Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Scenario of an autumn matinee for the preparatory group “Autumn Tale”. Scenario of the autumn matinee for the preparatory group "Queen Autumn"

Main characters: Autumn, Baba Yaga.
The hall is decorated in autumn style, with Baba Yaga's house in the background.
Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.
We have a music room
Decorated like this only once a year:
Leaves, leaves -
See for yourself!
Scarlet and yellow
The wind tears the leaves
Spinning in the air
Motley round dance
Sasha Sh.
Once again the autumn season has swirled with the wind,
She captivated everyone with her wonderful colors.
Look: what a carpet of leaves there is at the doorstep!
It’s just a pity that there are few sunny days in autumn.
We really like to admire
Like leaves burning under the sun.
Of course, it’s a pity to say goodbye to summer,
But autumn likes colorful outfits.
We are all happy about these meetings,
"Hello, autumn!" we talk.
And today Happy Autumn

We want to meet.
Autumn gives miracles,
And what kind!
The forests are depleted
Gold hats.
A crowd sits on a tree stump
Red honey mushrooms,
And the spider is such a trickster! –
The network is being pulled somewhere.
Rain and withered grass
In the sleepy most of the night
Incomprehensible words
They mumble until the morning.
“Glorious Autumn” Nikolai Nekrasov
Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on a chilly river
It lies like melting sugar;
Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet faded,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.
Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps -
Everything is fine under the moonlight,
Everywhere I recognize my native Rus'...
I fly quickly on cast iron rails,
I think my thoughts.
Dima L.
But where is Autumn? Suddenly she
Forgot your way to us?
With business, maybe alone,
A little late?
Let's call Autumn
Let's sing a song about Autumn.
Song "Autumn Song"

How beautiful it is in your hall,
A world of comfort and warmth,
I come to you every year
I always find you cheerful.
I am preparing my outfits for you,
Are you happy about my arrival?
Hello, golden autumn,
Blue sky above!
The leaves are yellow, flying off,
Hit the road!
Autumn will paint with yellow paint
Poplars, alders, birches.
The rain is pouring like gray paint,
The sun laughs goldenly.
Red rowan paint
Decorated in the gardens
Splashes of scarlet viburnum
Scattered on the bushes
Dance song

"Round Dance of Friendship"
Autumn. Oh, what friendly guys, how well you dance.
You probably sing just as well?
Song "Skvorushka says goodbye"
And now, my boys,
Guess the riddle!
1. Alena dressed up in a green sundress,

The frills are curled thickly, but their name is (cabbage).
2. Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways towards the sun, crochet tails (cucumbers).
3. Long red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head,
They just hang out in the garden
Green heels (carrots).
4. Before we ate it,
We had time to cry (bow).
5. A bush grew green and thick in the garden bed,
Dig a little, under a bush (potato).
Presenter: It’s autumn, and we also have our own garden,
Only for some time now
They start an argument.
To avoid any quarrels, let’s listen to the conversation:
The scene “Vegetable Garden” is performed by Kirillogurets, Yanarediska, Lizapomidor, Andrey K
beets, Amirkapusta, carrotsAndrey G.
All the vegetables in unison:
Which of all vegetables
Both tastier and more useful?
Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber,
Everyone will like it, of course.
It crunches and crunches on your teeth.
I can treat you!

I am a ruddy radish
I bow to you low - low!
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!

Let me say a word!
Eat beets for health!
You need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself,
There is no better beetroot!

You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.
And what delicious pies cabbage!
Bunnies are tricksters
They love stumps,
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stump!

Andrey G.
The story about me is not long,
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
And nibble on a carrot.
You will always be, my friend,
Strong, strong, dexterous!

Don't talk nonsense, carrot.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and enjoyable
Of course, tomato juice!
Autumn: (gets up)
You are all right, don't argue!
To be healthy and strong,
There's no doubt about it
Gotta love vegetables
Everyone, without exception!
Suddenly music is heard and Baba Yaga flies in on a broom.
B.Y.: Who is having fun here? You see, they have a holiday, they celebrate autumn here,
they rejoice and sing songs! But I have radiculitis from the autumn cold and dampness and this, what’s her name
there... the autumn blues... ah, I remembered, DYPRESSION! The whole hut was covered in leaves! A
It's dirty, it's so dirty! In general, yes, killer whales! We don't need any autumn, let it be
It's better that winter comes soon. It will somehow be more fun in winter. Now I'll tell you
a magic spell (I was looking for it all night in my witchcraft book) and this autumn is yours
I’ll cast a spell so that not a single drop of rain falls from the sky, not a single leaf flies away!
Baba Yaga casts a spell, making magical passes with her hands around Autumn
B.Ya.: Autumn, we don’t need you.
Autumn, you must leave!
I want that in the summer -
Winter has come to us right away!
Autumn falls into a half-asleep state and, obeying Baba Yaga’s movements, leaves the hall.
Host: Baba Yaga, what have you done! You can't imagine how much trouble you brought to
your forest!
B.Ya.: Yes, what troubles there can be! All forest dwellers will only be glad to have a snowball,
frost! Eh, let’s remember our youth with Koshchei, and go to the skating rink.
Host: Just look at it for yourself! (the wind howls) Now it will snow, and the forest inhabitants
We haven’t collected supplies for the winter yet.
B.Ya.: (to the side) Hmm... I was in a hurry though... Without thinking I did it.... (to the children
and the presenter): Why is this, I’m a charmer, I have to think about everyone! Who about me?
will he think? Who will help harvest the crops, prepare supplies, yes, most importantly, from
Will it relieve the autumn blues? (whines)

Presenter: Baba Yaga, And if our guys help you do all this, will you break the spell of autumn?
B. I: Well, I don’t know... (looks around at the children, they are painfully young...what can they do with all their business?
cope...They probably only know how to watch cartoons on TV...
Presenter: Yes, our guys are getting ready to go to school, you know how many things they can do!
Really, guys? And how funny they are. There will be no trace left of your blues!
B.Y.: Well, so be it! If you fulfill everything you promised, I will return your Autumn to you, and if
no... I’ll leave it in my attic forever! Just in case it comes in handy
Presenter: Baba Yaga, do you like songs?
B.Y.: well, I don’t even know
Presenter: Listen to how our children sing
Song about rain

