How to hide a folder on a flash drive. How to open hidden files on a flash drive

Many users who neglect the services of antivirus programs may often wonder why files are not visible on the flash drive. This problem usually occurs as a result of virus attacks on your computer. This article provides a detailed guide on how to see system and hidden files on a flash drive.

Malicious code can simply “harm” and assign “Hide” or “System” attributes to your data. Other programs are more dangerous - they hide the original objects and leave a shortcut instead. A user who does not notice the trick will launch the utility and quickly infect the computer.

Antivirus programs will help you get rid of dangerous code. If you don’t have it at hand, you can simply delete all the shortcuts manually. But antiviruses will not be able to help find hidden folders. If the files are not visible on the flash drive, you will need to remove the “Hide” and “System” attributes in their properties yourself.

Windows Explorer Properties Settings

In order to work with affected data, you must first see it. By default, your computer does not show such objects, so you will need to change the Explorer configurations. There is nothing complicated about this, just follow all the steps in the presented step-by-step instructions:

Object Properties

Now your computer will display all hidden files not only on connected hard drives, but also on external devices. However, you will most likely want the information on your flash drive to be visible to other users on other devices. To do this, you need to change the configurations of the “affected” elements.

Most likely, you will not be able to change the settings using the My Computer utility. There are two easy ways to do this: using the popular Total Commander program or using the command line.

Method one

Total Commander is a powerful file manager for Windows that has significantly more capabilities than Explorer.

As with the My Computer utility, you must first see the necessary elements.

Method two

The situation is familiar to many. We open the flash card and instead of our files we see incomprehensible shortcuts, or worse, we see nothing. Hidden files definitely do not appear on the flash drive by themselves and the reason for this is a virus attack. In this article we will look in detail at how to open hidden files on a flash drive, and here you will also find clear recommendations to prevent a similar problem in the future.

Hidden files on a flash drive

The problem can manifest itself in several ways. First, we will look at the most common case, when a virus hiding files on a flash drive belongs to the Autorun virus family. In this case, all files and folders turn into shortcuts. Those. The virus assigns system and hidden attributes to all folders and files, and instead of our files, it places an exe shortcut with the same icon and folder name. If you open it, it will be empty.

Open hidden files on a Windows XP flash drive

In this situation, you need to open My Computer. On the menu bar, select "Folder Options" or "Folder Options" depending on the version, and in the window that opens, select the "View" tab. Here you need:

  • - select the option "show hidden files, folders and drives"
  • - uncheck "hide protected system files"
  • Next, you need to change the file attributes so that they open on any computer. To do this, we will use the Total Commander program. First you need to go to the "Configuration/Settings" menu. In the window that appears, go to the "Panel Contents" tab and check the box for the "Show hidden system files" function. Click "Apply".

    In the window that opens, uncheck the “System” and “Hidden” attribute. Click the OK button.

    Open hidden files on a Windows 7 flash drive

    Here the sequence of actions is identical except for one point. To change folder settings, open the Start menu/Control Panel/Appearance and Personalization/Folder Options. In Windows xp we opened My Computer.

    How to open hidden files on a flash drive

    Now let's consider the second situation, when the virus hid folders on the flash drive by moving their contents to a folder with an invalid name. Those. The virus creates a folder on the flash drive with a name for example "..". Windows prohibits the use of such characters in the file name, so it is not displayed. Since it is not displayed, then what was placed in it is not displayed. To solve this problem we need to rename the folder with that name. To do this you need to use the command line. Go to the folder C:/Windows/System32, find the cmd.exe file and copy it to the flash card. Launch it and enter the command in the window that opens:

    where dir is a command that displays the contents of a directory, ad displays folders, and x is the name of the directory. A window with contents will open.

    Now you need to rename the folder named E2E2~1, to do this, enter the command:

    Our directory will be renamed to the doc folder, which is what we will find on the flash drive with the missing files.

