and even. A razor can be used to achieve this effect.

An asymmetrical “ladder” is created when the artist leaves some strands longer. This look is also achieved through bangs, which are cut diagonally.

An important advantage of the haircut is the ability to do it with different hair lengths. Women who are afraid to cut off their long braids, but at the same time want to try to change their appearance, will appreciate the cascade. At a length below the shoulders, both the classic version of the haircut and the more modern torn one look good.

Many celebrities prefer a stepped haircut. Both in a duet with bangs and without them.

For example, Jennifer Aniston, famous for her hairstyle. During the era of the series “Friends,” many of the star’s fans asked for a haircut “like Jennifer’s,” that is, a cascade with elongated bangs, which, when styled, very beautifully frames the face, giving it a more rounded shape.

For ladies who prefer to wear their hair up, it is preferable to cut thick bangs with jagged edges so as not to follow the lower part of the face.

A cascade with elongated oblique strands covering the forehead looks great, based on other haircuts, for example, a bob or a bob.

Rectangular face

For girls with high cheekbones and a pronounced rectangular face shape, a cascade with straight bangs is suitable. Thick bangs on the side will help soften the contour for those with a square face. If you have an ideal oval face, then you can experiment, for example, making bangs of an unusual shape - extremely short, triangular, oblique.

Round face

For chubby girls, a solution with torn diagonal bangs down to the eyebrows is suitable. This shape will externally lengthen and elongate rounded shapes. A suitable option is oblique bangs of the maximum possible length; they will look great with any parting, just like bangs below the cheekbones.

If your choice is thick straight bangs, then the hairdresser should lengthen the side strands. This is necessary in order to give greater definition to the rounded lines of your face.

Oval face

Bangs suit an oval face shape more than any other, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. An excellent example is the work of stylists of such famous women as Monica Bellucci, Jessica Alba, Taylor Swift.

In your case, you can choose thick bangs, rounded at the ends and covering the eyebrows, or oblique diagonal, effectively framing the sides of the face. An example is the incomparable Brigitte Bordeaux.

For curly hair with a cascade, you can try ultra-short torn, as it is also called - baby bangs.

Long face

For a long face, almost any bang model is also suitable, with the exception of two polar types of bangs - a too short baby version and a long “curtain”, which will only lengthen the face.

The ideal option in this case would be slightly torn bangs, or thick, even ones that cover more than half of the forehead.

If you want to try an elongated oblique model, then you should remember that they add additional roundness to the face, so the best solution for you would be diagonal elongated bangs with an even or offset parting.

Triangle face

It is in this case that Jennifer Aniston, known for her love for the “ladder”, can serve as an example of an ideal cascade with bangs for a triangular face shape.

Many masters agree that the ideal solution is thick strands with a rounded or even edge, covering the eyebrows with their length. This method will add volume to the upper part of the face. Long sparse bangs or an oblique model are also possible.

Inverted triangle or “heart”

Prominent representatives of the inverted triangle, or “heart”, as it is also called, are Reese Witherspoon and Marilyn Monroe.

Rare, elongated bangs reaching to the bridge of the nose will help cover up the excessively prominent upper part of the face. The oblique version without graduation will look great. It is worth remembering that the hairstyle will look organic if the strands reach the cheekbone line, or if it becomes possible to lay them behind the ear.

You should avoid types of haircuts that leave straight, thick, long strands; they will only emphasize the upper part of the face. Ultra-short bangs are also not your option; they open up the forehead and visually enlarge it even more.

Laying methods

There are many variations of a stepped haircut, and each time you will look completely different.

If you have a short cascading haircut, then three are ideal. If the lower part of the face is heavy, the ends should be twisted inward, this will narrow the face.

If your face is narrow, then the ends need to be laid away from the face, then it will appear wider.

And if you want to create a light, festive and feminine look, then it is better to lay the strands in different directions, both inward and outward. In this case, the ends of the hair at the face and upper part are curled towards the face, and the lower part should be twisted outward.

The cascade with is revealed most effectively and fully when curling curls. Due to the different lengths and steps, the hair will look weightless, and the hairstyle itself will be voluminous and very beautiful. In this case, it is better not to curl your bangs, but if you have a cascade with oblique bangs, then styling with “Hollywood waves” is an excellent option. To do this, you need to curl your bangs with an iron in waves and secure them with several bobby pins, and curl your hair in large waves.