« Autumn in a golden scarf

B.Y. They sing well, of course, but in the fall it always rains, and the weather
bad, and bububu
Ved. Guys, is rain really bad?
Dima V
How nice it is in the rain
Whispering with an umbrella together.
And you can even take an umbrella
And dance in the rain.
"Dance with Umbrellas"
B. I also need an umbrella then. Oh, I’m so tired, and in general I’ve been starving for three years now
Host: Why are you, grandma, starving? Don't you have any food?
B.Ya.: And all because, my yachts, I’m already 500 years old, and in
old age, you know, this, what’s his name...Sclerosis! I don’t remember: how to cook this food?
I’m sitting here, my dear, poor, hungry, I’m all emaciated, only my bones are sticking out! (feigningly
Host: Grandma, what’s in your basket?
B.Ya.: Well, everything in the garden is ripe: Potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage,
apples, berries...
Host: Guys, what do you think can be prepared from all this?
Children: Soup and compote
Host: Guys, can we help Baba Yaga? Shall we make soup and compote for her?
B.Ya.: But I’ll complicate the problem for you, I’ll close your eyes.
The game is being played

“Make soup and compote with eyes closed»

B.Y.: Oh, thank you! What diligent people did such a difficult job for me! Thank you!
Everyone in the forest knows that I always have order: blade of grass to blade of grass, worm to worm,
fly agaric to fly agaric. Well, you made me laugh, you made me so friendly, you made me so friendly.
There is no blues! It turns out that autumn can also be fun if you have company
suitable! (winks at the children) And the radiculitis... (feels his back) is gone! Well, thank you,
killer whales! I return your Autumn to you, don’t give it to anyone else!
Autumn brings out the music.
B.Ya.: (shaking off specks of dust from Autumn) Here, I’m returning it in the form in which I took it. Well,
You’re having fun here, and I’ll fly to Koshchei and share my joy with him! (flies away)
Host: Autumn! It's so good to have you back! Now everything will go as usual, as
intended by Nature!
Autumn: Thank you guys for helping me out. From me and the grateful forest
inhabitants, please accept the treat of apple pie.)Goodbye!
Presenter: And our holiday has come to an end! Goodbye!
Children leave the hall to the music

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 79"

Autumn Festival

V preparatory group

"Kikimora Colorless"

Prepared by: teacher

Savelyeva M. A


Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs

Presenter: The last leaves are carried away by the wind,

In the north it is sharp and prickly,

Frost lies on the roofs at dawn,

The sun is peeking out from behind the clouds,

Wet paths glisten

You're all putting on your boots.

Autumn and November are leaving us,

We will see her off in good time.

! Song "Oh, what autumn"

Presenter: Guys, today, as we say goodbye to Autumn, let’s remember its signs, how it made us happy on autumn days. (name the signs)

(Music sounds. Autumn is coming)

Autumn: Hello, friends!

I'm a little late

I worked hard and dressed up!

And I didn’t come to you alone

My friends came with me:

Three autumn months.

Who knows what they are called?

Children: September, October and November.

Autumn: That's right, guys. September, come out and tell us about September.(sits on a chair)

September (girl): I'm September, guys.

I am the mistress of September

And for all good friends

I have gifts:

Berries, mushrooms.

How delicious they are!

Presenter: And our guys can sing a mushroom song.

! Children perform the “mushroom song”

Presenter: The guys will also perform a fun Polka dance.

! Children perform Polka dance

Presenter: Autumn is the best time
Help, kids!
We must reap the harvest
And solve riddles.

Red, juicy,
Delicious, durable.
He grows, does not grieve,
He is friends with cucumbers.
From what until now?
They didn't tear it down...

Presenter: Everyone knows - tomato juice,
Helpful and pleasant.

He lived in our garden,
And he was friends with everyone.
The tail is a green hook.
I know this is...

I'm sprouting in the garden
I know everyone in the garden
And I’ll dill, my friend.
What's my name -...

Radish is the older sister,
Well, I'm still young.
Even the pussy can guess
What's my name...

Kolobok grows in the garden bed,
All the kids know him.
He is firmly rooted in the ground,
What kind of vegetable? ...

Presenter: Who is this green one?
Delicious fresh and salty?
Very strong fellow
Did you guess it?

The guessed vegetables are placed on the table

Presenter: Aw, well done, guys!
We solved all the riddles.
To be healthy and strong,
You have to love vegetables.
Thank you, September, for the harvest,
Invite your middle sister to visit.

September: Come out, sister, Oktyabrinka,

October: I am the Queen of Autumn
second daughter,
Golden Oktyabrinka.

We are walking down the street -
Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot.
And they fly, fly, fly,

)Two girls come out)

1st girl: Outside the window the autumn leaf turned yellow,
He broke away, spun, and flew.
And when the cheerful wind flew away,
The yellow leaf on the asphalt is bored.
2nd girl: I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,
I brought it home and gave it to my mother.
You can't leave him on the street,
Let him live with me all winter.

! Children perform a dance with leaves

(after the dance, one girl remains and reads a poem)

Irina Arzhannikova

Beautiful Autumn

Autumn really is so beautiful!
And the chrysanthemums began to grow...
Shining like the heavenly sun
Gilded bushes..
The birds sing and rejoice,
Catching the last warm ray.
And now he lies at your feet
A piece of rainbow from the clouds...

Presenter: Thank you, Oktyabrinka.
And now it’s the turn of the oldest brother, Frosty November.

October: Come out, brother November.

November: The leaf fall has ended,
There is a garden without leaves,
The birds have long since flown away,
Snowstorms will start soon.
The cold rain pours and pours,

There is frost on the trees,

First snow and thin ice

The puddles were covered.

A girl comes out with a brush of rowan

Poem by Marina Tsvetaeva “Rowan”

The rowan tree lit up with a red brush

Leaves fell, I was born.