    Currently, there are even more insidious viruses that simply delete files from a flash card. In this situation, special programs such as Recuva can help restore data. We will get acquainted with them in more detail and learn how to use them in the following publications, since the question is quite extensive.

    And finally, a few tips to prevent hidden files from appearing on a flash drive in the future. First of all, check your computer for viruses that have infected the flash card, second, identify the USB drive itself, and third, install protection against Autorun viruses.

    Hello, friends! For the past 6 years, a virus has been raging that hides folders on removable media and creates shortcut copies. Surely each of you has encountered a similar problem when you insert a flash drive into someone else’s computer, and after that all the contents disappear somewhere. But the volume of the flash drive remains unchanged.

    1) The virus hid the folders on the flash drive
    2) Make folders visible using system tools
    3) Make folders visible using TotalCommander
    4) We write our own program - a lifesaver
    5) We treat the flash drive using third-party programs

    The virus has hidden folders on the flash drive

    I have identified three types of the problem when. The first is when the flash drive with the files is pristinely empty or contains one file of an unknown extension that cannot be opened by standard programs on the computer. Second, when shortcuts appear in place of normal files. The shortcuts are mostly working, and when you click on a shortcut folder, a new window opens with the contents of the folder. And third, the most common in our time, when the copy shortcut has the extension .lnk. Everything is much more complicated here, since even if you make hidden folders visually visible, you will not be able to uncheck the “hidden” attribute.

    I used to do this, copy the contents of a folder and paste it into a new folder. Then the flash drive was treated with antivirus. But when there are more than ten folders, this requires time, which in itself is not very effective.

    In this article, I tried to collect fairly complete information on how to make hidden folders visible and get rid of a virus on a flash drive. The information is relevant and very popular among computer owners, especially those who often use flash drives and other removable storage devices.

    Making folders visible using system tools

    In order to make hidden folders visually visible, you need to follow the path:

    1) START – Control Panel – Folder Options – View

    This path is suitable in advanced versions of Windows 7.

    2) START – Control Panel – Appearance – Folder Options – View

    Let's look at the picture:

    In the folder settings window, select VIEW and configure the display of hidden files.

    Look at the picture:2

    This completes the process of visibility of folders using the system.

    IMPORTANT: After these steps, scan the drive. We delete shortcuts with the .lnk extension, we also delete unnecessary and unfamiliar files with the .exe extension, then we delete the autorun.inf file and the RECYCLER folder.

    Making folders visible using TotalCommander

    Here the process is much simpler and faster than in the first option. To do this, of course, you need to have the TotalCommander file manager program. We launch the program, select display of the drive in one of the windows.

    The program is very easy to set up. In the top menu, select “Configuration” - Settings... - Panel contents – Display files – check the “Show hidden/system files” box.

    Let's look at the picture:

    After this, we can freely see all hidden files; by default, they will be marked with a red exclamation mark.

    Then we make hidden folders visible, that is, we remove unnecessary file attributes.

    Let's look at the picture:

    If the level of infection of the folders is of the second level, then all the folders will become visible; all that remains is to follow the point marked IMPORTANT from the first part. If it was not possible to remove the file attributes, then we proceed to the use of heavy artillery.

    We are writing our own program - a lifesaver.

    What I’m going to tell you now really works and is really valuable information, at least in solving our problem. I'll show you how to create a small program that will instantly cure flash drives from a virus that makes folders hidden.

    To do this, you need to create a text document with the .txt extension. I'll give you a hint, this is a standard notepad document. Next, copy and paste the following text into it:

    set/p disk_flash=”Vvedite bukvu vashei fleshki:”
    cd/D %disk_flash%:
    if %errorlevel%==1 goto label
    cd/D %disk_flash%:
    attrib -s -h -r autorun.*
    del autorun.*/F
    attrib -h -r -s -a /D /S
    rd RECYCLER /q/s
    explorer.exe %disk_flash%:

    Let's look at the picture:

    Change the file extension. Click in the document in the top menu FILE – Save as... - Select the storage location for the file – Write the name of the file after the period and write.bat.

