How to restore visibility of hidden files on a flash drive. How to open hidden files on a flash drive for visibility

Hello, friends! For the past 6 years, a virus has been raging that hides folders on removable media and creates shortcut copies. Surely each of you has encountered a similar problem when you insert a flash drive into someone else’s computer, and after that all the contents disappear somewhere. But the volume of the flash drive remains unchanged.

1) The virus hid the folders on the flash drive
2) Make folders visible using system tools
3) Make folders visible using TotalCommander
4) We write our own program - a lifesaver
5) We treat the flash drive using third-party programs

The virus has hidden folders on the flash drive

I have identified three types of the problem when. The first is when the flash drive with the files is pristinely empty or contains one file of an unknown extension that cannot be opened by standard programs on the computer. Second, when shortcuts appear in place of normal files. The shortcuts are mostly working, and when you click on a shortcut folder, a new window opens with the contents of the folder. And third, the most common in our time, when the copy shortcut has the extension .lnk. Everything is much more complicated here, since even if you make hidden folders visually visible, you will not be able to uncheck the “hidden” attribute.

I used to do this, copy the contents of a folder and paste it into a new folder. Then the flash drive was treated with antivirus. But when there are more than ten folders, this requires time, which in itself is not very effective.

In this article, I tried to collect fairly complete information on how to make hidden folders visible and get rid of a virus on a flash drive. The information is relevant and very popular among computer owners, especially those who often use flash drives and other removable storage devices.

Making folders visible using system tools

In order to make hidden folders visually visible, you need to follow the path:

1) START – Control Panel – Folder Options – View

This path is suitable in advanced versions of Windows 7.

2) START – Control Panel – Appearance – Folder Options – View

Let's look at the picture:

In the folder settings window, select VIEW and configure the display of hidden files.

Look at the picture:2

This completes the process of visibility of folders using the system.

IMPORTANT: After these steps, scan the drive. We delete shortcuts with the .lnk extension, we also delete unnecessary and unfamiliar files with the .exe extension, then we delete the autorun.inf file and the RECYCLER folder.

Making folders visible using TotalCommander

Here the process is much simpler and faster than in the first option. To do this, of course, you need to have the TotalCommander file manager program. We launch the program, select display of the drive in one of the windows.

The program is very easy to set up. In the top menu, select “Configuration” - Settings... - Panel contents – Display files – check the “Show hidden/system files” box.

Let's look at the picture:

After this, we can freely see all hidden files; by default, they will be marked with a red exclamation mark.

Then we make hidden folders visible, that is, we remove unnecessary file attributes.

Let's look at the picture:

If the level of infection of the folders is of the second level, then all the folders will become visible; all that remains is to follow the point marked IMPORTANT from the first part. If it was not possible to remove the file attributes, then we proceed to the use of heavy artillery.

We are writing our own program - a lifesaver.

What I’m going to tell you now really works and is really valuable information, at least in solving our problem. I'll show you how to create a small program that will instantly cure flash drives from a virus that makes folders hidden.

To do this, you need to create a text document with the .txt extension. I'll give you a hint, this is a standard notepad document. Next, copy and paste the following text into it:

set/p disk_flash=”Vvedite bukvu vashei fleshki:”
cd/D %disk_flash%:
if %errorlevel%==1 goto label
cd/D %disk_flash%:
attrib -s -h -r autorun.*
del autorun.*/F
attrib -h -r -s -a /D /S
rd RECYCLER /q/s
explorer.exe %disk_flash%:

Let's look at the picture:

Change the file extension. Click in the document in the top menu FILE – Save as... - Select the storage location for the file – Write the name of the file after the period and write.bat.

Let's look at the picture:

After all the steps done, you should get:



We proceed directly to the “cleaning flash drive” operation. To do this, we need to run the file as Administrator. Right-click on the file, select the item in the context menu, Run as administrator.

Let's look at the picture:

In the window that appears, write the letter that corresponds to the drive and press the Enter key on the keyboard. The program will automatically start the treatment process. Upon completion, a window with the contents of the flash drive will open. After which you will only have to carry out the operation marked IMPORTANT in the first part of the article.

The program really works. In my case, it is stored on a flash drive and is always at hand.

We treat a flash drive using third-party programs

1)USB Hidden Folder Fix

The program has a fairly simple appeal, but the interface is in English. So that you don’t get lost in the two buttons, look at the screenshot of the program:


The second program in a series of personal assistants for treating flash drives. The program does not require installation; just select the version of the program for the bit size of your operating system. The programs also have a Russian interface.