Hundreds of bells argued

The day was Saturday: John the Theologian.

I still want to chew

Roast rowan

Bitter brush.
! dance of "rowanberries"

(boys come out and read poetry)

Irina Tokmakova


The birdhouse is empty -
The birds have flown away
Leaves on the trees
I can't sit either.
All day today
They're all flying and flying...
Apparently, also to Africa
They want to fly away.

Vladimir Stepanov

Autumn looked into the garden...

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
There's rustling outside the window in the morning
Yellow snowstorms.
The first ice is underfoot
It crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh,
And sing -

Presenter: Thank you, November.
We celebrated well today,
Yes, Autumn can be different:
Sunny and cloudy,
But always generous and beautiful.

There are so many gifts here:

The most diverse, the most vibrant.

Can you hear the forest crackling?

Is someone in a hurry to get here?

You sit quietly, and I’ll see who’s there.(teacher leaves)

Kikimora Colorless runs in

Autumn: Who are you?

Kikimora: I am Kikimora Colorless!

I've been to different fairy tales

And now I got here.

Do they give out gifts here?

Why isn't my name?

I'll take a look now

What do they treat you to here?

Oh, those are mushrooms?

How good!

You won't be lost without mushrooms,

You'll find something else for yourself!

Oh, and so many vegetables!

For both soup and cabbage soup!

What a beautiful bouquet!

I'll take it for myself too.

Autumn: Kikimora! Aren `t you ashamed

Should I take all the gifts?

Apparently we need help

Call the teacher.

Children call the teacher

Educators: What happened guys?(Children tell)Don’t offend our guys and don’t spoil our holiday, leave here immediately!

Kikimora: Yeah! Let's daydream! Whether you want it or not, you will have to obey me. Because as long as I don’t have a single bright color on me, my power is limitless. So don’t contradict me, but sit quietly! In the meantime, I’ll go get a big bag to carry all the gifts.

Kikimora leaves

Educators: Guys, what should we do? How can we defeat the harmful Kikimora?(children's suggestions)And did you notice that Kikimora let it slip: she said that as long as there is not a single bright color on her, her power is limitless. So you need to decorate it with different colors. Then her power will disappear. But where can we get bright colors?(children's suggestions)And look at the bright colors of Autumn: orange, red, yellow... Let's sing a song about the colors of Autumn. Kikimora will be afraid of bright colors and will not offend us.

Children stand up and sing the song “autumn has taken its colors” with leaves in their hands

Kikimora: Well done, kids, they are already standing quietly, waiting for me.

Children start waving leaves

Kikimora: Oh oh oh! What kind of disgrace is this?! Remove it quickly! My eyes are going blind! Ay-ay-ay, I don’t see anything!(steps back and sits on a chair (unfeeling))

Educators: And now, guys, you and I need to dress up Kikimora the Colorless. And the brighter the better.

Children decorate Kikimora with previously prepared decorations, draw a blush (a wreath of leaves, bright scarves, rowan beads, etc.)

Kikimora comes to her senses

Presenter: Admire yourself, how beautiful and elegant you have become!

Kikimora admires and plays with children

Relay race "Jump over a puddle"

Game “Who can put together a maple leaf faster?”

Kikimora thanks the children for the fun, treats them to something, says goodbye and leaves.

Goodbye! Goodbye!
I'll wave goodbye to you.
I will come to visit you again,
Only next year!

Autumn: It's a pity to part with you,

But it's time to say goodbye

Please accept my gift

Come visit often!

Presenter: Guys! How beautiful the earth is at this time of year! Autumn is truly golden: its outfit is beautiful, its fruits are generous. And our holiday has come to an end. It's time to return to the group.

Everyone leaves the hall.

