Is it possible to solve problems with the help of runes and how to do it? Proven runic staves Becoming the solution to all problems.

EIVAZ – continuity of life.

The elements are everything.

Deity – Ulr. Thor's stepson, the solar god, armed with arrows (sun rays) is a wonderful archer. All his arrows hit the target, no matter how far or small it is. Ulr is also the fastest skier. People also learned this art from him.

Eyvaz is a rune of world order, symbolizing the Yggdrasil tree, the world order, the divine perception of the world, the collection of laws, traditions and rules.

In modern occultism, it is a symbol of the subconscious, the realm of formation, where the future is formed from mental images of the present.

Eyvaz is protection and patronage. Helps to bring the matter to the end, protects against making the wrong decision. The power of continuity, the symbol of longevity, the connection of the Subconscious with the eternal kingdom of the Spirit. Light and Darkness, Life and Death merge in a single Power, mutually complement each other.

Eyvaz is a force that supports various layers and levels of Existence. The force of nature that conquers death.

Eyvaz is connected with the deep layers of magic - the rune of protection and defense. Protects and drives away troubles. This is protection from the Subtle Worlds, protects against difficult life circumstances, need, conflicts at home and at work. It will help in overcoming physical and magical obstacles in any area of ​​life.

The Eyvaz rune, both in its design and in the meanings associated with it, corresponds to Yggdrasil - the world tree that connects heaven and earth, penetrating with its branches into all areas of space and time. It is the one who connects everything and everyone. Removal of obstacles, higher protection, organic increase in strength. Preventing troubles. Most often, obstacles in a person’s path are associated with the fact that he rests his forehead in one place, not seeing another way out. Thanks to Eyvaz, we have the opportunity to move away from the obstacle and see a workaround. Eyvaz says that there is a way out in any situation. But you need to feel it. You need to take a closer look at it, try to feel it, but not by trial and error, but simply by looking at the situation more holistically.

This is the most powerful rune of protection and problem solving. Its main feature is the harmony of heaven and earth, or rather, of all nine worlds. Yggdrasil is what prevents the world from being destroyed, when it dies, the end of the world will come, and at the same time the Last Battle will end, and a new world will begin. In practice, Eyvaz unites good and evil, life and death, because the roots of the Ash Tree are in Hel, and its crown is in Asgard.

It can be used:

1. For protection.

2. To increase strength.

3. To overcome obstacles and troubles.

Rune of protection or more precisely rune of defense. Important in connection with witchcraft and wizardry. Rune of averting forces and overcoming obstacles. Sustaining energy, endurance, longevity. We are fundamentally changing a threat to something to something beneficial to something. The minus sign is converted to a plus sign. In the same way, an obstacle can become something that helps further progress.

Eyvaz is a powerful means of protection, as well as a way to approach any goal. Moreover, the rune acts for others as a blocker of their actions, thereby providing freedom of action to the owner of the rune. Used to create any bonds between people. Rune of communication. To obtain true wisdom, knowledge about the world. Allows you to trace the situation as a whole, to establish a complete picture of the world. Rune of the plant kingdom. The symbol of the great ash tree is used to establish subtle connections between worlds, to tie someone to something. Rune of communication. This connection is expressed in the blurring of the boundaries between worlds.

EYWAS or Searches

In the morning, when Orsana and Wulf looked at the valley again, it seemed even more beautiful to them than last night, the rays of the rising sun gilded the grass and trees, and the water in the river sparkled, inviting them to swim.

They gladly accepted this invitation, and plunged into the clear sparkling water with an enthusiastic splash.

As they lay drying on the golden coastal sand, Orsana said:

- If we find out that the other side of the valley is as safe as it is here, then maybe we can rest for a day before heading back.horny?

- I would love to do that, Orsana, but you knowthat our relatives are anxiously awaiting our return.We will enjoy the valley when we settle here.A now yesLet's check out what this place hides.

- Okay, but maybe we should ask the runes first?

Wulf took out a bag and handed it to the girl. She pulled out one rune.

- “What do you have there?” he asked.

- Runa Eivas.

- Well, yes, one could expect this.

- Why?

- This is the rune of search. She protects those who have chosen a goal and persistently strive for it, looking for the best. Don't you think…..

The word rune itself means “secret”; these ancient signs were used by the peoples of Northern Europe to attract good luck, solve problems, and also for fortune telling.