Let's look at the screenshot:


And finally, the third program for recovering hidden folders. Installing the program is quite tricky, be careful when choosing the installation mode. In automatic mode, the Yandex kit will drop onto your computer, from the browser and unnecessary applications. The program interface also has Russian language.

Let's look at the screenshot:

This software, consisting of three programs, is absolutely safe and has proven its performance as excellent. So download from the link - the software cures hidden folders.

After all that has been done, you should repeat the point marked IMPORTANT in the first part of the article.

Dear friends, I tried to collect the most current and complete version of all the tools for treating hidden folders on removable media. Still, I recommend being careful when using flash drives on other people's computers. And don’t panic if you have a similar incident, and there is very important information on the flash drive. After reading this article to the end, you are convinced that there are no unsolvable problems, there is only the choice of the right tool for the solution.

Sincerely, Oleg Nekrom!

It is not uncommon that after being infected with viruses, users are faced with the fact that files on a flash drive become hidden. As a result, you cannot open such files, although they are physically present on the disk and take up free space. In this article we will talk about how to solve this problem and view hidden files on a flash drive.

How to view hidden files on a flash drive in Windows 7

If you have Windows 7, then you need to open any window (for example, My Computer) and press the ALT key on your keyboard. After this, a line with drop-down menus (File, Edit, View, Tools and Help) will appear at the top of the window. Open the Tools menu and select Folder Options.

As a result, the “Folder Options” window should open in front of you. In this window, you need to go to the “View” tab and uncheck the box next to “Hide protected system files.” You also need to enable here. After making all the settings, close the window by clicking on the “Ok” button.

After this, you will be able to view hidden files on the flash drive.

How to view hidden files on a flash drive in Windows 10

On a flash drive it is turned on in the same way. Open any window, go to the “View” tab and click on the “Options” button.

This will open the Folder Options window. Here you need to go to the “View” tab and make the same settings as described above.

After this, you can view hidden files on the flash drive.

How to make hidden files visible on other computers

In order for these files to be viewed on other computers without making changes to the settings, you need to remove the “Hidden” attribute. To do this, select hidden files, right-click on them and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, uncheck the box next to “Hidden” and click the “Ok” button.

If the user has ever used a USB drive not only on his computer, then he was faced with the fact that it needed to be cleaned of malware. This could happen anywhere and when turned on, messages will appear that the flash drive is infected. However, it happens that even after deleting them, files cannot be found. It is quite possible that the virus simply hid the documents or that it was done by someone you know.

The easiest and fastest way is to use Windows Explorer.

  1. Open “My Computer” through the “Start” menu, insert the USB flash drive into the port and double-click on it. In the top menu there is a “Service” section, by clicking on which you need to select “Folder Options” from the list.

  2. A window will appear where you also need to find “View” in the top menu. There are two thematic blocks in this tab; we will need “Advanced parameters”. There you will need to find the “Show hidden files” column and check the box next to it. Then the user needs to save the changes by clicking “Ok”.

  3. After these steps, the user will see a list of files, but their peculiarity is that they will not be able to work with them. Select all folders with the mouse and press RMB (right mouse button). In the list that appears, click “Properties”.

  4. The user will immediately see the “General” tab, where he needs the “Attributes” block, where there will be a checkbox next to the “Hidden” indicator. You need to remove it and save the changes.

  5. The system will confirm the attribute change. You must check the box next to the second option, agreeing to change all selected folders. Click the “Ok” button, then “Ok” again, but in the same “Properties” window.

After these simple steps, all hidden files will be visible again.

Actions through Explorer for Windows 10 users

Actions for users look different:

After completing these steps, it is important to go back to the “Folder Options” section, and in the additional settings, check the box next to “Do not show hidden files.”

Using "Total Commander"

The use of the above method is most relevant, but if the user has this program, then its use will also be useful.

  1. Open the window and click on the letter on the left side that corresponds to this drive. Now you need to find the “Configuration” section in the top menu, and then click “Settings” in the list that appears.

  2. Here you will need the “Panel Contents” section, which the user will find in the left column. In the “File Display” tab, you need to check the box next to the first item. If this parameter is divided into 2 points, then you need to check the boxes next to “Show hidden”, as well as next to “Show system ones”. The user then needs to save the changes.

  3. Now you need to make the documents that appear visible. Select their mice, click on “File” at the very top, then select “Change Attributes”.

