How the wrestler Yuri was killed. “Who killed you? By me": the accused confessed to the brutal massacre of wrestler Vlasko on Lake Baikal

Law enforcement agencies managed to find both suspects in the high-profile murder of wrestler Yuri Vlasko. The athlete died as a result of several stab wounds to the head and neck, received during a mass brawl on the shore of Lake Baikal in the Buryat village of Goryachinsk.

“On August 2, in Ulan-Ude, employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Buryatia detained a suspect in the murder of a famous athlete,” TASS quoted Irina Volk, a representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, as saying.

“In Ulan-Ude, another local resident was detained on suspicion of murdering a famous athlete on the coast of Lake Baikal. Both detainees have already been preliminary charged and a preventive measure in the form of detention has been chosen,” says a message on the website of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Buryatia.

Meanwhile, a short video of the interrogation of the first detainee appeared online. In the footage, he promises to follow the operatives to the beach of Goryachinsk and admits that he killed the athlete during a mass brawl.

Footage of the crime itself also appeared. The video shows how Vlasko begins to fight with the man, tries to use a wrestling technique against him, but after several blows he unexpectedly quickly finds himself on the sand. It was probably at this moment that Yuri received fatal stab wounds. Then the athlete tried to get to his feet, but after several series of blows he lost consciousness.

Later, the investigation established that Vlasko died from being stabbed in the head and neck area.

“This morning, on the shore of Lake Baikal near the village of Goryachinsk, the body of a 20-year-old young man was discovered with signs of violent death - stab wounds in the head and neck,” said Dmitry Stolyarov, head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Buryatia.

It was noted that the athlete and his friends came to Goryachinsk for the international freestyle wrestling tournament among juniors for the Boris Budaev prize. Moreover, Vlasko won in the weight category up to 96 kg and was recognized as the most technical athlete.

A conflict on the beach broke out between athletes and three local residents. Despite the fact that the fatal fight occurred around five o'clock in the morning local time, there were other people present on the beach who, seeing Vlasko's condition, rushed to call an ambulance. Unfortunately, the doctors who arrived at the scene could no longer help the young wrestler, who had lost too much blood.

“The young man’s friends were in panic and tried to provide first aid. No one provided help from the outside: the police were waiting for doctors, and the coast service also did not come, despite the fact that everything happened not far from their building. In the end, after 20 minutes, the guy’s friends themselves loaded him into some kind of car. But it was already clear that they wouldn’t make it in time,” eyewitnesses said.

Vlasko's death was a huge loss for Russian sports. Yuri was considered one of the most promising fighters in the heavy weight category. In 2015 and 2016, he became the European champion among juniors, and this season he took third place at the national championship in his age group. By the age of 20, Vlasko managed to receive the title of international master of sports.

“I don’t particularly think about the future, but my dream, like many athletes’, is to become an Olympic champion. Not everyone makes it to the Olympics, but I think I will definitely succeed. This is the only thing I seriously think about. I'm just at the beginning of my journey. I always tell myself that it is important not to be afraid of anything, to endure, not to feel sorry for yourself. Then you become a fighter of a higher level,” Vlasko talked about his plans.

The funeral of the young wrestler took place on July 31 in the village of Russkie Yanguty, Irkutsk region, where the athlete was born. The Russian Wrestling Federation also provided assistance in organizing mourning events for the family of the murdered athlete.

Who killed fighter Yuri Vlasko and why?

A video of the murder of wrestler Yuri Vlasko has appeared on the Internet

A video of a mass brawl has appeared on the Internet, in which, according to media reports, two-time European wrestling champion Yuri Vlasko was killed. The tragedy occurred on the night of July 29. The athlete's body was found on the shores of Lake Baikal. The footage shows a man who looks like Vlasko being beaten by a whole crowd. The participants in the fight alternately strike the young man in the back and then in the head until he falls motionless.