Cascade is one of the most popular haircuts today. It captivates with its simplicity, naturalness and ease of installation. With this haircut, thin hair gains volume and becomes airy, while thick hair gains even greater thickness and a healthy shine. This haircut looks great on hair of any length. We will dwell in detail on a medium-length cascade haircut, which will be perfectly complemented by oblique bangs.

Cascade haircut for medium length hair.

The cascade haircut firmly stood on the fashion pedestal back in the second half of the last century. Today, the cascade is happily worn by many beautiful women's heads all over the world. Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker, Heidi Klum, Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian and many other world celebrities have become the embodiment of beauty and attractiveness thanks to this haircut.

The essence of the haircut is simple. The hair is cut in increments, starting from the crown to the ends of the hair, layer by layer. A kind of “cap” is created - the so-called core of the haircut, from which the master begins to dance. By the way, this “hat” needs to be selected especially carefully - taking into account the oval of the face, its features, hair structure, length, and so on. The haircut is “topped off” with thinning and grading. These are two solutions that help give the best shape to your haircut. Thinning will make your hair appear fuller, and grading will help create the casual effect that is fashionable this season.

The cascade suits any type.

Cascade is a haircut that suits any type of face and hair. However, you shouldn’t do a cascade for a young lady who has naturally very curly hair - such a haircut simply won’t hold its shape, and if you don’t want to literally look like a clown, then you shouldn’t cut your hair with a cascade. The same can be said about hair that is too thick - the so-called “steps” of the cascade will simply get lost in the pile of thick hair, and, alas, there will be no effect.

Cascade without bangs.

A cascade haircut can be done with or without bangs. The variations of bangs in this case are very diverse: straight, smooth, even, bangs covering the eyebrow, short bangs, oblique, torn bangs and so on.

Why is haircut relevant for medium hair?

Medium length hair is hair that reaches the base of the shoulders or just below. This haircut is perfect for those with an elongated or oval face shape, and for those with square and round faces, this haircut is a real find. It looks like a stepped bob - with incredibly chic volume and shape. Suitable for any face type: rectangular, elongated, oval and round. A cascade on medium hair requires less care, it is easier to wear and style, which cannot be said about a cascade on long hair. Ladies who are already over 30 especially love this haircut - the cascade somehow magically makes them younger. But very young girls are also not averse to wearing such a haircut. The only disadvantage of this seemingly flawless hairstyle is that it does not allow you to do all kinds of hairstyles: the strands, which, according to the idea of ​​the haircut, should be of different lengths, will fall out and are unlikely to be able to hold any hairstyle. Although the ponytail with various variations of bangs, luxurious styling and additional accessories has not been canceled.

A cascading haircut does not require complicated styling.

In a cascade on medium hair, as a rule, there are two layers. The hair strands are cut so that the ends form a rounded shape. The combination of strand lengths should be selected individually, depending on the features and shape of the face. The same applies to the technique of designing the tips - thinning or grading - what suits whom.

Cascade option for medium hair.

A great addition to a cascade on medium hair is long or shortened oblique bangs. It will help balance all facial features, correct its shape, and also give a perky, playful look. A long bang, cut diagonally from the temple to the chin, looks very elegant in this haircut. It’s even more elegant if you decorate it with graduated tips. The rest of the array can be cut as you wish, but perhaps the best option is long, deeply graduated strands - it will look incredibly impressive.

How to style

Styling cascading hair is very easy. All you need is a comb and a good hair dryer. Just wash your hair and, twirling the strands on a comb, dry your hair with a hairdryer. Of course, you can add different styling products - liquid spray, mousse, styling foam. Apply them to damp hair and style with a brush. You can create a hairstyle with a slightly disheveled effect, which looks very stylish on a cascading haircut. For this you will need modeling wax. Take a small amount of product into your palm and gently distribute it through your hair, lightly combing your fingers through your hair and picking through the strands. Well, if you really want a luxurious hairstyle, say, for a date or going to a restaurant with friends, then here are step-by-step instructions for creating it.

