Puppet theater “Three Bears. Tickets for the Three Bears Performance Three Bears

Elena Titova
Puppet theater "Three Bears"


1. Girl

2. Mikhailo Ivanovich

3. Mishutka

4. Nastasya Petrovna

Action 1 (Forest, clearing. A girl appears).

What a big forest! Oh, clearing!

How many berries grow here!


I’ll collect a handful, a berry at a time, in a basket.

By berry. I'll put a handful in my mouth.

And if I’m lucky, I’ll find mushrooms too.

Grandma will be happy, and I will please grandfather.

Act 2

(House bears)

Nastasya Petrovna:

Get ready to go to the forest for honey, Mikhailo Ivanovich, the bees have all flown out of the hives.

Mikhailo Ivanovich.

Nastasya Petrovna.

Go get some berries, Mishutka, otherwise the kids will pick all the berries.

Nastasya Petrovna.

Well, well, hurry up. The sun is high, the morning is short.

Mikhailo Ivanovich.

I’m leaving, I’m leaving, and you, Nastasya Petrovna, don’t forget to prepare my favorite stew.

Nastasya Petrovna.

Don’t worry, Mikhailo Ivanovich, you’ll be well-fed.

Make me some honey stew and pour it into my favorite little blue cup.

Nastasya Petrovna


I'll clean the house clean

And I'll cook lunch.

It's good for me to be a mistress

In your own home.

Forest helps in farming

Bees carry honey.

He respects me very much

All the forest people.

I'll make some stew

And I’ll keep an eye on the forest.

Is there order everywhere in the forest,

Are there any problems?

Act 3

(A girl appears)

Oh, it's already completely dark,

And there is no way to find it.

I will knock on the hut boldly.

I'll ask you to let me in.

(She knocked, no one answered. She entered.)

What a big room, table, food on the table. I'll sit on the biggest chair and try from the biggest cup! Salty! I'll sit on the middle chair and try from the middle cup! Sour! What a small chair, and a little blue cup! So tasty! Sweet! What a comfortable chair! Let me swing on it! (Swings) Oh! (Fell and the chair broke). I'll put it in place, maybe they won't notice. Ah-ah-ah (yawns, I really want to lie down. What a big bed (approaches, touches). No, it's too wide. What a high bed, I can’t climb on it (tries to get in, drops pillow). What a cute little bed, just right for me, with a pillow and blanket. I am sleepy! (falls asleep).

Act 4

(Nastasya Petrovna enters).

Nastasya Petrovna.

There was a mess on the table, someone was in my hut.

(Mikhailo Ivanovich enters)

Mikhailo Ivanovich.

Where, where is my food?

I want to eat, it’s just a disaster!

Who drank from my cup?

Who was sitting in my chair?

Nastasya Petrovna.

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise,

Ants were running by.

Ate from a cup

Nasty bugs.

Who drank from my cup and drank it all up?

Who sat on my chair and broke it? (crying)

Nastasya Petrovna.

Quiet, Mishenka, don’t cry,

I'll bake you a loaf of bread.

With honey and raspberries,

We'll fix the chair.

I'm going to bed hungry, take me to bed!

Mikhailo Ivanovich.

Who lay on my bed and rumpled it?

Nastasya Petrovna.

Who wanted to climb on my bed and dropped the pillow?

And someone is lying and sleeping in my bed! Oh! Yes, it's a girl!

(run after her around the room)

Girl: (shouting)

Ah ah ah! Save!

Mikhailo Ivanovich.

Oh! Catch her, catch her!

Yes, take away the basket!

(Mishutka grabs the basket, the girl lets go of the basket and jumps out the window).

Nastasya Petrovna.

Quiet, quiet, shut up.

Look in the basket.

Mikhailo Ivanovich.

There are a dime a dozen berries there

There are mushrooms.

(everyone is looking at what’s in the basket)

Here's your lunch.

Girls, the trail is gone!