    Let's look at the picture:

    After all the steps done, you should get:



    We proceed directly to the “cleaning flash drive” operation. To do this, we need to run the file as Administrator. Right-click on the file, select the item in the context menu, Run as administrator.

    Let's look at the picture:

    In the window that appears, write the letter that corresponds to the drive and press the Enter key on the keyboard. The program will automatically start the treatment process. Upon completion, a window with the contents of the flash drive will open. After which you will only have to carry out the operation marked IMPORTANT in the first part of the article.

    The program really works. In my case, it is stored on a flash drive and is always at hand.

    We treat a flash drive using third-party programs

    1)USB Hidden Folder Fix

    The program has a fairly simple appeal, but the interface is in English. So that you don’t get lost in the two buttons, look at the screenshot of the program:


    The second program in a series of personal assistants for treating flash drives. The program does not require installation; just select the version of the program for the bit size of your operating system. The programs also have a Russian interface.

    Let's look at the screenshot:


    And finally, the third program for recovering hidden folders. Installing the program is quite tricky, be careful when choosing the installation mode. In automatic mode, the Yandex kit will drop onto your computer, from the browser and unnecessary applications. The program interface also has Russian language.

    Let's look at the screenshot:

    This software, consisting of three programs, is absolutely safe and has proven its performance as excellent. So download from the link - the software cures hidden folders.

    After all that has been done, you should repeat the point marked IMPORTANT in the first part of the article.

    Dear friends, I tried to collect the most current and complete version of all the tools for treating hidden folders on removable media. Still, I recommend being careful when using flash drives on other people's computers. And don’t panic if you have a similar incident, and there is very important information on the flash drive. After reading this article to the end, you are convinced that there are no unsolvable problems, there is only the choice of the right tool for the solution.

    Sincerely, Oleg Nekrom!

    Imagine the situation. You are given a flash drive that contains some materials that you must copy to your computer. And so you connect the flash drive, open it and... But there’s nothing on it! How can this be, you ask? Go to the properties of the flash drive and see that it is half occupied. What to do?

    Most likely, the files on the flash drive are hidden. I'll show you how to make them visible.

    Making files and folders visible

    This is what an empty directory on a flash drive looks like. There is even an inscription - “This folder is empty.”

    On the left side of the window there is an “Arrange” button (we are talking about Windows 7; on Windows 10 the button is called “Options”). Click on it, after which a menu will appear in which you need to select “Folder and Search Options”.

    The “Folder Options” window will open in front of you. Select the View tab. Here you need to check the box next to “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. You can also uncheck the “Hide protected system files” option if the files are still not visible (don’t forget to put this checkbox back later). Click OK.

    Now we open our flash drive and see a folder that is hidden. We go into it and copy all the necessary materials.

    Please note that a virus or malware may be to blame for this problem. I strongly recommend using an antivirus to scan the flash drive and a utility like Dr.Web Cureit, which does an excellent job of removing malware.

    How to hide a folder on a flash drive?

    There is nothing complicated here. Create a folder and go to its properties (RMB - “Properties”). On the “General” tab, check the box next to the “Hidden” attribute and click OK.

    We open the flash drive and see that the folder and files in it have become hidden. You can make them visible using the method described above.

    If you use a flash drive not only on your home computer, then you have probably encountered a situation where the USB drive had to be cleaned of viruses. You could have brought it in at work, a friend’s computer, school, college, and so on. And when I connected it to a computer or laptop with an antivirus installed, alarming messages began to appear that the removable storage device was infected.

    But what should you do if, after scanning with an antivirus program and removing viruses, there is nothing on your removable media? This situation can be easily corrected if you caught a virus that hid all files and folders on the flash drive.

    Not only a virus could have hidden everything on the USB, but also, for example, your friend who knows a little about this and decided to play a joke on you.

    In general, let's figure out how to display all hidden files and folders on a flash drive so that you can work with them again.