  1. We wash our hair and dry it lightly with a towel.
  2. We dry our hair with a hairdryer, combing it in different directions. The direction of the air flow is from the roots to the ends of the strands.
  3. Apply styling product along the entire length of the hair, gently rubbing it into the roots. Distribute the product with your hands or using a comb.
  4. We divide the lower-occipital zone into two parts.
  5. We treat the lower part with a flat frame brush - it will give volume to the hair roots.
  6. Take a brush and wind a strand of hair around it. We direct a stream of hot air onto the brush - this way the fixation of the curl will be more reliable. Unwind the strand and secure it with a clip for greater effect.
  7. Use a frame brush to lift the hair roots. To set the direction of the front strand, you need to take a loop of hair onto a frame brush and pull the strand towards your face. If you want to set the direction away from the face, then you need to place the brush vertically near the face, then make a loop and fix it with a hairdryer.
  8. In the parietal zone we work with a brush: we take a strand and stretch it along its length - from the root to the tip of the strand, while making scrolling movements.
  9. The styling is almost ready - all that remains is to spray your hair with hairspray.

Classic cascading haircut.

Do you want to change your appearance a little? Start with your hair! If you have medium-length strands, a haircut with a ladder will perfectly emphasize the oval of your face and demonstrate its beauty. An interesting and at the same time simple hairstyle will suit owners of both thick and thin, lifeless curls. Find out in more detail what a cascade for medium-length hair is.

Cascade for medium hair with bangs

The described haircut, like the bob, is very popular in beauty salons because it suits almost all women. Its advantage is that it is a win-win option for people who want to add volume to their curls and make them clearer. A universal haircut can be successfully complemented with bangs of any shape (straight, oblique, short). A correctly selected form will help significantly correct imperfections. The disadvantage of a haircut is that if the roots and ends are weakened, very thin, then it will look sloppy.

If you decide to have this haircut done in a salon, take into account your face shape and listen to the hairdresser’s recommendations. Hairstyle Features:

  1. For round hair, oblique bangs are suitable, visually lengthening and narrowing the shape.
  2. Those with a rectangular, elongated face are shown thick, long and straight bangs.
  3. With an ideal oval, any shape can be chosen, for example, triangular.

Cascade for medium hair without bangs

The described haircut looks great on its own if done correctly. A cascade hairstyle for medium hair is suitable for any length. Thanks to its shape, it helps to create the impression of chic and well-groomed. A cascade haircut without bangs for medium hair looks great and is easy to care for. Its undoubted advantage is that there is no need for constant styling. The disadvantage of cutting is that it is undesirable to do it with weakened ends. It is ideal for owners of:

  • oval, narrow face;
  • thin, straight curls;

This option is different from others: it has more carefully, neatly processed curls that fall on top of each other. In some places they increase in length. A graduated cascade for medium hair gives luxurious volume and correct shape. Advantages of the hairstyle: it emphasizes the contours of the face, adds thickness, makes thick curls lighter and easier to maintain. Minus - after a haircut, the condition of the ends may noticeably deteriorate. A graduated ladder for medium hair is suitable for women with any type of face.

Torn cascade for medium hair

It stands out due to its multi-stage nature and different lengths of curls. The upper ones are cut over the entire area without observing the rules of symmetry, the lower ones are cut straight and even. As a result, a chaotic, unusual hairstyle structure with sharp transitions is created. The advantage of a torn cascade for medium hair is that it hides facial imperfections, for example, a long nose. Cons: it is difficult to grow, requires careful styling and care. A torn hairstyle suits young people, women with a triangular face type and wide cheekbones.

Cascade for thin hair of medium length

Don't have thick curls? Use women's ladder haircuts for medium hair to add volume and structure. They do not have clear, sharp boundaries, give a natural appearance, and allow you to experiment with styling. The only disadvantage of the ladder is that it requires careful maintenance. If the ends are damaged and weakened, the hairstyle begins to look sloppy. The described haircut option looks good on those with an oval, round face.

Cascade for medium-length wavy hair

When the strands curl, it is beautiful, attractive, unusual. To make them look even better and become more obedient, you need to choose the right haircut. The ideal option is a cascade for medium-length wavy hair. Suitable for everyone, especially women with a large chin and wide cheekbones. The only drawback of the hairstyle is that it is impossible to do it with bangs due to the porous structure of the hair.

Double cascade for medium hair

The main feature of the haircut is the layering. They are cut each separately, with the same length all over the head. With this technology, excellent volume and beautiful shape are obtained. A double cascade for medium hair helps to give unruly strands the correct silhouette, making hard ones light and soft. An undoubted advantage of the hairstyle is that you do not need to use styling products or special equipment for care. If a woman has a narrowed, square face shape, her hairstyle should be done with bangs.

