Who is Anna Sedakova's 3rd husband? Anna Sedokova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Recently, 34-year-old Anna Sedokova became a mother for the third time: the singer gave birth to a son, Hector. The star also has daughters from previous marriages: 12-year-old Alina and five-year-old Monica.


The artist still keeps the name of her son’s father a secret. Journalists found out that he is 25-year-old businessman Artem Komarov.


However, after the singer published touching photos with her son and 23-year-old MBAND lead singer Anatoly Tsoi, fans began to have doubts. Many believe that Tsoi is the baby’s father.


Meanwhile, Anna first hinted at problems in her personal life, and then even stated that she was a single mother. “You don’t need to feel sorry for me, this is not why I open my heart. I'm strong and I can handle it. Like hundreds of thousands of mothers who raised their children without fathers. I admire each of us. “Everything will be fine,” the star wrote on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. — Note edit.).


Fans were worried whether Anna had really broken up with Hector’s father, since the baby was not yet five months old. It turned out that this is indeed the case. In an interview with OK! Sedokova said that she and her lover are no longer together.


“I can say that today we have decided not to go further together. And this decision was made by us together. This is a complicated story, more complicated than all my stories before,” the singer admitted.

Sedokova believes that her lover did not believe in her: “This will sound strange now, but he really did not believe in me. But I don’t want to spend ninety-nine percent of my time trying to prove to someone, like, I’m not an idiot, I’m talented, I’m an artist.” Anna never mentioned the name of her former lover.

29.12.2017 |

Anna Sedokova is a popular singer, presenter and actress. The girl gained numerous fans while participating in the musical group “VIA Gra”. Now she performs solo and has three beautiful children.

Anna Sedokova and Artem Komarov

At the end of winter 2017, the singer shared with fans that she was pregnant for the third time. The child’s father is Artem Komarov, who is 9 years younger than the girl. He works in the construction company of his oligarch father.

The young people first met on the set of Sedokova’s video and started dating. In April, the singer gave birth to a son from Artem in America. She had a hard time giving birth and had to have a caesarean section, but pretty soon the woman’s condition returned to normal.

Komarov also came to Los Angeles to see his child. Soon after giving birth, Anna deleted pictures with the millionaire from her Instagram, and fans believed that the young people had broken up.

Children of Anna Sedokova: daughters and son

The singer has three children. All of them are from different fathers: millionaire Komarov, athlete Belkevich and businessman Chernyavsky.

Son of Sedokova

In April 2017, Anna gave birth to her third child, son Hector. The boy bears the surname of his father, Artem Komarov, the owner of a large manufacturing company. The couple never formalized their relationship, and in the summer of 2017 it became known that the young people had separated.

The singer immediately showed the child to fans. He was not even a year old, but he was already traveling with his mother and delighting her with his first successes. Anna idolizes her son and calls him the main man in her life. April 8, 2018, he turned 1 year old.

Daughter Monica

In 2011, in California, the former lead singer of VIA Gra gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Monica. The girl’s father is a successful businessman Maxim Chernyavsky (the singer’s second husband).

From an early age, the girl showed talent in music. She sings beautifully, plays instruments, and takes part in her mother’s concerts.

Now Monica is 6 years old, she is studying in the United States, and often meets with her father. The girl adores her older sister, trying to imitate her in everything.

The singer's eldest daughter

From her first husband, Sedokova gave birth to a daughter, Alina. The girl was born in 2004, now she is 13 years old.

Her father, Valentin Belkevich, left the family, Alina supported her mother in everything from an early age.

Now the girl does gymnastics and also loves music. Plus, Alina runs her own blog; about 50,000 people subscribe to her page.

Anna's eldest daughter is the face of the fashion line represented by her star mother.

Personal life and ex-husbands of Sedokova

Anna was officially married 2 times. In addition, the singer dated dancer Sergei Guman for quite a long time and gave birth to a son from businessman Artem Komarov. Now journalists and fans are sure that the girl is dating musician Anatoly Tsoi.

