Which zodiac sign is lucky? Always be open and active

Luck depends on many factors, one of which is the mood of the stars. It is of particular importance due to the fact that our energy depends on the behavior of the heavenly bodies.

2017 follows a leap year. In fact, we are all very lucky, because the stars will be in a rather favorable position for us. All that remains is to set the direction of your movement. Numerologists, psychics and even eastern sages say that the coming year could be one of the most favorable in the last 10-15 years. Ultimately, everything will depend only on ourselves, but from the very first day we can expect special support from the stars for each Zodiac Sign. The 2017 horoscope will help you better understand the mood of the stars in relation to your Sign.

Eastern calendar and Zodiac Signs

It is not without reason that they say that everything in our world is interconnected. Eastern predictions about each new year are surprisingly plausible. As for 2017, the owner of this time will be the Fire Rooster. He is stately, businesslike, strict, but at the same time caring. The rooster is courageous, so women will have to learn to be adamant and strong. It is very important for every person and every Zodiac Sign to learn this year not to cross the fine line between diplomatic flexibility and softness.

Not all Signs can do this without difficulty, but this does not mean that you will not succeed. This time can become a period of global changes in your personal life. It is in the year of the Rooster that most people find their love, but not everyone can see it. It is worth noting that this year there are the most weddings. It’s worth tying your destinies by marriage only if your inner voice doesn’t just speak, but screams in your ear so that you drop everything and run to the registry office.

People who are honest and open will be lucky in love. These qualities can be called innate in Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces. This will be a very fruitful “love” year. Don't miss your opportunity to find love and keep it. Taking an existing relationship to a higher level is an ideal option for developing mutual love. In 2017, both actions and words, as well as their symbiosis, will be important. Don't let empty words go to waste, back them up with actions. Judging by the forecasts of the eastern calendar, luck will be on the side of those who do not rest until they earn such a privilege. Here luck will smile Cancers, Virgos, Taurus, Aries, Aquarius, Capricorns, Sagittarius and Scorpios.

Do not forget that according to the eastern calendar, the time of fire continues. People who are accustomed to making the world around them the way they need it will be able to feel the touch of luck. This may include Leo, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aries. These are the main fidgets and those who can boast of an unyielding character and an eternally good mood. Well, almost forever.

Thus, astrologers named the three luckiest Zodiac Signs for 2017: Virgo, Taurus, Sagittarius. However, there are other opinions.

Numerology and the most successful Signs

In 2017, Unity will rule the roost. Here again, everything indicates that all the main theories of building luck around people are interconnected. The Unit, like the Fire Rooster, is not afraid of obstacles or problems. She looks at the world through optimistic and realistic eyes, so she is not afraid.

This year can also be successful for those who wish to find something new in themselves by searching for new hobbies and hobbies. Creative individuals will be able to find a way out of difficult situations much easier, because they love everything non-standard and unusual.

Just like the Rooster, the One can be very aggressive. It is home to impulsiveness, imprudence and excessive self-love. That is why all the above advice is also given by numerologists. The science of numbers and their energy does not contradict astrology regarding the luckiest Signs in 2017. These will be Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus. This does not mean that they have nothing to worry about and nothing to worry about. There is a lot to learn from them. Virgos need to learn not to leave the chosen path, as Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn and Leo can do. Sagittarians need a little more foresight. In this they should learn from Virgos and Scorpios. Taurus will need wisdom and diplomacy. Many representatives of this Zodiac Sign will be the luckiest people in 2017.

Astrologers' opinion

So we got to the opinion of the astrologers themselves, who unanimously decided that the stars were most favorably positioned for the following Signs: Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Leo. This does not mean that others will face difficulties and disappointments in business, love and health. The fact is that all Zodiac Signs in 2017 will have quite a lot of work to do on themselves.

The stars and other celestial bodies are beginning to emerge from the temporary state of dissonance of 2016, transforming and becoming more positive. 2017 can be very successful for people who occupy high positions. In order for your subordinates to listen and respect you, be simpler and more often come to calls for help. Show everyone that you are human and intend to always be there.