Meanwhile, on August 7, a second suspect in the murder of wrestler Yuri Vlasko was detained in Buryatia. This was reported by the Republican Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The first suspect was detained last week.

“We were able to identify and detain both young suspects. They turned out to be previously convicted residents of Ulan-Ude, 29 and 33 years old,” the department noted.

Both detainees have already been preliminary charged with committing a crime under the article “Murder committed by a group of persons” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. They are now in custody.

According to investigators, athletes from different regions, including Vlasko, were relaxing on the lake after a tournament in Ulan-Ude. At night, a fight broke out between them and local residents, in which the famous athlete was killed with a knife. Eyewitnesses of the tragedy said that some time after the start of the fight, one of Yuri Vlasko’s comrades noticed that he was lying in a pool of blood. The young man was still alive then. When it became clear that the victim’s condition was serious, the criminals fled the scene. Vlasko's friends did not have time to take him to the hospital.

Champion wrestler Vlasko was killed in a mass brawl

The second suspect in the murder of two-time winner of the European Junior Wrestling Championship Yuri Vlasko was detained in Buryatia.

According to the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Irina Volk, the operation was carried out by employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Buryatia. A possible criminal was captured in a residential area.

The life of a promising 20-year-old athlete was cut short on July 29. He died at the hands of attackers on the shores of Lake Baikal. His body with stab wounds in the head and neck was found in the vicinity of the village of Goryachinsk. Vlasko died in a mass brawl that occurred after an argument with vacationers.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article “Murder”. According to the investigation, in the early morning of July 29, the athlete, at the request of an acquaintance, intervened in a conflict with a group of young people; the altercation escalated into a massacre, during which the wrestler was attacked by 2 people. One of them stabbed the athlete in the chest, and the second struck at least 7 blows to the head with a metal rod. Vlasko died on the spot from his injuries; the attackers, along with other participants in the massacre, fled the scene.

A fighter for the sins of his father was killed

Police detained the probable killer of 20-year-old wrestler Vlasko

Police have detained the alleged killer of 20-year-old wrestler Yuri Vlasko, whose body with many wounds was found on the shores of Lake Baikal. The suspect claims that he acted in self-defense, and the athlete himself was the aggressor in the spontaneous fight. Meanwhile, a version appeared in the media that the fighter was killed for the sins of his father, who in the past was associated with crime and himself died at the hands of a killer.

The case of the terrible death of 20-year-old wrestler Yuri Vlasko, who was found on the shores of Lake Baikal with multiple stab wounds in the chest and neck, is nearing a conclusion.

Law enforcement agencies tracked down and detained a 33-year-old man in Ulan-Ude, who admitted that he was involved in the death of the two-time winner of the European Junior Wrestling Championship.

However, the suspect stated that he was forced to act aggressively in self-defense, since Vlasko himself attacked him. However, this version is questioned on the official website of the Russian Investigative Committee for Buryatia:
“The investigation believes that the testimony of the young suspect regarding the version of self-defense put forward by him does not correspond to the objective picture of the incident and the testimony of witnesses.”

At the moment, the investigation into all the details of the incident continues, and the probable killer is in custody. It is possible that initial charges will be brought against him in the near future and the length of his prison sentence will be determined.

Timur Khutov, head of the criminal practice of the law firm BMS Law Firm, said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that the killer could receive a sentence of more than ten years.

“This crime is punishable by imprisonment from 6 to 15 years. As for the self-defense version, in my subjective opinion, it’s hard to believe, given the several wounds to the head and neck.

However, it should be noted that it is possible to wound a person in the neck or heart in self-defense - another question is that, most likely, there will be one wound (not necessarily fatal), after which the attacker will obviously no longer be able to threaten the defender. Therefore, the self-defense version raises questions. Although, perhaps there were eyewitnesses to the incident who will shed light on the matter.”