The musical Three Bears is a famous fairy tale in a completely new form. It tells a long-familiar story about how a little girl, by chance, ended up in a bear's house. She quickly made friends with the huge forest inhabitants. And now they all have to start preparing for winter together. How will they prepare for it? And who will help them with this?

The basis for this musical performance was the famous fairy tale of the same name. Several generations of domestic boys and girls grew up on it. At the same time, modern children are well aware of its plot, many of whose parents would like to order tickets to the play Three Bears. But not everyone knows that this work is not at all folk, as is often believed. And it was written by the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. At the same time, he used a plot from English folklore, which in his hands acquired an exclusively domestic sound and theme. This fairy tale has left a wonderful mark on Russian cinematographic and theatrical art. But even today it continues to interest both children and many adults. After all, it not only amuses and entertains, but also teaches.

Not so long ago, everyone knew early childhood the plot attracted the attention of the famous Russian figure theatrical arts Gennady Chikhachev and composer Vladimir Kachesov. And so this kind and cheerful musical was born. In it, the famous plot was supplemented with new events and characters, becoming even more attractive to modern children. And the magnificent work of young actors, unique scenography and bright musical accompaniment will not leave their parents indifferent.

Ekaterina Urzova reviews: 201 ratings: 200 rating: 109

Unlike the “Evening of Operetta,” the “Evening of the Musical” has a plot, that is, it is not a classical concert, but, in some way, a performance. Brother and sister love musicals and are ready to watch all night long from the roof of their house. And here on this roof the heroes of musicals periodically descend from the screen. And they sing.

The performance features mainly English and American musicals. They are performed in Russian or in the original language. Since the arias are very famous, the performance is foreign language It didn't bother me. In the second part, two arias from French musicals, “Romeo and Juliet” and “Notre Dame de Paris,” were performed. That is, out of 24 arias, only two are by French authors. Meanwhile, in France and Canada in last years There are dozens of very worthy musicals. I won’t talk about “Children of the Sun”. To understand it, you need to know at least minimally the history of France in the second half of the 20th century. But Spartacus, Gladiator? But Tristan and Isolde? But Gone with the Wind? But Les Misérables? Why not take them?

Okay, these are rhetorical questions, let's see what we could see and hear at the evening. It featured arias from the famous musicals of the 20th century “Porgy and Bess”, “Chicago”, “The Phantom of the Opera”, West Side Story”, etc.

Children's musicals, The Little Mermaid and The Lion King, were a discovery for me. I don’t like cartoons, I don’t really watch them... And, as it turned out, I missed a lot of interesting things. I especially liked the song of the crab (V. Skripalev): the music is good, the text is witty, and the performance is on the level. By the way, the children were delighted. In principle, the age limit is designated as 12+. But you know our parents. They never knew how to read. Sitting in front of me were two little kids, about 5-6 years old. And how they came to life when the songs from “The Little Mermaid” began! These little sweethearts were just dancing on the chairs!

The undoubted success of the second act was the performance of two arias from the musical “Jesus Christ, Superstar”. And it all ended with a scene from La La Land. The audience was pleased: a good choice of numbers, good performance, sincere passion of the singers.

Minuses. For some reason, in several cases, Shakespeare's text from Romeo and Juliet was used as a link between numbers, which at times, especially in the case of Jesus Christ Superstar, was completely out of place. That's when a scene from West Side Story smoothly transitions into the "Feud" aria from Romeo and Juliet - it's great, because by and large it's the same story. But when Mary Magdalene begins to express herself in the words of Juliet, this, excuse me, turns out to be some kind of bullshit.

Anastasia reviews: 36 ratings: 36 rating: 3

We visited the play “Three Bears” with children aged 4 and 6 years. The performance is designed for the youngest spectators and lasts a little less than an hour and a half with intermission. The hall was full, but to my surprise there was no noise or hubbub during the performance; all the young spectators were closely following the plot. The performance is musical, the orchestra plays a real one - how I love live music! The characters sing and dance. The fairy-tale animals are all very cute. 2 squirrels are like 2 storytellers - they carry the whole fairy tale on themselves, and every time they sing a cheerful song, which then will not easily leave their heads. The caring head of the bear family evokes respect and sympathy. My daughter said that what she liked most was Mama Bear and the way she sang. And the son associated himself with little Mishutka, who really didn’t want to go to sleep in the den until spring, but wanted to play with friends - all this is so familiar to us... And the girl Varvara, who climbed into the bear’s house, is really so cute that it’s hard to be angry at It’s simply impossible for her to do this.