If you have any question that bothers you, then you can resolve it by carefully looking at the rune that you liked best. This is a very ancient way! It is believed that in this way all the forces of your soul will be directed in the right direction, and the rune will help you. As a rule, the “random” choice of one or another rune indicates that you have known deep inside for a long time, and your subconscious mind tells you with the help of the rune. It is especially useful to draw the rune sign somewhere where you will see it often. For example, on a notepad, calendar, etc. If you draw a rune on your hand, it will be your patron all day long. This helps solve your problems as if by themselves! Works 101%!

Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Open your eyes. Look at these images - which rune do you like best?

RUNE Fehu - meaning of the rune

The main property of the Fehu rune, its main meaning is the acquisition
Rune Fehu (Fehu) is the rune of Wealth and Prosperity in all its manifestations, the rune of flame, the fire of creation and the fire of destruction.
Literal meaning of the Fehu Rune: fire, wealth, money, gold
RUNE Fehu (Fehu) - the meaning of the rune. Interpretation of runes.
The main property of the Fehu rune, its main meaning is the acquisition of something or the preservation of an existing one. These properties of the Fehu rune apply to all areas without exception that are currently interesting to you, the meaning of the Fehu rune, regardless of whether the issue you are interested in lies in the area of ​​material values, or whether it concerns love-spiritual relationships. This is the main interpretation of the Fehu rune. If the Fehu rune has already fallen out, some acquisition will inevitably await you, or you should not worry about preserving what you already have.

Rune name: Uruz, Urus (Uruz)

Rune Thurisaz, Thurisaz is a powerful rune. This is the rune of a critical situation that requires your full commitment.

This is a time to reflect and get answers. The Thurisaz rune invites you to make a decision. Analyze the past, draw conclusions and take a step, but remember, do not drag the past into a new life. Gates are new opportunities, new horizons. And it depends only on you how much this new will really become new for you, without the old burden of what should be left in the past.

Rune name: Ansus, Ansus

The main meaning of the rune Kenaz, Keno (Kenaz) is “renewed clarity.”
The literal meaning of the rune Kenaz, Keno (Kenaz): torch, royal castle, hill, lighthouse, true path

This is the rune of revealing your personality. You will achieve your plans, for which you can be congratulated. Don’t give up, don’t abandon the business you started or a new relationship - for your personality this is a chance to reveal yourself most fully through them.

The appearance of the rune Kenaz, Keno (Kenaz) in an upright position indicates that a period of clarification of what was misunderstood until now is coming in your life. The secret becomes clear. In a relationship, it's time to clarify the undisclosed sides. It's time to understand yourself and help your neighbor with this. Open up to the person you are in a relationship with. Perhaps it's time to confess your love. In any case, this sign indicates that the time has come for openness. Also, the sign of the rune Kenaz, Keno (Kenaz) symbolizes favorable changes.

Rune name: Geba, Gebo

The main meaning of the Hagalaz rune is “complete break.” Rune Hagalaz - rune of destruction, suspension, divine punishment, energy of natural elements. Hagalaz, Bagaladz (Hagalaz) – rune of destruction, delay, associated with the energy of the elements. Death, complete tearing; elemental power; uncontrollable external forces; changes; life troubles; unforeseen events that interfere with the implementation of plans.

Main theses. Death; energy of natural elements; uncontrollable external forces; flame (fire); changes; favor of fate; unforeseen events. RUNE Hagalaz is a sign of threat and uncontrollability of the elements, also a sign of natural elements, as the source of the emergence of the world (life). This rune determines the actual natural forces of the universe.

Rune name: Nauthiz, Naudis (Nauthiz)

The meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz: The rune symbolizes the human race as a whole. This is the rune of social order, society, the unity of death and life.
The literal meaning of the rune Mannas, Mannaz: man, husband, intellect
Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) is a sign of the human “I” with all sorts of complexities and ambiguous consequences arising from here.

Runa Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz). Main theses. Intelligence; "I"; self-esteem; helping others; compassion; memory; friendship.
Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) - the rune of independence and humanity, rational thinking. Rune Mannaz, Mannas (Mannaz) is the rune of relationships of all types, from business to personal. The time has come for sincerity and self-education. The appearance of the Mannaz rune is a symbol of a successful period in your life, but success will come only if you are a person with a capital letter all this time. This is the basic, classical interpretation of the Mannaz rune.

Rune name: Lagus, Laguz

The main meaning of the Odal, Othila runes is refusal and acquisition.
The literal meaning of the Odal, Othila runes: property, inheritance

The rune speaks of the need to abandon everything old and outdated. Shake off the dust from the boots of all your wrong previous conclusions and come to accept the legacy that awaits you. The time has come to learn about the hereditary heritage that genetics, spiritual kinship, and possibly the continuity of traditions, practices, business, etc. have prepared for you. d. Rune Odal, Othila (Othila) - The sign is very good.