The Chairman of the Arbitration Court of Moscow and the Moscow Region, Oleg Sukhov, in a comment to Gazeta.Ru, also leaned towards a sentence of up to 15 years, but added that the actions of the attacker could be regarded as exceeding the necessary actions in self-defense, which would significantly soften the sentence.

“If the actions of the accused are qualified under Art. 105 “Murder”, then under Part 1 he will face imprisonment for up to 15 years. If it is proven that the accused acted in conditions of necessary defense, but exceeded its limits, then qualification may be under Art. 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The punishment under this article is much milder than under Article 105 - correctional labor, restriction of freedom, forced labor or imprisonment for up to two years.

In Russia, the rules on necessary defense are not applied so often - we can say that Art. 108 is assigned even when the limits were not exceeded; if there are doubts that the accused defended himself, then the actions will be classified as murder,” the lawyer concluded.

There is also a version that Vlasko was killed not by accident in the heat of a fight, but deliberately - for the “sins of his father,” who died seven years ago. According to, the athlete’s father was shot at the entrance of his house by a professional killer (two shots directly to the head) for his unsuccessful criminal past. However, for what reason seven years later the criminals needed to take the life of his son is unknown.

In any case, according to the investigation, the wrestler was not the initiator of the conflict, but was peacefully spending time with friends on the shore of Lake Baikal near the village of Goryachinsk. He invited his acquaintances there at the end of international junior competitions, which were held in Ulan-Ude for the prizes of Boris Budaev, the first winner of the World and European Championships in the history of Buryatia.

“Wrestlers are the most peaceful people, they always try to avoid such situations,” general manager of the Russian national team Vadim Kumaritov confirmed this version in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. “I knew that Yuri was a young and promising fighter... I feel sorry for him as a human being.”
That night, the hospitable Vlasko wanted to show the guests the local nature, but a large company of unfamiliar young people prevented a comfortable pastime.

A conflict broke out between one of the athlete’s acquaintances and unfriendly vacationers. The wrestler stood up for his comrade, for which he was stabbed in the chest.

According to eyewitnesses, the conflict was minor at first, but soon some people appeared in cars and “without talking, they took Vlasko’s life.”

“No one provided help from the outside: the police were waiting for doctors, and the coast service also did not come. Despite the fact that everything happened not far from their building.

In the end, after 20 minutes, the friends themselves loaded it into some kind of machine. But it was already clear that they would not make it in time,” quotes eyewitnesses as saying.

Meanwhile, the group of people who “won” in this conflict quickly fled the scene. However, the investigation was able to quickly establish the circle of participants in the fight, after which the police went in search of the suspects, most of whom were trying to hide in Ulan-Ude. Soon, investigators found a 33-year-old man who partially admitted his guilt in the death of one of the rising stars of Russian sports.

Vlasko was a member of the country's youth team and was considered one of the most promising young men in the light heavyweight division. Several dozen athletes came to the civil memorial service for the tragically deceased wrestler, who maintained friendly relations with him.

Yuri Vlasko is a famous Russian wrestler. Repeated winner of Russian and foreign competitions. He performed in the category up to 96 kilograms. In July 2017, he was killed during a fight near the village of Goryachinsk (Pribaikalsky district).

Introduction to sports

The wrestler was born in 1997 in the Osinsky district (Irkutsk region). The sports biography of Yuri Vlasko began when the boy was ten years old. He ended up in the Greco-Roman wrestling section.

Soon the young man moved to Buryatia, but did not stop training, focusing on freestyle wrestling. At that time, the athlete was supported in every possible way by his father, and the young man was grateful to him for this until the end of his life.

Start and end of career

In 2015, the biography of Yuri Vlasko was marked by a significant event - victory at the European Championship (juniors). After that, he took gold at the Russian Cup. And then the young man planned to become an Olympic medalist in freestyle wrestling. The biography of Yuri Vlasko ended unexpectedly, not allowing his dreams to come true.