The singer's first husband

In 2004, Anna met the famous Dynamo football player Valentin Belkevich. Their relationship developed quite rapidly, and soon the singer married him and gave birth to a daughter. It was because of Valentin that Sedokova left VIA Gro, deciding to devote herself entirely to her family. The wedding ceremony was magnificent, the bride looked incredibly happy.

Anna was 10 years younger than her husband; for 2 years everything was fine with the lovers, but then Valentin cheated on his wife and she left him. In 2014, he died, and Sedokova could not come to her senses for a long time, because she maintained friendly relations with her first husband.

Second marriage

In 2009, the singer began to be courted by the influential businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, who fell madly in love with Anna at first sight. The girl began to constantly travel to America, because the Formula 1 manager lived in Los Angeles.

After 2 years, the lovers got married and had a daughter, Monica. Everyone around noted that the young people looked great together and predicted a happy marriage for them. However, after a year and a half, the couple decided to divorce. The reason for the divorce is unknown. There is an opinion that Anna’s husband cheated on her with another VIA Gra soloist.

Relations with Sergei Guman and Anatoly Tsoi

In 2013, while filming a video, the singer met dancer Sergei Guman. They immediately began a relationship. The couple appeared together quite often; on Anna’s page there are many photos with a young man.

In 2015, they broke up, but exactly a year later they decided to get back together.

The relationship was again short-lived, because soon Sedokova began dating the oligarch’s son Komarov. The reasons for the breakup are still unknown.

Now Sedokova often appears with the lead singer of the M-band group, Anatoly Tsoi. This summer, fans were dismayed by pictures from the girl’s page where the musician spends time with Anna and her son.

The singer does not comment on this relationship; Anatoly also took a neutral side, neither confirming the information about the civil marriage nor denying it. They met each other on the music show “I want to go to Meladze”.

Anna Sedokova now

2017 was quite a busy year for the singer. She gave birth to a third child, broke up with his father and again decided to build her personal life with a young and talented musician.

Anna's career is developing no less rapidly. She records new songs, appears in videos, and has released several albums: the long-awaited “On the Free” for fans and a live album with songs from a live performance “The Real.”

Sedokova is a beautiful and talented woman who found her happiness in children. Her personal life interests many fans, but she keeps the details secret. Despite the fact that Anna is raising her children alone, she manages to look great and have a successful career as a presenter and singer.

    This is what the media write about the third pregnancy of the famous Ukrainian singer, actress and socialite, Anna Sedokova.

    Anna Sedokova loves herself and the PR around her, beloved and inimitable. Either she excites everyone with her next love, and now she worries everyone with the presence of pregnancy.

    The most interesting thing is that she herself talks about being 5 months pregnant, and her director Kirill completely denies the singer’s pregnancy and promises very soon photos of her from her vacation in a swimsuit, where there is no trace of pregnancy.

    So the information about pregnancy is most likely nothing more than Anna’s self-promotion.

    Anna Sedakova is pregnant for the third time, but she hides her pregnancy and, accordingly, hides the fact from whom, but information appeared on the Internet that she met her chosen one at the MUZ.TV awards. Also, many suspected that Anna was Pregnant from the lead singer of the MBAND group since she spent time and nights with him just at that time six months ago.

  • Anna Sedakova will soon become a mother...

    Very soon at the beauty's Anna Sedakova will have her third child and everyone already knows this for sure. No matter how hard the director tried to refute this news, nothing worked. Photos of Anna with a rounded belly have appeared on the Internet, which suggests that she will give birth very soon!

    Who is the father of the unborn child? But this is really a secret! Anna is silent and does not want to announce the name of her future father. Perhaps this is one of the married and rich? Whoever he is, he exists, and the birth of a child is proof of this.

    It is not yet known whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. The expectant mother does not want to talk about this topic, so as not to jinx it!