Yuliya M. reviews: 6 ratings: 6 rating: 0

My five-year-old daughter and I finally went to the Real Theater, to a real musical, and a real orchestra played in the orchestra pit. We went to see him before the performance and again during intermission.
The plot is familiar to everyone - a girl (suddenly! Varvara, not Masha) got lost in the forest and ended up in the house of three bears, sat on chairs, ate from all the bowls and slept in the beds. But the bears did not eat the newcomer at all for this; the bears turned out to be very kind and became friends with Ma... that is, Varvara.
Also included in the plot are two squirrel storytellers who paint the scenery with huge colored pencils, as well as Cloud and Snow Cloud with their snowflake friends.
I really liked it, even more than my daughter. Wonderful voices, excellent sound and choreography, interesting bright costumes. Separately, I would like to note the original decorations, as if from the pages of a book. I had a good rest. And my daughter got a little bored in the end and said she was tired.
Before the performance, we bought a coloring book that included all the characters from the fairy tale. And the squirrels sang about it before the intermission, rhyming “fairy tale-coloring book” =) The coloring book is wonderful, with all the characters from the musical. It’s nice and useful to remember all the characters of the fairy tale and its plot at home.

Love reviews: 14 ratings: 17 rating: 1

My 4.5 year old daughter and I attended the musical “Three Bears”. We had never been to performances at Chikhachevka before, so it was a surprise for me to see a children's musical of such high quality!

The story of the "Three Bears" from the stage teaches friendship, love, devotion, kindness. Mama Bear is a vivid example of a hearth keeper - all about household chores. Papa Bear helps and takes care of the family. At the same time, bear spouses treat each other very tenderly and reverently. Everything was shown without vulgarity, it was pleasant to watch.

I really liked the music - there was a live orchestra playing. Before the start of the performance, children and adults looked with interest musical instruments in the orchestra pit.
The scenery is very colorful. At first they are white, “not painted,” but as the story begins, both the house and the trees immediately take on color. But when winter comes, the tree turns white again. It looked very interesting. By the way, you could buy a coloring book! This was a very cool idea - my daughter and I talked about the play again, what we liked especially, and why.
The costumes are traditional, beautiful, nothing extra.
The songs and melodies are very catchy. All week my daughter and I have been singing either the song-song of the squirrel sisters: “Tsok, tsok, tsok, tygi, tygi, tsok,” or the counting song of Varvara (the girl who got lost in the forest): “Tsar, tsar-prince, king, king-prince..." Now these songs are our hit!
The actors sang beautifully and danced well.

In general, I would give the musical an "A+".

Currently, the Gennady Chikhachev Theater is undergoing renovations, so performances are shown at different venues. We went to the Romen Theater on Leningradsky Prospect, 32/2. We sat on the 4th row - everything was clearly visible.
The wardrobe was large, there were no queues. There was no line to the toilet either. There is no buffet, only a couple of snack machines. The performance lasts 1.5 hours with a short intermission. The daughter did not have time to go hungry.
We were very pleased with this trip to the theater!

We were at the musical "Three Bears". This year, the theater building is undergoing major renovations, so the performance took place on the stage of the legendary Romen Theater.
Before the start of the performance, we bought a program with a small coloring book. Great idea! The book contains all the heroes of the fairy tale; after visiting, you can look at all the characters again, discuss the fairy tale and the performance. By the way, this moment was also mentioned in the final song.
The plot is slightly different from Tolstoy’s: cute squirrel storytellers appear, Cloud with Snowflakes, main character The name is not Masha, but Varvara. And bears turn out to be very kind, loving and caring parents, hospitable hosts. Mishutka becomes friends with Varya, and in the spring the girl comes to visit the bears herself.
The idea of ​​coloring can be seen both in the costumes of the characters and in the scenery. In just a minute, black and white houses are painted in all the colors of the rainbow. It looks very beautiful and magical.
The musical runs 1.5 hours with a short intermission. Age 3+ Children can easily withstand this time.
Even the adults sang a song from the play:
Clack-clack-clack, click-clack, click.)
Fairy tales, fairy tales are loved by adults and children
For the sake of a fairy tale
Ready to give everything in the world!