    First of all, connect your device to a computer or laptop that has an antivirus program installed. Then scan it for viruses and, if necessary, cure it. This will prevent you from infecting your computer through a connected USB device.

    How to return everything through Explorer

    There are several ways to find and display all documents. The simplest is to use Windows Explorer.

    If you have the Windows 7 operating system installed, then go to the “My Computer” or “Computer” folder and open the flash drive. Then go to the Tools tab and select Folder Options from the menu.

    In the next window, open the "View" tab. In the “Advanced options” section, find the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” field and check the box next to it. Click "Apply" and "OK".

    After this, all recorded files will be displayed, but they will be muted and you will not be able to work with them. Select them - press Ctrl+A. Next, right-click on any selection and select “Properties” from the context menu.

    On the “General” tab, in the “Attributes” section, you need to uncheck the “Hidden” box. Then click "Apply".

    A window like this will appear. In it, put a checkmark in the “To selected items and to all subfolders and files” field and click “OK”.
    Then click “OK” in the “Properties” window.

    After this, all files and folders will become visible.

    If you have the Windows 10 operating system installed, then go to the “This PC” folder and go to the “View” tab. Next, click on the “Options” button – “Change folder and search settings.”

    On the “View” tab, uncheck the “Hide protected system files” box and put a checkmark next to “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. Then click “Apply” and “OK”.

    Right-click on the muted file and select "Properties". In the properties window, uncheck the “Hidden” box and click “Apply” and “OK”. This way, make all the necessary documents visible.

    When everything is ready, go to “Folder Options” again and change everything back - select “Do not show hidden files, folders and drives.”

    Using Total Commander

    If you are used to using Total Commander instead of the standard Windows Explorer, then it can also help us. Go into it and select the letter that corresponds to the flash drive. Then click on the “Configuration” tab and select “Settings” from the list.

    Further in the list on the left, go to “Panel Contents” and check the “Show hidden/system files” box in the main window. If you have two different fields, then check the boxes in both: “show hidden” and “show system”. Click Apply and OK.

    Once everything on the device is displayed, you need to make them visible. To do this, select everything, then click on the “Files” tab and select “Change Attributes” from the list.

    In the next window, uncheck the “Hidden” and “System” boxes and click “OK.”

    Now you can work with everything that you have recorded on USB. This method, unlike the first, will allow you to display not only hidden files, but also system ones.

    Restoring a flash drive after a virus via the command line

    To restore hidden files after a virus, you can also use the command line. To get started, insert the drive into your computer, go to the “My Computer” folder and see which letter corresponds to the removable device. In the example, this is M:

    If you have Windows 10, then you can start the command line like this: right-click on the “Start” button and select “Command Prompt (Administrator)” from the menu.

    In the Command Prompt window, enter the drive letter followed by a colon:

    and press "Enter".

    Then press "Enter". When the process is completed, all documents on your device will become visible.

    Choose one of the described methods to display all hidden files on the flash drive. I hope everything works out and you will be able to work with important and necessary documents again.

    In the age of information technology, most documents and photographs are stored electronically. To transfer them from one computer to another, you can use a flash drive. Sometimes situations arise when you urgently need to use this information. Having inserted the storage medium into the computer, we are faced with a problem when files and folders are not visible. What to do to display hidden files on a flash drive? What caused their disappearance? The answer is simple: you need a little patience and basic PC knowledge.

    The simplest option for gaining access to invisible files

    Directories and files have disappeared due to malware and viruses. You can use an antivirus, but after the malware is destroyed, the files will remain hidden.

    Of course, you can go to the control panel and select “show hidden directories and files” in the folder properties. After this procedure, you will be able to view hidden files on the flash drive. Once you open a folder, you can copy the files stored in it and move them to the newly created folder.

    Unfortunately, this method does not always help, and is very labor-intensive. If there were a lot of files in the hidden folder, then copying may take from several minutes to several hours.