Be smart like Aquarius, wise like Virgo, strong like Aries or Leo, love like Pisces, strive for heights like Capricorns, don’t be afraid of difficulties like Scorpios, be irresistible like Libra and value friendship like Cancers or Gemini, then everything will be fine.

The happiest people are those who set the right goals and believe in themselves. Thoughts are material - 2017 will prove this to you once and for all. There may not be such a favorable time for about 10 years, so use it wisely. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Fate loves to prepare surprises for us. Sometimes pleasant, sometimes not so pleasant. We wish to have information about all upcoming changes. And the stars can help with this.

Fortune this year will patronize optimistic people. She also favors those who do not go ahead, but adapt to circumstances and draw conclusions.

How to catch luck by the tail? Draw her to you and settle her for a long, happy life next to her?

Good luck will accompany these zodiac signs every day! Find out what the stars have in store for you for 2017!


In 2017, Aries will experience great luck in the form of pure and sincere love. Each of them will find a soul mate, and those who have already managed to do this are destined for complete understanding with their beloved person. In order for good luck to accompany you all year - share this article!


For Taurus, 2017 will bring financial prosperity and stability. All their old projects will come to a logical conclusion and begin to bring maximum dividends. So that luck accompanies you in all your endeavors - share this article!

In 2017, Gemini will experience the pinnacle of their social activities. Political success and reaching a new level of influence in society are likely. In order not to lose the chance to grab luck by the tail, share this article.

Simply incredible gifts - what exactly our New Year's fortune telling will help you find out. And here is the opinion of Astrologers about what gifts different Zodiac Signs can expect from the year of the Fire Rooster.


2017 will give Aries an unforgettable gift in the form of a long-awaited soulmate with whom they will be able to share the rest of their lives. That Cupid has not passed you by - share this Horoscope with your friends.


2017 will bring Taurus fabulous wealth - their capital will multiply as if at the snap of a finger. So that financial luck goes hand in hand with you all year - share this Horoscope with your friends!



For Cancers, 2017 will bring solutions to problems - all their affairs will be settled on their own. Of course, they will take a direct part in this, but Divine Providence will clearly help them. In order not to miss the chances that 2017 brings, share this Horoscope with your friends.

a lion

In 2017, Leos will experience incredible luck - they will get the chance of a lifetime, which they should definitely take advantage of. And so that it doesn’t slip away right in front of your nose, be sure to share this Horoscope with your friends.


2017 will bring family happiness to Virgos. Finally, the time of troubles and problems will end and in the end it will be possible to enjoy life. To make 2017 a very pleasant year, share this Horoscope with your friends.


In 2017, luck will smile on Libra with such force that they will not immediately believe that all these joyful events are happening to them. When, after a couple of months of success, you come to your senses, your success will no longer be stopped. Share this Horoscope with your friends so that luck does not leave you all year.


2017 will bring amazing opportunities for Scorpios, which they will definitely take advantage of and achieve everything they have dreamed of all their lives. In order not to miss this chance, share this Horoscope with your friends.


A real cornucopia will pour into Sagittarius in 2017. Everything they wish for will immediately be at their feet. And in order not to miss the chances of 2017, share this

Finally I'll get lucky! And you?

I don’t really believe in all these horoscopes, but I really liked the prediction here - I really want it to come true! God willing! Petya-Cockerel, bring me happiness!

The coming year will pass under the auspices of the Fire Rooster. This bird is distinguished by its cocky disposition, impulsiveness and inconstancy. And therefore, radical changes will occur in the personal lives of many people in 2017. Read our article about what our loving patron has prepared for us over the next 12 months.

According to Chinese astrology, the year of the Fire Rooster will be filled with meetings, trips and sparkling events. And the fate of each of us will be greatly influenced by meeting new people.


The fiery nature of Aries will reach complete harmony and mutual understanding with the owner of next year. Their personal life will be very successful. The next period is the ideal time to start a serious relationship or enter into a marriage. But against the background of new romantic acquaintances, Aries will have to pay increased attention to their appearance and health.


But the personal life of people of this sign will pass quite smoothly and dispassionately in 2017. They will have intriguing meetings and promising dates, but all of them will turn out to be only fleeting moments. Taurus can consider the year of the Fire Rooster as a kind of respite before conquering new heights on the love front. It is better for them to postpone sudden movements in this area for the future.