Scenario autumn matinee for the preparatory group "Queen Autumn". Musical director Rudinskaya E.V. Characters: Presenter, Queen Autumn, Scarecrow - adult, autumn months (September, October, November) - children. PROGRESS OF THE HOLIDAY. Children run on tiptoes into the hall, run around a circle and sit on chairs. Presenter. Autumn has come to us - the golden time! Autumn covered the entire earth with a golden carpet, exposed trees and bushes, great job gardeners and grain growers. The wheat is ground so that you and I can then eat fragrant and fluffy pies. Your mothers and grandmothers make jam, compotes, stock up on vegetables for the winter, and mushroom lovers dry and salt them, collecting them in the forest after the rain. No, whatever you say, autumn is a wonderful time! Today we will go on an extraordinary journey to the beautiful land of fairy tales for the autumn holiday. You can get there if we say magic words . Close your eyes and repeat after me: “One, two, three – open the doors to a fairy tale.” (Children close their eyes with their hands and repeat the words after the leader). Presenter. - Open your eyes, well, it seems we are there (looks around) (P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Seasons” is playing in the recording, children come out - three autumn months: September, October, November). September. Attention attention! Today our mother Empress Autumn deigned to invite all her subjects and guests to the holiday! October. Attention! Attention! There is a strict order for everyone: to have fun, sing and dance until you drop, and whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will will be sad until winter! November. Listen up everyone! The Empress Autumn herself will come to the holiday! And for this, a song about autumn should now be played. The song “Autumn” is performed, words by I. Leime, music by V. Alekseev. 1. Verse. The leaves turned yellow The birds flew away Autumn, autumn Autumn, autumn 2. Verse. Puddles on the road Cold on the doorstep In autumn, autumn Autumn, autumn 3. Verse. Warm boots Your feet won't get wet In autumn, autumn Autumn, autumn 4. Verse. Gloomy weather Sad nature Autumn, autumn Autumn, autumn Presenter: And here comes Queen Autumn! Meet! (The moon children go to meet Autumn, take her hands and dance to waltz music, then they accompany Autumn to the throne, which is located near the central wall of the hall, and they themselves go to the children.) A girl and a boy come out and start dancing. Girl: A drop of rain fell on the rowan bunches, A maple leaf circles above the foliage. Ah, Autumn, again you took us by surprise, You again put on a golden outfit. Boy: You bring a sad violin with you, so that the sad tune can sound over the fields. But we, Autumn, greet you with a smile And we will open the ball with a cheerful dance. The dance “Vasya-cornflower” is performed. (Exclams are heard at the door of the hall: “Let me in, let me in!” The Garden Scarecrow runs into the hall with a broom in his hands and falls at the feet of the Queen of Autumn). Scarecrow. Mother, my dear, our Queen, don’t order the execution! Say your word! Autumn. Who are you? Where? Why did you come to the holiday in this form? Scarecrow (rises to his feet). I don’t dress according to fashion, I’ve been standing on guard all my life. Whether I’m in the garden or in the vegetable garden, I’m instilling fear in the flocks. Magpies and jackdaws are more afraid of me than a stick! Autumn. Enough talking in riddles here! Answer the Queen’s question properly! Scarecrow. Empress, I am not some kind of slacker and lazy person! I am a labor Scarecrow! All summer I stand in the garden. In any weather: sun, rain, wind. I guard the master's harvest. I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, I work tirelessly. Yes, I have witnesses (addresses the children) Tell me, do I chase birds in the garden? Children. You're racing. Scarecrow. And also, I protect fruits and berries from winged robbers? Children. You protect. Scarecrow. Well, they don’t let me go to the holiday, they say the outfit is not fashionable! This is what they gave out! And then, if I stand in the garden in a beautiful suit, then neither bird nor animal will be afraid of me. Autumn. Don't be offended, Scarecrow. Now we have it all figured out. Come in, have a seat, be a guest. (The scarecrow sits on a chair next to the children) September. Dear Mother! We are your beloved sons: I, brother October and brother November, decided today to amuse you, have fun, and show you what we are capable of. Each of us has faithful assistants who are capable of various tasks. Allow us, Mother, to begin our holiday! Autumn. I give you permission to start the holiday, let's have a lot of fun today, otherwise someone came up with the idea that autumn is a dull time! September. In a golden carriage with a playful horse, autumn galloped through the forests and fields. The good sorceress changed everything and painted the earth bright yellow. The dance “Ivushki” is performed. September. Guys, do you want to play and show off your dexterity? Fun game "Turnip". Children hug each other around the waist. The driver tries to “pull out the turnip”, starting to pull the last player in the chain. If he succeeds, then almost everyone, as a rule, ends up on the ground - it is very difficult to maintain balance. Often the chain breaks somewhere in the middle. There are no winners in this game, but the players who remain on their feet make fun of those who have fallen. Game "Slow racing". In this game you need to overtake your opponent, but you can only move from start to finish in a certain way. You must walk the distance by placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other, as if measuring the distance with your feet. The leader makes sure that the players place their feet close together. You can play in teams. Game with umbrellas. In this game, the guys are divided into two teams of six people. They run with umbrellas around the tree, return and pass the umbrella to the next person on his team. The team that finishes the task first wins. (The scarecrow plays with the children). Presenter. Here is Queen Autumn, you see how clever, fast and cheerful our guys are! Autumn. Yes, well done guys! Scarecrow. Let me amuse you too. (Sings to the music “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”, r.n.m) In the garden or in the vegetable garden the Scarecrow stood. It drove away the birds with an old broom. In the garden or in the vegetable garden, Fruits were poured. But the birds did not peck them; they were afraid of the Scarecrows. Uuuhhhhhh! (dances, everyone claps, then bows in all directions). Scarecrow. Can you solve riddles about fruits and vegetables? Makes riddles. 1) Autumn came to visit us and brought it with it. What? Say at random, Well, of course (grapes). 2) Who is this green Tasty, fresh and green? Very strong fellow, Who is this? (cucumber). 3) White-sided, chubby, loves to drink plenty of water. She has leaves with a crunch, and her name is (cabbage). 4) Both green and thick A bush grew in the garden bed. Dig a little: Under the bush (potatoes). 5) He lived in our garden and was friends with everyone. The tail is a green hook, we know it’s (zucchini). Presenter. Queen Autumn, and we also have our own garden. Ditties are performed. 