He points out to you that noble blood flows in your veins, that you are part of a high-born tree, and you can only accept this with gratitude and study everything that this circumstance obliges you to do. Perhaps to maintain a new position, you will have to break old ties. Do this abruptly, but as nobly as possible, so as not to disrupt the flow of energies in a positive way.

Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz)

Key concepts. Change; movement; path; road; continuous growth; change; confidence; successful ability to adapt to circumstances in various situations; achieving the goal.
When the rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) falls out, its interpretation tells about the changes taking place at a given moment in time. Dramatic changes in life may seem sudden, but they are the result of slow but sufficient constant development and growth. Now you are skimming off the cream after the work you have done previously, and this cream makes it possible to look confidently into the future. Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) suggests that wisdom is gained over time and not without the help of communication. He will master the path he walks. Ehwaz indicates slow but constant and reliable progress.

Rune name: Ingus, Inguz (Inguz)

Overall the sign is very positive. It speaks of positive changes in your life as a result of the transformation of the quantity of all acquired experience into the quality of the next period. These changes can be so radical that you have to accept a completely new essence of everything, you have to become a different person. Be aware and observe from the depths of your existence what the time has come to happen.

The meaning of the Dagaz rune determines the current state of affairs as follows: - in material terms, the time has come for success, prosperity and abundance. You shouldn’t relax, rather the opposite – work actively and joyfully, since it’s just dawn. The day is ahead of you.

Have you heard about what runology is? Surely not! If you are not familiar with this science, then you will be pleased to plunge into the unshakable mysterious world of runology.

So, runology is an ancient science, the main goal of which is to study runes and their properties.

The runes themselves are the ancient Germanic alphabet, which originated several centuries BC. Knowledge about runes has penetrated to us through the veil of centuries.

Runes must be treated with the utmost seriousness and accuracy. They will need from you:

  • Realistic view of the environment;
  • One hundred percent trust;
  • The desire to realize one’s own “I”;
  • Be aware of your own capabilities.

First of all, the runes are asked about the state of the general situation, its characteristics. Then you need to make sure what exactly the situation promises for you. Then ask how it is recommended to behave in a particular situation. Which behavior exactly leads to winning and which behavior leads to victory? Then find out if you can change the situation and how to do it.

Attention! Questions should be of the same meaning, from the general situation, but in no case ambiguous.

How will runes help you?

So, the runes will help you:

  • Solve this or that problem;
  • Develop and improve yourself;
  • Heal;
  • Predict the situation;
  • In the manufacture of magical talismans.

Solving problems with runes

The first, most important aspect in working with runes is the practice of predictions. Based on the rune that falls out, you can safely judge how to relate to a given situation, to be successful and successful in life. Runes can give us clues, the right way out, answers that require reflection. In some cases, the interpretation of runes is vague. If you delve into the true meaning of the runes, then everything will become clear, they will acquire a bright, personal meaning. In some cases, runes can serve as a kind of push that will shed light on the situation.

Rune magic is quite practical. With the help of runes you can bring about significant changes in your life.

With the help of runes, you can solve all sorts of problems that appear in our everyday life. Runes lead to the harmonization of life, help get rid of loneliness, find peace of mind, and guide you on a bright, true path. In addition, thanks to runes you can forget about loneliness and meet your soulmate.

Be happy!


If you initially turn to such a beautiful animal as a fox, then it is necessary to highlight several of its main qualities, which the fox pursues.
The sly Fox knows how to hide very well, while she seems to blend into the area where she is hiding.
Thus, the main traits of a fox are adaptability, cunning, observation, integration, and quickness of thought. These traits may also include making quick decisions and running confidently in the physical world. Exactly what the operator needs.

The fox can use stupid tactics, like a brilliant use of camouflage.
No one can guess the cunning behind such inventive maneuvers.

So it consists of:

Anzus, as already noted, the rune is responsible for wisdom and the power of thought, but in addition, together with Kano, it gives the operator the power of speech. Thus, it will make the operator’s speech convincing and attractive, which will help him achieve and strengthen success and achieve his goal.

Eyvazy – flexibility of mind and again mental strength. In addition, it will strengthen the operator's mental endurance, which will help him avoid embarrassment. Rune of communication. Allows you to trace the situation as a whole, establish a complete picture of the world

Laguz – Stabilizes an emotionally or mentally unfavorable situation in favor of the operator. It will increase mental abilities, sharpen and enhance the intuitive perception of the world, exactly what the operator is looking for. At the same time, it will allow you to get rid of complexes and fears.