Alas, the double ladder haircut is not for everyone. This hairstyle is not advisable for women with small curls or excessively tangled strands. If a specialist uses thinning scissors, lush curls can become even more voluminous and begin to look awkward. A double ladder looks ideal with long strands, but with skillful execution it can also be implemented with medium length.

If the strands are not thick or voluminous enough, you should try this type of hairstyle. The master will select the optimal length by carefully processing the layers of a multi-layered haircut. Strands falling to the shoulders will give a sense of length, reaching the lower line of the cheekbones - emphasizing the ideal oval of the face. This hairstyle will never lose its relevance. An elongated cascade for medium hair is suitable for women with any type of face and hair. Its only drawback is that it will look sloppy with split ends, weakened ends.

How to style a cascade on medium hair

Blow-drying will help revive your hair and give it shape. For durability, you can use foam, mousse, gel, varnish. When choosing a brush, you need to take a closer look at its shape: for example, a round one can add volume and elasticity, while a skeletal one can lift the roots. Before applying styling products, dry the strands, then apply the selected product. It is more convenient to start from the back of the head, securing the strands with clips. Laying a cascade on medium hair is not difficult, so it is easy to do it yourself, guided by photos and videos on the Internet. Options:

  1. Leave the top layer untouched, curl the bottom layer with a curling iron to the middle.
  2. Curl the strands in the opposite direction, creating curls.
  3. Curl into light curls and style the bangs using a hairdryer.
  4. Use large curlers along the entire length.

Cascade haircut technique for medium hair

The hairdresser begins to cut hair after washing the client's hair, slightly drying it and combing it. The technique and scheme for performing a creative cascading hairstyle is approximately the same for everyone. This can be seen in photos and videos. A cascade haircut for medium hair is performed according to the following technique:

  1. In the parietal part, one strand is separated as a basis, along which the master will be guided. The selected part is immediately cut off.
  2. The strands are separated in parts and secured for convenience with hairpins at the back.
  3. One by one they are pulled up to the control room and cut off.
  4. Edging is performed to obtain a clear outline.
  5. The ends are milled to soften the edges and give additional volume. The technique of cutting a cascade for medium hair is demonstrated in the photo.

Video: how to cut a cascade for medium hair

The “Aurora” haircut is universal, that is, one of five basic haircuts, on the basis of which the hairdresser-stylist individually selects a haircut for each specific woman. The essence of the Aurora haircut is that the hair is cut in a “ladder”, that is, in a cascade, from which the classic “Aurora” haircut received its second name “Cascade”.

We owe the very idea of ​​a cascading haircut to sultry and passionate Italian women. Mediterranean women love lightness and greatly value the beauty of their hair. This same haircut allows you to maintain the length of your hair, but significantly makes it easier to have full hair. In addition, the popularity of this haircut was contributed by the fact that it can be done even without the skills of a hairdresser. All you need is a steady hand and sharp scissors.

Beautiful Italian women, thanks to whom the fashion for cascading hairstyles has swept the whole world.

Cascade haircut technology

The head is conventionally divided into zones: parietal, occipital and temporal.
A control strand is selected on the parietal part of the head and cut to the desired length. Then, the remaining strands are pulled towards it and cut off at the level of the control strand.

Strands can be pulled at different angles and with different tensions to adapt to the desired basic hair length.

The cascade can be done not over the entire head, but only on the upper part, occipital or temporal. In order for the hair on the temporal and occipital parts to remain longer than with the classic Aurora, choose another control strand for a more precise haircut.

After all, the hair on the head does not grow equally, in some places it is thicker, in others it is less frequent, and only the master can see this. When creating a hairstyle, the hairdresser takes into account the direction of hair growth, its density and thickness. A real stylist cares not only about the beauty of the hairstyle, but also about making sure that the owner of this hairstyle is as comfortable as possible with it, and the hairstyle always looks perfect, without long hours of tedious styling.

Those with thin or not very thick hair can simply tie their hair into a bun and cut it off in one fell swoop.

After untying the ponytail you will get this cascading effect. But of course, it’s better not to experiment like that, and go to a salon, where the experienced hand of a master will make your cascade more interesting and neat. Cutting your hair off is easier than growing it back, and at-home haircuts can sometimes be too difficult to fix.

The classic “Aurora” was originally intended for medium-length hair, although for short hair you can create a characteristic cascading ladder.