Tragic death

At the end of July, the young man went to Buryatia for youth competitions. He left the capital of the republic, Ulan-Ude, together with Caucasian athletes. Vlasko wanted to show them the sights of the region. The company arrived in the village of Goryachinsk (Pribaikalsky district). There the irreparable happened.

A fight broke out in this area at night involving residents of a nearby village. The hero of this article was woken up and asked to help reason with the hooligans. People knew very well the biography of the wrestler Yuri Vlasko and thought that an athlete with impressive dimensions could easily stop the unruly young people. Perhaps this would have happened, but the fight was not fair. Several people fought against Vlasko, and one of them had a knife. It was they who inflicted a fatal injury on the athlete. In addition, Yuri was finished off with metal pipes.

The wrestler's friends came to the rescue when it was already too late. They were unable to detain the attackers in hot pursuit. The main thing the athletes were thinking about at that moment was how to save Yuri. The called ambulance took too long. Realizing the value of every minute, Vlasko’s friends loaded him into the car and went to the hospital. But the athlete never made it to the destination alive. The biography of Yuri Vlasko ended on July 29, 2017. The guy was only 20 years old.

Perhaps the wrestler could have survived if nearby coast guard officials had intervened. They not only did not stop the incident, but also did not provide medical assistance to the victim.


Yuri Vlasko, whose biography is known to all fans of freestyle wrestling, was seen off on his last journey in Ulan-Ude. Friends approached the athlete’s coffin. Yuri trained with them during the last years of his life. Then the funeral procession went to the Osinsky district (Irkutsk region) to bury Vlasko in his homeland.

Yuri's mother remained there, and the athlete's father died at the hands of a killer seven years ago. The man was shot dead in the entrance. Before his death, 36-year-old Vlasko Sr. managed to help his son start his career.


Local law enforcement officers detained everyone involved in Yuri’s murder within a few days. Three villagers had previously been jailed for robbery and assault.

The investigation into this case is still ongoing. The press service of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Buryatia reported that law enforcement officers have now collected enough evidence and sent the criminal case to court for consideration.

The strongest wrestler in Buryatia, a two-time European champion in freestyle wrestling among juniors, was only twenty years old when an irreparable tragedy occurred. A month later, law enforcement agencies were able to answer the question of who killed Yuri Vlasko and detain the first suspect. This high-profile murder was the consequence of a mass brawl that occurred on the shore of Lake Baikal near the village of Goryachinsk.

What happened at the end of July on the shores of Lake Baikal

As local media wrote, after the end of the competition held in Ulan-Ude on July twenty-seventh, Yuri decided to show the guests of the international freestyle wrestling tournament among juniors for the Boris Budaev prize the nature of Buryatia, and for this purpose brought them to the village of Goryachinsk. In these competitions, Vlasko won in the weight category up to 96 kilograms and was recognized as the most technical wrestler.

At that moment, another company was resting on the shore of Lake Baikal, which included three residents of Ulan-Ude (Republic of Buryatia), who had previously been prosecuted for robbery and theft. A quarrel between Yuri and someone from another company occurred because Vlasko wanted to stand up for one of his friends, soon the squabble escalated into a fight, and when other athletes came to Yuri’s aid, the bloodied Vlasko was already lying on the ground . The fighters thought that their comrade had been shot, because before that they heard shots, but it was one of the later detainees who shot into the sand with a traumatic pistol to stop the fight.

As it turned out later, Vlasko was stabbed in the neck, but his comrades did not see who did it. Twenty minutes after the tragedy, Yuri’s comrades, without waiting for help from the police and coast guard, loaded him into a car to take him to the hospital, but they understood that the help of doctors would no longer help.

In early August, law enforcement agencies of Buryatia detained two suspects in the murder of Yuri, one of whom admitted to committing the crime. Later, a video of a mass brawl appeared online, during which the athlete died. It shows that Vlasko grappled with one of the men, trying to perform a wrestling move against his opponent, but received several knife blows to the head and neck in response and fell on the sand. He still tried to get to his feet, but received several blows, after which he lost consciousness.