  • The famous Russian singer Anna Sedakova is currently really pregnant and is in her fifth month of pregnancy. The identity of the young man Anna Sedakova has not been established; the girl hides all the details of their relationship well. There are a lot of rumors about this, so it is too early to say for sure who the father of the child is. Now Anna Sedakova is raising two charming children and is expecting her third baby in the summer of 2017.

    Both Sedakova herself and the singer’s director K. Pavlov deny that she is pregnant. But they write everywhere about her third pregnancy that this is true and she is simply hiding her situation for the time being. According to rumors, she is five months pregnant, the name of the father of the third child is not disclosed, it is said that he is a secret admirer, very rich from the USA. No one can vouch for the truth. Perhaps this is true. Or maybe this is PR for the singer; after such rumors, interest in the person is fueled.

    Anna Sedakova is pregnant and is approximately 5-6 months pregnant and will give birth in the spring of 2017, although she doesn’t say from whom, which means she has something to hide, especially since a wedding is not planned yet. It is known that Anna met her lover and the future father of her child at the Muz-TV awards and since then he has showered her with flowers and gifts. Anna already has two daughters Alina and Monica from two other marriages. Read more detailed information about Anna Sedokova’s pregnancy and watch on this site there is a video where she is already in dresses and it is clear that the singer is 100% pregnant and this is not a joke.

    Anna Sedakova is pregnant for the third time and already has a big belly, but she keeps the father of her unborn child a secret from everyone so that the press does not discuss her next novel.

    Anna also does not reveal the sex of the child, and this is not indicated anywhere on her page, but in the near future the press will find out everything anyway.

    Singer Anna Sedakova is used to her personal life being often discussed, various gossip being invented and much more. But she is not far behind; she herself told journalists about her pregnancy. She said that she was pregnant for the third time, and the pregnancy was already 5 months old and the father of the child was her new lover. But there is no confirmation of this information; the pregnancy is not noticeable at the moment. And its director completely denied this information.

    There really is no hint of pregnancy in the latest photos on Instagram. For example, this photo was added 2 days ago. Anna is wearing a chic dress from the new collection.

    Judging by the latest photos of the famous singer Anna Sedokova on social networks, it does not at all look like she is pregnant. The singer’s slender, provocative appearance, as usual, without a hint of a tummy. Except that the period is much shorter than they say.

    But most of all, such rumors look like just another PR campaign. After all, now they talk about Sedakova even more and more often.

    Anna Sedakova really loves that gossip around her does not stop, so she throws out unsaid phrases, comments and questions that lead her subscribers to believe that Anna Sedakova is pregnant with her third child.

    At the same time, receiving many questions about this from her fans, she is mysteriously silent, pausing.

    And how would you interpret Anna’s statement?

    If she is silent about her pregnancy, then Anna will hide the name of who she might be pregnant with until the last moment. This is her nature, to cast fog around her person.

    Well, at least you can be heard by your fans, if others can’t attract attention.

This year for the singer was generous with bright events and happy moments, and the main one was the birth of a child. In the festive photo shoot HELLO! Anna introduces us to the main man in her life - her son Hector.

Call at 8 am on the day of the shoot: “Can I take two more of my dogs to the photo shoot?” And Anya is all about this issue - she is not looking for easy ways. With two children, a nanny, a stroller, a bag of children's toys, a Yorkshire terrier Bulka and a Shiba Inu dog Maru, Anya arrives for the shoot at the exact appointed time.

So, while my son is sleeping, we have time to do my hair and makeup,” the singer reports, “Alina, you sit down for your homework.”

A lot has changed in Anya’s life lately: a year ago she lived in Los Angeles with her two daughters, and today she is preparing to celebrate the New Year in Moscow with her son Hector and eldest daughter Alina. It is felt that she incredibly misses her six-year-old daughter Monica, who is now studying in Los Angeles.