With "Cascade" the shape of the face, the condition and thickness of the hair are not important, nor is the length of the hair itself. All this is corrected by adjusting the length of the ladder and subsequent installation. Choosing the right Cascade hairstyle is very important. After all, a woman’s mood depends on her hairstyle, and we women usually live by our mood.

Haircut "Cascade" for medium length hair photo

For lovers of bangs, Cascade allows you to fit a wide variety of bangs into your hair - straight, graduated, oblique, “torn” and “French”.

Ladder bangs, smoothly transitioning to the main length, are suitable for Cascade hairstyles for medium-length hair and this is the optimal solution for this haircut. But you need to take into account the type of face so that the bangs suit the face, and not just the hairstyle. After all, bangs are the frame of the face and the choice of its shape determines the entire appearance. But the bangs should not be separate from the hairstyle, and if you have curls all over your head, then even, smooth bangs will look quite strange.

A cascade for medium-length hair allows you to adjust your face shape. Therefore, it is so important to correctly place accents and choose exactly the Cascade that is right for you.

Correcting your face shape using Cascade

If you have a round face shape, you should visually lengthen your face and make it more oval. This can be achieved by making the upper part of the hair more voluminous, with straight strands that will “cut” the face. You need to be very careful with your bangs. You should not round it, and thereby emphasize the shape of your face. It is better to do without bangs at all, making a stepped cascade from the parietal part of the head to the temporal region.

An elongated face also needs correction. However, here it should be expanded somewhat to smooth out the elongation. For such a face, thick bangs and fuller curls are recommended, which will distract attention and compensate for the shape of the face.

With a square face, we distribute accents on the top of the head and on the tips. Torn Cascade is exactly what you need for this type of face. Avoid straight lines and vertical, even strands that follow the shape of your face. Straight long bangs are strictly contraindicated. But if you are used to bangs, avoid straight lines and symmetry in every possible way.

The triangular shape of the face also requires correction. Typically, owners of this type of face have a wide and high forehead and a small chin. This is very touching, but still modern fashion dictates its own canons of beauty. Thick long bangs reaching to the eyebrows and elongated curls at the temples will help to even out and make the face more harmonious.

Girls with oval faces are luckier. They have the opportunity to “try on” almost any Cascade and play with the length of their hair as they please.

For what type of hair is the “Cascade” hairstyle suitable?

Cascade for soft and fine hair

A cascading haircut in several levels visually increases the volume of the hairstyle. This applies to both medium-length and long hair. The cascade looks equally good on hair of any length, but creating the desired volume, of course, is easier on medium-length hair.

Hair coloring when cutting Cascade

To give your hair volume, sometimes a simple haircut is not enough, and the hairdresser can offer hair coloring, in which contrasting strands will enhance the cascade effect and emphasize the beauty of flowing hair.

Bronding, omre, shatush, all these are similar techniques in that coloring occurs with paints of the most natural color, with smooth transitions, imitating the effect of burnt hair.

For more daring girls, you can try bright, contrasting colors. A cascading hairstyle will emphasize the airiness and lightness of the hairstyle, even if you use an extraordinary palette of colors.

Cascade for thick hair

Heavy and thick hair is very beautiful, but it brings a lot of trouble to its owner. Hair is heavy and sometimes it is very difficult to comb and style it. What to do if hair care becomes too burdensome, but you don’t want to cut your hair? There is only one way out - to thin them out using a “Cascade” hairstyle.

They remain the same in length, but are significantly lighter due to the creation of a stepped haircut.

Thinning haircut cascade

Thinning is done with special tools - thinning scissors or a razor. Thinning is used for a smoother cascading effect at the ends of the hair. After thinning, all the unevenness and flaws that even the most experienced master can have will be smoothed out. In addition, the milled ends of the hair become thinner and fluffier. This visually increases the volume of fine hair and lightens hair that is too thick.

The thicker the hair, the longer the strands can be milled. In some cases, thinning is used almost from the root of the hair.

Cascade hairstyle for curly hair

Curly hair is made for Cascade, and it's hard to find more perfect hair for this hairstyle. The cascade looks great with curls of any length.

If nature lets you down, you can correct this misunderstanding with the help of a bioperm. The bioperm lasts long enough, does not harm the hair and reduces the time of styling your hair to just combing it.
The curl should be done before the haircut, so that the hairdresser can be guided by the curls that appear and at what level the cascade will look more advantageous.