    It is possible to see hidden files on a flash drive in another way, which is considered the best among other existing ones. Before you begin this method, you need to check its volume in the properties of the flash drive. This is necessary in order to be 100% sure that the storage medium is not empty.

    How to access hidden files

    To use this method, you need to download and install Total Commander - a manager for working with files.

    When the file manager has been installed, you can insert storage media into the system unit. Now we can answer the question of how to open hidden files on a flash drive.

    Select your flash drive in the file manager. To find out the name of the removable storage device, you can go to “my computer” and look at its name. For hidden files to be displayed, you must click the “hidden items” button on the panel. The button looks like a leaf and a yellow triangle with a small exclamation mark. If there is no such button, then you need to look for it in one of the menus.

    So, how to open hidden files on a flash drive? To do this, you need to select all documents and folders, but if there are several similar files, you need to select them all at once. To do this, hold down the ctrl key and then select hidden folders and files. Now click on the control panel file - change attributes. After this, the following attributes will become available:

    • Only for reading.
    • Archival.
    • Systemic.
    • Hidden.

    Uncheck each of these attributes and click the “OK” button. The folders are now visible and can be used.

    Using a Bat File against Hidden Files

    There is also another option that will help answer the question of how to open hidden files on a flash drive. This method is suitable for those who do not have a file manager and cannot download it.

    You need to log into the removable storage device and create a text document. The following code should be written in this document: attrib -s -h -r -a *.* /s /d.

    When a file with the extension “*.bat” fulfills the specified condition, the files will again become visible to the human eye.

    Complicated way to access hidden files

    To access hidden files, you must enter the registry. To do this, just click the start button and enter regedit in the search bar. Now you need to perform the sequence of actions correctly.

    1. We enter the section, and then follow the registry branch.
    2. We delete the “string parameter” with the name Hidden. Instead, create a “DWORD(32-bit)” parameter, calling it Hidden and assigning it the value 1.
    3. Now we find the parameter “DWORD (32 bits)” with the name SuperHidden and assign the value 1.
    4. Now we follow the branch - -.
    5. We are looking for a “string parameter” named CheckedValue. If such a parameter exists, you need to get rid of it.
    6. Now we create a “DWORD(32 bits)” parameter and call it CheckedValue. The parameter must have a value equal to 1. If the parameter existed previously, you simply need to change the value to 1.
    7. Now let's go to the section.
    8. Go to the “View” menu and select “Update”.
    9. You can close the Registry Editor.

    Getting rid of the virus

    Don’t forget that you need to destroy the virus. Hidden files on a flash drive infected with a virus will infect other PCs. To get rid of this malware, you need to run the registry. To do this, open Start - Run - regedit. When the registry opens, open the following branch: and then find. Find the CheckedValue key and change its value from 0 to 1.

    Having finished working in the registry, we launch the antivirus and scan the entire system to completely get rid of the virus. It is best to scan the flash drive with portable antiviruses, as they are most suitable for treating flash drives.

    If none of the methods helped solve the problem, then you are doing something wrong, you need to read the information again about how to open hidden files on a flash drive.


    Of course, there are other ways to recover hidden files, but their implementation will require additional software and network access.

    To avoid future problems with lost files from removable media, you need to take care of protecting your computer and flash drive in advance. After a flash drive has been in someone else’s personal computer, it must be scanned with anti-virus programs. To protect yourself 100%, you need to install programs on your PC as additional software that can detect and eliminate spyware.

    Many users who neglect the services of antivirus programs may often wonder why files are not visible on the flash drive. This problem usually occurs as a result of virus attacks on your computer. This article describes how to see system and hidden files on a flash drive.

    Malicious code can simply “harm” and assign “Hide” or “System” attributes to your data. Other programs are more dangerous - they hide the original objects and leave a shortcut instead. A user who does not notice the trick will launch the utility and quickly infect the computer.