In April, Anya became a mother for the third time, but the relationship with the child’s father did not work out, and in August it became clear that she was free again. Going on maternity leave for a long time was not part of her plans. Just a month after giving birth, Sedokova shot a video for the song “Hobbies”, six months later she released the album “On Freedom”, and the ratings of STS were strengthened by a reality show with the telling title “Around the World During Maternity Day”. Many people wonder: why does she need all this? She just doesn’t know how to live differently and doesn’t want to.

Anya, why aren’t you in sunny California now?

After Hector was born, my life changed dramatically. You know, I have always said that God gives a child and gives “to him.” During pregnancy, I didn’t want to sit at home at all, I had a lot of work and everything worked out, but I was torn between Moscow, Kiev and Los Angeles. My mother likes to repeat: “Anya, you never finish anything!” So I decided that this couldn’t continue like this, and since my work is now mostly concentrated in Moscow, that’s why we spend most of our time here.

Alina has lived her entire adult life in America. Did she immediately agree to move?

Ali is going through a difficult period now, she is 13 years old, she is a teenager, and even with a fully formed American consciousness. (Laughs.) Of course, she was scared, she was worried whether she would be able to find a common language with her new classmates. Of course, in America children are given a good education, but they are not taught the most important thing - to be friends. Alina studied at one of the best schools in Beverly Hills, and there were strict rules: you cannot bring cookies and treat your friend, because if she poisons herself, her family will sue. Parents must sign a hundred papers if they just want to drop their neighbor's child home after school... And thousands of other rules and prohibitions. That’s why children stay apart from each other, but it seems to me that sincerity and humanity are much more important. While I was working in Moscow, I suggested that Alina try to go to the Lomonosov school: “Even if you don’t like it, it will be a good life experience.” I am very glad that everything worked out for her: she quickly joined the team, she has many friends, and the other day my daughter took second place at the English Language Olympiad. I'm very proud of her. Where Alina lives next - in Russia or America - will only be her choice. I gave her paints and brushes, but she must paint the picture herself.

Alina is already an adult, and she probably has her own opinion on everything. What was your biggest fight about?

Because it seems to me that she does not have such an ardent desire. The fact is that I grew up in a very poor family and always did everything to get out of poverty, but Alina has no such need. You need to accept children as they are, and not try to raise them the way you were raised. Alina is smarter than me, wiser, or something. She understands people better too. I often scold her because I see how talented she is, how many doors are open to her, and all the time I point out opportunities to her: “Don’t miss it! Grab it!” And she answers me: “He who understands life is in no hurry.” (Smiles.) Recently Alina had a birthday, and we spent it together. Together, without phones and social networks. We just walked, went to the cinema and talked a lot. This is incredible happiness.

In America, Alina had an ordinary mother, but in Russia she had a mother whom the whole country knows. This probably makes it difficult too?

Yes, Alina has a non-standard mother, about whom everyone loves to gossip. She has already gotten used to my fame and doesn’t even react to it, but there are things that are difficult for her to come to terms with. One time our phones were synced, and I accidentally read how she was protecting me. Some girl started saying nasty things about me, and Alina replied: “If you do that again, I’ll say everything I think about you. I won’t hurt my mother.” And then I realized: she was getting a lot of trouble.

Now you have another intercessor. In ancient Greek mythology, Hector is the bravest warrior. Have you already felt his protection?

You are probably the first person to solve the riddle of his name. It so happened that I never had a reliable person next to me. A few years ago I thought that if I had a son, I would have a protector who would always be with me. When I was choosing a name for my son, I saw in the reference book that Hector is a “guardian,” and I immediately understood: that’s what I would name my son. And you know, with the birth of Hector, I really have a protector, and I feel it. Even today on the set... Did you hear my baby crying? No! It is Alina who can be capricious, but Hector does not allow himself to do this, he feels that his mother does not need this. We are currently filming the reality show “Around the World while on Maternity Day.” In the story, Alina, Hector, my goddaughter Polina and I travel around the world and check out countries to see how comfortable it is to vacation with children. Filming sometimes lasts 16 hours, all the children are of different ages, and I try to make it easy and interesting for everyone. And during the time that we were filming, we never had any problems with Hector: he always eats and sleeps on time and does not throw tantrums. This show is a big adventure for all of us, but for me the most important thing is that I can work and not be separated by children.