1st child. You are generous with beauty, Golden Autumn, And you are also rich in miracles - the harvest: Cucumbers and tomatoes, There are carrots and lettuce, Onions in the garden, sweet peppers, And a whole row of cabbages! 2nd child. You need to work hard, collect a big harvest, and then have fun - sing and dance songs! 1st child. Which of all vegetables is both tastier and more tender? 2nd child. Who, with all illnesses, will be more useful to everyone? In chorus everyone sings ditties. We guys were in the garden or in the vegetable garden. Now we’ll sing you ditties that grow in the garden. Our harvest is good and thick: carrots and peas. And white cabbage. 1st child. You need beets for borscht and vinaigrette. Eat and treat yourself - There is nothing better than beets. 2nd child. I am a daring strongman - I bend a horseshoe with my hand! Because I chew carrots every day. 3rd child. My mother calls me: Cucumber Soul. I can’t live a day without pickled cucumbers. 4th child. The zucchini lies in the garden bed, Like piglets, There will be zucchini caviar, there will be guys eating it. 5th child. Girls and boys love to eat fingers. But you don’t need to be afraid, this is a grape variety! 6th child. I sometimes follow a fruit diet so that my nervous system never suffers! 7th child. To make the salad excellent, you add a greenhouse tomato, There is simply nothing brighter than it, After all, it has absorbed the light of the sun. 8th child. Puree soup, French fries, Chips, cereal, jelly, Without your beloved potatoes Even life won’t be sweet. All the children sing the final ditty. We sang what we wanted, Danced with all our hearts, Come out to the circle, whoever is brave - dance with us! Autumn (rises). You are all right, don't argue! In order to be healthy and strong, There is no doubt about it, Everyone, without exception, must love vegetables! Scarecrow (carries a bag with “Seeds” written on it). But look what other harvest we have! The song “Seeds” is performed. 1. Verse. It's not ducks who quack, it's not frogs who croak. This is with a cute two, gnawing on sunflower seeds together. Seeds, seeds Senechka brought them in a bag. Today the night is short, We only ate half the bag. 2. Verse. So the sun rises, I gnaw, and he gnaws. It’s time to milk the goat, He gnaws, and I gnaw. Seeds, seeds, why am I wasting time? From such a groom there is only husk in the heart. 3. Verse. Our guys are great, They give their sweethearts lollipops. I, the unfortunate one, have to husk the seeds alone. Seeds, seeds Sweep from the porch with a broom. I see Senya bringing seeds from the gate again. 4. Verse. And recently Senya made an offer to me: “Come as the hostess to the house, We’ll eat a couple.” Seeds?!! Seeds. And I said: Senechka. I’d rather be alone forever, But without a rodent husband. Autumn. Well, now your hour has come, My second son, Golden October. Show off your skills and present your creations! October. Autumn was blooming at the edge of the paint. I quietly moved a brush across the leaves. The hazel tree has turned yellow, And the maples have glowed, In the purple of the aspen, The oak is still green. Autumn comforts, Do not regret summer, Look - autumn is dressed in gold. The song “Dance of Autumn Leaves” is performed (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by A. Makshantseva). 1. Verse. Leaves and leaves are flying in the wind. They rustle quietly under the children's feet, And, swaying smoothly, they lead a round dance, And the autumn wind sings a song to them. 2. Verse. Now to the right, now to the left the leaves are flying. Our spring garden says goodbye to us. The leaves, swaying, lead a round dance, And the autumn wind sings a song to them 3. Verse. And again the leaves fly in the wind, They quietly rustle under the children’s feet, And, swaying smoothly, they lead a round dance, And the autumn wind sings a song to them. Presenter. And now, Queen Autumn, listen to poems about you. Reading poetry. October. Here is a maple leaf on a branch. Now it's just like new! All ruddy and golden. Where are you going, leaf? Wait! V. Berestov * * * Autumn treasure. Yellow coins are falling from a branch... There's a whole treasure underfoot! This is golden autumn Gives leaves without counting. Golden leaves give to you, and to us, and to everyone. I. Pivovarova * * * Sparrow. Autumn looked into the garden - The birds flew away. Yellow snowstorms rustle outside the window in the morning. The first ice is crumbling and breaking underfoot. The sparrow in the garden will sigh, But he is embarrassed to sing. V. Stepanov * * * Leaves. - Why do trees shed their leaves in autumn? Why do trees strip all around in winter? - And trees also need to undress before going to bed! V. Orlov * * * Autumn. The leaves are falling, falling - In our garden the leaves are falling... Yellow, red leaves curl and fly in the wind. Birds fly south - geese, rooks, cranes. Now the last flock is flapping its wings in the distance. Let's take a basket in each hand, Let's go into the forest to pick mushrooms, The stumps and paths smell like delicious autumn mushrooms. M. Evensen Autumn. It was a good read, thank you very much. They made me happy. Presenter. Guys, have you noticed what a beautiful viburnum autumn has given us? There are so many berries on it! Girl. Viburnum grew bright and juicy. Mom dressed her daughter up for the holiday. Red scarf, red boots. The girl looked like a Kalinushka. The song “Round Dance at Kalinushka” (Words and music by Yu. Mikhailenko) is performed. 1. Verse. Autumn has painted the golden leaves and colored the viburnum berries red. Chorus. We dance round dances around Kalinushka, start a tender autumn song. 2. Verse. The autumn sun gives little warmth. Migratory birds fly away to the south. 3. Verse. We weave wreaths from golden leaves and brightly decorate viburnums with berries. Autumn. Thank you, son October. I liked your assistants too. And now it’s your turn, my most serious son, frosty November! November. The sky was already breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter. The mysterious canopy of the forests was revealed with a sad noise. Quite a boring time, November was already outside. “I can’t even imagine, Mother, how to please you.” You yourself know what a dreary time it is - late autumn. November. I’ll tell you a riddle: “One drop, two drops, Very slowly at first. And then, then, then, All running, running, running.” Children. Rain! Girl. We are not at all afraid of running in the rain. If it rains heavily, we'll take umbrellas. The dance “And you love me” is performed. Autumn. Yes, guys, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet. I am very glad that you love me for my generosity, beauty, for rare but glorious warm days. Thank you for coming to the holiday in the autumn fairy kingdom. Low bow to you. And for this I want to treat you. There is a magic mushroom in my forest kingdom, here it is. (Takes it and examines it) This mushroom is not simple. He is beautiful and big. I'll take off his hat, what's in it? I'll show you. (Treats the children with Mushroom cookies, says goodbye and leaves). Presenter. I think our holiday has lifted your spirits! I want to sing, always smile, Children, do you agree with me? Children. Yes! Presenter. Then let's end our wonderful holiday with a fun dance. The dance “Childhood” by Yu. Shatunov is performed.