The actors' voices are very pleasant, it was a pleasure to listen to. And of course, live sound! Before the performance and during intermission, Katya ran to watch the musicians.
I recommend it for the youngest viewers; this performance is a good way to introduce children to musical theater.

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Script for production
English folk tale
as presented by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
in the puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 25 minutes; number of actors: from 3 to 5.


Mikhailo Ivanovich
Nastasya Petrovna

In the background there is a large wall with a window and a roof, in the foreground there are two log curtain walls and a table in the middle.


Behind the old yaruzhka
In a dense thicket
There was a hut
From everyone on special
From humpbacked logs,
Penkov and bitches.
Furry people lived in it
Bear family.

A bear comes out from behind the right curtain, goes to the table and takes a place at the largest cup.


Mikhailo the Bear
His name was Ivanovich.
He growled so loudly
That the walls were shaking.
He walked in bast shoes
Arshin long.
Eyes, claws -
Everything was big.

A bear comes out from behind the right curtain, goes to the table and takes a place near a smaller cup.


The bear's name was
Nastasya Petrovna.
Such an oak will fall
One, definitely.
At a dinner party
Sits until dark
But still a bear
She's smaller.

A bear cub comes out from behind the right curtain, goes to the table and takes a place at the smallest cup.


And their son, Mishutka,
There was a small one -
Fluffy coat
And a nose like mom's
Tries to dad
He's going to cry too much
And he himself is clumsy,
Like an adult bear.

Lunch is pointless
On a full belly.

Let's send it to the wolf
Let's step on your ear
So that all day
I lay there like a log
And howl Mishutka
He didn’t scare me with his own.

The bears leave and hide behind the left curtain.


Gone. And does not matter,
What happened to the wolf?
After all, the girl Masha
Got lost in the forest.
Got away from the flock
Cheerful friends.
Was on the lawn
And suddenly, in the thicket.


She called, but in response
Only the echo echoed
And owls from the branches
They burst out laughing.
Like in a heavy sleep
She walked forward
And here in the windfall
I found a hut.

Masha appears from behind the left curtain and begins to look around.

Like a trough in the forehead!
I wish I could wake up at home.
And the door is open,
There is straw in the entryway.
If there is anyone in the hut,
So my bow to you.

Masha bows, goes to the table and takes a place in front of a large cup.

I'd like to reach the edge of the forest
And get out of the forest!
The owner, you know, came out
From home recently -
And the oven glows with heat,
And it smells so nice.
Three cups of stew.
There are three of them, I am alone.
This is not the time to be timid
When you're hungry.

Masha takes a large spoon and draws from a large cup.

How big
So it’s inconvenient for me.

Masha takes a smaller spoon and scoops from the second cup.

And in this one it interferes
Drawing. He's boring.

Masha takes the smallest spoon and draws from the smallest cup.

And this is the cup,
As if for me.
And on the side is a chamomile,
And it seems to taste better.

Masha finishes the stew and disappears behind the right wing. The table disappears and three chairs appear.

Masha comes out from behind the left curtain.


From a cup of stew
The girl ate it all.

This is not the time to be timid
I was tired and sat down.

Masha approaches the largest chair and tries to climb onto it. She can't do it.

No, this chair is something
It's too big.

Masha approaches a smaller chair and sits down on it with difficulty.

And here there is reluctance -
You sit like a sandpiper.
What is this and what is that,
No good at all.
On a Christmas tree without branches
It's more convenient to sit down!

Masha goes to the smallest chair and sits down on it.

And this is the chair,
As if for me!
Oh, gray spider
Running along the wall!