Hairstyle Cascade

The versatility and simplicity of the Cascade haircut allows you to style it very quickly, using a regular round comb (brushing) and a hairdryer.

Styling is done on cleanly washed, damp hair. Using a round comb, lift a strand of hair at the root, point the hair dryer nozzle at it and stretch the comb along its entire length, twisting the ends in one direction or the other. After all, various events require us to have an appropriate appearance, and a cascading hairstyle allows you to create this desired style without much effort. Do you need romantic curls, or a strict business style? Artistic mess or braids?

Of course, braids with a “Cascade” hairstyle are inconvenient to weave and you are unlikely to get an even and smooth braid unless you use special styling products. Well, after all, “Cascade” is not intended for rigor and order. Cascade is a romantic disheveled look and slight negligence. This is a hairstyle for those girls who love change and do not tolerate conventions and restrictions.

Greek style styling

Greek style styling is suitable for special occasions and business meetings. It is simple and it will not be difficult to style your hair yourself, without the help of a hairdresser. Suitable for medium length curly hair and if you have straight hair, it is better to curl it. This will make styling much easier and even stray strands will look very cute.

Comb your hair and part it down the middle. Put a circular headband on top, or a special headband for a Greek hairstyle. Strand by strand, begin tucking your hair and tucking it under the headband. Correct, inspect and fix with varnish.

With this style you will always be the center of attention.

The success of a good hairstyle depends a lot on the quality of the headband itself. After all, if it slides and jumps off, the hairstyle will deteriorate very quickly. Try on the bandage and twist your head; if it slips, secure it with invisible pins for security.

Star Cascade

Women's cascading hairstyles will never go out of style. After all, it is practical, stylish, and simply beautiful. And no matter what hairstyles fashion designers impose on us, classics are forever and everyone’s favorite Hollywood stars are proof of this.

But these stars know a lot about fashion and have tried on thousands of looks, but they came to the conclusion that it is “Cascade”, so ordinary and generally banal, that can become unique, emphasize style, stand out from the crowd, if this cascade is done correctly selected and fits the face.

If you come to the salon and want a Cascade, just tell the stylist what basic hair length you want to keep. You shouldn’t ask for a hairstyle “like J.Lo”, the hairdresser will certainly try, but will such a hairstyle suit you? Each woman has her own face shape, her own character and her own type of face, and you should choose a hairstyle, taking into account your parameters, and not another woman, even a very beautiful one. After all, she became beautiful because she didn’t look up to anyone, but chose for herself what was right for her.

Well, who doesn’t know about such a haircut as a ladder. If you have never come across this name or its analogue - cascade, this does not mean that among your circle there will not be a girl who wears this hairstyle. And if you yourself are one of its carriers, then you probably wondered - how to style it at home? In fact, the ladder is very versatile, and you can do anything with it: curling, straightening, and it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s long, medium or short strands.

Preparing hair before styling

Of course, before styling, it is very important to prepare your hair. This is done simply, and everyone knows that there is no way to do without it. However, let us remind you that the roots of the head must be clean, otherwise the styling will not last long, and you will simply look untidy.

So, first of all, wash your hair with shampoo. Yes, it is important. You should choose a shampoo that is suitable specifically for your hair type. If they get dirty quickly, then it is against fat content. If split ends (short or long doesn’t matter) – restorative. If they don’t hold volume well, use volume shampoo, etc. In the case when several problems haunt you at the same time, you can use a remedy against all the ailments.

Immediately after your head has been thoroughly cleansed with shampoo, you should apply a mask to your haircut. You can choose one that comes with shampoo, a mask from another manufacturer, or make a homemade mask with your own hands. There are plenty of recipes for such products, they are very simple to make, and it won’t take you much time or effort. It is important to simply apply it after washing your hair, keep it for the time specified by the manufacturer or in the recipe, then rinse with cool water.

The next stage is air conditioning. It is used immediately before styling, when the strands are slightly dried with a towel. Along with it or instead of it, you can use a styling product, for example, mousse. There are also various sprays that will protect curls from high temperatures.

After you apply all the necessary products to your hair, it will become very damp, but there is no need to dry it. To remove excess moisture from the strands, just do the following: lightly dry the strands with a warm stream of air from a hairdryer, but so that they still remain damp. Dry hair deteriorates much more when styled than wet hair.