  4. There will be markers next to the “Hidden” and “System” indicators that you need to remove and press “Enter”.

Note! The advantage of this method is that it allows you to see both hidden documents and system ones.

Recovery via command line

This recovery method is also relevant.

  1. Insert the flash drive into the port, go to “My Computer”, pay attention to the “Devices with removable media” block. There you can see the letter that corresponds to your drive.

  2. Then open the Start menu and type “cmd” in the search bar. The system will give you a hint; you need to click on the program that appears in the window. This is relevant for Windows 7 users.

  3. Windows 10 users can click on “Start” RMB (right mouse button), then find “Command Prompt” in the list and click on it.

  4. In the black window that appears, write “m:” (without quotes) and press the “Enter” key (or another letter that corresponds to the name of the drive).

  5. The next step is to enter “attrib –h –s /d /s” (also without quotes), after which the user needs to press “Enter” again.

Now all files and folders will become

Video - How to open hidden files on a flash drive

Some users, while working on the Internet, encounter special virus programs that modify files on removable media, making them invisible. In some cases, they are replaced by various scripts or shortcuts with similar names and shortcuts that infect your computer. This article describes in detail how you can open hidden files and folders on your flash drive and return them to their original attributes.

First of all, it is worth noting that under no circumstances should you open or run duplicate files created by a virus, as this will lead to infection of your personal computer, even with an antivirus program enabled. Scan your entire PC and removable device with an antivirus, and then you can start troubleshooting.

Setting up Windows Explorer

In order for users to be able to view hidden files located on a flash drive, it is necessary to correctly configure the parameters for displaying objects in Explorer (a program for working with files and folders). To do this you will need to do the following:

Now you will see all files that have the “Hide” attribute. You can open the root directory of the flash drive and continue working with the necessary information.

Changing Attributes

So that hidden files can be seen by other users on other computers, you need to change their properties. To do this, you need to right-click on the desired object to bring up the context menu and select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, you need to uncheck the boxes next to the “System” and “Hidden” parameters. Click "Apply" to save the changes and "Ok" to close the window and display the files. This way you can edit the parameters of all the data you need.

However, if there are a lot of objects on the flash drive, changing all the files one by one will be inconvenient and time-consuming.

Creating a bat file

You can create a simple script with your own hands that will independently “repair” all the data on the removable media. Follow a few simple steps indicated in the instructions:

All operating systems allow you to enable or disable the display of hidden files. If you are using the Windows operating system, a virus or other malware may cause your personal data to disappear. We will tell you how to recover hidden files.

Enabling showing hidden files

Files that have been set to "hidden" are not visible in Windows Explorer by default. You must enable showing hidden files yourself in order to access them. You can do this using the control panel.

Step 1. Launch Control Panel, then find and open Folder Options. If you have a category view of your Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization, and then open Folder Options.

Step 2. In the pop-up window, go to the “View” tab. A list of additional settings for folders will open.

Step 3. Check the box next to “Show hidden files, folders and drives.” To find this item, scroll to the bottom of the list and find the “Hidden files and folders” subsection. Also uncheck the box next to “Hide protected system files.” After the manipulations have been completed, click the “Apply” button.

Step 4. Now open your flash drive. Your files should appear in the Explorer window. Folder icons will appear in semi-light colors, indicating the Hidden attribute.

Recovering hidden files due to a virus

Some viruses and malware can make changes to the Windows registry, which may cause the display of hidden files to not work as expected. In this case, changes made to the folder properties may be reset every time you close the settings window. You can fix this problem in the Registry Editor.

Step 1. Launch the Windows Registry Editor console. To do this, press the keyboard shortcut “Windows + R”, which will open the “Run” window. In the input field, type the command “regedit” and press “Enter”.

Step 2. Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\ Hidden\SHOWALL". Use the directory tree on the left to navigate between sections.

Step 3. Find the "CheckedValue" key. Its format should be "REG_DWORD". Change its value from 0 to 1.

Note: If this parameter does not exist, it must be created. To do this, right-click and create a new DWORD Value (32 bits). Give it the name "CheckedValue" and set the value to "1".

Step 4. If this happened to your system, then most likely your computer is infected with a virus and after a while this problem will arise again. We strongly recommend that you conduct a full system scan with an antivirus program using the latest virus databases.

Enabling Show Hidden Files Using the Windows Command Prompt

Step 1. Open a Windows command interpreter. To do this, press the keyboard shortcut “Win ​​+ R” and enter “cmd” in the “Run” window. After that, press "Enter".