Autumn matinee in senior and preparatory groups. Scenario

Children enter the hall, stand facing the audience in a checkerboard pattern, perform the song “Autumn”, music by O. Buinovskaya, words by E. Karasev


Today autumn invited

Children from kindergarten to their place,

She sewed an autumn outfit

And he wants to show you and me.

She gifts with a generous hand

It will give to adults, and to you and me.

There are so many delicious things in her basket.

Do you want to try it?

You'll have to be patient a little!

We need to collect autumn gifts,

But we just need to work together.

Are you ready to bend to the ground?

Can you reach a high branch?

Then you need to go out of town,

Autumn will be glad to meet us,

She will help you collect the harvest,

But just don’t give in to laziness.

The train whistle sounds.


Here the train gives us a signal,

And our path says - forward!

Under the sound of wheels, in a cramped carriage,

There's enough room for all of us guys.

(Children sit on chairs arranged as in a train carriage.)

Let your feet tap on the floor

After all, this train is for the guys.

We are going to the field, to the garden,

Let's take a look into the forest and the generous garden.

To the sounds of the train, children, sitting in their seats, stomp their feet (imitate the sound of wheels). The train stops. Take out the “Field” sign.

Which station is meeting us?

Or maybe one of the guys

Will he read what the letters say?


An endless field greets us,

Rye greets the early morning.

Tight ears of corn bent to the ground,

They are so happy to bow to you.


Now you too have to bow to the waist,

To cut off a ripening ear with a sickle.

We will bind the ears of corn into tight sheaves,

While they dry, we will dance for you.

Dance "Spikes"

Performed by 8 girls or 4 boys and 4 girls of the preparatory group to the soundtrack of the song of the group “Ivan Kupala” “Ay, bunny”.

The rest of the children join the dancers, and everyone sings the song “Golden Spikelets.” After finishing the song, you can add a fragment of the song “Mowed Yas Konyushina” performed by the ensemble “Pesnyary”. Under it, a boy with a “sickle” or “scythe” collects spikelets from the girls and shows the audience a large “sheaf”.

The train whistle sounds. The children take their seats on the “train.”


How quickly we got it done!

Can you hear the signal?

We've done the harvesting -

The train was waiting for us.


The wheels are knocking loudly: “Let’s go!”

And the children are in their places.

Don't forget to look out the window,

You will see the landscape there.

Child(sitting on the train)

Or maybe there’s a still life there,

Or maybe a portrait,

Or maybe the liner arrived at the port...

The picture there is nothing more beautiful!


White birch trees nod their branches to us,

They really want to go with us in the summer.

But you, birch tree, don’t be sad now,

Listen to the song, take us on our way.

Children sing, sitting in their seats, the song “White Birch Tree”, music and words by I. Osokina. The assistant brings in the “Garden” sign.


While on the road with a song

We looked out the window,

Somehow we didn't notice

That Sadovaya station

It has been visible in the window for a long time.

1st child.

Autumn even looked into the garden,

Pears and plums are ripe here,

Apples, watermelons, grapes

So fragrant and beautiful!

2nd child.

On high cherry branches

They came out slyly to wink,

Each of us is told:

“You will be happy with the harvest!”

3rd child.

We are in the garden with a big basket

We'll form a very long chain,

We collect fruits together,

We know a lot about vitamins.

The “Pick the Fruit” relay race is being held.

They bring out two fake trees with fruits: an apple tree and a pear tree. If there are no dummies of fruit according to the number of children playing, they can be replaced with flat paper fruits. Children are divided into two teams: one collects apples, the other collects pears. The first child in the team has an empty basket, with it he runs to the tree, picks one fruit from it, puts it in the basket and returns to the next player, passing the basket to him. Thus, the whole team must quickly collect the fruits from the tree. Whichever one does it faster wins. You can complicate the task - hang not only fruits on the trees, but also nuts, mushrooms, vegetables and more.


Now let's look into your baskets,

Let's see which of you is quicker

He will treat his friends to the fruits of the garden.

They sum up the competition, count the fruits, put aside what does not grow in the garden, and name the winner. The train whistle sounds. Children stomp their feet and say.

Don't forget to wave your hand,

Behind us is a garden and a field,

There is plenty of space ahead!

(They bring out the sign “Ogorodnaya.”)


Now let's read everything,

What kind of station awaits us?

We already know all the letters -

Let all the people hear.

All children read the name of the station.

The song “Autumn, we ask for a visit” is performed, music and lyrics by M. Eremeeva. Children get up from their chairs, but do not leave the “train”; at the end of the song they sit down.


Come out, honest people,

The garden has been waiting for us for a long time.

The vegetables are ripe here

They invite us to their place.

The dramatization “Which of us, among the vegetables, is tastier and more necessary?” is performed.

Children-artists take masks from the table, put them on their heads, and squat to the side. Everyone, having read their poem, sits down again on the “bed”.


In the garden in a warm bed

The vegetables got into an argument.

It’s up to you to find the answer to the riddle.

They are still arguing.

Carrot comes out in the middle.


I ask you to tell me, children,

Who is the most useful person in the world?

Because, of course, it's me -

The whole family loves me.

They put me in soup, in salads

And they gnaw on those who are too small.

Because I help

Children will grow up to be stars.

Only I have vitamin

The most important thing is carotene!

Beetroot comes into the middle.


And I’m a beetroot, to everyone’s surprise,

So blush and beautiful.

Without me, borscht is tasteless,

The cabbage leaf will be sad in it.

And the potatoes will be pale,

She's the only one so sad, poor thing.

I will paint the children's cheeks,

My juice is the most delicious in the world!

Garlic comes out.


Yes, vitamins will help

From diseases... But sore throats

Don't kill them outright

I've known about this for a long time.

Because there are germs

From which all sicknesses,

I will destroy them, friends,

Only I can handle them!

Cucumber comes out.


Yes, garlic is my dear friend,

In the bank I am with you forever.

I'm ready to be friends with you,

After all, in winter the guys love

Eat pickled cucumbers.

Cabbage comes out.


I ask you to remember, children,

The main vegetable in my diet.

You can’t cook cabbage soup without me,

Borscht won't work out

I, cabbage, am more important than everyone else,

Everyone tastes better and is more necessary.

I shouldn't be proud

I became the hare's favorite!

Potato comes out.


Listen a little

After all, potatoes are the most needed

Even though it may be unprepossessing in appearance,

But only from the ground will I emerge

Yes, I’ll settle in the barn,

(in secret. True, I’m afraid of mice),

People will be happy with me

After all, I am needed in every dish.

An important Pomodoro emerges.


You are talking stupid nonsense

And end this argument.

Look all here -

(Points to himself.)

I'm handsome, no matter what!

There is nothing more important than a tomato!

Come on, stand along the fence!

(All vegetables stand in a line.)

You guys answer us -

Who is more important than anyone in the world?

Which one of us, from vegetables,

Healthier and tastier than everyone else?


You are useful and tasty,

Children should know this.

You give us health...

Vegetables. Do you drink juice from us?


Yes - both juices and salads,

Vinaigrettes and soups,

After all, we are still too small,

And we will grow to the moon.

The vegetables bow and sit down.


Well, the children told us -

They are friends with vegetables.

Is it possible to taste them?

Guess their taste yourself.

Only, mind you, with your eyes closed!