At the expense of the Laguz, secret, hidden control of the situation, control of chance, and luck is ensured. Allows you to create an event flow or manage a similar flow. In addition, it will competently disguise all the operator’s actions both for those “seeing” and for those on whom his influence is directed.
Teyvaz is the operator’s protection, and an amplifier in the station as a whole. In addition, it will work as a guide to the main goal.

Naut - again introduced into becoming, as a protective rune, and helps to develop the necessary endurance for the operator, and will give the operator self-sufficiency, which also characterizes the main goal.

Tours - neutralizes psychological pressure on the operator, or directly neutralizes the one who dares to encroach on the honor and dignity of the operator.

Yera - There is a small tasty treat hidden in it, because it will open up paths for the operator, that is, it clears the way for events. And in connection with Tours, it will eliminate obstacles that interfere with achieving results. Well, it will strengthen and consolidate the result (like the final one in a runescript)

Gebo gives balance and harmony to the stave as a whole, since due to the peculiarity of its construction, there is a risk of instability. And it ensures the correct and even distribution of energies and forces both in the station and among the operator.

In stave, Dagaz is used to influence a change in your position or the position of someone else. In addition, it gives strength to the operator, both vital and personal.

There is probably no person who would not dream of having a magic wand that fulfills all wishes. However, then he realized that magic exists only in fairy tales, and another dream found its place in the category of empty illusions.

But I'm willing to bet. Runic magic is quite capable of becoming a personal “magic wand” for all occasions, which can radically change your life and make it work in your favor. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time to study all the nuances of rune magic, but believe me, the result is worth it! By correctly composing runic formulas and staves, you can achieve what you could only dream of before.

In this material I want to talk about proven and strong ones, repeatedly tested in practice by many people (including me). The information will be useful to beginners who have just begun to learn the basics of magic.

By the way!
It’s on our website - enjoy it for your health!

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Let's look at the main proven signs.

For wealth

Material well-being occupies one of the dominant positions in the life of a modern person. The rates below will help significantly improve your financial situation. Compiled by masters of rune magic, they have proven their effectiveness and helped a considerable number of people.


The runes from which the stave is composed are:

  • - symbolizes the wallet and its contents;
  • - a symbol of money, prosperity, abundance, wealth;
  • — sets the direction for the project, concentrates all efforts on attracting finance;
  • - guarantees the receipt of money;
  • 2 - provide new opportunities for financial receipts
  • — ensures the integrity of money, protects against wasteful spending;
  • - a symbol of a rich harvest.

Do not forget to specify the meaning of each of the symbols used (or compose a poem). In order for it to start working, it needs to be applied to a small piece of paper, activated in any convenient way and placed in your wallet between two large denomination banknotes to give it the opportunity to feel the monetary energy. If you do everything correctly, the first results should appear the very next day.

"Golden Dragon"

Runes used and their effects:

  • — opens the way to finances, removes all obstacles;
  • — provides safety and protection;
  • - directs the performer to money;
  • - transforms the performer’s life, makes it rich, helps to generate new income;
  • - symbolizes the performer;
  • , 4 times - a symbol of increasing wealth;
  • , 2 times - enhances cash flow, gives it consistency.

Draw a picture on a piece of paper and activate it (speech, breathing, saliva). In your reservation, be sure to promise that you will burn the piece of paper with gratitude as soon as you get what you want. Incorporate visualization into your work: imagine how your body turns into a living dragon and soars up. When you achieve your goal, fulfill your promise - burn the piece of paper, thanking it.

The first results may already appear within 2 days - 2 weeks.

To protect yourself and your home

Sample text of the visa:

I protect myself and my house from harm,

You can't break your enemies' defense against daring!

I only allow happiness and goodness here,

I call on the gods to protect!

The purpose of this runogram is to remove all negativity from the performer’s life and fill it with happiness, joy and prosperity. Becoming attracts good luck, gives a boost of energy and creates a field for gifts of fate.

Runes used:

  • , 3 times - attracts good luck associated with partnerships and relationships with other people. Gives new useful acquaintances, promotes positive communication;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of vital energy and strength, insight;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of joy and positive emotions.
  • , 2 times - a symbol of luck. Fulfills wishes, promotes receiving gifts of fate;
  • - symbolizes the person himself and his independence, acts as a magnet;
  • — eliminates internal resistance, prepares for change;
  • — protects itself by becoming, ensures the correct operation of the runes.

In the clause you can describe the action of each of the runes. Recommended for use as an amulet.

For good luck in business

The goal is to bring good luck into the performer’s life.

The runic formula is made up of 3 runes: — — . Rune meanings:

  • - promotes the development of creative potential and brings good luck. Directs in the right direction, provides support for new beginnings, helps to realize plans;