Ways to tidy up your staircase

Now that your hair is ready to be styled, it's time to start creating a masterpiece on your head with your own hands. It is only at first glance that it seems that mastering the technique of professionals in styling curls is difficult, but in fact this is far from the case. You will be able to create excellent hairstyles on your head just by strictly following our tips and trying your best. The styling options are numerous. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have bangs or without, whether you have a short haircut or left long strands. You can do whatever your heart desires: curling, straightening, just beautifully styled curls.

First of all, prepare a hairdryer. It is important that it has a comfortable extended nozzle so that it can interact with the comb. By the way, about her. You can use two brushes - one massage brush to dry your hair before you start styling, and another round brush to directly style your hair. You may also need a curling iron or straightening iron. In any case, be prepared that your hair will not approve of such heat treatment if you do not use the required products to maintain its health.

Regular hair styling

It doesn’t matter whether your curls are long, medium or short – the principle of basic styling is the same for everyone. There are, of course, many different types of other styling for each individual length, but at the moment we are talking about a universal one. And you can do it yourself if you follow all the advice. Also, this installation is the basis for all subsequent ones.

  1. Comb the strands thoroughly so that no small knots remain. It is best to first use a massage brush, and then a thin straight brush with frequent teeth.
  2. For convenience, you can secure the top layers of the haircut with crabs. If you think you can cope without it, then there is no need. We recommend that you first pin up your hair, leaving only the bottom layer.
  3. Take a round comb and twist some of the strands around it. Our task at this stage is to add volume, so you yourself understand in which direction you can twist the comb when applying air flow from the hair dryer. First, twist the brush to lift the strands at the roots, and then pull them out, holding them tightly between the dryer nozzle and the comb to straighten the curls.
  4. Unpin the next layer and repeat the same steps. It is very important to do everything as quickly as possible and not to hold the hair dryer so close to your hair for a long time, otherwise your hair may suffer greatly from such actions.
  5. You need to do the same with the remaining layers. Don't forget about speed, but it all depends on the length of the strands.
  6. When, finally, all the hair is dry, you need to perform the same steps again, but not with hot, but with cold air. Thus, the hair retains its shape and volume, and the hairstyle will not deteriorate after half an hour.

If you have a cascade with bangs, then you will have to work on it separately. It doesn’t matter whether it is oblique, straight, whether the strands are long, medium or short. You just need to stretch it out without adding too much volume. It is believed that with very voluminous bangs you can give yourself a stupid expression, but if this does not work in your case, then you can do what you like best.

Creating Wavy Curls

With your own hands you can create an incredibly beautiful hairstyle with a minimum of effort. A cascade haircut can be styled in different ways, and it will all be equally beautiful, regardless of whether you have long, medium or short curls, with or without bangs. One of the most important decorations of a cascade haircut is the curling of the strands. This will give you special femininity and sophistication.

The curling is done as follows:

  1. Dried and styled hair should be combed first with a massage brush, and then with a thin brush with frequent teeth.
  2. Tackle your bangs first, if you have them. It doesn’t matter what shape it is, but when the hair is permed, this part of the curls should lie to one side. Straight bangs can be slightly curled and divided into two parts with a side parting.
  3. Secure the top layers, leaving only the bottom. Visually divide this layer into strands.
  4. Pointing the curling iron in one direction, curl all the strands. Repeat the same with the remaining layers.
  5. Before finishing, secure your hair with a light hairspray.

If your hair is short, you need to curl the entire strand from the roots (be careful not to burn yourself) to the ends. If your hair is medium or long, then the curling extends only to the ends.

Straightening strands

There are various options on how to improve a cascade haircut. For example, create the effect of perfectly straight strands. It looks best on a torn cascading haircut with bangs. This procedure is performed almost like a perm, only now you need to create not beautiful curls, but clearly even strands. This hairstyle will look a little informal, but it is very refreshing and youthful.

  1. Comb your hair with a fine, fine-toothed comb. Be careful if the hairs immediately become electrified, and use a massage brush in this case.
  2. Separate the bottom layer and secure the rest with bobby pins.
  3. Hold the strand with a thin comb and straighten it with an iron. If it doesn't straighten well enough, repeat.
  4. Do the same with the remaining strands, and then with the remaining layers.
  5. Comb your hair thoroughly with a comb that does not electrify your hair.
  6. Cover the strands with light varnish to secure the result obtained from the cascade haircut.