There is an attraction called “Guess the Vegetables by Taste”.

They bring in a large plate with pieces of vegetables: boiled beets, potatoes; carrots, garlic, onion, cucumber - fresh. They select several children, according to the number of pieces, and blindfold them. Each child tastes vegetables from the hands of the teacher (served on a spoon) and says what he ate. After the child’s answer, the second teacher shows a replica of the eaten vegetable. In this way, the correctness of the child’s answer is determined.


We visited the garden

But they forgot something like...


They forgot to collect the harvest,

After all, aren’t we the helpers?


Our harvest is good

And you will find helpers!

The song “Gather the Harvest” is staged , music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina. Four children squat in a line in front of the audience. On their heads they wear masks of cucumber, zucchini, beans and peas. There remains a distance between them for gardeners. Four girls (gardeners) with a basket in their left hand, their right hand on their skirt, stand along the side wall of the hall. To the side are two children (the gate) and a boy (the driver with the steering wheel).

We carry baskets

Let's sing a song in chorus.

Girls with baskets on their toes run along the central wall. Stand behind the vegetables (each behind its own).

Gather the harvest

And stock up for the winter.

Oh yes, collect it

And stock up for the winter.

Girls, standing behind vegetables, perform a “spring” with a turn: left, straight, right, straight.

We guys are great,

Picking cucumbers

The first girl runs up from behind to the “cucumber” right hand takes him by the left hand, raises. The two of them return with their backs and take the girl’s place.

And beans and peas,

Our harvest is not bad.

The second and then the third girls run up to their vegetables, take them by the hand and lead them to their place (backwards).

Oh yes, and peas,

All children in the line perform a “spring” with a turn (see above).

Our harvest is not bad.

You pot-bellied zucchini

The fourth girl runs up to the zucchini, shakes her finger at him,

I rested my barrel,

Don't be lazy, don't yawn,

And get into the basket.

Oh yes, don't yawn

And get into the basket.

takes the left hand, moves it back into the general line. All children in the line perform a “spring” with a turn (see above).

We're going, we're going home

By truck,

The “gate” boys raise their clasped hands up, the “driver” with the steering wheel stands in front of the column of children in pairs.

Open the gates

The harvest is coming from the field.

Oh yes, open it

Everyone “travels” behind the driver with a stomping step, passes, bending over, through the “gate”, which sits behind the last couple and moves at the same pace.

The harvest is coming from the field.

All children line up along the central wall and bow.


The sun is shining, the sky is clear,

Let's rest a little now.

The train whistle sounds. Children, sitting in their seats, rock their torso forward and backward, while saying words in unison.

In the field, in the garden and in the vegetable garden

We looked in, guys.

Something awaits us ahead...

They bring out the “Lesnaya” sign. Everyone reads the name of the station out loud.

Presenter. Squirrels, hedgehogs, bunnies!

A girl in a squirrel cap runs out into the middle.


Squirrel girlfriends,

Put your ears higher

I am very glad to tell you:

Our guests are from kindergarten!

The girls run out and put on squirrel masks.

1st squirrel.

Let's dance for them

We will welcome them

Let them look at the squirrels

We changed our outfit. (Bragging)

2nd squirrel(sad).

And I didn’t have time to change my fur coat,

Winter won't come soon...


Oh, beautiful squirrel, who knows?

The leaves are already flying away from the forest. (Points to the side.)

Let's hide in the forest

Let's show everyone our beauty

They run behind the curtain.

Dance of squirrels to the soundtrack of the song “Just Dance”, performed by Diana (V. Tyurin, V. Sotova), size 4/4

The squirrel remains in the middle of the hall.


We are already ready for winter

Stock up on nuts for future use

And spruce and pine,

And in winter their time will come.


And did you dry the mushrooms?

After all, in winter you can’t do without it!

So that you are healthy,

You need to eat them on an empty stomach.


And the hedgehogs collected mushrooms.

And winter is not scary for them,

They began to have fun

After all, now they have no time to sleep.

The hedgehogs go to the table, take masks, and put them on.

Dance of hedgehogs to the soundtrack of the song “Cucaracha”, pop version.


Yes, guys, autumn is generous with gifts,

It's time for us to collect them in baskets.

Get into two teams

Let's play fun

Berries, mushrooms - gifts of nature -

We need to sort it out quickly.

The relay race “Pick up the berries and mushrooms” is being held.

At the far end of the hall (facing the audience) there are two flannelographs. At the other end of the hall, children line up in two teams, one after another, with pictures of mushrooms and berries laid out on the table in front of them (they are mixed up). At the leader’s signal, one team collects mushrooms in a relay race, the other collects berries, one picture at a time is placed on a flannelgraph. Whoever completed the task faster and correctly won. The sound of rain is heard.


Oh, hurry up, guys, get on the train!

The rain came down like buckets,

Don't rush, there's enough space

It's time to hit the road!

Children sit on chairs and sing the song “Conversation with the Rain,” music by L. Aksenova, lyrics by S. Koroleva.

Helpers remove all the decorations.

Presenter. Our autumn journey is over, we returned to kindergarten.

Now you are convinced that autumn is not a sad time at all. Autumn is the beautiful wilting of nature and the generous gifts of the sun and earth.

Children get off the “train” and stand facing the audience.

1st child.

Autumn is golden!

Thank you for being here.

Always be like this

Your gifts are countless.

2nd child.

You sent the birds south

Colored the forests

It became brighter around,

Your beauty is everywhere.

3rd child.

Let the rain pour and puddles

On our pavement,

People need your coming,

We want to be friends with you.

4th child.

Listen to the song

I'll eat it for you

And every year after summer

We are waiting for you to visit.

5th child.

You, so sweet,

And not at all sad,

Rich in gifts.

Stay with us longer.

The song “Autumn Has Knocked” is performed, music and lyrics by M. Eremeeva. The children remain in place, the cook comes in with a loaf of bread and puts it on the table.


People gathered the harvest.

Now you can put it on the table

Here is this magnificent loaf.

It’s easy to find out whose gift this is.