    Antivirus programs will help you get rid of dangerous code. If you don’t have it at hand, you can simply delete all the shortcuts manually. But antiviruses won't be able to help. If the files are not visible on the flash drive, you will need to remove the “Hide” and “System” attributes in their properties yourself.

    Windows Explorer Properties Settings

    In order to work with affected data, you must first see it. By default, your computer does not show such objects, so you will need to change the Explorer configurations. There is nothing complicated about this, just follow all the steps in the presented step-by-step instructions:

    Object Properties

    Now your computer will display all hidden files not only on connected hard drives, but also on external devices. However, you will most likely want the information on your flash drive to be visible to other users on other devices. To do this, you need to change the configurations of the “affected” elements.

    Most likely, you will not be able to change the settings using the My Computer utility. There are two easy ways to do this: using the popular Total Commander program or using the command line.

    Method one

    Total Commander is a powerful file manager for Windows that has significantly more capabilities than Explorer.

    As with the My Computer utility, you must first see the necessary elements.

    Method two

    Some users, while working on the Internet, encounter special virus programs that modify files on removable media, making them invisible. In some cases, they are replaced by various scripts or shortcuts with similar names and shortcuts that infect your computer. This article describes in detail how you can open hidden files and folders on your flash drive and return them to their original attributes.

    First of all, it is worth noting that under no circumstances should you open or run duplicate files created by a virus, as this will lead to infection of your personal computer, even with an antivirus program enabled. Scan your entire PC and removable device with an antivirus, and then you can start troubleshooting.

    Setting up Windows Explorer

    In order for users to be able to view hidden files located on a flash drive, it is necessary to correctly configure the parameters for displaying objects in Explorer (a program for working with files and folders). To do this you will need to do the following:

    Now you will see all files that have the “Hide” attribute. You can open the root directory of the flash drive and continue working with the necessary information.

    Changing Attributes

    So that hidden files can be seen by other users on other computers, you need to change their properties. To do this, you need to right-click on the desired object to bring up the context menu and select “Properties”.

    In the window that opens, you need to uncheck the boxes next to the “System” and “Hidden” parameters. Click "Apply" to save the changes and "Ok" to close the window and display the files. This way you can edit the parameters of all the data you need.

    However, if there are a lot of objects on the flash drive, changing all the files one by one will be inconvenient and time-consuming.

    Creating a bat file

    You can create a simple script with your own hands that will independently “repair” all the data on the removable media. Follow a few simple steps indicated in the instructions:

    The script you created will change the attributes of all objects located in the current folder in just a few seconds. If you need to open the visibility of information on another medium, simply copy the script onto it and run it.

    Imagine the situation. You are given a flash drive that contains some materials that you must copy to your computer. And so you connect the flash drive, open it and... But there’s nothing on it! How can this be, you ask? Go to the properties of the flash drive and see that it is half occupied. What to do?

    Most likely, the files on the flash drive are hidden. I'll show you how to make them visible.

    Making files and folders visible

    This is what an empty directory on a flash drive looks like. There is even an inscription: “This folder is empty.”

    On the left side of the window there is an “Arrange” button (we are talking about Windows 7; on Windows 10 the button is called “Options”). Click on it, after which a menu will appear in which you need to select “Folder and Search Options”.

    The “Folder Options” window will open in front of you. Select the View tab. Here you need to check the box next to “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. You can also uncheck the “Hide protected system files” option if the files are still not visible (don’t forget to check this box back later). Click OK.

    Now we open our flash drive and see a folder that is hidden. We go into it and copy all the necessary materials.

    Please note that a virus or malware may be to blame for this problem. I strongly recommend using an antivirus to scan the flash drive and a utility like Dr.Web Cureit, which does an excellent job of removing malware.

    How to hide a folder on a flash drive?

    There is nothing complicated here. Create a folder and go to its properties (RMB - “Properties”). On the “General” tab, check the box next to the “Hidden” attribute and click OK.

    We open the flash drive and see that the folder and files in it have become hidden. You can make them visible using the method described above.