Anya, after the birth of a child, women usually take a break... You, on the contrary, have released two albums, are constantly touring and filming. What drives you: passion for your work? Or fear of not being able to do something in time?

Together. I had a great team assembled, and I couldn’t wait to start working, and if earlier I could afford to refuse a shoot or a concert, now I understand: I no longer have such an opportunity. I can’t say that I have no one to rely on, it’s just that the most reliable person is myself. After Hector was born, I became more confident in myself and decided to take many steps...

For example?

Firstly, I released the album “On the Free,” which contains only my songs and my music. I used to be afraid to perform my own compositions, but now I’m not. Secondly, I learned to share. I’m used to doing everything myself and don’t like asking for help, but now my friend Victoria Desyatnikova is helping me with my clothing line LA story. Until recently, I was afraid of criticism, so I never organized album presentations, but now for the first time I decided to do this. I have always been very concerned about other people's opinions.

It's hard to believe, looking at your four million followers on Instagram...

And everyone is trying to teach me how to live! (Laughs.) When strangers write that I need to lose weight, change clothes, become smarter, it hurts, but I try and learn not to pay attention to it. I really don’t understand why people sometimes judge me so zealously. Just today I saw a photo of Hector and I on the Internet and a comment under it: “The boy is unlucky: his mother is a wanderer and also called him by his dog’s name.” I was driving in the car and thinking: “What have I done to this man to make him feel such anger towards me, towards my child... He doesn’t even know us!” Of course, many will say: “If you can’t stand it, leave the profession.” But I don't know how to live differently. The stage is my life! I can't live without her, and it's not because I need fame. I clearly know that I must fulfill my dreams for the sake of my children! To become a worthy example for them.

And when Anya Sedokova feels bad, who does she call?

I have a friend Varda - a very wise Armenian woman. So I call her. (Smiles.) I would like to call my mother, but, unfortunately, our relationship is not such a close one. They went bad many years ago, but now we are working on them, and I hope that soon the moment will come when I need help and I can dial her number without hesitation. My mom is amazing. I associate New Year with her. When I was little, we lived poorly, but every morning in the first days of January, my brother and I found gifts under the tree. Candies, tangerines, pleasant little things... I remember how happy I was when Santa Claus brought me 15 denier tights. (Laughs.) It was difficult for mom, but she did everything possible to give us a feeling of celebration.

This year, for the first time in a long time, you will have a traditional New Year with snow, Christmas trees and frost. Do you already have plans for December 31st?

I really love working on New Year’s Eve, it’s an indescribable emotion! I think I will also celebrate this year on stage. A couple of years ago, I tried to give up work on December 31st: as a result, I was sitting at the table at midnight, the children had long since fallen asleep, Olivier no longer seemed so tasty, and tangerines no longer seemed so sweet. So, while the children are small, on New Year’s Eve I will give a holiday to others, but I will spend the January holidays with my family. We will all be together - Alina, Monica, Hector and me!

Anya, do you already know what you will wish for when the chimes strike?

Yes! It is considered impossible to talk about this, but I will say it. Recently, Hector fell ill, I had to call an ambulance, and at that moment I realized that no career, personal life, rotations - all this does not matter when your child is 39. So I wish everyone that their children do not get sick.

Style, producer: Yuka Vizhgorodskaya. Photographer's assistant: Andrey Gapanovich. Stylist assistant: Alina Frost. Hairstyles: Elena Bal. Makeup: Ulyana Nikulina. Decor: Elit Deco studio. We thank Agalarov Estate Hotel & Spa for their assistance in filming