Children. Autumn!

The cook gives the loaf to the host.


We gladly accept the gift,

And we invite all the guys to tea.

Children go into a group, the leader carries a loaf.

Scenario of the autumn matinee "Harvest Autumn". Preparatory group

Author: Korotkova Irina Evgenievna, music director
Place of work: MBDOU children's combined garden No. 16 "Mashenka"

To promote the development of children's musical and aesthetic taste and feelings,
Enrich artistic ideas about autumn;
Continue to develop in children a sense of collectivism and a friendly attitude towards each other;
Tasks: Create a festive atmosphere.

Adults: Autumn, Slush, janitor.
Progress of the matinee.
Leading: Good afternoon, uv. Guests! Today is an autumn holiday in our kindergarten! Let's greet our dear children with friendly applause!
Children enter the hall to calm music and stand in a semicircle.
Child: Through golden foliage
The clear sky is turning blue
I love autumn time
She's always wonderful.

Child: Here's a ray of sunshine
There is a radiant light in the dew.
And the leaves are falling and circling
And they want to please us.

Song “Colorful leaves are falling” lyrics. M.V. Sidorova's music I.G. Smirnova
(Magazine Bell No. 56 2013 p. 1)

Multi-colored leaves are falling,
Autumn has come to visit us again.
Again she pleases us with colors,
This time is wonderful.

Chorus: The leaves are spinning, spinning, spinning,
Our house and our garden are falling asleep.
This is what autumn gives us, my friend
Leaf fall!

Sparrows bathe in puddles,
Splashes scatter all around.
Well, the leaves keep spinning in the dance,
Covering the entire ground with a carpet. (Children sit on chairs)

Music sounds and Slush enters the hall.
I walk the streets
Always after the rain.
I spread slush everywhere,
Do you recognize me?

We weren't expecting you to visit
Didn't wear boots
They didn't put on their coat.
Well, answer us: who are you?

I'm following the fall
I'm very friendly with dirt.
I don't like the winter cold,
And I love big puddles!
Black paint is mine
My name is slush.

The children of Autumn are all happy.
Well, we don’t need Slush!
Trampled. Inherited
How much dirt I mixed!
I need to call the janitor
We have to clean up the slush in the hall.

You shouldn't rush!
I want to cool down.
(takes a bowl of water and washes himself)
I don't part with water
Now I’ll wash myself and splash around!
(splashes on himself)
And as for the guests,
For you, the water is dirtier.
I don't feel sorry for you,
Now you won't feel hot either.
I'll throw water on everyone
And you will love me.

Slush takes the second basin with leaves and abruptly “pours” it onto the guests.
Janitor Metelkin enters.

Street cleaner:
The janitor Metelkin is coming to you,
He will restore order in the hall.
When the weather is wet
The janitor has a job.
You guys, help me,
Remove slush from the road.

Leading: Guys, look at the slush that has left us here. We need to clean everything up now.
(the presenter calls a boy and a girl, who will collect the tracks faster, the boy collects the black tracks, and the girl collects the gray tracks)

Game "Collect the tracks"
The janitor at this time “sweeps” the Slush out of the hall. But she runs in from another entrance, carrying puddles with her.

Yeah! My traces have been removed
Weren't they waiting for me with puddles?
Until the frost comes,
I'll still be here!
It's useless to fight with me,
Everyone should wear warm clothes.

Let's listen to your advice:
There is no escape from you.
We are hats and boots
We'll dress
And through your puddles
It's fun to jump.

Game "Jump over the puddles"
Children are divided into 2 teams, slush makes puddles. Children jump over puddles and return to pass the baton to the next participant.
Well, guys,
It's time to say goodbye
So that next fall
Meet again.

Music sounds and the slush leaves the hall.

Song "Autumn Song" music. N. Lukonina
Autumn with yellow leaves
I looked into the children's garden,
The leaves have turned yellow
And they fly, fly, fly.
On the paths on the paths
The rain is pouring down like buckets
And children go out for walks less often.

Chorus: We will collect leaves in a bouquet
And put it on the window 3 times
Autumn will dance
It will be light in the room 2 times
It's light for us.

Birds fly south
It's starting to get colder
Cranes wish children not to get bored!
On the paths on the paths
The rain is pouring down like buckets,
A sad time is beginning. (children sit down)

Music sounds, Autumn appears
Hello guys!
Today I came to you to last time this year I will hear wonderful poems and songs about myself and delight you with my surprises.

Child: Autumn at the edge
I mixed the paints,
Quietly through the leaves
I used a brush

Child: Flocks of birds fly away
Away beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress.

Child: The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in flowers
Autumn will wake up soon
And he will cry sleepily.

Autumn: I continue the holiday with you, I invite everyone to dance.
"Dance with Leaves"
Autumn: I'm glad that you children respect me.
You greet me with a beautiful song and friendly dance.
I'll wave the leaves now
I will invite everyone to the fairy tale. (Sits on a chair.)
Quite a few years ago
In one lovely village,
There was a vegetable garden and a garden nearby
Pears and plums grew in it.
And then one day in that garden
Grandfather planted a turnip.

The turnip comes out and sings a song, while the children dress up for a fairy tale.

"Turnip's Song"
(Magazine Bell No. 48 2011 p. 23)

Here the grain lay like a tiny one,
The rain poured water on him.
Day by day I grew little by little
It became round and big.

Chorus: (all children sing)
Turnip, turnip, turnip
Dedka planted it here.
Strong, strong, strong (the turnip sings)
I have grown into the ground.

Tasty and sweet
It's like candy
I'm in time kids
It's time to drag me out.

Sketch "Turnip" in a new way
(Magazine Bell No. 48 2011 p. 23)

Grandma: Hey, spoonies come out,
Backwater dance-dance.
Let's see off autumn
It's fun to celebrate the holiday.

Dance "Lozhkari"

How fun it is with you guys
Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,
Return to the autumn forest
I still have things to do
Goodbye, kids.
Here are apples like honey for you
For jam and compote,
Eat them and get better
Get some vitamins!