Turbulence in Gemini's personal life will upset them at first. The Year of the Fire Rooster will begin for them with partings and losses. But in the end, the changes that have occurred will only benefit them. Many Geminis will meet their loved ones in 2017. Willingness to change and openness to new things will be extremely important for them.


At the beginning of the year, the watery nature of Cancer will come into harsh confrontation with the fiery nature of the Rooster. And they will have to spend the next year in a defensive position, since many love unions of these people will tend to collapse. And therefore, it will be important for Cancers to maintain existing relationships. But by autumn everything will calm down and the stormy river of personal life will return to its usual course.

a lion

Majestic Leos will condescendingly refuse new dates and gifts from annoying fans. The Year of the Fire Rooster will be a period of their complete dominance on the love front. Every intended victim will be tough on them. But in pursuit of new romantic adventures, maintaining already occupied positions in their personal lives will be very important for Leos.

It would be a mistake to count on an easy and pleasant year, to wait for a smooth course of events. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid shocks and problems, especially in the business sphere, where everything turns out to be not as simple and unambiguous as it was previously seen.

Let us highlight several important points characterizing this year:

Old problems make themselves felt again

Here we are talking not only about unresolved issues and unovercome difficulties of 2016, but also about what happened much earlier and was already almost forgotten. Information that has been hidden for a long time may become publicly available, this will interfere with the implementation of new plans. We will have to pay old bills, fulfill old promises - in a word, return to the past, which we would really like to leave behind.

Experience doesn't come easy

There will be a lot of unpleasant lessons in 2017. Someone, of course, will try to avoid them, but later regret it. Try to take your mistakes and failures calmly; as long as you study, they are inevitable.

Many expectations and hopes are in vain

2017 is the year of saying goodbye to illusions. It will be especially difficult for those who previously had everything easy. The events of this year may cause a serious blow to self-esteem or simply show that not all events can be kept under control. It will be painful to say goodbye to old dreams that will not survive the collision with reality. The sooner you gather your strength and take real action, the better.

Business activity will be uneven throughout the year.

It is interesting that those who take on professional tasks as early as January 2017 and do not prolong the New Year holidays for a long time will receive a certain advantage over winter recreation lovers and by the end of February will have created a reliable basis for future well-being. Until mid-April, you can rely on old connections, but then you will need to make an effort to acquire new ones. Not everyone will have it easy; Even people who are used to finding allies quickly and easily may encounter difficulties.

Autumn is associated with the emergence of fundamentally new tasks. The winners here will be those who are able to quickly adapt to circumstances, find a new approach to business, and to people. Flexibility is essential for success. Those who are accustomed to sticking to their line at any cost will have to pick up a lot of bruises and bumps.

By the beginning of winter, it is advisable, if not to resolve all financial issues and pay off debts, then at least to draw up an action plan that you will adhere to until the end of the year. Rash expenses and spontaneous purchases should be kept to a minimum.

From the point of view of personal relationships, the year is passing more calmly.

One of the reasons for this is that you have to devote a lot of energy to work, study, and self-realization. In addition, many people this year will behave more maturely and calmly than usual. This is what will allow, if not completely avoid conflicts, then reduce them to a minimum. Scandalous and passionate romances are not excluded, but they await only those who, in principle, are highly sensitive and easily lose their heads.

Family problems and serious disagreements between representatives of different generations are possible. Parents should keep in mind that in the summer they will have to make a lot of effort to maintain a good relationship with their children, and here you can neither mess around nor expect that problems will be solved on their own.

We will approach the end of the year with new goals and objectives. December is the time to figure out which plans should be implemented first, and which ones it’s better not to take on for now. Make plans seriously and thoughtfully, listen to the prompts of your intuition, and on New Year's Eve you will not only make wishes, but also know exactly what to do to make them come true.

Aries: You will have to learn to make plans and think through every step - this will turn out to be more effective than the spontaneous actions usual for representatives of the sign. New large-scale plans and important tasks may emerge. Try to use your energy wisely and don’t forget to rest.