Masha leans back in her chair, the chair falls with her.

Is it really broken?
The board is a bit old.
Or maybe he fell himself -
It's not my fault!

Masha quickly disappears behind the right wing. The chairs disappear and three beds appear.

Masha comes out from behind the left curtain and heads towards the largest bed.

Stacked pads...
It got dark, I guess.
No need to be timid
It's time to sleep - go to bed!

Masha looks out from behind the back of the largest bed.

It's too spacious here.
You lie as if in a field.

Masha disappears and looks out from behind the back of the bed.

And here... Oh, three mice!
And moth holes.

Masha disappears and looks out from behind the back of the smallest bed.

Masha (yawning)

And this crib
As if for me.
It's already sweet to lie down
And sleep like that twice as much!

The beds disappear along with Masha, and a table and three cups appear on the stage again.


I fell asleep. And here
The bears are back.

A bear cub, a she-bear, and a bear enter the house from behind the left curtain and take places at their cups.

Yes, it’s like we’re with a wolf
We missed each other in the forest.
Well, okay, Petrovna,
It's time for lunch.
So hungry like
There's a hole in the belly.

The bear takes the largest spoon and leans towards his cup.

Mikhailo Ivanovich (menacing)

Who uses my spoon
Slurped in my cup?
I'll catch the villain
I'll kill you like a bug!

The bear takes a smaller spoon and leans towards her cup.

Nastasya Petrovna

And in my cup that
The villain sipped!
I would never see the light
Kohl fell into the clutches!

Little Bear takes a small spoon and leans towards his cup.

And everything is in my cup
And it completely disappeared!
He would have stayed here
He would be gone!

The bear and she-bear sip from their cups.

Mikhailo Ivanovich (conciliatory)

Let's have some stew
We'll finish ours
Let's add wood to the firebox
Let's sit for an hour
Let's warm it up a little
Tired paws.

The little bear tries to scoop it out of his mother’s cup with his spoon, and she hits him on the forehead with her spoon.

Nastasya Petrovna

Come on, don't touch it,
Ask your dad over there.

The little bear approaches the bear and tries to scoop it out of his large cup with his spoon. The bear pushes him away.

Mikhailo Ivanovich

You wouldn't stick your paws in,
Come on, step away!
I missed the food, so
Sit down hungry!

The little bear returns to his place. The bear and she-bear finish the stew. All three are hiding behind the right curtain. The table disappears and three chairs appear.

Mishutka's chair lies on the floor. The bears appear from behind the left curtain. The bear goes to his chair and sits down.

Mikhailo Ivanovich

I see on the chair
Someone was sitting there,
Like a louse on a trunk,
And the hunt is to move!

The bear goes to her chair and sits down.

Nastasya Petrovna

My chair is also moved,
That's not how he stood!

The little bear goes to his chair.

Mishutka (almost crying)

And mine is knocked over!
Who broke my chair?

Mikhailo Ivanovich

Well, let's sit down
It's time to go to bed.
Maybe on the bed
Pushing less.
And tomorrow, go for a walk
By let's go to the forest.
We're that guy
We'll find it in the yaruga.

The bears get up from their chairs and hide behind the right curtain. The chairs disappear and three beds appear.

Masha sleeps in the smallest one. The bear approaches the largest bed.

Mikhailo Ivanovich (surprised)

Well, it’s necessary, even
He climbed into bed!
We'll show him
If only I got caught!

The bear approaches her bed.

Nastasya Petrovna

He's in my bed
Rumpled the whole bed.
I would tear it into pieces
Such guests!

The little bear approaches his crib.

Oh, here she is! Evil!
Grab it! Knit!
I'll bite her
Just hold on!

Masha jumps up and, dodging the bears, rushes to run to the left wing. The bears are chasing her.


It's scary in the forest at night,
But here it’s worse.
And Masha rushed
Run. And behind her
The bears were chasing
And soon they fell behind
But only at dawn
They stopped searching.
She got there
Safe to get home
And I told everyone
Where was it last night?