Yuri's death was a huge loss not only for his family and friends, but also for the entire Russian sport, because Yuri showed great promise and was considered one of the most promising fighters in the heavy weight category.

By the age of twenty, Yuri Vlasko had become an international master of sports. He dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion and seriously prepared for this important stage of his sports biography, but due to the tragedy that occurred, this was not destined to come true.

Brief biography of Yuri Vlasko

Yuri Vlasko was born on March 14, 1997 in the Osinsky district of the Irkutsk region. He began training in Greco-Roman wrestling at the age of ten at the Irkutsk club "Sparta", and after moving to Buryatia he switched to freestyle. His father provided great support in all his son’s endeavors, for which Yuri was always eternally grateful to him.

Vlasko took his first gold at the European Junior Championships, after which he won the Russian Cup. Recently, Yuri trained at the Mindiashvili Academy in Krasnoyarsk under the guidance of coach Makhutov. In life, Vlasko was a quiet, calm and polite person, of whom his coaches and friends have only the warmest memories.

According to eyewitnesses, the athletes had a conflict with local residents who had previously been convicted.

Friends of freestyle wrestler 20-year-old Yuri Vlasko, who was killed during a mass brawl in Buryatia, told the details of what happened.

Let us remind you that Yuri Vlasko was killed today, July 29, early in the morning on the shore of Lake Baikal near the village of Goryachinsk, Pribaikalsky district. The guy died from stab wounds. It is known that Vlasko rested on the shore of the lake with his fellow athletes, including natives of the Caucasus, who arrived in the region for the tournament.

Eyewitnesses brought in for questioning by investigators said that the athletes had a conflict with local residents. According to the interlocutors of the newspaper “Number One”, Vlasko was already sleeping when the guys ran into his house and said that “our people were being beaten” on the shore of the lake. The guy jumped up and ran to help. It is known that the athletes’ opponents were at least three residents of Ulan-Ude, Radnazhab Ch., Evgeniy B. and Vitaly T., who had previously been convicted of theft and robbery, a law enforcement source told Life. During the interrogation, the participants in the fight said that one of the fighters opened fire at the sand from a Grand Power traumatic pistol to attract attention and stop the fight. When the fight was finally stopped, the local residents fled. The fighters rushed to the aid of Yuri Vlasko, who was lying bloody on the sand. The athlete’s friends said that he was “stabbed directly in the heart,” but investigators later clarified that Vlasko died from stab wounds in the neck and head. His friends tried to provide first aid.

“No one provided help from the outside: the police were waiting for doctors, the coast service did not come. Despite the fact that everything happened not far from their building. In the end, after 20 minutes, the friends themselves loaded it into some car, but it was already clear that they would not make it in time,” the interlocutors of Arigus TV said.

President of the Russian Wrestling Federation Mikhail Mamiashvili expressed condolences to the relatives of the murdered Yuri Vlasko.

“Yura was an open, honest, powerful and bright guy without a shadow of aggression, the soul of the team, a real Russian big strong guy with clear goals and objectives,” Mamiashvili commented to TASS.

The senior coach of the Russian wrestling team, Anatoly Margiev, called the murder of the athlete “a serious loss for Russian wrestling,” since the young man was “one of our most promising light heavyweight athletes.”

Investigators are currently finding out what exactly caused the conflict, and are also taking measures to identify and detain the suspects. A criminal case has been initiated under article murder (Part 1 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).


Yuri Vlasko is a master of sports in freestyle wrestling, two-time winner of the European Championship (in 2015 and 2016). Winner of the Alrosa Intercontinental Cup, a tournament for the prizes of the Head of Buryatia. Winner of the Russian Cup, champion of international tournaments in Iran and Turkey.

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